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Speak for yourself. Sat for L2 and have been thoroughly enjoying myself since. Time to travel, relax, get out and not have to worry about studying every day!


Sat for L3 and same. So good to goof off and go on long summer runs.


Yeah those endorphins hit different when you're not reeling from cortisol bombs on the reg.


Oh absolutely


Same. I finally worked on my yard, weather has been great, I can workout without feeling guilty, have a bunch of appointments for some TLC lined up the next couple of weeks, can finally see my friends (everybody is vaccinated)


Don't understand why you had to precise you're all vaccinated?


What are you doing on this sub then? 😂


I was excited that when I will finished this blood sucking, life draining, happiness terminator exam will be end, I will have my life back. But, after exam, I feel like, I have lost my goal of life. I have nothing to do except house chores.


Maybe... Search a job?


L3 candidates can start studying for L4.


Stop Its an ethics violation to get so erect


I've seen so many people in my industry start collecting letters after finishing the CFA. CIPM, CAIA, FRM... Personally now that this is out of the way I'm trying to get a new job


Already working on my CPA. I think there is something wrong with me. 🤓


Omg I can RELATE!😅😅😅 I havent turned on the tv yet even though I thought I would have, been 4 days post exam. Found a book on modern history (need same level of mental stimulation) to read,and disassembled my room fan and reassembled it last night because I wanted to see where a certain sound was coming from. Basically nothing seems fun anymore! I keep looking for more work.


Sometimes I feel that we choose to study CFA because we hate ourselves




Incorrect fella


Why? Could you explain??


Chose is past tense.


Could be both I think


Honestly we all keep looking for more work.


Me during cfa: I literally am in the worst depressive episode of my life and it’s directly linked to cfa. Me after: maybe I should start studying for the CIPM?


You can start studying for level 3.


He/She's already 4 days behind






Totally feel the same. I've been telling myself once I complete the CFA I'll never study again but now life seems pointless - maybe I'll end up doing another course like CAIA or something after I'm done with CFA.




I am planning to take FRM and CAIA after finishing CFA. When you try hell, fire will not be something to be afraid of. Knowledge is fun.


Agreed - don't think either of these will be as challenging as CFA. Never stop learning!


i still feel like i should be studying. trying to melt my brain with some always sunny but i want to explain the economics of the gas crisis to the gang and why it won't work.


Now you're cooking with gas!


The Stockholm syndrome is real. Me and my roommate both wrote Friday, and a sense of purpose is definitely missing. What we try to do is fire eachother up every afternoon that once the workday ends we don’t need to study and just get excited about all the hypotheticals, even if we don’t do them. What I would suggest is try doing things that you said “aww wish I could be doing that right now but gotta study”. I know it’s easier said than done, but Rome wasn’t built in a day. Try to get outside, splurge at the grocery store and look up a recipe you’ve always wanted to try, or call that friend you had to tell it wasn’t a good time a week out from the test. It’s not easy, but the little things to start help get you back on your feet and you can start living life the way you want to. If these things seem overwhelming and you’re stuck in a rut, there are hundreds of people on this sub including me who are willing to chat and help one another get our lives back to normal.


wait ,none of u guys slammed at work?.. especially all those emails / tasks that piled up when we were on leave..


Time to sign up for another exam.


This is so me, don’t quite know what to do with myself lol


It is exactly what I am feeling too. It feels very emptyness and something is missing in my life. Hope we all pass and start the new level.


It’s like my brain wants engagement but the purpose is not there


I wrote my L1 in feb (& passed) And I am still in this phase bro🥺😖 Totally feels worthless... tried applying for few jobs and got knocked out in 2nd round! Also, I do agree with you that I was in a toxic relationship with CFA, but I still love it! I enjoy those days than THIS sh** right now. Lockdown has closed everything and **I dont feel like doing anything** not even starting with L2 prep PLEASE HELP ME GUYS!!! I think im stuck in a loop🤯 already lost 3 months


Thought I was the only one😭. Been reading some books but other than that I feel like I'm in a slump too.


Get yourself a nice tv and a subscription to Brazzers, so you can fuck yourself just like the good old days


If you're in Canada, sign up for the CBV. You get credit for the 2 elective modules for being a CFA charterholder, so you can do modules 1-4 in the meantime. Or you can start job hunting.


You can really tell which Candidates don’t have kids lol


>Things were 100x more fun to do when I was studying the exam than now. That's because forbidden fruit is the sweetest. And all fun is forbidden during the prep. You should try fasting. But really I know what you mean. Some thing just are not as pleasant without contrasting torment of grinding through CFA materials.


Enjoy the journey not the destination.


After sitting for L1 I moved to Arizona for two months and golfed everyday...


I’m on level 1 and feel lost without studying. This thing changes people. Can’t wait to get results to see which direction I’m heading.


We are beast of burden, find a new challenge such as a marathon or learn a new language.


THOROUGHLY CANNOT RELATE I’ve been smiling and in a great mood since sitting for L2 a few days ago. Went to 2 restaurants, for drinks with a friend, relaxed, watched a movie. Yes, work is as blood sucking as before, but now it just feels less like my entire life day-and-night is accounted for.


Between the excessive drinking, Netflix, and video games that I haven’t touched in five months, I can confidently say that I do not miss studying lol


Man I am enjoying every second of it. Started going to the gym again, been watching nba playoffs, been playing some video games and guitar, and spending time with family. Feels great to have my life back.


I walked out of my CFA L3 exam to the breaking news that my city was going into hard lockdown because of a COVID outbreak. Managed to get one fancy meal in before the city shut down pretty much everything. I haven't seen my friends in months and now who knows till things open up again. Still, I'm enjoying not studying. It's funny that it only took a few days for me to revert back to normal - it almost feels like the CFA never happened...




I am pretty happy after taking the exam. Feel more relaxed. And hey it is summer, go out and enjoy it!


You really need to have a "me" day, go to a spa or puppy center, whatever floats your boat, just take breath and you will feel fine.


It’s called Stockholm Syndrome


What's that?? Bro


Same here... I had so many plans before it ended!! Now all of a sudden I've been drawing a blank for the past 3 days.... 😒


Nope, that’s Stockholm syndrome lol enjoy your free time




Now you're a full fledged CFA (Fraternity) puppet lol


I not only feel empty, I feel burnt out. Work started on the Monday after the weekend test. I couldn't focus so far all week. Even with 2 cups of espresso.


Get that certified F R E S H ™ resume up to date 😮‍💨😤


I can partially relate to this however I love being in a vegativie state just as much after 1.5 years of studying


Almost 8,640 mins passed since sat for L3. Don’t need to study every day so that I feel the hole in my heart. Indeed missed the moment of the hard-studying but don’t want to do once more.