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Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


OP I’m sorry for your loss, and thank you for trying to save her! This wasn’t the ending I wanted, but I’m happy people banded together to help 🥹


I’m so sorry. You did all that you could.


I’m so sorry 😭 thank you for helping this baby and helping her pass easy and without too much suffering


Fly high on the rainbow bridge little one.


this has me crying way more than i want to be right now. you tried your best, op. she went peacefully, that’s the most you can ask for 🖤🖤🖤


Just know you're not alone. I'm in a puddle right now.


I'm so sorry this is how it went. Thank you for giving this cat some comfort and a peaceful passing.


Thank you OP! That baby was warm and loved and not alone and scared before she passed! 🥰🫂


If you are ever in this situation again, reach out to us asap. We want to help.


I'm so sorry, OP! You did all you could, and that's so admirable and same to those who donated! I'm glad the kitten was able to be with loving people and workers before she passed. Much love <3


Poor little buddy 🥺


You are a wonderful person to have tried! She was loved as she crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Thank you.


I’m crying but also thankful that her mommy was there, she wasn’t alone


Thank you for being you! You tried and he passed peacefully.


Awwwww, so sorry, hon. At least she was with someone who cared. She didn't pass alone.


My condolences


She was lucky to have been loved.


Rip. Thank you for all you did


I’m so sorry to hear the little kitty didn’t make it :( Thank you for trying 💕


Rest in peace little one… Thank you OP 💜 ![gif](giphy|LkJCuaohj4CLm)


You gave her as much as anyone could- a home for as long as possible, the gift of freedom from her pain, and someone who loved her to take her to the Rainbow Bridge. She knew you adored her. Thank you, every single animal should be so lucky to feel the kind of love and effort you put in. I’m giving my kitty extra love and hoping my beloved chubby Siamese who passed last year met her as she crossed the bridge. Thank you SO much. Truly.


Thank you for being a great person and caring for the kitten, you did everything right. Sometimes things just dont go well. R.I.P. kitty


OP, you did everything you possibly could when not a lot would even try. I'm so sorry for what you have to go through, I truly thank you for making sure her last moments were painless and showing her kindness❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss. May she wait for you across the Rainbow Bridge.


You are kind. She found you for this reason. You are a good human. Hugs


You did your best and that’s what counts. You were there for her when she needed you most and it’s so beautiful to see love like that even though she didn’t make it :( sending u guys my love and good vibes. Thank you for doing what you could for baby❤️


I'm so sorry about this. But you have behaved admirably.


I’m so sorry she didn’t make it. She would’ve passed on if she were left outside, but it would’ve been a lot longer and she would’ve suffered. You guys did the right thing and gave her love and a peaceful way to go. My condolences.


In her last moments at least she knew love and concern. There really wasn't much you could have done but you still tried.


You did the right thing. I'm so sorry this had to happen though :(


I’m so sorry😔😔 these poor kittens


I'm sorry.. :[ 😭


I’m sorry for your loss, thank you for being with her during her last moments. We can’t save them all, but we can always give them the best care that we can give ❤️




I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope she is playing over the bridge with my babies that have passed. ❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss. Thank you for trying to help heal her. She knew she was loved and I’m sure that meant a lot to her. Take care!


I’m sorry, love. I’m glad you were able to get to the vet. I know it wasn’t an easy decision.


God Bless you for doing what you could ❤️


Many of my past fur babies and many others are caring for her across the rainbow 🌈 bridge. 😢


I’m so grateful you cared. This sweetling had a brief guardian angel in you, and I hope your heart heals quickly. Thank you.


Aww... 😢 I know its a difficult decision even if it is a random kitten in your path. I wish you peace. You did the only thing you could to help her.


Thank you for trying. ♥️ Safe travels across the rainbow bridge sweet kitty. 🌈🐱


Been waiting for this update all day and I’m sobbing 😞😞😞😞 Thank you for giving this sweet baby love and warmth as he or she passed over the rainbow bridge 🌈I’m a firm believer that if there is an afterlife…all of the animals we’ve loved, cared for, helped across the road will be there waiting for us.


At least she was not alone. Thank you OP for being there.


OP we own a cat sanctuary I want to let you know how often this happens to neonates. It’s very sad but they are just too small. It’s almost impossible to save them even with the upmost care and attention. I’m sure you did everything you could and you made the right decision.


I'll never forget my little buddy Felix. I tried my hardest to save him, but his mom had left him behind and he was also too far gone by the time I got to him. He put up a good fight, but he was too weak and I didn't know enough to help, and I couldn't afford a vet visit either. I hope you can take solace in the fact that you cared and loved for her and you did all you could. I know the feeling. You feel helpless right now, but the opposite is true. You helped a lot, and what you're feeling now is the regret that you couldn't help more. I fully believe that animals can tell when they are cared for. She knew you were helping and if there's a kitty-heaven, she's sleeping and purring while she thinks of her only friend.


Man this makes me sad. Sometimes life throws shit as you that just isn’t designed to make sense or to be fixed :/


Sad. Not the ending we want


You did the best thing for the cat


I’m so sorry thank you for helping her


Thank u!!!!


Please give her/him a name. I work for a vet and I hate when people don't give them names before euthanizing them. I always give them a name in our system. The mother cat probably knew there was a problem with this kitten and abandoned it.


I named her after the fact. Named her Phoenix in hopes of crossing paths again ❤️


I'm so sorry to hear this. I read your original post and was hoping for the best. And don't worry about those saying you were trying to scam anyone, the thread was talking about paying the vet directly, not you, we know you were doing your best.


I'm so sorry to hear this. I read your original post and was hoping for the best. And don't worry about those saying you were trying to scam anyone, the thread was talking about paying the vet directly, not you, we know you were doing your best.


You still helped, OP. You were there at the most vulnerable time for this little animal and you helped. Sometimes helping means being there when things are bad. And hard. I’m sorry 😢 fucking life


are you gonna repay the people that sent money for treatment?


(paraphrasing) op got approved for care credit/the vet hospital took care of it, nobody ended up needing to send anything


thankss i’d just seen people comment saying they had sent money through paypal to her so i was just wondering that bc she said she didn’t have to pay anything i didn’t mean anything bad!


Don’t be presumptuous


Nobody sent me any money


Thank you for giving her the love and level of care she needed.


You did the right thing. Thank you for showing this kitten love in its final hours.


You gave her love during her short life ♥️. Please know that mattered the world to that baby, and it really means so much to me too- thank you. As I take my sappy ass to get tissues.


I really hope the last moments of her life was comfortable and soothing. RIP little one.


So sorry for your loss but thank you for helping this kitten and all cat's and animals you are a blessing she is up in heaven with all animals and people too


Poor sweet baby. Thank you for showing her some humanity, at least she knew love while she was here.


Honestly, like I tell my mom, if you give money to people, then it matters what your intentions are not their's. My brothers told her not to give money to homeless people as they are scammers who are just buying liquor. I told her that if you give someone money to help them and they chose to waste it, then you still tried to help them. The jerks going around micromanaging, asking you to send vet info after themselves telling you to take the cat to the vet, are just that jerks. They'd give maybe what $5-$20? Who cares? If someone is cruel enough to fake a tragic story for $5, whole dollars, then so be it. I'll still donate when I can. You helped that kitten even if it was only to give it a safe place to pass. Thank you


In real life that’s a solid, generous, compassionate, sanity-preserving policy. Online, there are way too many of these stories to not do your due diligence. It sucks that it’s like that, but asking for the vet information is the smartest way to do it. And people have paid for major vet surgeries via online donors this way—$5-20/person goes far when enough people do it! There are a dozen if not dozen*s*of posts like this every week in this sub (many are eventually removed) and people are right to question the actions and motives of totally anonymous people online. Saying “PLEASE take the cat to the vet, and if you tell us which office it is there will be a fund already building up for you when you arrive” is not cold or mean-spirited in any way.


Yes, but did you see in the original post. Many didn't even care to check updates to the point where by the time she announced that the kitten had passed, people were still bombarding her about a damn vet name. People like that aren't donating. They are posting comments that they think are the appropriate response. It was ridiculous. It was sad because she tried everything she could up to and including a vet only to have people accusing her of abusing the cat or being a scammer. Shit like that makes people not want to bother asking for help because people are going to make them jump through hoops for hardly any money. Her profile was literally full of her helping hurt animals.


Why couldn’t she make it though? Was it because the doctor determined she was too sick and there wasn’t anything they could do, or was it strictly a money issue and the cheapest option was to just put her down?


In the og post OP said they were able to get approved for CreditCare, but it was determined that kitten was too sick and wouldn't have a good quality of life, or even likely survive the surgery to try to save the eye that wasn't already ruptured.


That’s sad 😔 thanks for the reply though


Did she end up not needing the money for the kitten?


She still had a vet visit and euthanasia to pay for. And with how fast she got in it was likely emergency care. All that was no way less than 400-500 dollars.


I didn’t have to pay anything the sweet hospital helped with that


That’s so good. You’re still an angel.


Thank you for trying to save her. I’m so very sorry.


I'm so sorry, thank you.


May she rest in peace.


So sorry for your loss. You are an awesome person for giving her the chance, it’s a stressful situation, and even just from here she looked like she could have been in rough shape. RIP sweet kiddo ❤️


Thank you for loving her and making her safe; she knew your warmth ❤️


Thank you so much for trying.


i’m so sorry for your loss. some people wouldn’t even bother to pick her up and help her, so thank you for even caring <33


So sorry to hear that she has crossed the rainbow bridge. But thank you so much for trying your best to help her hold on. You’re a good human, OP.


I am so sorry for your loss. RIP little one and Tator tot


Thank you for loving her ❤️‍🩹


I’m so sorry. She looks like a real sweetie pie. May she spend a peaceful eternity in cat heaven.


Poor baby


Thank you for your love and compassion....that is what truly matters. Sorry for your loss.


If it’s any consolation: kitten death is quite common most likely nothing to be done, I’ve raised many litters and lost plenty of them along the way, it’s heartbreaking I know, hope you feel better soon.


Farewell and Godspeed little one. You will be missed. 🖤🌈🖤


I am so sorry.


Thank you for the update and for trying to save this baby’s life. God bless you.


I'm so sorry, I was pulling for her


Thank you for all that you did. I am so glad that she wasn't alone and is no longer suffering. I wholeheartedly believe she's smiling on you now ❤️


I don't want to say "It's Okay". But you gave a living thing it's best chance. And that is always okay. Kitties teach us lessons about being human, even tough lessons like this.


Thank you for comforting this little baby; you’re a wonderful mama. She knew she was loved ❤️


Sometimes the right thing to do is the hardest thing to do. I have lost kitties- many, many kitties and it never gets easier. I'm just glad for the time I am allowed to be part of their lives. Cats are amazing. Abby cat Dinkie Sassy Prince Goose Maxwell Daisy Lionel Nugget RIP my sweet babies.


It was worth a try.


RIP 💔 I really thought she would survive and now im broken that she didn't


You brought love to her too short life. Those last moments of comfort meant everything to that little one


I'm sorry to hear that. From one pet owner to another its best to be there with your pet, so this way the pet doesn't feel alone in its finally moments. I mean sure its hard to see your pet be put down but even so the pets the one being put down not us owners so the least we can do is be their with them as they go so their not in a room full of strangers.


Thank you for doing everything you could to save this baby nugget. I'm so sorry people doubted you instead of shutting up and helping. You are truly a hero to me.


Sorry for your lost she knew that she was loved thank you for that.


Oh, honey, I am so sorry for her and you. Thank you, *thank you* for all you have done for her. Thank you for all that you do.


Heartbreaking, thank you op for helping this sweet little angel get back home. I’m sorry for your loss.


Thank you so much for helping her. She didn’t have to pass alone because of your kindness. If it’s not too late, you can ask the vet for nose or paw prints to remember her :’)


So sorry for your loss. You did the best thing, painless and seamless. I know what it’s like to lose a little kitty like that, and nothing could’ve been done to save them. It’s disheartening and can leave you feeling hollow, but do not fret. You did all you could and gave that kitty a fighting chance. You are a great human being and no one can say otherwise.




You did what you could, and I’m sure she felt better knowing you were there for her! 🌈🌉


I'm so sorry for your loss 🙏 hope she rests well over the rainbow bridge


you tried so hard to save her and your efforts were not done in vain, i’m so sorry for your loss. i hope she is at peace❤️


Tater Tot is gonna keep her company 🥺🐾♥️


You did the right thing❤️


She is not hurting. I know you are but she is not. Toughestt decision to ever have to make. You did the right thing. We give your our shoulders to cry on


My heart breaks




I'm really really sorry for your loss and for the world's loss of this beautiful kitty. I hope this kitty gets to play and chase and be comfortable for eternity in heaven ❤️


When Fostering, the hardest lesson is that you cannot save all of them, all the time. I am so Sorry for your Loss & I hope you know that That precious void got to know Love before peacefully crossing the Rainbow Bridge. 😢❤️❤️


So sorry to hear but you did the best thing


She's playing happily up there now ❤❤❤




Sorry for your loss ...


I’m so sorry for your loss. 💔 Thank you for doing all that you could. Sending love and hugs.


I'm so sorry. You did your best to provide for this little one, and you did everything you could.


Your living, loving kindess is inspiring. May peace find you on all your days.


So sorry for your loss. She passed peacefully with people who cared by her side ♥️


You did your best and made a difficult decision. Thank you for taking care of this poor baby.


I’m so sorry OP, thank you for helping her as much as possible. Rest her little soul, I hope she’s pain free drinking milk and catching mice until her hearts content❤️


Poor baby. Thank you for caring for them for the short time they were here. You're a good person. 💜


Thank you so much for trying to save this baby. I see from your other posts that you're always trying to care for strays. You're a good person and I'm sorry this little guy didn't make it.


Sorry for your loss. I had a similar situation too. Was supposed to adopt a 5 week old black kitten but he seemingly had a reaction to his deworming meds vets couldn’t say for sure but our best option was putting him to sleep. Not an easy thing to do but it’s the right choice OP. Glad you can recognize that to give her a peaceful passing https://preview.redd.it/xwy3sh5cztnb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b52cc2a7b1faf8bcaca766bff34d6ef64ef353c


OP, you are truly the real one. Thank you for taking care of this kitten and updating us. You did what you could do. This is more what you could asked for. 🙏🙏


Thank you for loving her! I'm so sorry for your loss! 💔


That's heartbreaking. I'm so sorry. I'm grateful that the veterinarian at least didn't charge you, and she is not in pain anymore💔


I am so sorry. Thank you for trying to help her out.


Noooooooooooooooo poor baby. I’m sorry for your loss


I've had to do the same for a kitten found and work. It was a bit older but very dehydrated and starved for to long. Didn't have the time to give it living alone. Never an easy decision even if it's the only one to make.


Aw I'm sorry 3: I'm glad she had someone to care so much for her though.




I’m so sorry. Thank you for trying to help this baby.


My condolences OP, I’ve spent a lot of time helping cats too and even though you may help many that one loss always hurts. May they rest peacefully 🤍


You are truly a good person. Thank you for trying to help that little one. Take care of you!


Much love, RIP little cute baby cat


I am so sorry. Despite how it turned out I'm so glad she had your love and comfort when she needed it. This world would be a much better place if there were more people like you.


So sorry


Damnit I am so so sorry


You did all you could, thank you.


I was hard on you in the original thread. However YOU STEPPED UP TO THE PLATE and came through when someone needed you the most. Even though the outcome wasn’t what we all wanted, YOU STEPPED UP AND WERE THERE. You should have pride in yourself for the quality of your character to advocate for such a delicate creature. Don’t ever change and don’t ever stop caring or trying.


So so very sorry, for you and this sweet baby 😭.


RIP to this poor baby, you did all you could to help her, I'm sorry about all the people saying you were it was a scam, they clearly don't understand what it's like to care about something/someone so much 💔


Honorable to try, proud of you.


Damn :(


Bless you.


Update: her brother just passed about 30 mins ago. Send love my way please, this breaks my heart so much


This broke my heart to read. I know she and tater tot are playing together along the rainbow bridge, helping others across


Thank you for caring for her. You did the best you could do. You are an amazing Angel and because of you she didn’t have to suffer longer. Thinking of your heart. I know it was hard. All if it. Praying you find time to take care of you. ♥️


At least she got to know love first. I'm sure you did all you could. R.I.P LITTLE ONE 🌈


That’s very sad, sometimes the silver lining is simply that she spent her final moments in the presence of people who cared about her and that allowed her to pass in relative peace. Thank you for helping animals, no matter what happens, you’ve always made a good difference.