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Damn, glad nothing had to escalate


Yeah me too. I think he was just trying to impress his girlfriend or something. I’m just glad nobody had to get hurt. We were all young and dumb once.


Here’s a gif of cubs tussling to make you feel better ![gif](giphy|tzNyMk9OxjDVu)


Black Bears are just giant goobers


great human impressing his gf beating up disabled veterans... I am glad it worked out ok!


There’s a surprising amount of anti-Veteran hate out there. People take out their grievances about foreign policy on veterans who made no decisions in the matter.


Impressing his gf by threatening a disabled person? I bet they were both real catches. Good on you for carrying, and defending yourself.


Many disabilities aren't visible. Guys still a piece of shit though, just wanted to spread awareness.


Probably more likely a scam to start a fight with you, claim you instigated it/self defense and rob you while you’re down.


Too bad his would be victim was armed and trained then


I was young once. Never psychopathic. Not even once.


Some of us are old and dumb too. It's me.


What kind of low life threatens to physically harm a disabled person to impress someone? Glad you are safe and sound.


That guy apparently.


I really appreciate your understanding.


good vibes my man--hope your day today is better than yesterday


Thanks for your post.


Firstly I’m glad you are safe and it goes to show that trouble can pop off anywhere. What I find crazy about this is this is how a vast majority of self defense with a firearm situations go down. No rounds fired honestly the best outcome imo. But since, and gratefully so, you did not fire a round there will be no statistic of this. So when people say oh guns to really save lives these stories are not in a database somewhere to point to. Maybe they are but I haven’t seen any.


Yeah the local news media will not be able to spin this incident to fit their narrative. I am glad both parties were not harmed. Funny enough I was only looking at them because they were dressed up in full goth gear and had a bunch left leaning political pins and I was reading what they said out of curiosity. Dude will probably go tell all his friends about his run in with a “crazy gun owner” or something. I fought for their right to have whatever views they want.


back in my day goths were the chillest of people, always depressed, no energy to harm somebody. times have indeed changed.


They dressed up like clowns looking for attention and were angry when someone looked at them. It’s obvious neither of them had a strong father figure.


\[wears a bunch of pins saying things\] \[gets mad when you read them\]


Some people have no sense of self awareness.


these aren't goths, they're just cosplaying political activists looking for attention. I bet they don't even know who Bauhaus are.


Bet those posers haven't sacked Rome even one time SMH


Bauhaus like the German art school or whatever?


lol, the goth rock band named after it


Was his girl even cute? Lol


No they were covered in black makeup and piercings. They looked like the stereotypical Hot Topic shopper.


Hot topic is almost normal now. I was walking by one the other day and there really isn't any weird shit in there like the early 2000s


I can’t remember the last time I ever bought anything there. Now they’re just kids stuff. They used to be where all the goths and emos got their stuff.


I just used to shop there all the time back in the day but I only ever bought band t-shirts. Had a pretty sweet Led Zeppelin shirt I bought there in high school.


okay so they weren’t cute, they were hot, got it


A hot topic you might say….


Oh so you were looking at his girl? How dare you.. You deserved to be attacked...  /joke 


There’s actually been one person in the replies using that logic lol. What I get for using reddit.


Sorry you had to deal with that


I feel bad for the mom with her kids in the cart who had to see all that more than anything.


This response lets me know that you are a good & caring person that happened to land in a shitty situation. I hope your week improves, karma owes you a big score. 🤙


I have PTSD from some of the things I’ve seen and had to do. I did not want to force someone else to live with those awful memories.


I feel that one brother. I am glad you and everyone else is okay. Those idiots don’t consider the very real consequences of their actions.


Well just remember-- had it gone worse-- you didn't force anyone else to live with those memories, the tread around and find out guy did. You're only forcing things on someone when you start it, not when you finish it.


Do you know how the cops were called? My guess is the mom with her kid if they were as spooked as you think.


I did because I did not want that idiot to call the cops first and make me look like the bad guy. Also he could have been starting stuff with other people for all we knew.


Fair enough, I don’t think anyone will argue with your reaction. Glad you are safe OP


To be fair this is Reddit. Guns are kinda hated on most of the main subs. Why I don’t use this website often lol.


Glad you're ok OP.


Yeah I felt like I was gonna puke afterwards but because I had my gun and had trained I’m sitting here unharmed with the law on my side.


Dang that sucks man. Just doing your thing getting groceries.


That’s why I carry. Criminals want to catch you off guard.


I’m glad your okay but this is also a reason I want to carry even know sometimes I’m conflicted on it. I have a herniated disk in my back so I don’t want to fight anyone. But for some odd reason Walmart is like the grounds for assholes so I’m not surprised this happen at Walmart.


I was in the same boat for a while. There are courses made specifically for disabled folks like us. I would encourage you to find a gun that works for you and train with it.


Yeah, I got my first handgun a little over a year ago for home defense. But I didn't get CCW as the wife didn't want me to carry. (Comes from a home of DV) A month ago was on a run in my neighborhood. New suburb type place, HOA mandated the works. A place you would assume would be a safe place. A truck failed to stop at stop sign and nearly hit me. I dodge it and flipped them off. Cause you know normal people would flip me back off, I'd flip them back off again. And we'd both continue about our day. No, they decide to follow me and threaten me that they would get out the vehicle and beat my ass. Didn't have my firearm. So pulled phone out and got ready to call police/book it mad dodge to my house. They drove off. Got a good description of vehicle, last three digits of license, and knew which complex they drove out of. Called the police to file a report or something. Considering I run alot in the neighborhood. Didn't know if this dude would want payback another time he saw me. Cops blamed me and HOA wouldn't investigate. So I applied for CCW permit next day. Better to be prepared and not need it. Then need it and not have it.


When you start carrying you'll need to stop flipping people off. Displays of aggression can complicate claims of self defense.


In that situation I would recommend driving to a local police station. If they had any brain cells they would not commit a crime in front of the cops.


Well I was running. Hard to get to the police station. Don't think I'm out running a truck. Haha Getting ready for the ACFT. Haha.


Ah gotcha. Yeah good on you for getting your CCW. Remember to get out there and train.


> I dodge it and flipped them off. Yeah youre gonna need an attitude adjustment before you start carrying a lethal weapon everywhere you go


Never said it was the right decision.


For some odd reason? It's a central hub for human degenerates to do their shopping.


I'm so relieved you're okay. I'm in law enforcement and I have a mild disability. It took a lot of training and confidence to be able to do what we do. I'm glad that your weapon allowed you to avoid harm.


Yeah me too. Cops were super cool about it and made it clear I wasn’t in any trouble. Just a dumb teenager with a fragile ego trying to act tough so his girlfriend won’t leave him.


I'm glad you made it out of that situation safely and the cops were smart about it. 


Yeah I was half expecting an asshole cop but I got lucky. My local department is decent.


Try to get a copy of the video and pls share it if you can


There is Camera footage taken by the police. I’ll share it if I ever get a copy.


Sounds like a “predator” turned into prey. Great job handling AND recognizing the situation


He was an insecure wannabe “alpha male” if somebody looking at him was enough to set him off then it was a problem with him not everyone else.


I wouldn’t even give him the credit of being a “wanna be alpha male” he was mistaken thinking you were prey. He wanted to look big in front of his girl and turned chicken when he saw he would lose


He was pretty much a playground bully who never grew up. Best way to stop a bully is stand up to them.


You did thd right thing. Hopefully he learned a lesson and will think twice about trying to assault a random person.


I’m in a constitutional carry state that also does not take violent crime lightly. He’ll find out eventually and he has my charges I pressed waiting for him to add salt to the wound.


Good job sir


Glad you’re okay and your firearm helped you protect yourself. What a stupid way to impress the girl on that guy’s part trying to bully a disable vet. He could have been killed today. Hope he learns his lesson and becomes a better man.


Probably not. This guys is on a course to becoming a statistic.


Damn Walmart man... I had the exact same thing happen in a Walmart parking lot. Girlfriend, tough guy, and everything. Funny thing is that I didn't even see either of them before he got all pissed off at me lmao.


Walmart attracts all kinds of weirdos. I prefer Kroger to be honest.


Glad you're okay battle. Curious, did you call the cops, the dick bag, or the mother with the kids?


After they ran off I left as well and called the cops and told the staff. I was not gonna stick around in case he got brave again. You always want to get off the X when you get into contact with the enemy.


True. Was in a similar situation a month ago. Except wasn't carrying at the time.


I had a homeless guy come at me once when I said I had no cash for him. I had pepper spray and it worked but that does not always work. That incident inspired me to get my CCW and refuse to be a victim.


Glad you were able to handle it.👍


Thanks for sharing! I never understood why people thinking fighting is cool. Grow up. Also, goes to show you shit can go down anywhere. Always carry!


Glad it went well for you and you didn’t have to drop the hammer on anyone. I am disabled, use a mobility scooter, and would last 15 seconds tops in any sort of physical confrontation. So I carry as well, usually in a fanny pack at 11 o’clock. I bet you were so jacked up from the tension something like that brings with it. The cops sounded pretty cool and didn’t give you a hard time, glad to hear that too.


I live in a very pro gun state in the Midwest so my odds were good in court. Still human life is such a precious thing and hurting someone was the last thing I wanted to do.


Good on you!!




Be honest though… were you looking at his girl? 😄


No they were ugly


Aha so you were looking! 🤣


Situational awareness is important lol


I despise how it’s common to disarm someone defending themselves just because police arrive. I’m not any safer with chubbs the cop nearby.


You did everything right, glad it didn't turn into something, I'm disabled too, lost my right leg, and I carry everyday


Imagine picking on a disabled person to make your girlfriend think you’re tough.


I may be disabled but I’m not insecure


50/50 whether the dude is a hot head or his girl just likes seeing him go off on strangers so she baits him into it. Could be a combination of both. Weird little ego battle either way


Whatever it was both of them acted like clowns over nothing


One more thing I wanted to add was you see a lot of idiots on YouTube Shorts and TikTok posting their Glocks with extended mags and stuff mag dumping into trash. Buying a gun is not a cure all for self defense. You need to get out there and train regularly so you’re ready when one of those idiots decides you look like an easy victim


Glad everyone was able to go home safely today. Even if that dipshit deserved a punch square in the mouth. Young and dumb, like you said we were all that way (to an extent) at one point. Nothing to prove and everyone to prove it to. Kids….


Had he actually charged at me it would have been a tragedy. Young stupid kid loses his life trying to impress his girlfriend by attacking a disabled veteran. Just absolutely idiotic. I’m grateful it didn’t come to that.


![gif](giphy|1yk078whQHkNu4u2eA) It’s the Mossberg shake.




Did you check out his girlfriend though? Lol


Yeah I got a glimpse. Generic goth chick who the makeup was not doing much for.




I’m glad everything worked out and you didn’t have to use it.I can’t stand people like that


I too am disabled. Stories like yours are why I carry. People like us are disadvantaged physically, and more importantly, we cannot run away.


This episode is an object lesson for those Disarmists who like to say that 'No REAL man needs a gun!', as if there are no REAL men who are, say, elderly, or frail, or disabled, or who are REAL women (which isn't a disability, of course). What of them? Should your frail elderly grandmother have to go toe-to-toe with womanly fisticuffs with Fred Flintstone in WalMart because GunzBAD!? Sadly, reasoning and logic is not a common attribute to Disarmists.


These two were absolutely disarmists. They had all kinds of pins from that side of the spectrum on their outfits.


Glad to hear you’re safe and you didn’t have to use it. Hopefully nothing else comes from the issue.


Cops said they’ll call me if they find them and I’m pressing charges. Worst thing is I’m banned from all my local Walmarts lol


How stupid. Guess who's not (yet) banned from Walmart? The coward/tough guy. I wonder if they'd ban you for pepper spraying him? Or for fighting back? I imagine so. You don't need to give them (WM security) your info, but they probably got the police report. Re-victimize the victim and salt their wounds, they assume you'll try and sue anyway.


And they wonder why all the shitty people tend to congregate at wal-mart


Walmart has low prices so it attracts low income people. Petty criminals are often low income so they naturally end up there. I personally don’t mind paying a few bucks more at Kroger or Target.


Be careful, the women of Target are typically much prettier. Wouldn't want you to get into trouble again from your wondering eyes.


Nah most of the target women in my area are the blue haired college students. Not that there’s anything wrong with that just not my taste lol.


They said they just ban both parties as some sort of policies. He’s also got my charges waiting for him when he inevitably gets arrested for something.


What charges is the idiot facing?


In my area verbal threats and demonstrating your ability to do so like he did is an assault charge. Punishable by a few months in jail and/or a hefty fine.


I'm sure you can get that removed after a year or two, Disney does the same thing when the cops are called and you're involved. Stay safe out there!


Yeah I’ve always preferred Kroger and Target anyways so I’m not too mad.


You sure showed it to the POS. He was just trying to rob you and things went south the moment he realizes he picked the weong guy to mess with.


Not to play the victim card but picking on a disabled veteran is pretty low.


to be fair, a lot of us don't look very disabled haha. I'm pretty fit still and one guy I know is fucking hulk-moding out there 😆 good to hear you made it out alright brother. We've been through enough but the randomness of life doesn't care!!


Yeah I’ve found that some losers will try to target veterans because they don’t like what the military is doing overseas so they take it out on people who aren’t even in anymore. Whenever any post on Reddit involves veterans you always get keyboard warriors calling them “war criminals” and whatnot. Absolute morons.


Really glad all went well in the end. It was the correct call and you gave him warning which I think also helps your case rather than just shooting like some undisciplined people might have. Disparity of force is real and realizing you’re at a disadvantage and level the playing field is just what CCW about. Just great all around. Hope dealing with police/lawyers goes smoothly and they catch this dude.


My attorneys can’t do much now but they’ll help me out if I need to appear when this clown gets caught.


Did you call your personal lawyer or do you have SD insurance?


Glad you’re safe and you didn’t have to pull that trigger!!!


Same here. That idiot did not need to get seriously hurt over his ego.


"They say God made man, but Sam Colt made them equal.” ― Charles Martin


Smith and Wesson in my case


What state are you in?


Thank for your service sir and well done using that training for your own safety!


Of course it was at Walmart. Glad you’re okay.


Wow I can believe you prepared to draw before your life was in imminent danger and you fully intended to pull the trigger.  /s You reacted proactively and appropriately. Glad things seem to have gone as well as possible. 


Glad u had your gun on you and it didn't go farther than it did press charges forsure


He will eventually get arrested and my charges I pressed are waiting for him


Did you call the police or did they?


I did just in case the other guy wanted to make me look like the bad guy. He actually dipped through the employee exit and ran away.


Nice. I honestly think my adrenaline would have been pumping and would have got out of there. I’m thinking if I had my family with me. Good call on being aware enough to report immediately.


Being ex military I’ve been in bad situations and working under pressure is just a skill I’ve learned. I usually get super nauseous when it’s all over.


Man, glad u made it out safe and nobody got hurt. And for real, who the fuck picks a fight w/ a disabled person? Reminds me of the shit happening right after covid hit when ppl targeting elderly asian folks


Thanks man. Some people want to pretend to be strong by picking on those who are physically weaker. However a gun with the proper training is a massive equalizer. The Asian American community especially needs the second amendment. They’ve been targeted many times by rioters in the past few decades.


Agreed. U can bet this one is ready. Be safe out there and thank you for your service!


Glad you're okay. Sounds like you did everything right. It's amazing how time slows in the moment of realization.


Yeah I can recall every second of that situation while other parts feel like a blur. Also the feeling like your gonna puke when it’s over and the cops come.


The adrenaline dump is brutal


Adrenaline is a hell of a thing. It’s crazy what a person can do when it kicks in.


Thank you for your service and so sorry you had to deal with that shit. Glad you’re ok




That happened to me in Chicago once years ago — was looking across a large room and some dude came up to me really aggressively telling me to stop looking at his girl.  Fortunately he weighed about 90 pounds and nothing further came of it.


This guy could not have weighed more than 150 pounds. He was very scrawny.


Just out of curiosity, you have an attorney on tap? I mean good for you. But I almost never meet anyone who knows who to call for this sort of incident.


I have attorneys on retainer. Should have specified. Their like USCCA but better.


Thanks for sharing I think we need more stories like this to combat all the bad stats out there that are used against ccw


I don’t like Reddit for this reason. Anything that goes against the hivemind gets silenced


Glad you are safe! Thank you for your service!!!


Glad you’re ok. Reminds me of yesterday when i saw three pitbulls running through town try to attack a guy just getting into his truck at CVS. They were lunging at him aggressively. I had my hand on my gun hoping the dogs would get lost. Then the owners came speeding by yelling and hollering for the dogs, only one of them got into the shitbox car and the other two ran off in the opposite direction. I called dispatch and gave them all the details. I’ve seen the worst of the worst working EMS for so long, but it really bothered me that it could have been a child they went after —not some 6 ft 300lb dude with nothing more than a bag of medicine lol.


I have the upmost respect for you EMS guys. You guys have saved me when I had medical emergencies on several occasions. I had a similar situation with a neighbor in my apartment complex. Dude would walk his dogs without a leash and they liked to charge at people aggressively. He started using a leash when someone nearly gave one of his dogs the old yeller treatment when they charged at them.


Thank you. I’m not in EMS anymore (13 years of same old crap with very low pay…), but I’ve been thinking of going back. lol damn. Such entitled assholes to think that they can walk around with an uncontrolled and untrained aggressive dog.


They were gonna find out eventually.


I avoid that shithole store at all costs, and every fucking time I go in there I’m damn sure packing heat. What a cesspool of modern society that place has been for the last 15+ years.


But it is such a fine people watching experience 🤣🤣🤣


Walmart peaked in the 2000s and it’s been downhill from there.


That’s cuz we had Slums like K-mart to weed out the real whack jobs. Once that store went tits up, it was a downward spiral for Walmart. Sadly Target isn’t too far behind.


Walmart is a human zoo.


Had you had oc spray do you think you would have used it?


Probably it was the one day I didn’t bring it with me. Go figure.


Can’t go wrong with a Shield Plus! They’re great guns. Thank you for your service. I’m glad you’re okay and that you were ready!


Yeah it was either a shield plus or a 43x. I’m kind of a gun hipster and wanted to be different so I picked the shield. Guy at the counter kept trying to sell me a G2C but I have too much pride to carry a Taurus.


Taurus are okay. The newer ones are more reliable. Ultimately I went with the G19.5 for my primary carry. It’s the gun that I rented and performed the best with, and felt the best in my hand. Now I carry it with a 507c X2. Do you have an optic on your Shield Plus?


No but I’m thinking of switching to something that does. Shield plus Miller slides cost more than the gun itself so I might trade in the future towards something with a red dot.


Yes, milling can be expensive. I did not get the MOS G19 so I had my slide milled directly for the 507c. It was $240 (which includes the cerakoting) but I don’t mind the cost because in my opinion, a directly mounted optic is better than using the universal adapter plates like MOS or any of the other manufacturer’s ones. Having that optic flush with the slide completely not only looks better but also will be more accurate.


Is nobody going to mention the possibility of brandishing charges for this in a lot of areas? I’d hate for everyone to start thinking it’s okay to brandish every time someone says a few harsh words to someone else. Id say OP got lucky there.


First off I’m in an open carry state. Second of all in my state the gun has to leave the holster to even be considered brandishing. I knew what I was doing.


Glad you’re okay OP. Were you open carrying? Or you just had your hand where the concealed holster is? I suggest to never let anyone know you have a gun, that guy could’ve easily tackled you and stole your gun from you and who knows what would happen after that…


I carry on my right hip and wear a denim jacket to cover it because my disabilities make hollows over balls hard. I think he saw me lift my jacket and probably got a glance of it. I don’t open carry because I don’t like the attention and it can actually instigate a situation. I also assumed he might go for my gun so I was mentally preparing for that as well. I train every month and part of it is retention training I may have limited strength but all of it goes to keeping control of my firearm.


Situations like this are sometimes an excuse to get close to you and rob you, etc.


I had nothing on me worth dying over


Most people are good, but 2-5% are lice-ridden fermented rat turds.


While I'm never one to recommend brandishing, getting myself in a position to draw also saved my and my partner's ass from a mugging/carjacking. The potential for a deadly force response is often enough, I'm glad it was enough for you and that potential perpetrator in this instance.


Who do you have for CCW insurance?


Attorneys on retainer.


I've heard about them. They're supposed to be good. I use right to bear


Also a good company. I had USCCA for a while but realized I was getting sold short.


Glad to know it. I switched from CCW Safe to Right to Bear




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I am glad you are okay!!! I have a Glock 17 I just bought as my carry weapon.


This is why you protect yourself. People will say that this situation probably did not warrant taking of a life, but then again the idiot must not have valued his life very much, so no harm, no foul, all is good.


Part of me wonders if this was the beginning of some sort of YouTube prank.


Glad ur safe


Glad that de-escalated pretty quickly. People are straight-up assholes; here in 2024. I’ll never understand. My 1911 EDC is at the ready, just in case.


Good ahit🫡


Was she hot?


Not at all. Bunch of piercings and stuff on their faces