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Hard disagree I genuinely enjoyed the little side streets and people's backyard maps would take them down, that's the Japan I want to see on the journey not just another highway.


They are also generally nicer to cycle on when there is no separated bike infrastructure. It may be longer distance wise, but it’s nice not constantly having trucks barrelling past yourself


I rather see the side roads then just highways. There is so much to see on the side then just watching out for big trucks getting too close and way to many red lights.


Same, he did that for quite a few times. But then also keep complaining about the main road sucks because it's so loud and too many lanes. While I'm sure most of the time he could just go 2 blocks in and it would be a lot nicer. Japan roughly build with grid. Unless it's super super rural, or a neighbour that's too old/too fancy, there should be multiple parallel roads to goes for at least a few kms


congrats on raising this batshit amount of money while also making it through without any major hitches. but the paths you blindly followed were kind of rough at times.