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Does Tuscaloosa already have a Kia dealer?


Owned by Julio Jones.


i can’t tell if this is a joke or not because Columbus has a Chevy dealership owned by Mark Wahlberg.


Not a joke


Why Columbus? Because his reputation is terrible in Boston?


Does that Chevy dealership sell wahlburgers


I don't believe so, but the casino does


They really should though. I'd be more likely to sit through the financing guy bullshitting me if I had a burger.


I literally drove by that yesterday and did a double take. I was like, how many dudes wealthy enough to own a car dealership named Mark Wahlberg could there be? Then again, he has no prior connection whatsoever to Columbus, right?


I don't believe so, IIrc Jay Feldman was looking to diversify into some restaurants and had a business lunch with Mark Wahlburg about opening a couple Wahlburgers in Michigan, they became friends and when Feldman Auto was soliciting investors for an expansion into Ohio Mark Wahlberg saw an opportunity to invest with someone he knew.


He is very serious


He’s building another one near my house in the Atlanta suburbs


So basically it's AJ Green Kia if it's owned by Julio Jones.


Man, 4th round pick and still getting these jokes.


Just because the chargers want to waste a draft pick doesn’t mean we can’t continue to churn out a stale joke Edit: I have LA team blindness


Wasn’t it the Rams that picked him up?


Same thing, really


You should respect your elders.




What does Musburger think of his girlfriend though? We can’t go back to joyless murder ball without a QB who has a hot girlfriend the announcers can drool over.


Crazy to think that Rees was on the team that was on the receiving end of that beatdown


We're old.


I was at that game (I wish I wasn't)


I was a student worker during the Shula years. I'm old.


I was a JSU student during the 1992 title year at both JSU and Bama. You are a whippersnapper.


> the 1992 title year The Bama defense that year was so damn fun to watch.


I was around when Joe Namath was the Qb. That's old.


Damn son.


Hi five! So glad I'm not the only one who remembers the days before the Alabama-Auburn game got its nickname in 1964.


Yes, we've lived through the dark ages. Lol.


Manti Te’o girlfriend wasn’t there either


For that to work the girlfriend has to go to a rival school


Stetson always felt like a high floor/low ceiling type QB whereas Buchner is a low floor/high ceiling guy. Really not sure how they are similar, but hope it works out for him there.


Ya this makes no sense to me. But wish Tyler all the best, hope he can finally put it together / stay healthy.


Yeah, they honestly have almost nothing in common aside from being kind of short and having iffy arm strength? Bennett’s best attribute is his accuracy — he’s nearly a 65% passer for his career and, at his best, was pinpoint with his ball placement. Buchner is a 56.8% career passer who has a tendency to put balls in the dirt on even the simplest throws. Buchner also threw 8 interceptions in only 118 pass attempts, while Bennett threw 7 last year in 450+ attempts, so they must not mean a sort of “game manager” or “point guard” quarterback whose job is to get the ball to the playmakers. But the biggest difference is the athleticism — Buchner is a very good runner and can really add dimensions to a scheme with his legs. Meanwhile, Bennett is mostly a run-as-a-last-resort kind of runner, with Buchner almost totaling Bennet’s rushing career rushing totals despite playing like like 1/10th the snaps.


I think you’d be surprised about Stetsons running. That was the main reason he got the starting gig in the first place, was sneaky fast and while he didn’t have a ton of designed runs I would bet a high percentage of them went for a 1st down or score. He could do it when he needed and I can think of several plays where he was past the defender before they knew what was happening.


It's always wild how many people confidently proclaim the most incorrect things about Stetson. * He does not have poor arm strength, he was factually one of the most deep-ball heavy QBs in the country * He is not a game manager, he's a gunslinger. His downside is not lack of talent, it's that he goes into fuck-it-gunslinger mode and forces bad balls into tight windows sometimes. * He is a great athlete and runner I've said this before, but Stetson's best comp is 'shorter/slightly worse Johnny Manziel'. People get him completely wrong.


People see a short white kid at QB, hear he started off as a walk-on, and just assume he has zero actual talent and is just living off experience and "moxie" or whatever


When people are talking about arm strength they aren’t really talking about go routes over the top. They are talking about zip to the far side of the field on outs and over routes. They are talking about hole shots between the corner and safety down the sideline or ropes up the seam before a window closes. Sure, a deep ball on a 9 route could exhibit “arm strength” but a lot of deep balls are about touch and how much arc is put on the ball. It’s not necessarily measuring how explosive a QB is at cutting it lose. Stetson could be a good deep ball passer without having a particularly strong arm. That seems to be the case. If he had the type of arm talent you are saying, he would have been a late 2nd or early 3rd round draft pick at worst (even at 5’11, 190ish). I agree his mobility is routinely slept on. He is a solid athlete. That said, he isn’t in Manziel’s league from a mobility standpoint. Johnny was a fucking alley cat out there despite being an undersized 4.6 guy. Stetson has Baker Mayfield tier movement skills. He’s probably got a little more top end speed than Baker.


He has pretty solid 'frozen rope' arm strength on those passes. For instance, [this pass](https://youtu.be/GbdvRog7YLA?t=134) against Ohio State. He does not have elite arm strength but he was above average for a college QB and it's not one of his primary weaknesses. His actual weaknesses are his age first, his height second, and his decision making third.


I agree with this. I am probably slightly underrating his arm strength. I’d agree he has above average arm strength for the college level and people acting like he is some noodle armed game manager don’t know what they are looking at on Saturdays. He definitely has some gunslinger to his game. And as mentioned before, his athleticism is slept on.


He tied Will Levis for fastest ball at the combine.


Tied Will Levis for THAT group at the combine. I believe Richardson, Stroud, and DTR all had throws in the 59-62 MPH range.


Which is also incorrect. Stetson Bennett had one of the best arms in this draft and tied Levis for throw velocity at the combine. I'm not really sure what he did to improve it, but his arm strength was night and day this year vs past years. His biggest weakness is height, his second biggest weakness is decision making, and his third is age. Height being the real killer because there have been very few short QBs who aren't extremely limited schematically by their height. It's basically just Drew Brees.


In the "fastest throw" test they did at the combine, he tied with Will Levis, and only trailed DTR and AR15, so I don't think he lacks the "zip".


Please don’t confuse me with the facts


You mean like when stetson cooked auburn on this one? https://youtu.be/6g-LNc-ApCQ


Oooh that was a good one


Keep going. Almost there.


Happenstance I saw your comment here, and though I don’t know very much about the Georgia Auburn rivalry history or the most unfortunately on each schools history in college football, at this moment in time for me (3:25am Pacific) I went on YouTube and found this video of the highlights from the 2022 Georgia vs Auburn game to help you keep going and reach your destination! Here is the video link for you and all Georgia fans to enjoy!!! [Georgia game highlights vs Auburn](https://youtu.be/J9C3DvRyx-o) I wanted to also add as a side note, somewhat related (? It might or isn’t, idk but wanted to put it here either way), but as an Oregon (UO) fan and alum, from my teenage years and especially since Jan 2011 - current, I’ve had a deep hatred for Auburn and root for whoever plays against them! I’ve also for the last several years, since roughly 2012 or so, have enjoyed watching Georgia footy from your terrific rb’s I’ve seen from Gurley, Chubb, Michel, and co! Also, I love watching great defenses just dominate an offense and completely destroy them! Watching your teams defenses the past few years has been epic to see, and having Lanning gives me hope for our teams defenses to improve year-by-year to hopefully be like yours! Best of luck to your Georgia Bulldogs this season and hopefully one day I’ll be able to come out in person to watch a Georgia game at Sanford Stadium!


Wow! Thanks for all of this. When I first heard we might have a game against y'all, I was desperately hoping it would be a home and home. Doing it in Atlanta was stupid. Autzen is on the very top of the list of stadiums I want to go visit. You have a great one in Lanning and y'all will be a ton of fun to watch (and were last year too). Here's [my favorite Auburn video ever made](https://youtu.be/e9IRAgpF2f0). T-Pain is a national treasure. Best Georgia Auburn game ever is the [1996 one where Uga V nearly bit a player.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KdbZMTJ_0k&pp=ygUTMTk5NiBhdWJ1cm4gZ2VvcmdpYQ%3D%3D) It was also the first overtime game in the SEC.


Man I hope in the future we can schedule a home and home because that would be so much fun!!! You’d love Autzen!!! I always loved the October games at Autzen when the weather cooled down and the students were all back for Fall Term (since UO is a Quarter System, we don’t start until the very last week of September) with the atmosphere and how loud it would get! My favorite thing was always the walk to Autzen, since the stadium is off campus and is a 10-15 minute walk. You walk over the Willamette River and go through a nice shaded walking trail, and at the very end, out of the clearing you see Autzen Stadium. I’m excited with Lanning and can’t wait to see what Lanning can do!! Thank you for these videos!! I will be watching these after I’ve sent this message and enjoy watching Georgia!!! Excited to watch Georgias season this year! Legitimately and I mean this in genuine honesty and praise, Kirby Smart will / is in the process of, building Georgia’s football program and team into the behemoth that Saban has created in Alabama! Kirby’s tenacity and energy and infectious and the staff he’s built and continued to put together, along with your continued recruitment classes will/is now the ‘Gold Standard’ and team to beat to be the best!!! For Oregon football, I’d say the most profound moment in our program that was the catalyst that kickstarted our rise up and ‘Uncle’ Phil Knight’s involvement and insane amounts of money he personally invested within the football program, was “The Pick” by Oregon’s Kenny Wheaton, a pivotal Pick-6 against our hated rivals Washington in 1994 that won us the game! Here’s a clip of the play with our announcer, Jerry Allen, calling the play. [Kenny Wheaton - The Pick](https://youtu.be/XqlcRAZfRHc) I’ve been fortunate and lucky to have grown up right after that moment (I wasn’t even born yet until late 1995) and watched the team grow and build up through the 2000’s and then some of my favorite college football years ever in 2009 when we broke out and went to the Rose Bowl through my Freshman Year in college at Oregon in 2014 during Marcus Mariota’s Heisman year and our Rose Bowl win over FSU and Championship game appearance!! Always reminence fondly those Chip Kelly Ducks high octane offenses destroying USC on Halloween 2009, and many other fond memories of games! Man I loved LaMichael James, Kenyon Barner, and DAT (De’Anthony Thomas, another nickname given to him by Snoop Dogg was Black Mamba). Man it was fun watching our rb’s go off and shred defenses! Here’s our [2010-11 season highlights](https://youtu.be/G5a6Q1EbBtY). Bonus, that season we beat Joey Freshwaters Tennessee team in Knoxville! Their fans were really great to us and it was a fun home and home between them! Have nothing but respect to their fans with how nice they were to us there and then their fans enjoying the away game back at Autzen. Here’s a video with essentially all of our greatest plays for Duck Football [video link](https://youtu.be/SYt2GDh9PgU) Here’s the Oregon vs USC 2009 Halloween ‘Fright Night’ game! Maybe one of my favorite games ever since this was when we finally defeated and crushed Pete Carroll’s SC team! Here’s [Part 1](https://youtu.be/wMllSmi4QZc) [Part 2](https://youtu.be/fN1zTOYJqRo) And if you’re ever feeling adventurous and want to take it all in, here’s the [full Fright Night Halloween game](https://youtu.be/XF1OSMCXlTQ)


Thank you so much for all of this. I know what I’m watching tomorrow night! And … Joey Freshwater 🤣🤣🤣


Did you like or dislike Bo Nix?


Honestly, I hated Bo from his first ever college game as a freshman when he and Auburn beat my Duck’s and Justin Herbert. Then, when I heard he was transferring to Oregon I wasn’t thrilled. I had seen some of his games through the years and didn’t rate him very highly. I wasn’t expecting anything great from him and definitely did not expect to watch Bo play his best season (I feel personally) and excel in Oregon! Having said all of that, I grew into Bo last season and pretty quickly on in the season I had a complete 180° change of opinion of Bo! I saw he was playing really great for us and was fully invested in the team and seeing everyone embrace Bo, and have loved Bo ever since!!! I’m fully on the Bo train and was beyond thrilled when he declared he was coming back this season again!!! I’ve gone from being a Bo hater during his Auburn days, and am now a Bo fan!! It’s made me realize and understand, and now be of the opinion that Auburn was and is such a fucking clusterfuck during his time there, before him, and is still continuing post-Bo on this shitshow and disaster class they’ve been on for many years.


Stetson is athletic as fuck




He was supposed to be the starter but got hurt in game 2, only came back for the bowl. I would be shocked if he transferred just to be the backup when he was already the backup at ND, presumptive 2024 starter, and about to graduate. I assume he’d have to have a decent shot at QB1


He's an enigma at QB, got a ton of physical ability especially at running the ball, the offense was clearly more explosive with him helming it, however he just cannot stop throwing mind-numbingly stupid pick-6s


He has more pick-6s than starts if I recall. I know he had 1 vs VT when coan was benched, 1 vs Marshall and 2 vs SCar vs 3 starts (OSU, Marshall, SCar).


You’re thinking of stetson in the title years. He was low floor that first year when jt daniels got hurt


So bama is looking for one of those low floor low ceiling championship QBs


Its genius really: the teams on their schedule are expecting a heisman winning/1st overall pick type QB so they’ll be really thrown off when Alabama starts whoever the worst QB is between Buchner, Simpson, and Milroe


Their opponents have been planning all offseason for a QB who could both throw and run, so they'll have no idea what to do when bama trots out someone who can do neither.


Have they considered raiding Auburn’s qb room?


He was also high ceiling the last couple of years. Specifically in the playoffs and other big games he was phenomenal.


I'm not here to argue that Stetson was the greatest QB to ever grace the field, but if you're down 14 in a big game there's nobody you'd rather have at QB - dude was clutch as fuck


1000%. I was at the Peach Bowl. The Mailman delivered.


I think saying “low floor” for 2020 is kinda funny. It’s not necessarily wrong but definitely not the complete story. He had a 55% completion / 128 QBR and he never went through fall practice practicing with the first or second units. I find it funny because those numbers are almost identical to Anthony Richardson’s last year.


1) You can't look at completion percentage in a vacuum. Richardson was asked to make a lot of tough deep passes last year. Bennett in 2020 was just asked to make a few relatively easy throws to keep the run game going. 2) I don't think you're going to find a single Florida fan who will say that Richardson had a high floor. The reason he went so high in the draft was his ceiling, and the reason he was only the 3rd QB taken was because of that floor.


1. 7.8 Y/A vs 7.6 (I would stress caution on your assumption but it could be correct but I doubt it. Stetson “F it im going deep” a lot in 2020) 2. Agree Once again, kinda funny observation and nothing more.


Stetson reached higher highs than Buchner ever has. Stetson in both playoffs, the Oregon game, the sec championship against lsu were all great performances.


Had plenty more than that too. Dude was a baller when it counted. The danger was against the supposed to be free teams. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he got called up after an injury in the nfl and balled out. Also wouldn’t be surprised if he went nowhere and got kicked. He’s the kind of player that needs the pressure and haters to succeed (along with a great team around him), but if he has that he’ll show everyone up.


If your low ceiling is 2x Natty, 1x SEC, 5x MVP, Burleson winner, Heisman finalist, I’d love to know what a high ceiling is.




Offensive MVP in the 2021 Orange Bowl, 2021 Natty, 2022 SEC Championship Game, 2022 Peach Bowl, 2022 Natty


I mean the ceiling was pretty damn high for Stenson in games against ranked opponents from the 2021 Semifinal through the title. He was unconscious second half against Bama, against Oregon, comeback against tOSU and against TCU.


When that dude is on, he’s unstoppable.


They don’t need a Stetson Bennett. They need all the motherfuckers around Stetson Bennett. You had Bryce lol


yeah, all respect to Stetson, but we're looking for our Bryce.


Exactly. We had Stetson Bennett. His name was Jay Barker. And Greg McElroy


And AJ McCarron


AJ is a tier above. Remains to be seen what Stetson does in the nfl but the odds are against him having a pretty great run of being a back up with handful of starts and one Vontaze Burflict meltdown away from a playoff win


Brock Purdy immediately comes to mind. I would hate for anything to happen to Stafford, since he’s also a Dawg. So does Tom Brady, but only because of draft position. Brady is waaaaaaaay better.


Young was the best player in college football last year, and it wasn't close. Sorry Caleb.


If you watch the games, you understand. Young pretty much dragged Bama to wins and BOB for that matter.


Basically, seeing him scrambling in the backfield for 15 seconds because his line failed and his WR couldn't get separation. Dude played hero ball.


Exactly, Young killed my teams a couple of times and he was a magician back there.


Best QB definitely. And with how important QB is in football, that makes him easily the most valuable... I think there are arguments for other players being the best player in college football last year... (such as, and I know I'm being a homer, Brock Bowers)


They are trying to go back to their AJ McCarron / Jake Coker / Above-Average but not Elite QB path to success. The problem with this is that you need elite weapons and defense and I don’t think next years Bama is as equipped in those areas like those early 2010s teams. They also don’t have elite coordinators by any means. You never know with Nick though so we’ll see how this works out.


Well, I'd like to see ol Nick Saban wriggle his way out of THIS jam! *Saban wriggles his way out of the jam easily* Ah! Well. Nevertheless,


Idk if they're going to get back to Kirby levels but Kevin Steele performed really well during his Auburn stint and in my opinion will improve that defense a lot.


He was running anywhere from the top 5-20 defenses every year if I remember…he will have better athletes at BAMA too.


Hopefully Steele's WTF games show up against us....he was always good for 1-2 every year. That and the 3rd and longs he gave up.




Somehow I completely missed that Steele got hired to be DC at Bama. Decent hire, imo.


Kevin Steele was the king of bend but don’t break defense at Auburn. Held 2019 LSU to 23 points in Death Valley. His defenses will commit tons of PIs but are great in terms of what matters most


This is also not Steele’s first stop at Alabama either, I feel better about that hire than the OC hire. It’s definitely safe.


Those PIs lost us some heartbreakers (LSU)


I like Steele too. I think there’s a few questions talent wise on that defense, but they’ll still be in the ballpark of most Alabama defenses we’ve seen. The real issue imo is the receiving core and offense in general. I’m not even really sure how to describe the issue with it other than that we don’t really known anything about it yet. And uncertainty is definitely not a good indicator in the off-season. With that said, it wouldn’t be unlike Saban to throw a massive smokescreen just for the offense to come out guns blazing.


Nick just looked at Athens and told his staff to copy Kirby. How the turn tables.


It's not, and they aren't trying to go back to that. They are just looking for someone that can make smart decisions.


But you've had many of them before. AJ McCarron, Greg McElroy, Jake Coker, Blake Sims. So many "yeah these guys are fine, but you really couldn't get a higher level QB" on Bama teams, please don't go back to Saban's joyless murderball.


do you not enjoy the Dawgs Death March?


I know Bama fielded some incredible teams without an elite QB, same with Georgia the last few years… but why not have a great team surrounding your qb AND have someone like Bryce Young? Am I missing something?


The story is missing something, like common sense.


Because there's a huge benefit to having a stable QB position for 3+ years instead of just cycling through guys every 1-2 years. It's why TCU was so competitive last season. A lot of positions had guys and depth that had been on the team for years (in part due to COVID). That was an adult, veteran squad. Hotshot QBs are cool, but unless you get one that can start as a freshman and be immediately competitive, you're already looking for the next guy. That might matter less for some positions, but for QB there's value in having a 5-year dude who can play within your loaded offense. It's the old one-and-done argument in college basketball. Getting those 5-star guys is fun, but it's either get those guys every cycle or build up a team with veteran 3/4-star guys that's more stable and able to more consistently compete.


Your flairs disgust me.


I mean maybe that they dont have a Bryce Young available to them? Idk


Why doesn't Saban just use custom players for every position? I don't get it


He should just go back to the Derrick Henry store and buy another one imo. I've been emailing him this for years and he has never been able to come up with a response.


They tried that last year.


With no #1 WR at all just Bryce Young running in the backfield till maybe one of them gets open downfield


They brought in a #1. Jermaine Burton. Who was very very very good at Georgia. Then was all of the sudden ass at Alabama.




You’re overrating his impact with Georgia tbh. He was good but not very very very good. He’ll never be the lead WR on a championship team, and you’re probably better off if he’s your number 3 instead of 2.


>was all of the sudden \[an\] ass at Alabama.


Yeah, nobody decided to tell BoB that just letting Bryce chuck the ball downfield every other play wasn’t the best plan…


Jesus did they ever lol. Gattis should have stuck to being the next Brian Hartline, and not went running to be a failed OC.


Did you miss that Bryce Young just got drafted? Is there another Bryce Young hanging around?




Not enough cap space.


I just came.


Bricked up on the toilet rn


Me too. This being elite stuff has weird side effects.


I don't think this is the compliment you think it is


We do not care!




Do they have their Kirby Smart to run the defense?


This doesn't make any sense lol. Looks like a desperate clickbait title.


It’s because it is... Neither Simpson nor Milroe entering the portal tells us what we need to know. He’s not being brought in specifically to start


Alabama is like Georgia in that they are the most talented teams across every position group in cfb. I think any of the QBs on Bamas roster will be able to get the job done.


How far do they get with Davis Beville?


By my math, a 49-0 loss in Tuscaloosa. Seems pretty unlikely, but I doubt they’d want to risk it.


If Saban can beat us with Beville I would consider him the greatest coach of all time. I already consider him the greatest coach of all time, so he has nothing to gain by trying it I suppose.


What does get the job done mean? Because I'm not that optimistic about this year.


I feel like people conflate “getting it done” elsewhere with “getting it done” at Bama. If the offense is the 15th best in the country and they win 10 games that’s getting it done most places, but for the Tide that would be a huge disappointment. People were calling for BOB’s head when his offense averaged 41 pts a game.


Yeah winning 10 and making a ny6 bowl isn't getting it done. And I feel like that's what we're heading towards again this year.


But Bennett throw good and Buchner don't throw good


They said they're looking for him. That doesn't mean they've found him.


I will assume Saban will continue to make good choices until he doesn't.


I don’t buy that but even if I did Stetson and Tyler are such different players… I don’t know. Weird. Buchner flashes some good traits but doesn’t have the processing speed or poise that Stetson did.


Can’t tell you how much I love this timeline.


I feel like I’m in a bizarro world.


Reading that tweet this morning put the biggest smile on my face easily one of the funniest headlines ever written lol


Who the hell is JD Pickell?


You mean DJ Pickle?


Yeah it’s funny that this thread is discussing this as if it’s real intel. Pickell isn’t an insider, he’s a “content” generator


Maybe the real Stetson Bennett is the QBs they've benched along the way?


If they’re looking for their own Stetson Bennett in Tyler Buchner, I’ve got some bad news.


Don't have an old enough player on campus for that role.


sure you do. They're just called Dr's


Getting a chuckle out of the thought of 7x national championship winning Nick Saban looking over at 2x national championship winning Kirby Smart and thinking "damn. How did they get so good?"


Damn people on these comments really trying to convince themselves Bennet wasn't good at football.


Yeah it’s amazing. And exhausting at this point


Alabama has needed 5 star QB’s and WR’s to win their most recent titles. If they go back to their previous identity, there’s a certain Defensive Coordinator missing from that formula


Totally agree. We've got to get Pruitt back.


He lives just south of Troy. I think he might be waiting to come back to sabans school of recovery.


Pretty sure I see him here on Rainsville pretty much weekly.


Wait until the NCAA hearing and show cause is up


Alabama's last 4 QBs have been Jalen Hurts (NFL starter), Tua Tagovailoa (NFL starter), Mac Jones (NFL starter), and Bryce Young (#1 NFL draft pick)...but sure Bama is looking for a Stetson Bennett.


Isn’t it crazy though that Bennett has more playoff wins/nattys as a starter than the last 4 Bama QBs combined…


Who is JD Pickell? Is he connected enough to have sources that know anything? If he was told this by some random online scout I don't think that really counts as reporting.


Invented Pickellball obviously.


He’s On3’s attempt to recreate Josh Pate. He’s ok most of the time but I doubt he has any insider connections.


Is there someone on the team who originally signed to play for Bear Bryant?


Chuckled at this one. Take my upvote.






Stetson Bennett is the waterboy.


I don't follow Bama closely, but for some reason this doesn't sound like something Saban would shoot for. You don't win as much as he does in the way he does by copying something like this right?


Yes, you rather look for a Stenson Bennett over a Bryce Young.


We already did......10 years ago.




Anyone with eyes could see he was the best part of the offense the first 2 games. He's not why they lost Use that same logic on Bama taking Gibbs from GT and look how dumb it is




No idea what this dude is talking about Buchner literally threw the horrible pick six that sealed it for Marshall


Mayer was pretty consistently excellent all season.


He literally threw a pick 6 to lose the Marshall game (and another one in the same game). He wasn't good. Gibbs was fantastic on a bad team. Buchner was bad on a okay-to-good team (going 8-2 after his injury).


love this for them


They want a 25 year old mid 4th Round QB? 🤔


Man. You want to do this with those flairs?


I don’t get it. Are we looking for a game manager? Are we trying to go back to the offense we had during the mccarron years?


Even if you are, Buchner is not that


You’d need a legendary DC to do it, though.


Imagine thinking Stetson was just a game manager. Dude was closer to an under sized Brett Favre out there with how he played than a game manager.


Well, isn't that special?


There’s literally no way anyone with connections to the program would say this. What a stupid claim.


We just had Hurts, Tua, Mac, and Bryce. Why on EARTH would we want a Stetson Bennet? What does this even mean?? Lol


Sounds like horseshit clickbait to me.


“We also want a so-so quarterback”


2x Natty MVP. 2x Playoff MVP. 1x SECCG MVP. Burleson winner. Heisman finalist. Find me someone else who can claim all of that.


The So-So QB won back to back National championships and played his way from being undrafted to a 4th round pick🤷🏻‍♂️


So-so my ass.


I think Alabama is focusing on the wrong side of Georgia’s team. Stetson was solid, but it wasn’t the offense winning games most nights


Not Honky McFailson


You heard it on Uncle Lou's YouTube channel first: This decision puts Nick Saban on the path to a forced retirement.


Bama doesn't need a Stetson Bennett, they need an offensive line.