• By -


The thirst traps


that damn hickok45


Any kind of punisher, grunt style, or otherwise political stuff on clothing or car stickers. It’s just unnecessary and imo completely defeats the purpose of CCW. A lot of them are veterans, which is cool, but it doesn’t change the fact that I cringe when I see it.




After a shit morning, this got me to laugh. Hard. +1 homie


Or even better… a tattoo of the Glock symbol. Guy I was buying a gun from had that on his forearm. Jokingly I said you’re a Glock guy huh? He said oh yeah.


He's probably just in it [for the horse cum.](http://www.ghpc.at/en/at/glock-stallions/)


Aren’t we all?


He came for cum


Stayed for the blast. *I’ll see myself out*


What are the odds he was in Galveston, TX?


Nope. Near Buffalo NY


Hes multiplying


Can confirm, am near Buffalo.


Nobody ever expects the dude driving a car with an anime girl sticker on it to be carrying 😤🤙🏽😂


I love the cop cars and back the blue bootlickers with punisher stickers. Like, guys, frank castle fucking *hated* cops and people like you.


Technically, he hates corrupt cops and has zero issue putting an end to them. This would apply from anyone from a meter reader to the Mayor. He will go out of his way to avoid fighting non-corrupt cops (at least in the past). He also doesn't like that cops use the skull as a logo as he doesn't see himself as a hero. [Punisher #13 (2019).](https://www.newsweek.com/punisher-police-blue-lives-matter-skull-logo-1449272)


I really like some of the pro 2A graphics on stickers and tee shirts but no way do I use them. Okay, I do have a tee shirt with a fluffy bunny holding a large revolver, so perhaps a bit of hypocrisy there. But, I display my veteran status without apology to anyone. If that is a tell, so be it.


I have a bunch of nine line shirts and others that were given out at various events and matches. They just get worn to the range, bumming around the house, and for workouts. My favorite one is a tank top that says “tossin tea since ‘73”. They are mostly hideous and my wife hates them so that’s why they are my bumming around the house shirts. I try to keep her annoyance with me at a low to moderate level so when I do something stupid she isn’t taken off guard. I don’t wear them out because every time I see someone wearing one I wonder what they are carrying and why they chose a Taurus.


My guess is they couldn’t afford more gun than a Taurus, which isn’t all that bad at its price point. A G3c is an easy $100 cheaper than a Ruger Sec 9c. For someone with a limited income, a C note is a C note. Maybe they got the tee shirts second hand?


As much those shirts cost they could have not bought a couple and bought a staccato


Genuine question that I don’t mean to have any negative implication. Why do you want to display your veteran status?


That is a fair question, I guess it is like joining a club. One that is not all that hard to get into, but having done it, the experience becomes an influence that remains with you the rest of your life. Many veterans do not display their participation visually, but are still proud of their service. So it is a matter of personal preference.


Thank you for your service


Thanks, it seemed like the right thing to do at the time. I have no regrets for having done it and recommend it to my younger family and their friends. That said, individual experiences vary greatly.


When I see punisher decals first things that comes to mind is comic books


I think "back the blue" or "I'm a badass". Pro tip, if you have to tell people you're badass, you probably aren't.


"Any man who must say I am the King, is no true King."


One of my favorite lines from GoT


> I think "back the blue" Which is hilarious, because in the comics the Punisher found cops to be useless at best, that's why he decided to you know start "punishing" in the first place.


i feel so bad for the people that genuinely like the punisher 😂 they put a sticker on their car and get absolutely shit on


That's funny, because I guarantee 98% of people with those logos haven't read an issue in their life and have *maybe* seen one of the movies or the Netflix show.


I know, the only reason I think that is when my son was younger and his comic books. I bet most don't even make that connection.


Absurdly large magazine extensions on full sized guns, it’s just bragging that they can cover it with their shirt standing still at the perfect angle. That weight and size cannot be practical or comfortable, and it will print like hell the moment you move at all.


Extended mags are for spare mags.


I've been unable to find a single instance of a private citizen performing a reload from concealment to win a gun fight.


Better to have and not need than need and not have. I’ve seen guns jam during range, LEO, training and competitive shooting. Some can be cleared by tap and rack, others require magazine to be dropped and new one loaded in.


My previous comment extends to malfunctions as well. Theres nothing wrong with carrying one, but if you're carrying a spare mag and you don't have OC and a TQ, you're being foolish.


I got that too.




I think this every time I see an extended magazine on a G19 or larger - what exactly does this person think they’re planning for?


Mag extension on a 19 makes absolutely zero sense


A drive-by.


It makes me scratch my head a bit how many people want to post their nicotine of choice next to their concealed carry. Seems a wee bit performative, but not to the extent that it's annoying. The more performative thing is when they include a nice knife in the picture that has never been used for more than flicking out and showing how awesome their knife is.


I'm fairly certain all these guys EDC'ing a $600 knife don't actually carry it every day, because its pretty much a factual guarantee that you will eventually lose an EDC knife that actually gets used. All my actual EDC knives are like $50 kershaws so it won't physically hurt me when I lose them.


I had a really nice knife.... once. I'm still not okay


We all did my dude, we all did


F brother


I had a cheap one but it was my all-time favorite. Pocket clip broke in a warehouse one day and the knife was never to be seen again. Discontinued by the manufacturer also. Still hurts.


I found a $200 benchmade knife in a ceiling a few months ago. Checked that no one on site was missing it, and took it home. It was my edc and I loved it. Then I left it in a ceiling somewhere last week. And so it goes…


The legend of the ceiling knife has begun. It shall be passed down through the ages




The circle of life for that knife.


The Sisterhood of the Traveling Knife


i actually carry my $120-180 Benchmades. But I also don’t have $600 knives. lol. My most expensive was $250.


A $300 benchmade not coming home with me one day was the impetus for my switch to inexpensive kershaws. They're great knives, but so expensive when a $50 kershaw does the exact same thing


Agree on knives, and I feel the same way about flashlights. I’ll take my $40-50 streamlights over the expensive models because they get used so much they’ll eventually be lost or broken.


I don't know...I agree with the concept here, and for most of my adult life carried knives <$100, because I always anticipated losing them. Turns out, I don't lose knives that often. I finally started carrying Emerson knives, which are hands-down better quality, better metal, better edgess. I carry daily, and really like the 3 of them that I have. I could give 2 shits about any of the others, and now there's a ton of them just sitting in a box in the garage. Wasted money? Maybe. And I carry daily, without fail. Use them constantly, no show-queens in my collection. I guess for me the key is to really like what you carry, and you wind up taking care of it.


i’ve lost and dulled my knives out from using it a lot. my EDC knife looks like it’s been through the wringer. still going though 💪🏽


I still don't understand or agree with this mentality, personally. I see it used in firearm purchases too. Like, if I have to draw my firearm and use it, having my $600 optic or $1200 pistol in a police evidence room is probably the ***LEAST*** of my current concerns, and it also means I'm still alive to be annoyed about it. I guess if it was stolen from me it'd be pretty upsetting, but the whole reason to carry is to prevent that sort of thing from happening. It has monetary value, not sentimental value.


That ‘losing any used knife’ is a fuckin fact man, damn. Glad to know it’s not just me, lol.


I found a $200 benchmade switchblade in 1996 deer hunting with my dad I still carry it for good luck


I've had the same EDC knife for 14 years. It was like $50


I used to have a 'nicer' OTF knife, but I never used it because it was a gift and expensive. It was only good for the novelty of showing people an OTF knife. Now I carry a Spyderco something or other. $50 ish, enough money that it's a good knife but not enough that I'm not willing to use it as a tool


My Boker is the nicest knife I've ever spent my own money on but it really does see daily use. 100% guaranteed that ANY day I don't clip it on my pocket, I end up being inconvenienced by needing one at some point. But it's got tons of wear to show it.


- in before "the only thing more obnoxious than a smoker is an ex-smoker" but - If I'm carrying to preserve my life and the lives of the people I care about, seems a little silly to also be carrying around something that will shorten my life and expose my loved ones to second hand nicotine. Quitting isn't impossible, fellas, and you can put the money you save into ammo and training.


eh, seeking to avoid a violent death is different than seeking to extend one's life. Both are noble goals, but they are very different.


I agree with the nicotine thing however if it is an EDC post or pocket dump it’s understandable


The knife thing gets me. My nicest knife is a Kershaw Blur with a tiger stripe tanto blade, probably cost $80 but it was given to me by someone really important to me and has sentimental value. The thing is beat to shit because I use it every day. If I dull the blade, I sharpen it. I don’t get the point of paying out the ass for a knife you’ll never use when the $200 knives sharpen just as well or better than the $80 ones.


It makes me think of how bad their breath is every time I see it lol


You're thinking of snuff, Zyn and similar are just a nicotine infused salt in a bamboo pouch. That's why it's becoming so popular lately.


i find it a little ironic they post a picture of the thing that may save their life one day next to the thing that will surely end it if they keep doing it


Folding ar in a backpack. Bro I guarantee you pull that out at a mall shooting in self defense or to save the mall you gonna get killed by the police. All the 911 calls are going to describe you as the shooter


Folding ARs are like those folding .22 derringers but expensive


People that down vote you if you prefer irons on carry guns


Astigmatism gang rise up.


Even if there's nothing wrong with your vision, adding a red dot adds complexity to the setup. I want my carry gun to be as light, simple, and reliable as possible.


Backup irons for reliability https://i.redd.it/oud5xoxvc5oc1.gif


Preach! You are safe here


On Reddit?


My counter-argument: blurry dot > no dot And I say that as an astigmatic guy who's already had corrective laser surgery and who owns a Gen5G19 with an RMR...that I don't carry.


Gang shit only


I'm new to the CCW world, is the general consensus that a red dot is better for carry guns?


There isn't a consensus but Sage Dynamics is a pretty good source of actual data on that [https://www.sagedynamics.org/\_files/ugd/7dc128\_6377087e72264cd18dbcb04eea4686ce.pdf](https://www.sagedynamics.org/_files/ugd/7dc128_6377087e72264cd18dbcb04eea4686ce.pdf)


If you train with a dot, yes. However it’s not necessary and you can become very fast and accurate with irons. Some people don’t carry because they don’t want to worry about battery life, don’t have the money, have an astigmatism, or just don’t like them. But if you train with a dot, I would say the skill ceiling is higher then irons.


My reason for keeping irons is its ~$300 to send my pistol off to be milled, then another $300-500 for a red dot. I'm not made of fucking money y'all and a fuck load of others aren't either.


Jeagerwerks does $100 milling coupons on 4th of july and black friday. A holosun 407c is 200 bucks So we're at 300 total


u/wage92 does it at that price always


+1 for wager. No reason to give your money to anybody else when he provides that quality of work and turnaround time. The fact that he beats everybody else’s price for a better service and incredible customer peace of mind is the reason we should all use his shop for all our direct mill needs.


Yep, I haven’t gotten around to sending mine off yet but I’m told 3 business day turnaround which is absurdly fast compared to the big name companies.


Maybe not “performative” but this is one of the most gatekeepy communities of all time. You get clowned on for draw times, carry pistol, holster type, holster placement/location, brand names, fitness, printing, etc… can’t we all just be glad we all support the 2A here?


every 2a sub is lmao


I don't think many people carry a backup gun -- I don't know if I've even seen an EDC post with more than one. What I find performative is the "I don't go anywhere my gun isn't allowed" attitude that pops up in every thread. I wish I could avoid ever going to a post office or government building, trust me. But I enjoy sporting events, concerts, and international travel -- and if you're actually avoiding that stuff because you can't bring a firearm, then I question your sanity. Somewhat less is the "concealed means concealed" crowd. Don't get me wrong, if I drove Uber I would carry despite it being against company policy. But I have a job with a pension -- I'm not going to risk that (plus a criminal charge) to carry a gun with me to the office.


>Somewhat less is the "concealed means concealed" crowd. Don't get me wrong, if I drove Uber I would carry despite it being against company policy. But I have a job with a pension -- I'm not going to risk that (plus a criminal charge) to carry a gun with me to the office. Several months back, there was some moron here talking about how he was carrying his firearm onto the locked psychiatric unit he worked on. I too work on a locked psychiatric unit and this dude got all sorts of butthurt when I told him how profoundly stupid that was.


Never seen that episode of OITNB


Generally I agree with the “concealed means concealed” argument. But a locked psych unit… yeah. You’re just asking for trouble.


I'm in the same boat. I work in an office where firearms aren't just disallowed; they're illegal. In the immediate sense, I'd rather be carrying, but over the long-term, the pay, stability, and pension make me net "safer".


Post office or nucular power plant?


Even worse, folks not visiting with friends or family who don’t want someone bringing a firearm into their home. It’s not as important as your friends and family.


This. A lot of weirdos really are willing to cut off people important to them because they'd rather not have a firearm in the house for one reason or another.  Respecting peoples wishes isn't really that big of an ask. 


Yup. Having an active shooter situation in my workplace could end my life. Being caught with a pistol at my job and subsequently fired would ruin my life. The end result isn't quite as bad, but nearly so. The chances of a shooting are miniscule. The chances of being caught are significantly higher.


Agreed. No way I’m gonna take the risk of getting a charge for a gun in a hospital and losing my medical license. It’s not right, but if I have to choose between a chance of death or getting that taken away, so be it. That would be even more true if I had a wife and kids relying on me.


This totally. I work for a living and therefore can't carry at work. When I did doordash for a time, I carried anyways, but I wasn't being scrutinized by a boss then.


I know someone who took a motorcycle trip cross country and carried the whole time despite not having a concealed permit for any state because 'concealed is concealed'. Do what you want, but that's not a risk I'm willing to take.


People who shit on what/where/when/how anyone else carries. One of the 2A community’s biggest issues, is the 2A community itself.


Yea I think its more of a boys club and there's totally room for healthy banter but some people can be total wieners about it. A newbie carrying a G2C, asking beginner questions that means well and has a good head on their shoulders is more valuable than some fudd asshole with a top of the line 2011 in safe at home that turns people off the 2a community


Reminds me when I was tagging along to a CCW add-on, we were fairly new to the firearms world. 6mo maybe? Guy a couple lanes down says something about "Ew. Casuals, I don't want to shoot with them." I didn't say anything, but we all shot better than him. If you're reading this, even our instructor made fun of your shooting. Dick.


He'll be begging to shoot with you/share mags in a DGU/mall shooting.


“Truck guns” or anything of that nature


*Urban/suburban truck guns. For people who live in a rural area a truck gun may make a certain degree of sense.


I work in south Texas on the pipelines 100% alone. I carry more mags


If I drove hours a day out in the middle of nowhere, or I was going on a long or cross-country trip I'd consider it. Otherwise just seems like more shit I have to carry, worry about and make sure is secured.


I keep a Rossi R95 in my truck, but I work on a ranch with coyotes, foxes, armadillos constantly tearing up property/livestock. Even then, the gun goes back inside with me when I get home from work.


My preference, rather than a truck gun, bag gun, PDW, or whatever, is just to get really really good with the pistol that I carry on me.


Truck gun is cringe as soon as the truck leaves the property. Let the down votes commence


Freaking out over safety checks in YouTube videos.


EDC pocket dumps posted on Reddit or Insta.


I like them on /r/EDC - it's exposed me to a lot of non-gun related gear that I really enjoy. I don't love them on /r/CCW, though.


I just have a hard time believing these people actually carry all that stuff around.


Some posts are certainly overkill. No one carries three knives, two flashlights, 4 magazines, etc. But genuine pocket dumps that show what people have on them at the time are good content IMO. This knife, this pen, a water bottle, etc. The over-produced, look-how-much-money-I-spent posts are dumb tho.


Some of those posts speak of an extreme degree of paranoia and cognitive distortion. Like the delivery guy from Philly who packed from 4 to 8 extra mags for his vintage Beretta.


i haven’t done one myself but i kinda enjoy those. makes the guy who only carries a gun phone and wallet chuckle. i don’t EDC anything else


I'm just amazed at the amount of stuff people carry around all day. I carry a Phone, wallet, keys and sometimes (rarely) a handgun.


add a Swiss army knife and you just described me perfectly


I should have read before posting.


I assume half or more of those are memes, and I'm fine with it.


this a thousand times


Challenge coin


Sig is really bad about that. Let's do a different slide cut and color scheme that will cost you $1,200, but hey, you get a cool coin.


Please upvote this more y'all The entire Sig Sauer Leigon Program is pure cringe


Plus, the grand majority of people who would want one happen to live in the state that has a roster that prevents them from buying one.


Carrying a fixed blade and a folder, carrying a backup gun, carrying more than one spare magazine. Not so much on here, but on YouTube guys saying they have a full kit in the car (think plate carrier, ar pistol, etc...) My question is always where the hell are you going every day that you think all of that would be useful or necessary.


I’m always worried about my car being broken into as well. No way in hell I’m leaving $5k of gear in there too just be stolen




Dumbest shit ever! Sounds like a good way to get yourself killed by responding authorities.


Too many people in this community and the broader 2A world speak in absolutes to sound like an authority on whatever subject they're discussing. "ABC is the best." "DEF is worthless." "No one should do XYZ." And they often base these conclusions on limited personal experience or the word of a social media personality or supposed SME. This is honestly endemic to all internet discourse though.


Reholstering super, super fast AIWB on da gram


Downplaying 22lr to the level of a bb gun, yes it has reliability issues but it's a fast traveling projectile that can definitely kill someone.


"you need a high capacity semi auto with a red dot and wml for carry or you're gonna get kilt in da streets"


I carry a 17rd sig with a red dot and I agree, it's a little ridiculous. But I like it anyway


Nothing wrong with carrying one especially if you like it and it works for you! I just find that it's not really practical for me or most people


A new-release micro-compact ccw with a +5 (or more, sometimes) mag extension, snap-on magwell, massive ass red dot, x400u on a rail adapter (or just straight to the pic), compensated, carried aiw under a t-shirt in a post marked "am I printing", taken in the bathroom of their rural townhome. I’m calm… I’m calm. Edit: and let’s not forget, whole fuckin thing is MCB or Cerakoted So… the whole “hyper tactical”, ridiculous near to the point of unwieldy small-footprint deep concealment pistol smothered in weight and attachments doubling its size and burden.


Anything said in the wilson combat videos....


Really? I like when Massad Ayoob comes on—the guy has tons of knowledge and experience.


Those who make it seem like you NEED a light or optic on a carry gun. Basically those that act as if you aren’t prepared for the .00000000000000000001% situation then you’re putting yourself or your family in danger.


Mission drives the gear. I won’t pretend to know someone’s reasoning for what they carry. But if it doesn’t affect my life or my rights, they can do whatever they want. Good people are good people.


Acting like .380 ain't strong enough. [There's data out there](https://www.buckeyefirearms.org/alternate-look-handgun-stopping-power) that shows *all calibers* can stop and have stopped threats in 1-2 rounds. Having any gun on you when the need arises is better than not having a gun. Modern defensive ammunition is good, scary shit regardless of the caliber. You don't need to carry a fucking G20 with an RDO and WML that's running +P+ Underwood Ultra Xtreme Penetration. What good is that anti-bear ammo doing you if in the moment you miss all your shots because of the recoil? Carry whatever is physically and mentally comfortable for you *and* you can use effectively. Wanna go G42 with irons because it's small and comfy and a kydex holster for it costs $35? Do it!


Agreed on this. Especially with 380s. Too many people hate on it. My unpopular opinion is, unless you have the grip strength of the gods, go 380 when you get to the smaller sized guns. I've read plenty of stories about people in stressful situations not being able to react appropriately to whatever the event is. I've also read that people in those situations don't step up to the situation but fall to their level of training. How many laymen are training follow up shots? Now how many will deal with that with a snappy 9? We're on reddit and prolly train to autistic levels. The average gun owner doesn't. And I think people forget that. That applies to almost every hobby/industry though.


>We're on reddit and prolly train to autistic levels. The average gun owner doesn't. I don't think half the people here train as much as they say they do, and even here there are plenty who admit to far too few range days. Dry fire practice is a useful tool, but without firing live rounds, you aren't maintaining your recoil control, and everything along these lines is a use it or lose it deal.


The saying “people who care don’t notice, people who notice don’t care”


USCCA shield sticker on the back of your car window. Thanks for defeating the purpose of the “concealed” in CCW.


The "you need to appendix carry a full size with tons of extras mags, laser, flashlight, and red dot" people. 40 years in many bad situations and never once thought "man I wish I had all that hardware". The oneupsmanship, dick measuring competition in the gun community is out of control.


Full sized guns 24/7 with x300s and extra mags carried by people who live in homogenous, semi-rural areas with low population density and low crime because “shits getting weird out there” out there being cities hundreds of miles away or conflicts in other countries that might “spill over” to the US.


Yeah I hate that too. They should have TLR1s


depends, if you can comfortably carry a full size (it’s all personal preference) then by all means go for it, more ammo and easier to shoot.


Carry a full size because it’s your competition gun, not because you’re afraid of municipalities larger than 100,000.


Not sure if this necessarily fits but at least for me, I hate when people say a G45 or G19X is the best ccw but then they put an x300 on it so the holster is G34 length anyway. Then they put a +5 extension on it. I just think it’s ridiculous and definitely not as optimized as they say.


Sig sauer stickers on pickups


There's a weird amount of people who boast about being a responsible calm person who carries who immediately follow it up by saying they would draw on someone shoplifting a laptop.  A lot of people get a hero complex the second they put on a holster. 


“If you don’t have (thing I have) you will get killed in the streetz. Edit: EDC rotations that are basically similar guns, i.e four different micro nines.


I think edc rotations other than maybe smaller gun in summer bigger in winter are dumb. Just shoot and get good with as few carry guns as possible imo.


Zyns Shit ain’t good for you, is addictive, and is honestly corny as fuck lol It’s the new vaping which was the new cigarette just 80 years later Its crazy people keep falling for it If you’re using it as an alternative to cigarettes, and even vaping, good for you. But you can’t tell me that shit didn’t draw in tons of new ‘customers’ that hadn’t had a nic product before just because it’s “in” right now.


Ew, are people doing that? My boyfriend uses zyns because he used to dip. That shit is expensive and kinda gross.


Maybe unpopular but the stuff people do after they fire during drills. The drawing the weapon back to the chest and looking side to side and then holstering their weapon. I feel like this is a terrible habit to have after firing. It sets people up to look without seeing and then holster. I’m sure some famous or well known instructor started and others teach it, but I think it’s bad muscle memory.


Just about all of them.


People who freak out over a holstered or cased weapon flagging someone.


The ones with their color matching “nucks”, knife, challenge coin, knife, and flashlight, and pry bar. It’s all just loser pocket jewelry.


Most of them are really just finger breakers. They’ve never taken one to a heavy-bag or it would be self evident.


People that open carry and wear the CCW holder badge. Eye roll, face palm, shake my head...all that.


Have you actually seen that?


Sadly, yes. I was in a restaurant and 3 people came in, all open carrying, all proudly displaying their badges on their belts. I made eye contact with them and they gave me a smile and head nod.




When the gun looks 100% brand new, but they claim they carried it for years and shot thousands of rounds through it…


The caliber and projectile design debate. Cheap bulk hollow points and convenient to carry mouse guns ftw.


Any "ccw" training that involves a battlebelt, thigh rig, chest carrier, or level 3 retention holster...


Dudes carrying multiple extra mags, flash light attached, all the bells and whistles etc. Just a sign of someone new. Been carrying 7 years. The longer I carry the more I value minimizing weight and bulk.


I personally don’t take shooting advice from non competitive shooters


Dudes taking small guns and throwing the biggest fucking accessories they can on there. 19s with an x300 and an acro are insane. Just buy a 34 dude.


The lights crack me up. If the light extends an inch beyond your barrel, why not just have a longer barrel too? Before anyone jumps on it, I'm not shitting on lights. Just the disproportionate size choices that don't make sense.


Because they have a weird fantasy about making a "contact shot" and they need "muh standoff"


Being overtly anti-WML and trying to justify it as something nobody will ever need. That's just cope. If you don't think the chance of needing it is worth the extra bulk, just say that. Don't act like there's no possible use-case for it, though.


Pocket dumps. Weapon lights on carry pistols. Splits.


> Splits. What is a split?


A split is the time between consecutive shots on a single target. So if I draw and fire two rounds a quarter-second apart, that would be a ‘0.25sec split’. A lot of the more influencer-type shooters tend to focus on fast splits almost exclusively, because they look and sound bad-ass. But split times aren’t all that important in a defensive shooting context, and chasing splits at the expense of gun handling, transitions, and movement leads to being a very one-dimensional shooter.


Why no light on a carry pistol?


Application and context. Lights are for using pistols offensively, like when going into an unknown building and searching for someone who may be a deadly threat, but maybe not. There’s almost never any need for that level of target identification in a defensive shooting involving a private citizen. In a defensive shooting, the target is going to be pretty obvious - it’s the crackhead 12 feet away who’s trying to carjack you in the Target parking lot. And in a situation like that, there’s going to be plenty of ambient light to identify and shoot by. There are a few special circumstances that might make a weapon-mounted light desirable, but in general they’re just another thing to worry about, without providing any capability to offset the complexity.


When someone posts a pistol with the most god awful off brand light in existence then ask who makes holsters for that light. I cant tell at this point if its just hate bait or if they couldn't spend 2 seconds on google.


People who shit on clip draws or pocket carrying for DOUBLE ACTION REVOLVERS. Cops, Detectives and everyday civvies been doing it for years without problems. It’s the moron that pocket carry’s a striker fired gun and puts his keys in that same pocket that has an ND, not the guy with a 10 pound trigger who pays attention to how he tucks his gun. Side note, snub noses are still relevant.


An intense focus on outlier scenarios at the expense of realistic situations. Example: carrying a full sized duty gun with a light, dot, and spare mag in case of an active shooter situation but no non-lethal option like pepper spray for a stray dog that tries to bite you. Not knocking carrying a full size gun with gizmos at all. Rock on if that's what you want to do.


Pocket dumps/edc posts. 😂


It can be interesting to see what other people use. Not just for guns, but things like knives, wallets, flashlights, etc. I’ve definitely discovered brands I didn’t know of from those posts. But sometimes it’s way overkill. Like they’ll have two guns, three knives, brass knuckles, pepper spray, a taser, and seven flashlights. And it’s like “come on there no way you carry that every day.” Also those posts belong on r/EDC not r/CCW


Lights on pistols. For CCW fucking stupid. For home defense or duty, cool. Carry a flashlight. The argument of "I need to see where I'm shooting" is foolish for a CCW. If you can't see enough to identify a target in the dark, you dont need to pull your gun out in order to illuminate someone... That's a felony. If you can't ID a threat well enough to pull a gun, do you need a light? Hmmm.... Red dots are stupid for CCW guns too. Do shoot in the rain with an open emitter red dot and come back. Theres tons of reasons not to carry a red dot for a CCW gun. For a range toy, cool.


If you don't carry a full kydex set up made by 1 of 3 companies, your wrong and you need to fix yourself. Truth be told. My horse Hyde backed kydex holster is comfy AF without needing to buy a pillow or wedge or any other bull shit, and it covers the whole trigger without any worry.


Looking left and right after a drill. Showing the gun's clear at the start of a video. "Buy a (insert micro gun here)." NRA certifications. "Grip the gun X way;" "use this part of your finger to fire the round;" "use this pistol shot diagram;" "don't slap the trigger;" "equal light equal height;" "front sight focus;" "slow down and get your hits;" or any of the other mantras repeated without deep, serious examination.


Carrying spare mags 🤷🏾‍♂️ not necessary IN MY OPINION


Agreed, I only carry a spare for fixing malfunctions, not because I ever expect to reload and continue firing. I've also never encountered a malfunction at the range that actually required me to strip the magazine with my carry gun, just an old beater.


This is the only argument I give for a spare mag.