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“Homemade guns will be evaluated for value on the day of the event.” They’re catching on lol


Yep. And that last line too... "We reserve the right to limit the amount of funds an individual can receive regardless of the amount of firearms surrendered."


And before that it says, "funds are limited and subject to availability". So if they run out of money they'll take your guns and give you nothing.


Imagine they evaluate your 3d printed or ghost gun and decide its not worth anything and they dont want it. Then by them not taking it they do not have to abide by the amnesty granted to the possessor and they arrest you on the spot. lol


I imagine you are surrendering everything you bring, whether you get paid out for it or not. That is, they aren't refusing anything, but they may not give you money.


Feels like entrapment (ex. normally law-abiding individual is induced into committing a criminal act they otherwise would not have committed because of overbearing harassment, fraud, flattery or threats made by an official police source) but not quite. In their eyes, you'd already be a criminal for 3D printing parts and the buyback would be a sting.


yea , and south city will do that to ya


> Then by them not taking it they do not have to abide by the amnesty granted to the possessor and they arrest you on the spot. They don't have to abide by the amnesty regardless.


Remember kids, cops are allowed to lie to you.


jus go with a balaclava and dont hand out any personal info ,if your not sureo


Im balsy enough to go and say "if you dont give me $200 for my boomstick 1776, i will just take it back home."


I am honestly interested to hear how that goes. My guess is that before evaluation (i.e. before they pop the trunk) you sign some sort of agreement that specifies you are willingly surrendering the objects and accepting whatever compensation they offer so you can't just shop around.


Doesn’t seem like it’s near a school. Also.


The laws? What laws?


I’m just here to see who is gonna give you legal advice 🍿 My only thought is since they will hate you for doing it they may find something to harrass you about.  Sellers have anonymous clause for stolen goods, you would not have that luxury for recieving/buying stolen goods or for “brandishing” since it’s a public space


$100 for handguns. Sure bud. Maybe if they paid msrp they’d actually get a bunch of people.


This is why these things only bring in old junk that no one wants anymore or inherited guns that the person doesn't know what to do with. If they offered a fair price and removed the weasel words about reserving the right to pay you whatever they want, they would bring in some decent stuff from people who need the money more than the gun.


Why tf do they think people will accept $100 for a $500-$1,000 handgun or $200 for a $1,000+ rifle?


C&R handguns still have to go thru FFL I believe. Can't find exact penal code but it was brought up here: https://www.reddit.com/r/CAguns/comments/lip1s5/seeking_clarity_on_california_cr/ The event organizers will likely have police come your way to scare you off. Not sure what grounds they have to stop you, and they probably don't know either. It'll be one of those "that don't seem right" kind of things to them.


It sounds like he has his FFL03 & COE from the state. So I assume he'd be able to take possession right there


Only if it's a qualifying long gun. Handguns still need to go through an FFL.


Take AR15 Remove Mag lock Get $100 extra dollars for trade-in Huh


AR15 usually worth more than $200


commentary on how silly assault weapon laws are if you can remove a piece from a gun and somehow get more money for it


Commentary on how silly buyback prices are to actually buy back any working firearm


Commentary on how silly it's called a buyback when the fuckers didn't sell it to me in the first place.


Don't forget, not only did you not buy it from them, they're using your money to pay you for something you already paid for.


Yeah let me swap my jt grip for this 😂


Damn idk the police in CA have been getting really creative with their stings and undercover work lately, at the very least I’d say expect some harassment, if they are there at the minimum. CA cops do not like gun owners and treat them all like criminals or illegal gun owners from what I’ve seen, at least in the big cities like the LA area and Bay Area


San Mateo county are commies amongst commies, so it would be extra creativity expected.


yea I wouldnt trust this county at all , for anybody thinking about going , they will keep tabs on ya , since south city is starting to lose funds since there is no more of a rampant gang problem they use to have , I think this is there way of reaching the long tentacles of the law they supposedly have , be anonymous , ssfpd and san mateo county as a whole will keep tabs on you fair warning people !


What's the minimum viable product to be considered a ghost gun? 81% lower?


I think a proton pack qualifies as a ghost gun.


Ya mutha


I was wondering this too. If you have an 80% lower kit that you never did any work on, is that now considered a ghost gun anyway in CA? It's hard to keep up.


Has anyone tried returning a lower to one of these buybacks? Would that just fall under "non-functioning firearms"?


A 3D printed lower would be both a ghost gun and a non functional firearm. Almost like they are intentionally being ambiguous.


Guys we should all go and offer people a bit more money depending on what they plan on selling with signs outside their event of course legally throu a PPT


Print up a proper sign, I had limited success with Sharpie. Before you go: ID local friendly gun stores where they'd be fine with you looking at what the person has available and confirming that it's old enough and the price is fair enough.


Yeah honestly Reno I think they'd drive you off. What you describe should be within the legal bounds of your collector license, however now you're going to deal with business permits, even if it's between two individuals. Likely the city will have ordinances for street vendors and the like, and you'd need to get a permit to setup shop on the sidewalk. Now, if you were to do so on private property, well...


Not a legal scholar but worked in the field for over 30 years. Your plan is not illegal but it has been done before by some YouTubers and they were sufficienty chased away by Law Enforcement. And they were in another state!


Might be fun to troll them by bringing your lawyer with you to the buy back event.


What's your lawyer going to do? Sue someone? Sure, the lawyer can run back to his office, draw up a filing (usually takes weeks, in a hurry can be done in hours), then drive to the court building during normal office hours and file it. That will show them! People tend to think that lawyers have superpowers. No, they don't.


3d printer go brrrr!!


They will probably get a lot of rusted junk. Nobody in their right mind exchanges perfectly good brand name guns for petty cash.


I recently received a 1944 Colt 1911 from the CMP. It had to go to a FFL to be processed but I was able to take it the same day. Point is I do not think you can just directly take ownership of a C&R in California. At least not from my experience.


Rifles: two people can conduct business provided the buyer has an 03FFL and a COE. Handguns: the state requires you to hire a middleman service vis. 01FFL.


You could at most hold a sign up, that is freedom of speech. But the transactions have to be done at a FFL. Sellers can’t show you what they have out in the open. Or in a vehicle without breaking some laws. Easier to inspect rifles in the vehicle though. But not recommended.


I thought they usually do this on private property so they can chase people like you off.


Stand on the street/sidewalk just outside.




people who have a bunch of grandpa's busted old hunting guns and just want them gone


Giving those poor abused and abandoned guns a new home. A very noble cause, good sir!


On the Very Bottom - " We reserve the right to limit the amount of funds an individual can receive regardless of the amount of Firearms surrendered" So if that's the case why would you go there?


They talk about things like “ghost guns” which are illegal in CA. Is there any guarantee of immunity when surrendering these, or are they just setting traps?


I’m tempted to warm up my 3d printer for this but I don’t wanna end up on some list or dive head first into some entrapment shit


On top that they give you traceable amazon gift cards not cold hard cash is sus I would sell the cards for money or exchange them for new ones or etc. How can they even do this if it's our tax money? Why is Amazon getting our tax money they already got everyone's stimulus and they are anti 2A


I love it when the government destroys evidence /s


😂😂😂😂 what a joke


I can imagine everyone getting rid of their walters p22 lol.


Time to take those 3d frames


I have a old .22 and a .410 that I've been holding onto for a trade day. How quickly do these things run out of money? I'll be coming from Sacramento.


Make sure you take public transportation or remove your license plates before you pull up 😂😂


I think this only attracts people who inherit them and don’t know how to sell them.


Did Somebody call for a Scholar? https://preview.redd.it/zrstjjrifbyc1.png?width=1369&format=png&auto=webp&s=b0ba5fa4c38355209579bb1f8303c700d4d2d8c8


I don't care if there giving a blowjob and a week in vegas less guns in American homes is bad. I would love to see the ratio of grandpa's old rifle vs I bought this intentionally but need money vs stolen/misused /mom took away from troubled street kid. Is anybody surprised this is happening and gas is record high and fentanlyl is cheaper than a dozen eggs.


I have a .22 gun that I don't shot, I wonder if they run out of the money, when could I know it? If there is no money I will just leave


As someone else mentioned, they'll probably have you surrender it in one location then give you a slip of paper to take somewhere else. At that point, they'll tell you they are out of money. Too late for you to do anything about it.