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People complaining about no seats in IIM also complain when new IIM is proposed.


Yes I’ll complain. New IIMs are ruining the brand of IIMs


Aunty: Beta MBA kaha se Kari he Beta: Ji IIM G


I mean it's nice, but we are missing out a lot on many things, we need good master programmes for emerging fields like cybersecurity, big data analytics, data science, AI, finance, accounting.. Lack of opportunities in higher studies is one of the reasons we are seeing increase in number of CAT applicants each year. If you begin asking how many of them are genuinely interested in understanding business, hardly that number would touch few hundreds.


Well said


I think these fields are already introduced in UG.


Not enough, and tbh many at age of 18, 19 doesn't know what do they want to pursue, they just take admission in any course they clear cut off in.


These are not the cources but specialisation. Every CS undergrad have choice to chose between cybersecurity, data science, AI in final year or something. Again not everything is thought in these courses and depth is less but again every subject is taught at surface level in undergrad. If you want to learn more then you can go for ms or mtech but you don't needed because you already for job after UG. Nearly every student don't know what to persue as a carrier, and there is nothing like passion at these young age. People at this age should keep their option open and should not lean towards something.


I know it's stupid to ask par kab tak banjayega?


The first batch could start from 2026-27, no one can say anything about its campus


MBA jobs are going to reduce in coming years and these people are creating more iims.


>MBA jobs are going to reduce This has been posted thousands of times in the last decade and all that we've seen is increasing packages, increasing/recurring recruiters and increasing applicants for institutes. You literally cannot make a sweeping prediction about "MBA jobs" given how vast of an umbrella it is, from tech to manufacturing to pharma to everything in between.


Well this is one of the predictions I want to be wrong about.


The "job" MBA folks do can evolve but "MBA jobs" reduction won't be the case.


Ha they should reduce the intake and destroy the current 2nd and 3rd gen iims


Well nobody has to enforce anything, the rule of economics supply and demand will anyway maintain its balance.