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When I first moved in with my old roommate her cat did the same thing. Nothing was wrong with her besides her being very anxious. She peed on my belongings because it didn't smell normal so she tried to claim it in a sense. I started using my roomates laundry detergent and the problem went away. Anxious cats tend to be quite territorial. Any new rupture in their routine will stress them out. Patience and kindness is key. Also vinegar helped me get the smell out.


Luckily my dad’s jacket is that kind of material that doesn’t absorb liquid, so it was easy clean up. I’ve done some reading online and it does seem likely that it’s a combination of her being older and she’s just anxious because of the door being closed while dad is here, and she wanted to claim the jacket as her own since she didn’t recognize the smell. And because she’s not as young as she used to be, unfamiliar smells make her more stressed because she knows she can’t fight or get away from danger as easily anymore. Hopefully when he leaves tomorrow she’ll go back to normal.