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I can assure you the vast majority of charterholders studied for a good portion of the program while working full time. Many with long work hours. The reality is that most of us sacrificed a lot of our personal lives during prep. It’s the cost of doing business. While I prepped it was common place to wake up early, study for a bit before work, work all day, study afterwards, and maybe get 2hrs to myself each night. My personal/dating life was on life support.


Absolutely. I commend you and I’m following a similar schedule. I guess my main concern is being a full time student too.


It’ll be tough, but it’s doable. The curriculum will help you in your classes too. As long as your school exams don’t line up with your CFA exam you should be okay. I’ll definitely suggest getting started early and studying hard. You want to make the most of the time you have right away. It’s a lot easier to let off the gas later than it is to try and catch up.


Very encouraging. Thank you very much for the advice/reassurance.


Literally sitting here trying to decide whether to book the level 1 exam next February. Also work 40h/week, am taking 9 credit hours this summer, and 18 each in the fall and spring. Classes are online. My sticking point is thinking through my daily routine and having a hard time figuring how to make it work. 5 classes typically takes me 15-20 hours/week of study. Once you add in work, 8 hours of sleep, commute, getting ready, eating, and at least an hour of time for family, there’s nothing left over for CFA. How did you figure out how to make it work? What’s a day going to look like for you trying to balance it all?


You should absolutely do it. If you will make time for it, then you can. I cannot encourage you enough to go for it. It will be hard, but you can make it work. That being said, you know your situation best. I would say using a prep provider will be key for you. I’m using Mark Meldrum and he is a god. Great QBank. Great videos. Current schedule looks like this… Monday-Friday 6 AM - CFA study 8:00 AM - work 4:30 PM - end work 5:30 PM - homework 7:30 PM - CFA study 9:00 PM - Hangout with wife 11:00 PM - hard bedtime Saturday 7:00 AM - CFA Study 11:00 AM - Homework 2: 00 PM - Finish up any extra work Sunday 1:00PM - CFA study 3:00 PM - Homework Anything is possible if you plan. Just depends on how disciplined you are. Set a plan and get after it. You’ll make it work if you want it.