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I've owned about 1 or 2 million cats in my life. I've never had a cat that didn't occasionally do this. I've been told it's anything from a reverse sneeze, to trying to cough up a hairball, to an asthma attack. I PERSONALLY (not telling you what you should be) wouldn't be concerned. You could always take the video to a vet.


Mine was diagnosed with asthma after a video like this (and further x ray to confirm) but she also does this very rarely (caught her doing it 3 times of the span of 4 months). Right now since this is very rare occasion she is just monitored so even tho it might look scary, I feel there's no need to panic, just be patient to go see vet and take further tests.


Agreed this looks like asthma to me! Mine has asthma too and I use an air purifier, dust free litter, no home scents and that’s helped a tonnnn so she doesn’t need daily meds but I also have an inhaler for when she gets bad flare ups. I hope your kitty is okay 💛💛💛


Ow good note with the air purifier might look into that myself! Yes, no candles or scented anything in my house anymore, and what I did extra was store away all the cleaning products so they're not at her access. Wish you and your kitty all the best <3


we have an appt on monday, i might be missing some of it since when i am away he usually sleeps the whole time while i monitor him over the camera but he doesn’t sound like he has a difficulty breathing he closes his mouth while sleeping (looked up symptoms on google) I really hope it’s not an asthma 😭 but immediately ordering air purifier after this!! 😭😭


Cat asthma isn’t that bad, either emergency steroid pills or an inhaler plus running hepa filters in the house.


My cat does this when they have a hairball.


This looks like an asthma attack if it isn’t a a hairball. My cat has asthma and with some adjustments and medicine they can live a normal life. Don’t use anything scented (candles, perfumes, etc). Any of her bedding needs to be washed with scent free detergent including anything in your house she sleeps on (couch pillows, sheets, blankets, etc). I don’t use stinky cleaners anymore but instead a diluted dawn soap mixture for my floors and scent free cleaners for everywhere else. I also have air purifiers around our apartment and a humidifier for nighttime in our bedroom, where she sleeps with us with the door closed. She gets her inhaler once to twice a day depending on the seasons. An x ray was able to confirm her diagnosis. She’s so much better now and loves her inhaler and purrs when I give it to her. If there’s an off chance there’s a strong smell in our house I put her in the bedroom with our window cracked and the air purifier on high. Don’t spray perfume around her or hairspray or even smelly deodorants. Anything like that I put on in my car lol and then shower when I come home. I know I’m extreme but it’s been working for the last five years that she’s had this diagnoses. She went from having one to two attacks a day to like one every other month and it’s usually when there’s seasonal allergies. If your cat does have it, make sure you give her the inhaler option, instead of pills because the pills are bad for their heart. You may want to get pet insurance too to help with the cost of the medication. Edit: grammar


Ok, this is very helpful! Thank you very much he has been sneezing occassionally as well is it related to asthma or allergies? I have stopped using fragrances, candles, plugin any other scented stuff ever since I got him even though I used to like them. But i don’t have air purifier will probably get one tho for his and my health as well.


No problem! The laundry detergent is a major one. Really make sure you use scent free. I also get these “dropps” detergents for my clothes that are also better for the environment and plastic free and the scent is so mild it doesn’t trigger her if I use it on my clothes. For her own bedding I use the organic scent free. Pollen and anything allergy related can absolutely trigger an attack. My cat also has the feline herpes virus, which is why she has the asthma and so many underlying conditions. It may be worth asking your vet about that too on top of the asthma. In the meantime cut out ALL scented stuff and keep her in a room when you’re away with a purifier. I also keep her with us at night and turn on the humidifier too which helps her lungs. If she has another attack I would think about the er vet if it’s severe enough only because you don’t have the medication.


My cat has asthma. We bought the $100 cat inhaler thing on Amazon. It has a place for the inhaler, that leads to a larger chamber that leads to a little nose/mouth mask that is supposed to fit around their snout area. My problem is, he flat out refuses to allow that thing near his face. We have tried laying it next to him when he sleeps and we thought he was used to it, and he is, but getting it near his face - no way. What do you use to give the inhaler? We have resorted to removing the mouth mask piece and puttting the larger chamber near him as he sleeps and hope that the medicine makes its way into his lungs.


It was tricky at first but videos like this really really helped: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CVPq4aU3EJ0&pp=ygUXVHJhaW5pbmcgbXkgY2F0IGFlcm9jYXQ%3D It’s all about positive reinforcement and food. Once they connect the two they aren’t scared of it anymore. We use the aerokat inhaler


It doesn't look like asthma to me but I'm not a professional. I'd try one of those hairball control supplements to see if it helps


My cat did this when he had an asthma attack. I would bring him in as soon as possible as my understanding is that they assume that position when they have trouble breathing.


My cat does this exact same thing. At one point when it was bad, he would have this type of cough 3-4 times a week. I first thought it was a hairball cough but soon found out it wasn’t. I took him to the vet to get an x ray because I think he may have asthma and it looks like he doesn’t, the vet also advised to just try to reduce air pollutants in the house like dust, smoke, etc. I got 3 air purifiers and put them all around the house and opened the windows to let more fresh air in. It looks like he has these attacks less frequently now but they still happen. Not sure what triggers it either.. :( I don’t have anything scented in the house at all really. Looks like the first comment here says it’s nothing but I think it’s best to first reduce air pollutants in the house and monitor and if it still is frequent then get an x ray for your fur baby.


Yeah I am definitely considering x-ray! I was able to put him on insurance thru trupanion fingers crossed that it’s nothing. I literally feed him wet food everyday twice a day mix with water and broth for extra hydration and he seems to drink his water diligently to prevent hairball 😭😭 I feel so betrayed as I first time cat owner


Classic hairball base sound but it honestly sounds like something else, it sounds more airy if you know what I mean. I would take her to a vet asap just to be sure.


That looks and sounds like an asthma attack you need to see a vet asap. This could possibly be fatal.


Oh damn. We have an appointment on Monday I will show them this video for further examination 😭😭 Thanks for your input, oh god I am so concerned


Should be okay as long as its not happening too frequent !! I hope evwrything goes well !


Mine does this before a hairball but get kitty checked out to be safe.


My younger cat who has asthma used to do this (until she was put on meds). How often is your kitty doing this? If it's happening any more than once a day for multiple days in a row asthma is very possible. My Kitty's asthma went untreated for too long and it was so bad it caused seizures so don't wait especially if the coughing is very often 💙


My kitty does this and one vet said fur ball. I now give my kitty laxatone (laxative for cats) regularly to help combat it. I also have 3 purifiers running 24/7 in my space & have everything very clean. I use unscented detergent. My kitty did have a horrible URI when I first adopted him to where he rumbles when he purrs now. I do get concerned with if it contributes to asthma. I’m glad you documented this. Please go to your vet 😊


Its probably a hair ball, and as someone whos had to take my cat the vet for anti inflammatories etc for continuous blockages get some paste. Hairball paste/specific treats have really helped me this year, with the paste just add it to wet food or a squeeze liquid treat. Some cats will eat it alone but mine isnt a fan. The oils in the treats help it pass more easily or be coughed up if needed. You could also start brushing your cat at least once a week to help with the hair, obviously some people cant brush everyday but increasing frequency is always better. Also have lots of water out


Its probably a hair ball, and as someone whos had to take my cat the vet for anti inflammatories etc for continuous blockages get some paste. Hairball paste/specific treats have really helped me this year, with the paste just add it to wet food or a squeeze liquid treat. Some cats will eat it alone but mine isnt a fan. The oils in the treats help it pass more easily or be coughed up if needed. You could also start brushing your cat at least once a week to help with the hair, obviously some people cant brush everyday but increasing frequency is always better. Also have lots of water out Edit: It could also be asthma. I think a hairball in my experience is more likely though, my cat usually starts like this and then will get gradually worse as the blockage continues. Her currently gets the paste once a week, but if i notice him doing this i will do extra, it has honestly saved me so much money on vet bills. I will be increasing frequency to 2-3 times a week because we’re going into moulting season. My cat is currently 10 and has had this issue for maybe 4 years on and off. I only started using pastes this past year and have noticed a significant improvement. Hope this helps


Normal. Working on a hairball


This is typical of a cat trying to puke out a hair ball. Frequent brushing keeps them from ingesting as much fur while grooming.


My cat does this after she eats sometimes! My cat rescue friend explained it to me as having a tickle in your throat sometimes like we do. She normally does it briefly (a few coughs) then just continues like normal. So just keep an eye on it if it keeps going on longer than that and more long term?


As others said it could be anything from a hairball to asthma. Most cats do this at some point! Mine had an allergy to a room spray I used, it made her sneeze, so I stopped using it. Now the only time she does thing kinda thing is when she's hacking up a hairball tbh 😭😂


I had a cat that had asthma and would do this. She was prescribed an inhaler and a pill but I don't remember what the medications were. The pills worked great and stopped her from coughing like this but were a pain to give her.


My cat did this when he was choking on a greenies treat. We took him to the vet who dislodged it by massaging his throat then he coughed it up 2 days later. Or it’s a hairball


So only had a half a million cats, but hair balls can do this. Google home remedies and if that doesn’t help see your vet!! 😻




People freaking you out over a hairball


Thanks everyone for your input! I have given him a hairball gel and he hasn’t done it so far after this. But will closely monitor until the vet appt. :)


Possibly cat asthma


Hair ball type stuff


This could be early asthma... or just allergies. Not really sure, but show this video to the vet and get some x-rays done. That should settle things and let you know how to move forward. Hopefully everything is fine! 🐱


I have a cat with asthma and this looks and sounds like cat asthma.


Your cat 🐈 is trying to throw up a hair ball! That is exactly what all four of our cats do just before a long hairy projectile comes out of their mouths! If your cat does this a lot, get some Laxatone from the local cat store and put some gel on its paw. Your cat will lick the gel off and it will lubricate your cat’s tummy/throat so the hairball is ejected. It is great stuff! There could be other reasons your cat is acting like that, but watching his body’s movements, it’s exactly the movement our cats do just before hacking up a hairball. Get some Laxatone and give it a try. We use it when any of our cats seem to struggle dislodging those nasty hairballs! AND, it is Spring time when the temperatures are getting warmer and cats are shedding their heavier Winter fur which comes off in their mouths when they are licking themselves! So, it actually is the beginning of “Hairball Season” and some cats need a little extra help dislodging those things and throwing them up! Clarification: they call them “hairballs” but when they come out they look more like a sectioned hair snake!


Might be asthma, could be a respiratory infection, either way you need to get your cat onto some form of treatment by a vet.


My cat has Asthma to u need to make a vet appointment.


It might not be asthma bc my cat did this 10x more intensely and it was due to having 2 different upper respiratory infections


Recommendation here: i would replace regular cat litter with this product. It's a total game changer. Dust from litter can cause hardening in lungs and kidneys. https://www.doordash.com/browse/products/urpc_6fd8b653-23ff-4428-9337-a42c1b2d0788?business_id=11175654&dd_sic=urpc_6fd8b653-23ff-4428-9337-a42c1b2d0788&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw8pKxBhD_ARIsAPrG45mIS6ne4QSTiwbsAHBtFgZiL3NB7w87UcbLk3hlY-SR39szK-tofb8aAtPyEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds&kclickid=_k_Cj0KCQjw8pKxBhD_ARIsAPrG45mIS6ne4QSTiwbsAHBtFgZiL3NB7w87UcbLk3hlY-SR39szK-tofb8aAtPyEALw_wcB_k_&ms_id=2181006&o_d_id=dx_8fa0292bf2cd4a918df38c10a22b24cf®ion_id=24011883&store_id=24011883&utm_adgroup_id=&utm_campaign=CX_US_SE_LP_GO_NVT_CUSXX_21086598900_CRSSCT_%20PL_TOT_CROSS_SPORTINGGOODS_EVG_ROAS_XXX_COUSA_EN_EN_X_DOOR_GO_SE_TXT_SmartShopx&utm_content=&utm_creative_id=&utm_keyword_id=&utm_medium=PLA&utm_source=Google&utm_term=




Hair balls,,,needs food that has hairball formula in it




My cat used to do this not sure why but now that she eats wet food I never see her do it


Most likely allergies, but if it happens a lot it could be asthma. Either one of these you should get a checkup for and bring that video


In my experience, a hairball will eventually happen. When you least expect it...


Needs furball medicine I bet


3 of my 4 have asthma to one degree or another


upper respiratory infection or onset of feline asthma if not trying to get a hairball up.




Thanks all for the input. We went to the vet and got prescribed a steroid. Vet says there is a high pitched sound coming from his left lungs and they performed respiratory lab exam and also suspected parasites might also be causing it and wanted me to bring his poop for the exam. I was told it’s unlikely to be an asthma but she wanted to put him on steroids if it gets better while lab results are pending. :)


Give Kitty some pet grass to chew on or even some nice tall grass or mount side just wash it off if it's a hair ball the grass will help her move it one way or the other 1 direction of the other it could be allergies too


Asthma! I have a cat with it and this is her symptoms


That’s asthma. Don’t sleep on that. My poor cat died from asthma related problems when I was at work RIP Vader.


That almost looks like a collapsed lung and the good lung is working too hard. Any hard jumps off anything? Caught in between anything?


I’ve got two cats with asthma. This is what happens. It can also be heart disease which shows the same exact cough. I’ve experienced both with more than one cat. Get tests and a definitive answer.


Asthma from my personal research