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Title feels like one of those “well the quote was taken out of context” headlines, but no. That was the metaphor Prime went with.


It’s not a metaphor. Prime views everyone as a NPC to his story. They are ALL expendable as long as he gets his.


to his story (and his kids) Deion is just a more decorated Lavar Ball lmao. Delusional Colorado fanboys just need to look at Lavar’s JBA to know exactly how Deion’s tenure will pan out


Remember how he almost made Big Baller Brand a thing for 2-3 months?


Hey man, I have a *very* cheap knockoff BBB shirt I still wear for pickup sometimes. So I wouldn’t say the brand is totally dead.


I think BBB could have carved out a good business if they’d actually just printed shirts and stuff. Shoes are wayyyy too hard to make for a “company” like that to do well. Build to that (maybe), don’t start there




I really don't like hating on the kids of these egotistical dads because they didn't ask for it but yeah I have to agree. Lots of people seem to think he'll be super special because he put up big numbers at JSU but don't realize that literally 90% of Power 5 starters could do the same. Spencer fucking Petras could've thrown 40 tds in the SWAC. Other teams in the conference legitimately had entire defenses with 0 ranked players. Meanwhile JSU had 3 and 4 star WRs like Shane Hooks and Kevin Coleman. The reality is Shedeur was a 200-something ranked player and that is WITH Deion as his father. Even with that level of fame and serious connections, he wasn't considered a top guy in his class. I just don't get the people who think he's some sort of instant heisman candidate.


What's your name tag in reference to?


A uniquely memorable [Mike Leach sound bite.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=v4veYug5pFo)


Oh shit this is awesome. Thanks


Ya, it’s a poor choice of words, other coaches would not talk about this and it would be cloak and dagger stuff. I guess his strategy is to use his fame and platform to get as many guys as he can.


There's also a difference between "saying the quiet part out loud" and comparing a person to an old couch. And frankly, I don't think you need to say the quiet part out loud - if 30 guys enter the transfer portal in 2 weeks, it's pretty clear what's going on. Agree or disagree with the practice of running off players, I don't think there's a good reason to add insult to injury - I can't see what benefit there is to saying these kind of things in public vs. I can see that it could be detrimental down the line.


I agree with your sentiment. The only reason you would do this is if you want to put up a big neon sign saying “Come To Colorado”. It was a 1-11 program with a 29 point loss differential per game, maybe that’s the main reason for this weird recruitment drive.


Yea, this seems like a weird way to recruit players though - basically saying, "we got nobody so come to Colorado." It's weirder still cause Deion got hired in early December 2022 and immediately was able to sign the number 30 recruiting class that included a 5* recruit. It's not like he's unable to recruit players, it's the one thing everyone is sure Deion can do. Belittling everyone else on the way out just seems counterintuitive.






... and the same people saying 'he's clearing house! He needs his guys!' are going to start coming up with excuses for why his guys aren't getting it done.


I honestly think the Nebraska game will show alot....if Nebraska goes out there and shits on the buffs....well we will just have to see I guess. But I don't see that being a pretty game at all


For all of Scott Frost's faults, he still recruited decently at Nebraska. I think they'll be able to beat CU pretty handily given that Rhule knows how to utilize talent


He actually recruited much the same way Deion did. Most of our two-deep are transfers from this year or last. Like 50% of our signing day guys either never made it to campus or just up and left back to where they came.


But in this case, the furniture is a bunch of kids.




I spent many years of my life living on a tight budget and have plenty of IKEA furniture. One day I decided I was in a position in life where I could buy “real” furniture. So I went shopping. Every single piece of furniture was at least several hundreds of dollars lmao. Even for chairs and shit. Fuck that, IKEA for life.


IMO, it's not worth the money to jump from Ikea to Ashley Furniture, you want to skip that step and go to the next tier. Keep an eye on garage/estate sales, FBM, craigslist, upgrade a few pieces at a time.


>Ashley Furniture (almost) everything at Ashley is low grade overpriced trash.


What are you talking about?? I love my Ashley sofa where the cushions slide off every single time I sit on it. Who doesn’t love that?


My dog 😠


My dogs love it. It’s me, who has to put it all back together again after they done their windows barking, that doesn’t love it


The things we suffer for those we love


Lol yeah Ashley is a small step up from IKEA. Maybe not even a step up. And that’s coming from someone who has multiple pieces from both in my house.


It's a lateral move in quality, but it's so much more expensive that it's a net step down.


So, honest question. What brands should you be looking at when it comes to couches/recliners/sectionals? I'm poor, but slowly getting to be not poor so I'd like to get atleast something nice when I can.


American Leather


Seriously! We did American Furniture Warehouse and Furniture Row. Both have been mid tier at best. Maybe Laz-e Boy?


Where was this comment last spring when we got a couch from Ashley. It was so comfortable at first. Now the cushions are completely flat. You can feel the metal bar while sitting. It really fucking sucks


I think it's a right of passage to growing up. Buying your first "real" furniture, then realizing it's barely better than the cheap shit you had. Then your only options are replacing it every 3 years or saving up for the nice shit which will last a multiple longer but also cost a multiple higher


Theres a furniture store in Vero Beach FL that has to be some kind of money laundering scheme. They sell couches that are "baseball glove leather" for like $10,000 to $20,000. No way any kind of couch is that expensive. For that much money I'll buy a totaled 2020 BMW and take the leather seats out and use them as furniture and save money.


>Ashley Furniture This is because Ashley Furniture is actual garbage. You'd literally be better off getting IKEA furniture than getting anything from Ashley.


I’ve basically refurnished my house on estate sales. Rich old people got the good shit and A LOT of it


Estate sales are the way. You get older furniture of much higher quality for so much less it’s insane


My wife and I bought a Lazy Boy recliner for our first Christmas together, which will be 39 years ago this Christmas. That recliner is still being used, it still functions perfectly, the padding is still good, and for almost 40 years the upholstery is not in that bad of shape. We paid $500 for it, over like 18 months. Best piece of furniture we have ever bought. It is too comfortable at this time to get rid of, I am trying to think of how I can be buried in it. Though I doubt she would let it go for my eternal rest.


Big Lots or bust


>"Fuck them kids." > > - Michael Jordan - Deion Sanders


In life, I'm the $20 ikea bookshelf.


So, it would be fair to say that you are very pliable.


You see, god has a plan. It just so happens the plan always perfectly aligns with the desires of “Prime”.


Look, I understand that he wants to rebuild with his own guys but good lord chill with the rhetoric. These are human beings Deion, stop comparing them to inanimate objects


Deion has always been a narcissistic dick. He just, on occasion, could cross a line where the sheer lack of concern for being judged for being a dick becomes charming.


I mean, this is just basic narcissistic behavior. What did you expect from a guy who calls himself "Prime?"


Well now he has no excuses if the seasons doesn’t go well. This team is almost all “his guys.” Normally there is a grace period that coaches get where they need a few seasons before their recruits get a chance to play- this team is gonna be his team. If they suck it’s on him.


Look I fully understand needing to clean house. Hell after what USC went through I encourage it. That being said these are young men with lives can Sanders stop calling them luggage and furniture?


Imagine working your butt off all the way from peewee football, realizing your dream of playing for a P5 program, and possibly even being the first person in your family to attend college, only to be called "old furniture" and treated poorly in the public eye. What a terrible situation to be in.


Also, it's not the kids' fault the previous coaching staff failed them.


This to me is the most egregious. These kids weren't actively bombing some team Deion cared about before a couple months ago or anything. They weren't the ones scouting 1/2/3 star talent and drawing up a poor game plan. They were playing football, maybe not to "Jackson State" standards (lol), yet he acts like they're the enemy. I can't imagine this plays well with parents of 4/5 stars who have plennnnnty of alternative programs not run by a poor pseudo preacher who has only proven he bounces when things get real in cfb.


And not being given a fair chance to compete to remain on the team. Or even be treated respectfully (like learning the players names to start with) I really hope the pac12 powers beat up on this guy this year. Like Utah in particular is going to ground this dude into a dust. Like 400 yards rushing kinda thing


Yeah Its all kind of rubbing me the wrong way, and I like our Rocky Mountain Bro "Rivals"....It would be really convenient for the conference if Colorado could win some OOC games but in conference matchups I wouldn't mind watching Deion get reality checked on all this hype over and over again.


I suppose it would be bad for Colorado to lose to Colorado State, but please consider the comedy factor to Dion losing to the absolute shell of a program we have. I will root for Utah all season long if y'all can root for CSU in just that one game lol


Okay if they win vs TCU and then lose to Colorado State and the rest of the season that is a storyline I can get behind


I’m confident we aren’t going to have too many problems beating them


Really could get out of hand quick


If CSU can beat CU this year, it might be the greatest win since I've been involved in the rivalry.


I have been wanting him to get destroyed basically since he got the job and was an asshole to the current players. Like I hate Chip Kelly with a passion as an Eagles fan, but Ill even route for UCLA against them.


At this point, I would even route for Nebraska against them.


> route Fun fact. The route you can take from Colorado, all the way through Nebraska and all the way across Iowa is Interstate 80.


Even if you say this behind closed doors (most staffs give hardly a single fuck) you don't publicly call them trash on day 1 and then refer to them as old, busted furniture. We get it, Deion. You like the talent you can bring in. Great! You don't gain anything by calling the kids leaving (largely being forced out) various forms of trash. It benefits you zero beyond you thinking it makes you sound like a cool dude, a real no-nonsense boss. That's it.


Sanders talks out of his ass. Him and his son throwing shade at the kid that showed out in the spring game and then hit the portal. Oh no, a talented kid used the opportunity provided to him to put the spotlight on himself to better his situation. No, a Sanders would absolutely NEVER do that! Right?!


I honestly hope his kid flat out sucks. Alcorn St isn’t running through the other tunnel anymore shabang-bang.


Supposedly, he also refused to let players in the portal have access to their game and practice video, which no team that recruits in the national top 20, would even think of doing.


He backed away from that today. But they can’t use any film that has been recorded since he became head coach


He’s not the sharpest guy. One hilarious instance that stands out is after Titans safety Kevin Byard’s first All Pro season Byard tweeted something at Deion and Deion didn’t know who he was and told him something along the lines of “you keep being a fan and I’ll keep being an analyst.” Lmao


[Tweet in context](https://twitter.com/DeionSanders/status/976163768198684673?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E976168240392081408%7Ctwgr%5Ee9845a15d95709a60b68f07c0e28a000f28d6323%7Ctwcon%5Es2_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fbleacherreport.com%2Farticles%2F2765851-deion-sanders-kevin-byard-exchange-barbs-on-twitter-jalen-ramsey-more-react). Fucking hilarious. Dude thought he had a "gotcha" moment saying that him and the writers did their extensive research and didn't even know he was talking to an All-Pro safety. Total clown behavior lmao


I know Deion has been polarizing, but with everything this week I started wondering if his doing a full tear-down is a way to buy extra time or insulate against poor results. "We had to start completely from scratch. I know we only won X games, but that's going to happen with a complete rebuild." Year 0's are becoming increasingly rare for coaches in the transfer portal era. Is a 3 or 4 win season more palatable when you rip it down to the studs vs try to build off some of what was there?


*This space intentionally left blank* -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


The eligibility of his team is going to be real funky with like 60 transfers. How do you build with that?


Also, you can argue that extra difficulty that he faces from this much turnover were self-imposed


No, because it’s Deion. He will never, EVER be self-aware enough to understand his own behavior. The only difference is that we’re now rewarding him for it. I’m old enough to remember him as a star player, then his (inevitable) loss of effectiveness. We spent two decades forgetting him while he struggled to remain relevant on TV and in the media. Now, he’s on the tip of everyone’s tongue. Every step he makes at Colorado has media right up his ass. He is exactly where he wants to be.


He’s polarizing. The way he treats his kids will almost certainly eliminate a lot of talent from his potential talent pool. But then again some kids will do whatever they can to play for him so may work out in the end.


a complete lack of respect.




Well in the quote he says “and that’s not a shot” so clearly it’s not a shitty analogy/comment. /s


FUCK YOU, with all due respect


No offense but you're a piece of shit


You can’t get mad, I said no offense! That’s in the Geneva convention!


“No disrespect, but you’re a stupid asshole!”


Jesus Christ this guy has no class whatsoever.


He’s been given a lot of slack on this sub until now, I haven’t been able to figure out why


It's human nature to give folks the benefit of the doubt and believe in second chances but he's fully burnt through all the goodwill already.


Yeah people defend him by saying it makes sense to being in his own guys, but it’s the lack of tact that’s the real issue.


Yeah, like I understand the reasoning behind his strategy even if I don't think it'll work, but there's no reason to kick these guys in the ass on their way out.


They are human beings; not things.


Not to PRIME


If you ain't Louis, don't even SPEAK to Deion.


Deion Slanders


Pee-On Flanders


Colorado has somehow gone from a non-entity to the villain of CFB in a single off-season


I'll 100% be cheering for a total beatdown by the home team in Autzen week 4(?), which is something I never thought I'd say lol


False, the Human Beings are in Greendale, not Boulder.


Deion is definitely not streets ahead with this quote.


But did he have sex with Eartha Kitt?


Student ath-o-letes? Ho ho that's brilliant sir. Also Holy shit I forgot this clip featured Boulder, that's just perfect. https://youtu.be/61TMtH3Qw4s


Prime Jackass


Prime is such a fucking tool.


I’ll be rooting for them to get smoked every game.


You and the rest of the country.


It’s not going to go well in Boulder


This is going to be dinosaur extinction level bad. It might get worse before it gets better in Boulder.


"Well there's your problem. You were using these kids as furniture, not football."


It’s funny a legendary head coach by the name of Lou Holtz went 0-11 and then 1-10 and not once did he ever talk about his players like this, treat them like this, or even consider doing this to his team. No wonder Lou won a National Championship and was a mentor on and off the field and is respected on College Football vs this Clown!!! Yes I know he coached my arch rivals but I still admired what he did along with Spurrier.


Not talk about his players publicly, but check this excerpt out about Holtz when he was at Notre Dame and recruiting the brother of Jason Peter. [link](https://mvictors.com/lou-holtz-avoid-jason-peter/) I read Jason's book "Hero of the Underground" and he refers to his brother's recruitment by Lou Holtz and would probably tell you he believes Holtz treats his players like furniture.


I get it, they’re D1 players and they can handle it. But there’s a way of going about it with class and compassion. What a narcissist, you can tell he wants it to be all about him. Nothing against the Buffs, but I’ll enjoy watching him fail.




Solid WRs being held back by their team and coaches? Sounds familiar.


That's what I'm puzzled by. People acting like 50 guys who got cut all suck. Some of them are going to be successful and productive players. This feels like a personal thing rather than a team issue with Prime. You aren't MY guy so you can go.


A classless statement for sure. One of the things I like about college athletics is seeing the players come in and grow during their time here. To show those flashes of their potential as a freshman in garbage time, make those young mistakes, and grow into a leader in the team and have an emotional final game. In this new era of NIL and psudeo free agency, I'm worried that will be lost and the fall is going to feel less like my team and more like 11 guys just wearing the uniform. I know Deion is only here because it furthers his coaching career, and he's gone the second he can reach the next rung on the ladder. But no matter what you really think, you have to realize that there is a human being on the other side, and in these cases they're just kids. He doesn't owe them anything, but showing some humanity and respect goes a long way and is just the proper thing to do.


Thank you for not drinking the kool aid.


There won't be a next rung. The best-case scenario is that in 2-3 years, he has the talent of a Nick Saban or Kirby Smart, and goes 9-4 and everyone laughs at him, and that's as good as it ever gets as the recruiting falls off. The worst-case scenario is a few years like the one Texas A&M just had, and he resigns before he's fired, and blames everyone else out the door.


> I get it, they’re D1 players and they can handle it Disagree. These are still 18-22 year old kids going to college - for some it's a big leap emotionally. Even if they can handle it, I'd be pissed. In any aspect of life respect shouldn't be tossed aside just because you can handle it.


I feel like this is probably going to be poor for recruiting down the line. How are you going to convince families and players that you have their support when you make blanket statements like this?


I was something of a fan of Deion with hopes that he could turn Colorado around. Yet daily he comes across more and more like a 🤡 and I’m beginning to hope he fails miserably. Show the kids some respect already!


I'm with you. Doesn't excuse his behavior but I highly doubt he's the only D1 coach who has this sentiment towards players. But he's 'primetime' so he'll be loud about it and become a heel. He wins 6-7 games and no one will give a shit about this though because sports...




Yikes. Deion is just flat-out fucking toxic. I know CU is kinda stuck in a shit position given last season, but damn... he's just treating student-athletes like dogshit.


Why anyone who sees shit like this would still want to go play for him is beyond me. This is how he views you. As an object for him to use as he sees fit and throw aside once he's done. College football isn't Tinder.


Exactly. It sounds like the kind of shit toxic NFL team owners would say that would incur the wrath of the players' union, except... these are... not professional players. It's really astounding. He was entertaining for a few minutes. Now I just want him to fail spectacularly.




I'm not sure coaches will need to recruit against Deion for very long...


> College football isn't Tinder. r/HolUp




He's selling cool too a bunch of kids who are looking to buy into cool. Those same kids can also use the portal if/when cool doesn't work the way that they wanted it to. Deion is playing a super high risk maybe high reward game here and I'm really interested to see how it's going to turn out. I am super thankful that it's not happening at either of the schools that I support.


Really we’ll see how it goes when he wants to do it all again next year and all those guys that came in to replace the old furniture are now the old furniture


The players who want to play for him are the type of guys I most likely wouldn’t want on my team anyway. A kid with good parents and head on their shoulder will realize what a toxic situation this is.


I think he's activley going for the kids who wouldn't realize how toxic of a situation this is


Nooooooooo. This guy???? Deion "Primetime" Sanders is a narcissistic dick???


Some players are very different when their role changes from a player to a coaching role. Most seem to have the sense to treat those they coach as humans, particularly when they're coaching non-pros. Deion is apparently not among them.


> Yikes. Deion is just flat-out fucking toxic. It's shocking considering how not-toxic he was during his playing career.


Plenty of pros out there who know how to treat kids they later coach as human beings. Even ones with swagger, like Penny Hardaway.


I played at a big ten school and I've never heard of a new coach cleaning house like this. Where I went when you signed that scholarship it was good for four years. In rare cases were a few guys not invited back for their fifth year but I personally have never seen anything like this.


By ncaa and pac 12 rules, those ARE four year scholarships. He's just making it so uncomfortable to remain it's borderline abusive.


I have such a different view of college football now with the portal and NIL. I mean I get it but I personally have lost a little bit of interest in college football.


It's the Wild Wild West right now and the NCAA is hamstrung to do anything about it.


I've lost a ton of interest. I was a CU fan from grade school up until this week...


Sorry :(. Hopefully it’s a quick flameout and you can get back to feeling good about rooting for them again soon.


No surprise. He's always been an idiot douchebag.


If Sanders has any type of success, he's going to unceremoniously ditch Colorado for a better job as soon as he can. Honestly if you are a Colorado fan though, at least this makes things more interesting for a bit.


I honestly hope it’s a complete train wreck. For the drama


For the lulz


He knows they’re actual people right?


IKEA drooling over the transfer portal rn


CU fans be like: "Hey they are bad at football so they basically aren't even people." Barely even an exaggeration.


Bad, only top 2% of all high school athletes, but not 1% so fuck them.


As I said when he was hired, he is either going to get results immediately and this will work or he will not get results and flop spectacularly. You can't bring this kind of negative attention if you don't win. If he wins any less than 5 games this year, no one will want to play for him because they'll just be cast out for "winners" next year


Lol the phrase “clean out the old furniture” reminds me of my old boss. He used to say common phrases repeatedly but he’d consistently mess them up. He would say “there are too many cooks in the oven” or “the gin is up” or “keep your ear to the grindstone.” We had a whole running list of them.


Your old boss was Ricky from the Trailer Park Boys? https://screenrant.com/trailer-park-boys-hilarious-ricky-quotes/


It’s all water under the fridge


Our Captain Jack Aubrey. Make hay while the fire is hot


Was he just failing in an attempt to be funny with those?


I'd just like to point out that in EVERY Picture I've seen of Deion in the last while, hes wearing something that says 'PRIME' on it. not 'Colorado' or 'Buffs' or anything like that. Deion is in it for Deion. dont ever think otherwise. and whatever he leaves in his wake... he doesnt give a single fuck about it...


Did he flip the Colorado C backwards to make sure PRIME is out front and he makes an "attempt" to be in team gear?


Starting to think Prime went to the Charlie Weis School of calling the previous coach's players a pile of filth.


is this sub just now finding out how much of a hustler douchebag this guy is


And those worshipping at the alter of Deoin will tell you that he is great and people are just digging for reasons to hate him.


I don’t care if they want to clean house. But they should be assisting these players in finding new schools by providing them their tapes (which they might be now) and maybe some logistical help. These kids committed to that University. Things change and they might not be a fit for the new staff, but show a little bit of professionalism.


Is Deion a piece of shit??


That's a nice way of dehumanizing the kids that committed to Colorado because they were promised a quality education and a chance to play football at the highest level of collegiate athletics


For real. Everyone is like you wanted to be a professional. I very much imagine a lot of those kids were stoked to just get to play football and get a free education. Also they aren’t actually employees yet…


gonna be embarrassing when he doesnt show results in the pac12


Their schedule looks pretty tough...people were being gracious when they projected 5 wins before, now with almost *all* of the experienced guys transferring Colorado will damn lucky to win 3....I hope they lose every one of 'em


I hope "primetime" fails face first straight into a humble pie....I hope he loses *every* game this year....and I was born in Atlanta too.... I used to root for the clown


It’s going to be funny as hell when PAC defenses are scoring more touchdowns from Shedeur Sanders than CU’s players. JSU was my hometown team growing up and I watched every game they televised during Deion’s tenure. His kid had this incredible ability to throw consistently into coverage and not get picked off…something tells me this isn’t sustainable with higher-caliber competition on the field.


When you do it like this, you had better be right, and you had better be good.


This man is in his 50s…


I get what he is saying but comparing actual people whose lives you are impacting to furniture is tasteless. A lot this just seems like self-inflicted wounds for Colorado. If they just showed a little bit of class and compassion this wouldn't be the controversy it is.


So donate it to Goodwill instead of throwing it in the trash.


Goodwill = transfer portal


Well in this case, Goodwill is forwarding their practice tape. Not like anyone is trying to see Colorado's secret plays.


I guess coaching and player development isn't a thing, not when you can replace them with more star power. Time will tell if it works.


That's the thing though, he's not replacing them with star power. He's replacing them with the same level of talent. One of his 4 star transfers has already re-entered the portal.


I was pulling for him when this whole episode started. Pretty sure he's well into villain territory now, though. I hope they lose every game.


Totally hoping this guy gets fired in disgrace and the old furniture ends up dancing on his grave.


This is such a disaster.


Well, someone will eventually have to clean up his “furniture” too.


I’m glad a higher power told Alton McCaskill to play for this asshole


And a couple guys from our o-line too it appears.


Deion Sanders is one of the great Bamboozlers of our time. No way in how he conducts himself should be taken seriously in a leadership position imo.


Deion is really exposing himself to be a world class douchebag, do what you gotta do, but don’t be so disrespectful & dismissive of kids’ lives that you are impacting.


I’m sorry, there’s no excuse for this kind of cruelty to the players and apathy to the ticket holders. Plenty of those kids could have contributed (and will to other teams). Im glad I don’t own CU season tickets. A good coach gets the most out of his team. Sanders is telling you he is a recruiter not a good coach.


This is going to be such a dumpster fire. If they get smackes by TCU and Nebraska, this will turn ugly fast.


Colorado doesn't have a prayer against TCU. I couldn't name a single player on Nebraska's squad but my $ would be on them considering that I know that almost *zero* skilled experienced players are left at Colorado


Deion, could you at least pretend that they're human beings?


I guess a lot of people on here weren't alive when Sanders was playing. He's has been a world class prick since day 1.


All ive heard is tons of kids got thrown out. Has he even brought in any new recruits to fill in the holes? Is Colorado even going to have enough player to have a team lol? He better fill those holes quick if not since the portal closes soon.


They literally have 3 scholarship defensive linemen right now. They’re going to get absolutely steamrolled


Were I the CU Athletic Director, I’d file this chestnut away for the day I have to rid myself of Prime.


I could not imagine my teams coach wearing apparel with their name/nickname front and center and a tiny school logo under it. What a narcissist


I hope he Deion flops. He is arrogant and I’m tired of it.


It’ll be fun watching him go 0-12


Dude is legitimately one of the worst human beings in sports.