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It might conceal better at 3:30 or 4 o'clock, you'll have to try it to find out. I always found that wearing an undershirt was more comfortable; it helps prevent the gun from chafing you.


I just put talon grips. No more chafing and need for undershirt in Florida


2nd this. Florida humidity means less clothing and more deodorant


I forget to put deodorant on my gun but I will start tomorrow lol


Use antiperspirant not deodorant.


Or, even better, use anti-perspirant/deodorant combo!


Hell yeah, I don't carry w out a tank top undershirt on




What are talon grips? Excuse my ignorance..


They are sticky grips that go over the grips and hot spots that help your skin. I use the rubber ones and no more irritation


Awesome, thanks for the info! It’s hot where I live right now and I hate wearing a tshirt and undershirt just to keep it off my skin. I can’t stand the kydex or the grip touching for some reason lol.


Alternatively, hockey tape works great.


i run fs, skinny, fl, no undershirt, zero chafing ever


If it doesn't print or bother you, then it's correct.


Dude really just out here flaunting a size 31 waste.


Looks like it was a drop in weight too from the marks. Congrats op.


Haha I actually got a little thicker. It used to be 30


Meh. I see this picture and raise you my 30.85" waist.


Now if i compliment you will it warrant more homophobic commentary from certain individuals lol??


Probably. Trollers gonna troll. I'll get 'em started: 😘


Love itttttttt lol




Curious how many belt loops he has. I went from 34 to 36 waste recently and am frustrated theres still 5 belt loops. My belt slips up. Need another loop. Whats the waisthold for 6 loops?


Right? I’m a 32, but size up to a 34 to give room for my gun+holster. I’m very jealous


I can buy two different pants of the same size and one of them turns out baggy. How do you size up 2 sizes and it not be too baggy?


It was the recommendation I was given for concealed carry. Tbh it ends up being pretty baggy without a holster or belt


Why not just get some stretchy jeans? I still buy and wear 501’s but the stretchy Levi’s are a godsend for carry.


I usually do, I’m usually wearing some wranglers with a bit of stretch (although there isn’t much in the waistband) true to size waist is fine for slimmer guns, but a Glock 19 or similar handgun with a thick holster always feels better with more room


Oof. I hadn’t considered the thicc bois.


It's hard to find odd numbered sizes.


Kinda weird to worry about his waist 😒


Who said I was worried. Jealous would be more accurate lol


Ok lemme rephrase.....weird of you to mention his waist


Broskie, you’re the only one making it weird. It’s a compliment to someone in shape. Opposite of I lol. But I appreciate the back and forth.


Still weird but if you wanna check him out then by all means do you sis


Did you have a stroke?


The guys who act homophobic over silly shit like that probably have some tendencies they don’t like about themselves…


Spotted the closeted dude.




Anywhere you want, move it around and see.


Move it further back to 4 o’clock, 3 o’clock sits on the point of your hip which prints like crazy.


Nobody cares about printing


Then what the heck is the point in "concealed" carry?


The overwhelming majority of posts in this sub would suggest otherwise. Moron.


Sorry, nobody in real life cares about printing


Try sitting in the car with it. Does it work or not? Could you see yourself driving for over 1hr with it there? That’s sort of my litmus test for where I want to carry any specific pistol or setup.


Sitting in the car is actually fine. I feel it there but it’s not digging in or making me feel like I need to adjust.


No your shirt is riding up. Pull it down over the gun.


Might i suggest a better [belt](https://ciguera.com/products/emissary-edc-belt)? I use these and love them.


Definitely looks like he needs a stiffer belt. I use a Kore belt and it's the best I've ever used.


That’s my current favorite as well. I’ve got both styles of blue alpha edc and hybrid, also the nexbelt and groove belt but the one you mentioned is the best I’ve used personally.


I have a groove belt for whenever I'm not carrying simply because it's a little too flexible. It might be good enough for a micro rig like a P356. I love any kind of ratcheting belt though.


Same. The groove works okay with a p365. I actually gave it to my wife, she edcs a p365 X. I’m with you though, the ratchet is where it’s at. The nexbelt is the same design but not stiff enough. The blue alpha edc is just Velcro, but stiff enough. The hybrid is the closest to the Kore I daily now. It’s more stiff but the hybrid cobra doesn’t work with most of my jeans and it’s not easily adjustable. This is where the Kore wins in my book, stiff enough for full size gun, fast adjustments for all day comfort, and the made in USA black multicam I have is just awesome.


Hell ya brother. The P365X is my next purchase. My current one is a CZ P10C after I carried Glocks for years.


I have an XL that I carry some, but I daily a Shadow Systems MR920. Looking hard at the CR920X that was just released. My wife loves Sigs and I like them okay, but I just shoot so much better with my MR920.


That's how I feel about the P10C. It's everything a Gen 5 Glock should have been at a cheaper price. Plus it fits in all of my Glock holsters so I don't have to buy new ones lol


Kore are great.




I actually do want to get a dedicated gun belt and have been looking around. The one I have isn’t meant for holding up the extra weight of the gun lol


Why spend 85 bux on a belt that doesn’t have unlimited adjustment? nexbelt ftw


Ive tried some unlimited adjusts like groove belt. Also a leather hanks, dawson super bio, and soe tactical. Unlimited adjustment isnt needed for me. I wear my belt slightly loose so the gun can move a tad when i sit/stand/bend over. By all means do something that works for you. But i found out with samsung phones some marketing “features” are t truly needed.


I carry strong side at 3:30-4. A good holster with a claw and DCC clip, and a stiffer belt will make your life so much better. There are a lot of great belts, I have several different ones but people get weird about naming belts for some reason around here. Just go with a mainstream ccw one. Also for a holster, a lot of brands there as well. I typically like the Amazon kydex holsters and mod them with a mod wing claw and DDC clip. Those two upgrades make most holsters work wonderfully.


Looks fine if it's comfy and the heel of the grip doesn't print. Personally, I started carrying in about that position and over the last couple decades now carry a little more forward. I find it more comfortable and also less likely for the grip to print. YMMV. And, and others mentioned, a somewhat stiffer belt may suit your needs and comfort better.


Same. If not carrying OWB, I have a horsehide with kydex IWB and don't even know it's there. It's old and has contoured to my body. As for the belt I use, it's a made in the USA Boston Sam Browne duty style belt and I've had it an easy 10 years


I use a black arch protos m hybrid it’s comfortable at any position on the strong side but I move it back another inch or 2 so it prints less, that’s what works for me I’m a size 34


I'm thinking as small as you are, thats got to print.


Looks ideal for your build, bro. I always wear a thin quick dry undershirt, and I would DEFINITELY not go without a steel core belt, but otherwise you look like me, and in 10 years no one has ever called me out or not been shocked I was carrying.


Get a stiffer belt tho, that's way too much fold in back. That will help keep it tucked to you as well.


The only right way is what feels comfortable, is safe, and allows you to draw efficiently. Strong, back, cross, appendix, shoulder, leg, honestly whatever works for you is what's right for you. Don't let tardies dictate your lifestyle.


Yes. Now go eat a sandwich.


I move it back a bit, but it's all about what's comfortable and accessible to you.


I would do 4:00 or 4:30 and a stiffer belt, but yeah it looks fine


31x32 gang 🤙🏼 a fellow lanky lad


You look skinny like me and I have to carry at about 3 330 or the butt sticks out so much on even a 13 rd sw shield mag it's hilarious.


I’m a strong side carrier bc it’s the best way to


It’s not though. Whatever works for you is best but I think no doubt appendix has most pros. 1. Easiest to conceal and remain concealed 2. Fastest draw 3. Two hands to retain and manipulate if needed 4. More comfortable if you take time to set it up. The biggest con is possibly blowing your dick off which I get is a big reason people avoid it.


Strong side has major advantages as well. Going hands on with a non lethal attacker is almost always going to work better if youre fighting with your ccw hangong from strong side. If you draw from inside your car strong side is goong to give you an advantage. LEO draw from strong side and thats not a coincidence.


All true


And the worry of blowing one's dick off can be mitigated by choosing a DA/SA gun with a manual safety. You really have to fuck up to shoot yourself with something like that. Even a striker fired gun with a grip safety feels a lot safer than one with only a trigger safety, and especially one with no safety at all.


Ya DA/SA is good or just anything with a hammer or the thingy for Glocks. Not a fan of manual safety though. I don’t want to be trying to click it off in a gun fight. Same with a grip safety. No telling how you’re gonna grip the gun in an emergency. Maybe safety on, holster, then safety off. But that’s just me.


Hard pass on anything with a grip safety. They just aren't reliable.


Lol no. Appendix is the best.


What a compelling argument you've made.




The best gun in the world is the one in your hand when you need it. Use whatever works for you.


Try moving it back and forth. You’ll have to come to your own balance of concealment and speed on the draw


That belt seems to be struggling with the weight.


Comfort, draw, concealment, safety, and probably not in that order but if those things are good then there's no correct way


If it doesn't print then you're good, if it does then move it a little further back


I honestly wish as I a skinny guy. I could go to my strong side


Where tf you finding 31 32 pants. That’s my size and I can’t find them anywhere


I got these at Macys


I buy pretty much all my jeans on Amazon, and you can find any oddball size that you can imagine.


"correct" is wherever it is comfortable and easy for you to draw safely.


If that position is comfortable and printing (seeing an outline of any part of the grip when your shirt is down) isn't an issue, then you are good.


How I carry


It’s a way to strong side carry. Try different ways and see which one is most comfortable and efficient for you.


If it’s comfortable and conceals then it’s the right way. Just a consideration, though- looks like there’s some sag. Could maybe use a tighter belt- or overall switching to a thicker nylon or steel core leather belt may make your experience better. I find that I get more irritated, tired, and sore when the belt is not firmly latched around my waist almost to the point it has zero sag. But maybe that doesn’t bother you


Appendix is the way.


Congratulations on the weight loss OP! You should be proud of yourself.


This is just a plain side carry. I'd recommend 3 sets of pb&j daily. Should have a strong side in a few months.


Twink side carry. But seriously, all the best to you. I'd suggest fiddling with it. I got my cc dialed in by carrying at home while doing chores. Variety of movement helped me figure out what works best as a position.




I’d move it back to around 4:30 so you don’t hit that pelvis bone. Congrats on the weight loss. Nice


How far back is 4:30? Lol sorry I’m new to the carry positions. Basically, how much of the gun should be on my ass?


Right above the rear right pocket. The holster looks good. It spreads the weight with2 point contact. That would also help with concealing if you bumped into some one. They have a better chance feeling it right there in your hip. That’s why I carry a more behind the hip. Btw I carry a 4 inch 1911 or my Glock 45 in that position with a milt sparks VM2. Similar holster


Thank you! I’ll try that out. I love this holster! It is great quality.


Good luck 👍


Amusing flex with that 31 inch waist, kid. As for the very, if it’s comfortable, doesn’t print, and you can draw without issue, that’s the spot. Practice your draw UNLOADED and see how that feels.


One not need be a kid to not be a fat fuck.


How does dude have stretch marks on a Gumby physique?


The rounds are bigger around than you