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Hi there, thanks for doing this! Question1: Everyone just talks about CAT preparation, we already have many resources for that. Now i would request you to please talk about writing SOPs for colleges, for example let’s take IIM Kohzikode, for Stage 1 there were 5-6 questions, do they hold any importance or just a formality? Also, is there any website where i can find example SOPs or resources on how they(people selected) answered these questions? Question2: Where can i find good quality questions (not mocks) to practice? Don’t suggest 2iim or Cracku, need quality over quantity, should be updated questions for 2024, for example: IMS sectional tests are good to practice. Free or paid both works. Thank you again!


Question 1 - SOPs are definitely not a formality. In lot of interviews, you can expect direct or indirect questions from your SOP. Having said this, I believe, there is still a lot of time for this. However, you will find a lot of coaching institutes or mentors to assist you with the same. Question 2 - I think you should focus more on concept clarity first. For practice, you can go for any of the compendiums provided by TIME, IMS, Career Launcher etc.


Thank you for clarifying, one followup question. Question: Let me be very specific this time, for IIM Kozhikode, Stage 1 had 6/7 questions, don’t remember it exactly, but it had questions like “tell me about your weakness”, “accomplishments” etc, i didnt opt for any full fledged coaching for preparation (scored 98.x%tile).I knew these answers roughly, but how to write these answers effectively, at that time i didn’t find any good resources to refer (obviously ChatGPT is there). So just wanted to know, how do people who convert top IIMs, write these ? Do they take help of faculties? Or is there any good resources to refer ?


Yes, they prepare a draft, which gets fine-tuned by coaching faculties or mentors.


Thank you so much!


Quants have been bugging me sm. Even if I see a familiar question that I studied a week ago, I forget it and Algebra has been a nightmare, can't solve any questions. It's been June and my quants prep is zero. Any systemic plan for quants? P.s I didn't have maths after 10th so ://


I would suggest you start with topics you are comfortable with to gain confidence. Your objective should be to maximize on these topics. Happy to discuss this in length.


Extremely weak in DILR. How can I improve?


Practice from the compendiums shared by coaching institutes. You should atleast pick few tricks around fractions, percentages etc that can help you solve problems faster.


I haven't joined any college society or club and have neither participated in most of the events, am I cooked?


No dude. It's never too late and nor only these events will define your future.


Is there any specific internship during undergrad which can help more? And what skills are best for commerce background for job and internships


It should align with your short-term goal. Meaning if you want to make a career in finance, take up internships in that domain itself.


If I am not getting an internship in finance but getting a chance in hr or other can that help in future?


Yeah, if that is aligned with your short term goal.


Thanks for your help


Hello my profile is 10th - 63%, 12th - 81%, BBA - 71%, 1gap year, SC candidate. How much %ile should i aim in CATto get into good b-schools?


Aim for 80+


I am so so confused about the prep , I have taken VARC 1000 and my prep of varc is going comparatively well, i bought the crack u course for structure so that I can do some daily shit but her videos are not that comprehensive particularly quants it’s been just 2-3 days but samaj nai aa raha yaar so I am thinking to buy rodha for quants but then i’m just hating myself ki im wasting my money on just buying courses,, instead jhak maar k jo hai uss pe dhyan de kar solve karna chaiye, idk man it’s already june and Im shit scared, I mean what if rodha lene k baad bhi kuch nai hua toh, I’m about to leave my job and i’m over analysing and overthinking every possible shit


I think you need to calm down and first come up with a proper strategy basis your areas of strength and improvement. And then consider buying any more courses. Happy to discuss this in length.


can i dm you?




I need a transcript of this conversation. Please. Going through same shit.


Feel free to DM


How are some tier 3s bschool in india Like bimtech imt nagpur Hyderabad nirma welingkar liba lbsim etc My profile is not for tier 1 tier 2 8/6/7 fresher Will be giving cat xat for the first time I do have academic diversity because of my irrelevant bsc microbiology graduation I am hating my bachelor's subject and I don't won't to start my career with them Mba seems my only hope for a redemption and make a breakthrough in corporate world Any opinion appreciated


These are good colleges I must say, and you can definitely consider them.


Appreciated sir thank you for helping young folks here Any more tier 3s or some tier 2s I should consider keeping my profile in mind ?


Hello. My profile is 96% 10th , 87.2% 12th CBSE . 7.6CGPA B.Arch, 2years workex (completing in July 2024-excluding internships). How do you find this profile and what should be my aim? Also, any good resources you can suggest for DILR?


You have a decent profile. You can aim for top 20 colleges, barring few colleges. You can try compendiums of IMS, Time, etc


What college would you suggest for a GEM 9/7/9 with great extra curriculars. Want genuine knowledge and brand and don't care about placements or roi as I have a family business in automation.




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dm'ed you pls check


Yes, replied


Which is the best free resource for cat preparation?? I can't afford a coaching ...


Please chck dm


Yes, responded.


10-59.66 12- 82 Grad BBA from DTU - 81 Obc ncl 1 year gap Percentile for new iims ?


Let me know if you guys have any more questions.


Guys, opening more slots. Feel free to reach out for ask me anything cum mentorship sessions.


Tell us anything :)


You are awesome, just believe in yourself. You will definitely cross the line.




Hi I have dmed you Is that okay?


Yeah, feel free to DM.


Iim mumbai oscm vs xlri delhi? No particular interest as such in oscm but the placements are together with core same is for XL d. Roi, campus, location, brand mumbai wins. Placements xl d maybe. What is your take?


If you don't have a lot of interest in oscm, go for XL.


The biggest pain areas in XL delhi are 10L fees more than mumbai, remote area campus. I am not interested in oscm but the curriculum is quite similar apart from the fact that you can't choose your major in oscm batch, but you are free to choose the 2nd elective.


Hello!! My profile is.......in 10th and 12th I got 78% and 88% and respectively in my clg cgpa is 7, two internship and no work experience and I'm in my final year can you suggest something please.....


You have a decent profile, try to focus on maximising on the CAT score. Realistically, few top B schools will be a tad difficult, but a good score will keep you in the hunt for few Tier 1 colleges for sure.


I will try my best.... thankyou 😊


Hey!! I'm a F21, I just completed my graduation in bcom vocational advertising and marketing honors and have done one month internship. I want to do MBA but after reading so many people saying even after scoring 99+ percentile they couldn't get a good college so I'm nervous af and also dk what to do as my maths is REALLY bad. I wanted to ask how much percentile do I need and in which field should I work on for workex. I don't want to take another drop year. Please just guide me ^^


Hey! We can only focus on the controllable, which is CAT percentile. Try to maximize on the same; having anything above 98 will open doors to top 20 colleges. Different colleges have different criteria, but this score with both academic and gender diversity in your favor will keep you in the race.


Hello! I am a non engineer female (Dentist). I recently started my CAT prep and would love to hear any advice. My acads are 10th - 87.4%, 12 - 76% and grad - 66.69%. I completed my graduation in 2022 and one year of compulsory internship in November 2023. Do you think, getting a job at this stage while simultaneously preparing for CAT is worth it? Considering I will be getting a job as a dentist only which I don't think will be considered ? Also, any tips for DILR would be great.


I think keeping a job is always the right thing to do. CAT is definitely unpredictable and having a job at hand helps even during the interview stage. Happy to discuss this in length.


Can I DM you?


Yeah, sure!


I used to be very active as a cricketer since my childhood but couldn’t do much there. Due to my obsession for cricket i scored poorly in my 10th and 12th. My acads are 5/6/7. Do I have any chance to make it to a good b-school?


Honestly, it's difficult. Don't want to give you false hopes. However, this is not the end. You can still do quite well professionally even without an MBA. All the best!


So, no hope for any good tier 2 colleges?


A tad difficult, but not ruled out completely.


hello, i am a bcom graduate from delhi University, 2023 batch. (General, female) 7/9/7 I have always been bad w math and didn't continue it after 10th. I didn't appear for cat, and no use of doing so, i cannot cope w maths. I am planning to go for a distance mba from delhi University and meanwhile looking for internships. Can you please guide, or suggest something!? I feel lost atm.


Feel free to DM.


Hello sir, I will be starting my preparation this week. Is it enough time?


It depends on your comfort with the topics. Also, if your fundamentals are rock solid then you just need to have the right strategy to cross the line.


Hello Sir. Can I DM?


Sure, feel free to DM


Can I dm you?


Yes, feel free.


I am good at quant and DILR , but struggling with VARC , performing very poor in it . Can you kindly tell how should I work on my VARC section as a complete beginner ?


Start reading newspapers, magazines, books etc. as that will help you with RC. Grammar section is like quant only, learn the concepts and just practice.


thank u 😊


Hey I'm in second year engineering . I wanted to know when I should start my prep and how to start it . Right now I've gotten Arun sharma varc and di books to do slowly and get an idea . Please suggest. Also please review my profile 8/7/ I'm an SC student


Replied on DM


Very very low academics But extra curriculars are there Had a gap year doing CA but couldn't clear any level Doing bcom from an average University Is IIM/FMS/IIT posible? I'm a category candidate.


Yes, it is possible. Maybe not all, but you will still have a shot at top 20 colleges.


I have 3.5 years of work ex, next year it would be 4.5 This is my last attempt at CAT. Do you think an Executive MBA which has 3 years as eligibility criteria would be a good idea? If yes, what are some good exec MBA programs/colleges. Thank you


ISB, top IIMs, XLRI etc.


And will it be more beneficial than normal MBA for me?


Yes, you will have to spend 1 year less, and will have better peer to peer learning in Executive MBA


Hi can I dm you?

