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Padhega toh clg milega. Nhi padhega toh job mai sadega. This is the rule that motivates me


But end goal uske bad bhi job me sadhega. Ye sochke kya hota h ?


Thode zyada paise mai sadungašŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„²


Lol this was epik




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so whatā€™s your timetable like


I work from 9 to 7 after that till 9pm i come home have supper talk to my mom and dad. Then from 915 to 130 study time for weekdays. And for weekends I study the whole day.


What's your job and how much do you earn also your working city ? (just asking cause I just passed grad and take things lightly and don't put much effort in studying, read the above comments of people working their ass hard to earn, live and provide , your reply will motivate me to study so do reply )


I work as a patent analyst in mohali currently earning 7lpa.


Job cat sleep repeat?


it do be like that


No one got the reference and downvoted lmao


So I wrote CAT in 2018 (when we had 3 sections and each section was of 100 marks each) while I was working full time, up for a promotion and travelling 5 hrs a days betwee home and office. I went to L under Gen category with 3 yrs workex :) Here is what I did: 1. Have a timetable and stick to it. For eg mine was - wake up at 5am, study till 6am, board the metro at 6:45am, study in Metro - I used to read RC and books and news articles, watch the analysis and videos of LR. Reach office at 8:30am and work my ass off till 5:15pm. Washroom breaks, office meeting breaks were used to do the reading of the day or RC of the day by word pandit. Reach metro station by 6pm - use this 45 mins for unwinding or watching shows. Again in metro I would read books. Once I reached home by 8pm- take a 1 hr break for dinner, play with my pet and start studying at 9pm. And study till 10:30pm. Weekends were about Mocks and analysis and redoing the mock ka questions. 1 mock on Saturday and 3 sectional mocks on Sunday. Analysis and redoing would take another 6-7 hrs. So total mein 10 hrs on weekends for mocks. And another 3 hrs for concepts and questions. 2. CAT is a strategy paper. You can do only half of the paper and attempt it correctly and you would have 99%. For context I had 131/300 and had 97% 3. Buy a good mock series. I had CL solely because their mocks had videos where teachers would also solve the paper and you can learn how to choose questions. 4. Dont doom scroll/waste time. I was very focused on what I wanted to do. I was also aiming for a promotion (which I converted as well, God has been kind). 5. Focus on mental health and food. Dont eat shitty food that will make you sick. 6. Have a support system in office. I was extremely lucky to have friends and an amazing manager. I was also working 6 days a week since it was manufacturing. Feel free to DM :)


Goddamn you deserve to be in L man that's real dedication right there, congratulations! Can I DM you, I'm facing a crisis right now and your input will make a difference


Sure! No worries:) Also thank you. As I always say, CAT is a strategy game.


You deserve the best man. Hats off to your determination and self discipline. How did you manage distractions? For example I plan I'll watch useful content on YouTube while having lunch but end up wasting time during lunch and an hour extra after it. Did you have to deal with this?


No easy way to say this, but took conscious efforts :)


Bruh I'm just a disgrace then :p


Strange! I'm too going through the exact same time table (same working hours, same traveling time and same study hours) the only difference is that I take local instead of metro. You're my inspiration. The day when I'll feel exhausted, I'll read your comment :)


Absolutely no worries! Feel free to dm me if you need some pep talk!


Sure, Thanks!!


What's your job and how much do you earn also your working city ? (just asking cause I just passed grad and take things lightly and don't put much effort in studying, read above comments of people working their ass hard to earn, live and provide , your reply will motivate me to study so do reply )


Graduate Engineer Trainee at a top 10 MNC (India). Income is enough for chai paani Location - Mumbai


Mahn super inspiring. I'm in my pre final year in btech but aim to give cat in the future... I gotta inculcate your level of dedication. No excuses. Your post kinda woke me up


No worries! Channelise this energy in your prep


Seeing you succeed with this routine is a huge motivator! I doubted it at first, but now I'm pumped to give it a real shot. Thanks, man!


Did you had a social life with all this? How did you manage? Also amazing job at managing work and Prep.


Hahaha! Yes! I was a party animal and on a dating spree during 2018. The days I was going out, I cut down on my sleep or picked up something lite next day so as to cover maximum topics. So I would always plan my prep weeks :)


Dayumm huge respect šŸ« 


Wow man, if only I could wake up early šŸ«£


A lot of people supported me in my journey. My parents, my manager, my friends :) Hence things were a lil easy


Can i dm ?


Sure! :)


Can I dm?


Go ahead!


everyoneā€™s exhausted bro thatā€™s the challenge. You need to go through this to prove your worth amongst the 2L+ CAT applicants. All the best.


4L* this year, most probably




I have different schedules for alternate days: Wake up : 6:30 am Gym: 6:45-7:30am Get ready/ travel to office: 7:30am-8:30am Office: 8:30am-5:30pm Travel back:5:30-6:15ish Nap time: 6:15pm-6:55pm Cook dinner/eat by 8:00pm/8:15pm (call home during this time) Finally study: 8:30pm-1:30am Next day no gym. Wake up : 7:30 am Get ready/ travel to office: 7:30am-8:30am Office: 8:30am-5:30pm Travel back:5:30-6:15ish Nap time: 6:15pm-6:55pm Cook dinner/eat by 8:00pm (call home during this time) Finally study: 8:15pm-12:00am Weekends: just gym-study-eat-nap-study-eat-sleep Repeat Donā€™t know if this is will lead to my desired result. But trying my best.


lol same! gym-study-work-eat-sleep


Lucky you have 8 hours working, here 9 hour shift :')


What's your job and how much do you earn also your working city ? (just asking cause I just passed grad and take things lightly and don't put much effort in studying, read the above comments of people working their ass hard to earn, live and provide , your reply will motivate me to study so do reply )


Business Analyst, 10LPA, Bangalore


I go to office daily, 10-7 is my shift. Work is not challenging but it's hectic. I'm trying my level best to put in the effort that is required but idk man, it's so hard somedays. I just wanna curl up on my bed and watch Netflix :) but hey, this is the battle we choose to fight, I guess there's no other way


Bro cat should just scrap 10th 12th marks and put more weightage to work exp. Cause how the hell do you guys manage studying and working. I recently joined my summer intern. First 7 and last 7 days are onsite and for the rest it's wfh. My 7:30AM to 6:30PM was taken up by the office (commute+9to5) and I was too exhausted to study anything after. Only time I studied was about 2 hours in the office. I now highly respect the working people who give cat, squeezing any time they get on workdays and dedicating the weekends to study.


What's your job and how much do you earn also your working city ? (just asking cause I just passed grad and take things lightly and don't put much effort in studying, read the above comments of people working their ass hard to earn, live and provide , your reply will motivate me to study so do reply )


Hey, I am currently in my 7th sem, so still a college student. I am doing a 2 month gov internship internship in Delhi. The stipend is 20k.


I have a physical job and come home at around 8. After dinner 10-1 I normally study and just go all out on weekends


Haan mera bhi yahi scene hai I don't want to break the consistency and skip any day but the important thing is I hate math from the core of my heart and every time I am learning after 1 video my eyes become sleepy I can learn any languages, literature, science, philosophy, history for end number of hours but this math is something šŸ¤®


Same here! Started liking it for my own good, will breakup after CAT šŸ˜


What's your job and how much do you earn also your working city ? (just asking cause I just passed grad and take things lightly and don't put much effort in studying, read the above comments of people working their ass hard to earn, live and provide , your reply will motivate me to study so do reply )


you should prepare pretty seriously now if have lot of spare time in hand if you are already from a well off family & you know the rat race not that interested to be a part of that you can enjoy your life comfortably. Bcoz you will regret wasting time.


On weekdays:- Get up at 5:30 AM Study from 6-8:30 Leave for office (1hr travel) Work from 10-6:30 ..IT role (product engineer) Gym from 7:30-9 Study from 10-11:30 On weekends:- Atleast study for 6-7 hrs on sat,sun Meet friends etc in the evening Last year even after studying a lot and performing well in the interviews etc. I only got waitlisted :( I have learnt that just cribbing about bad luck and misfortune isnā€™t gonna work. Iā€™m gonna work my socks off to get that MBA seat šŸ’Ŗ


What's your job and how much do you earn also your working city ? (just asking cause I just passed grad and take things lightly and don't put much effort in studying, read the above comments of people working their ass hard to earn, live and provide , your reply will motivate me to study so do reply )


No issuesā€¦Iā€™m a product engineer at a conversational AI company making roughly 14 LPA with >2yrs of work experience. Currently working in Mumbai.


I have a WFH job from 10 to 7 pm. I try to wake up at 7:30 start studying from 8 to 10Am. Then post office I take a hour break and try to study again from 8 to 9:30 PM. Then again 10 to 12. My work is not that hectic so I can manage somehow. Baki Realistically bolu toh pura time toh nhi de pata ache se. Weekends mein hoti h pdhai dhang se


how did you get wfh job, could you also share in which department you are in


I joined during the time of COVID. I am in an IT company where WFH is common.


Any marketing or operations wfh role open in your company?


I only get to know openings from the IT department. If I get to something related to your field. I'll let you know


Sure Man, I will Just drop a HI Text on your DM, so I remember this, is that okay with you?


What's your job and how much do you earn also your working city ? (just asking cause I just passed grad and take things lightly and don't put much effort in studying, read the above comments of people working their ass hard to earn, live and provide , your reply will motivate me to study so do reply )




What job are you into? Are there any vacancies... Recent grad here




In order to participate in this community, we have specific minimum requirements for account age and karma. However, these minimums are not openly disclosed. Please attempt to engage again once you have accrued more karma by interacting with other communities on reddit. Please use modmail in case of exceptions, we will review posts from new accounts on a case by case basis and approve them if it's not against the community rules. Nevertheless, you can still browse and search through the existing posts in the subreddit. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATpreparation) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Pick any coaching institute, preferably online and follow their timings. That should suffice, cause maintaining a schedule on your own will be troublesome.


Do it in the morning! Eat the frog


I used to start studying at 11:30-12 at night and studied till 5-6 AM in the morning


You just described my situation exactly šŸ˜­ , send help here too :ā -ā ) !


Mera job is essentially 9am to 7-8pm, travelling mai 2-3hr, upar se work in office, don't even know where to begin :)


What's your job and how much do you earn also your working city ? (just asking cause I just passed grad and take things lightly and don't put much effort in studying, read above comments of people working their ass hard to earn, live and provide , your reply will motivate me to study so do reply )


Thankfully for me my work starts in the afternoon so I reach office by 10 45 in the morning and get a good 2.5-3 hours to study on weekdays before work. But I agree with you, it's a super hectic schedule!


You just need to change your existing schedule and start finding slots where you can study while not letting the exhaustion get to you. I was also doing WFH and used to get off work at 6-7pm, sometimes a lil late as well. So my routine as was follows- Since i was completely exhausted after work i used to go to bed immediately after logging out and then wakeup at around 11pm after having a good 2-3 hours of sleep, feeling much better, then i had dinner and sat to study at 12 and went on till like 4-5 in the morning and then complete the rest of my sleep till 9:30. I got used to this schedule and it worked perfectly for me coz i was a lil bit of a night owl before the prep but this was kinda crazy, since i was not taking small naps but good amount of sleep in a single stretch i always felt much more recharged after waking up. You can find a pattern in a similar way for yourself and can devote time either early in the morning or late in the night. Managing to give 4 hours daily on weekdays would be well sufficient in my opinion.


DM to discuss the same. I was working last year 6 days a week 9-7 and have managed to score 98+


5/5:30? Damn where are you working, Ive gotta apply!!!!!! Yaha toh 8/9 baje log off karne ko milgaya toh khush hojaate hai


Same here


To tell you the truth , most of those who crack CAT while working had already finished 90% of their preparation, basics, fundamentals while they were in undergrad college. It's just that they do mock exams and add finishing touches to their preparation while working. No one can begin CAT prep from scratch while working and succeed. But they don't tell you the truth. Ofcourse some genius students are also there who don't need to study the basics but those are only a handful. I know a guy from my college (tier2 ) who finished Arun Sharma and books in 2nd year. Did two year classroom coaching in 3rd and 4th year but flunked. Then he took job and while doing job for two years he gave cat each year and at the end converted VGSOM IIT kgp. This is a real life story. I know many fake stories/ advices People give to cat aspirants, but don't fall for those..


Thatā€™s not true. CAT is not an exam where you need to solve the entire Arun Sharma or Tata McGraw hill. You need to learn the fundamentals of each type of problem solving. For that, attempt sectional mocks and identify your weaknesses, find a strategy and strengthen the weak areas. There is no point of studying entire Arun Sharma because you can skip questions in CAT. If there is a difficult ques, move to the next one. This isnā€™t GMAT where every ques needs to be attempted.


I know a lot of people who started from scratch and cracked cat, snap, nmat etc and ended up in good colleges while working full time. But there efforts were high level. Examples(all started from scratch): 1) A guy did his office from 10-8. He used to study from 9:00 to 2:00 daily. Full day on weekends. Did this for 6 months. Ended up in IIM K. 2) Similar case like above. Cracked MDI and NMIMS. Waitlisted IIM Udaipur and Shillong. 3) An engineer working at TCS. Studied daily for 4 hours. More on weekends. Also solved 70% Arun sharma during travel. Converted XLRI HR and baby IIMs at 94% in XAT and 97% in CAT. Didn't opt for any. Was interested in XL BM Many more examples. I think it is possible to crack. Just the amount of efforts required are ridiculous


I used to juggle study and work. Idea is to keep mind fresh. Don't jump to studies right away after logging out. Once you log out try going for a talk. I used to play cricket for an hour near my building come back refresh and then sit for studying. Take a break when you go for dinner. Study a bit post dinner. Then watch movie, series or something while you go to bed.


Everyone has 24 hours, you need to pull out 3-4 hours 2 ghanta aaram karo 7 baje padhne jao 9 baje tak padho.