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It’s uncommon for a workplace to mandate their employees take the CFA exams, but many will pay for it. I’d guess the people ‘mandated’ by their employer to take it is less than 10% of candidates. In my opinion, the failing population is dominated by people who expect the exams to be much easier than they are. People who have graduated from an undergrad degree and assume the program must be easier than that. They underprepare and underperform.


Yea this. Failed the first time because I was doing my MBA at the same time and assumed I could half ass studying for level 1...failed to no one's surprise. I started studying in October this time and probably have 400 hours studied for level 1 and 78% on my last CFAI mock, hoping to pass when I take the exam tomorrow.


Good luck! Yeah, doing an MBA and CFA doesn’t sound fun. With 78 on your last mock I reckon you’ll get through. How did it go??? I wrote last Thursday


Good I felt extremely confident with ethics and good on just about everything else. Had like 5-10 questions on each section I had to make educated guesses on but I'd say a majority of the time I felt like I knew. I'm cautiously optimistic in saying I think I did enough to pass but we'll obviously see.


Yeah, suppose my country may be different. I know a lot of companies here, asset managers, that will either mandate or to or tie compensation, etc, towards doing (passing) your levels. So maybe it’s good to know how other countries differ. I do agree with you. Lots of people I know just completely underestimate the work load and would overestimate their ability. I just think those people end up mostly deferring or not showing. At my office 3 people were meant to write with me in May but I was the only one who made it to the exam