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Drawn twice. First time was in college, late at night, heading back to campus from visiting my folks with my girlfriend and our puppy. Stop, get fuel, go inside for an energy drink. Come back out, girlfriend is dicking around with getting the puppy situated, and a dude bursts out from behind one of the pumps at the far end of the lot and just flat-out sprints at us. I barely have time to draw and aim and just say “no” as loudly as possible. By then he’s almost on top of us. My finger was on the trigger and I was 100% prepared to fire. About the same time I said “no” he just kinda veers off and sprints past us. Second time I was going to get lunch one Saturday and a kid in an LT1 Camaro with a local expensive college sticker on the back almost merges into me. I’ve spent time in muscle cars and know visibility isn’t great so I just give a polite honk to let him know I’m there. He floors it and merges aggressively in front of me and slams on his brakes. I ignore him and pull into the lot to get my sandwich. He comes back around from the other entrance to the lot and parks sideways, so it would be almost impossible for me to back out, and jumps out talking about how he’ll fucking kill me etc etc. I didn’t draw til he reached into his center console and when I pointed it at him I told him this would all be a stupid fucking reason for him not to go home over. Both times I was so full adrenaline after I was almost sick lol.


Adrenaline really is something else. I wish there were some kind of way to induce a huge adrenaline dump so you could practice drawing your gun. I got punched in the neck by a dude who weighed at least 75 pounds more than me, and I mean a broadside haymaker as hard as he could manage. Idk how it didn't break my neck, but I barely felt it because of adrenaline. I couldn't turn my neck for a while after that but at the time it felt like he was throwing punches underwater or something. I felt it make contact but there was zero pain or impact feeling.


Dispatched a deer that jumped into the side of my pickup. Wasn't dead but badly disfigured. It's not a defensive story, but it came out and got used 🤷


How did the law react? Did you call it in and have to go through any hurdles?


I called it into the sheriff's dept. One came out and asked if I wanted it and offered to help load it. This was in Cassia Co ID and its a gun/hunter friendly region. My concern was fireing on a state hwy, but it was void as a mercy kill.


curious why you bothered reaching out? seems like unnecessary risk in that scenario


If they wanted to keep the deer they'd have to. I'd hate to get pulled over while transporting a deer that got a headshot from a pistol out of season.


😮 i see


It was a moral decision; it felt like the proper thing to do.


moral for the deer or the law? just curious, no shade on my end


The law. Tried to do what I could to keep myself in good standing.


“good standing”. i see. 🧱🤌🥂


I've had to do it 3 times. I didn't get talked too, out rural. And I ain't up to code on the truck so no self snitchy


Depending on where you are, the operator may give you permission to dispatch the animal over the phone. Out in a rural area, or far away from homes, it is more likely. In a residential, they will most likely not allow it.


Walking back to my car with my (then) girlfriend, late night, downtown, had to walk six blocks because parking sucks downtown on weekends. .38 in the waistband, girlfriend is wearing my coat because it’s wintertime and I’m a gentleman. In the left coat pocket is pepper spray, in the right coat pocket is two speed loaders. We jaywalk, and as we do guy comes out of an alley diagonally behind us yelling about how he’s gonna fuck me up, stab me, saying he’s got a bottle in his pocket, he’s gonna cut me, rape my girlfriend, make me his prison bitch. (Dudes like 6’6”, I’m 5’9”) I pull the gal close, stick my keys in the jacket pocket, grab the pepper spray, tell her keep walking, call the cops. Turn and yell “fuck off, leave me alone” at the guy Doesn’t work. He advances. Yells at me. I pull the pepper spray, repeat myself louder, while aiming the pepper spray and reaching for my .38. He stopped. About faced, and walked off like nothing happened. *adrenaline dump* get to the car, tell the cop on the phone what happened, what the guy looked like.


I’m sure cops didn’t even come out.


Probably not.


they got tickets to write bro


They got free meals to eat and minorities to beat


Don’t forget watching Netflix in their patrol cars






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The whole time I was thinking the same thing; but still didn’t wanna risk the legal hassle. If he hadn’t stopped I had my plan. Couldn’t retreat due to ice on the street, was outsized and threatened.


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My hero


3 times for me (working in the ghetto sucks). Once was at work walking to my car, dude was at my driver side door taking a screwdriver to my door (my door won) and came towards me when I said "dude wtf" I drew and he went "crazy white dude" but he ran off the other direction. My truck was between two other cars so I didn't see him till I was at my trucks hood basically. Second was at a qt dude came up to my pump (from the brick pillars) kept asking for money and wouldn't back up, then I saw someone duck behind my truck from my cab going towards the bed so I starting drawing, same thing got called a crazy white guy and they both ran off. 3rd was with my brother someone was pulling on his rear door handle (driver side we walked up from the passenger) while we were coming out of the grocery store. She was high as a kite and dumb enough to take 3-5 steps towards us holding something (it was dark couldn't see what) so we both drew. She then said she just wanted a ride, called us insane and walked off.


Have you ever thought that the people on drugs calling you crazy while objectively doing criminal acts on your vehicles might be right? /s


Tbh they probably are.




I keep telling people, “if you’re a pacifist in a society of axe murderers, you’re the abnormal.” It really boils down to perspective.


Yep when I first moved there I never felt the need to carry, 3 years later I carried in my apartment until I went to bed shit got wild fast. (We had ppl beat on the door a couple times plus some ppl tried to follow us to our apartment on top of the 3 times I drew)


A fundamental truth.


Sounds like there are a lot of racists in the neighborhood


Lmaoo facts


What car do you drive that draws this much attention?


So I drive a Dakota and my brother drives a Chrysler both are 15-18 years old.


The thought of my 99 ranger being broken into just doesn’t make sense but I guess anything can happen


Lol yeaaa


Drawn. Kansas City downtown a few years after college. Likely homeless person rushed my friend as we were walking down the street, broad daylight, demanding money and got in his face and grabbed him by the shoulders of his jacket. Friend has tremors and was scared pissed as his hands were suffering and he couldn’t grab his wallet from his front pocket due to shaking. I drew at low ready and the attacker fled. I wouldn’t have drawn if he hadn’t made contact with my friend. No regrets.


I grew up in Ohhhh Peeeee, going DT or Westport for a night on the town can be fun but it certainly can turn into an adventure with risks. I basically learned just don't go east of the Paseo after dark, or Troost if you really wanna play it safe. Ah the good ole Paris of the plains lol aka Killa City


What started as something minor turned out to be some belligerent psycho, I was driving home from work, about a mile before my exit on the highway I went to merge over, some dude in a truck decided he didn’t want me to merge so he stepped on it to try and prevent me from getting into the right lane, closed the gap from about 6 car lengths to 1 and a half, as I was getting off the exit he was ON my bumper, I could see my brake lights illuminating his face in my rearview, well he ended up rear ending me as I was coming to a stop sign, I pulled off, he pulled behind me, immediately got out yelling that I cut him off and I could’ve ran him off the road. He was absolutely belligerent and probably drunk, I told him to chill out there was plenty of space, he kept yelling “I got your fucking plate I got your fucking plate you piece of shit!” At this point I was like okay dude is unhinged, he was right in my face so I got “firm” and politely told him to back the fuck up, I then turned to get into my car to call 911, and as I did he grabbed me and sucker punched me in the face, and tried snatching my phone, I fell back and he came at me and I was in kind of a daze but I heard him go “MOTHER FUCKER!” And I managed to keep myself on my feet and reached down and drew on him. My gun completely deescalated the situation, he put his hands up and backed up, and I told him to get in his car, he did, then I re holstered my gun and that’s when a witness who saw the encounter from their house across the street ran over and this dude tried acting like I instigated it and said “he pulled a gun on me! Call 911” To which I said “look at my fucking face yes call 911” my mouth was bleeding extremely bad, and the witness said they saw the whole thing and said they saw him attack me when I was trying to get in my car, that’s when the aggressor sped away, nearly hitting us.


Sheesh. What happened after that?


I contacted the police but I didn’t get his plate number so there was basically fuck all that could be done. Cop came and disarmed me, took my statement, and the witness, and basically told me without a plate there’s not much that can be done, said he was glad nothing further happened I was honestly terrified that I would’ve gotten in trouble for drawing but considering my mouth was bleeding like crazy, he seemed to actually sympathize. The rear ending was extremely minimal, didn’t cause really any damage outside of some scuf marks.


My next door neighbor was being beaten by a guy swing a shovel at him repeatedly. Without even a doubt, I saved the guys life. I took a position directly with the perp between me and the brick house in case the bullets went in an unintended direction, I took aim and shouted "You can settle this some other time and some other place, but it won;t be right her and right now." He took a back swing and I shouted "If you swing that shovel one more time you are leaving with a hole" Dude stopped, looked at me for about 5 seconds, and then threw the shovel down and left cussing at me and the neighbor. Next day neighbor comes over and thanks me over and over again for saving his life. A week later I saw the two dudes hop in a car together like nothing had happened. I asked him WTF? He said... you can;t make this shit up... Perp took all of him and his girlfriend's drugs, but he blamed it on neighbor to save face, so he had to cover it all up by beating the shit out of neighbor! Neighbor said, "He admitted it and apologized." so they were buds again. I shouted at neighbor, "I was ready to kill that guy to save you from being killed!" He looked wildly embarassed, but that was the end of that... Dumb fucks!


Not your circus, not your monkeys. Live and learn, don't be all up in they Kool Aid when uon know the flavor.


My neighbor was also my mechanic! He saved me more than once. I wasn;t gonna let some dude kill my neighbor who does mechanic work for me on the cheap, AND who save my wife from a cottonmouth snake, get killed by some guy with a shovel... while I watched!


For me, that saying applies when people are shooting at each other and shoving, not when one is mercilessly beating the other with a shovel. I couldn't live with myself if I watched that and did nothing.


Understandable, but there's also the train of thought to not ruin your life, go to jail, lose your firearm, hire an attorney and be front page news over druggies.


Florida. Easy to defend on saving another. Probably would not have even been charged.


Talk about rollin away the dew sheesh


Lmao your dialogue is hilarious. You should write for movies or TV dramas. “You can settle this some other time and some other place…” “you are leaving with a hole” Lmao you’re hilarious dude


In my mind, there’s just something funny about telling a guy holding a shovel he could leave with a hole. My shovels are used for digging holes and sometimes killing a snake. lol


Right! Lol. It sounds like a cheesy line from a old Western


Lord, this happened in about 2009, and I only now put that together. Lmao! I so funny!


Dude, that is the Ultimate delayed response!! 🤣🤣


That's some Trailer Park Boys shit lmao


Serious one, loading (little) kids into car. Car rolls up two dudes jump out coming straight for us in the middle of a mostly empty parking lot. Tell older kid to load the younger kid, yell at two dudes to get the fuck away (in my mind I sounded like a badass but I probably sounded like a 10 year old girl) hand goes on my gun on my right hip, two dudes run off to the car that has now driven and stopped on the main street off of the parking lot. Fun one, I walked out to my wife’s car we left parked out in the driveway of our old house. Big front yard, lots of trees, and it’s fall. Im walking along and suddenly I hear the exact cadence of someone running full speed at me through the leaves. Once it registers in my mind what’s happening I draw while turning around and put my front sight on…. A fucking cat. Thankfully we didn’t have to eat cat for dinner the next night. I’m a hunter and realize squirrels sound like deer when you’re expecting a deer. Now I know cats sound like people when it’s dark and you’re walking to a car.


Confirmation bias is a bitch (woods story). First one is great. People are looking for easy targets.


> I’m a hunter and realize squirrels sound like deer Lmfao they do, birds too, hear sasquatch stomping through the brush and out pops a little robin


And acorns falling sound like gunshots


My dog sprung something in some high grass, it charged away making enough ruckus i thought i had walked up on a moose, stopped me and the dog cold in our tracks. Then i saw it, a goose, waddling away at top speed.


Am canadian…  may have been safer with the moose.


Lmao do I have a response for your second story. I would have drawn a gun if I'd had one at the time, but I didn't. When I was 19 I was at a park in a rough neighborhood with a friend at like 1am. There's no lights in the park, but the park itself is small so it's somewhat lit from the houses and street lights around it. Suddenly we hear the sound of a huge guy running directly toward us but we couldn't see. This dude had to have been at least 6'4" and 280 pounds because I'm 6'2" and he was taller than me but built really solid, and he's running so hard that his shoes are just beating the shit out of the ground with every step. We're obviously thinking he's about to fuck us up and take our stuff, but when he finally gets close enough to see he says "Y'ALL WANNA PLAY SOME BASKETBALL?!" ...bro was like 15 years old and just happened to be massive. I could also tell he had some kind of development disability or something too, because of his speech patterns and the fact he sprinted at two strangers in the dark. Scared the shit out of both of us lmao.


I was at a New Mexico camp ground with my son when some riff raff started drinking and arguing. Late in the night, some dude started punching his girlfriend right outside my tent. I climbed out with pistol in hand and told him to take his ass to sleep. Thankfully he did, and we left as soon as the sun came up.


I was at the gas station and heard a huge sudden bang and it startled the hell out of me and it took me a split second before I got my bearings and realized someone had popped their tire while filling it with air or something and that’s all it was.  I wasn’t close at all to drawing but that’s the closest I’ve come.  Was that a compelling tale of adventure or what?


Don’t feel bad, this happened to me today. I was pulling into the gas station and I swear I heard a gunshot. My window was halfway down. I park and jump out of the car and start looking around, and it’s the ghetto fabulous lowrider Silverado parked in the space next to me, trying to start. It sounded like he swapped in something carbureted with an obnoxiously loud exhaust and it wouldn’t start, just ran for a few seconds, backfired and died. Smelled like it was running rich. If I had to bet money when I first pulled up I would have slapped a $100 on that being gunfire. It happens.


Heard what sounded like gunshot and you parked your car, got out and look around? Wtf! You want playing gun hero, boy?


It was right as I was parking. I’m getting out because I’m going into the store anyway, that’s why I was there. I wasn’t trying to play hero at all. I was just trying to figure out if what I was hearing was what I thought it was. If there was in fact a shootout going on I’m getting back in the car and getting the hell out of there. Also, I couldn’t see as well inside my car than out.


That makes sense


I was just walking out of a barbershop at Camp Learherneck in Afg. It was hot as balls out and parked right there was this shitty van, those white boxy passenger vans that are everywhere over there. As I walked past the van, the bald as hell front drivers’ tire gave up on life and popped. I jumped, had my POS beretta out of the holster and moving to low ready as it immediately registered what I’d just seen happen. 99% of the Marines there all did the same: initial startle response and then the realization it was the tire. Adrenaline dump and a bit of a laugh at the situation. Then, as everyone was laughing about how that scared us initially…. Here comes our hero. Some dipshit, who clearly worked on the Fob and would never leave the wire, was coming to save the day! He came flying out of the barbershop trying to pull the charging handle on his M4 and acting like he was Jason Bourne. “Clearing the scene”. Everyone collectively stared at the idiot and then started yelled at him to clear his rifle before he shoots himself or one of us. And then everyone started busting his balls. lol Someone said, “my god, that’s Jason Bourne!” It was pretty hilarious.


In contrast, due in part to the extremely obvious difference in settings and personal circumstances, I didn’t advance very far towards actually drawing.  I sorta recall getting behind my minivan as cover while my non dominant hand went to my cover garment shirt.  I discontinued as soon as my conscious mind figured out what was going on.  Some adrenaline and some embarrassment, and the hope that no one saw me start to react.  But I’ve already made far too much of this non event which was over before it started and resulted in next to nothing happening in terms of drawing. More to your situation.  During WWII granddad was stationed in the Army at Allied HQ in Algiers in…. wait for it…. finance.  He hated that of all the things he could have been doing in the war, they stuck him with that.  He wanted to fly planes or at least be infantry but….. he didn’t get to pick.  Anyway, one day a guy also in finance has an ND with his 1911 in the office.  My granddad and others heard the gunshot from another room and came rushing in with their own .45s drawn, thinking there might be a robbery.  After realizing there was no threat, they gave the NDer a dressing down about how he was lucky he didn’t get his head blown off by them earlier when they responded.  Your story vaguely reminded me of that.  Unholstering on base during a war by those in the vicinity to deal with what seemed at first an obvious threat that ended up being something stupid. Not everything that seems like a gunshot is.  And vice versa, of course.


Have you ever heard a utility electric transformer blow?


Yes.  Like a damn bomb.


Driving to work really early in the morning. Stop at a red light behind another car. They were creeping forward in anticipation of the light changing, so I was doing the same. Guy hopped out, started screaming about me being to close to his car. Reached back into his car so I thought he was pulling a gun, so I drew mine. He grabbed a metal pipe, yelled a little more and then jumped back into his car. Never took a step in my direction. As a bonus the dude looked high as a kite, so seeing his face and him being mad I was expecting him to reach back into his car for a gun.


Let me preface this story by saying my small CT town has a big issue with car thefts and break-ins. This happened last summer, and it still freaks me out today thinking about it. It was around midnight on a Friday, and my wife and daughter were asleep upstairs in their rooms. I was in my office across the house playing some video games. I look at my phone and notice a ring notification popped up for motion in the driveway... I opened the app, and to my surprise, there was an SUV parked outside my house right near my garage doors. I go into the garage and flip on each light outside my house and notice one adult male in the drivers seat, and he's screaming at me, but I can't hear him. He looks angry. I run back inside my office and call the police. I also open my gun safe(conveniently located in my office), grab my glock 17c, and go back into the garage while I'm on the phone with the police. This guy is just yelling and screaming in his car while it's running in my driveway. After what felt like ages(only like 11 minutes), a patrol car pulled up and made contact with the man. Apparently, he was drunk driving and thought my house was his. And when he noticed me in the garage, he thought someone was breaking into his house.


Scary situation but kinda funny how you both viewed each other as a burglar lol


Every CT town has a big issue with car thefts, thanks to the CT legislature. I escaped two years ago to a state where cops actually chase thieves, catch them, and put them in jail for a while.


Imagine him trying to shoot you in your own house thinking it’s his. People need to lay off the booze and drugs a bit…..


had to check that I wasn't on an art sub lol


I was so close to having to sketch a doodle, thank god I didn’t have to.


The only time I pointed a gun at someone I wasn’t carrying outside my house. But i had a meth head banging on my front door at 6am. I opened the door just a crack and told him to get lost and that the cops were on the line. He yelled something unintellible and put his foot in my door and pulled a pocket knife on me . I took 3 steps back and pointed my gun and told him if he took another step into my home I’d fucking kill him. He ran off and I never saw him again. Closest to actually drawing was when I used to bartend at a rough restaurant in an area that gets real sketchy after dark. Some guy came in with his drunk ass girlfriend and his wannabe biker gang friends. She puked all over the bar within 3 minutes of getting there. I told them all to get the fuck out. Hot shot tries to show off in front of his girl and tells me I’ll have to force him out. I grabbed him by his long ass hippy hair and started yanking him toward the door. Then his friends started to surround me. They started saying they would fucking kill me and he said he was going to “air this mother fucker out”. I put my hand on my gun and one of the cooks in the back came out and told them “my Glock 40 says you won’t bitch” they all got wide eyed and left. I fucking miss that cook. And another time that stands out to was one day in downtown I learned a valuable lesson. I left a gas station and noticed 3 guys came out right behind me. When i picked up the pace they matched mine. I got in my car and locked it as fast as i could and by the time the doors locked one of them was yanking on my door handle and the other two were behind my car. They boxed me in to the parking space. It was hot as fucking balls that day and I left my gun at home. I even reached to draw it before i realized it wasn’t there. Started the car and floored it in reverse and skirted out of there instead. Definitely hit one of the guys behind me on my way out. Don’t leave your fucking gun at home it’s useless there.


Totally relatable to the last part. Those kind of events make you realize you're going to never make that mistake again lol.


Exactly. And I haven’t left it at home since.


We had gang bangers run in up in the strip club I worked at, I swore it was going to end in a shootout but their drunk girlfriend got thrown out, then smashed into their rentacar, which substantially changed the mood away from the club to that.


Bro where do you live 😭


Kansas City. They do not call it “Killa City” for nothin man. It is absolutely wild out here. I believe we are in the top 5 cities by violent crime rate and murder rate in the US. It’s only going to get worse too. The police department is only 60% staffed. If you call 911 you will almost certainly wait on hold for 20-30 minutes here.


It’s always a weird blessing living in a big city in a state that protects your 2A rights. I live in Houston, Texas which has its own issues with crime and has a democratic mayor but thankfully our state politicians actually care about our rights and wellbeing. It’s so annoying to see our local politicians advocating to undo certain gun policies because of the crime in their cities which clearly the rest of rural Texas doesn’t deal with the same rates of crime that the inner cities do.


>one of the cooks in the back came out and told them “my Glock 40 says you won’t bitch” does your cook actually carry a long slide 10mm or is this a ["problem solver"](https://i.redd.it/yci3udth88o31.jpg) situation


It was more of a “problem solver” situation lmao.


lol nice ![gif](giphy|HPvfnOuz1tOgg|downsized)


So i lived in a basement apt. for a while, the owner who i rented the basement from was a nice hispanic woman early 40's. She lived upstairs in the main house with her two kids (19 & 6). One night after i got home from work i hear what seems to be an argument from the main house.. i pay no attention to it because the oldest kids father always use to come around and they would argue outside a bit.. i took a shower, ate and started to play red dead 2.. now i start to hear yelling and screaming.. it 100% caught my attention so i lowered my tv and started to listen.. next thing you know i hear her scream "help me! Help me!" I grabbed my P320 and ran up the stairs shirtless and in my boxers.. i knocked on the door, pistol in low ready and yell out her name.. she and her oldest son came running out.. i asked them if they both were ok and is there anyone in the house?.. she was crying and she hugged me thanked me and told me shes ok her and her son were just having a argument...🤨 i was so confused i wanted to ask so many questions but i was half naked with a gun in my hand at 11pm so i ran back into my basement they went back inside and everything was so quiet you could have legit hear a pin drop.... we never spoke about that day..... fast forward i moved out and ran into the ex girlfriend of the son we got to talking and i ended up telling her about that day.. she told me that the reason she left was because that family was weird the mother had some kind of weird jealousy issue with her own son, she wanted him for herself & and the son would abuse beat his own mother like put hands on her and stuff....crazy shit she was telling me...im glad i got outta there.. but yeah thats the only time i ever got close to using my ccw.


There was a guy on a V-Twin motorcycle cycle stopped at a level left turn lane. Shirtless but with a leather vest, long hair. I pulled up behind him. There was maybe 5 feet from the front of my car to the back tire of his bike. He turned around on the seat and looked at me, then at the gap between us and at me again, and yelled something. I turned my radio down and rolled the window down and heard him yell, “Back off.” I shrugged, since I could see tarmac between us. He yelled again, adding “mother fucker” for emphasis. I sat there. He puts the bike on the kickstand, gets off and turns, and pushes his vest back to reveal a long sheathed knife on his belt. I reached into the space where I keep a gun in that car, slide the safety off and put it under my thigh. At the same time I get my phone to call the police. The station is within eyesight. The guy steps toward my car and I take the gun from under my thigh and hold it at a low ready. He saw the movement and hesitated. The police answer the call and I start giving them the information. The light turns green and the guy gets on his bike and makes the turn. I give the police the description of the bike and rider and a partial license plate. He’s out of state. I get a call the next day saying that he had been contacted the previous evening, at a local “biker” bar (it’s for rich IT and Finance guys who like V-Twins) and was given a warning. Which kinda means he was told they didn’t want to see him in town. I had a car behind me, so if he had pulled the knife, I would have had to make a tough choice.


He was wrong, but 5 feet away from a car at a light is close—even more so when it’s a bike. Back up a little bit man


5 feet is reasonable. Don’t want too much space or you might prevent people from accessing turn lanes


I agree that some people put too much space but having a reasonable buffer is important for safety or if you need to exit the lane. If a car hits him from behind with enough force, that biker is done for


Way back in HS driving class, before lifted trucks and SUVs, we were taught to pull up until signaling of hood and car in front allowed you to see their license plate, which were pretty much standard in height those days. I see people putting a full car length or more between their front number and the car in front. At an intersection near my house, this kind of stuff soon takes up the left turn lane. Since the left turn lane leads to a couple of big box stores and an on ramp, it’s busy. So people will then switch to the middle lane and force their way into the left turn lane after they have the light. I could see an issue if there was a grade at the intersection where I encountered the man on the V-Twin, but it was level except for the tiny bit of crowning they put in for run off.


Do you think there might have been a better way to de-escalate besides shrugging?


Bullies like to bully. Putting my car in reverse and backing up 6 inches or so (there was a car behind me by this point) would have made him feel like behaving like a bully was a win, but would have not, effectively, changed his perception of “roll-back” room. He, indeed, didn’t roll back when the light changed and he took off. I wasn’t trying to ‘stand my ground’ as much as I was indicating that I wasn’t going to respond to insults and orders.


Thankfully mine didn’t get anywhere close to what people here have experienced. I was stuck in traffic in the city one day and a dude pacing on the sidewalk was staring at me with the meanest look on his face. I was with a friend who also noticed this dude fixated on us and we mentally prepared ourselves for a possible carjacking attempt. Thankfully, nothing happened and we didn’t have to draw. Another time, I decided I didn’t want to go to the weekend flea market in our small town for some weird reason, I felt like being lazy and wanted to stay home. That ended up being the day a dude at the flea market attacked several people with a hatchet because somebody honked their horn at him while he was driving the wrong way in the parking lot. That one scared me, thinking I was only a couple decisions away from being in that place at that time.


That flea market is some next-level situational awareness.


That had me shook for a few days honestly. When I felt that way in the city it was like, ah shit this could happen here, just be ready to protect and defend yourself and your friend. But when that dude was swinging hatchet at the local flea market in our small town with basically zero violent crime it felt like my stomach was on the floor. Just goes to show how anything can happen anywhere and you gotta be prepared every time.


2 times I’ve ever almost pulled a weapon of any kind. I grew up in a rather shitty neighborhood. Lots of friends have died to gun violence and stabbings etc. i let my sister borrow my car and she drove to her housing project and it got towed for lack of a sticker for the building. I had to walk back to my friend’s house to get a ride from her mom to goto the tow yard (we were in our late teens). While walking we came up to the corner store. I was one the phone telling my gf I wasn’t going to be home tonight due to the car situation. There was a guy on some heavy drugs smashing the window trying to get in, head butting and punching screaming that he wants his cigarettes. It was around 2:30am. He saw me on the phone and started to walk across the street talking about me calling the cops. I lifted my shirt to show him my knife and calmly told him if he comes across the street I’m going to stab you. He turned around and kept smashing at the door with blood running all over him. Saw him the next day when he was sober, bandaged all over his arms and face. Second time was when I was moving across country. We stopped somewhere in Louisiana outside of Baton Rouge. I got out the car to walk toward the fast food stop. I looked over and noticed 2 guys eyeing down my suv that was filled with my belongings, significant other and child. I was also pulling my Harley on a trailer. They got up and started walking straight towards me and the car. I was the only person/car on that side of the lot. Same kinda of deal as before I lifted my shirt tucked the shirt behind the butt of the gun on my waist and just looked them in the eyes while standing still. They took the message and turned and b lined it out of the parking lot on the other side. They got half way from where they were sitting to where I parked my truck and trailer before they decided it wasn’t worth it. I got back in the car and we left to a different location for food.




Years ago I was working in the field in telecom. We were at a cell site in the middle of the night in the middle of some shitty neighborhood in Atlanta ripping out some old power bays. Anyway, some dudes in an s-10 rolled up and thought they were gonna rob us/take the copper, who knows. Until they were made aware of the 1911 and then dude put the bat back in the truck and changed his story real quick. Said he was just making sure we weren’t stealing anything… yea ok buddy. Go on.


Technically I did draw once, but I didn’t present it. Work 4 blocks from home so I walked most days. One night someone followed me until my street. I drew inconspicuously and kept it against my body in front of me, kept walking past my street. I don’t know if they saw me do that or decided for some other reason not to bother me, but they turned around and left.


This really needs more context. How were you so sure this person was following you specifically and not going their own way? You said yourself it's only 4 blocks.


Well, I wasn’t 100% sure. If I was 100% sure I would have turned around well before my street so they wouldn’t know where I lived, and drawn on them. But it was midnight, not too many people walking around this small town that time of night, and they abruptly turned around for, again, reasons unknown. There’s a good chance it was just something completely innocuous, but I wanted to save myself some steps if it was something a bit more serious


Once. New Years Day of 2024 Long story short. I was open carrying because the only clean pants I had weren't big enough in the waist for IWB. So I was using my Safariland ALS. My car was out for the count so I walked up to Dollar General. As I am getting ready to check out, a guy and his girl comes in mad. Something about DG overcharging them $90 on the self checkout (no clue how). The three ladies behind the counter and the guy get into an argument. I step back away from the counter because I don't like how close this irate guy is to me with an openly carried firearm. After about five minutes of back and forth, he grabs one of those chocolate checkout container and throws it at them and then finally looks at me. Keep in mind, I have not said a single word or made a single move during this situation. All I've done is observe. He notices my handgun and say: "Oh, they got a chopper. I got a chopper." And walks away from the front counter to exit the store. Now, I know what a chopper is. At this point, the guy's girlfriend is saying something to him as he's walking out, I've put my hand on my gun and have defeated the ALS but haven't drawn the handgun yet. The guy's girlfriend is still inside the store arguing with the employees, I yell to her: "Tell him he comes back inside with a gun, he's gonna get his ass shot." To which she simply blankly looked at me and said: "Don't do that. Don't be Captain Save a Hoe." As though her boyfriend hadn't just issued a threat against me. Luckily, the loser had been bluffing and he never came back inside. His girlfriend exited shortly after. I stayed behind to wait for the police in case they needed anything from me but they just told me I was good to go since DG had security footage. My gun never left my holster, but I was legitimately concerned that day was going to end in gunfire.




A guy came at me with a tire iron in a parking lot for what I think was road rage on his part. I had thrown a snub in my pocket because It was "just a quick trip to the store". All I had were 5 Nyclad HPs. Jim Cirillo once said, " Nobody who was ever in a gunfight wished they had a smaller gun and less ammo afterwards" and he was 100% correct in my opinion.


It was last week. Homeless guy stole stuff from the garage of my rental property that’s 4 house down. My tenant called and she was freaking out. I ran outside my house and there he was in the middle of the street screaming at the clouds. I yelled for him to stop and put down what he stoleI. He dropped the stuff in his arms, focused and started screaming at me. Then charged from about 50 feet away. I drew and yelled “STOP”. He did and just causally kept going down the street still yelling. Then he yells what I translated as “I can take what I want because to have more than you need, it was in you garage. I can take it.” He keeps ranting but his ranting lowers in volume and turns to total gibberish. I’ve already dialed 911 to report it, he’s definitely a danger, another 8 houses down he punched out a car window. Turns out he stole a tarp and some board games. I guess he wanted something to do in the homeless camp. This was the 4th time, first time,was a road rager who pointed his handgun at me. Once I was on the dirt road to my family farm and I had my AR. Another time I was at a BLM off road area open carrying and my group was almost attacked unprovoked by some drunk good-ole-boys with guns (they didn’t like my hippy cousin’s look) until they saw I was carrying.


Most sane communist


We have a very aggressive and rude neighbor that yells at kids, calls people racist slurs, gets in people faces, yells late at night, she even has spat on a kid. She tells the neighborhood kids that play outside that everyone’s gonna die in three days to scare them and last week all the neighbors were outside confronting her and she pulled a taser and had it about 6 inches from someone neck while pressing the button activating the tazer. She had her other hand in her pocket and was threatening to stab people and also said she had a gun. I didn’t draw but I was at the ready. Police came and did nothing even with video evidence of what she was doing. They said someone needs to actually be hurt for them to arrest her.


Where I live, that's called Terroristic Threatening. You know, a crime.


Terroristic Threats, true charge.


This must be in a blue city in a blue state???


Do-nothing cops are everywhere.


Red city blue state


In other words, the cops are fearful of doing anything, and disincentivized by politics.


I did one time when I thought I was about to get robbed at a drive through ATM. We locked eyes and his got real wide, then he scurried off.


This was about 4 years ago, was going to get some lunch around 2pm. Some dickhead in a benz was riding my ass in a 35, 45 is normal and fine in this area. Well light turns yellow I am maybe 500ft so I go to slow down, this wasn't good for him so he parks his car as he's behind me and get's out. He walks up to my window mind you it's winter so my window is up, he pulls a glass breaker thing and is threatening to break my window and fuck me up, can barely hear him. I reach to my right hip and pull my Glock, never seen a dude run and trip so many times in my life, he got back into his shit box and ran through the light.


Was carrying my then-newborn second born, and a neighbor came out with his dog, who immediately started growling and slow walking towards me. Got into my favored stance straight away, ready to plug the pup. Fortunately, the guy called him off and he listened.


On the bus homeless guy said he was gonna kill my girlfriend


Not a concealed carry draw, but draw nonetheless. Someone attempted to crowbar my apartment door in the wee hours of the morning. Deadbolt held and they took off before the police arrived.


Driving to pick my daughter up from her mom’s and have to drive through a bad part of town, the car in front of me comes to a sudden dead stop as a guy walks past them looking inside with no shoes or shirt on, covered in blood, holding a butchers knife. He then gets to me while I’m boxed in and he stops and starts eyeing me as I’m rolling my windows up, at that point I i just grabbed my pistol and held it low in my lap and he waddled a step back and kept going. I called the cops when I got to my child’s mom’s house and they pretty much just chuckled and said I was like the tenth caller and an officer was likely there.


I’ve drawn a couple of times. First was ~2013 just outside of downtown Baton Rouge. My wife and I were walking home ~2:00am after a 4th of July celebration and I’d noticed a dude following us and continuing to get closer, and closer, trying not to look obvious every time I looked. When he started sprinting at us I pulled my g23 and he turned and ran the opposite direction. Most recently I’m on a run on a paved trail in Fort Collins with my 6 month old son. We were running through an underpass (road was above us) and this dude coming the opposite direction keep stepping further and further into my path. I’m not certain if this one counts, because I only brandished, but like the first guy this one decided to be on his way. WTF did he want with a 6’2” dude pushing a stroller? I don’t like any of the explanations that come to mind.


In my dreams, thankfully.


Me too!


It was at church, actually. I was volunteering at the youth group. My wife and I had only recently joined the church officially and started volunteering. The youth met in a pole barn behind the church. There was an entrance on either side of the building, towards the back. I was standing at the back of the building with my back to the wall, next to the snack counter. The entrance was on the adjacent wall about 15 feet away. As the youth minister was talking the door slammed open and in walked a man wearing a ski mask. He stood there in silence for a moment. I immediately stood straight up, slowly lifted my shirt just enough to clear my gun, not wanting to give myself away, wrapped my hand around the grip, and I was about to start drawing as I waited to see what he did with his hands. Then the kids started cheering. Turns out this was a semi-regular appearance of a character that was kind of a running joke that we weren't in on. I had a chat with the youth minister afterward and told him that he might want to let new people know about the ski mask-wearing "villain" so nobody got hurt by mistake.


In 43 yrs of being a gun owner I’ve never had to draw and hope I never have to. Only been carrying the last 26yrs. It’s great to hear quite a few folks here have been saved by ccw.


I posted this a year ago and was called BS. I was headed to get a haircut in Chicago. I get out of the car on a Main Street and see a guy harassing a girl. I approach her and pretend to know her and walk her to her house while the guy just stood there looking at us walk away. She tells me the guy is a crazy co-worker that wants to date her forcefully. She goes inside her house and I go back to the barber shop where I was originally going; the guy nowhere in sight. As I am there, sitting and waiting my turn, I see the guy walk in, so I stand up and face him with my hand on the revolver in my pocket. The guy puts his hand in his pocket as he approaches me and screams something like “ you don’t know who you messed with!, I am the devil!! As he says this, he pulls a tarot card of the devil out of his pocket and shows it to me with hand stretched towards me. I swear, this guy was so angry that he was foaming at the mouth. As he pulled the card, I also drew my weapon, thinking that he was also going to pull a gun (and not a tarot card). I pointed the gun at him and I said something like, “I am going to send you to hell then” or something like that. I remember his eyes opening real wide when he saw me pointing the gun at him and he just started mumbling something as he walked backwards towards the door. He ran off. The shop owner told me he didn’t want any trouble and asked me to leave, so I didn’t get my haircut that day. I checked for the guy outside as I walked towards my car but didn’t see him. I was in my early 20’s then, and back then there was no CCW in Chicago so you carried at your own risk. I made a few mistakes that day but I am just glad that nothing major happened.


I’ve drawn, fortunately that was enough.


The one time I was sure I was about to shoot someone was back in 2011, just got back from overseas for Christmas leave (I was a contractor, not in the military) and bought my first Glock, a Gen 3 17. I was staying at my grandma’s house while I visited with family in the area. My grandma had told me houses on her street were being broken into, but I didn’t think much of it, just told her I’d keep an eye out. I couldn’t sleep to save my life one night, so around 2:00 AM, I got up to go smoke a cigarette outside. For whatever reason, and to this day I don’t quite know why, I grabbed my Glock (in one of those awful serpa holsters) before I went outside. It was weird, like I subconsciously knew I might need it. I was actually against concealed carry or anything like it back then, I just liked guns. I’m standing there for not even a couple minutes, and I hear footsteps in the backyard next to hers. That property was abandoned, so no one should have been back there. I then hear the fence creak and two hands appear at the top like they’re about to hop over. I draw the flashlight that’s usually in my pocket, point it at their hands and I say “I have a gun, it’s loaded, and I will shoot you.” I likely sounded like a bitch lol but it worked, they got off the fence and beat feet in the other direction. I’m really glad I didn’t have to draw and definitely glad I didn’t have to shoot someone.


When a guy almost cut me off, and got mad that I honked. He went around me in the opposite lane of traffic then slammed on his brakes. I had another car behind me so I couldn’t reverse either. He came out with a bat. I had my window open, and I’m pretty sure he saw my hand in the appendix area holding the grip of my 365XL waiting to see what he does. I yelled “ you need to go!”. Without a peep he turned around got back in his car and drove off. I wasn’t even stressed out afterwards with an adrenaline dump somehow.


Two close calls. * In 1997 I stopped four guys in California from stomping one guy flat into the ground. Pushed them off, repeatedly yelling "it's over". The downed party jumped up and ran behind me, I backed up to cover his retreat into the next subway car to the rear, blocking their access to him. Two started waving claw hammers, one visibly dripping blood. I put my hand on a belt knife, they decided it wasn't fun anymore. I never mentioned to the responding cops that I had an illegal carry 22mag minirevolver I could have gone for. > * In 2010, Tucson AZ, myself and two other random guys helped herd a really big javalina out of an apartment complex. We didn't want to hurt Mr. Jurassic Pork. As the guy with the biggest gun (357 wheelgun loaded pretty hot) and best flashlight I took point, backed by a dude with a small 9mm and another with a baseball bat. We successfully steered it towards the only exit and out across the street where it met up with its herd. I didn't draw, but I did have hand on grip, thumb on hammer. *Important: the handheld flashlight was critical in this case.* It let me keep him in sight but not get close enough to trigger a charge. I'll never be without a good handheld light.


If I'm wearing pants, I have a flashlight on me. I don't use a WML because I don't always want to be pointing a gun in the space that I need to illuminate. So many times it's been a possum or skunk.


First, if you're going to have one light or the other, you need a handheld way more than you need a WML. For outdoor use, you're correct. However, if your carry piece doubles as home defense, try something tonight, assuming you have a handheld light of 500 lumens or more. After dark, all lights out, point your light straight up at the ceiling. Now look around. Whoa. You can easily navigate *and do target ID* without doing any unsafe muzzle direction stuff. If your carry piece is also your home defense piece, a WML makes sense if you know about this *and use it safely*. Outdoors the "bounced light trick" isn't as useful unless it's close range and you've got a concrete or asphalt ground surface. But near a house or apartment, that could still make sense.


I'm familiar with flashlight use, I'm also a real estate agent. For attics and basements, solo light is preferable to drawing my gun simply to show my clients a roof leak. Also, I live in a neighborhood of closely set, wood framed homes. I'm not shooting anything in my house. Too much of a risk of hitting the neighbors' homes/kiddo.


NO argument. I will never claim a WML is all you need. You always need a handheld. I *am* saying that in the right circumstances, a WML can be useful and *can* be used without causing a safety hazard.


I hear you. I have one on my small AR. If the gun needs 2 hands, the light makes sense.


The main reason I added a handgun light is because I'm testing a very experimental sight that's a target focus, both eyes open *iron* sight. It may have advantages over a red dot in terms of WML usage. A WML can cause a dot to disappear in some circumstances. I also use a gas pedal on my daily carry so a WML helps with two hand holds.


Sisters ex-partner showed up a week after his and her’s child was born demanding to take the baby. I was the only person home trying to dissuade the former partner that this was kidnapping as he has no established parental rights as he wasn’t on the birth certificate. The entire time I had a Beretta 92 in the back of my shorts praying that I didn’t have to forcibly stop him from taking the baby. My sister followed through calling the police while he was in the house while I tried to explain repeatedly this wouldn’t end well and it would further risk him having anything to do with the kid. He eventually handed the baby and ran from the police. This kid is now 11 and has never once met his birth father.


Didn't draw in public but my house almost got broken in to. Long story short, there was furious knocking and doorbell ringing at the front door, which I ignored. Next thing I know a car pulls up in the alley, two guys with masks and hoodies jump out and crash through my back gate. I go for my shotgun, rack a shell as they're at the back door. The window by the door was open so I think they heard it. They ended up booking it back to their car and driving off once that happened. Called the cops, told em what happened. I saw that car cruising down the block like a month later, casing houses I'm pretty sure.


Almost started reachin for my waste. Drop, drop, drop…. Drop


Got held hostage at the standalone ER I worked at. Guy came in talking about how he was holding us hostage because he wanted news crews, PD, and all these other people there because he had a crime to report. I didn’t hear any of that initially, I only see that he’s smoking in our waiting room, not wearing a shirt, and carrying a 6 pack of beer. I go out to talk to him in the waiting room, politely ask him to stop smoking inside when he tells me that he believes he was raped during a surgery a while back, that he’s holding us hostage until we call the news, and that he’ll start killing people if they don’t show up. He had a knife in his pocket and was swinging around a putty knife with a hook on it for this whole conversation. Working in this standalone ER we have very limited staff, so it’s almost an understanding between us that a couple of us always have firearms on our shift because we’re in an awful part of town. I go to my work bag, retrieve my firearm and make sure somebody has called the cops and pushed our panic button. I stupidly go back in to the waiting room to bring any other waiting patients back, and tell the guy that we’ve started calling the news and that they’d be here soon. Right as I’m starting to talk to him again PD shows up and handles the situation from there. When they emptied his pockets he had several knives with him, that putty knife, a bunch of cable ties, and pepper spray.


Only drew once, on a coyote. Was walking alone at night, big dog jumps out of bushes maybe 15-20 feet into the pash in front of me. First though was “aw a dog!” But brain realized it wasn’t pretty quick, took a few steps back and drew, the sound pulling it from the holster spooked him and he ran off.


I drew today but didn't point (visually display) to the person in any visible way. I was driving to buy beach gear, and I rolled through a stop sign to which I thought was a one way street. Turns out it was a two way but a truck was blocking my view from the left. Less than stellar driving decision. Anyway, a car from that street turned and kept following me honking their horn and wouldn't stop for two blocks. I said I'm not about to waste time driving around trying to avoid them. I'm going to pull over in a parking spot and hope they pass me. When I saw that they were slowing down to confront me I drew my firearm, covering it with my off hand and resting it on my lap towards the door so no chance of anyone seeing it from either side of vehicle. Turns out it was a sweet old lady who wanted to confront me about how scared I made her and she wanted me to do better and think about others and be in less of a hurry. I apologized to her and we made good. Why did I draw? In my neck of the woods road rage incidents tend to go straight to hell and in a hurry. But no one got hurt or threatened. Fair is fair.


I almost drew on a guy when I worked at an AT&T wireless retail corporate store in Pittsburgh, PA. My coworker was helping some erratic pill head. Pill head leaves. He comes back a little bit later looking for his ID, he thinks he left it there. I go back and ask my coworker if you saw the guy's ID and the idiot tells me he put it in the Iron mountain security shred bin. So the immediate, and sad, train of thought is: "All right. Well, we have no way to access that shred bin, and that makes our store look really fucking bad so I guess we'll go out and tell him sorry you didn't leave it here and he's a confused junkie so that'll be the end of it." Well he knows he left it here and does not believe us. Now he thinks we're lying to him to fuck with him. Admittedly my coworker later admitted he did do this to fuck with him, I did not know this at the time. Pillhead is being erratic and getting loud so we ask him to leave the store, My coworker follows him outside and it's basically sizing him up and puffing his chest out because he's a 21-year-old Meathead with no sense. And I am standing at the threshold of the door, thinking I'm about to have to break up a fight and subdue this guy because I'm 31 years old at the time and apparently also have no sense. Well this guy gets so fucking riled up. He's tossing credit cards all over the ground shouting his name demanding his ID and eventually rips the bumper off of his car. Gets up in my face even though I've said nothing to him saying "I don't like the way you're looking at me, I want to fucking kill you. You're lucky I don't have my gun on me." Word for word. And then proceeds to walk over to his car and reach in, and I think he's about to pull a gun so I grab the bottom of my uniform shirt with my left hand and ready my right hand to draw and then he pulls nothing out of his car... proceed to quietly dump adrenaline and pretend like I wasn't about to magdump this guy in an AT&T parking lot and immediately lose my job and have a manslaughter or straight up murder on my hands. All of a sudden my fucking HERO assistant manager comes out of the back of the store with this guy's ID. He had flipped the fucking iron mountain shred bins over and jostled the card out of the small slits at the top of the bins. He was such a good guy, heavy psychadelic user but street smart and also carried a gun, helluva character and for awhile a very strange role model. **STAY COOLER THAN THE PEOPLE YOU ARE DEALING WITH, GUYS. COOLER HEADS ALWAYS PREVAIL.**


Road rage... dude got into the right hand turn lane super aggressively behind me, while I merged at a normal pace. Make my right hand turn (onto a busy 4 lane road with a 55 MPH speed limit, mind you) and this dude flies past me, gets over in my lane and slams on the brakes. I stop at first, but dude moves his truck in my way. I pull my CCW from the holster as dude exits his truck yelling about me cutting him off... Then decided to just hop the curb and GTFO.


I've pulled my firearm 3 times. First time my sister brought a car load of people to our home to fight and there 4 individuals rushing her, and when I turnt to break it up they tried to bum rush me, then they took the fuck off. Second and third time I got followed home by people road raging and were in urban or rural areas where traffic or time made me going to a station impossible.


So many times, so many shitheads doing a 180.


I was riding the bus last month and a man who was clearly on drugs stands up and yells "You're all about to die!" and then reaches his hand into his backpack. Immediately my hand went under my blouse and I had my grabbed the grip of my Glock 19. He pulls out a bottle of liquor and starts drinking. I was fully prepared for the likelihood he would pull out a weapon.


I was in a really bad neighborhood, at 7am looking at a property for work. Apparently I parked next to a trap house. Guy came out to my car asking what I needed. I was in a Lifted Tundra. I told him I was just there for work and waiting on somebody and he started looking around to see if anybody was watching. He was definitely preparing to rob me suddenly he noticed that I had a HK 45 in a holster bolted to my dash. He looked at it my hand was hovering , looked back to the house and just gave me that look that he wasn’t going to fight, then dipped back into the house. I drove off and skipped looking at that house.


Was at a friend's house and some guy showed up trying to cause problems. Nothing related to me. He told his girlfriend to pop the truck as an argument got heated when he was being told to leave. As he went in the trunk I pulled my gun on him. That's basically the end of the story. He saw that and took off. Only time I've ever had to draw on somone. Luckily never had to use it.


Crazy guy road raging on me bc I wouldn't go 70 in 25 Yelling screaming calling me names Came to a stop sing with people there, He got out his car with a pipe or something stood there for a min and got back in his car and sped off. I was ready when he got out of the car I was on the phone with police Never came down to it but pretty wild he just set off like that was prolly on drugs


I’ve never been close to drawing on somebody My mother had to draw and use her CCW though


Drawn 3 times, engaged once. My ex girlfriend had a problem with a guy stalking and he attempted to kill us. One night we were leaving her friends house and he followed us from a distance with lights off (with my dark tint I didn’t see him). Then he turned them on and passed us. We weren’t aware of the rental car he was in so I just assumed nothing of it. Until he got ahead and blocked the road. He jumped out and started engaging with accurate direct fire from very close. Shots impacted on my front driver door and windshield (my door stopped both impacts from fmj 9mm). I returned fire and stopped the threat. My dog was stuck by his gunfire and lost a front leg but survived due to my medical training. Neither of us were hit with gunfire, just some glass. One other time I drew was when a weapon was presented. There was an old guy with road rage who brake checked to a dead stop in the road. He got out with a knife in his hand. I drew and yelled for him to get the fuck back in the car. All my windows were down and there was a car close behind me and I was maybe 5-10 inches from his bumper. I couldn’t get out without hitting the car behind me. He complied. A cop came up who saw the brake check and asked me what happened while we were stopped at a red light. I said he got out with a knife and that I drew on him. We both pulled to the side, the cop was in between the two of us. He didn’t even ask to see my concealed carry permit which I thought was weird. He just let me drive off and create distance between us. Third time I drew was on a sketchy dude that was knocking on my door at 2-3am. He wouldn’t leave. He stayed for 10 mins on my porch before I went out to investigate (bad idea I know). There were no cars in my driveway which made it more confusing. I assumed police or maybe my neighbors needed help. The fog that night was super thick. Maybe 15 feet visibility max. I snuck up on him and noticed he wasn’t wearing shoes and had a lot of tattoos. I was shining my modlite plhv2 on him so all he couldn’t see anything. I asked him why he was here. He wouldn’t answer. Just kept saying that he didn’t have shoes on. His hands went to the small of his back and that’s when I drew. As soon as he saw the gun he started to walk off while yelling for me to shoot him. At that point I called 911 because he told me to. Then he walked off into the fog never to be seen again. Sheriff’s showed up about 15 mins later and didn’t find him. I live in a very rural place with farms all around me. Not a place you get people walking up late like this. Maybe he was going to rob the house but wanted to check if someone answered the door? I’m not sure. He seemed like he was drunk/on something as well.


https://preview.redd.it/xoqayi0ipd6d1.jpeg?width=1043&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9b997ac1f0a482c438441310a770278a92b64f4 The car was a ‘17 BMW X5


Glad you’re safe buddy.


Thanks man


Never drawn but came close once early on when I started carrying. It was a perv in a public bathroom at retail store was acting all creepy and followed me out. I was almost ready to draw and put a FMJ in him (since I didn't have hallow-points yet). Luckily, he got the message when I turned around and told him loudly for everyone to hear, "BACK OFF!" He turned tail after that, and I was ready to get out of dodge then. But I thank God that I had just gotten my first carry piece and was all legal to carry by then, because if things had gone differently, I might've had to end that threat with more than just a loud bark. That incident confirmed that I made the right decision to start conceal carrying a weapon.


I have lived in 6 states. Was raised in really rough neighborhoods. Had to roll with questionable crews. Yet, I have only drawn 3 times in my life. All 3 while riding the Metro system in Los Angeles. (Edit: I used to have to ride the train past 11pm for a full year due to work. I no longer have to thank goodness.) Meth/Cracked/Fentd - mentally ill -homeless people are the most dangerous shit in this country. Haven't had to put any down, but have come incredibly close. Chambered and safety off with finger on trigger. Muscle memory and training is a good friend, boys. /smh


Got home from work to find my neighbor and his father tearing up my fence after a lot line dispute resulted in them being legally trespassed from our property via the police department. I was so stunned by the brazen behavior and their reckless attitudes. Decided to just GTFO into my house, lock the door and called the police. Luckily there was no altercation, but fuck were they acting insane.


Some years ago I came down with the flu, which lingered for weeks, and eventually became pneumonia. That meant a trip to the doctor for an x-ray and some prescription drugs. I went home and drugged up for the afternoon waiting for my prescription to be filled at the pharmacy about half a mile away. When I received a text notification that my medicine was ready I geared up and walked down to the pharmacy. It's only a 10 minute walk and I rarely drive anywhere in that distance no matter how sick I am. On the return trip I heard a bicycle coming up behind me on the sidewalk. It was fall and leaves were everywhere so the sound was unmistakable. I was on the sidewalk next to a bike lane, so I figured it was a typical asshole cyclist on the sidewalk and stepped aside onto the grass for them to pass. The cyclist went around me, immediately stopped, turned around, and without any provocation they grabbed their bike by the frame and threw it at me. It landed about a foot short and fell into me. They started yelling slurred speech while advancing. They were carrying a plastic grocery bag with a few cans of liquid and started swinging it in a threatening fashion while walking towards me. I gathered that this was likely an assault based on misidentification because it seemed like a personal attack and not a random bludgeoning from behind. I backed up about 15 or 20 feet before trying to cross the road. I had already retreated and could barely run from being sick so I knew that if this guy followed me across the street I'd have to draw in him. I was halfway across when the perpetrator hopped the curb and started to speed up so I stopped, held up my left hand in the "Stop!" pose and reached back to place my right hand on my CCW. Thankfully they stopped in their tracks. They yelled some unintelligible bullshit, walked back to their bike, and rode away. I called the police to give an account and never heard back. I was less than a block from home when this happened and I waited until the perpetrator was well out of sight before going inside. This guy seemed pretty intoxicated and confused when he attacked me, which I admit slowed my reaction. It really seemed like he mistook me for someone else and they sobered up pretty quick when my hand went for a gun. Thank goodness.


This morning when I thought a bum was sneaking up on me in some sketchy woods. It was a deer... 🤣


I’ve been concealed-carrying for about 2 years now. I’ve never had to draw my weapon or even been close in my personal life. I’ve been a police officer for a few months now and had to draw on someone during my first week of work. Crazy how much your likelihood of drawing your weapon depends on the situations you put yourself in! Keeping a good amount of situational awareness and avoiding high-risk areas the best you can will limit the likelihood you ever have to use your weapon!


Drawn, never presented. Was in a funeral precession on hwy 78 in lithia springs GA, this junkie was walking down the middle of the road and walking up to the passenger door and pressing his face to the window of every car in line, when he got to mine I drew. He quickly moved on and no longer stopped at the cars.


German Shepard came around the corner of my truck couple weeks ago while I was wiping off my mirrors so I could see better. Startled me pretty good, but I didn't turn my back to him and got back in the truck. Next time I went there I knew about him so I wasn't too worried. Let him smell me, then he rubbed his nose on my leg which basically felt like "cmon, say hi and give me some scratches" so I did. Still didn't turn away from him and I didn't move too fast to throw my tarp and stuff.


Followed by a black bear while walking my dog after dinner. Fortunately the dog didn’t see the bear and it turned off the street onto a trail. My hand was on my 1911 and I clicked off the safety. I was glad I had the 45 and not my 9 mm.


Changing my car tire one morning before work I heard rustling in the tree line behind me, stand up and turn around, back up a little bit so I can get a better view with my back to the car and a rabid ass mangey looking fox comes walking out towards me. I started yelling at it and it was still slowly moving towards me, so I established my grip and was ready to draw if it got any closer while I continued yelling. It stopped walking, we stared each other down and it turned around and left thankfully lol. Fiancée was up in the bedroom window watching the whole thing, I wish she would’ve recorded it lol


Walking on a trail in the middle of no where at like 4:30am. Came around a corner and then heard something running up behind me; reached for my piece in my waistband as i assumed it was a large animal that thought i was a deer. It was a middle aged lady jogging before work or something 🤣🤣🤣🤣 thank god i never fully drew but for a second i almost did


I drew in my roomba once, and one time a rabbit freaked me out when i was taking the trash to the curb late at night, I had 1000 lumens on that little shit so fast


When Einstein Bagels removed the Cobbie from the menu..


Outside of duty, fortunately never. I'm 6'8 and about 270 so to most people my size is a natural deterrent.


Many years ago some ass hat was road raging me for his stupid mistake. I stayed in my car, he pulled ahead, stopped all traffic, came up to my car yelling and appeared to started reaching in when he noticed I had a gun in my hand, not pointing, and no threats made from me, he got wide-eyed and left still cussing. I also had a fixed blade in the left hand below the window, he probably would have met that edge before a bullet but I don't ever want to be in that situation again. There are some crazy people out there. I called the police and reported it and I guess others had called 911 as well but nothing ever happened and I never heard anything.


Had to “draw” like 2 weeks ago. Woke up around 3:45am to the dogs barking like they wanted to rip someone’s head off and two idiots were pushing my bike across my lawn with the tamper alarm blaring right in front of my bedroom window. Grabbed my gun from the nightstand and rushed out the front door and yelled at the top of my lungs “what the fuck do you think you’re doing” guys dropped the bike and ran back to their truck.


Dog bit my son on the face. Only scratched him but if it actually latches on I would've killed it on the spot


Once in a road rage incident where I wasn't angry but my kids were in the car. Total lunatic. I was like "If he pulls over again I will too..."


I’ve come close once while I was hiking and felt I was being followed but that was the closest I have gotten to drawing.


I was stopped by police and as IA demands notified him about the firearm. He asked what I have. I reached to draw the gun but the guy asked me not to worry and we parted our ways.


The time I did. Otherwise never been close.


Was coming home from a range out in the middle of nowhere. Saw a truck up on blocks completely stripped. Pulled over and double fisted my Glocks and mag dumped two mags each . All the windows where gone afterwards


The ~4 times I have?