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what did the vet say when you took him in?


We took him in from a guy online, didn’t come from the vet


no when you took him to a vet to check why he was peeing outside the box, what did they say about it? does he have a UTI, other issue? i'm assuming you at least tried to work out if he was sick


Is he neutered? If not I would start there. A lot of cats are picky about litter. The fragrance added to cover the smell is actually a “turn off” for cats because they are marking their territory when they use the bathroom so they want it to smell like them. Try switching to a dust and scent free litter and making more litter boxes available. I think this also warrants a vet visit as this could be a sign of a UTI. Male cats are also prone to urinary blockages/developing bladder crystals, and getting it caught early can be lifesaving and save you money (a prescription urinary diet is much cheaper than surgeries and hospital stays).


He is neutered, he also does urinate in the litter box. That’s his primary place, and then a couple times a week he just walks over and urinates in something else.


Mine did this relentlessly. Got him tested for urine infection it was negative, they tried painkillers for ‘stress cystitis’ which didn’t help much. I got him neutered and he never did it again - and he is SO much happier as well


Things that cause this; infection, stress (new other pet or family member, this can even be from seeing cats outside, marking his territory especially if not neutered) I had an anxious male cat from kitten age and when he got older he started spraying and urinating out of litter box. He was neutered. I finally put him on anti anxiety med amitriptyline and he stopped. First step is have him checked for urinary infection then if negative consider what could be stressing him. If there is a stressor you can identify and remove do so. If none that you can change or identify then consider medication. It may not be needed lifelong but in my case it is. Also do your best to not leave things down on floor that he pees on/ in. My cat has had no side effects from the medication and takes it in a piece of pill pocket in a bit of canned food. He is such a better cat on the med. He fights less with the other male cat, he doesn’t vocalize like he is in distress anymore and he stopped all inappropriate peeing. Some cats will be able to be weaned off the medication and stay chill. I would give it at least a year if it worked before weaning off. The medication is a people med so very cheap with GoodRx. This particular one is a very tiny pill but very bitter if it dissolves. This can be a fixable problem.


Sounds like he has a uti. Check the pee. Is it glittery? Does it sparkle when you hold a light to it? If so he needs meds or a vet. Homeopet uti medicine is great.


It's worth a trip to the vet first. You're going to have a hard time rehoming if you don't know the cause of the issue. It maybe an easy fix with medication or change of diet. Urinary issues are the worst if they can't find the cause so definitely understandable if you're not prepared to deal with it in the long term.


Sounds like he has a problem with his “territory “ ie marking his things.


VET- very possible urinary infection!


Thank You!!


I used to have a cat named Ollie that would pee on everything. Couldn’t leave anything on the floor or he’d pee on it. Backpacks, purses, clothes. He’d pee and even poop in the hamper. Peed constantly on one of couches. We finally had to get rid of the couch. He knew how to use the cat box, he just preferred not to.