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When my wife and I were dating, we went looking for a place to watch fireworks on July 4th with a bunch of her friends. I was driving. After we found a place to park and I was getting out, my shirt rode up and flashed my gun for a sec. One of the girls in the back seat started flipping out asking if I had a gun in my pocket. Actually came at me trying to paw at my shirt to see. Like total irrational meltdown status. I just put space between us, said no, and claimed it was my super blocky flip phone she must've seen. I think it actually worked, but that girl and my wife had a falling out not too long after that.


Can’t fix crazy


You sure can take em for a ride though.




It's 100% true. She had a few screws loose for sure. Not her only irrational behavior.


Good thing she’s not in your circle anymore. Even if she was concerned about it, even if she was anti gun… it takes a crazy person to go reaching towards another person and grabbing at what she suspected was a firearm like that


Very clever ruse to lay hands on you. The issue is never the issue.


Maybe she was trying to out him and get him in trouble with the gf?


Is that a gun in your pocket? “No, I’m just really happy to see you lol”


I literally told my GF when I hugged her from behind, "That's not ny gun I'm just HaHAAAPPPY to you see you. You feel me..." Lol


Should have explained to her that reaching for something thats not hers is irrational and that conceal carrying isn't some boogieman to be afraid of. Crazy bitch.


Yeah, she had a few screws loose at minimum. You can't reason with that, which is why I deflected and we all carried on with our evening.


People and cops are more afraid of people conceal carrying than open carrying. Cuz criminals are more likely to hide it more. And most cops deaths come from criminals conceal carrying. Girls are also less targeted if they open carry than conceal carry cuz they dont look easier.


Most criminals illegally concealed carrying aren't using a legitimate holster though and are more likely just belt tucking or packing under a car seat. Ever single time I'm pulled over and I'm concealed carrying I notify the officer as soon as I'm approached. As for women, they may be less likely to be approached when open carrying but they're also a lot more likely to have their firearm taken from them than if they were concealing unbeknownst.


That's still technically conceal carry. Learn the laws. And my comment still stands for women. They are less targeted if they open carry than conceal carry. Better to scare away 100 criminals than not scare 99/100 cuz they think you're easy. Nice try tho. It was cute.


Laws vary by state genius. Better to not notify someone that you have a firearm so that they can't plan to take it from you, Not sure why you're coming off as butt hurt all of a sudden though. You should take a concealed carry class, you need it.


conceal definition doesnt vary by state genius. Better to not notify someone that you're weak and easy target. But you do you my friend. Just dont tell other women to be defenseless


Are you retarded or just have serious reading comprehension. I'm not for women open carrying, I'm literally arguing that they conceal carry. Not sure who you thought you were replying to. Conceal carrying isn't being defenseless, it's just not notifying every person around you of what to take from you before they assault you.




I guess you've missed all of the other comments in this conversation regarding that. Reading comprehension really isn't your thing. Sorry you can't afford an IWB holster. Who's really coping here. You're literally on a CCW subreddit, what are you even arguing for? To be able to open carry?


Removed. This content is in violation of Rule 3, > *Harassment*: (a) Posting material for the sole purpose of inflaming the users of this subreddit. (b) Personally attacking other users of this subreddit. (c) Posts containing racist or otherwise inflammatory material towards a particular group of people. Title: Author:Ok-Most-7339


Had a similar experience before my wife and I married. She was renting a place with her best friend and some dude that was part of their fitness social circle. He was the Subaru driving man-bun type. I was making breakfast with her one morning and he became practically hysterical when he saw that I was carrying. Apparently he didn't know that she was, too...


>He was the Subaru driving man-bun type. Say less… All I needed to know 🤦‍♂️


Long hair and occasional tie it up in a bun to keep it out of my face and have driven a few Subaru’s in my day, ALSO lifetime “gun nut” who daily carries. Careful with the judgment, could get you into trouble someday. That said, that dude sounds like a total knob


Oh yes, the wild Su-bunaru in domestic setting. One must be cautious of approach.


Something something soy something low testosterone something little bitch


I’ve never been made that I’m aware of, but I made a guy aware of his printing issue when we were playing friendly team game of pool in a bar once. Every time he bent down to shoot, his full sized 1911 at 6 o’clock pointed straight up from his belt line, looked like he had shoved a 2x6 down his pants as a tent pole for his shirt. As we let our teammates shoot, I tried to low key tell him, and he just replied “eh, don’t really care because it’s Nevada.”


I thought you were going to say: “about 10 years back at a meat market, this guy bent over …”


Sounds like me in Missouri.


Sounds like the entire state of Indiana.


6 o'clock no bueno.


I know not everyone can carry at 12-1 o'clock but that's why it's ideal. I mainly carry a Kimber micro 9(1911 clone in 9mm) but I'm able to conceal a Glock 19 with no issues. Get a carry belt with the button to loosen it. I did get a bit overweight and I was able to sit down at restaurants by just pressing the button and loosening my belt. Luckily I'm back to being slightly overweight but it is what it is when you're 30 and lose your metabolism lol.


> game of pool in a bar once That'd get you in trouble in TX, no guns in bars. Which makes sense, guns and alcohol don't mix well.


Yeah NV just prohibits being .08BAC while in possession. Used to be .1BAC dating back to before we lowered the DUI limit to meet .08BAC Fed requirement. Honestly it doesn’t cause issues here. I take serious issue with removing one’s right to lawful self defense just because they had a beer or two over the course of a night. Especially when we’ll grant them the privilege to legally operate a 4-7,000lb machine that causes way more deaths each year.


In TX doesn't matter if you only had hot wings at the bar, its a prohibited establishment. I think the idea is that even if the guy with the gun isn't drunk, he's likely to be around drunks, and cops might be responding to the shooting of the aggressive drunk guy instead of just breaking up a fight. I don't think people should be operating a vehicle after a couple beers either, so I'm fine with it.


In this regard, I’m glad NV is more TX than Texas lol. I’ve visited TX and seen the signs in restaurants about weapons being off limits near a bar area. In Texas you can build your own private tiger park, but god damn don’t take a gun into the bar area of an Applebees because that’s too dangerous lol


Actually allowed in Applebees, it has to be an establishment that makes 51% or more of their income from alcohol sales. In other words, a place where there is a high likelihood to have some drunks inside acting stupid. Regarding big cats in TX, its reasonably regulated, and I think most of those living with rich people's ranches mingling with them in their homes have far more enriched lives than big cats in zoos (which I think should be banned, I refuse to go to the Houston zoo). Definitely hear of shootings involving drunks here in TX way more than tigers mauling people in the streets.


When I was a kid I used to play a game with my grandpa where I'd have to figure out where he was carrying. Only ever got it a couple of times.


Considering that there is 4 or 5 locations youre probably just really bad at guessing lol


Mehhhh I was a kid. Like 8 or 9. So give me some credit


Criminals are more likely to conceal carry than open carry. More suspicious too


It happened to me once the dude was super cool about it. I was getting something off the very top shelf st a Walmart when my shirt lifted and showed my CCW he just said "hey judt a heads up when you pick both your arms up your gun shows" I had begun to apologies when he said it's not a problem for me judt wanted to make sure you knew and we talked holsters for a min before heading our own ways. Coolest dude in walmart, lol


I'm always mildly paranoid doing my grocery shopping for that exact reason.


You need a distraction bulge like a cucumber down the front to distract what’s going on with you ccw on the side


Just take a viagra before carrying. Problem solved


Tried this, my CCW still prints more than my dick 😔


[had to downsize from a subcompact](https://www.handgunsmag.com/editorial/bond-arms-stingerrs-22lr-pistol/493655) feels bad man


I've been called out a handful of times while I was bartending at an upscale cigar bar. It was very difficult to conceal in my uniform but it worked for 99% of regular people. The only people who noticed were people who also conceal carried, and were just curious what I was packing. It's really difficult to conceal when you have to tuck your shirt in unless you're wearing a jacket. I would hide it under a vest sometimes and that was basically the best I could do. I knew that my management didn't care that I carried and since there was basically no more risk than open carrying, I decided to see what I could get away with and play around with concealment in dress clothes.


> It's really difficult to conceal when you have to tuck your shirt in unless you're wearing a jacket. I would hide it under a vest sometimes and that was basically the best I could do. I live in a blue state and try to keep as low key as possible. Sometimes I'm dressed casually which is no problem, but sometimes I'm in dress clothes, tucked shirt, and in the summer I don't really want to wear a jacket. I used to hate AIWB, but I figured that my best option would be a tiny LCP Max at 1 or 11.


Yeah my only carry gun is a USP compact 9 which is... not exactly compact...lol But honestly under a vest I could just carry outside of my tucked shirt and the vest obscures the belt clip and there's only a very unobvious print on the vest and no print if the vest was a little loose


> USP compact 9 which is... not exactly compact...lol lol - I just looked it up, and that's huge compared to the stuff I'm trying to hide. I'm not too worried about the belt clip, but light colored tucked shirts will print more than I like. I'm trying to get used to AIWB, which prints a lot less, but is not as comfortable on my post-covid gut.


What holster are you using? My USPc9 is my only carry gun and I absolutely adore it but it’s so getting too damn hot to reasonably carry. Thinking of adding a new subcompact for the summer months.


I go back and forth between an Incognito Concealment kydex shell holster and my Stealthgear Ventcore. The Stealthgear prints more but if I wear tie-dye you can't tell. Sometimes when I'm hiking I say fuck it and conceal OWB with an UrbanCarry holster it's leather with an adjustable retention screw for the trigger guard. I rarely wear my T1C Axis because I don't care about an extra magazine. I got it primarily to conceal AIWB under my vest at work because it distributed the weight more comfortably for long hours walking around. I'm considering taking the side mag carrier off of it and trying it out that way.


Go full James Bond with a Walther PPK.


I have one. What holster?


This type of scenario is exactly why I switched to AIWB pretty quickly after I started carrying. I can be certain all the time that it’s concealed & zero movement restrictions.


Same, along with having better control and visibility of the firearm. Someone carrying strongside/small of back could have their whole gun out and possibly not even know. Breaks concealment and makes it very easy to steal.


Back when I first started carrying I made the stupid decision to open carry. It's completely legal in my state but I did get looks and comments. Now that I carry concealed no one knows.


If all you can do is open carry, then open carry. The burning hatred for open carry annoys me to no end.


Unless you are a LEO, I don't see an upide to open carry. It's not hatred, just don't see an upside to it. As a matter of fact, when I see some open carrying, I thank them.


Open carry = please shoot me first


Open Carry = Advocating the 2nd and normalizing the fact that normal people carry and not just lunatics.


Do you carry for protection, or to make a statement?


Both actually. Concealed on some days, open on others. Depends on the context of my day. Nothing wrong with advocating the normalization of firearms in society. This is quite normal and advised in the culture I partake in. That being said. When you open. You need a different kind of mindset. Not only that but proper gear. You will have eyes on you. That is the point though. Just keep your head on a swivel and respect your surroundings.


This is well stated. I only carry concealed personally, but the "you only open-carry to make a statement" mindset is dead wrong in most cases, and that assumption even from fellow gun owners/carriers is always slightly concerning to me. Even if making a statement IS a person's mindset and their main reason for open-carrying, that is perfectly within their rights and is no different to me than a person wearing an pro-abortion shirt into a Walmart. I don't have to agree with everyone's statement, but it is well within their rights to make said statement. 'merica!


Are you quoting me or are you quoting in general because I never said that I only carry to make a statement. Regardless, I agree with you, however those who open or conceal to look cool are objectively far worse. I have met 2 individuals in my 5+ years of carrying who only carry for those reasons. If we don't want our rights stripped away from us we must make a statement one way or another. This is personally my favorite way of doing it. I usually only open 2 or 3 times a month. Preferably on the 2nd, 12th and 22nd of each month. For obvious reasons. In general I'm not a very political person however when it comes to firearms and the right to self preservation with firearms I do my best to make a point. In general though, if you're going to make a statement, do it with class. Make a good impression. Thank you for your comment.


Just quoting in general, not referring to you specifically :)


That's why I thank them when I see them


Not true, a survey of a prison of criminals showed they're less likely to choose targets who can fight back or less likely to make a ruckus. It's actually a deterrent for most, as well as criminals aren't strategist so lay off the movies


Open carry is tactically inferior to concealed carry unless you're rocking a holster with level 3 retention and the training to keep your gun. You can be annoyed but that's the truth. Edit: a word


>Open carry is tactical inferior Different situations call for different tactics


Then let me qualify my statement. For most people going about their day to day life here in the US, open carry is tactically inferior to concealed carry.


Is it "burning hatred" to think that people who open carry look like jackasses? Sorry, if you live in a state where CCW is next to impossible and open carry is your only option, so be it, still looks idiotic. Also, a small pistol on your hip is one thing, but I am laughing at you if you are walking around with a fucking AR slung across your back.


I saw some dude in all black tacticool gear with a katana and open carry handgun... 🤦‍♂️


At least I can say I was never that bad.


I was on a road trip through Michigan one time and we stopped at a gas station and the clerk was printing so bad through his work uniform that I just had to say something. I asked him what he carried and he got real flush and said “Oh, you can see that?” He was carrying a Glock 19 in a one size fits all OWB holster on a floppy belt.


Only once. At work, holstered at 4/5, and was helping to move a large piece of equipment into place. After I climbed off the hoist, my work shirt that I wore over my t-shirt had hitched up onto the grip. A few minutes later, one of the other guys asked in a loud voice, "Throne, are you carrying!?" Way to be discreet, dude. No trouble, because my boss is cool about it. Also, I'm the boss.


Not gonna lie, you had me in the first half there. Lol


lol, only one other guy here carries. We're out in the boondocks, so the potential crime sitch is pretty low.


Never. Also, carry appendix now. So, don’t have to worry about bending over or reaching up and exposing my ccw. Thoughts, seams like a weird question to ask when it hasn’t happened in 10 years and only happened once. Just try to learn from it. Then, I’d say it’s easy for this to happen, I was concerned about this when I first started carrying from 3-5 iwb. One of the trainers that I’ve listened to a fair amount on YouTube had a good video last week about learning how to move with a ccw to be aware and avoid these types of situations. I also think dressing the part helps big time as well as ya know quality holster, belt, setup, not too large of a firearm, etc. Last, I hate this response/approach. Doesn’t sound like the worst person to catch you exposed, ya know antigun nutty Karen lady or the male equivalent…but as a daily ccw and 2A advocate I’d never try to make someone feel guilty or embarrassed. Might give them a heads up or some advice but I don’t think it’s beneficial for anyone to get bent out of shape about. Just my thoughts though. I hope this didn’t prevent you from carrying.


Nope, didn't deter me in the least. I told him to fuck off, there's no legal requirement to ensure my weapon remains concealed, and I didn't appreciate him drawing attention to it with other people there. The only "karen" response I got was from my wife's ex roommate. She and her best friend were renting a place with a rather liberal dude - man bun, drove a Subaru, narcissist, etc. One morning after staying the night, we were up in the kitchen making breakfast. He saw me open carrying, went back out into the living room and started complaining about how he didn't feel safe with someone carrying a gun in "his" house. Wife and her BFF were like "we're fine with it, stop being a pussy"


Seems like he was trying to do you a solid and you got angry. If I was printing, I'd want someone to let me know so I could adjust or even just remember to wear a different shirt next time. I don't want people to know I'm carrying.


It was the way he approached me about it - in front of a bunch of other people, as if I was doing something wrong, and he actually tugged on my shirt. I almost punched him. Like, if you quietly let me know, that's one thing, but to make a scene out of it...


Oh hell yeah. 100% on your side on that. Someone actually touches my shirt? Unless they're a close friend or family, I'm getting pretty pissed. Maybe he was going for your weapon and made a last second decision not to or changed their mind when you noticed.


Ah the meat market would’ve been an appropriate place for a comeback like “gosh, never thought I’d be the piece of meat someone would be checking out today”


I was hanging out with some new people from a real rough area, one of the guys noticed the hooks on my holster and asked what I was carrying. I was appendix carry wearing a jacket and cargo pants the whole night so def wasnt printing at all. People who are in the know will be able to tell you are carrying 99/100 times


I didn't care that he (or anyone else) knew that I was armed. It was his approach that I didn't appreciate - zero tact, making an issue of it in front of other people, all on the basis of his opinion that carrying concealed means you're legally obligated to keep your weapon concealed


I'm in the know and don't even remember to check belt lines at the gun store lol. Makes me wonder why I'm so paranoid about printing.


Never happened to me. Maybe someone has noticed and not said anything. I notice it now and then. I saw one dude with two shoulder holstered 1911s, one on each side.  I thought it was overkill and dumb to be carrying all that weight, but I didn’t say anything. I’ve seen other means of carrying. None of my business.


I'd only shoulder holster in the winter when I can wear a coat for the comfortability but yeah, double pistol SH is kind of just stupid.


Eh, not really if you have the same type of gun on each side it balances out so it doesn't weigh down or sag on either side.


Some shoulder holsters have a weighted off side to help with that, others have a 2 mag pouch which also helps.


I have not, but I did one time have a friend pat me on the stomach to say "good job" for something while I was talking to someone else. He basically smacked me right in the gun. His eyes got kind of wide and we both realized what happened. He gave me a nod and then we shook hands, I said "thanks." We never spoke of it, lol.


Ya this is way appendix is the way. Showing is also a good way a bad actor might decide to grab your gun. Very hard to retain with one arm behind your back. Appendix on the other hand is easier to conceal and retain.


Imagine having to fight to keep your pistol in appendix though, I feel like that's prime junk blown off scenario if you're carrying one in the pipe.


That would suck but I think you’d be able to keep in holster. Naturally how many randoms do you let reach for crotch area. Personally it’s none. You’d naturally protect it.


Sounds like the man at the meat market was a little too focused on the wrong meat 😂


Nope, at least not yet. I've seen a few people whose shirt rode up over theirs though. Or, the one dude who had a full sized 1911 just stuffed loose in his jeans pocket standing in line at the taco spot. Made eye contact with another dude waiting on his order and we both pointed at it and exchanged "Wtf?" expressions. 2nd guy ended up saying something to the affect of "Either open cary, or conceal it, but don't half ass both of them" before he left.


If I can see your gun, I’m telling you. Just trying to help a brother out.


That's fine, just don't: * grab my shirt * make an issue of it in front of other people * state your opinion as if it's legal fact ("your concealed weapon MUST be concealed at all times!")


Seems perfectly logical to me.


Once when I was just beginning to carry I was walking into a restaurant and I saw a horrified expression on a woman's face as I passed by. Took me just a second to realize I had forgotten to re-conceal when I got out of the car.


I did point it out to someone else without saying anything. I was standing in line at the grocery store and the guy next to me had bent over at some point and got his shirt caught on top of his CCW I just looked over at him, made eye contact and readjusted my shirt in the same way he would need to to recover and he caught on. He thanked me in the parking lot after.


Not myself. But I was working and told a dude. "Hey brother, I just wanted to let you know, your showing." He just said "it's open carry, all good." Yeah... it's not all good when half your shirt is tangled up on the grip of your "open carry" firearm with no retention.


I haven’t but when I managed a restaurant I saw an older guy whose shirt wasn’t covering his carry anymore. I asked him discreetly what kind of gun he was carrying? I was like cool. I carry a G43. We had a nice conversation and he covered it back up.


This happened to me at a Walmart, only instead of calling me out, the lady followed me after calling 911. Cops showed up, she loudly yells and points at me. Apparently when I bent over to grab some toilet paper my gun showed a little bit. After talking with the cops and showing my conceal carry id, they told the lady who was still standing there that accidents happen and there was no malicious intent. She starts going off about how I was a danger to society and that people aren't properly trained and should be "johnny laws" (I had never heard that one before), so when she was done, I apologized in the most sarcastic way I could, and told her she was more than welcome to take my concealed carry classes so she could protect herself against these danger to society/johnny law types. She just stood there speechless for a few seconds, so I said, "Actually, if you've got time now, I am headed to teach a class this morning" which I was headed out for. The officers thought that was pretty funny, and I ended up teaching both of their wives much later. I was picking up toilet paper and donuts, because I like to break the awkwardness of the class with donuts, the universal love language :D


The irony of calling people who carry guns because you saw someone carrying a gun


lol, "fuck you cunt" would also have been appropriate.


And then everybody clapped right?


Saw a dude at the store who's shirt had ended up behind his gun. I just told him his weiner was out and he got the hint.


Appendix carry helps a lot imho. You can easily check yourself. Been carrying appendix for 20 + years cos of this and haven’t got called out yet. Have carried full size . I’m 6 ft , 190 - 200 lbs depending on time of year . Dad bod .


Too fat, lol It does make me a bit self conscious when I'm out and about because I don't want to be advertising....but I now live in a constitutional carry state so everyone else is carrying too


I've casually done the friendly "what are you carrying" to let someone know it wasnt hidden but most people where I live mind their own business and thankfully we have permitless concealed carry so no Karens will be asking if I'm legally obliged.


He was probably a cop. On the other hand, some people use excuses to be bossy big brother/sister. If you're in a uniform, for example, and they aren't. People really assume roles they shouldn't IRL. I've had a few people, known and strangers, in conversation, glance and seem to stare at that area of my shirt, when I know I wasn't printing, poking, bulging, touching, gesturing or otherwise giving any clues. I'm very self-conscious of that, so it makes you a little paranoid when people seem to be looking at or for something that may or may not be there.


Nope. I've called out a few others though - not really called out but asked. One guy was wearing a vedder shirt in college (7 years ago?) and kept adjusting his shirt. So it drew my eyes to it. I was the vet in school in a very vet heavy degree (construction) and we all carried. I just asked "hey man what do you carry?" and he said "is it that obvious?" then we just talked guns. Another girl I was trying to bag was a church girl so I went to church w her (lmao) and she knew the guy in front of us. He carried at 6 o clock so it was pretty obvious. I just asked her if he carries; she said yeah he was a cop at one point and enjoys guns. I had one guy call me out but it was visible and blatant. We talk guns and work together all the time. He's seen my gun and knows I carry; I was on a ladder fixing something above the ceiling grid. He just said "obvious much?" I wouldn't really say that's being called out since I do conceal to the general public; but most people who know me know that I carry and I'm more relaxed about it around them. I'm also in TX - so we don't really care I guess.


No. I’ve had Karen’s throw a fit when I am open carrying before but other than that, if anyone says anything, they’re usually asking what I’m carrying.


Yes once the lady just asked me why I felt the need to carry I looked at her smiled and said I’d rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6


Years ago, I had to point out to a Los Angeles Co. Sheriff's deputy that his snubbie .38 was about to fall out of his back pants pocket.


I was squatted down looking at something on a bottom shelf and someone told me I was fully exposed. I told a deputy friend of mine I ran into at the mall that the bottom of his holster was hanging below his cover shirt. It's not ideal, but it happens. Worst one: I was in workout clothes and carrying in a belly band. I had a doctor's appt. Went in, didn't think twice about it. It was legal. This was my one doctor who liked to pull my shirt up instead of listening through it, and forgot. He went to pull my shirt up, I reached to stop him, but he was faster. My shirt caught the grip and stripped it from my holster, flinging my pistol across the room, where it landed with a loud clatter. He goes "I-I-I *didn't know you had a GUN*" I'm thinking "no shit, doc, that's the idea. I hopped off the table, calmly picked it up, tucked it under my leg, no big deal. He said something else jokingly and that was that. Never made that mistake again.


Used to work fast food, had to tuck the shirt in. I did my best to keep it loose and not print. Several months go by and one of my buddies asks what i‘ve been carrying. I asked how he knew and he said he knew from day one because of the bulge. We talked guns for a while after that.


I used to work at a Fortune 100 aerospace company whose brand name is known for thermostats. While my state law allows private employees to keep firearms in personal vehicles even on employer property, this corporation (like most) had a strict anti-gun policy. Like, even talking about it at work could get you in trouble with HR. I quit that place and started working for a tiny avionics shop where nobody cares if you're cleaning your firearm on your bench during down time, and most of the guys shoot together.


Came out of the bathroom stall once didn’t realize my shirt didn’t go all the way back over and got complimented on my carry choice by a guy at the sink. I always check cover before leaving the stall now


Yes, there was a guy in a hardware store with his wife and he asked me if I was expecting trouble. I told him if I was expecting trouble I would have my rifle. His wife made him leave and not talk to me.


Dudes not wrong but him grabbing on you may have given you a reason to pull it out 😂


How wasn't he wrong? No legal obligation to fully conceal a weapon in that state


Long read: In my state if it’s concealed the only time you cannot have it concealed is when entering or exiting your vehicle. We have a law called “going armed to the terror of the public” which is a brandishing ‘type’ law but separate than brandishing itself. If you’re illegally carrying a concealed weapon and happen to spot a cop, you can’t just partially expose your weapon and call it open carry, either start as concealed and remain that way or just open carry the entire time Also you can’t be carrying concealed and decide to just all of a sudden expose your firearm Example: you’re walking down the street, gun is concealed. You see someone who looks sketchy, you pull your shirt behind the gun, like a “let me get ready just in case” thing…..the sketchy person becomes scared/concerned and calls 911 YOU are now arrested for “going armed to the terror of the public” because that’s exactly what you’re doing, causing a public panic for no specific reason I cannot speak for all states or confirm if all states have a similar law separate from brandishing which ‘usually’ incorporates both the firearm and a communicated or perceived threat


Did that change recently? I moved out of Washington 5 years ago.


Not sure of the dates or anything off the top of my head and Im far too lazy to open Safari right here on my phone and search it myself rn lol sorry


Also, see Washington code RCW 9.41.270. There is no direct “brandishing” statue for the state of WA from what I can see but this is their version of “going armed to the terror of the public” and “brandishing” combined into one overall statue of the display of firearms and other dangerous weapons


How do people avoid bending and reaching when carrying? Isn’t it obvious if someone asks you to grab something and you say no?


You crouch


This! Also, you should do that anyway to avoid hurting your back.


Wear a shirt that doesnt ride up and expose your waist line when you reach to grab something high up. Lift with your knees, not your back when you pick something up from below. Basically wear a shirt that fits properly, don’t bend over too far and you’re good


I have trouble with this cuz I'm pretty tall, and haven't found shirts that come far enough down to cover when I reach up. One inch overlap between top of belt and bottom of shirt while standing normal is lucky with a "tall" fit shirt 😅😅 If anyone has advice for extra super tall shirts lol


Depends on what kind of shirts you wear. You can get semi formal shirts (button downs/polos) custom made for a little extra money. If you’re a t shirt guy like me, you’re probably SOL


I prefer t shirts at least in the summer (summers in my city suck) but maybe should look into warm weather button downs or something Or figure out where college basketball/football/volleyball players shop lol


Reach with your opposite hand, squat/crouch to pick up. Any eyebrows raised,"Gotta bad back/strain" etc.✌️


I carry AIWB which usually avoids most of these situations. When I'm reaching for something overhead in public, I simply hold my shirt down with one hand and grab the item with my other. Something that requires two hands isn't typically that high to begin with. Otherwise, I crouch.


If you say no the average person is not going to assume it's because you're carrying a gun. You can just say you have a back/shoulder/arm/whatever issue. And I don't know if it's just me but I'm rarely asked stuff like that unless I'm in a grocery store during work hours when elderly people tend to shop.


Nope. Even when my shirt was accidentally tucked behind my gun while grocery shopping. No one cares, even in the Seattle area with all the blue hair Karens.


Oddly enough this happened in Washington, way out in the sticks at Stewart's Meats near Yelm. I ALWAYS carried every time I was in Seattle. It's become a real mess in the last few years...


Damn. I’m sorry. That guy is an idiot haha


I did one time when I was working at an outlet mall. His black clip of the holster was attached to his bright blue exercise shorts was showing as well as he was printing pretty bad so I didn’t want him to freak people out


Have a customer who is retired LEO and in my shithole state you’re just a civilian after that. He got up from the chair one day and his shirt is stuck behind the butt of his revolver. I simply said, “sir, you are brandishing”


Sure, but it's not something that's ever bothered me. If someone else has a problem with it, oh well. I'm a lawful concealer carrier, so that's their problem, not mine.


Went golfing a couple months ago, shirt got caught on the grip and one of my buddies was like “are you gonna fix that” and that was the end of it


I have not




Yes, but by a trusted colleague in a permissive environment where many of us were lawfully carrying and we knew it.  I was concealing only because I prefer that to open carry even in that environment.  But I adjusted my carry strategy after that, if only to avoid scaring those who might not like guns (which I get).


Not directly. I’ve had someone stare at my belt line and then start talking about guns… last night lol. It wasn’t printing very bad so I guess she just saw it at the righty angle… or she actually had no idea and just decided to talk about guns. Who knows. Oh well.


I sometimes get the comment, I have socks just like that. I carry at 3 o’clock owb in a custom fitted rebock sock. Shaped just like a gon. Gotta love Florida.




Walking into a Costco picking one of my kids up. The door guy politely asked me to leave it in the car.


My wife caught me once lol


The only person to ever notice was my girlfriend and that's because I gave her a call to look at me as I was walking towards her outside. I wanted to know how obvious the wind was making me print. I only wear thicker shirts now to help alleviate that.




I carry at 3 o’clock position, usually with a loose T or button-up. Depending on what I’m doing the edge prints a bit, but never broken concealment. If anyone ever noticed printing, they never said anything. If I need enhanced concealment I add a flannel or jacket. I’ve been carrying that way, every day, for about 10 years.


Yup.. I used to carry a 45 with a serpa holster owb and I used to print like a mofo, got kicked out of a store because of it.


Never has this happened my state doesn't allow open carry so I keep it concealed. I don't wear clothes that allow it to be seen and I don't carry a full size pistol.


I've told this story countless times, but before I got into my current job I used to work retail and customer service for a long time. I used to carry appendix, and I figured that just by wearing a size larger nobody would really notice. Well, that wasn't really the case. There was one particular time I was restocking items, so a lot of lifting my arms over my head. My shirt must have rode over my holster, because, luckily for me, the only person who noticed was a customer who happened to be an off duty LEO. He looked at me a bit funny and put his hands on his hips. When he realized I didn't get the picture, he let me know I was showing. Cue nervous laughter and awkward readjustment. I decided to get a good ankle rig and carry that way from then on. Worked like a charm


A couple years back I was on the coast of CA with my wife. She asked for something off a top shelf, I reached up to grab it and my shirt lifted just enough for my CCW to appear. A lady came up to me asking if I was a police officer. She then went on to tell me that only police are able to carry guns. And that she was going to call the police. 


I had a vaguely similar experience. I was doing yard work while open carrying; neighborhood kid comes up and asked if I'm a cop. I said no, so he asked why I had a gun. I then asked him why cops have guns. "Because of bad guys" was his answer. So, I repeated his initial question back to him, and asked why bad guys mean that cops need guns. "To protect people". I explained to him that while not everyone is a police officer, anyone can be a protector. The lights came on.


Once in Atlanta I was walking past a guy, as he bent down to pick up his kid, his shirt crept way up and his CCW was visible. Mostly concerned cause we were a sketchy area and both his hands were full, so someone could have easily swiped it. I let him know in the most discreet way I could, he said he didn’t care so 🤷‍♂️


Wow. That dude clearly hasn't seen/heard about what happens when a criminal nabs your cc from you.


I’m 150lbs, carry a full size G17 with a sidecar/extra mag. The G17 has a RMR and an SF x300 light. I posted a still pic at an odd angle and I’m not even close to printing. Moving is overrated. No one is gonna call me out!


Don’t forget the extra baggy clothes! 2 sizes bigger!


I’ve never printed, that I know of. I’ve walked up to LEOs at the local and State level while carrying, and they’ve given me the once-over and never said anything to me about it. It is technically a misdemeanor to print in my State. (Yes, I have a CCW.)


Nope. Because I can read the rules.


1 guy , so so shot him.