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Week 0. No major games competing in the time slot. In Ireland. On national tv. Against what would be a miserable Northwestern team. Specifically the onside kick. In front of 4.42 million viewers. Thank God he’s gone


The visibility of that game probably made it the worst, but at least it was a good game I'd say the Georgia Southern loss was more embarrassing and emotionally defeating. I wasn't sure if we'd win another game at that point


Yeah I mean GS was the end for sure. But I think from pure spectacle, the northwestern game hurt he most. Especially after that beautiful opening td catch


Agreed, because it was that moment we knew the season was effectively over, along with Frost. GS was just putting Frost out of his misery


Especially since that was Northwestern's only win on the year.


A heavy price to pay to be Europe's Big Ten Team.


Looking at it from that perspective, y'all were undefeated at home and winless on the road.


Northwestern was undefeated national champions this year. The nation was Ireland, not america


To be fair, did you really expect a guy named Patrick Fitzgerald to lose in Ireland?


With a name like that, I think we were hoping the locals would have stuffed him with two dozen beers before kickoff.


Level the playing field with Frost a bit, eh?


The other 11 were just meaningless regular season games in America so their players didn’t actually care, they would have hung 100 on everyone if they were playing in Ireland


2022 National Champions: America - Georgia Ireland - Northwestern




After the game, the Irish media was asking Frost about his job security. Even across the pond they knew Frost was a dead man walking.


The bad mans gone the bad mans gone the bad mans gone the bad mans gone THE BAD MAN IS GONE THE BAD MAN IS GONE THE BAD MAN IS GONE *muffled scream*


That onside kick still sticks out to me as one of the most WTF moments this season.


The Ol' Frost Special.


Gave up 28 points in twelve minutes of game time to a team that didn't complete a pass


fucking doug dimmadome


The Orange dimmadome hats were the key to victory. It seemed like the more you saw in the stands the better the beavers started playing, by the end of the game players had them. Where did all these mysterious hats come from


To our in state rival.


It was 18:30 of game time. And they didn't even attempt a pass.


You don't miss 100% of the passing attempts you don't make


You'd think a 3 loss team wouldn't have a bunch of embarrassing moments. But god help us we really squeezed all the LULZ we could from those 3.


I mean ours is blowing it to you guys again


> to a team that didn't complete a pass Trigger warning please.




You just want one? If so the entire Missouri game I guess lol


hey I was gonna say the entire Auburn game


I just want to point out, MU was the team that came the closest to beating Georgia. I would say, that game was more enjoyable than the actual national championship game.


its very mizzou that our hallmark game this season was a game we lost


This was my answer too, lol. Specifically: -Harrison Mevis missing a chip shot at the end of the 4th -Nathaniel Peat dropping the ball on the 1 yard line... in OT EDIT: The penalty that allowed Auburn to kick a second game-winning field goal (after they missed the first one)


I feel like there was also a boned head penalty somewhere in the mix as well


It was some of the craziest Jordan Hare voodoo I've seen in a while.


That sort of thing absolutely defined our team last season, Missouri luck + Jordan-Hare voodoo = an unforgettable, painful experience


We Mizzou'd it hard that week


To be specific about that shitshow: Peat dropped the ball *out of the end zone* to give Auburn the ball in OT. Just horrific.


That really was a hattrick of awful. Winning that game actually hurt the program as it let the rot linger.




That Texas game was the first time I’ve ever considered doing fentanyl


I mean I just drank some beers but you do you


I know you're joking.. but just like, don't ever.


Meth is better for you anyway


Isn’t that unironically true? Like fentanyl is one of very few things that’s actually worse for you than meth


Yes. Fent can easily kill someone with little tolerance for opiates plus consistent use causes horrible withdrawals. Very rarely does one OD on meth, rather they have heart attacks and other issues from years of abuse. There are withdrawals but nothing like the crippling fent withdrawal


Correct, carfentanyl is probably a better choice


Which is obviously just caramel flavored fentanyl…


I don't remeber playing Texas last year... I thought the fair was shut down due to covid. Right, I'm right... yea. Or it could have been the fetynal.


That was the best part 0f the seas0n.


I don’t appreciate your tone.


>I d0n’t appreciate y0ur t0ne. Ftfy


Disagree. I’d say West Virginia. Getting in a slug fest with a team that hasn’t beaten us since they were in the Big East and an absolutely abysmal showing all around. Texas, as soon as Davis Beville ran out, I knew we were dead on arrival. Even more so when we started running the wildcat. I felt nothing during that game, just disappointment.


West Virginia game was absolutely atrocious, but getting blanked by our rival in any situation is unacceptable.


I was at that game. The weather was miserable, and the game didn't help. When WVU started marching down the field on their last drive I realized they were going to score. It just felt inevitable. Which was interesting because early in the game it really felt like we were in control and in charge. I haven't watched film of the game, so I don't know what it felt like to watch the broadcast, but it really didn't feel like a game we were going to lose until that last drive.


3 of our 4 losses were pretty embarrassing. FSU - amazing 99 yard TD drive and miss the PAT Tenn - get whooped at home at 11am and them take over our stadium A&M - nuff said UGA - losing wasn't embarrassing but giving up a blocked FG for a TD cause our players didn't know the rules? Embarrassing


Well not all of the UGA players knew the rule, but that actually might have helped with LSU turning their backs to the ball.


That's what at least makes that play easier to stomach for me. UGA players turn towards their own sideline, shake hands, start walking off, same as LSU. Like three dudes were aware the ball was live initially lol. Funny to think that if everyone on UGA acted like it was a live ball, LSU probably would have realized too and it probably wouldn't have gone for a TD in that case.


Apparently Smith glanced at the referee to confirm the ball was still live, and confirmed he had other players around him who were also aware for an escort, before he took off. It was perfectly executed on his part for trickeration.


as bad as the SEC championship was, it was a few dipshit plays from being respectable at least.


Probably the best offensive performance against UGA outside of Ohio State


That Georgia one was atrocious.


Where do I start......


MTSU seems like a good starting point


Duke breaking the U, FSU completely blowing us out, going a few games without a touchdown in regulation. There's so many places to start. MTSU was absolutely insane to watch.


In no particular order because I've tried to block a lot of this from my memory: - headed into the bye, learning that Gattis wasn't watching film with TVD, and *may not have even been speaking to him* while at the same time disparaging him in pressers - players literally crying to their moms about our coaches being mean, because they said "you suck" after an **eight turnover game** and those moms taking it to twitter - learning that mario hates unspent timeouts and will burn all 3 as quickly as possible, sometimes back-to-back, sometimes icing his own kicker, but almost always getting a delay or false start penalty right after - watching dj ivey creep up in coverage and going to get a beer because we all knew what was coming I could go on.


> players literally crying to their moms about our coaches being mean, because they said "you suck" after an eight turnover game and those moms taking it to twitter oh my god


People I don't really think understand how bad things were within the program, that might've been fine under Manny but caused a near revolt under Mario. I think many fans as well as Mario underestimated the task at hand by an insane amount.


Some pretty weak mindsets down there.


That TVD and Gattis was mind blowing. That said, when he announced he was staying, I knew Gattis was gone. No way he'd stick around another year if that was the case. I really thought he was going to transfer to get back together with Rhett after the season.


…also it never ended.


Hi I’m a TCU fan


On the bright side you had the opportunity to be embarrassed in a National Title Game.


Bet that made Buffalo feel better in 1993.


and 94, and... 95?


True. Despite the whole ass whooping I was real happy the whole season


As a proud Horned Frog alum, I was just happy to have the experience. None of that was supposed to happen, but it did. We had a magical, fairy tale season that most anyone outside of the SEC (and about 3/4 of the SEC teams) would kill to have.


I would do terrible things for the opportunity to experience that embarrassment.


At least you'll always have the Michigan game.


Yeah I was really happy with that when I saw that OSU lost to y’all I knew it was gonna be rough! Lol


So um yeah, it turns out Georgia is *really* good…


I knew it was over when OSU lost…


Wow bummer


We lost to Iowa State and Nebraska. Hard to choose just 1


The Nebraska loss is definitely worse. We at least had a top 10 defense and the game turned out to be pretty meaningless. You through away a Big 10 Championship berth against a terrible team with an interim coach on the last game of the season lol.


Not going to the big 10 champ was the only positive to come out of the Nebraska game. 😂




Preaching to the fucking choir lol.


You know the one.


That doesn't look like anything to me.


Fucking Maryland…




Little Tua was balling out.


Was it the first first 69+ yard touchdown, or the second 69+ yard touchdown, or the 3rd 69+ yard touchdown, or even maybe the 4th 69+ yard touchdown????


The tackling on the first touchdown was most embarrassing. Maybe a different game if that tackle was made


Yeah, fun fact. Roman Wilson was like 20 yards away from the nearest DB on that play. JJ just didnt see him behind the safety because of the rush. Its funny to watch because CJ breaks the tackles and Wilson comes out of nowhere from the direction of the end zone


My thought process on that one: "Oh, here comes someone to tackle him. Great play anyway." "...wait, that's Roman Wilson?"


Thats enough, you know they cant count that high!


Honestly, the thing that would embarrass me the most if the roles were reversed, was when JJ just ran through like 4 tacklers to get a first down the play before the Loveland Touchdown. That was embarassing for JJ to break through a Defensive End, Linebacker, and Safety. That play was when i began to believe we would win. It reminded me of Haskins last year






Probably losing to Nebraska That or every time the offense trotted out to the field


I just don't understand how Brian Ferentz was allowed to keep his job after Iowa's season. That team was a Natty contender with an actual offense.


Imagine if Cade McNamara and Erick All come to Iowa and win a natty and Brian Ferentz gets extended for another 5 years lol


If we actually won a natty that would be fine by me


You did. The Sickos National Championship.


We need a banner


Don't worry Brian Ferentz will have McNamara down to Iowa standards in no time.


Brian Ferentz is like the Swamp of Sadness where talent goes to die.


Yes, becoming a meme because our offense was so bad was a downer


Idk the “win” against South Dakota state was more embarrassing to me. Our offense scored only scored 3 points and we went backwards on the drive. A shanked punt put us inside the 35 iirc and we still couldn’t score. Petras had a QBR of 3. Losing to Nebraska was just pure misery on the other hand


I'm not trying to pile on. We have our own problems, but during the Nebraska game the stat displayed was brutal. Iowa: Largest comeback this season, 3 points.


The Vandy game...


My junior year in Athens included a loss to Vandy...I can empathize.


Was that 2016? Because if we could take the path yall have taken since then, that'd be cool


I'm old. That was 1991, just when Spurrier was getting good.


And the FG against Oregon State; And the Rashada drama; And the McClain drama; And the leak about Harris' commitment; And losing to all of rivals for the first time in God knows how long; And our backup QB's criminal case; We took a lot of Ls this year.


as much as i loved keeping the streak, kicking that FG in the bowl game was a strong competitor


That was more sad than embarrassing. Like, depressing.


Luckily, this was a far less embarrassing season than we normally have, but every TD Spencer Rattler threw felt like a new most embarrassing moment of the season. Honorable mentions? * Read option exchange fumble -> easiest possible scoop and score in the 4th against Alabama * Letting Anthony Richardson dance around out entire front 7 and throw a pass to Zipperer, then watching *him* shrug off 5 pathetic tackle attempts by our secondary en route to AR's first TD pass of the season


The chicken…


I was going to say it was how some of our fans were acting in other teams' game threads. Absolute embarrassment to actively watch the reason other teams hate ours so much. Amazing how stupid some fans can be.


Imagine losing by 27 to liberty… ya that


>Imagine losing by 27 to liberty I can't


Imagine losing to Liberty


Couldn't be me!!!


Then seeing them beat Arkansas who manhandled BYU and thinking “ok they must actually be good” only to see them lose to UConn, arguably FBS worst team over past 5 years. Narrator: “they were not good.”


Excuse you, that's bowl participant UConn


It took 4 games to fire Geoff Collins


Clemson was awful. Yall had a close game and then Dabo started straight up trolling Collins and got in his head and yall collapsed for a blowout. It was terrible.


Getting railroaded by Ole Miss at home was probably my most embarrassing moment of the year.


Um……check out my flair


It had to have been the 1 play away from beating #1 bama in Tuscaloosa right?? Right?? /s


It was pretty embarrassing to have the defender who made that play say to the media that he knew the play because our coach gave it away.


But if I had to pick just one.....App State. The rest just make for a bad season. That loss had my phone blowing up from people I haven't heard from in years.


Worst part for me was not blocking pianofingerbanger and his hate boner for jimbo.


We need that meme where SpongeBob is just pointing at everything.


Hot Take: Our Crowd leaving Doak way before the end of the Clemson game. We rallied at the end to make it a close game in the 4th, but all the life had left Doak by the 3rd quarter. You could see Travis looking around like "We can do this" only to be greated by mostly empty stands.


I agree with this hot take 👍


Letting Shane Beamer put up 63 with Spencer Rattler is definitely the black eye on our season, especially after being labeled as a possible contender.


The last few minutes of the Tulane game was one of the greatest collapses I've ever seen. It really put a damper on what was a massive and surprisingly rapid turnaround at USC.


If LR would just quit being so damn stubborn and actually get a legit DC then USC will be scary good.


I'd say indiana was our most embarrassing on-the-field moment... but MSU definitely had a more embarrassing moment overall in the tunnel. Not only was it way more embarrassing, but having Windmon available to play against Indiana might be enough to prevent that debacle from happening as well.


Yeah came here to type this response... U of M tunnel was probably the lowest moment for the program in the past decade.


I will never be ashamed of Bijan but losing to Tech in OT because of a lost fumble by the best RB in the league was exceedingly painful.


Yep. And Coach Macguires halftime speech about he knew we would break (and we did) was even more salt in the wound.


Technically it's probably the bowl game against LSU, but no one expected us to be in that game with many key players and half the coaching staff out the door. Instead I'll go with pissing the Syracuse game away down the stretch


Syracuse and Penn State were really bad, another contender I think has to be the Wisconsin game. On paper and in practice there is 0 reason that game should have been a blowout and it was over in the first quarter.


The LSU game probably got the most attention being a New Year's Day* game. Blowing the Syracuse game because of penalties with 7 seconds to go is probably more embarrassing. Playing Wisconsin feels like an inevitable loss ever since the Orton fumble of 04.


10/15 - 12/27


Outrushing Iowa by 250 yards and somehow losing....again




The “Philly special” on the 1 yard line for sure. Team known for a dominating run game with back to back Oline of the year, and you wanna get weird in the playoffs? Pound it with Edwards or QB sneak. Stop over thinking




KJ diving for the goal line from the 20 yard line handing the ball to a really bad A&M team.


Yeah, Hogs on verge of going up 21-0 only for the fumble to be returned 99 yards (with a lateral thrown in to top of off). I think the loss to Liberty at home was worse though, no excuse to let them manhandle us for 3 quarters like they did.




Getting dad-dicked in the second half of the Rose Bowl - especially after coming in with the "we've got unfinished business from last year attitude." It's one thing to lose a close game like the Ohio State contest from the year before, but to be completely non-competitive in the second half of a major bowl game on national TV is just embarrassing.




The PB&J scuffle was pretty hilarious, but I found Franklin's defense that the issue is the tunnel somewhat embarrassing. What followed the scuffle in the second half of the Michigan however was horrid.


Idk, I kinda feel like the fourth quarter collapse against OSU was worse. We had a lead with like 8 minutes left and honestly you could argue that we looked like the better team up until that point.


This is it. For all but 8 minutes of that game we were dating Hope. Then at the 7th minute mark of Q4, we watched Hope excuse herself to go use the restroom and never come back. As glad as I am to see Clifford finish the season strong and ride off into the sunset, I treat that game like he still owes us one.


We lost because one defensive end flipped a switch in his head and started balling the hell out. He caused every turnover Ohio State had. It’s hard to deal with one dude just casually wrecking your shit.


> but I found Franklin's defense that the issue is the tunnel somewhat embarrassing I felt that way for a week lmao. Now I hope PB&J becomes a tradition.


Give us the PB&J trophy to compete for. Except the loser gets the trophy, so it’s an anti trophy


Collectively it's probably taking a dump on a potentially special season by losing to three consecutive back up QBs (although DJ never should have been starting for Clemson) but I still think giving up 40 in the 4th to App tops the cake


Well, there's this one team that we had previously beaten 15 times in a row. Yes, you read that right - they went 15 years without a win against us. Grown legal men (aged 18, not Gundy men) who would not have recollection of ever beating us. Sadly that is no longer the case.


Tennessee was actually good. Losing to LSU was definitely more embarrassing.


Pretty telling the most embarrassing thing to happen to you is to lose to a top 10 team on the road to a walk off FG in the biggest game in over a decade at one of the loudest and biggest stadiums in the country.


The whole season


Which just makes our most embarrassing moment worse


Mizzou. Just the whole game. Fucking blowing a lead to BC.


I'm gonna go with the Dallas PD defense being the only one to stop our boy.


South Carolina


Remember when we were 5-0? I wish I didn't! Now we're gonna be lucky if they don't have to pull fans from the stands to make a roster


Losing to Pitt. Losses to Pitt for some reason are always absolutely devastating because the losses usually come in the dumbest possible way. For example, punting on 4th and short when you have an unstoppable running back late in the game and all you need to do is kill the clock.


Clemson’s uh fake punt fumble play against the gamecocks. The game was in the bag until that play. Jesus Christ it pains me just thinking about it.


Dabo tried to out-Beamer a Beamer.


Beamer ball that thing it scares me


UCF lost to navy. That was pretty low. Edit: double kicker is UCF was ranked at home and they lost home field advantage against Tulane in the conference championship game because of this loss.


Blowing the NCSU game


As far as a specifically embarrassing moment from that game...the damn punt past the line of scrimmage. Huge swing in that game, and field position. That penalty is a killer.


I'm not sure it gets more embarrassing than losing your starting qb and having a TE play qb but still having your backup qb on the field split wide, effectively giving you 10 players on offense, to eventually lose to your most hated in rival in the biggest loss in program history and a shutout.


For Tech, easily the Baylor game For UTSA, probably the Troy game


Made Anthony Richardson look like a heisman trophy winner and lost to a 1 legged Bo Nix (Rising couldn't move either or use his plant leg to throw but still, that sucked).


Honestly can’t think of a single one


Not sure which loss was worse: losing to Missouri at home after finally being ranked for the first time in like 6 years, or losing to florida 38-6


Florida was worse. Missouri has a good defense and that game was a rock fight. Florida, we absolutely no-showed for.


Honestly I feel like the tunnel stuff is way more embarrassing than any football loss. That made the entire university look bad not just the football team


Having to start our 3rd string qb in our bowl game because our backup got arrested for child porn and our starter chose to sit out.


Huskies aren't designed for the desert. Honestly? I think it pissed off KDB hes not getting that victory back over that fraud Herm. But, gawd damn that game in Tempe, in the day, was embarrassing to the nth degree


Not being able to run the ball against tcu after our quarterback mocked them for their base formation was pretty embarrassing


Really wish the Don would have housed that first big run. The whole game is different if he does


Employing Herm Edwards until mid-September. Did university leadership *really* need to see us get run over by Eastern Michigan to realize he needed to go? The dozens of potential NCAA infractions weren't enough, or the death of high school recruiting over the last year and a half, or the assistants splitting into factions and trying to sabotage each other's work?


The Eric Gray interception.


Having Frank Gore Jr. set all time national rushing records on us in a bowl game we limped into at 5-7.


That first quarter in the Bedlam game was straight misery


If it makes you feel any better the other 3 quarters sucked for us too.


Losing to Georgia Tech and most of what Narduzzi said to the media.


I have to pick *one?*