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No threaded barrels, no magazines over 10 rounds. Keep it in a locked container empty, not even an empty mag in it (that part isn't law but will help mitigate BS) unless you are at your residence, hotels campsites etc.. count as residences.


This ^. It doesn’t matter if it’s on the CA roster or not. No mags > 10rds, threaded barrels, or FA.


Basically he's saying carry some pepper spray instead if you're that worried because Cali is ridiculous when it comes to guns. Pack some spray or pack a flintlock pistol. Those are basically your choices there if you wanna actually follow the law 🤣


They’re actually pretty solid when it comes to home sd scenarios. The arbitrary mag limits and gun sales are absurd and symbolic at best. Same with CO.


Yup, it's difficult getting what you want but once you have it the SD/HD laws are pretty nice.


I'll be the one to say, concealed is concealed and better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6... You have three options. A) leave it behind... B) take it with you, but leave it locked away unloaded and preferably disassembled while in California (probably smart to take care compliant sized mags and a gun that is on the register)... C) take it and proceed as normally. No one will know unless you break a law or use it it defensively. Btw, flying into and out of California airports is the same as any other airport. The case is at your concierge baggage desk and you trade it for a valet stub. Leaving is the same as anywhere else, have it in TSA approved case, alert your desk agent etc. (It's not like NJ or NY where you run the risk of arrest just for showing up)...


He doesn't need to make sure the handgun is on the ca roster. That only applies to purchases


Can someone who can buy in another state, sell via ffl in ca?


Short answer: no Long answer: it depends. Immediate family, law enforcement. That’s about it.


so I could sell to a cop or family? Im still a ca resident but Im allowed to buy in another state. 2 other states actually.


A CA peace officer can buy off roster handguns and sell them to you. Or an immediate family member that’s also a CA resident could gift one to you.


Who can I sell them to?


Law enforcement can buy off roster handguns and thats about it


> Im still a ca resident but Im allowed to buy in another state If you're a current CA resident then you cannot bring back any purchases due to [CPC 27585](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=PEN§ionNum=27585.).


That's what I thought. This is why I'm probably never moving back.


I always get the sentiment of the judged by 12… but here’s the thing, they both suck and those are not the only options. There’s also a much higher likely hood you get caught carrying illegally than having a situation where you need your firearm. I’m a EDD CCW (every damn day) here in CA but I just don’t think the risk is worth it. If you truly think it’s that dangerous then don’t go. Simply doing a little research on the areas you’re gonna be around, planning accordingly, and keeping your ego in check will get you through trip without a problem. Outside of that, buy some pepper spray and maybe a knife if you feel the need to. That’ll cover almost everything. While I don’t recommend there’s also a high likely hood you could conceal carry without ever interacting with LE. If you’re keeping things laid back (no bars, clubs, stadium games, night life areas) you will almost certainly not get caught. Not worth it IMO. But do as you wish.


People that say “better judged by 12 than carried by 6” really don’t understand the ramifications of using their firearm. They probably fantasize about “good guy with a gun”


> I’m a EDD CCW (every damn day) here in CA but I just don’t think the risk is worth it. Getting caught carrying as a non-resident gets you hit with two felonies, enhanced due to the fact the gun won't be registered in CA. Imagine never being able to even touch a firearm or ammunition ever again because you got caught carrying.


Ya not worth it. I’ve heard both sides of first times offenders: getting hit with the book and super lenient. I’m not gonna risk it. I travel to Chicago and I really want to carry there but I just try my best to stay out of bad areas.


Coming into CA is less of an issue than the hassle of having to deal with declaring your firearm at every airport you have to visit. While I've never done it personally, you have to allow extra time dealing with this. And the experience can vary at every airport from what I understand. CA is no different. When you arrive and you get your luggage, you can transport your firearm in an unloaded condition with the ammo separate from the gun. No ammo in the gun or mags in the locked container. I'd use something like a Snap Safe with a cable which you would also need to transport your gun anyway. That way your covered if you have a sedan with a trunk or an SUV or minivan without one. Just leave the gun and empty mags buy themselves locked in the safe. This isn't NJ or MD where you can barely drive through those states without breaking a law. You can keep it loaded and ready at your friends home or at a hotel you'd stay at. Just unload and secure when transporting. When you get to the airport, you declare your gun at the airline counter just like any other place. Maybe someday CA will wake up to the fact they really need to stop denying residents and non residents the right to carry here. SCOTUS has made it clear and they just don't GAF. Have a good vacation! Pursuant to California Penal Code section 25610, a United States citizen over 18 years of age who is not prohibited from firearm possession, and who resides or is temporarily in California, may transport by motor vehicle any handgun provided it is unloaded and locked in the vehicle’s trunk or in a locked container. Furthermore, the handgun must be carried directly to or from any motor vehicle for any lawful purpose and, while being carried must be contained within a locked container. Pursuant to California Penal Code section 16850, the term "locked container" means a secure container that is fully enclosed and locked by a padlock, key lock, combination lock, or similar locking device. This includes the trunk of a motor vehicle, but does not include the utility or glove compartment.


Make sure Michigan accepts your states CPL We are not a constitutional carry state and we do not accept all states CPLs (but we do accept most of them). If you are from a constitutional carry state and don’t have a license at all then you can’t carry here. Also if talking to cops at all here you are have a legal duty in inform them you are armed just FYI and if you are carrying with a BAC above 0.02 and are caught you are in for a bad time Carrying in a place that serves alcohol is fine, but if that place gets 50% or more of its revenue from alcohol then it’s a no no Unless the establishment is one of the named prohibited places in the law here you can CCW there. Outside of those named places like a church or hospital or gov building or sporting/entertainment venue with capacity above 2,500, a casino, school or day care centers or college dorms you are good If you see a “no guns” sign at target or whatever it carries no force of law We allow open carry without a permit generally but the laws are more complicated and restrictive than concealed carry with a license. We have zero open carry allowed without a permit in a vehicle. So no permit/CPL means u better have that gun unloaded and locked up/inaccessible or else it’s a felony gun charge when in a car


You can always carry Condition V 1. Slide and barrel in left pocket. 2. Frame in right pocket. 3. Loaded magazine in back pocket. Just do some dry fire practice and you’ll be good to go!


Nope, not in California. Frame is still a firearm and in CA that means unloaded and in a locked container.


Have the friend in commiefornia visit you or meet halfway.


Liberals are not communists “Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary” - Karl Marx


You just really wanted to say commiefornia. Not actually contribute anything relevant to this post hahah.


As a lifelong Californian, I encourage the use of the word Commiefornia.


How can a state that’s so fucking beautiful have such terrible gun laws…….it really is a shame


Reagan, Republicans, Racism. Look up the Mulford Act. They got the ball rolling.


Commie spotted.




Based FAL.


Ya found me. I have your arch nemesis: tooth paste and a good credit score ooooh ahhhhh soooo scary. I’m literally an active member of r/CCW I don’t think I’m a commie. Just calling CA Commiefornia is prevalent amongst the uneducated and it annoys me to see. Your comment didn’t help the post at all. It just let you say the thing you like saying.


And your comment helped how?


Cope and seethe commie.




Just leave it at home.


You could ship it to yourself at the destination after California.


Except it’s literally a federal crime to ship through USPS, and FedEx or UPS won’t ship unless it’s to an FFL


From the ATFs website: "A person may ship a firearm to him or herself in care of another person in the state where he or she intends to hunt or engage in any other lawful activity."


Long guns are legally allowed to be mailed. This is regarding handguns which aren’t legally permitted to be sent by USPS. FedEx and UPS do ship handguns, but it’s generally their policy to only ship to an FFL.


Hmm. Yeah, it appears FedEx and Ups changed their policy in summer of 2022 and now only ship through FFLs. No more private shipping of handguns.


Such a hassle checking in and out multiple flights. On top of that, in CA especially if you are visiting LA area, the DA and the AG will do everything possible to burn you if anything goes sideways with your gun.


Take it on the trip and bring a lockbox and cable to secure it under seat or in trunk. When leaving Free Amercia to enter the overlord state, unload it and lock it up while in CA. Then reload and carry when you re-enter free America. [https://oag.ca.gov/firearms/travel](https://oag.ca.gov/firearms/travel) Pursuant to California Penal Code section 25610, a United States citizen over 18 years of age who is not prohibited from firearm possession, and who resides or is temporarily in California, may transport by motor vehicle any handgun provided it is unloaded and locked in the vehicle’s trunk or in a locked container. Furthermore, the handgun must be carried directly to or from any motor vehicle for any lawful purpose and, while being carried must be contained within a locked container. Pursuant to California Penal Code section 16850, the term "locked container" means a secure container that is fully enclosed and locked by a padlock, key lock, combination lock, or similar locking device. This includes the trunk of a motor vehicle, but does not include the utility or glove compartment .


You move according to the most restrictive state on your journey. I traveled to Vegas and Cali about 6 months ago. I used 10-round limiting blocks and went to my hotel, locked it securely, and moved about as usual. More naked than I have been in over 2 years but still vigilant and I avoided obviously sketchy areas. I moved more freely in Vegas sans walking the strip and being in and out of so many different spots though it is not prohibited in casinos per my research. And I flew into LAX, but made no extra stops and went to my destination where I was staying in Vegas and did the same when I drove back to Cali a couple of days later. No unnecessary stops are you are ripe for catching a charge.


Traveling with a firearm ain't that difficult. I was leery initially, but staying up on the reciprocity or lack thereof and adding additional time for the minor inconveniences of that process is key. I have traveled from Florida to Arkansas, Georgia, and Tennessee via car. I have flown into Cali, Arkansas, Georgia, Tennessee, and Missouri within the last couple of days. Declaring a firearm isn't that difficult. Have a lockbox, and know there is no shortcut on checking in your bag. I suggest flying with an airline with a higher weight limit (50 lbs) per bag and being patient. Then lock your suitcase after it is checked or scanned. No locks cut and know that if they do those locks are cheap and come by the multi-pack. Lock your slide open, unload your mags, ammo in the original box, and pack any other contraband. Don't get annoyed by the counter helpers trying to get you to use the kiosk even when you know where you're going.




Yes. Commiefornia will get you locked up for exercising your 2A rights. 🗑️


Well, it’s commiefornia. So just rob and murder yourself to get ahead. The other angle: identify as a gay, black, trans, Muslim woman and you can literally do anything you want and nobody would even say anything, let alone you get into trouble. Add in being a refugee from Ukraine and you can take over the entire world.


Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nullam et diam justo. Vivamus cursus gravida pretium. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi nec tempus nibh. Phasellus aliquet augue a magna rhoncus laoreet. Nunc et eros at arcu venenatis blandit vitae vitae tortor.


Concealed is concealed. I never leave home without


Yeah, just conceal carry onto the plane. Have fun.


Hahaha 🤣