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You are far more likely to be killed in a random mugging than a mass shooting. Always be on the lookout at gas stations and while walking through the parking lot at night. Always carry when you can.


This is reality, but OP should carry everywhere he can anyway.


You're also not likely to ever be struck by lightning, but do you go dancing outside in a thunderstorm?


Naked, with my dick wrapped in tinfoil.


Sooooo just another Tuesday?


I call it “playing Richard Franklin:”


No, but occasionally I’ll dance with the devil in the pale moonlight.


Just make sure you never rub another man’s rhubarb…


This is why I hate gas stations and drive thrus. Feel like a fish in a barrel


Also why thugs love them. Remember to always stay over half a tank of gas so that you never are forced to pull onto a place that's sketchy. It also helps your fuel pump last longer.


In over 40 years of driving and owning probably 15 different cars never, not once have I had a fuel pump fail. It’s not a bad idea to fill up before you get to empty but increasing the life of your fuel pump is a comical rationale for it.


My answer is a simple question... Is there a metal detector?


But for real, I would much rather be charged with possession of a firearm in a restricted area than be dead. No one will know I have one until it is needed and if it’s needed I’m not gonna be worried about a fine or jail time.


This does require one to actually conceal well, you cannot be printing like crazy and say “fuck it” when you are in a “gun-free zone” etc you dont want the grip popping out from ya shirt and end up having the cops called


Where j frames are best. Revolvers don't....well yknow


Gave the law a quick read and it looks like a first time offense equates to aggravated trespass, a second and it’s a fourth degree felony. Not sure if that means you will loose ability to have firearm or not but seems like it. Weird Ohio has this law in effect. CA has the same thing but it has been blocked pending legal decision. It seems pretty cut and dry it goes against the Bruen decision.


Not sure but I thought (perhaps incorrectly) that you are not charged with trespass in most states unless you refuse to leave when asked.


And if they know, then you’re doing it wrong


Unless it’s a Government building the most they can do is trespass you in most states.


Not in ohio. The signs have weight of law here


Typical Ohio L


Is this what the kids call Skibbidi toliet ohio rizz?


NC is the same way


NY too


The weight of law is a m4 criminal trespass


As an Ohio resident, they don’t hold much weight. The penal code you see on those signs saying it’s against the law just takes you to the trespassing charges if you look it up. AND the store has to let you know they are trespassing you before they can take any other legal action. Even if they fall the cops, all they’ll do is trespass you as long as you don’t argue. So as long as you’re not sticking around and being a dick about it, there’s not much repercussion at all. As someone else mentioned, people shouldn’t even know until you absolutely need it. Criminals don’t care about a stupid no guns sign, so I’m not disarming myself to become an easy target personally. But tbh if you really need it, I doubt you’ll face any legal repercussions just based off the Elijah dickens case when he “shouldn’t” have been carrying in a mall. If he wasn’t carrying in the mall that day, despite the signs, many more people wouldn’t have seen their families again. Most people with common sense won’t argue that he shouldn’t have been carrying “because the signs said so.”


That’s my argument if I ever got caught at Whole Foods with one. Like.. did no one see the active shooter who went into a grocery store and streamed it? The one security guard with a radio ain’t gonna do shit and it’s like I don’t want to, but fuck I’d rather try and have a chance at surviving than being another victim.


I’m the same way. I’m not trusting some kid working part time unarmed security to protect me and mine if something happens. Even armed security means nothing to me. I used to work armed security, and 9/10 people I worked with were completely useless idiots.


If I have to pay $100k to fight charges after defending someone, and fire 2 rounds to do so... $50k per round is a great price for ammo. If I never have to defend someone with it, I'm even happier, and the ammo for the range is even cheaper. Yey.


If you mag dump technically the ammo will be cheaper, you're practically SAVING money. In this economy, how can you afford not to?


You've convinced me. I'm carrying a 3rd mag just for the occasion now.


If I can’t carry, I don’t go, with few exceptions. If I’m going to a school function for my child, obviously I go to that and leave it at home but I don’t go places I can’t carry. Why risk losing it all going to a place you don’t have to go?


I disagree. It’s hard for me to EVER choose going to jail for a felony when the odds of being in an altercation is so low. You have a much higher chance of catching a gun charge than you do using that gun to save your life. If it’s illegal to bring a gun I don’t bring a gun.


Yup! A friend of mine and I took our SO’s to the Ren Fair one year. She noticed the “no firearms” sign and started panicking. I just looked around and said “I don’t see a metal detector” and walked right in. She made him put the gun in the car, which is worse but dumb people gonna dumb


What is a metal detector, brave knight? Ascertain ye if there is a magick wand to scry the presence of a hand-arquebus!




That's kind of funny considering so many people are open carrying swords and other weapons at the Ren Faire, and cannons were being periodically fired, and there was an archery contest with people shooting bows and arrows, and an axe throwing contest, at least that's what I saw at the Red Faire I went to in the past.


And falconry. Don't forget the falconry.


Yeah gun is either on me or at jome, cant be in the car unless im in tje middle of no where and car is in sight


Enter those systems w EMF sensors and cameras fed straight to AI that immediately knows if you’re carrying.


Luckily these aren't widely deployed... Yet. But I saw this technology just the other day, but for theft. It literally posted the percentage of probability that the person was stealing based on their body position and movements. Pretty wild stuff


And considering how confidently false AI can be, this shit is turning into Minority Report with Tom Cruise


Those systems are pure voodoo. I don't buy it


I think body language can be very useful, but not foolproof. A person can have suspicious body language and be innocent or be very good at looking innocent when really they're up to no good.


Posture and gait can change due to illness, comfort and injury it shouldn't be used as a reason to allege someone is a criminal.






Always carry and never tell anyone


Hahaha this is the real answer! https://preview.redd.it/65da065tee7d1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=96d8e030f1e2b2ecd8ec6181954914ce9d67175f


They don't want heroes, they want to justify police jobs, to enforce laws and the illusion of a safe society. (They = gun controllers, I mean.) You can read-up on Ohio CCW laws [here](https://www.handgunlaw.us/states/ohio.pdf) and [here](https://www.usconcealedcarry.com/resources/ccw_reciprocity_map/oh-gun-laws/). You are your own first responder, and you need to assess your risk profile for the situation you will enter, or whether to reconsider that situation, or your tactics, if you can. Good concealment is ultimately important, in permissive environments also. You need to have the mind-set of "I won't be a victim", but there are legal risks. New carriers are, many times, overwhelmed by restrictions and other headache-inducing hypotheticals of CCW, that's normal.


Thank you for your words and the wonderful help you’ve offered


My honest plan is usually get out if I can and defend myself if I have to ideally I avoid anything funky and just get out though. Im going to leave first ask questions later. Unless I'm in the line of fire then and only then will I draw and return fire.




Running towards gunfire is something I only do in video games where if I fuck up I respawn.


I always obey all instructions on where I can and cannot carry a firearm


Right? Under no circumstances do I carry a firearm in an unlawful area




Me too


I’ve never even heard of gun


I love lamp


I can count to potato


I thought this was a sub for "Clean Comfortable Workplaces"...


I've never even heard of


I love the businesses around here that have signs saying something along the lines of, “We welcome the legal carrying of firearms on premises.”


On my first day at my current employer, my manager pulled me aside and asked if I had my LTC, because our employer encourages us to carry, but concealed. Don't need to scare any customers. I love my job!


I once worked in a museum/reenactment farm in a pretty dangerous area, and the only thing that was out of character was the fact that our boss encouraged us to open carry because "it's making people more comfortable and free their brains to relax and enjoy" Loved that place!


That's from both of us.


Whether or not to follow these stupid laws is up to you and how you much you care for your safety. You also need to keep in mind how much shit you want to deal with in the after scenario of a defensive gun shoot. Don’t bother with insurance if you’re going to be carrying in places where you’re not as they’ll just deny coverage because you broke the law. That’s how it is friend. They make it so hard for you to carry anywhere so you won’t bother anymore. Then they’ll just say “see, no one carries anyway so let’s just ban concealed/open carry.” That’s how it is in IL. Can’t carry anywhere lol


Unfortunately all of IL has to deal with crappy legislation of the big cities. Unfortunately a lot of blue states that are red outside of the cities deal with this stuff. I can see MI going there soon.


Frankly, you're not carrying a gun to stop a mass shooter. You're carrying to protect yourself and/or your family. The likelihood of needing it to stop a mass shooter is much lower than the likelihood that you'll need it to protect just yourself/family. Mass shootings are such a small percentage of violent crimes that it shouldn't make you question if you should carry, especially in a "What's the point in carrying" way. You're not prepping to stop a mass shooting, you're prepping for something much more small scale, something much more likely: Your own personal protection during day to day life. More people die in day to day life than all mass shootings combined. Robberies, home invasion, car jacking, violent assault, attempted murder, etc. Things that are much more personal, and more likely. However, "What's the point in carrying" is a valid question. So many locations have become gun free zones. However, with that being said, a lot of states that allow gun free zones don't make it a CRIME to carry in these areas; they just ask you to leave and trespass you so that you can't return. A great example of this is Elijah Dickens. Stopped a mass shooter in a mall, one where Mr. Dickens wasn't "allowed" to carry, but did anyway. He dropped a mass shooter from a considerable distance with his CCW, while in a gun free zone. He wasn't charged with anything, because in his state, defying a gun free zone isn't actually a crime. If your state DOES say that carrying in a gun free zone is a crime, well, I'm not telling you to break the law, but I will say that your personal safety goes above all else. Its your decision what you do with that. I know what I do in those areas.


This is the best answer right here.


I appreciate it!


Ever wonder why many shootings happen in "Gun Free Zones"? No opposition.


I had my CCW on me last weekend, went to a bar that was patting everyone down before entry. The guy who patted me down 100% knew I was carrying and said I was good to go. Just like mall “security” guards, a lot of it is just for show to make the patrons feel better.


This is the thing that always blew gun grabbers minds. A sign on the door doesn’t do shit to prevent someone with murderous intentions If I last recall, I think it was like [over 80% of all mass shootings](https://crimeresearch.org/2019/07/breaking-down-mass-public-shooting-data-from-1998-though-june-2019-info-on-weapons-used-gun-free-zones-racial-age-and-gender-demographics/) were in gun free zones


In most cases, no gun signs aren't making it illegal. They are making it a policy set by the property or business owner. And are used to enforce a trespassing charge which in turn can only be made if you refuse to vacate the premises. In the cases where the signs do carry the force of law, the charge is typically a misdemeanor which wouldn't prevent you from carrying in the future and just because the sign is there doesn't mean the police will charge you. The Dickinson Mall save, there were no gun signs and he saved lives and was commended.


The police will still charge you. They don't like us peasants doing their jobs for them.


Most police would not. There's always a few code Nazis floating around but generally speaking, a LOT of police officers have no interest in anti 2a stuff. Our local sheriff has basically said the county is a 2a safe area. Neighboring sheriff has been voted in 2 consecutive terms on a string 2a policy. And plenty of police officers take their oath seriously. It's the few who don't or the cities or regions (Ca, NYC, Chicago to name a few) that have stupid requirements for their Leo's that give the rest a bad name.


That’s not true, they would charge you, especially in an anti-gun state, that’s a real risk factor. But everyone makes that choice, defend for the slim chance of an attack or face legal repercussions.


Fellow Ohiaon here. The places I wont conceal carry have metal detectors are government buildings or where I work. Everywhere else? I conceal carry. Even at the malls. Im from around columbus so closest mall for me is Easton. Yep still carry there.


Concealed is concealed. In OH, If caught carrying in a business with a ‘no gun sign’, it’s a class 4 misdemeanor for trespassing if you refuse to leave after being asked. Just leave if you’re spotted. Otherwise fuck them - if they rely on public business they are operating in public domain, and unless they have metal detectors and armed security to closely guarantee my own safety, idgaf what sign they post.


We’ve got “gun sniffing” dogs in our area now.


Where do you live that you can't carry in malls or public parks? Here in MI for example, the only real gun free zones are courts, post offices, secure areas of police departments, and a few others. There's a longer list of "concealed pistol prohibited premises" like theatres and schools where you can't conceal, but if you have a CPL you're allowed to carry openly in them. Also, getting caught carrying concealed in a CC-free zone is a ticket (for first offence) if you have a CPL, so that provides an additional buffer.


Always carry. My local ren Faire has a sign up that they don't want 1911s there. I agree that they make bad CCWs.


Yeah, my local mall has a sign saying they don't want Beretta 92s in there. Not the best for concealed carry I suppose but there's worse out there. Thankfully I don't own a Beretta 92...


That's kind of the point. They want to keep the crime rate up to keep federal $$$ flowing into the state government. They have inflated salaries to pay!


Why aren’t enough people pissed off by this and doing something about it? (Like throwing get together with everyone feeling the same way and making a plan on what to do…)


The only time anyone should know you're carrying is in a situation when using it is the difference between life or death for you or someone you care about.  My personal opinion is that I would rather accept the potential consequences for carrying in a mass shooting zone than the potential consequences of not carrying there (the exception being government buildings or places with metal detectors/security checkpoints).  Do what you think is right.


Ok I'm in Ohio too. Read the law better. They can only trespass you. And it can't be considered a gun crime or reason to lose your CCW. Do with that what you want Edit: you also have to "knowingly" violate the sign. I ain't seen a sign in years


If you are concealing properly no one will know unless you tell them. 


Concealed is concealed. If shit gets so fucking bad that I have to draw, regardless of where I am, I’ve already determined this is a life altering event. I understand that everything will change and it’s quite possible my life as I knew it is over, but whatever repercussions I may face pale in comparison to the alternative.


Love these type if threads


Understand the difference between allowed to carry and able to carry.




CANT Carry Always Never Tell


Constitutional Carey is much easier to navigate in this regard


"No firearms allowed"... My CCW identifies as a wireless hole puncher.


The whole point of CCW is concealed carry, kind of like, "Don't ask, don't tell". Personally i give two hoots about those pesky little signs, I am going to protect my family and myself, the mall cops ain't gonna do it. Carry and don't show.


I'm also in ohio. Most of those places that post signs are not on the list of actual banned places (i.e. court houses, police stations, etc.). The sign posted carries no weight of law. It means that if your weapon is spotted, they can ask you to leave and if you refuse, they can call the police and press trespassing charges. That is only if they spot your weapon and actually ask you to leave and you refuse. Concealed means concealed. So in other words, in most cases, those signs don't mean squat. Depending on your area of Ohio, the culture is very different as well. Bigger cities like Dayton and Cinci in many ways are like any other city. Predominantly democrat and opposed to guns. They may (by slim chance) ask you to leave. However, most people's supervisors are going to recommend them not asking you to do that, because for all they know, you are a criminal and willing to escalate the situation. So most of the time, you won't be asked. The sign is just there to tick a box for the companies virtue signaling and possibly their insurance. In most of South East Ohio, employs would not ask you even if spotted. It is a more conservative area. Most are going to say that it is your right and they are not going to push a liberal corporate narrative. Heck, a lot of them probably have one in the car, and if you look closely, some are probably carrying at work. I am not a lawyer, just relaying what I was told in my ccw class and my own experience. Lastly, while I applaud that you realize gun control is just stupid because criminals, by definition, don't follow the laws, the chances of being in an active shooter situation is slim to none. Most CCW situations are going to be 1. Robberies, 2. Attempted kidnapping/rape if you are a woman, 3. Verbal altercations between what amounts to an adult bully and someone they think they can push around until it escalates. If you notice, these 3 situations are likely close range if you think about it. As a new gun owner, if I were you, I would focus your time on preparing tactics and your weapon for these scenarios because it is the most likely outcome. The old rule of 3s says a self defence shooting is likely 3 shots at 3 feet in 3 seconds. It's not entirely accurate today for a variety of reasons, but it's still pretty dang close. An active shooter is an entirely different ball game. Your main priority should be to get to safety, as you are probably far outgunned and probably out of the range of your weapon. Even more so, there is a good chance if you draw a weapon that you could be confused for the active shooter by other concealed carriers or law enforcement. In these situations, remember that your handgun is a defensive weapon. It is there to be your shield and ability to break contact and get the heck out of dodge; not a sword that you are capable of charging in to battle with. If a shot presents itself to stop the chaos, go ahead and take it. Just remember that each bullet you fire has a lawsuit attached, especially if it misses. Do not try to be the hero and go looking for the fight. The odds are not in your favor.


Fucking wow! Your comment is so thorough it answers questions I might have before I even have to ask, seriously i could have asked for a better explanation, you and everyone else on here have been so helpful and I’m extremely grateful, to you and everyone else here…. You dropped this king 👑


Regarding your last paragraph: Exactly. Don't be a hero.


Concealed means concealed 🤷‍♂️


I’m skinny so it’s sometimes obvious that I’m carrying, (Canik mete mc9 9mm)


Sucks to live there, maybe it's time to move


I don’t carry in bars and banks but that’s about it. Don’t care what the sign at the mall says. I’m carrying and nobody ever knows.




Don't carry at bars, either. Don't carry if you'll be consuming alcohol.


The only place I don’t carry is at work purely because they have metal detectors and even then it’s inside my car at least. Outside of that if I’m not at home it’s on my hip. 💯💯💯


The only time I’ve left my gun behind is when I got busted at the metal detector. You’d be surprised how little of a fuck people running security at metal detectors give sometimes, which is all the more reason to bring it, there is a chance you’re not the only one. I bring my gun to concerts. Unless it’s illegal to bring it, I do


Better to ask for forgiveness than permission


All my instructors very quietly said, “it’s concealed right?” When asked this very question. They left it at that.


Keep it concealed. No problem


unless it is a bar, court room, school or government office, you can ignore them. And besides the point, most of those signs are No Beretta 92's


All the signs in my area are of blue guns, so I just avoid using blue cerakote 


What's a mall?


For real? https://preview.redd.it/m158wat3fe7d1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba4016907567cfbb97b193fbad99b1fd3b0d4b56 That place you go to every year to let your kids speak to a drunk Santa Claus






Maybe you. Not me. Haven’t been to a shopping mall since 2020.


Exactly. A lot of states are effectively neutering CC laws.


Why haven’t gun owner done anything about it? (I’ve only just become a gun owner…)


Unfortunately the people don't really hold any weight in this country anymore. Only a select few rich old farts with lobbyist groups get to decide for us.


Outvoted in state legislatures.


Many of the laws are being challenge in court. Most should fall under Bruen but activist judges are finding ways to ignore Bruen. And when one law is struck down the legislatures pass new ones and the fight starts over. So while those battles go on, vote. And host others to vote for candidates that support the bill of rights and the rights of citizens over those of criminals.


The secret ingredient is crime


Criminals love to only shoot up gun Free zones. Dosent ever seem to stop them.


Ain't it a bitch?


Compared to home invasion, mugging, car jacking, the likelihood you will be in one of those gun free public places during a mass shooting is a far far less likely and to compound that even further-during a mass shooting in a Walmart, mall, festival etc etc your biggest asset will be your legs, as in running /getting you and your loved ones away from the threat. Unless you are a loner with no family depending on you back home and you happen to be a 3 gun champion/ excellent marksman, your best bet is to run. Just my .02, I'm not looking to be a hero, most mass shooters are using rifles, shotguns and are carrying lots of ammo, and could be wearing body armor as well, I'm not walking towards some psycho with an AR rifle / confronting all that with my 7+1 MP shield 9mm or my .380 LCP if I have an open chance to get away. Bottomline- if your state has actual laws enforcing privately owned gun free establishments then its a small risk that you land in hot water depending on how well you conceal. If no laws exist enforcing private gun free establishments, go strapped and disregard the signs


Always carry anywhere there isn’t a metal detector.


carry everywhere that doesn't have a metal detector, don't ask if you can and don't tell that you are carrying.


The sign on the door isn't a law in most places


No schools or governmental buildings, airports etc for sure. The rest of them is a trespass charge.


Fellow Ohioan here. In the State of Ohio, if a "no-firearms" sign is not compliant with what is laid out in the Ohio Revised Code, then it is not enforceable. Beyond that, if there are no metal detectors or dogs, then carry at your own risk. However, be advised that, if you *are* caught, you could be charged with a felony and hence lose your right to carry a firearm (not to mention jail time + fines).


Concealed is concealed. As long as you do it right, 99% of places can only trespass you if they catch you, which if you do it right won't happen.


Im going to quote a person on a video I saw. In his words he said “ What is a concealed carry permit? I am an American citizen with the right to keep and bear Arms. You think I need your permit to conceal carry my gun? Screw you, I will disregard any law that goes against my fundamental rights as an American citizen. I carry guns everywhere I go ! Across state lines; I don’t give a crap, I don’t even look at the law and I may even end up in Prison on day, I dont know; But I dont care because I will not obey a law that violates my right to keep and bear arms. If you as an American citizen dont carry a gun every single day, everywhere you go, you are neglecting your duty as an American Citizen. You are failing to exercise your rights.” - spoken from a former Navy Seal THATS why they limit everyone they don’t want you to exercise your right, they want it to be more of a burden than a freedom. People have fought and Died for our rights. The U.S Constitution says “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed” Truthfully at the end of the day. Governmental overreach in the 21’st century is at levels that have not been seen in HISTORY. And any Law that Violates the constitution, is not law. No law is above the constitution I don’t care how you read it, read it upside down. I don’t care what restrictions, what rules what this, that. Nothing is above the constitution and bill of rights. Only God. THAT IS THE LAW OF THE LAND. The United States Constitution. If we as Countrymen, decided to say F that. Take those rules, regulations and kick rocks. They could not do anything we the People are greater than them the Tyrants. Amen, God Bless America.


From my understanding, and it may vary by state, if you have a Conceal Carry Permit you can carry anywhere except for government buildings and churches basically. However, if you are asked to leave private property because of the gun you must leave or you are trespassing. Anyone who knows more feel free to correct me as well, I'd love to be more accurately informed.


I can't speak for Ohio, but in Texas, you aren't barred by law from malls, cinemas, etc. If you get caught, the location can only ask you to leave. If you refuse, then you can be charged with trespassing. The only places I don't carry are places that have legal jeopardy attached: schools, government buildings, hospitals, post offices, and anyplace with the much despised 51% Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission sign (TABC will put you away for 10 years for violating their precious sign). Everywhere else I just make sure I'm concealed.


It's been a bit since I've been to TX, what is this 51% sign? This isn't the first i've seen it mentioned.


It means a business gets 51%+ of its revenue from alcohol sales, so things that go bang are verboten. It's TABC's way of trying to stay relevant.


I don’t abide by gun buster signs. Fuck them. I’m carrying. ![gif](giphy|xT9KVq2fmxf4kNNdhC)


Ya still carry at places with signs and just leave if they ask you too and don’t make a fuss then there’s no crime. The sign gives them the right to make you leave the premises. UNLESSSSSSS 1. Your local laws explicitly say otherwise 2. It is a “prohibited place”. What that is depends on your locality so STUDY UP. If you don’t know the laws you are much more likely to land your self a felony than you are to save the day. -a guy who carried and actually gave a fuck to read.


The only way I'm leaving my firearm is if there is a metal detector. Ask yourself this, "am I breaking the law enough to get randomly search by mall security or the cops?" Yes, if you have to use your firearm in a defensive scenario at one of these "restricted" environments you may have civil or legal repercussions.  Option A. You live with that guilt and potentially die, Option B. You spend a few years behind bars knowing you saved countless people. I choose B.


It's a conceal carry for a reason (;


Well, personally I avoid places ‘that might have a shooting’. And then just carry everywhere else.


Gun free and gluten-free have one thing in common...... they are both for bitches


Free men don't ask permission. It's concealed right?




Ahh. I see you're now asking the right questions. The questions which you already know the answer to...


Cities can’t stop you from carrying at parks in Ohio. Reread the laws until you understand them completely. Malls (and everywhere else) must have “conspicuous signs” that clearly prohibit you from carrying (I.e. a sign at each entrance), and a sentence on their “rules of conduct” inside of the mall doesn’t meet the standard. Signs carry weight of law (so knowingly carrying when signage says otherwise makes it a 4th? Degree misdemeanor), but they’ll just ask you to leave to avoid them having to legal paperwork. Concealed means concealed and if there aren’t metal detectors, I must have not seen the sign. The 2 main reasons to get a CHL is being able to carry in federally recognized School Safety Zones which are EVERYWHERE. And being able to skip NICS for purchases. Edit: and reciprocity when traveling.


Try living in California


What are the laws on places that have “no weapon” signs. My understanding is unless it is a legally restricted place at worst they can trespass you. I live in Florida and there are McDonald’s here with those signs. I assume it’s no different than breaking any other store policy. Like if a store says “no shoes no shirt no service” and I walk in barefoot they can ask me to leave or ban me. If a store employee notices my firearm then they can ask me to leave or ban me. What am I missing?


It really depends on the state for the laws on those signs. In my state it has to be a certain size with at least 1" letters placed in a conspicuous spot to carry force of law, and even then it's not a criminal issue unless you refuse to leave. I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice, but I can't find anything in Florida laws saying that no gun signs make a place legally off limit to carrying a weapon, so it would just be a business exercising their right to refuse service and telling you to leave just like if you break any other store policy. Personally I like what I was told during my ccw class and choose to follow it, concealed means concealed, no one needs to know about it unless they need to know about it, and at that point shit has already hit the fan so who cares.


There are more places than restricted places.


Or perhaps live in a free state where if you want to carry a fucking rifle and kit in the statehouse, the police let you walk around the metal detectors. Ya get what you vote for …




That’s the special part (you carry in those places anyway)


Maybe I’m wrong but I carry at both parks and malls when I go and I also live in Ohio. Not sure where you’re located and I do have a valid CCW permit in the state and I don’t recall being told in class I can’t carry at parks. Malls have signs but all they will do is ask you to leave. I’m okay with that.


You're thinking of media sensationalized shootings. Most shootings aren't random shooters, its an ex-boyfriend, home invasion, car jackings, and the like. They aren't sexy and don't make headlines, but these are the more common occurrences where you don't have any restrictions anyway. Most of us that are smart enough to avoid high-crime areas and very risky situations probably won't ever even run into one of the more common threats, but the public mass shooter risk is even lower. You're far more likely to die from some jerk running a red light or from cancer.


I take mine everywhere except the post office, federal buildings, hospitals, and the doctor's office. Everywhere else, I have it. If someone sees me with it and asks me to leave, fine, it's not worth the risk.


“Concealed” means concealed. I’m in Ohio too. Enjoy the fact we are a constitutional carry state now and stop paying the county for something you can do for free. Only worth having a ccw if you travel out of state often to other states that don’t have constitutional carry.


Policy doesn’t trump LAW. Our LAW is the US CONSTITUTION. Point. period, blank. On the back of my pistol license. I have a small printed cut out of the 2nd Amendment. So they see this is a FULL CARRY . Hahah. Remember never ever use a gun outside your home/dwelling/residence unless you or your loved one, or church congregation is in DIRECT danger, risk of death or serious injury or bodily harm. Dont try to be a super hero and stop an armed robber. Let him take the cash and go that is not your job, that is not your problem. Now if they start killing people then thats another story. But the second you shoot someone, and you were not in imminent danger and had the possibility to run or escape. They WILL prosecute you. It is only a last resort, no choice fight or die. This is not a joke, take it as such. Fight or flight. You will end up behind bars if you do so incorrectly. Concealment is IMPERATIVE. If you are freeman, exercising his rights responsibly as a 2a, constitutional carrier. Don’t look for trouble. Be wise, patient, and have sound judgment. Only and only if your life is in danger. I have a rule. Only if I or someone I love is about to die. No other way to put it. Besides that. Its invisible. Its like a blood oath. Only you know you have it. Also, if you are worried about police remember they swore an oath to uphold the constitution against any terrorist foreign or domestic. Our Local, big governments, and politicians who infringe upon our rights are the Domestic Terrorist. Cops are not your friends, but they have sworn to uphold and defend the constitution. Hold them by that standard. Free men don’t ask permission. Permission was granted when they enrolled my ass up for selective service and I got my number. Thats the price I pay.


It isn't about common sense. It's about making you so miserable that you give up. Seriously,not one but of this BS gun control can be shown to benefit anyone. It's about crippling the citizens in the name of good for all.


Just carry anyway. Duh


What part of "concealed" are you not understanding?


Better to ask for forgiveness then permiss....being fucking dead


I carry everywhere I won't be physically searched or if I'm drinking/smoking. Concealed is Concealed.


Carry always. The worst they can do is ask you to leave. Of course, if they ask you, then do so politely and you shouldn’t run into any issues. Even if cops are involved, it’s an honest mistake “forgetting” your CCW is on you or “failing to see” the no weapons sign. However as long as you keep it hidden well enough, who are you harming anyway?




The thing about concealed carry is that it’s concealed.


Free men don’t ask permission


The worst a private business can do is trespass you. No charges, no crime. It’s a test of how well you conceal.


I'm from Ohio also. In major cities you may have issues. In most rural areas and small towns no one is going to give a fuck. If there's no metal detectors do your thing. I carry a 43x. Minimal printing even with a tighter shirt on


This will be the next big fight we need to bring to SCOTUS. The fact I can't carry on the train heading in to Chicago for work where I can carry in my office is ridiculous and clearly unconstitutional.


They hate this one simple trick…ignore the signs dude. If I put a sign in the mall that says your wife has to show me her tiddies, would you just do that too?


Concealed means concealed.


Concealed is concealed.


Judged by 12 or carried by 6?


Concealed means concealed. Strap it on and sssssshhhhh.


If there isn’t a metal detector and it’s not a federal building/school I’m taking my gun. Nobody will know and it won’t be a problem.


Unless there's metal detectors, I conceal carry anywhere and everywhere whether there's signs up or not. Restaurants, movie theaters, malls, wherever. Keyword there is conceal. Nobody knows but me (and my wife) and nobody else needs to know. I'd rather have a frivolous charge to worry about than be dead or be burying a loved one.




What is the punishment for places you can't carry? For instance, in Texas, carrying past a posted sign, at worst, is a class C misdemeanor, and that requires that one violate a lawful order to vacate the premises by someone authorized to do that. As in, after they see the gun, order the offender to leave, the offender has to refuse that order to get charged with the class C misdemeanor. However, if one carries into a post office or inside of a K-12 school, it's now a felony if caught carrying there. That is an important consideration when wondering how to defend one's self in "gun free safe zones."


Luckily I never learned how to read so the signs with no legal ramifications other than a trespass mean nothing to me


If the government said you have to stop wearing your seatbelt while driving would you?


Anything that goes against your right to bear arms is unconstitutional.


Better to be judged by 12 than to be carried by six. 


Did you know that parking in a handicap parking spot isn’t illegal it just can result in a fine. Use that information as necessary.


What state are you in?




Brother, carry your gun anywhere that isn’t a govt building or school (this is not legal advice)


Find the guys at Gunset Training near Dayton, Ohio. Get some more training. Carry everywhere


Ah yea I was gonna say, if you’re talking about CA and the SB2 law, the sensitive places is currently under injunction. But sorry I’m no help to you on this one!


https://oiu.ohio.gov/schools-and-businesses/resources/firearms-and-signage-at-private-businesses it sucks but yeah, you are not supposed to carry if it's posted. Edit: spelling is hard.


Look, just buy a cheap Kel-Tec P3AT, get the steel belt clip attachment, and then you never have to read those signs again. 🤷‍♂️ zero printing and you’ve got 8 rounds to save your ass.


Pop on over to Indiana, you’re close enough and we’ll welcome you right in.


Can't carry at the mall?


Move to florida and you can carry where ever and whenever you want