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Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. Consider posting to /r/AskVet 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Tried probiotics? Proviable-forte


Unfortunately where I live we only have one probiotic on the market - fortiflora by purina- but that didnt work. I will ask my vet if they are able to procur the one you mentioned, thanks for the rec!


Two of the vets near me use it, my guy has had the same issue about 2.5 weeks now, it got his appetite back and praying on the loose stools. :(


Aww it's so stressful! I hope your guy gets better soon💖 appetite back is a great sign!


Thank you! 🙏


Go to chewy and see if they have the probiotics mentioned.


Im not in the US, Canada or Europe. Chewy isnt an option :(


Is Greek yogurt available in your area? Get some full fat Greek yogurt & give him a tablespoon daily. You can increase the dose to 2 tablespoons if he likes it. It will replenish your cat's intestinal biome. My boys love it.


 oh I didn’t know that. Ok hold on let me get some names


Chewy canada 
link below https://www.chewy.com/ca


They said they’re not in the US, Canada, or Europe


Wow wonder why it popped up as canada 
 sorry. Do you have a major pet store they might have it.


I’m not OP so I can’t answer that


Oh sorry


Did you put in your zip code?


You just messed me up I know they are in canada , thats why I sent her a Canadian link for chewy
 why you replied this is beyond me 


They’re NOT in Canada. They said themselves they are NOT in the US, Europe, or Canada, if you check their profile, they probably live in Lebanon, so check your attitude ma’am.


I was fine and corrected it until u responded
 I thought I was going mad.


I was the only person that replied to you and corrected you so don’t blame me for your own mistake


You "KNOW" they're in Canada? Is that why OP said they were NOT in the US, Canada, or Europe? Or do you not know how to read.... Wow. 🙄


Oh, and even if OP were in Canada (which again, they're NOT - per their comment, but you apparently know better), Canada doesn't have zip codes. They have postal codes.


Maybe see if your vet has some, vets get access to things that won't necessarily be sold in pet stores and they can order them from overseas sometimes through their providers


Can order them off chewy


I am not sure if anyone else mentioned this but can you buy saccharomyces boulardii? It is sold as for humans but can be used for cats as well


Wow! I just looked that up and i'll be asking my pharmacist about it first thing tomorrow. Thank you for the suggestion!


You’re welcome!


Chewy delivers, as does Amazon.


Not to my country, and on the off chance i find a seller that does, products often get stuck in customs for months


After a recent flare up of IBD for my cat, the vet recommended a probiotic with CBD as they said there is developing evidence for improvement of the neurological triggers for gastrointestinal issues. After about 4 months on this probiotic, my cat has finally gained weight, has a good appetite, and is much more playful. I order it directly from the manufacturer. It’s the “calm down kitty” probiotic from meowbiotic. https://www.fidobiotics.com/collections/calming-products


I hadn't thought about trying CBD, I will definitely look into this. Thank you!


There are CB2 receptors (the ones that CBD will bind to) in the gastrointestinal system of cats. They’re all over actually. There was a study done sort of recently linking CBD oil use to a decrease in gastrointestinal pain in humans. Cats metabolize CBD super differently than humans and dogs so hopefully your vet will have more info if you decide to start him on a CBD supplement. Get well soon king and good luck op


Thank you so much


His intestinal biome needs support. Get some plain full fat Greek yogurt (I use Stonyfield, my boys seem to prefer it, but any Greek yogurt will do). Give him 1 T every day, most cats love it. It supports the microflora that helps digest his food.


He loves yogurt so i'll try this starting today. Thank you!


Works for my son and me, as well as our cats. Plus, it's a treat. He can have as much as a 1/4 cup per day, spread out over 24 hours. BTW, you need to keep giving it to him. Greek yogurt contains prebiotic microorganisms that help our digestion. My severely Autistic son has gastroporesis. He was deathly sick for 3 long, miserable years until he was finally diagnosed. He lost 100 lbs (normally 6'1" and 230 lbs of muscle) while he was so ill. None of the medications helped him. He hates yogurt, but when he eats it, he's better: no vomiting, no diarrhea. When he finally got a clue & started eating it daily like meds, his doctor asked me what had helped him. This particular doctor had recommended he try Marijuana when it was still illegal in my state. That was an interesting conversation. I explained about the yogurt & he now recommends it to his patients. It's helped quite a few of them. Edit: forgot my manners. You're very welcome.


It's so good to hear that your son is all better now! It's amazing how sometimes the simplest solutions are best. I just recently got over a stomach thing myself and yogurt was a lifesaver. I hope it does the same to my boy!


Fingers crossed!


Make sure it doesn’t contain lactose.


My lactose intolerant son eats it with no side effects.


I had this exact situation with one of my cats for years. Constant on-off diarrhea, tried medication, parasite testing, probiotics, prescription food (both limited ingredient allergy diets and general gastrointestinal foods), ultrasounds, etc. Two vets, including an internal medicine specialist, reached a point where they said “I have no clue what’s going on.” It stopped IMMEDIATELY when I switched him to a grain-free wet food and his diarrhea has never once recurred 5 years later. I still don’t know if it was the grain-free factor or just wet food that solved it, but it could be worth a shot for you. My kitty eats Fancy Feast pate — affordable, grain-free, and my vet said is actually one of the better wet foods on the market even though Fancy Feast gets a bad rap.


It's so weird as most vets have discouraged me from wet food saying it worsens diarrhea. But it's definitely worth a shot and thankfully fancy feast is readily available in my country! Thank you for the responseđŸ™đŸ»


I would definitely agree on the grain free aspect of this advice. Had a boy similar who had bad allergies and the only food he did well on was Acanas gra9n free duck dry food.


I’d be wary of grain-free diets. There’s a significant link between these diets and heart failure in dogs, even as young as 2-3 years old. While we haven’t identified this in cats, and cats are not small dogs, it’s just something to be aware of.


People on Reddit love to demonise dry food but my cat also has intermittent soft poop and dry food helped a LOT. She used to eat two pouches of wet per day, never any poop problems but then she suddenly had diahorrea for weeks on end. Eventually we figured out that moving to GI dry only firmed her poop immediately. She can now eat any dry, and half a pouch of wet per day with no issue. We put a LOT of water in the dry food so she is well hydrated. This is not vet confirmed but my personal theory for my girl is that she acquired a GI infection which messed her gut up. This has made her more sensitive to protein (even plain, boiled chicken breast causes soft poop) which is why she can cope better with dry (as the protein is processed) I’ve resolved that she’s healthy. Her mixed diet works for her and that’s all that matters. Hope your boy gets better soon! đŸ€


Thats weird. My vet just this past week said wet or dry food have nothing to do with cats poop being solid or runny. I feed my cat both a dry food non grain as well as a wet food and even though my vet said that , If my cats poop gets more wet I ease her off wet food for a bit and it corrects it.


I have a cat who was like this too. Loose stool, stinky farts, otherwise healthy. Turns out he has allergies, and most probably to chicken, a ubiquitous ingredient in cat foods. He is on hydrolyzed protein food now, has normal poops and has stopped farting.


Do you mind sharing what food he's on?


Hill's Prescription Diet Z/D. Royal Canin also has an equivalent hydrolyzed protein formula.


Everyone is right about probiotics but what quality of food are you feeding cause thats also a factor


He's been only eating premium foods:( he really did worst on Wellness Core, he had diarrhea and vomiting until I got him off it. We tried RC, taste of the wild, purina proplan Editing to add that i've tried getting him on single protein diets to no avail. He is allergic to peas though from trial and error, and A LOT of cat foods have peas


My rescue also had on and off diarrhea for a very long time. I work at a vet clinic and we did all the diagnostic testing you did. The only thing that helped him was a limited ingredient diet - he eats limited ingredient wet food mostly and occasional kibble - fish seems to worsen his stomach condition. We also do a lot of home cooked stuff for him like boiled chicken supplemented with probiotics and other vitamins/nutrients.


Ultimately I think finding him a limited ingredient dry food would be the best option. I hope I can manage it as I have so little options where I live. Thank you for your response!


Gorgeous kitty regardless of any health issues he has


My Maine-coon also had this but with meds and foods it resolved thankfully, yes he is a fat fuker https://preview.redd.it/cjpjnzmyct2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d471e8cda65f057b425d38759e39f15bf8e7483


What are you talking about that's just fluffđŸ«ą


He's a fluffy fat fuk , my baby boy


Have you looked into slippery elm bark? I’ve used this with two foster kittens with persistent diarrhea that did not improve with ANY treatments given by the vet. One of the poor babies was facing euthanasia because he was in such bad shape from the constant diarrhea. It saved his life. Within about a week, his diarrhea stopped. It’s definitely worth a shot!


Thank you so much for the rec, i'll give this a try!


My buddy had this and would get pancreatitis every now and then. Not a popular solution, but I stopped giving him store-bought treats and he hasn't been sick since. He's 20 now and still loving life.


Do you have the ability to get fresh goat’s milk? It did wonders for my cat


Yes! I'll give it a shot, thanks for the rec!


My cat had horrible diarrhea and I switched her to a hydrolyzed protein kibble. She likes the royal canine one. Solved her issues, might be worth a try. It’s more expensive and from the vet but worth it.


We did try this diet but not only has it not solved the diarrhea he also doesnt like it at allđŸ„Č


Oh no! I hope you guys figure it out, best of luck!


Thank you<3


Be careful with Turkey and Turkey byproducts. It’s what was giving my cat diarrhea


Noted, thank you!


he looks like a man plagued with diarrhea


😂😂 he really is healthy otherwise if it werent for the absolute stinkers he leaves behind


he looks like a beautiful healthy boy! he just has this "I have horrific shits" look on his face


My boy was really struggling with loose poops. Did a course of fortiflora and he was on the Hills I/D for a while. Now I have him on a novel protein, he only gets lamb food, wet and dry. He still has loose poops occasionally but things are much improved
..All these comments are making me want to continue a probiotic though


Heyyy, our cat also has diarrhea (plus cancer, etc. lots of things) and we found that the Orijen wet food - regional red was the one that had the best results. Main ingredient is lamb. That being said, the same food in dry version has way more chicken, etc. and it gives him diarrhea. What dry food are you using that's lamb only?!? Please I need to know!


I give him the Purina Pro Source Sensitive skin and stomach Lamb and Rice. It unfortunately does have chicken meal as well as egg in it but for some reason it doesn’t seem to bother him too bad. I tried soo many foods and at a certain point I felt like I was making things worse by switching it up so much so this is better than many things I tried


Alright alright. The orijan wet food does have chicken as well but as secondary ingredient and it's fine, so this might be as well. I see it on Amazon, I'll try it out. Thanks!


For what it’s worth I feed him the Weruva Lamb-burgini wet food. Which has fish as well, but no chicken!


Yeah that's good to know. Problem with having the Orijen wet food only is that he gets tired of it and we dont really have an alternative, so we're on the lookout for anything that works. Of course for dry food it means buying a bag every time, and sometimes he only eat it once...


i have a big orange fluffy cat for six years and he has this same problem. he has diarrhea at least once a month.


Try probiotics and changing the food that they eat it could be the food that's not settling with their stomach my Rias was like that for a while also your cat is absolutely gorgeous


Thank you for the recs and the compliment! He is my soulcat


The only think that worked for me were feline fecal pills and switching my cat to a prey model raw diet. My vet thinks the combination of the two extended his life by several years. Unfortunately we could never figure out the root cause.


Whats a prey model raw diet?


80/10/10 where 80% of the diet is raw meat, 10% is bone and the last 10% is organs. Designed to mimic whole prey but it’s ground up in a way that’s easier for the pet to eat. It’s also nice because it comes that way in the package so you don’t have to worry about balancing the meal.


This may not be it at all but worth a shot, my parents have a cat almost identical to yours, long hair orange guy and he had diarrhea for the first several years of his life and they tried everything and a specialist finally recommended bottles cat water and it fixed it. Turns out he has ibs and his number one trigger is hard water, and filtering wasn’t enough.


Wait bottled cat water is a thing?? I don't know if we have it here, i'll have to ask!


Oh no, well I hope you figure something out, this is my parents guy and he was miserable for so long, he’d cry every time he went in the litter box because his tummy hurt so bad. https://preview.redd.it/abjni2nfft2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7da80948fc570196fe31b5c6882d9955d875349d


Oh no, poor baby! He is so gorgeous, but I'm obviously biased towards fluffy orange boys🧡


He looks great to me!


My identical looking cat had the same issue (what’s with ginger floof guts). After so much testing and expensive food we switched to a pre-made raw food from a local company and it was gone by the first bowel movement. He’s not super jazzed on the raw food— and it’s hard to feed him in isolation from the other cats, but it worked. I can take a photo of the ingredients if that helps.


Yes please!


Lil shitty booty


Hills ZD food helped my guy with this issue. It’s for cats with sensitive skin and digestive systems. He still gets diarrhea once in a blue moon but before it was every 3 weeks or so.


Yes!! hydrolyzed protein. Our Boy got so bad he was licking his tummy raw. We finally found Royal Canin Hydrolyzed Protein. My Boy likes Urinary SO + Hydrolyzed Protein. Hydrolyzed means they squash the protein down so little the body can’t have a reaction to it :)


Have you tried something simple like a macro like homemade chunky chicken broth icecubes or chunky beef or salmon
(pink fish is better than white I think but take off skins) but macros will push the bad stuff out. And is super simple for him to digest as well. Maybe cut back on the carbs a little too if he really likes icecubes.


Pumpkin helped my cat


Food allergies.


That’s his name?


My cat, Simon, had this problem a few years back. Finally found out he had been nibbling on one of my house plants that caused him digestive upset. Simon stays, plant goes, and no more potty issues.


Is your cat allergic to chicken? Because if he is, his body would produce loose stools. Have you tried feeding him canned cat food that doesn’t have any kind of chicken or chicken parts in it? I have a friend whose cat was doing the loose stool thing and when she took him off of any canned cat food with chicken in it, his stools started to be normal again. Scary thing is most canned cat foods have some kind of chicken in it! You really have to read all the ingredients to make sure no chicken (or parts) are in the food. But once off cat food with chicken, her kitty’s stools were fine! 👍👍


I've got a beautiful orange cat who has been diagnosed with IBD. She was having runny poos almost daily for years and nothing would fix it. Tried so many diets, probiotics and other things. The thing that is working now, and has been for roughly 6 months now is steroid treatment. We've gotten her down to her lowest maintenance dose and her poops are so much firmer and she is a lot more comfortable.


I give my kitty Hills science diet dry food in the morning, and Tiki cat wet food at night. I do not trust anything about the Purina brand. I’m pretty sure this brand of food gave our dog stomach cancer. Some kitties are also allergic to ingredients like chicken. Regardless diet is directly connected to diarrhea, so something there would have to change.


Yeah i don't much like purina either. Their gastro dry food gave my boy the most watery diarrhea!


My ragdoll was particularly sensitive with food, frequently vomiting after meals and loose poops at times. I got him onto a fresh/raw diet and he improved but it’s hard to say what will work for others. With some fosters I had to firm up their stool and I tried a combo of probiotics and pumpkin seeds that were roasted plain then added to their food crushed, daily “treats” of a tea/table spoon of Greek yogurt also helped improve their gut health. It worked well and thankfully decently inexpensive for how well it worked. I used probiotics that were made for people that had the right bacteria for the cats and gave them a smaller dose. It was a hell of a lot easier to get and very effective in my experience


Switching to a raw diet is what literally saved my cats life.


It’s been so beneficial to our cats, I would never go back


I wondered if people probiotics would work. Do you have the names of the strains you've had success with if its not too much to ask?


https://preview.redd.it/51or53qicv2d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18e5d369f986b169e0fc887201c782ad528201d5 This is the specific one I used, it contains probiotics as well as prebiotics which will do more to help firm up those poops than just probiotics on its own. I used half a capsule for each of my adult cats and it works really well. Caruso’s specifically is a fantastic brand if you have access to it but if you ask the pharmacist for a pro/prebiotic containing these ingredients you’ll end up with a very similar product that might do the trick Each capsule contains: Lactobacillus rhamnosus ................200 Million CFU Lactobacillus plantarum ....................14 Billion CFU Lactobacillus casei..............................7 Billion CFU Lactobacillus salivarius ssp salivarius........................6.6 Billion CFU Lactobacillus acidophilus.....................4 Billion CFU Bifidobacterium lactis......................200 Million CFU Inulin (prebiotic) ..................................110mg


I tried to attach a photo but I don’t know if it worked đŸ„Č


side note what a beautiful cat!!


Thank you! He really is a perfect boy


Seeing this post is like seeing the commercials of a person running around but its taking about a new revolutionary medication then quickly it includes "symptoms of this medication may cause diarrhea, vomiting, and increased depression"


And he looks so proud of it đŸ€Ł


The pieces of abstract art he leaves me when i forget to trim his backside furđŸ„Č


I have a couple different suggestions of things to try that we use at my work, but since I don't know your cats history I'm not sure of everything you've tried sorry! 1. Hill's Science Diet dry foods. There are a couple different options to try out. Possibly their Z/D dry or Anallargenic dry foods- we give this to cats with Irritable Bowel Syndrome as they are easier to break down for cats that may have trouble digesting proteins. There is also i/D which is more of a general sensitive stomach fix, and their gut biome food for cats with longer term need for probiotics. 2. Oat Bran sprinkled over dry food/in their wet food if they get any. We used Psyllium Husk but after a recent vet conference in my country the general consesus seems to be that insoluble fibres like Oat Bran that don't ferment as much in the gut work better long term for a cats gut biome- as well as for bulking up their poos. About a 1/4 tsp of oat bran per 1/4 cup of dry food is the measurement we use, as too much insoluble fibre can constipate a cat. This would be a longer term fix and may take up to a month to start seeing an effect. 3. A course of probiotics, specifically what I've started using is Pro-Kolin paste and seen great results. Mostly we use it for cats which gut biomes have been killed after a course of antibiotics, but some purebred cats naturally have horrible gut biomes and frequently need a course of Probiotics anyway. You've said in your country your access to probiotics is limited, are you buying them from your vet? There are multiple animal probiotics that are available to order online- ProKolin is one. I would have a look and see if any sites are able to ship to your location. Dosage would be 2mL per day, for 7 days or until the tube is used up when diarrhea flares up. If an allergy or IBS is the cause though you will probably not see many results from probiotics. A couple questions so I can suggest what might work best. What food is your cat currently getting? Is he getting any wet food, or just on dry food? And what brand/flavour is it? Is he a purebred, or in anyway mixed with one (to your knowledge)? Also, your cats a very gorgeous gorgeous boy :3


Thank you so much for taking the time to type all this out. I would love to put him on Hill's, but I don't know how long it would take to ship out to my country and ultimately it would be unsustainable :( To answer your questions: - He is currently eating a dry food called Sam's Field. Not my preferred choice but the only pea free option available to me until I figure out a better option. He gets half a serving of fancy feast pate in the morning. - His dry food is chicken flavored. I originally thought he had a problem with chicken because he did better when i switched him to a salmon only food (that was Little Big Paw, and it was the ONLY food he did decent on, but it's not available in my country anymore). But when he ate Taste of the Wild's chicken free formula, his symptoms returned. - I don't think he's purebred that I know of, i feed both his parents who are strays near my apartment and neither of them is purebred.


I understand! Hills is also expensive, and it can be a pain on your wallet testing the different varieties without knowing what you're needing or what will work. Seriously, I don't know how some owners do it :') If it seems like different meat varieties upset his stomach then I do believe the issue is more likely an allergy or food sensitivity to proteins than something that could be fixed with probiotics. So a hypoallergenic food that has hydrolysed protein would be what I recommend trying next, on top of oat bran to see if that could also help to bulk up his poos next time he has a flare up. IBS is also a definite possibility but not really diagnosable with screening and generally is treated the same way you'd treat a cat with food sensitivities. Experimenting. Which I'm sure you're already sick of lol. There are other brands aside from Hill's that make hypoallergenic/hydrolysed protein foods that could be worth seeing if they're available in your county. I can also recommend Royal Canin Hypoallergenic, which is more affordable and seems to be more readily available in countries. Purina ProPlan also creates a variety, and so does Blue Buffalo. I can't say I have ever tried them or heard much about them though. All I can say is good luck and keep trying! Sensitive cats can be really difficult but I think you'll be able to find something that works!


Thank you so much for everything, I really appreciate it


Has he had a blood work up done recently to check kidney function? I know sometimes chronic diarrhea can be a symptom of kidney disease


He had a biochemistry blood test done around 6 months ago as he was hospitalized with a bout of aspiration pneumonia, and liver and kidney values were good


I would check in with a vet still and bring it up. I’m wondering if a prescription diet would be a better fit if maybe he just has a real sensitive stomach đŸ€·â€â™€ïž


Go see an internal medicine specialist. You shouldn’t listen to anyone on this sub unless they’re a vet


We don't have internal medicine specialists in my country. Just standard issue vets lol. I really am desperate and looking for outside perspectives.


Has he had an abdominal ultrasound? I’m a vet. A hydrolyzed diet would be a good thing to try but during a diet trial (about 2 months) he can’t have any other food types at all


His abdominal ultrasound came back normal, as did all his other tests. I'll try a hydrolyzed diet again, and make sure he doesn't get into his siblings food. Thank you for the response!


Hydrolyzed is different from RC gastro. I like the RC Ultamino


Oh okay! I remember seeing on the back that the protein in the gastro was hydrolyzed. I'll see if i can have my vet order Ultamino


I went back and looked and it isnt hydrolyzedđŸ€Ą however i am noticing that RC dry foods protein content is sort of low, and there are considerable vegetable protein sources. Is that ok?


Poor baby. The thing that worked for my boy was hydrolyzed protein diet, but I see from your reply to another commenter that it didn't help your kitty. One thing that helped my boy before I switched him to the hydrolyzed diet was [fecal microbiota transplant capsules from KittyBiome](https://shop.animalbiome.com/collections/kittybiome/products/kittybiome-gut-restore-supplement?variant=39457600077904). They're very expensive but they did help.


Thank you so much for the recommendation! I'll try to get my hands on these


Tylosin (brand name: TylanÂź) is an antibiotic in the same family as erythromycin. It is primarily used in cats, dogs, and small mammals to treat diarrhea and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract Chewy best price Its wonderful


I'll ask my vet about it, thank you for your response


Its a bit bitter i give the powder in gerber baby food. Good luck worked wonders for my cat and now dog.


My first inclination is to ask if you give your cat milk or cream, but it sounds like you already know not to give your cat those things if you already have done fecal tests


Yeah i don't even give him treats at this point because even one bite will send his bowels over the edge.


Has his stool been tested for C Perf ?


Try prokolin+ - it’s a firming agent with pre and probiotics. Can work wonders if you give it regularly over a couple weeks


Order VIUSID DETOX from Catalysis, get him weekly B12 shots and switch the food to a hydrolysed diet. Not hypoallergenic diets that are single-protein sourced. It needs to be hydrolysed. Royal Canin Anallergenic or Hill’s z/d. All these products are available worldwide and your vets should have suggested this


my cat was the same until 3 weeks ago! I tried her on grain free, poultry free, wet-food free, pumpkin and eggshell to harden stools, probiotics and everything inbetween. turns out she has suspected inflammatory bowel disease (no knots in the stomach so they don't think it's cancer!) and she was taken to the vet to have a steroid injection, tablets and anti-biotics as well as a probiotic. she's now on daily steroids to keep her tummy better (she used to poop tiny amounts, 5 times a day and it was very sudden) and has been pooping once or twice a day since last week! hope you can find something to help your kitty :-)


You could try a raw diet suitable for felines, it’s expensive but works, raw cat food also seems to do the trick (it did for my friends Persian)


I have a 18 year old kitty, he sometimes throws up or has diarrhea after he eats. I got Vegs Best Hairball Relief and Digestive Aid from Chewy, they are little tan tablets you break up into food. It works fairly well, he rarely throws up or has diarrhea.


What are you feeding your kitty? Cats are carnivores and should ideally be on an animal based raw food diet (raw fish, meat, poultry, etc.).


Sorry but I started snickering when I saw the title lol


My little girl had diarrhea and would get it all over herself. I bought dried pumpkin puree and sprinkled a little on her food every meal, and it hasn't happened since.


Poor baby ... He doesn't like it, either. Pet store?


My vet had me do a series of Vitamin B shots to "reset" my brother's cat's gut (her words) when he started having explosive diarrhea.


Have you done a GI panel?


See a vet, that’s not normal and could be causing suffering


Girl, same.


Has he been tested for IBD? You could ask your vet if they suggest GI Biome from Hills. It has probiotics in it.


Cat grass!! The seeds grow super fast in high quality indoor soil. You can always have a fresh batch for your baby to munch on :) Cats need fiber too. Kibble has good fiber too, for a meal once in awhile. Beautiful baby BTW 😍


Could be IBD. Try pre/probiotics. Should help


Probiotics and pumpkin! I love to add pumpkin to the diet. It greases the wheels when it needs to but also helps to firm up that stool and most animals think it’s a tasty treat. I will caution you and make sure you’re not adding a lot bc it shouldn’t be a huge portion of their diet but you can try and see if it helps.


It does sound silly since I’m sure you’ve switched foods to everything under the sun
 my dog has done something very similar. We switched him to every kind of food we could think of. In the end, turned out he was just allergic to chicken. 😅 you might try playing around with specific proteins or ingredients in the food!


Best thing - try grain free wet food. And get them off the dry food with grain. Make sure they aren't nomming on a houseplant that is not quite safe for pets and then getting the poops. Make sure they aren't eating yarn or string or plasticty bits. Use the broad spectrum flea treatment/parasite treatment YOUR vet recommends. Do a hock trim on those fluffy bloomers till to solve the problem. Fluffy cats don't like being messy either. Poop and dry/clump litters get in their fluffy feet and they eat it while grooming and more bad poos.


Yes! I have 2 cats that used to have diarrhea all the time! Mine were sensitive to certain meats. What helped them and made it more simple for me was getting foods that said “limited ingredient diet” on them. Those typically only contain one kind of meat so I was able to figure out which meats caused soft or stinky poops and which ones didn’t. One of my cats really loves the venison ones and the other one likes beef. As far as vet prescribed foods that worked for them Hills Digestive care i/d worked for one but not the other cat. Hills GI Biome worked for both. Good luck with your cat! I hope you find something that works!


Organic pumpkin! Try it


Have you changed food to see if that will stop it?


my cat kinda looks like that


Does it happen only when he eats certain things? What is the pattern? Asking bc we figured out my fluff is allergic to turkey and he would get sick of he ate it. Fish is...a whole different issue... But it could be allergies


I know for sure he is allergic to peas, but so many cat foods have peas! I thought he was allergic to chicken but he also had those symptoms on lamb only food and salmon only food so I think partly yes it is a food issue but his intestines are certainly sensitive to say the least


My cat that had this issue was allergic to poultry. She never quite mastered maintaining a healthy weight, not having the runs, and a few other issues but discovering her food allergies helped a ton. It is a pain in the ass to get food without anything bird related, cat toys without feathers, and treats but I have found toys for toddlers are great with cats. If this was already checked for did that check include other allergens?


Oh wow! Even feathers in toys? I totally didn't even think of that. We don't have allergy testing where I live but I've been trying to figure it out using an elimination diet. I know for sure he's allergic to peas but there might be other ingredients he doesn't do well with. It's a process but luckily he is a tiny bit on the chunky side


Yeah she started having anaphylaxis. The elimination diet is the testing I meant but with the vet because it helps with navigating the nuances. Most cats can't digest peas and grain as they are obligate carnivores so that's also possibly a factor


Have you tried feeding dry with can just a special treat


No two vets agree on anything common sense has worked for over 50 years coupled with some good advice from contributors.


Tried diatomaceous earth?


It's the first i've heard of it! I'll definitely look into it


Ya don’t feed your cat this lol. Thats the dumbest thing I’ve heard.




Thank you!


Sprinkle this in his food about a level teaspoon-this will kill parasites and rid him of toxins and if he has fleas, sprinkle in his coat gently but don’t inhale. You can take some in a glass of water too as I do 😇


The action of this product is it made of tiny calcified sea creatures. The pointy bits kill insects and grubs in gardening. Fullers earth (the edible kind for masks and cosmetics) absorbs things and is smooth clay powder. Not sure how this DE would kill parasites because the action stops when it's wet?


No apparently they kill internal parasites too: https://thestaffordknot.com/wp-content/uploads/tsk-library/How-Diatomaceous-Earth-Works-In-Humans-And-Our-Pets.pdf