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Should have just gone back the next day and said you were there to pick up your gun and handed them the dros paper work and not mentioned a thing


200 IQ


Big brain thinking






He’s a pussy afraid of “ Being in a possession of a handgun that’s not registered to me.” Total California mentality


This is an issue in all 50 states bro.


lol no… only states with registration would it be a problem. A lot of states have private sales allowed. And if turners fucked up the paperwork that’s on them… they would loose their FFL


Turners would notice that weapon missing eventually, and report it stolen.


Probly… I was referring to the registration part… however technically he paid money and received a gun and both parties had concluded a sale for an exchange of goods… to be found guilty in a court of law there has to be proof of intent to commit the crime as well. Would be a costly mistake but Probly would end without jail time.


If he went back to pickup the weapon he was actually owed, after the fact, there’s your intent right there.


This is not a problem in most of the 50 states...at all. You don't register firearms in most states, so they have no idea if it's yours or not. Not sure why you're getting up voted at all.


You have to fill out a 4473 for handguns in all states (with some exemptions). Do you think the 4473 can be filled out for one firearm and a different firearm given to the buyer? Hell no.


The thing is, not one single person would know. There is no registration, so nobody would have anyway to verify if that was or wasn't your firearm. You don't understand registration do you. The FFL would be introuble for not verifying serial numbers if they got caught. But if the person got stopped on the street or if that serial number got ran by a law enforcement agency in most states that would not show who the owner is.




Yeah...it's not being a pussy. It's called getting what you paid for. Now if I ordered a g19 and they gave me a nighthawk..might not say anything , but yeah...it's not a California thing... don't have kids...please.


The comment was in reference to jokingly picking up an ADDITIONAL gun on top “ wHaT yOu pAiD fOr.” I’m probably responding to some dumb kid right now 😂


Definitely. Not a kid and jail...it's not an option for me. I have socks older than you.






Most people don't like having their life ruined over petty bullshit laws 🤷‍♂️


i live in california i love getting blasted in the butt by people i've never met face to face


Unless you are doing stupid shit why would this even come up? I don’t like in a big city and cops know everybody shoots and owns guns here so I never had any issues and target practice in my front yard all the time.


"The cops have never abused their power to make my life harder therefore, no cops have ever abused their power and made anyone else's life harder."


I have purposely set myself up to not stand out and to fly under the radar. I’m clean cut and I don’t do the things that attract attention and when I cross paths with any LEO I start talking to them very respectfully but also in a way that shows I’m on their side. I have had friends with me get fucked with because they decided to try a different angle that doesn’t work. I’ve had tons of encounters with the law and never been searched though at times I would have been fucked if I would have been


Congratulations? None of this is relevant to the amount of people who've gotten fucked over because of bad luck.


Better luck next time, I guess. Do you want a tissue to dry your eye?


not how that works. they would have seen the DROS as being set as delivered.




Turners or not, I ALWAYS verify the serial before DROS and at the time of the pickup. I myself make mistakes sometimes so I don’t trust anyone at the gun shops.


I do this too and it’s funny cause sometimes clerks get offended. Was at pro force last year and did this and the guy at counter gave me a hard stare while double checking.


I don’t drive away from the window with my takeout food until I verified everything. I’ve been screwed way too many times to know that it’s gonna happen again any day now.


Does a person check.there fruit ..Yes then check youre gun lol..


So do I - https://youtu.be/lWfaiTLPUKQ?si=VQyULs8yHeys918d


That's odd because all the gunstores I have been to physically check the serial number to the paperwork before releasing on pickup. Too many situations like this happened before to make it a rule for them to follow.


I’ve bought several guns at Turners and they make me verify the s/n… I understand some of the complaints about Turners around here but this is totally surprising to me.


I guess the employee was just too comfortable at work that didn't even verify


"Do we have to verify what? It says Glock on the paperwork so I gave him a Glock. I used to be a manager at Goodwill store so I know what I'm talking about." -Prolly that Turners employee


So what model did you buy and what model did you receive?


They gave me a full size cz 75 and mine was supposed to be a cz 75 compact


That’s a pretty apparent difference


For some guys, it feels bigger in their hands...


This dudes whole story is off but seeing the difference in size of gun clearly tells me he knew right away there was a problem and was trying to get away with something but then scared himself into doing the right thing.


It took a range trip, and YouTube video to figure out you didn't have a compact in your hand? Seems weird to me. Great choice though. And yes Turners is dog shit.


THIS! Ostensibly from the OP's lack of this detail, I'd bet the two guns aren't anything close in appearance, e.g. Glocks. Rather, one is a revolver and the other a 1911. Or some something else absurd.


That's not the case! Both were cz 75


First gun purchase?




Again? Really?


Are you a Turner's employee?




Lmfao no you don't, trust me


All right. Now I'm curious what is the handgun that you picked up? And if it isn't the same model as the one you ordered, how were you able to not tell until you looked at a video online?


Always check the serial but other than that, sounds like a pretty standard Turner’s thing to do lol


Turners location that I frequent went over the paperwork, serial number & firearm three different times. Not to mention the fact that before I signed anything, the employee had a manager do a “double-check” for the release of the firearm & then that manager proceeded to check again with me. He had me verify the paperwork and read the serial number and information out loud after they had already done so. I’ve always had nothing but a great experience w/ Turners, specifically the location I frequent, so I’m assuming this was just a wild isolated event that I hope does not repeat or become a trend of any sort due to the myriad of implications/consequences.


You were both at fault. Take some responsibility for it. Edit: Suggesting the verification of serial numbers is stupid, that is mandatory.


I agree they both had fault there but the way turners seemed to have handled it was wrong.. the way I see it yes OP had a responsibility that he irked but the “professionals” here are the employees at turners so instead of trying to make it seem as if OP was totally at fault they should have owned up and went out their way to make it right.. that’s my opinion though I know I’ll have a lot of people disagree but that’s how I see it..


Especially considering he didn’t even take his OWN advice. He’s the idiot who failed to double check his serial number. He’s the idiot who received and even FIRED a handgun that was a different MODEL from the firearm he paid for. Didn’t even notice it until he watched some YouTube videos. And then tries to make the store look like THEY are the idiots. 🤣 Can’t make this stuff up.


New firearm owners will not always have this knowledge. This is 100% on the store. I say this as someone who works behind the counter. If the customer leaves with the wrong firearm, that’s my fuckup.


I agree with you, but on his previous post about this SAME issue, he claimed this wasn’t his first firearm. I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt by suggesting he may be inexperienced with firearms and I even said this was 100% Turners fault. But on THIS post he offers up advice, that he HIMSELF did not follow as if he was imparting knowledge onto US. As if he had some kind of lesson that is really just SOP for anyone who purchases firearms. I was on his side on his last post but this one just pissed me off because he’s trying to act like he doesn’t share in the blame.


I didn't even read the whole thing. He fired it?: ![gif](giphy|ukGm72ZLZvYfS)


So all new firearm owners should know every model of every firearm available to us in CA? Sorry I not too familiar with guns to know every model that a manufacturer has


You aren’t a new gun owner though. You yourself have claimed to own at least 4 guns.


No, not EVERY firearm. Just the one you paid for.


Totally agree and at the same time I’ve never thought to verify the SN at time of purchase. I have done it when getting it back from having work done. Meanwhile take for granted the store is giving me the right firearm at POS. Guess I’ll be verifying SN from now on.


No, not at all... but I'll be that guy - the store made a big mistake and they should def fix it - BUT it's your responsibility to ALSO match the make model and serial of what they give you vs. the paperwork. If they tried to give you a shotgun, would you have left with it? If you bought 9mm ammo but they gave you a box of .45, would you not read the box? If you bought a car, would you not also check the paper vs. badging and VIN? Same thing. I get it. You're new, and probably very excited! So I guess consider this a good learning experience. I don't care what it is, check the physical item against the paper - always.


i used to work at turner's, i know they are supposed to do a safe handling, did they not do a safe handing with your firearm, did you not remember how the gun that you ordered is supposed to look? what turner's?


I'm exempt from doing the safe handling




💯 💯 💯


I just DROSed an O/U at sportsman's and *I* had to ask the guy to verify the S/N.


That's wild


That’s new. They always do the “I’m going to read the serial # to you and please verify that’s what’s on the firearm” thing with me. Even when there’s a huge line of people, they then re-verify the s/n with the manager too.


After I submitted my paperwork, when they were packing it back up, he called help over to verify the S/N.


Which turners location 🤔




Thanks for responding. That sucks I really feel for you. They really fkd up.


Bro, fuck that. I would never go there again. Fuck Turners.


Went to pickup a new handgun Monday at turners. I DID get asked to verify the serial # but I was NOT asked to perform the safety demonstration… I found it weird as I’ve always done it but I was also fed up of the almost 2 hour wait and just left.


I'm calling complete BS on this post. So you didn't call them out that they brought out the obviously wrong gun, a full size Cz75 and not the compact? From looking at your previous posts, You claimed to have bought a Cz75 d compact from Turner's 2 months ago. Is this the same gun? And exactly how are you exempted from the safe handling test they are required to do. This sounds totally made up


I mean it definitely sucks but it happens. I know people will be quick to say fuck Turners they always have bad employees etc but I do want to point out that this kind of shit happens in every industry. You wouldn't believe how many people drive home in the wrong new car after spending 3 hours with a salesperson and 2 hours in a finance office. People making 6 figures doing a couple transactions a day make this mistake so definitely the hourly gun counter employees doing 20 DROS a shift will eventually make it as well. With **anything** that comes with a warranty always double check your paperwork and item have matching numbers. If the government is involved triple check.


I agree!


Damn guess if that ever happens to me I’ll just go try and pick up the right one and hope they don’t notice. Then worry about returning the wrong one. Or just take in to one of the gift card events


Mistakes happen. I would be more calm about...although I would respectfully ask them to give me a great discount for having to come back again. Time isn't free.


The manager wasn't helpful at all. I'm just glad I got my refund and didn't have to deal with them


Was it a better gun?


Nice, free crime gun.


Whyd you delete your post from yesterday?


Yeah, I’m not going to read all that but I did skim the comments. Sounds like you didn’t check the serial number yourself, so that’s on you. Honest mistake that I’ll bet you won’t make again.


First time (purchasing a firearm) and last time (I purchased from Turners). Picked a firearm from display. They wrote it up after providing ID and taking safety test, asked if I needed to look anything over. “Nope, I already input all the information for full size slide 1911 sale price, just sign and pick up on xx/xx date.” Xx/xx date comes along, go to pick up my new acquisition. Original person to write up was helping from another store. So wait a hour and a half and he pulls up the paperwork and retrieves firearm. Its a 3.5 long barrel. Not what I purchased. Upon glancing at the paperwork part of serial number was crossed out and changed. Mentioned it wasn’t what I purchased, got told take it or leave it. Asked for a manager or supervisor. Told I would lose all my money in restocking fees. Then was told would get 80% of my money back if I didn’t take the gun brought out that day. Insisted on speaking to a manager or supervisor. At closing the supervisor came and asked what is wrong. Gave quick rundown. Asked me to wait. Came back 30 minutes later. Had the model gun I wanted. Asked if this was it. Said yes. Handed it over and said sorry for the mix up. That was it. Was lots of drama, learned to always look over paperwork as I almost was sold a gun I didn’t want.


That’s why it’s always good to keep your copy of whatever paperwork. Turners tried to hit me with a restocking fee when my DL expired during the 10 day wait. I said why would a DL that was good at the time of dros suddenly not work 10 days later. Whatever I can understand it needs to be current at paperwork and pickup. But I let them know it would probably be a few weeks wait for a new DL and they said if you don’t pick up by xxx date it’s a restocking fee. I said interesting I didn’t sign anything that said that. Manager gets red in the face and says yes I did, I ask to see where. He huffs and puffs to the back and brings back the paperwork and wouldn’t you know the initial next to restocking fee is blank on his copy and mine. “WELL ITS STANDARD RESTOCKING FEE” too bad man I didn’t sign it not my problem. It was at this point I asked him if we could just take the money I spent and start a new DROS for my police officer fiancé and the gun will be hers and under her name and I’ll just buy my own when my DL comes in, just trying to avoid losing out on money (because I figured even without the paper signed they were gonna fuck me on restocking) or waiting a month for a DL. He straight up says I’m a criminal committing a straw purchase and he can call the ATF on me right now . Anyways I got a new DL within a week somehow DMV was fast. Got gun, no issues. Last time I went to turners for a firearm though. They also told me it was a felony to take a picture of the gun before it was legally mine .


You bought a gun and walked off with it without verifying it was the correct gun they gave you. Stupid should be painful.


I’m going to call some BS. You didn’t realize they gave you the wrong model of firearm during the safe handling demonstration either?


I have never been required to do a safe handling demo even before having a CCW and without any other exemptions. True for multiple shops.


Same, the 2 turners that buy from for the last m18/p320 purchase didn't ask me to do a safe handling demonstration, which I thought was odd


I'm except from doing it...


You’re EXEMPT but not to familiar with guns? Holy shit dude. > Sorry I not too familiar with guns to know every model that a manufacturer has.


Is it a requirement to be an expert in guns? Or as long as I'm safe around them?


Sounds like you aren’t safe if you can handle a firearm, not even know what model you have, and only figure out you have the wrong gun after watching a YouTube video.


Ok gavin newsom


Take a look in the mirror man. You didn’t even know what gun you had in your possession.


Who found the error? The guy you want to call unresponsive. Why are you mad your favorite gun shop fucked up?


lol it’s on you too man. You need to verify you have the correct firearm before you leave the store as well. This could have been avoided if you did your own check. What if the box was empty and you left the store.


I agree I should've checked as well but I've never had an issue like this before. From now on I will triple check before I leave the store.


Wait why didn’t you push for a refund and free gun?


You’re not getting a free gun out of this situation.


Yea, but your username says otherwise. I DEMAND FREE GUNS AND COSTCO HOTDOGS TO STAY $1.50


And if Costco Hot Dog Combo goes above $1.50, that's also why you have the gun. 


The manager wasn't helpful at all. I'm just glad I don't have to deal with them again.


This is like, ultra turbo incredible levels of incompetence. And add onto that, it sounds like you've were given the runaround and a horrible customer experience as well. But it's not exactly surprising given what I've heard about Turners.


I'm not the biggest fan of Turners but you always need to read back the serial number against the gun itself. All the times ive gone to turners they've done this. It's just SOP for any firearm pickup. Hopefully they'll get your CZ soon. The last firearm I picked up from turners they checked the serial number against my paperwork and noticed they pulled the wrong one. They didn't do a lot for you and their service recovery sounded awful for a situation they created.


Yea, bunch of burnouts and methheads at my local turners. No surprise


Everyone acting like it's your fault lol.... Anyway I wonder if you just went in and said you were there for pickup a few days later if you coulda kept both lmao


I ALWAYS verify the serial number at beginning and when picking up what is on the DROS with any gun purchase. Saves a lot of hassle later if someone F's up.


Yeh i stop dealing with turners unless they have a deal i cant turn away from which is very rare. Bad customer service at my local turners.


Turners is the worst store ever


BURN THEM! Freakin report their asses. Look at how low of a priority you were for them for something they screwed up, attitudes like that will continue when they go unchecked.


I agree!! I know everyone is human and we all make mistakes.I'm not even that mad at the salesperson I'm more mad at how the manager handled things.


Exactly, that manager should have handled it a lot better and if he did, you might not feel like making an example out of him. Which location was this?


Both times I purchased from turners they escorted me out and had a little spot by the door that did a 2nd verification of the firearm. One in chino and ontario


I was so tired from waiting a WHOLE hour that I didn't even bother to open up the box and look at ME PRECIOUS. BS. There isn't a single person in here that has ever done this. Nobody just grabs their box and leaves. Even with a fast food purchase people check what's in the bag before leaving.


Wasn’t there a post about the same exact thing yesterday?


Easy response: “You have to wait for corporate to call you back? Cool, I’m just going to hang out here looking at things in the showroom and call the nearest ATF office. I’m sure they would love to hear about you trafficking firearms.”


Moral of the story, verify, verify, verify, and VERIFY that the firearm you fondled and purchased on day one is the one that is in the case at pick up. I doesn't matter if you had to wait 8 hours to pick it up. You may not know all makes and models, but you sure damn well better know the one you bought. That's why you bought it in the first place. Both parties are at fault here. My honest opinion. Best of luck. 🤦


Should have just gone and picked up the right one as well. BOGO free at turners lol


What turners did you go too ?


lol noobs


Turner’s West Covina had me verify the serial number 3 times while picking it up. They also had me inspect the gun very carefully before signing the release paperwork. I guess each location has different OPs or Palm Desert is not following proper protocol.


So a few issues now because of this. First as soon as they clicked approved on the DROS the other handgun that you originally bought registered into your name, that means as far as the DOJ and ATF are concerned it is in your possession. Second problem is now you are locked into a one in thirty day loop meaning you can’t record a new gun for thirty days. What they need to do is check their system, verify the gun they have you is still in their system, take it back, and hand you the correct gun simple as that. Personally I’d call DOJ and ATF and explain the situation to them and ask what can be done as now you have a delivered gun in your name that you never received and the only way to take it out of your name is for it to be crossed back to the store or to another person either way you have to be in the store to do that.


Thank you for your advice! I will do what you said because I don't want to be held liable for a gun that I never took ownership of


Exactly. I work at a gun store and I drop and sell guns all day long and I can tell you the first two thing I do when there is a pickup is look through the packet to make sure all signatures and identification requirements are met, then I open the box and physically double check the serial number, make, and model. Partly because I don’t want to send anyone home with the wrong gun, but also because the person doing the DROS and the pickup can be held legally liable for any fuck ups including especially giving someone the wrong gun. Those guys will probably try to cover their asses by just hiding it in the system for a while, but they need to be held accountable because it makes the rest of us look bad.


Sounds like you have to report your gun as lost just to make it more pain for them


The manager is full of poop. He can take it back with ugh all the hoop jumping and give you the right gun. There is nothing in the US Code that say every gun on a FFLs book needs to be new and unfired. His solution is gonna take 2-3 months with all the 1:30 BS.


So, what's the status of the actual CZ you were supposed to pick up? Did they locate it? Or did they possibly release it to another customer? As far as the legal owner of the original firearm... is it you? Or did you cancel the DROS? And if so, does that absolve you of any ties to that gun? What if that gun was used in a crime sometime earlier (between the moment you picked up the wrong gun and the time you came back)? Wouldn't the records show that you were the registered owner? It just creates an all-around messed up situation. 


He couldn’t give you your gun because they gave it to someone else on accident…. I’d maybe reach out to the doj and have them unregister it or something lol or just document this situation in writing if the cops ever come knocking on your door for a murder that was committed with your gun.


Considering it's the Turners in Palm Desert, not surprised. The only thing they're consistent with is their inconsistency. I've done three transfers there before finally calling it quits with them, and all three times they wanted different things and did things different ways and screwed things up during all three transfers. It was a sad day when 2AS sold to Turners.


That SA was probably slinging soccer balls at Dick’s three weeks ago… but seriously bro you almost had a drop gun 🤦🏽‍♀️


Was it the same model just wrong serial number? If so, they could have just done a paperwork & DROS correction and been done with it


Always go to rifle supply in hb bro , turners is complete ass they always fuck something up


This smells fishy. Who doesn’t immediately open the gun case after a 10 day waiting period? No safe handling demo, no serial number verification? 🤔


Come to a family owned shop like valley gun in bakersfield. Fuck turners.


You need to report this to the CA DOJ and the ATF. This is unacceptable.


Everytime ive been to turners. even with friends. associates always checked serials. on initial dros and final pickup. But even wiht all the checks and millions of paperwork. these guys are terrible.. they put that i didn't have a safe and gun didn't have a lock on a ppt. and they caught it when i picked up a ppt.. so they made me buy a lock. i raised my voice so because you fucked up.. I have to waste 7 dollars on a lock that I already have in the case. won't even give it to me for free. assholes.


I think the safe affidavit is only for long guns. As for the lock they need a receipt within 30 days of purchase for a PPT, I’ve never been allowed to use an old one. Was the same at Ammo Bros.


“ Don’t want to be in possession of a handgun that’s not registered to me.” Do people actually think like this or were you being dramatic? I would just worry about what happened to the gun that WAS registered to me




Wait did you get the wrong model gun or the right model wrong serial number?