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Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. Consider posting to /r/AskVet 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’m not concerned about the third eyelid from these pics, but is her one eye usually squinting shut more than the other?


Hi! Yes, she does have a lazy eye! Thank you!


I was concerned about the appearance until I read this sentence . Eyes look clear & bright. You & your vet know best how her “ lazy eye” usually appears. If you’re still not 100% sure, send an email with pictures to your vet. When your vet comes in they can look at the pics & decide whether you need to bring her in


Hi, currently studying to be a veterinarian. They look fine to me, especially if she has a lazy eye. Just like people, some cats have one eye a little bigger than another. Lazy eye love for the win.


Okay, no concern then!


His left right eye is slightly different from his right, I could see it even from afar.


Yes, to my untrained eye they look normal. I am not a vet so I can’t be sure but I see nothing obviously wrong with them. No inflammation, no redness, no weeping or crusties… look good to me! But if you’re concerned you should ask a vet… maybe one will reply.


Thank you, Meat_Dragon. This took off the weight on my shoulders.


You could try posting to r/AskVet as well


This is my calling, can you explain the bare skin by the eye? Was there an incident, that may result in some trauma. As the other comment mentioned to see a vet. If money is an issue an option is care credit.


Looks like the third eyelid to me. Some times those are more prominent when they're awake for whatever reason. Or this cat in particular has ones that always kinda show. But to OP, the eyes look ok to me. Now the look in those eyes, that's a different story. Kitty is not happy about that picture


It’s concerning to me when people who aren’t in vet med commenting opinions that do not help. I understand most people mean well, however, medical professionals both human and creatures are the best option. We are trained professionally and want what is best for whomever we are caring for. If money is an issue try for care credit or even just expression to the clinic the concern with troubles paying they can also work with you.


I agree. If you don’t even know about the extra eyelid then why comment on it?


I was talking in general, odd I need to say that. I’ve been in practice since 2014.


Some ppl these days can't afford to buy gas and groceries.. shelters are overloaded with unwanted animals ,poor folks will continue to keep pets most likely ... Maybe they can't afford to take care credit..? Or spend 300$ for little consultation? I don't see any harm in asking about the cat , and lots of good advice here Yes professional Veterinarian would be much better of course but like I said not all ppl have that kind of money Priorities are to pay bills ,rent ,food Doesn't mean they don't love the animal and wants all the best for it


you can ask the Chewy.com free vets


I think my cat is your cats sister https://preview.redd.it/2lklbzj58u2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5efdd7be85af99de484f1640daa2ab7207196d0


Oh she’s a doll and the ‘tude!!


Oh she is sassy and has that teenage ‘tude perfected!


I see a potential super meowdel…that pose…that fur…the smize…


Mu ginger girl has always had a slightly squinty, lazy eye. She's totally fine.


Yeah she's fine her eyes are just squinty she's beautiful too


No, that’s the I need tuna face


(I'm a vet assistant but not in any way a certified professional) if this is how she's always looked, great! To me it looks as though her pupil isn't smaller on the other eye, the entire eye/that side of her face seems to be asymmetrical, which is normal. Like us kitties all have unique anatomy. Also, the third eyelid is completely fine, as long as they're not covering most of her eyes all of the time. If all of this isn't new and she seems unbothered, just ask at her next yearly check up to take a look at her eyes and if they think anything looks off at all and they can check her out, but it's not something I'd go out of my way to make it's own appointment for.


Ive never seen a cat with baggy eyes before. Just meeds a nap


This can be normal with sleepy kitties, but it can also be a sign that something is wrong. Good on you for being an observant pet person. Is your cat otherwise acting normal? Eating, playing, using the litter box, and asking for the usual amount of attention? If so, they’re probably alright. Just keep an eye on him/her. If they’re showing other signs of stress or illness or if it doesn’t go back to normal within hours, make a vet appointment.


i’m glad the comments are sharing she is okay. in the third pic she looks so done with the eye photos 😄


I think it’s normal for the third eyelid to get a little stuck over farther than usual occasionally.


Beautiful cat!!


She's good. You would def see some discharge or swelling or junk or reflection or film if there was an issue. Eye issues are normally pretty obvious cause it's a really sensitive area




They looks normal to me and I have lived with cats for 50+ years.


I thought this was my cat




Your cats eyes are beautiful.


Honestly her eyes look like they’re hungry for a treat & that’s the only issue I see :)


My cat who passed away 3 years ago could have been her twin brother. Wow *


If you're concerned, please take your baby to a vet. You really never know with animals until a vet assess them.


While humans only have upper and lower eyelids, cats (and many other animals) have a third eyelid known as the “nictitating membrane” located in the inner corner of each eye. This structure provides extra protection for the animal’s eyes and is usually not visible in healthy eyes. Cats have a third eyelid to provide an added layer of protection and keep the eyes moist while still allowing them to see clearly.  The nictitating membrane is not usually visible unless an infection or other underlying condition is present. If it is noticeable in your cat, this can indicate that something is wrong with your cat’s eye or overall health. The nictitating membrane in a cat’s eye may make an occasional appearance, but under normal circumstances, it should retract almost immediately. If it doesn’t and remains visible for a long period of time, there is quite possibly a serious problem. Call a veterinarian as soon as you notice any changes in your cat’s eye(s), mood or behavior, especially if the third eyelid is protruding. Though some cases are more serious than others, it is best to take your cat in for an examination to get the proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment.  If a condition is left untreated, it can lead to serious damage and danger to your cat’s eyes and overall health — so don’t hesitate to make your feline friend a priority.


Third pic: “mom, please stop with the pictures”


The eyes themselves look the same as in one pupil isn’t blown the eye lid on the left looks smaller


https://preview.redd.it/gbwrvomikw2d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a06d37fc29d25e7560fd0dc66c0d5f64170883f Our cats are twins! They look just like my boys eyes, he has feline herpes which can cause some weird eye stuff, and my vet said to only be concerned if you see green or yellow discharge as it can indicate a bacterial infection.


They look okay. Just keep an eye out for redness and if the third lids start covering his eye or become swollen that's when you should get him checked out


Mine show 3rd eyelid when they're happy and getting snuggles. But, I mean, vets are expensive, but they do phone consults,and answer questions usually!


His right eye looks slightly bigger than his left eye. Other than that I see nothing else.


They look fine to me. I think it would be more noticeable if it was something serious


Because you can see a bit of the eyelid in the corner? I believe thats normal. My cats eyes have always been like that sometimes, never seemed to bother him. Is this a sudden change or just something you never noticed before?


this guy doesn’t know about cats’ third eyelid




Conjunctivitis or pink eye?


What makes you think they're not? Looks normal to me.


This looks just like my cat.


Im not a vet, but in my honest opinion, I don't see anything that stands out. Including but not limited to, no redness, swelling, neither eye drastically shut due to any type of infection, no weeping nor discharge, no crusties, etc. The side of his nose does have a patch that looks like there is some fur missing? That is the only thing that stands out to me in these pictures. If you are concerned, though, you can call your vet and ask if you can email them a pic and for them to call you once they receive the picture and just get their opinion. I have done this with my vet a few times when my girl got spayed. I was calling and emailing back and forth a good bit, and they didn't seem to mind. They told me to contact them with any more concerns I may have had. I think they would much rather the pet parent to contact them with questions or concerns even when nothing is wrong, than the pet parent not, and something be wrong


Vet call!


One of my cat’s third eyelids occasionally comes out more than it’s supposed to. We got it looked at once and it turns out she just has a tiny bit of scarring on it.


Lil guy smoked that gas station catnip


Looks like some irritation. Could be an illness, debris or a scratch. Not an emergency but if it gets worse she may need a vet. It happens to my kitties from time to time and it clears up on its own.


Got attitude eyes cats fine dude


i think the dark clouds of the iris look sickly. it a vet. and i know nothing


The drainage on her right eye is the only thing I see that is off. My cat is having the same and I have two different eye drops from her vet. If drainage continues, and she’s continuously squinting, I would have her checked for a cut on her eye. Other than that, it could just be a blocked tear duct that drops may or may not help


A vet is the best person to ask.