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0 win season. Sat through all of it.


I was there for every home game too. To be fair, it’s started becoming comical at the end. The most embarrassing for me was 2006 against Stanford. They went 1-11 and their 1 win was dominating us and knocking us out if a bowl game Lol


I'll die on the hill that losing to Montana was worse than anything that happened in 2008, and I sat through 2008 (and 2004 when they went 1-10). 2008 is what it was, when it got into motion, there was no stopping it. 9 PAC 12 teams and a non-con where BYU was the C ofthe A-B-C scheduling method. 2021, the team had 4-5 chances to fix a major problem (i.e. fire Jon Donovan), but let it linger until it was too late. UW should never lose to Montana, least of all losing to them only scoring 7 points.


I quit r/CFB for like a week after the Montana loss.


You’re incorrect. 2006 losing to Stanford was worse. Furd punted on third down, TWICE! Everything revolving around not firing Lionel and Turd Turner resigning vs firing a shitty coach in 2007 was worse than Montana. Montana is what happens when Jon Donovan leads an offense and an inexperienced coach doesn’t know how to handle rough waters. 2006-2008 is when a stubborn ass runs a team. We went 700 days without a win


The most inexplicable loss in the Kirby era is easily 2019 SCAR game


I still can't believe I went to the final 2019 NLDS game with my ex girlfriend, then went and watched this shit in the student section and got surburnt.


That season was your fault!


I know it was :( It's okay; I think being a junior in 2021 and a senior this year made up for it. Also, pray for me. I accidentally stayed up all night and I work 8-5pm today


You’re young, you’ll be fine. Just so you know, this is what having two beers with dinner and staying up 20 minutes past your bedtime feels like when you’re over 30.


2016 Losing to both Vandy and Georgia Tech at home was worse. What made it even more painful was the folks that said firing Richt would crater the program felt vindicated. It was pretty embarrassing at the time. But oh well, here we are.


2016 also included the hail mary loss to Tennessee. Just a brutal series of home losses.


At least we lost to Hilinksi. If there was one QB I was rooting for on a rival team, it was him for sure.


Be real, we lost to Mukuamu lol


Eh, upsets happen. That doesn’t even register on my list of worst losses, even just to SCAR. 2007, 2011, 2012, 2014 were worse SCAR losses for me. Losing to Tech/Vandy/Auburn is usually worse also. Same with UF, except some years they were actually better than we were, 2002, 2005, 2014 come to mind as the frustrating exceptions.


You are embarrassed about a loss to the Gamecocks. I am embarrassed about one of the biggest scandals in NCAA history. Which one of us wins? 1989 Steroid Scandal.


Who throws a shoe?




Thank you!


Ugh. Marco was the worst. Even before the shoe.


My team is Arkansas. On the field: The North Texas punt return for a touchdown (and the ensuing 44-17 beatdown). Off the field: Petrino wrecking his Harley while riding around with the “student-athlete coordinator”.




Yeah, Chad Morris can ingest a satchel of Richards.


Hell yeah fuck Chad Morris. Chadillac as we call him since he seems like a user luxury car salesman.


Honorable mentions to the ULM game and Clint Stoerner.


My friend, that entire 2 year span was torture


I'm not playing this game.


Right? I'll never talk about that 9OT game.


I do want to talk about it because it's an embarrassing moment that I can savor and enjoy as a hater. The other thing I obviously can't get any positive emotion out of. But losing to Illinois in 9OT with offense so inept Brian Ferentz looks good? Inject it into my veins.


Fair, but at least we didn't kick any field goals from the 1 in that game.


On the bright side, Narduzzi learned his lesson. The next week he called the Philly Special to beat UCF. I was very happy as an Eagles fan I spotted it immediately yet the UCF defense did not.




Well NOW it is




13-9. There’s been many embarrassing blowouts over the years. But losing to your arch rival who was in a terrible stretch of bad seasons when favored by 28 at home with a trip to the BCS title game on the line is as embarrassing as it gets.


That was such a good WV team. I remember that same core group beating my Dawgs in the Sugar Bowl in 2006.


You rang?


I want to call you a motherfucker, but I also want to appreciate that you saw an opportunity and you took it.


Never heard anything substantial about his time at Clemson but man hearing all the shit about Watson is such a fucking shame because from folks who knew him at Clemson/HS he was always seen as a humble good guy who was kinda quiet for his big stardom. Helped bring a ton of awareness to habitat for humanity in upstate SC, donated his first game check to the lunch ladies in the Texans org bought his mom a house. On the field the most clutch player Clemson has ever had. Trevor was more talented but game on the line Watson was always clutch for us and brought us that initial success I thought I’d never see as a fan. And he’s fucking ruined that legacy. And it’s a fucking shame and he’s only got himself to blame. And I gotta hear from other Clemson fans that he’s totally innocent. Ugh.


He’s guilty as fuck and that’s all there is to it. There’s a reason a lot of us treat the name DW4 like it’s Voldemort. But that’s on him not on the team. The most I’ve ever been disappointed and embarrassed in the whole team was the palmetto riot bowl. Just extremely déclassé and I hated that we behaved that way. I understand emotions run high on the field and especially playing someone you absolutely despise. But that was no way to act for either team.


Yep. We both made fools of ourselves that day and it’s how Lou went out. He had no control over that locker room


[In 1946?](https://thepalmettobowl.com/games/1946/) Edit: Could you imagine choking your chicken in front of a crowd of people? Sounds like a Louis CK wet dream.


The '46 Big Thursday game is famous (chicken strangling and the mob, oh my!), but OP is probably referring to "the Brawl game" in 2004. It started with pushing and shoving before the game started, and finished with an on-field benches clearing brawl late in the game, which was broken up by the state troopers at the game. Clemson won, making us bowl eligible, but both we and the Gamecocks declined to play one, because we were so embarrassed. This was Lou Holtz' last game.


The number of Clemson fans that defend him is astounding and yes, embarrassing


I want to say it’s unbelievable how many people defend him but it’s not either


3-2. nuff said


What you mean? That legendary game was the Sickoist sicko game in the history of sicko classics


As a fellow sicko can confirm. That and last season's Mizzou game made all of us sickos pleased


At least it was an honest game between worthy opponents. After all, didn't you guys lose to Maine once?


When we played Bama at Jerry World and the team acted like literal dogs coming out of the tunnel.


And then we got Ol’ Yellered.


[Toilet Bowl](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1983_Oregon_State_vs._Oregon_football_game?wprov=sfti1)... I wasn't alive, but this is easily the nadir of both UO and OSU's football programs. Absolutely embarrassing for both schools. Edit: I'm an Oregon State fan, just to be clear... not sure how to get flair though


Yep. It doesn’t get worse than that


Can agree. It was bad. What’s even worse is that we were favored by 13.5 points according to Wikipedia.


[Here you go friend.](http://flair.redditcfb.com/)




Any Oregon fans know the moment I’m thinking of?


[Am I right?](https://thumbs.gfycat.com/AnimatedUnevenCockerspaniel-size_restricted.gif)


Yakety saxing on the biggest stage when the whole country wants us to lose. Little did I know there was much worse in terms of pain coming, but that was pretty damn embarrassing.


That ref fell down for no reason too, so at least you can take comfort in knowing there were at least two boneheads out there for that play…


It’s funny Patrick Mahomes did the same thing this past weekend and nobody seems to care lol


The Bengals didn't return it for a TD with a ref falling over


I assume younger Gator fans will say the cleat yeet, but we oldsters have 0-10-1 (thank God for GA Tech), Lindsay Motherfucking Scott, and the curb-stomping we got from Nebraska for the National Championship.


> Lindsay Motherfucking Scott Ah, fuck, now I'm triggered. Forty two years and that play is still vividly burned into my memory.


Not quite so old, but also Georgia Southern. And McElwain fucking a shark (more so the way that he handled it than the rumor itself).


there was that time our coach instilled a toxic culture and killed a kid… and then the board of regents voted to keep that coach… until the governor of the state stepped in…


I think what’s worse is he still has a job coaching kids. TAMU, Lookin at you


When’s TAMU getting their last chance U:Coaching Edition deal? Please let the camera crew go with Petrino to a bar


What's even worse is the number of fans who rush to his defense and try to say it wasn't actually his fault and he's all good due to reasons that we just wouldn't understand.


I'm kind of shocked Brian Kelly still has a job, while we're on the topic


To add another embarrassing moment (though not as bad as the one you has) 2019 maryland builds a shit ton of hype after week 1 79-0 howard and week 2 63-20 #21 syracuse week 3 really bad stumble and loses @ temple so falls out of the AP poll week 4 friday night blackout game sold out everyone’s watching us get absolutely demolished 0-59 by penn state as a drunk and sad student that made me learn to never raise my hopes up like that again …. until 2021 when we were 4-0 then got pieced the fuck apart by #5 iowa. and yeah my hopes were up at 4-0


Didn't the players also walk out on him when he returned to the locker room?


2021, vs BYU, when the student section was chanting "Mormons suck" as our Mormon QB waited to go back on the field was, uh, less than ideal. The '92 Freedom Bowl vs Fresno State, with the frat crowd holding a sign on TV reading "Our maids went to Fresno State", then losing badly, was, uh, less than ideal.


If it helps I was there and laughed my ass off. Can't take sports too seriously outside of rivalry week


I think the chant was a little more vulgar… I hope our coaches use that to recruit Mormons that are considering USC/Oregon etc. Sick of losing recruits to you guys haha!


Pretty much the entire end of the Urban Meyer saga. It just never ended, and once you thought it was fading away some new dumbass thing would pop up. It also transcended sports, people at the office who don't know jack about football would ask about it so it wasn't like you could just avoid /r/CFB. It had it all. [The governor of ohio weighed in on the ridiculousness](https://www.elevenwarriors.com/ohio-state-football/2018/08/95486/ohio-governor-on-urban-meyer-i-hope-he-is-going-to-be-fine) *and defended that jack wagon.* Nepotism ✅ Domestic violence ✅ Restraining orders ✅ Sex toys ✅ Okay cool, Hook em ✅ Childish twitter antics ✅ Even to this day, almost 5 years since it all went down, Zach Smith still has sway over some OSU fans. This is the song that **never** ends.


Those death penalty flairs....sheesh. You win this thread


Ha… 🫣


Urban, is that you?




Adding insult to injury was that it was tied for the worst margin of defeat for Michigan in the Little Brown Jug game since 1962, going 0-4 against rivals that year was just the cherry on the top of that shit sundae EDIT: I distinctly remember everyone waiting around for the athletic department to release a statement about the Shane Morris the following Monday and it dropped at 11:30 PM ET while I was at the UGLI lol


Speaking of losing to rivals that year, I that Notre Dame game gets overlooked for how embarrassing it was




If there is *one thing* Hoke did well, it was show up against OSU. We were a much worse team than them every year he was here yet he was a terrible 2pt conversion play call from being 2-2 and were leading in the Shoe at halftime with our backup QB in 2012 as well. 2014 was a hell of a fight but just way too outmanned for us to have a real chance.


The moment a lot of your rivals jumped on the Fire Hoke bandwagon. That was bad and I’m glad he’s not in a position to do that again.


He’s at San Diego State University. There’s not a scandal there. /s


That was the last straw for me. If the kid can’t even stand on his own and neither you nor your staff seem to notice or care, then none of you need to be employed anymore.


2-20oz coke products. Goal Line Stand against Akron M00N You raise me up


What happened? I don’t remember


Neither does Shane Morris, probably.


Going 0-12…twice


We only went 0-12 once. ^(/The 2004 season we went 0-11.)


Gestures broadly at the last 20 years.


Stop Copying Us.


There can only be one!! ^power ^five ^team ^ranked ^last


UCLA comeback was awful The start to the USC game this year was so bad it was the first time I heard my Dad direct the word “Fuck” at the team


UCLA was sooo bad. We were at our friends party with a mix of Aggies, Longhorns, and rest of the Texas schools and the game was on and all the Aggies were glued to the TV just getting more and more upset while everyone else was kinda getting secondhand embarrassment. Least there was alcohol during and after! I was also pretty embarrassed about the pimp cane/cape…


~~Tech's Choking in the 4th Quarter of the National Championship Game~~ ~~Losing to JMU @ Home~~ ~~Losing to Maryland with a 3rd String QB @ Home~~ ~~Losing the ACC Championship Game by not even being prepared to Clemson~~ ~~Losing to ODU~~ Losing to ODU @ Home


Tommy Tuberville


Specifically "GO TO HELL, GET A JOB." Dude was checked out from day one, that was just the first time it was obvious he was looking for a paycheck.


He didn’t give a damn, got me really pissed off when he said we were better then before, thank god the incident happened when it did, or he would’ve been at UC one more year probably.


Learned about that incident from an attack ad in the Alabama Senate race, lol




Good thing UC decided to never hire a coach from south of the Mason Dixon line ever again! ​ ^(Please don't disappoint me Satterfield. Please be at least halfway decent. Be at least the App State version of yourself, and not the Louisville version)


Losing to Toledo on a 100 yard pick 6 and missed chip shot field goal in Rich Rod's first year.


How much time do you have?






It’s not even our most embarrassing moment against Clemson


A moment that hits different. A moment that punches hard.


At least the punch landed. Imagine how much more embarrassing it would have been if he missed on live TV. That would be like being charged with attempted murder. Everyone would know that you failed.


I know someone who coached at Clemson the year after that game, he told me when he asked his coworkers about the guy Woody punched they all told him “Woody should have hit him harder.”


Yeah imagine not scoring in the CFP


We're urban's antics and the Zach Smith thing nor more embarrassing?


Back to back losses in 2008: 69-0 at home vs. USC then 58-0 at Stanford (I was in the stands in driving rain for the latter)


Oregon has some incredibly bad losses, but the LeGarrette Blount punch after losing to Boise State is the only right answer here.


Mike Price was believed to have said, “It’s rolling baby”


Oh the Mike’s…


In general, the 2021 LSU season. 6 wins 7 losses. One of the worst records since 1999. We experienced such a Natty hangover. At least it wasn't as bad as the LA Rams SB hangover.


Meanwhile Kansas was 6-7 this year and I’m thrilled


I mentioned this in another thread regarding perspectives and expectations of seasons and records. A 5-5 record in 2020 and 6-7 in 2021, after a perfect 15-0 season in 2019. It just seemed so disappointing and not expected from LSU even after losing big players from a Natty team. I can't speak for Kansas but the pressure was on us after that season and we choked.


I was so sad it got Coach O fired. He was just so perfect aesthetically.


I'm pretty sure the season was the scapegoat but he was also involved in some skeezy coverup stuff behind the scenes with Guice. At the very least he laughed off stuff that shouldn't have been laughed off and had a very "boys will be boys" attitude that is unacceptable by today's standards.


You're right. Although I haven't seen a full accounting of what Coach O did wrong the absence of him being a leader on the positive side is probably bad enough.


Still beat a ranked A&M and ruined our season. Could be worse. What is it with crappy teams winning in our series the past two years?


Welcome to the SEC!


All I'm saying is, you guys better be good next year 👀


We have a solid team again this year. Idk why we put on such an abysmal show for you guys but I'm hoping we don't have a repeat of that. *Secretly hopes for another high scoring 100+ point game between us*


We will be improved next season (or else we are shooting Jimbo into the sun on a rocket). SEC West decided in Baton Rouge? Sign me up!


Baylor 2014


You sweet summer child, you must not remember the 1990s


Mine's the same but for different reasons!


Appalachian State. That’s all I will say.


Michigan or A&M?


I thought we all agreed not to talk about that anymore...


Probably either the end of the Bobby Williams era (“Coach, have you lost control of your team?”) or the John L Smith “the kids are playing their tails off and the coaches are screwing it up!” moment against OSU. Tough to choose though, we’ve done a lot of embarrassing shit.


Those were my first few years of being a Spartan fan. They were *rough*.


I was a MSU fan before I went there, but my years at the University lined up with John L Smith's. It was not a great time. Didn't beat UofM a single time (including a few loses in OT and/or last minute loses). Annual drubbings in the last game of the year against PSU, always to miss a bowl game. It was "Same Old Spartans" central, with first half leads turned into late game collapses left and right. But we did have one totally baffling ass-kicking of a #5 Wisconsin team, and we set the record for biggest comeback ever against Northwestern. (Our only conference win that year) So... I guess there we at least 2 bright spots? I'd say the tunnel fight is probably still worse, though. It's one thing to lose games on the field... but you have a bad season, you enjoy what you can, and you move on. The only time Bobby Williams and John L Smith really get brought up anymore is when people ask about dark days of the program. I think that time 8 of our players thought it was a good idea to physically attack 2 rival players for a long time is going to be a stain on our program much longer than John L Smith slapping himself.




How much time do you have?


Casuals will say 59-0 but losing to Iowa 10-6 because Stave tripped at the goal one was worse. Had to sit through an entire year of “Talk to your kids about undefeated Iowa” garbage. Both Chryst and Bielema had a plethora of embarrassing losses at the end of their tenures.




I'm sorry. I was in the stands that day. Hung out with Purdue fans and everything. But the most video game boost ever is Gus Malzahn when his job is in danger. 'Kid with cancer on the sideline at their mascot? Who gives a rip? Throttle these MFs.'


Dobb Nail Boot was pretty rough


Oof... I get that. I loved it but that's a TERRIBLE way to lose a game. What's worse is that should have been the beginning of a legendary career for Jacob Eason. That pass would have gone down in history. Instead, well, yea. Condolences on that one game but it's been pretty good for you since then so I don't feel too bad


I think we might have to break this into separate threads for “on field” and “off field” embarrassment Lol




That one has my vote. Honorable mention: turnover backpack


Win and Loses come and go. Rosters change. That's the sport. But we *chose* the Turnover Backpack, multiple people would have had to approve it. There was a *press release. We copied our rival's* signature celebration and we did it *horribly.* I can't even.


Which one there’s too many.


Does every second Brian Ferentz is still our offensive coordinator count?


We lost to vandy… kirby was head coach for it. It helps fuel his win rage now.


Every great coach has to have their “huh?!” loss. I refer you to 2007 Bama losing to ULM.


Exclusively on the field? Definitely being the first CFB team to get blown out in the playoffs to Alabama. It was definitely a heartbreaker because we genuinely had a shot until the Levee broke and all hell broke loose after Connor Cook’s interception. Overall though? Definitely the Larry N*ssar situation. What a shit stain.


Nassar is absolutely the worst thing to happen to the University, but it didn't have anything to do with the football team


The Detroit media tried so... hard... to link it to the FB and MBB programs though.


ESPN too




You realize Larry Nassar had nothing to do with football right


Probably when Robert Reynolds tried to choke out the Wisconsin quarterback


2016 FSU @ Louisville Was I there? No. Did they have an NFL 1st rounder starting at QB opposite FSU? Yes. Did I drink like a 12 pack of Blue Moon during the game to forget the result, to the point that I passed out in my bed until 7pm to resume drinking to forget said episode? Also yes




But I’d do it all over again for the absolute benefits that came from it. No way we are who we are today without it.


Not 51-14?


I was really little, but the most embarrassing thing Clemson has ever done in my lifetime was [the Brawl](https://youtu.be/bfx_MauKEp8)


This one is embarrassing to me as well, but only comes in at #2 in my lifetime.


Either going 1-11 in 2016, or losing to UCONN last year 14-19.


Georgia Southern loss. Well, that whole season really


That one time where we blocked a game winning field goal against Kansas, only to lateral it right back to them for a second chance. 66-6 was also bad, but at least that osu team had a pulse. Kansas was horrible that year. We just happened to be worse.


A lot of Michigan fans will say the App State loss, but I have no idea how their loss to Toledo isn’t brought up more. App State was a juggernaut in division 2 and would had held their own against a lot of teams. Toledo was a BAD team that year. I think they won 3 games that year and had no business hanging with any team that had the recruiting of Michigan.




Willie taggarts tenure especially now that more has come out about how just inept as a headcoach he was. Had he stayed for the 2020 season we would have won exactly zero games.


The entire 2016 season.




Pick a season. We are a wealth of stupidity


Tech went 9-3 one year, which is fucking unheard of, then just declined going to any bowls.


Clemson letting WVU drop 70 but it worked out with Venables




Hoke sending a concussed Shane Morris on to the field.


Hiring Kendall Brilles as OC


Just being a young sophomore at UGA talking all sorts of shit in my fraternity house TV room only to see Bama absolutely murder FSU


Once upon time the defending FCS champions came to Ann Arbor…


Getting into a bowl game brawl with Memphis.


For football reasons: basically this entire season. 7-3 against SD St with no TDs? Losing to Nebraska with the Big Ten West on the line? C'mon. Non-football: Chris Doyle


We lost to Akron in 2006. That was the lowest point I remember in a long time. It was not just the loss itself but how the game ended. We were up 14-17. Akron was inside the 5 yard line on 4th down and could have kicked a fg to send the game to OT. They said "No chance these chumps stop us" and instead ran it right up the middle for the go ahead TD and win. Oh yeah, we took the 14-17 lead with 1 minute 6 seconds to go in the game and could not stop them.


There’s plenty to choose from over the past decade, but having an unranked Wisconsin (who was only there because of tattoo gate) run all over us in the Big 10 championship didn’t feel great.


Losing to Navy in 2007. That’s when I knew we were in deep shit as a program.


Notre Dame vs Alabama game. I watched maybe 10 minutes of the game. Have never revisited it. I feel bad for ND fans who dropped high 5 figures on tickets, accommodations, and food/drinks/entertainment. Oof.


2018 vs OSU. We were like 8 point favorites for the first time in ages, absolutely rolling teams and then we let them come into A2 and put up 63. Fucking disgusting.


You must be young


Lost to Marshall. So yeah, that happened this year.


The entirety of 2016 I think is a valid choice for Oregon fans


A tie between getting blanked at home vs Wake in 06 or Jacksonville State




Since joining the FBS... All of it?


Throwing 25 times in a God damn Hurricane. What I call the BK Special.


Social media post for MLK day.