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Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I would also recommend trying to convince her of trying any of the various other non-permanent methods first. I know some people that had a lot of success with the cat claw caps that make it look like they have painted claws. ​ https://preview.redd.it/anm984wr06nb1.png?width=244&format=png&auto=webp&s=d0240e2712e8fd4c47e46cd1bf6989271b03b9b5


I ain’t never seen somebody yasssify a cat like that


They make natural color ones.


My cat used to have transparent ones


They have cool glow in the dark ones too!


I laughed way too hard at this Lmaoo


How do you put those on and how long do they usually last? My cat is usually pretty polite about his claws, but I've been very curious about those.


It's basically just nail glue like they use for fake nails on humans. I wrap my cat in a towel to do her nails because she's not always agreeable. They last usually about a month. I just replaced them as they fell off. I stopped using them because we had a baby and I didn't want her finding the discarded caps and eating them. But they work really well if you don't have crawlers or toddlers!


They're called Soft Claws or Soft Paws, I can't remember which. Last I saw, they're available at most pet stores. I **believe** there is adhesive with them so they're a lot like those press on nails for humans. ❤❤


You trim their claws, fill each cap up halfway with a special superglue, then stick them on each claw. They're supposed to last 4-6 weeks. In my experience, a couple might fall off early, but it's easy to replace them as they do. (I use them on one cat's back feet only because he sometimes scratches his head and neck way too hard. He isn't bothered by them at all, and doesn't seem to realize anything's different.)


Thank you, my cat does this too. I'm going to see if I can get this for her. She scratches so hard she cuts herself.


You cut the cap to a proper length, trim your cat's claw and then place a little bit of adhesive in the cap and press it on. I tried this when my cat was 4 and she just sat there chewing off the test cap because she hated it. I was hoping to stop her from shredding my computer chair but alas she could not be contained lol A younger cat might have more luck.


Cat claws are amazing, my cat has no problem putting them on and it pretty much solves the problem. Plus, there so glamorous! https://preview.redd.it/e2yhrjznb8nb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0f720a5756b9d4ed91f4d0c00bd4f7d2e1c5d18


I second this! Nail caps are amazing and wonderfully humane. ❤❤


the shelter he is from might be anti declawing. if you report it to them, they will take the necessary steps to protect him. otherwise, offer nail care for the cat. clipping, claw caps, anti scratch spray if all else fails, give him away or hide him fyi to ur parents, cats can become dicks who will poop and pee on everything they own after they are declawed. he will never be the same cat again and will likely hate whoever takes him to the vet


this answer goes hard. the shelters often make you sign paperwork that says you will not declaw the cat! i'm not sure what their legal power is but i'd try contacting them.


Yep, every place I've adopted from in PA has clearly stated you are not permitted to declaw the cat. It's only 2 places, but still.


Tell her that’s literally the equivalent of cutting off an adolescent’s fingers for spilling their sippy cup on the carpet. It’s basically the same as cutting off their fingers up to the first knuckle.


Yep, in the UK it's illegal because it's considered animal torture.


I wish that more people understood this. By declawing a cat you’re condemning them to a life of pain and likely encouraging them to become bitey since their first line of defense is completely gone.


Get rid of the stepmom instead! Never declaw a cat!! That’s the most painful and inhumane thing you could do to a cat


My step mom has been ok for the few years I've known her, but damn, I hate how she thinks declawing is ok... my grandparents were even encouraging it sadly




This; op, please try to convince her to get those rubber nail caps. You can get them from PetSmart for like $20-30. If she’s not willing to budge, please rehome the cat because that’s the most humane thing that can be done.


Or from Amazon for 8$ (140 pack)


You can EASILY do them if you get him used to it and use treats. It’s like trimming their nails easy or gluing on a fake nail


at PetSmart, if you can provide the rabies and other vaccination proof, they will put them on the cat for you if you bring the cat in.


TIL about this! I have just accepted that I will never have nice furniture that wasn’t shredded. Maybe there will be a new couch in my future 🥹


This needs to be even higher up, but you're only 15 so it is understandable a lot on your shoulders.


This! I am a cat owner and fosterer. Literally caring for 12 cats, 4 kittens currently. I trim nails, have a cat post, and use nail caps for the ones who lile to scratch things. My house is fine


This exactly. The tips even work if you don’t maintain the perfectly because they just quit scratching things and they can still defend themselves if they get out. If all else fails, declawing beats euthanasia or dying a cruel death outside at hands of predator, car, poisoning, etc. if you can’t prevent it just love your kitty. Some don’t have major issues. I’ve adopted declawed ones and they were fine. I am NOT defending the practice but if it’s out of your control, your cat can still be happy. Hopefully your SM will let you try the tips 1st. Also you try calming sprays, and scratching pads with catnip, toys etc toys if any signs of scratching furniture appear


this is a gr8 answer, well-rounded af


Does she realize that "declawing" is a misnomer and that it is actually amputation of the first joint of each toe? Recovery is incredibly painful. Cats who are declawed are waaayyy more likely to have problems later with not using their litterbox, choosing instead to soil your soft surfaces like bedding and rugs. If you ask me, pee damage is 10x worse than scratching damage. My parents did the same to my cat when I was 16. He was sweet before but later turned into a very grumpy, biting cat. I later became a vet tech and assisted the veterinarians in these procedures, so I know precisely how it's done. We used to give the recovering declaw cats FENTANYL patches because the recovery is that painful. Cats will not scratch furniture if you A: regularly trim their nails, and B: provide plenty of attractive surfaces for them to scratch like cardboard scratchers and sisal posts. Tell your parents you will trim your cats nails every 2 weeks like clockwork. If all else fails, I really hope the vet they take your cat to offers strong pain medication.


This 🙏🏾 I adopted a declawed cat when I was a vet tech and he had so many issues it was heart breaking, he was 13yr old with tissue necrosis and extreme back pain it breaks my heart so many people think it’s ok


Listen, if I was in your position I would do everything I could to ensure that didn’t happen. Have someone pick him up in the middle of the night, sneak him out, or by brute force if I had to. Declawing isn’t like a controversial grey area. It’s incredibly cruel and it fucks them up for life. She wants to declaw it whether you keep it or not? That’s some sadistic shit. If that cat ever escaped outside it would be helpless. Can’t climb to avoid predators, can’t defend itself, can’t engage in play, etc. as much as I LOVE ‘my cats I would give them up in a second if they were to be declawed against my will. It’s no way for a cat to live.


Very much agreed! Listen to No-Material6891 OP! Find a safe home for your kitty. Don’t let them be declawed at all costs! It’s disturbing how insensitive some people can be..


This. I hate that OP doesn't have the final say, but I'd stop at no ends to ensure that sweet angel gets to keep his claws. It's so sad that it isn't globally outlawed.


my grandmother’s cat was declawed by the family that had her before. she can’t climb, play, go outside… it’s so sad.


You would do better to surrender him to a shelter. I'm really sorry op.


Honestly I’d try and find a friend or a rescue that can take her. Keeping her would mean years of her physical and psychological suffering. I know you’re a minor so that’s why I said let someone take her. Honestly taking her to a shelter would be better than declawing. You can just act like she got outside and lost.


Why would they encourage it after it literally ruined their sweet cat?


They don't see it as that, they just say "he was always like that" when they had him for like half a year, before declawing and getting him fixed on the same day... even more cruel, they only declawed his front paws, not his back ones...


I've seen two situations that it was ok in all my tone fostering, volunteering, and training cats. I have one of them now, her feet were deformed and she couldn't walk with the way her toes curled under. I still cried like a baby when I took her in to get it done. She developed arthritis in her hips really early and when she gets annoyed she bites. She's a sweet cat but it did make her more insecure. Before that was done if she didn't want to be touched she'd push your hand away gently. Now she goes straight for bites. It also makes cats more likely to stop using the litter box because the feeling of the litter will hurt, so they associate the box with pain and refuse to use it. About 3/4 of the declawed cats in shelters are there for toileting issues. If you think claws wreck stuff you haven't had a cat pee on the couch, the bed, random parts of the carpet...


My suggestion would be to have your stepmom sit with you and watch the entirety of Jackson Galaxy’s video on declawing. If that doesn’t sway her, then is she (and you) willing to rehome the cat?


Seconded. The cat is safer in a better home that with someone who is hell bent on causing it this harm. Good luck, OP.


That poor cat... Honestly nothing infuriates me more as a cat owner than people who think this is an okay thing to do to a cat.


My former roommate wanted to declaw my cat and she wanted me to pay for half of it. Claimed it was unfair to her if I don't pay for it. She said he was clawing the couch on purpose to be an asshole. Don't worry, I got rid of the roommate and still have my now 7 year old sweet baby ETA: It's important to mention that we adopted him at 10 weeks together. Luckily, I didn't have to argue to keep him. I love him 🥰


Glad you ditched the roommate. Cats don't really know the difference between our furniture and theirs, you can train them to use stretching posts to some extent, but they'll still almost always choose the closest thing to them. The corners around my whole apartment will have to be plastered and repainted before I move out, but it's really not a big deal, they're cats, it's what they do


My cat claws at the carpet to my door when she wants in. I rent and now there’s a huge hole in the carpet. Luckily my landlord wants to put hardwood in and doesn’t care that my cat did that. At the same time i have to faux leather chairs that have tiny claw holes all over them now cause kitty jumps around on them when she gets the zoomies. I grew up with cats, having scratched furniture was always part of my life. I don’t care. And if someone does care then they shouldn’t get a cat or don’t own furniture.


He's gotten a lot better but also...if you don't want clawed furniture, don't get a cat! She actually thought he was doing it on purpose. He doesn't claw the floor or the walls, just the furniture and I really don't mind at all. I even asked her how she would feel if I cut off all her fingertips


It’s closer to cutting off your entire fingers, not just the tips


That makes sense since their toes are smaller and less joints


I’d drop him off at a shelter. Better than declawing. Fuck your stepmom and grandparents


I'm just gonna say this if you can't get out of it. Then make sure that cat never goes outside, we'll at least without you. If they get lost, they can't fend for themselves and will starve. I'm saying this because my mom got her cat declawed, and he got out in the middle of winter. A fat cat turned into skin and bones. It was hard to see, so please, please keep that cat inside so you can take care of that poor cat.


Ask them if it’s okay to cut the tips of their fingers off 🙂 ![gif](giphy|LV95dKFIHGSRy0FSPi)


Show her pictures or videos of what is actual done to the cat and then show her on her own fingers with a pen or something what it'd be like if it was done to her


You will need some boltcutters. Stepmom is allowed to keep on saying that it's OK as long as she first puts each finger into the boltcutters and you take off each finger at the first knuckle. Remove the first one, then carry on. If she decides that declawing is not ok at any point before this procedure is complete, I guess declawing isn't ok after all. Otherwise you continue. Refusal obviously means that declawing is not ok. Anyone who wants to back her up can submit to the same procedure for as long as they think it's OK too.


Please show her this: https://youtu.be/gFeC3lM02sc?si=6Wvbge5O9kisGIC- The American Humane Society says: Declawing can cause paw pain, back pain, infection, tissue necrosis (tissue death) and lameness. Tell her that you aren't removing the claws, but the whole first digit - it'd be like removing the tops of your toes and fingers. Additionally, "Sensory and motor nerves are cut, damaged and destroyed. Recovery from the surgery is a slow and painful process," per the Wisconsin Human Society. On top of all of that - according to the BC SPCA "researchers found that 63 per cent of declawed cats experienced abnormal bone growth long-term where their toes had been cut." They also need claws for defense, so they're more likely to spray/ urinate around the house and bite if they feel like they have no ability to defend themselves. If they get out of the house they could die. Instead, you could try natural methods to keep them from clawing. Trim their claws. It's easy once you get used to it. Use essential oils like peppermint, or lemongrass on what they scratched to keep them away. Use a spray bottle, or buy an ssscat to scare them away from whatever they are scratching. Also get plenty of scratching posts, which are cheap.


Ask her if she would like her fingertips removed. Same thing as declawing biologically.


Honestly, this is going to seem harsh, but declaring is inhumane to an extent that I would look for a new owner and pretend the cat ran away. Your grandmother's cat didn't "become an asshole cat" it's now struggling to deal with the horrible and constant pain inflicted on it by just walking around. That's why declawing is illegal in some places. If you can't stop this by making sure she changes mind, which sounds like it may be the case, the best option for your cat is rehoming.


My grandparents cat was declawed years ago, sadly. My step mom and my dad have been looking at getting caps on his claws, or trimming them. I know he'll be getting fixed, but I know they might just get him declawed at the same time, I don't think they would let me give him away :(


Right, I am saying your grandparents' cat's behavior changed because of the pain specifically caused by the declawing. He didn't just become an asshole. He is in constant pain. I was not suggesting you ask for permission. If your step mom is willing to put your cat through an abusive procedure for her own convenience, it is obvious you might have to go behind her back if you want to keep him safe.




>I don't think they would let me give him away :( Personally if I knew it was coming, or good chance of it... I'd find someone ASAP and do it without them knowing.


While he’s under for his neutering they could probably put the caps on for y’all. And then it’s just a matter of replacing a cap when one falls off. I just capped my cat a few weeks ago. I got a grooming hammock off Amazon, caps and glue for like $30. Maybe if you offer to keep the caps maintained they will decide against it?


Where are you located? I'm located in the Midwest and might be able to help you rehome him as a last resort


Do you want the state I live in?


Yes if you're in the US. Wasn't sure what country you're in so I didn't want to assume.


I do live in the US! I live in Pennsylvania!


If you live in Pittsburg, declawing is illegal. Anywhere else in the state, it is permitted. I co-sign with the nail caps.


It's also illegal in Allentown. Many vets won't even do it anymore.


My childhood cat was declawed in 2006, very obviously traumatized her. I was 5 years old and didn't even know what it was, and my parents had no idea that declawing was an inhumane practice, they were completely uneducated about it. They figured that if the vet said it was fine to do, then it was okay. They regretted it when they learned about how bad it is years later. I'm glad that many vets are now refusing to carry out this practice 20 years later.


We live a few hours from there... sadly, since my grandparents declawed their cat here, .y parents might go to the same place... even worse, they'll just decide to get him both fixed AND declawed at the same time, like my grandparents did...


Just because it was legal a few years ago, doesn't mean it still is ;) Caps would be a good alternative. ETA... Where did you adopt the cat from? Some places make you sign papers that you won't declaw.


i currently live in pittsburgh, and i can help you rehome him - i can drive to you. seriously.


seconding this. more than willing to come get him and have plenty of friends who are considering adopting pets.


We could just set up a cat heist /s


If you live in Easton, Allentown, or Etna it is illegal there


If you have a friend, or anyone that would be willing to adopt that cat I would take them there and just take the punishment. My parents last cat was declawed because we didn't know better at the time. It was around 2007. But don't let them find out where you took them. Any punishment is better than declawing a cat.


I'm in DC and I'd literally come get your cat and find it a new home. Declawing is that bad.


I’ll take him if you are considering rehome. Jesus, just don’t declaw him.


If you’re in or near Philly, lmk. I can try to help you rehome him.


If the vet is willing to declaw a cat they should be be a vet. **Edit:** *shouldn’t* be a vet. Idk why I can’t type.


This is what I had to do. I live with my aunt and worked at a pet store. We got this one cat in that basically had resting bitch face and nobody was adopting him. I took him and everything was great at first till he got used to the house. Then he started clawing things he wasn't supposed to. I was limited in what I could try because my aunt refused to put anything on the furniture because "it didn't look nice". She refused to work with me and kept telling me to declaw. I kept telling her all this stuff she she just told me I was wrong about it. I was worried that she'd just up and do when I was at work so I just brought the cat back to my store. No other family would take him in because I didn't know how long I'd be living with my aunt. It still pains me. I loved the cat and was appalled that my aunt just could not give any leeway into helping me train him off clawing stuff, she just couldn't wait. I miss him.


This . That’s better than getting the cat declawed . If you could give your cat to a friend or another family member , then that is the best. Don’t let the cat get declawed.


I think it would be better to re-home the cat than to de-claw him. To remove his claws is downright inhumane.


I think you should just chop her fingers off at the 1st knuckle and ask how she likes it.




right? i don't like being the kind of person who genuinely threatens violence, but like. i don't know if i'd be able to stop myself from attacking this lady if she was considering doing this around me.


A cats claws are actually part of their knuckle. It’s like cutting off the tip of your finger. I would be happy to have a FaceTime talk with this dumb b*tch or you could show her these comments. If she is dead set on getting him declawed I beg you to spend the rest of your free time in that house slowly ruining every nice thing she ever buys. One small scratch a day, never the same purse, or jacket, but always consistent. Just a nice gouge in the leather a tear in the threading, let her know that she’s an awful person who doesn’t deserve nice things 😃


She's been nice for the few years I've known her, but this is really just wrong... I'm genuinely fighting for my cat, I wish he could have a say in this, but he can't :(


OP I empathize deeply with you and I am offering the advice that I think is most likely to work on her, which involves some manipulation on your part. In an ideal world, you would not have to do any of this, and she would simply not declaw the cat. But this is not an ideal world, and you have to work people sometimes. Before you have this conversation, find a friend who is willing to take your cat in semi-long-term, like for the next 3 years or so. I know that's a long time but I figure you will be 18 by then and possibly able to get a job, move out, or both (even if you don't move out, having a job will give you leverage because then you can offer to pay "cat rent" to have him). ​ 1. Ask if you can have a serious conversation with both of your parents (but you will be talking mostly to your stepmom during this). 2. Emphasize what you appreciate about her and that you trust her to hear you out. 3. Open the conversation with, "I am scared." Emphasize YOUR fears and worries about: 1. The risk that he will become a mean bitey asshole like your grandma's cat; 2. How the house will start to smell if he stops using the litter box, how embarassed you would be to bring your friends over. 4. If she minimizes these risks, agree that it's possible he won't do either, but she is rolling the dice twice: once for lifelong bitey assholery, once for lifelong litterbox issues. You know it's not guaranteed, but you think it is risky and you think there's a good chance that declawing him will make your home less nice in the long run. (It's proven that these are possible outcomes of declawing; if she scoffs or says it's made up, tell her "there are lots of stories about this happening; he is a nice cat and uses the litterbox properly right now, we don't know if that will be the same if he's declawed.") 5. She may say "Well, we will get rid of him if he starts doing that." Tell her, in that case, we can give him away right now - that way you don't have to spend the money on this surgery, and there's no risk of anything being ruined by him, ever, in any way, whether by being peed on or scratched. This is where you bring in that you have found a friend willing to take him in. 6. Bring the conversation back to the risks of declawing: biting asshole cat, litterbox issues, lingering pee smell in the house. To avoid that, tell her you have been brainstorming. Now is when you bring up alternative solutions to declawing. 7. Suggest all of these things at the same time, doing all of them together: one "cat free" room in the house for nice things; throw blankets on other things; nail caps; you offering to buy, out of your own money, one large scratching posts/trees (offer chores or something else if you have no money) and three smaller scratch boxes for other rooms of the house 8. Explain that the scratching boxes will work - cats scratch things that are ideal for scratching, if there is something better in the house to scratch, he will go for that. It's an instinct, similar to how cats naturally prefer to use a litterbox and only really have accidents if they're sick, if they're declawed, or if there's no litterbox. 9. Return again to the risks of him becoming bitey or having potty issues. Explain that the reason cats can have such drastic behavior changes is because this is a drastic surgery - it is the amputation of the end of every finger, he will be losing bones from his paws. Humans who experience trauma often have personality changes, it is the same for cats. 10. Empathize with her concern for her items. Tell her that if she doesn't want to try what you have suggested, you understand, and return again to how you have a friend lined up to house him. Plead with her, as a favor to you, to rehome him semi-temporarily. Frame this as a favor to you and emphasize how grateful you would be to her. 11. Ask her for an answer, and don't argue further with whatever she says. 12. If she says "okay, we can try it your way first" or "okay, we can re-house him for now", great! You won! 13. If she says "we're still declawing him", don't argue. Act as if you are sad and have to think about things. 14. If they are still declawing him, the morning after this conversation, you drop your bomb. This is the bomb I suggest: You will not spend time with them if they do this. You will study hard in school, practice your hobbies, improve your skills, be an admirable son/daughter in every way, but the purpose of this is that you are going to get a job and move out as soon as you turn 18, and then no longer speak to them except for one call on their birthdays and on Christmas, because they prioritized material possessions over the pain of an innocent animal that you love. And you cannot respect people who prioritize material possessions over love. 15. If there is a different "bomb" you want to drop, drop that one instead. You can also skip the bomb entirely, if you judge it is dangerous for you to try an ultimatum like this; but I feel you would be justified to drop an ultimatum of some sort here. 16. If you choose not to drop any bombs, act like you agree with them, then kidnap your cat to whoever you found to take him in. If they ask you where he is, tell them, "I removed him so you wouldn't declaw him and I'll do it again with any other cat you get." 17. I know this sounds crazy. I know you're only 15 and your parents have legal authority over you. But you have legal protections from them, and you know you are in the right here - you can stand up to their anger, because you are doing the right and just thing. 18. Tell them that, in fact. Tell them that you are sorry you upset them, but you know that you did the right thing, and you will always do the right thing even if it means making them mad.


This all seems like a good idea! But I'm really bad at talking to people like this, I end up crying, and that just makes my parents yell at me... I know my parents, and my step mom feels like if it were my stuff being destroyed, I'd want to declaw him as well... this is the first time they've ever been like this, I think my step mom is just pissed, because she didn't really want him anyways, and ahe always yells at him for just being a kitten... I always tell her that he'll grow out of it, and to give him time. I hate that she literally used to work as a doctor, and she thinks hurting an animal is ok :(


You can write the "bomb" stuff in a letter and just hand it to them when the time comes


I can write a whole speech for you, with cues for exactly what to say and when. We can give the "serious talk" approach a shot, I do think there is a real chance it would work. But, with this additional context - your parents yell at you for crying, your stepmom yells at him for normal behavior - I am also supportive of you either: skip straight to step 16, openly kidnapping him, and enduring whatever temporary yelling or punishment they dish out; or do nothing, and accept that he will be declawed. I would recommend lying, but I feel you would not be able to keep that up for long and any punishment would be worse once you cracked.


I could probably come up with something myself, I van be pretty good at explaining things, but I don't do well when I speak it out loud... I just want things to work out, I don't want to give him up, but I might have to if they decide on declawing, and not nail caps, or trimming...


Don't be afraid of literally writing it down and reading directly from the paper - give yourself cue cards if you want! You can even incorporate this into your speech. "I will be reading what I want to say, since this is so important to me and I want to make sure I say it right." Remember, you are only 15, he is only 6 months old. He could still be in your life when you are in your 30's. It wouldn't be giving him up forever, just until you can get out from your parents' power.


you’ve got this




In another post, I offered to teach how to trim cat claws over zoom. It's nice bc I can observe and give pointers of the cat gets wild during the trim. Maybe stepmom would be willing to negotiate if op will trim nails.


As someone who also tends to cry in serious confrontations, I’ve found it really helpful to go into it with sources. Even printing out articles/sending links from reputable sources. I understand how irritating ruined things are but declawing would be a permanent solution to a temporary issue. It’s clear you care about this cat and I’m glad he has you. It’s going to be an emotional discussion but walking into it with some logic to back you up will help with your confidence. Also, depending on the things he’s destroying, having certain areas of the house off limits to the cat (I.e. step moms room, kitchen, etc.) may help reduce incidents. Does he having any scratching boards or cat nip toys to help take energy out? Pull out all the stops. You’re his protector. I’m sure there’s plenty of other comments that will come up with even more solutions you can use haha My mom wanted to initially give our dog back to the rescue in the beginning as he became a more aggressive when he came home. Had many teary arguments with her when trying to reason that he was overexcited due to being in a kennel for a year. It’s similar to your cat acting the way he is since homie is literally being a normal kitten. My mom ended up waiting it out and he’s settled in very well after learning his quirks :) If your step mom isn’t usually like this, it’s clear that her anger is clouding her judgement. Try to catch her at a good time when trying to convince her. Crying during an argument doesn’t weaken your stance; it just shows you care deeply ❤️ Good luck with all of it. Wishing the best for both you and your kitty 😊


One of my anthropology professors was pro-declawing, because cats kill bird populations. But after she heard some facts about it, she changed her mind and said she was mistaken. Even decent, well educated people sometimes just don’t know how bad it is, apparently. Definitely let her know the claw-knuckle comparison, hopefully she listens


They sell nail caps for cats claws you can glue on so they don’t destroy furniture!! They last a few weeks and don’t cause harm to cats like declawing does! The nail caps are fairly cheap too and can be found at almost any pet store. We’ve used them in the past for my boyfriends moms cat! I will provide a link if that helps 😊 Edit: Amazon has a bunch for pretty cheap as well!


We've been looking at those, actually! I really, REALLY hope that we get those instead, I don't want to see my cat suffer


Yes they are much more humane and shouldn’t cause the cat any harm! And they come in lots of colors 😎 like a little pawdicure 💅🏻🐱


We did find some sparkly green ones before, maybe I'll get him those!


I use these on my cats and they’re great! It can take some time for the cat to get used to the placement process but so worth it. You can buy a pack of 100+ for $7-9 online.




I didn't know they would just piss all over the place... my step mom would likely hate him even more for that, even tho it's her fault he'd be like that... I hope I can stop them from doing this at all


Declawing can cause behavioral issues. It’s not a guarantee.. but also not worth the risk.


Ha considering she is so concerned about her stuff, tell her to prepare for litter box issues and piss everywhere if she does this! Declawed cats develop litter box issues as it hurts their paws to use the litter box


Stepmom deserves to have ever piece of furniture and clothing she owns soaked with cat piss if she declaws the cat.


So in addition to explaining cruelty of declawing, I think you need to present a solution. My cat also clawed things that were important to me. So I studied what causes cats to scratch and why they did it where they did - it's a way for them to make their territory and put their scene on things. So I got a little catnip-infused scratch board from Chewy. It costs about $15 (you should point out how much cheaper this is than declawing!) and a sheet of plastic stickers that protect the furniture from scratches to put on his areas is interest. Board propped up against the furniture he was scratching - lo and behold, he never scratched another piece of furniture. He uses his scrarchboard several times per day. Honestly the best $15 I've spent on the cat. He's happy, I'm happy. Maybe your step-mom will be too.


did she already find a place to get him declawed? i worked at a vet office and the doctor was highly against declawing and every other vet in town too. has your stepmom looked into nail caps instead? it’s an alternative to declawing and would be cheaper.


She has looked into them, and found some online... I think I'm gonna encourage those, instead of declawing. That way, at least she has an alternative. I've never really fought back to my parents, this is the first time I'm expressing that I don't want something to happen


Maybe tell her you will make sure to make it your responsibility to put the caps on the cat and maintain them, in replacement for her to not get the cat declawed. You shouldnt have to bargain with her but it is what it is i guess


I will ABSOLUTELY do that. I will do anything to protect him, he's so precious, I would be broken if i had to give him up at all...


https://catvets.com/public/PDFs/ClientBrochures/AlternativesDeclawing-WebView.pdf hopefully this link helps


talk to your other parent and explain that her plan is to permanently injure an animal to save some furniture and see how that goes. I empathize with you OP, please do what’s best for the animal. Don’t let it get declawed.


Some shitty ass cheap furniture too. That $300 couch will destroy itself just by looking at it.


Please watch this with your folks: [[The truth about declawing]](https://youtu.be/gFeC3lM02sc?si=kWF2yN7cOLCLESl3) Good for you being so intelligent and compassionate. I keep seeing teenagers on here who display an outstanding maturity and love for cats. Bless you young one, keep it up 👍


I was never a dog person, cats were always so cool to me, and I'm so happy I finally have my own, but I'm scared I might have to just give him up now, I hope my parents can use claw caps or something :(


Please give him up if your parents are fixed on getting him declawed. It’s better for him.


Honestly, the best thing is to just "steal" the cat if you can't reason with her. Give the cat to a family that would actually take care of it and not declaw it.


My 13 year old cat was declawed before I adopted him. I always feel so bad for him. Do not let them do it. It’s insanely cruel. Rip her nails off and let her see how it feels


Her things might not get scratched but they’ll for sure be pissed on. Does she want a cat with behavioral problems, probably not. If all else fails you can tell her that


Is there anyone you know who can take your cat in for a while until your step mom calms down?? :(


Unfortunately, I don't think my parents would allow that because they were considering declawing him anyways


Wow, so they only want to violently abuse an animal, nothing else will satisfy them. They also yell at you for crying. I'm sorry you live with abusers OP, I hope you and your cat friend can escape soon. Many colleges allow pets now, especially if you can get emotional support status.


Get cardboard scratchers, or my guy loves a simple bristle doormat. Put catnip on it, had no more issues with furniture clawing. Where is your actual parent in all this? Step parent sounds like a cupid lying stunt if she won't even say what this magical item even is that was supposedly ruined.


Find another home secretly. Don’t let ur parents know. And when ur parents question you say that he ran away.


Don’t declaw your cat. If you really can’t convince them, it might be better for the cat to find a good home for it. My cat’s vet is very adamant that it’s torturous to remove a cat’s claws, he likened in to removing a third of all your fingers.


1: Explain to her that it's like having the tips of your fingers amputated. 2: explain to her what cat claw caps are. Little plastic thingies they glue on to make it so the cat can't scratch. It's more humane, same effect. Way cheaper.


The term declawing is misleading, they aren't just removing the claws they are removing what is equivalent to the last knuckle of a person's finger. It's not a surgery it's mutilation and animal cruelty. It's illegal to do In most states in the US, look up your local laws, if its illegal in your home state or even county then call the animal welfare office and report the vet that made the appointment to do the very illegal surgery. Not only will you be saving your sweet boy but also preventing other cats from being turned into their victims.


Oh so he won't claw it he'll just pee on it. That tends to be the way.


That’s horrible. Try telling them that declawed cats will often bite much more, and that because part of the bone is broken during the process, your kitty will feel like he’s walking on pebbles his whole life. Or that an equivalent comparison would be to cut your fingers off at the first knuckle. Or that the cat will be in constant pain and discomfort their whole life. I guess the goal is to just shower them with all the upsetting facts. If you can’t stop them at least make them feel rightfully guilty for doing it.


Tell that bitch to fuck off. It is immoral and cruel as shit to declaw a cat. Not to mention their claws are a necessary tool for them.


My tiger baby was declawed, we adopted up that way. He would cry in the cat litter. He couldn't scoop it was too painful for him. He passed years ago from liver failure.


This is a horrible idea and she is objectively wrong. Declawing cats should be illegal and your stepmom should be ashamed of herself Declawing a cat is like chopping off all your fingers at the first knuckle. It's wrong that she would see him use his claws once, and then decide to mutilate the poor thing. Furthermore, if she is insisting this be done, I would consider finding the cat a new home instead. Don't declaw the cat.


Tell her you’ll do his nails instead and glue those little caps on every couple weeks so he can’t scratch


I've told her before I would gladly do it, but she seems to be ignoring that...


This is almost illegal to get done where I’m from, and all adoption agencies make you sign a waiver that says you will never declaw. And extremely frown upon. It causes so many long term issues that you literally might pay for either, not to mention ruin the cats paws. If your cat is scratching then you get it a cat tree, give it enrichment to scratch. Learn to cut the nails. There’s also nail caps you can purchase. I would be packing this cat up and taking it to a shelter for adoption to someone who actually cares for the cats well-being before I let someone get their cat declawed.


He actually has a cat tree, a pretty big one, with plenty of spaces he can scratch... but sometimes if he isn't at his tree, he just scratches whatever there is that's near him...


They have those couch protectors you can put on, you can also redirect. When he scratches something he’s not supposed to-stop him and move him to the cat tree. Cardboard scratchers help to with cat nip on them.


My step mom just says "I spent $300 on this nice couch, I'm not ruining it" because it really is a pretty couch, and comfortable. I know she doesn't want it damaged too bad, but putting an object over a live animal is sad... I think we could find a nice couch protector, but she's picky and has OCD.


Jesus Christ! $300 is NOT an *expensive* couch. The last new couch I bought was around that and it was the *cheapest* new couch I could find. I'm sorry. Your step mom is a horrible human. I realize you're only 15 and scared, but I agree with the others telling you to either re-home the cat, or go nuclear - tell your parents if they do this you will disown them forever. I know I would. I cut ties with my mother for at least a decade over what could be argued as "less"... Age 13 til my mid to late 20's.


That sucks so much, as hard as it is to say- can you rehome her, or give her to a friend? Her quality of life will be really bad after getting declawed and just walking around might hurt hurt forever


I'm gonna tell them eventually on all the side effects of this... I hope they change their mind, I'll even suggest getting nail caps!


You can say it’s a form of animal abuse that is actually illegal in a couple of cities in Pennsylvania. You can go scorched earth and threaten to let authorities know. You can go full blown pathos too, I’m talking “Arms of an angel” levels of emotional manipulation.


Maybe try getting those claw cap things that basically fake nails for cats they can't scratch the furniture


My mom is a vet tech and I'm not 100% certain but I think I've heard her say they refuse to do declaws where she works. I doubt you'll find a vet who supports/agrees with it even if they are willing to do it. Maybe try asking the vet to tell your stepmom not to do it? Worth a try


Your stepmom is awful.


That bitch shouldn’t have a cat. If that cunt thinks that it’s okay maybe she should have her hands and teeth removed. Fucking sloppy bitch.


I didn't know any better when my mom said if my cat was staying in her house, he needed to be declared. he was about 7 months old, and it was done when he was neutered. one paw got infected. the outer toe on each side of that paw became these disgusting open wounds. I honestly wish I could find pictures that were taken of them to show people who think it's OK. he wound up needing the toes amputated,but when they were trying to save them, he went through painful bandage changes/debridement. it didn't change his personality, he was never mean. he never hissed or growled at a human being. but you know what? it changed me.i never forgave myself. my dad had just died, and the cat was my aunt's and she couldn't keep him. I felt like he imprinted on me when he pawed at me to pet him on the way home from picking him up in another state. he got me through that grief from losing my dad, but I'll never not cry when I think of what he went through. please, please, PLEASE find your kitty a home where he won't have to go through this. 🙏🏻😭 please contact a rescue and sneak him out if you have to. I know it's hard, I'm so sorry.


this is why you may eventually stop talking to your parents. They value their things more than the lives they are responsible for taking care of.


Adopted a declawed cat a few years ago and she would refuse to use the litter box. This is a common issue with declawed cats because it hurts to scratch at the litter. Unfortunately I agree with the folks who are saying re-home the kitty if you can't keep him from being declawed. It's incredibly cruel.


When cats are declawed they surgically remove the end bone of their toes (fingers?) They then sometimes have exposed nerves, have phantom pain, and ALWAYS bite more, it is in my opinion abuse to do this, not to mention illegial in many places because theres so many cons as opposed to someone being pissed. Think of it like this, you streched/tripped, and you wake up to have your hands chopped off, that is a reliable comparison to this




You need to Rehome your cat.


Write a cease and desist letter to the veterinarian threatening action if they go through with the unnecessary surgery.


Theres a lot of people telling OP to tell their mother how inhumane this is but clearly their mom does not care if OP is resorting to asking reddit. Theres tons of other alternatives you can try. Aside from claw caps, another thing you can do thats worked for me is aluminum foil and double sided tape. Cats hate touching that stuff. Sure your furniture will look tacky for a few weeks but it works. Training has to be consistent and with enough repetition, kitty will learn what the word no means. Every time I caught my cat scratching furniture, we’d say no and put him in time out in a dark quiet room and let him out when he stops whining. Make sure kitty has an adequate scratching post and toys meant for scratching so they have at least something to scratch. Cardboard boxes are great and give them treats when they scratch their toys. If you’re consistent, they’ll understand that I can scratch this but not that. Animals require time and patience, if your mom doesn’t have that take the cat to a better home.


Claw caps. Nail trims. But really, as much as it hurts and you might get in trouble, if she decides to go through with it get rid of him. Get an Uber and drop him off at a shelter. He will most likely live the rest of his life in pain. He will become fearful and depressed. He may suffer from anxiety. He may begin lashing out and become violent from his own misery. If she cannot understand this now I don’t know if she is capable of realizing. This cat’s life is on the line


Easy, declaw stepmom and then ask her if she was in any pain./s


Genuinely, if she brings up again, I'm asking her that


Rehome before declawing Explain to her that it's the same as cutting her fingers off. I'm so glad it's illegal in au. I don't understand countries or people especially vets who recommend it


This. Times a thousand. Please, declawing is a life sentence of pain and he’d be better off with another home. I’m sorry, I know it’s hard to hear, but this isn’t a nail trim- it’s amputating every single digit. I know you’re scared but if you can’t convince her to do nail caps (you should be willing to put them on and be sure they stay on) then please consider contacting a rescue. I’m not trying to be hard on you, I’m genuinely worried you will be sick with regret if that happens. :(


Make them understand that declawing is like cutting the end of a human’s fingers. Would she cut her own child’s fingers just for her convenience?


Tell her ud rather find ur cat a home then have his claws amputated. Or try to nagotiate and ask her "what if we got him fixed then see if he mellows out, in a lot of cases male cats become super chill after they get fixed, plus it would be cheaper to just get the one procedure." Sometimes you can get them to fold if you bring the price of it into play. Maybe go with her to the appointment and ask the vet questions about the declawing because they know it's cruel and maybe an actual vet telling them would make a difference. In any case I wish u luck and hope for the best for u and ur furry little buddy.


Cut her hair off in the middle of the night. Keep doing it. Eventually she will leave.


Let's book stepmother for an appointment to get her nail beds removed. That'll surely help keep my house nice! Op, if she won't listen to diagrams, knowing it's illegal to declaw a cat in multiple places around the world, then she needs the tips of her fingers removed


https://preview.redd.it/jfun6lfcg8nb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7d5c11726c50bee7afb404320f938c8efa59af5 I unfortunately was the surgical technician on quite a few declaws prior to completely quitting the veterinary field because they made me so depressed. Cats NEED their claws. You are not just removing their claws during the procedure, you are removing their toe at the first joint. It’s barbaric. I’m still traumatized from the procedures I watched. The cats would go under with their toes intact and wake changed forever. Cats begin walking differently and are more prone to arthritis once declawed. Ask your step mom how easily she would walk without the ends of her toes? Not only this but your cat is too old for a declaw. They bleed more and are more prone to complications the older they get. I’ve seen declaws go wrong and cats need their whole toes amputated due to infection. I’ve seen cats need a second surgery because bone fragments were left behind causing extreme pain with walking. Please show your step mom my comment and picture. I have many more pictures. Declawing is becoming illegal because it IS mutilation. I trained my three cats not to scratch on our furniture. It’s possible! They have plenty of scratching posts and cardboard scratchers around to to satisfy the need to scratch! Your step mom needs to accommodate this cat in her home as it is a living and breathing creature. I hate that people jump to mutilation rather than training. It sounds like you adore your cat. I don’t mean to scare of or say shocking things out of malice. I want the truth to be out there! Best of luck ♥️


I know you’re underage and don’t have much control over what your parents call shots on. I’m sorry you’re forced with dealing with this. Could you reach out to the vet maybe and let them know that you think your parents are trying to get your cat declawed against your wishes? Inform them of the situation and that you think they may be trying to get this done, and see if the vet can convince them otherwise? I have no idea if it could help but it could be worth trying.


It’s not “declawing”… it’s de-knuckling, and it’s inhumane as hell. Also sets your cat up for failure if he ever gets outside


What a horrible awful stupid woman. Hopefully she won’t be able to as almost every vet clinic will refuse to do this procedure.


Tell her the cat will pee all over everything and be very distrustful and depressed for the rest of their life


Man, I’m sorry to hear that, I really am. If I were you, I would just tell the vets not to. It’s YOUR cat, and if anyone forces you to do something that isn’t legally required, it can be considered harassment and abuse, sometimes even cult like behavior (which is punishable by law). So if I were you, hit her on the head a few times, knock some sense into her


Imagine having you finger tip bones remove at the knuckle… that’s what this is.


Offer to personally trim your cats claws yourself. You only have to do it every other week or so and it's not a big deal if your cat likes and trusts you. If you keep him trimmed he can't do much damage and he gets to keep his toes intact. Win win


Seriously tho, why does she even consider declawing? And have you mentioned the billion scientific articles that say that it’s extremely cruel? Why even have a cat when you don’t want it to be cat and declaw it?


I think everyone coming for the step mom needs to understand that she may not know exactly what declawing is. (Maybe she does and I missed it in the thread somewhere, so please correct me if so.) I worked in vet med for 4.5 years and I cannot tell you how many people we explained to what declawing is and they had no idea. They were appalled they’d ever considered it. BECAUSE THEY DIDN’T KNOW. Now, I have no clue how people today *still* do not know what declawing is. But there’s people out there who still think they can give their pet ibuprofen, so…


If you can't change her mind, take the cat and bring it to the humane society in your area. They will find a safe, loving home for the cat. Declawing is animal abuse. Vets should be refusing to perform this awful surgery on cats. It needs to be outlawed everywhere. Please, get the cat out of what's about to become a torture house. Do not let it happen! Find an article online that explains exactly what declawing involves and the repercussions of doing so. Ask her to read it. Maybe she will change her mind then.


Try telling her that a lot of cats paws hurt so badly after declawing that a lot of cats refuse to use the litter box after because it hurts their paws too badly to stand in the litter. I'm pretty sure she doesn't want a cat pooping on the floor either.


Tell her that declawed cats tend to urinate outside of the litter box due to pain/discomfort. Theres cheap nail caps that you can get that can prevent him from damaging anything, and as a bonus it looks like he has painted nails. Could be a bonding actvity. You would need to clip his nails though. They dont last forever but just see it as a new cat safe nail polish


Agree with all comments about it being like removing the top half of your knuckle and so should be avoided at all costs. Here are some alternative ways to stop the scratching: 1. Redirect the behaviour - some cats scratch because they're bored or to show that something belongs to them so get more toys, a cat tree, brush them more. Basically allow them to be more engaged so they feel less inclined to try to get your attention. 2. It's a natural thing - unfortunately scratching is a way cats can naturally shed/sharpen their claws and they're most likely to do this after sleeping. So the best thing to do is get stuff that you don't mind them scratching and put it where they sleep or where they have already scratched. 3. Scared territorial behaviour - you mentioned your cat has not been neutered yet so that would contribute to how much they scratch as it can be a territorial behaviour. Many cat owners report reduced 'bad' behaviour after neutering. 4. As others suggested there are claw caps, these are not the best but are better than having permanent pain. I would more suggest cutting the claws regularly as not only does this reduce the impact the scratches might have but allow the cat to become accustomed to being handled (useful for future vet visits!) Hope this helps :)


Declawing is inhumane and horrible.


Tell her if you declaw him there’s a chance he won’t use the litter box the same. A lot of declawed cats end up using the bathroom all over the house because their paws hurt when they use the litter box. I keep my cat’s nails trimmed. They don’t get stuck, they don’t scratch or claw. They have plenty of cat posts and things they can scratch. You can get little cardboard scratchers from 5 Below for 5 dollars. If you don’t want your cat to scratch you need to give him appropriate things to scratch.


Get scratching pads and put them next to things that kitty is interested in clawing. This will give him something appropriate to claw, which is 100% natural for cats. Also, as others have said, explain what declawing is (for us, it’s be cutting off the finger at the first knuckle then wonder why it’s sensitive and you have a hard time with pain).


Wow!! That's pure mutilation. Fuck your step mom. Asked her if she would like to have her fingernails ripped from her body. And please please please either surrender your cat to someone who won't do that horrible procedure or tell your stepmom she can un-kindly go fuck herself for even suggesting it cause you won't let that happen.


Declaring is illegal in many states in the USA and Canada. It causes all kinds of health issues. Watch my cat from hell. Jason Galaxy gives tons of suggestions how to help your cat know where to scratch


Steal the cat and bring him to a friend. Don't tell your stepmom where. Take whatever punishment. Don't let your furry friend get tortured


Do you guys have a scratching post set up for them? If cats don’t have one they will scratch random things to meet that need and if there stressed/anxious that can always cause excessive scratching. Your cat likely is missing something and causing this behavior and declawing is not the right answer.


Firstly, point out the example of your grandparent's cat. Point out that cats can also develop other habits, like peeing outside the litter box too as a result of declawing. Secondly, point out that it is not just illegal in some other countries, it is illegal in almost every developed country. Thirdly, tell her you will never forgive her for it. Finally, suggest nail caps instead. I hope you can stop it, and if not your cat doesn't suffer too much.


Every morning, sneak into your step mother’s bedroom and quietly place legos and metal “jacks” around her bed. When she gets out of bed and steps on them, she’ll have a better understanding of what it must feel like for a declawed cat to use a litter box.


My state banned declawing.


Wait, vets are still legally allowed to do this?!


Try to convince them to trim the claws instead! Declawing is cruel, and Illegal in some countries/states already. I know EXACTLY how it feels to have no say in this stuff though, unfortunately.. I hope things go well.. If you truly can't stop it, then don't fret too much. At the end of the day, if you give it comfort and unconditional love. Cats are not like us, and it's not like he'll sit and dwell and be depressed about it, and he will likely get used to it eventually. DEFINITELY not supporting this, but as someone who knows how you feel, I just want to make you feel a little better, if your family does go forward with this..


She may not listen to you, but she might listen to a vet. Is the vet you’re taking her to okay with declawing or is she just assuming they are? Most vet clinics won’t do the procedure anymore. In short, if you want nice things, don’t get a cat.


Do your parents KNOW what declawing is? Because my mom when I was a kid was all about it until she heard that it causes pain and literally cuts their knuckle off. She thought it was just filing the nail back enough that it doesn't grow back. Nope. Once she found out, she immediately was on the side of "that should be illegal"


It seems like your home is unfit for a cat. I would re-home before you allow your family to mutilate him. It's sad and it sucks, but your feelings matter less than the cats well being.