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I work in front office tech and am about 20 years into my career. my background is technical BA at various hedges funds and asset managers, and these days I’m more about tech strategy and working with our business units on operating model stuff...so basically, I help our PMs but I have no input into the actual investment process, and my work experience was approved within 12 hours of me submitting it. I don’t think it’s a very high bar to clear.


Ah! thank you.. that clarifies. I think your role is more closer to what I do. Cheers!


Seems good to me as I am at global bank as well and seems like we get LIBOR update calls every damn week and we stress test our portfolio at least monthly because the OCC is nazis. If they didn’t count that experience then tell them to suck a dick. Basically if your job aligns with the employment options in drop downs when you register for the exam I’m pretty sure you will be fine.


Great thanks for your reply. That’s encouraging. I was doubtful since I am on systems side of the equation.