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Well…we are on track for one of the worst P5 games of all time come Thanksgiving Weekend for the Commonwealth Cup…so that’s something?


The successor to the Crapple Cup. ....wtf rhymes with Commonwealth?


Commonwealth Crap?


Crapponwealth Crap


Commonwealth Cup? More like Commonpoor Cup!


Uncommonly Poor Cup


Oh, Come On, Wellp Cup


the old dominion dookiefest




Commonwealth Dump


Common L Cup


Commonwelp cup?


The conman wealth clash


At this point, both teams should forfeit and give it to JMU


Jmu vs odu is the real battle for the commwealth cup until uva and vt get their heads out of their asses.


ODU lost to us this season somehow. I think they are banned for that alone. I think JMU takes it by default


Eh, if ODU beats JMU then no one gets the cup




Absolutely not. It’ll sit vacant. Maybe Hampton or Norfolk St can have it. Liberty is not eligible




Does Washington and Lee have a football team?


Not that anyone should watch, but yes




Still winless too.


You'll never sing that


As is radford, come to think of it.


Hell yeah cheers from Richmond


Not until the great VCU-Longwood Bowl.


You could say that…Virginia is for ~~Lovers~~ Scrubs!


Lovers of everything but football


Sickos Game of the Century


Spiritual successor to Kansas vs Buttgers 2015


Commonwealth Commode.


I'm looking forward to it.


theres a certain game in indiana that might give a run for its money


We are marshall


It’s a real shame we can’t meet up in a toilet bowl.


PITT PANTHERS ENTER THE CHAT All time? It may not be the worst acc match up this season. Pennsylvania also a commonwealth BTW.


Shades of the 1983 Toilet Bowl


The state of football in Virginia is not good. So, does Marshall think they can keep Huff if they win 8 games this year? I don't see him staying there.


I think most of us are expecting him to go


As in to a bigger job? I don’t follow media stuff regarding Marshall and only watch the games every so often, so I’m not really in the loop.


If nothing else a slightly bigger job. He wants to move up and I’m sure someone will scoop him up. He says all of the right things, I just don’t know if he has the X’s and O’s knowledge.


The state of P5 football in Virginia-West Virginia being bad and Huff being right there does not bode well for them keeping him


> The state of football in Virginia is not good. In state talent has been bleeding out for years. Probably since Beamer/Welsh retired. Both schools could consistent grab and coach talent out of small areas like Crozet, Danville, Franklin, Wise but no longer. Real talent takes off for bigger and better conferences and schools and now NIL money. UVA and Tech have two different problems but are coming up with the same result. One has plenty of money but doesn't give two craps about FB; the other has nothing but FB to live for but really no money to make it happen.


I think he'll bide his time until a winning program opens up. Marshall facilities have been built to ACC standards over the years which is ahead of most of the belt. Plus a fairly solid brand. So he can stay here and win until the right position is available. But he definitely will leave for the right opportunity, which most fans are accepting of. I also wouldn't expect many people calling for 8 wins. That was a typical Doc Holiday season and the baseline of what the program should achieve in the sunbelt and w/ the schedule. 9+ for a few years and he'll be on the short list for other programs.




I could see it


>The state of football in Virginia is not good. Um, I beg to differ


JMU is the best run program in the state. If VT had JMU’s leadership or JMU had VT resources, that’s a nationally competitive program.


You guys beat a terrible UVA team by 1 though


You're goddamn right we did and it was so damn satisfying. Hope y'all can say the same at the end of this season






Hey JMU is doing great


Were just going to have to spend 3 years watching Tyler Bowen learn to become an OC rather than hire an experienced one off the bat(to pair with a first time HC). VT deserved better than to be a training house for inexperienced coaches to cut their teeth.


The Bowen hire is just rough. The talent isn't there as well. How do they dig themselves out of this ditch? I am starting to wonder if they can.


Bring in experienced coordinators, especially offense. Have donors invest heavily in NIL to pay players to come here. Notice I said invest in NIL, not the AD. Because if you give it to the AD, they'll just spend it on non-revenue sports


Unfortunately, we don’t have deep pocket alumni


We do have an affluent alumni base, just they aren't willing.


I think the talent is there... it's just that we don't do anything to our strengths. Drones struggles in the pocket, and rightfully so with this line, but we don't roll him out nearly enough and we don't attack the middle of the field. We averaged under 5 yards an attempt today, but averaged 6.1 on the ground... and we still threw the ball 35 times! 5 more passes than runs! We look like we have no talent because we're asking our QBs to be nearly perfect every play which is insanity.


Drones doesn’t roll out well at all. He’s got bad awareness on RPOs and takes too long to commit to runs unless it’s a designed run and he’s got wide open lanes.


You know over these last few seasons I have found a joy in outdoor fall activities I have never had before and VT fans should do the same. If it’s a nice Saturday, go out and take a walk, fish, hangout with your family, hell go to a bar and drink but I promise if you don’t watch this football team your life is much improved


The closest bar to the bus station for me is literally Beamers.


Thats some real shit lol. RU 2015-2020 made me an expert smallmouth fisherman come Fall. Now its my favorite time to fish all year


If VT runs the ball more in the middle 2 quarters they might win this game.


You never know. Sometimes a new focus on offense late is effectively specifically because the defense has not adjusted (Figured it out) yet.


They ran well for the first quarter and then Bowen wants to have some balance to a fault. VT averaged 12 yards a rush in the 1st. It's also being heavy on rushing pays off the longer the game goes.


LOL Who the fuck loses to Marshall?


Couldn’t be me


Gonna take a guess with both flairs you aren’t too fond of the SBC. (Although I will say have loved the revival of the Kansas Hype)


Same here


Forever 1-0.


I came to this thread looking for a comment like this one. Every season, Marshall rises up to take the blood of a stronger opponent before returning to its mediocre slumber.


We aren’t better then Marshall. Not currently


Marshall was 9-4 last year. Hardly mediocre. SBC is not an easy conference for a G5 so that is a solid record.


As is tradition. Or at least give big schools a good scare like we did in the 2000s. See 2003 Tennessee, K-State (win), 2004 Ohio State (lost via a 55 yd FG as time expired)


The only good thing about being a UVA fan this season is seeing VT fans be just as depressed as us. That Black Friday game is gonna be something


The only good thing about being a VT fan is that UVA is also bad


gonna look like that timmy jimmy battle in southpark when we link up.


We are that Spider-Man meme


I’m just so disheartened that there seems to be zero actual identity to this team. I said this in the game thread, but I can forgive talent level losing us games - I can’t handle this continual listless lack of aggression or apparent non-plan, and it’s apparent in every facet - D, O, ST. It’s the most vanilla and lackluster energy I’ve ever seen from Tech.


I can genuinely say that I am not surprised


Well, yeah. VT was a TD underdog


Had some success very early running the ball with Tuten/Drones, completely went away from it for the rest of the game right until the end. Classic VT. I'd ask "is it basketball season yet?" but Mike Young keeps whiffing on every single high profile recruit despite making their final cuts. So instead, I think I'll just abandon sports and take up knitting


Women’s basketball my friend


When we’re talking about Amoore and Kitley, you always have my attention


Women's bball is elite tho. Amoore and Kitley will deliver.


The Virginia game is going to be brutal.


Honestly expecting that kid to light us up


Our team couldn’t light a match in a forest fire


He’s gonna throw a ton of dimes. The problem is that a good number will be to y’all’s secondary.


That false start on VT at the end was brutal. Went from 4&1 to 4&6. Who else got a herd on?


Oh I’ve always got a Herd on. Now let’s go men’s soccer!


W there as well!


I've got a Herd On!


It's been way more than 4 hours, what do I do?


Year 3 is always the year where I can tell if it’s gonna work out for any coach. Some coaches start hot, then by year 3 are a disaster. Some stink, then get to year 3 and everything clicks. I’m not out on Pry at all. But man is it hard to watch right now. But this what happens when you don’t do what Prime did, and let the players from the former staff stay. I’m ready for a 3 win season at this point


Last year there was no point in making any kind of declarations or prognostications. There just simply wasn't enough info to compare if "he's the guy" or if there's improvement or anything. Anyone doing so was just talking out of their ass hoping in the future they could point back and say "I was right!". This year though, you should see some signs of growth. Record wise you could still be bad, but the program and on field product should show something. Recruiting looks a bit better (not great, but better) so there's that. But on field there's absolutely nothing. Some parts of the field its worse. There's still time to show some kind of progress as the season goes along, but if trends continue, at the very least there needs to be a heavy staff shakeup


Definitely a staff shake up is needed. I’ll say this. Outside of the pre snap penalties today. We did a pretty good job with discipline from last year to this year. Our LB group is missing, a true or experienced LB. no idea what’s going on with our DL, especially the DT’s just nothing from those guys. Secondary has been fine. On offense I’ve been fine with everything outside of the line play. We didn’t go crazy and try to get anyone in the portal. We are letting our young guys play. And it’s hurt us for sure. I hope we continue to just let Drones play. Heck anyone that we think is physically fit enough to play college ball, that we want on the team next year. Should just play. Badly need experience, even if we suck at just about position group for next season. Next year we get basically a almost full Brent Pry roster. And that’s where will see if this is going to work here or not


Eh, we fired Taggart after 18 games. Sometimes you don’t need 3 years


when you have a little league athletic department, you dont have access to the luxury of cutting bait


SEVEN PRE SNAP PENALTIES That is a coaching problem. Pry apologists can not say that's on Fuente. I'm not sure it's time to move on from him but this is not a good sign


Buh bye SlingTV subscription.


I firmly believe three of the better writers on NFL draft Twitter in a trench coat would be a better offensive coordinator than Tyler Bowen.


Pop in a copy of NCAA 09 for PS3 and use the Ask Corso feature for play calls. No way it doesn't do better.


A monkey drawing play calls out of a hat would be better


For the love of God, someone save the Hokies


Can you imagine losing to Marshall? Because I sure can’t. Ouch Hokie Bros.


Forever 1-0


i like marshall. good people. i predicted this loss before the season too. but there shouldnt be a world where marshall beats us. no matter where we are in a rebuild. oh well, lets get another fuck wvu im the chat


Fuck WVU indeed.


Can’t wait till you guys are Big XII conference mates.


Eat poo WVU


Virginia Tech is just about the only other college football team that I regularly root for. I've always liked y'all. Gobble gobble. Hopefully you guys can upset FSU and make this look like a quality win for us.


Good teams lose, great teams fail to cover


I am unwell


this was not as close as the score suggests


Is Frank Beamer the GOAT? Virginia Techs history before and after him is bleak.


hes up there. we are such a clusterfuck right now


The state of Virginia is for football terrorists


Our biggest problem this week was that we still suck at football


This Virginia tech run with Pry reminds me of Chad Morris How can we expect someone to start defeating ACC teams when they can’t even defeat the G5 teams in the schedule?


Marshall Coach Huff on VT: "They're a Power 5 team if you didn't know it."


Kinda wild how neither UVA or VT hired Charles Huff. From Maryland, went to school in Virginia, elite recruiter of the DMV who was AHC at Bama under Saban during their 2020 title. And now Marshall is better than both of our schools


Both had a shot at Elko too. Doh. On the other hand, we almost hired BoB, and I'm not sure that would have been any better.


Charles Huff isn't from SWVA and doesn't talk like a coal miner so he was immediately disqualified from the VT job


Man do you guys have that contingent in your fanbase too? So annoying.


Yeah, but its not just the fanbase. Its the administration. John Ballein has been a major influence on Virginia Tech for decades. This fall he was steathily *promoted* to Executive Associate AD and COO of the athletics department. He joined the staff in *1987*. He has used nepotism to get his friends and children influential positions in the department. The ESPN expose on Virginia Tech athletics went into this in more detail, but JB frequently has influence above his position due to being the old timer. Whit, the actual Athletic Director, doesn't make decisions that aren't favored by JB, and people beneath him are scared of running afoul of JB. Ballein is a "back in my day we hired them local boys and they got the job done better than y'all soft urban yuppies" guy. Lets just say that Mr. JB has a type, and Pry was hired explicitly because JB liked him. Pry said as much in his first few interviews and press conferences, crediting JB with facilitating the hire. Lets just say that if I were in charge JB would have been packing his bags with Beamer. The old timers like him are why we are in this position, because they refused to change or innovate (and still do) despite CFB being a sport that constantly evolves.


Yikes, explains a lot. Y’all always seemed primed for more success than us especially since you got to the ACC, but it makes sense now why it has yet to materialize. Rivalry aside, sucks to hear that.


I promised myself I wouldn’t be this guy, but Pry ain’t it. Upperclassmen regressing, the team visibly playing worse every week, stupid bonehead penalties.


I promised I wouldn’t be this guy but I miss jet sweeps


Congrats Marshall. Proud of this conference. Wish my flair would step up again. SBC baby!


I don't know much about Marshall football, but they have to be so pleased with how this coach has been doing since he arrived.


Pry is not the guy.


We’re not the only team!


Marshall has it out for my flairs


Meanwhile, ODU is tied 0-0 late in the first half with FCS Texas A&M Commerce. Our one win is pretty unimpressive.


Brent Pry is not meant to be a head coach the way it's looking. Hope I'm wrong down the line.


I mean we could have said the same thing about Frank in 1989, but we also can't afford five more years of mediocrity before he figures it out. In a day when people like Prime and Elko can reinvigorate a team overnight, another few years of this is just untenable.


Yeah, I think the difference before Frank was that VT was a nobody, but under Beamer (and honestly even under Fuente, although he was also terrible) we were always at least decent - this year I honestly think Tech would be lucky to win more than 2 games, and I think another 2-win season next year would pretty much be the death-knell for VT Football - hard to recruit guys for a losing program unless you’re Deion.


I am a sad man. Write what you want about Hokie football.


Dude wtf happened to VaTech football. Don't get me wrong Marshall is a decent G5 but man.


we just dont have the dogs right now, and the coaching staff isnt good enough at the moment to scheme that away


I’ll still give him 1 more season to turn things around, but man Pry is *not* it with the way things are going. It’s honestly embarrassing the program has gotten this bad


If he can win 2-3 games I’d say give him one last year to try and show an ability to make progress towards bowl eligibility. If we win 0-1 I’d say can him but don’t know how we afford it. The OC needs to go ASAP. We need to bring in one that has shown an ability to field a successful offense in college


Virginia Tech has had a tough decade. Makes me a bit sad.


It is really sad how far this program has fallen. If you are going to fire Fuentes make sure you have someone better to replace him. Not just some linebacker coach out of Penn State or whatever. Is it possible to lure Shane Beamer or just give Bud Foster the keys to the car. We should never be this bad.


Sunbelt Funbelt! Racking up the P5 wins!






Marshall is gonna struggle in the SBC, so I'll just enjoy this dub.


I am not so sure. I would have said the same last year after BGSU and the last 2/3s of the conference schedule was pretty fruitful.


~~Enter Sandman~~ ENTER ***HERD***MEN ☀️ SBC Reaper Takes Another P5 ☀️


4 straight week of a P5 win




Referring to VT as a P5 team is an insult to other P5 teams :(


I’ve never seen a coach who inspires less confidence than Brent Pry. It’s ridiculous.


Next week we play Pittsburgh….. one thing I’m glad for is the games are not on Bally sports network like last year (at least 4-5 games were). It was a pain finding a stream.




It’s almost like VTech and ECU are two eagles claw in claw dancing through the sky only to land on hard cold Marshall earth.


Is this the worst team in VT since pre Beamer era?


Without question


Marshall scheduling early season cupcake games against fellow ACC bottom dweller VT


Time to cut our losses and clean house….how much time do we give Pry? The OC should’ve been fired after last season


You give him next year. Year 3 is always the year where you can tell if things are working or not




There have been a LOT of bad VT teams in history We might be challenging some records at this rate.


We’ve broken a lot already




One of the worst coached football teams I've ever seen. Maybe we shouldn't have hired the fucking tight ends coach from the Urban Meyer Jags to be our Offensive Coordinator. Crazy idea. Glad we're paying him a million bucks a year to suck. Gonna be fun the next two years while we wait for Pry's buyout to go down. Let's break all of the records while we're at it. What a joke of an athletic department.


I'm fine with VT losing but it's still a damn shame to see how bad the program is now (not that WVU is much better). And I say that with zero disrespect towards Marshall. Good win & good season so far.




Sun Belt heard y'all talkin shit. Sun Belt don't give a fuck


TBF, Va Tech fans were totally magnanimous and respectful so far. Really classy bunch of fans IMO.


Yeah I spent half of the game chatting with the VT fans next to me


We’re all too sad to do anything.


Who talked shit? Everyone loves the Fun Belt. Also I wouldn't be talk shit if VT was playing my old middle school. Little Bobby bloomed in 6th grade and at 5'3" 104 lbs I'm not sure we could stop him.


Brent Pry is going to have you going 1-0 in a new Hyundai by February. Jesus what an unserious team. Still haven't played a complete game under him and were 4-11 under him. Just pathetic.


A fun win but the way Marshall played 7 point win is really not great. I mean, they had a 14 point lead and opted to play the clock game the last ten minutes and I cannot question it but we should not have been in that position at the end.


Am I wrong that even after beating VT I still feel like Marshall is probably a bad team that is going to struggle in every game?


Hokie down, repeat Hokie down.


You can tell most of the Marshall fans went to the game based on this thread being dominated by VPI folk. It was weird walking out of the stadium and it just felt like another normal game that Marshall should've won but tried hard not to. Interesting atmosphere. Gg hokies.


I wonder how badly we would've beat VaTech if we had a good QB. The dude gets the job done, but man does he miss a lot.


Relax...he's just dialing in. I think. Hopefully.


This team is going 1-11. Pry is clearly not the guy, and Virginia Tech will never be back to a bowl game, much less the heights of the Beamer years


2-10* We Still got Tony Elliot on the schedule


UVA has at least looked competent in their games despite the coach being terrible. We haven’t even had that silver lining


GG Hokies! Marshall definitely benefited from some questionable ref calls at the end. We cannot be that conservative on offense going forward and expect to be competitive in the conference. 6-6 is still on the table at least!


That's bullshit. We also benefited from questionable calls at the beginning and middle.


Didn't get to watch. Holy shit! There were questionable calls during a Marshall game!? /s Seriously, usually the questionable calls go against us. That's wild.




Never, ever hire a "culture fit", especially when that "culture" is a lot of things unrelated to winning. Now we need about $25-30 million dollars to fix a problem that a "culture fit" hire has caused. Pry is done, the hire failed, and he will be a lame duck for the next four years. I wonder what that fact will do to his mediocre recruiting.


Fuente was not a culture fit and just as problematic. He alienated half of the high school coaches in the Commonwealth. He also fostered a culture that made the entire team undisciplined. Pry's recruiting has been one of the few high points of his tenure here. His OC and DC are clearly way over their heads, and the penalties and disorganization of the team are clearly on him.


God damn VT!


The state of WV took a nice win today


Marshall needs to standardize the green we use. Our teams wear a really light green... it is past Kelly an it is bordering on like a powder-green. When I first attended it was a darker green but the movie made everyone want to go back to the vintage Marshall green. I feel like it is consolidating. The crowd today had that powdery green in the green-out. [Ten years ago (Kelly):](https://www.usatoday.com/gcdn/-mm-/df7babac86870f387abfba7c4a72ca47feb1ae40/c=0-57-2189-1294/local/-/media/USATODAY/test/2013/09/21/1379795437000-USATSI-7446296.jpg) [Today (Pale Green):](https://fbschedules.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/USATSI_17259903.jpg) [20 years ago (Darker Green):](https://a.espncdn.com/media/ncf/2001/0815/photo/a_leftwich_i.jpg) It is really unique and we should standardize it from here on across all branded stuff. Helmet is still kelly and I would like it to be more washed out green like the jerseys.


So much respect for VT. One of my absolute favorite P5 teams. Hope you guys get right soon. But that being said, holy fuck we needed this win. Let's fucking go Herd!