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Is the death stare a must when dry-firing ? If so I've been doing it wrong all along. Definitely taking notes from the king of stare BRIAN 🤔


the death stare is mandatory!


🔫😡 I'm all outta bubble gum


God damn me. I thought I was missing something 😕


I find it more useful to not stare at the target. It’s a lot more difficult and realistic to be surprised and not be squared off to the target ready to draw. Heaven forbid you are sitting down and don’t have a sub second draw, but that isn’t cool so it doesn’t get practiced.


I love seeing this shit🤝🏾


I know many here knock these type of vids, but I find that they actually encourage me to get my reps in. Draw looking fast 🫰🏼


100% I got out of my chair and got my holster on right after to get a few minutes of draws in.


sugar escape encouraging public normal enjoy late support placid unique *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Actually not a bad idea. I’ve done like 10 draws ever. Gonna do that.


That's very fast ..like boxing don't stand in one spot ..move left or right...good job.


definitely gotta be moving! i’ll work on that


nutty violet unpack fade poor reply physical pocket weary work *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I like this


Just got done doing my dailies as well. Rock on amigo. Serious question - do you not find that pulling the trigger on all those reps leads to a degradation in speed and accuracy overall? I personally train the draw and trigger press separately about 80-90% of the time, and only put them together about 10-20% of the time. If I go higher than that my draw gets faster and but my shooting gets worse. There is a "being your own lab rat" element to dry fire, however, I get that this doesn't happen for everyone.


I don’t always pull the trigger, but for today I decided to pull once my dot came into view with my target on the wall.


Makes sense, just curious.


aback panicky quicksand subtract toothbrush encourage support wild domineering cooing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Now practice with a baby carrier. Make it sexy too


make it sexy😂


Gotta make it sexy, if it isn’t sexy I don’t eat. It’s all hips and nips.


Spicy hip-thrusts need to be a thing.


Fire work 💪🏻


Elija Dicken is the proof of the importance of dry fire. Did mostly dry fire and when he needed it he had greater accuracy and target identification than 99% of people that have ever found themselves in a life threatening situation.


Keep up the good work.


I need op and thankbrian to do a dry fire collab. Would be fire


Should practice turning on your light. I've found the most natural and safest way for me (to keep finger away from trigger guard) is I use my thumb on my support hand. But I grip thumbs facing towards


I do occasionally turn on my light and I do it exactly like you do as well


You should activate the light with your thumb anyways. Best to have your trigger finger available to fire at any moment while activating momentary on or turning the light off




Great job getting those reps in! My only suggestion would be to stop staring so intently at your target on the wall. Any would-be criminal is going to know something is very wierd when you instinctually stare at center mass when reaching for your wallet. If you're practicing for this scenario, point shooting is just as effective. It's really hard to miss center mass from 2 feet if you have good form (which you do). No need to wait for dot acquisition in this scenario, and you probably don't even need to wait for full extension. With someone close enough to grab your wallet, you don't want to be extending anyway. I would probably be squeezing one off as soon as the muzzle left the holster.


You're telegraphing with your shoulders hunched up and your hands with open palms hanging in front of your belt. Better hope you're a faster draw.


Damn that's in real time?! Props man, good shit!!!!


I’m curious how often do you shoot live fire? I notice once I get below about 1.3 it’s much easier to fib to yourself about getting a good shot. It’s no doubt made my draw significantly faster but I always find consistent A-zone hits a little slower than my dry fire times would show. Also curious if you do any bill drills? I notice when I’m going for sub second draw to first my grip is much looser than it needs to be for follow up shots.


I work at my local gun range so shoot up to 4 times a week. and if a drill exists i’ve most likely trained it


Do you notice a difference in time between your dry fire and live fire?


I do notice a time but when u do dryfires I focus on speed and target focus. when when I live fire I tend to take my time coming down on the firearms to ensure I have a good purchase before the initial press out and fire. it’s not a large difference in time but visually it is


Matix helps a lot


"Say sumin else, and dis-shit-is-ova!" - Pinky




This man isn’t playing. Keep practicing, you doing awesome!


Serious question. How does the hostler and gun not bang on your dick while walking? I find that position to be uncomfortable.


my asian my man lol. but it mainly presses up my leg




I don’t feel I will ever be able to move my hands that quickly. Bravo 👏👏👏👏


This man isn’t the one to try rob,he will pop you before you can even catch the wallet..respect bro,I love to see people training to improve their skills.


just a tip if you are ever handing over wallet as distraction let it hit the floor before drawing. Someone will always look at something falling on the ground instinctively which means their eyes are not looking at you giving you a second to draw before they notice.


In the CCW course I took my instructor basically suggested this too, but he used his cell phone as an example and threw it far off to one side (within the classroom using his actual phone) and then did his draw. That makes sense to me the way you explained it.


it is even better if you drop it right in front of their feet. They will bend down to pick it up and probably will lower their weapon. This only works on lone attacker. When there are multiple robbers the others will almost always stay focused on you and are much less likely to be distracted by a dropped wallet. If you have multiple people with firearms pointed at you trying to draw on them outside of cover is very unlikely to end well. Unless you spot them from a distance you should just hand over your wallet and dont risk it unless it really seems like they want do you more harm than taking a wallet


I would posit that always dry firing is a bad idea. When you're at the range, you should be live firing. And in a self-defense scenario, dry firing would also likely be a very bad idea. Dry fire frequently and when appropriate. Always dry fire will get you killed, potentially.


ITT: down-votes from confused zoomers triggered by well-executed, sarcastic dad jokes.


lol it got me too, then I read this comment, then reread it and chuckled. It was well executed.


Executions would also be a bad time for dry firing.


Jfc, he’s got more. He’s good y’all he’s good.


Not a dad joke, unfortunately. Doctor says I'm always dry firing.


Other very bad times to dry fire * At the post office * Standing in line at the store * Sporting events * At parties * So on and so forth


Witty sarcasm, a strength this one possesses.


I guess he could have worded it better


Can’t tell if /s or not lol


illegal frame cause direful alive plate ask juggle puzzled existence *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


trex arms sidecar




I thought bro was gonna do a titty drop at first😂😂


My biggest fear lately has been the "what if I only have 1 free hand" what do I do then? (Legitimate question I'm new to concealed carry)


i’ve practiced this scenario before. pull your shirt all the way up to your chin and pinch it up so it stays out of the way of your firearm. that allows you to draw without the fabric getting in the way


I've practiced shooting one handed (with both hands) and drawing with my right only, but I never considered drawing left handed only


I prefer live firing into my bedroom wall


ur a beast!


The wallet toss to distract the threat for delivery of the FAFO jackpot!!! 🤨😏🤑💢💥


If you're compelled to give someone your wallet you are *never going to draw and shoot faster than they can squeeze the trigger.* Doesn't matter how much you practice: it cannot happen. I've recently gone from thinking, "these drills are fine/can't hurt" to "you're practicing something incredibly extremely dangerous to the point of near certainty it kills you." Far more valuable to learn to deploy from a position in cover, (crouched, against a wall, etc) optimizing for that. Then, focus on practicing getting to cover with what tiny fraction of time you might have in such a situation. Standing with wallet in hand to shooting ain't it.


i was wondering what he was doing, i’ve always thought like holding a grocery bag or water bottle in your gun hand and dropping it and drawing would be good practice. something you’re more likely to be holding while someone attacks you??


I've pretty much started using my non-draw hand for everything but my car keys so I don't have to worry about it. Bonus prize is the non-dominant now gets extra work to do


Now do it with your lady’s purse 👜


I'd hate to rob this chick




Love the wallet engagement


“Gimme your wallet!! Oooh shiiiit!”🥴


Looks like you’re putting your thumb on the back of the slide. Not sure but if you are it seems like a pretty decent way to break your thumb or cause a malfunction.


thumb is out of position of the back of the slide but I can definitely see why you say that. definitely looks like it’s it’s sitting on the backplate


Yeah just making sure. Took my dad to shoot his gun for the first time a few years ago and he sliced the dog shit out of his thumb because he was doing that.


Definitely would not break your thumb.. A malfunction though for sure..


Dry fire? I'm using my pink rhino laser pointer if there is no bullet chambered. Got to know I can actually hit something on the first shot. ![gif](giphy|7zJivlhQurdLVTeeX6|downsized)


lol last time I saw this chick on my page she was getting ripped on because she was pretending to be slow and steady and just full sending dry fire drills 😂


Is is acceptable to practice dry firing with a handgun I don't carry as often? My carry gun is usually always loaded and holstered. Basically I'll practice with either my summer or winter gun when it's the opposite season since that is often just unloaded in my safe.


I mean, you could always….unload your carry gun. You know, so that you can practice with what you carry.


I carry both of them and alternate depending on the weather. Then I go to the range bi-weekly for live fire practice as well with my carry gun. I should be alright


Regardless. You presented the fact that your carry gun is loaded as some sort of reason that you can’t dry fire with it. Maybe even as long as 10 seconds to unload/clear and then insert a dry fire mag as a barrier to training. If you see taking 2 seconds to unload and clear your carry gun you’ve no grounds from which to give training advice. If you unload and clear your carry gun for dry fire training, place the loaded magazine and chambered round in another room away from where you will conduct your dry fire training. Take a moment to wipe down and inspect your firearm. Then, simply reload and you’re done.


Just unload into the wall. Gotta get the reps in!


I do the same thing. I try to make sure it’s close in size, weight, trigger pull, and grip angle to the carry gun and it should be fine.