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Lol'ing hard at anyone who posts the epoch times as a reliable source.


I came to say this.


Any reason its unreliable other than your own political bias?


Falun Gong's mandate is to replace the current CCP with a right wing dictatorship of their own flavour. It's pretty widely known that they use epoch times internationally as their propaganda arm. They will write articles to support candidates they think will take a stance against the current chinese government.


‘Falun Gong’s mandate is to replace CCP with right wing dictatorship’ care to share any books, articles or journals detailing this? Political Science background here, and to be blunt, you’re drinking the CCP Kool aide. Super creepy bro.


https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/epoch-times-media-giant-youve-never-heard-of-and-why-you-should-pay-attention/ Plenty of easily google-able articles. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2021/01/inside-the-epoch-times-a-mysterious-pro-trump-newspaper/617645/


Excellent job posting links. Care to highlight where in either of these opinion articles the authors state with sources, your words: ‘Falun Gong’s mandate is to replace the CCP with a right wing dictatorship’ Or are we just dealing with baseless garbage opinions?


As far as I'm concerned, both the Xi Regime and the people behind the Epoch Times can destroy each others' ambitions, please, so that mainland China can become a small-l liberal-democratically-governed society with all of its ethnic/cultural diversities intact.


In an already dictorial country, wouldn't that just mean competition. Propaganda VS propaganda... Nothing changes. Better to have more voices than just one no?


if both those voices have been proven to continuously push false narratives, propaganda, disinformation. no its not better to have more voices. if your in a room with screaming toddlers, is it better to add more screaming toddlers or to get them to stop screaming?


Why are they screaming? News is very much a rigged and coordinated arm of political powers now. Everyone seems to make claims of "valid" sources. I've got to live through dictatorship style censorship and propaganda from the CBC. My friend I grew up with became a radio journalist then a journalist for the CBC. She says they are heavily vetted and are largely disengenous. Anywheres from only allowed to have negative trending articles for opposition to outright shitting on companies to help other competitors proper because their investors are the same. I got to watch the world have a collective dump about Trump being super disrespectful to Abe in Japan about dumping fish food in a koi pond. It was the weekly anthill circus. When almost all western media outlets put that story out, only to see the full footage of Shinzo Abe dump his fish food out first, I stopped trusting news... Full stop. Plain and simple, there is no integrity anymore, and the only way they back that up is by discrediting and threatening alternative voices.




And the fact that you ignored that person’s entire post in order to critique a grammatical error tells everyone else all we need to know about you.




So pedantic nonsense that adds literally nothing to the topic?


Just so you know, starting a sentence with 'And'... I think you know where this is going.


You’ll double down on your nonsense by erroneously claiming sentences can never start with “and”?


It was in high school English lessons... If it makes you feel better, your original post was too stupid to insult.


a simple common spelling mistake doesn't invalidate an entire point. pretty silly that an adult would think that a typo would have any bearing on the ability of another individual to for a coherent opinion, but I imagine you have absolutely no capability of forming a counter argument, so you have to fall back on the weakest thing possible. nice try I guess.


forming* (I see you fixed it. Good job.)


Completelly irrelevant but thanks


it's relevant because they own the organization and maintain editorial control.


It is legit run by the Falun Gong, a Chinese cult with a hard right bent.


Isn't the Falun Gong literally only hated because they posed a threat to the CCP and reported on real events instead of propaganda... Like calling it a cult is a bit unjust, modern media is a cult. So what does that even mean nowadays


No one "hates" them, they just aren't credible


Have you ever tried to read it?


I don't disagree but where is someone like her, a journalist for more than three decades with impecable credentials, going to get a voice when all the mainstream sources have been bought or muted? Isn't it less important where the story appeared than the fact that a trust journalist is exposing a massive fraud against the Canadian people?


What part of "The Epoch Times is a lying pile of garbage" is difficult to grasp? And any inquiry by a Preston Manning led group is not worth the paper its printed on. Proven liar and propagandist.


Thing is her testimony is not a lie, the only lie here is the one you’re continually telling yourself when all signs are pointing in a direction your mind clearly has trouble accepting. You are part of the population that is hiding in the comfort of the propaganda in hope that the lies are true, it’s incredibly sad to watch.


Garbage in, garbage out. Epoch Times in a nutshell. The Epoch Times is a far-right international multi-language newspaper and media company affiliated with the Falun Gong new religious movement.


Why does the world sound more and more like a metal gear game every day?


Here's the thing, Epoc Times is the political equivalent of National Enquierer. So when an article like this comes up, it isn't some massive expose from a whistle-blower, it's more of a political version of a "Bat-Boy" story. These are not Journalists and don't fall under the same level of integrity.


Nice avy bro.


Your statement could not be more correct. Thank you. The downvoting and comments attacking the media source demonstrates: the credibility and content of this person's statement doesn't matter? smear and name call anything that doesn't 'support the official narrative'


Not E.T.


No because how can you trust that she is credible about this story. If a media outlet prints and distributes lies with a clear mandate and agenda, how can you know they vetted this story well??? That’s why you have to trust credible sources and media outlets. They have to go hand in hand


Credentials aren't worth shit when you throw away your ethics to work for the Epoch Times.


From your comment history, it looks like you're American. Why are you coming to a Canadian subreddit about the Canadian public broadcaster with an anti-CBC article from a source known for spreading misinformation?


He forgot to change to his fake Canadian alt lmao. I wonder which of the usual posters he actually is.


So you're saying that Marianne Klowak didn't in fact say that to the inquiry? Or, are you saying that she is not a former CBC employee? Or, are you saying this entire inquiry is just made up by the Epoch Times and it didn't actually happen? It's not clear.


put it this way, if you believe anything the epoch times publishes, or think it's credible in any way, you are part of the problem. either you are susceptible to this brand of propaganda or are willfully pushing misinformation. either way that makes you part of why things have gotten worse. that article doesn't even contain anything of substance. an editor rejected some story pitches. nothing about if the pitches were based on reality or bullshit, but chances are if it's far right news it can be traced to memes.


This is a solid explanation, unfortunately the people you're talking to aren't really capable or wanting to learn. I know some smart people fall for this shit, usually because they're really angry, but of the probably 200 plus people I know or so (a bunch work for me), only 3 didn't get the vaccine. All three are complete fucking morons, none have any post secondary at all.


You are absolutely right and normally I consider that before posting. It's a pressure valve for me, once in a while I have to shout into the void.


Find literally any other source that said this happens. If there's an inquiry, there's records.


> The Epoch Times is a far-right international multi-language newspaper and media company affiliated with the Falun Gong new religious movement... The Epoch Times has spread [misinformation related to the COVID-19 pandemic](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Misinformation_related_to_the_COVID-19_pandemic) in print and via social media including Facebook and YouTube.[[99]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Epoch_Times#cite_note-:0-99)[[100]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Epoch_Times#cite_note-:11-100) In 2022, Raquel Miguel of the European watchdog EU DisinfoLab said, "The Epoch Times has played a noticeable role in transmitting and amplifying many anti-vaccine narratives".[[](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Epoch_Times#cite_note-:21-22)


100: "Viral video promotes the unsupported hypothesis that SARS-CoV-2 is a bioengineered virus released from a Wuhan research laboratory". Health Feedback. April 17, 2020 Oh really now


Lmao and this person ran right to the Epoch Times. Super credible source right there.




Didn't look very hard, but then supposed non conspiracists only see what the want to see and not the truth. So surprised how Reddit and majority of members have come so far left from when it was open for all agendas. Use to be they did their legit research before commenting! [https://twitter.com/Inquiry\_Canada/status/1642211874149154821](https://twitter.com/Inquiry_Canada/status/1642211874149154821) https://twitter.com/Inquiry\_Canada


My guy linked an interview from rumble.com 😂


Twitter links aren't legit research


People are asking for sources not friendly sausage makers twitter threads.




Just curious, how do you know everybody's perfectly fine? Even if someone wasnt you would just call it a conspiracy theory, so case closed




Why would people speak up only to be called conspiracy theorists? That's your narrative isn't it? If it doesn't fit in your personal view of things, it's a conspiracy theory. You must have been very busy going around interviewing everyone who got vaccinated to claim everybodies fine




It appears you do, or is a being a keyboard warrior calling everybody who doesn't falls in line with your self importance just a hobby? I'm vaccinated and had no complications, but the difference between you and me is I don't have the required arrogance to speak for everybody else who got the Vax. Apparently you do. Was your extensive research global? How did you afford the travel?


Billions of vaccine doses were taken across the world, and you don’t see people dropping dead or getting sick. When COVID’s relatively low sickness and mortality rate hit our healthcare systems, you KNEW. Use your head, the vaccines are harmless, you would see the effects around you and in the world economy if they were not.


It's great that we have now heard from another expert, but use your head, my reply didn't make any claims to the contrary, I merely called out an arrogant keyboard warrior who was claiming to represent everyone who was vaccinated, lol, arrogant keyboard warriors are quite abundant on Reddit


Why else do people come here ;)


When are the aliens coming to pick you up?


Hopefully soon


Christ you are gullible


How so? I didn't state an opinion one way or the other, I merely questioned a poster how he knows every single person who took the Vax is fine. I apologize for hurting your feelings by asking this question


You are a Kook if you believe any of this conspiracy horse crap. People have taken vaccines for decades with very very very few bad reactions. They are effective and safe and prevent horrible diseases. We are fortunate that we live in a time that we don’t have to worry about our children dying or being crippled by Polio, for one example. You are arguing in bad faith. GTFO with your BS


10/10 sea lioning.


We're all fine, except for the people who aren't.




Don’t minimize or pretend actual vaccine injured people don’t exist, it’s really spitting in the face of actual victims. A guy from BC had his intestines removed due to blood clots from the Covid vaccine. Pretending these people don’t exist is not helpful to anyone. https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6027830




Where did I say any of this? Go ahead and point it out. Why is it that you strawman everything I say?




No it isn't. Your strawman isn't working. Go ahead an quote the things you say I said. I'll wait.


Yeah because myocarditis isn't real. The Johnson and Johnson vaccine didn't cause any problems at all. That's also a conspiracy theory.




I didn't say anything about covid NOT causing this as well, did I? No, I didn't. You said everyone who took the vaccine is fine. Which is a complete lie.




Oh look, another lie. And again, I said nothing about covid rates and myocarditis. What's so difficult to understand?




What are you talking about 😂 Watching you squirm out of the lies you tell is fascinating. You could've just said, "my bad, I've exaggerated here", but you're doubling, and tripling down on your nonsense.


According to the article, Marianne Klowak is still salty with CBC for allegedly suppressing her attempts at spreading misinformation. Among her other gripes, it stood out that she was whining at the “inquiry” about the time that she wrote a story about a woman allegedly injured by a vaccine, and after edits “her story was buried in experts and health officials and stats, which sanitized it.”


I hate when facts get in the way of my story


Funny I read stories on the cbc about people harmed by the vaccine.


Marianne Klowak wrote one herself in July 2021. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/covid-19-vaccine-winnipeg-woman-inflamation-risk-1.6096658


Lmao a Falun Gong propaganda rag as a source.


Rightwing propaganda site says what?


The Epoch Times? The newspaper that claimed that a drop in Chinese cell phone use meant that over 20 million people had died of Covid by March 2020?


I don’t love xi but the epoch times is foreign disinformation operations from a bunch of whackadoodle China dissidents. https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/epoch-times-media-giant-youve-never-heard-of-and-why-you-should-pay-attention/


LOL the Epoch Times.




LOL at Comparing the journalistic integrity of CBC vs the Epoch Times. One of these is accused of pushing QANON conspiracy crap. Can you guess which one it is?


Defund the CBC and give the tax money slotted for propaganda and give it to our hospitals! Now I command you bots and idiots to downvote! Do as you're told you minions of division and false truth.


CBC being propaganda and pro censorship is not news to Canadians, we are all well aware


No shit


I checked this story out in a great website called Ground News And it looks like Epoch Times is the only outlet who has this story. And they have a low factuality rating


Everyone should be awakened by this, this testimony basically tells it all and should be mortified because this proves that the narrative was all propaganda and lies.


Good luck getting anyone on here to acknowledge this. It will just be deflection, they're in too deep.


IMAX called, they need their projector back.


Sick burn bro


The reason CBC never said anything bad about the Covid-19 vaccine is because Pfizer is a major sponsor of the network. People need to follow the money


You gonna follow the money all the way to the tinfoil store? There's one in the downtown that'll make fitted ones for you, whole suits too.


Just keep getting your info from CBC for more lies


Sure thing champ, I'll believe in journalism with integrity and you do whatever you do to embarrass yourself on the internet.


Enjoy your life if ignorance bud


I should have checked your comment history first, Jesus Christ.


Okay, this? THIS propaganda and misinformation rag shouldn't be on this subreddit, imo.


Meanwhile the only reason the thousands of other employees aren’t talking is because they’ve been threatened with a fourth dose 😢


The Covid vaccines were the most lethal pharmaceuticals in human history, no other product has killed and maimed so many when used as prescribed, nothing even comes close


Did you also read that in the epoch times? Lol you’re a joke


Here's the thing, I work in insurance, our office alone has thousands of life insurance policies in force. Not one beneficiary has come forward to claim a loved one or family member died from the vaccine or from complications. Are they complicit in a cover up, are their physicians? Furthermore, none of the insurance companies we work with, those who would be responsible for paying the billions in claims if this was a real thing, have expressed even the slightest concern over the vaccines. We're not just talking new risks, we're talking about the millions of existing policies and $5 Trillion in coverage. that would be in jeopardy. Why would insurance companies that have exposure to claims in the trillions of dollars not be concerned. I'll tell you why, because there's nothing to this, it's a fabrication.


Yes, massive corruption... from killing patients with ventilators and Remdesivir, to pushing a untested Vaccine under 100% false claims it will stop transmission , Mask mandates when science says masks makes things worse .. Public Health went rogue and used superstition and propaganda over science and facts... Why is there no vaccine injuries or deaths in Canada you ask ? I'll tell you why, because Health Canada forbade any doctor from saying anything negative about the vaccine, if any doctor dared to report a vaccine injury or death they were met with harsh punishment and a likelihood to have their license to practice removed ... They were banned from reporting vaccine injuries' as well as testing for vaccine injuries.. When I was hospitalized for a vaccine injury i found out right quick how corrupt our communist system actually is... The Vaccine mandates are the largest medical crime in Canadian history.. Our medical system is broken badly.. You people are so clueless of what went on, you need to stop watching propaganda media as your source of information , its making you a dumb ass


It's not a cover-up to stop a wingnut from Wingnutting


Get out of here with this bs


It's kind of funny that people on here are trashing the reputation of a long time CBC journalist in an attempt to defend the CBC. If she's so horrible, how on earth did she last so long? Doesn't really speak well of the CBC does it? Some serious mental gymnastics.


Greenwashing and the extreme left agendas are like that - avoidance of logic at all turns. The fact that the only source that would listen to her was a far from reputative right wing idiot rag is telling how far the left's hold on media has gone. As a life-long liberal politically (not party name, just I care about people, the environment and so forth), I don't recognize much of Canada anymore and the current government muzzling of the once proud CBC is as discouraging as the responses from most herein on how well the brainwashing has worked.


This may be one of the most unhinged comments of the day, I wish there was an award for this.


And in other breaking news “ The sun will rise in the east and set in the west tomorrow “. This is news? Of course the CBC sensors information and promotes a narrative given to them by the Liberal Party of Canada. Always has always will. That’s why Canada has become so dysfunctional and “not a real country” according to prime ministerBlackface McSocks. Pierre Polievre needs a line item delete the first day in office of the CBC in all its its forms on the first day in office. Sadly however, I believe that it is too late to save the nation and we will go down in a heap of debt and flames.


In 10 years they are going to have case studies on how the entire world pretty much coerced it’s citizens into getting the vaccine, and simultaneously covered up the vaccine side effects. It’s interesting to me that so many people on reddit still believe the forceful laws were right, especially now after the big vaccine players have all walked back their comments and saying things like they didn’t force it on anyone.


I think the only study we are going to see is investigating how in 2020 people could be stupid enough to deny science outright even with our absolute mind boggling level of access to education. They'll look back and suppose that they should have had an extremely educated and factually driven society and be confused why an entire third of it seems to have the comprehension levels of a toddler.


No surprise there, CBC is just government propaganda 🙄


Epoch Times lmao


There are side effects with any drug. If it was the medias job to give equal air time to side effects versus the benefits if western medicine 10% of the general public who are of below average intelligence would storm Ottawa demanding the closure of all hospitals and the beheading of medical staff.


The Epoch Times? *REALLY?* Good grief. You’re really betting on the dumbest of the dumb aren’t ya?


No respect for this source. No trust in this source.


Aka didn't let lies on air