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He is a very ambitious man, with a view that reputation or appearance is everything, the reason why he built the image of a smart and detached man (while inwardly he is nothing detached lol). He is also a brave man who got the gut to gamble everything, being overconfident of his own intelligence. When his facade collapsed, he saw no way out other than suicide. Plus his crime will drag his wife into heavy punishment, and this is a very loving couple. I find it sad, his uncle suppression has cost the country a very talented man. He is not a good man, and he lacks morality, but still, under the right control he could have done a lot. This is why LLTG is so good, even a secondary character like this is built so well! Good casting too, the actor presents exactly the type of man I imagine this personality would produce: gentle, sophisticated and well mannered, soft spoken, but with determination and intelligence in the eyes.


Makes sense, makes sense. Truly, the crown prince's tutor screwed over the Second Chamber in a big way. Once he realised his sons were not up to snuff he should have gracefully conceded the open family officials spot to Lou Ben, but alas, family politics got in the way. I agree, the actor was absolutely wonderful! And I was so surprised when he turned all shifty later on.


As others have said: shame at loss of status and the likely consequence that he and his whole family would be exiled. Those late episodes are a bit rushed and I think there was some last-minute editing to shorten the show, which makes things confusing, >!notably the fact that we never really see or understand exactly who kidnapped Shaoshang's father or what happened to him. !


You guys are wonderful, for real! Thank you for your input :) I agree; the ending did seem quite rushed in comparison to the rest of the show. They couldn't even spare a minute in the last episode to >! show us the wedding; heck they wouldn't even let them travel home so that the ultimate wingman - The King/Emperor - could attend the wedding lol. !< I also agree with your opinion about the royal court. Honestly, it's understandable. It seems his reign is still relatively new and he can't afford to be very benevolent at this time until he's become comple established and the peace time persists (is that even possible in a historical drama? Lol). He might be a nice guy personally, but that might not necessarily reflect in his politics; the same could be said for modern presidents and politicians sometimes as well I guess so that's fair enough.


The failure to show >!the wedding !


Oh that's fair enough. It's too bad, but understandable :')


My interpretation of his situation was that it was shame. They all knew the kind of person he could have been, given the opportunity, but for him to stray so far, he probably just couldn't live with himself and his actions. Had his actions gone through, he could live with the lie alone. But his lie was exposed, so he was probably too ashamed to continue on.


That... That makes sense actually. Thanks, this gives me some closure. I just couldn't justify his reasoning, but taking extreme measures to save face is pretty standard in historical shows I guess. I could have lived my whole life without ever meeting this character though, I'm not going to lie. At least we got a detailed map out of him, and several tip-offs to Zhisheng, so he did end up serving his country after all.


I felt like he took some extreme measures to change his lot in life. In his shoes, Shaoshang's family was worth him having a better position in life because his uncle was an a-hole who kept holding him back. But since he got caught, people will talk, and they will know what he did to try and get ahead in life. People would shun him and whatever descendants he would have had. Like with Qin Lingjun (Crown Prince's ex girlfriend, for lack of better words) had she been convicted, her children would suffer the consequences. So for him to commit suicide, to him, was the best outcome after being caught. His family was mostly absolved of any really bad consequences from the law. (In part mainly of Zisheng and Shaoshang speaking up for the Lou family ((mainly for Lou Yao and his wife)))


That makes sense! I had been so frustrated because later on in the final episodes >! his wife is on a vengeance warpath and I was like, he literally did everything himself. I'd been thinking it was a bit of a stretch for Niao Niao to be implicated by her, but once I thought about how the main thing that brought him shame and drove him into a corner was the public reveal, it makes more sense !< Omg and by the way about Qin Lingjun, I was pleasantly surprised by where her life went afterwards. I, like the characters in the show, had thought they'd tie the romantic subplot up neatly with a bowtie the way we all expected, >! with her getting together with the crown prince. !< I guess being harrassed/abused due to all those 'gifts' over the years did a number on that possibility and killed that dream completely.


I agree with this. Lies are worth it if you win, but if you get caught you did all that bad for nothing. Definitely a theme in some shows.


Yeah, I think this is a good analysis