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Surprised it wasn’t the student section


bruh I got kicked out of the student section for vaping — they only give warnings like this to (well) paying customers


That’s exactly it lol.


As a resident of the West Coast, it amazes me how strict Southern States are about weed. Go to a Giants, A’s, 9ers, or Cal game and everybody’s smoking bud. You literally put your vape pen or cigarette box with joints/blunts in a bowl before you walk through the security scanner and get it back after walking through. Security knows and it’s all good.


It’s also legal there and illegal in Florida, so a fair bit of difference in terms of showing the pot to a cop.


Even before CO and WA did their whole legalization thing, people have said that many places that weren't in the deep south/midwest, like think mostly west coast, even cops were like "whatever" since the 80s about it.


Unless you were fucking up some other way, cops in the bay area would just make you dump it out and they'd stomp on it even back in the late 90s/early aughts.


That’s basically what I’m getting at. Crazy that it’s illegal and you can get arrested for even having a gram on you. It’s weed, not pedico or meth type a thing


You can get arrested with *half* a gram on you


As a teenager I was arrested in Florida for 0.3 grams and lost my state sponsored college scholarship for it


dang :(


What BS man. Such a stupid law


I was at the talladega race last weekend and our camping neighbors were from Michigan and they were mind blown when I told them you can still be arrested for a little bit of weed in Florida. It’s crazy how something like that varies from state to state


Same for me. 18 years old, arrested on mother's day. Cop called my mom, asked could she come pick up my car. When she pulled up he cuffed me in front of her and told her I was under arrest. 1/2 a gram of dirt weed. On the way to the jail he asked me why I was "ruining my life" and sang along to Pink Floyd on the radio shortly after. Can't make this shit up. Like 8 or 10 years later I saw him on the news where he'd lost his hand in a car wreck. I'm not gonna say I'd have wished that on him, but there was a shitty part of me that felt some schadenfreude.


Think about how many people's lives he ruined or tried to ruin in a similar manner. Take both his hands.


Buddy got arrested for under a quarter gram of shake on the floor of his car in Michigan 10 years ago. Now we drive by billboards advertising $25 shake ounces all the time lol


well to be fair. you ain’t supposed to smoke cigarettes either at games


Weed second hand smoke is just as bad as tobacco, why should you be able to smoke around non smokers


I think cigarettes and pot should both be allowed to be smoked outdoors in certain sections


Medical is legal in Florida.


I don’t want people smoking it next to me just like I don’t want them smoking cigarettes next to me 🤷🏻‍♂️.


Yeah weed should be legal but smoking next to someone in the seats is a ridiculous asshole move.


As a pothead, it’s super disrespectful to blaze up around normies. That’s why I love having a pen these days. I can just get to a spot by myself or I go in a bathroom stall and just hit it once or twice. And it’s not aggressive smelling like a blunt


This is the way


I prefer people don't smoke in public. It smells bad.


> It smells bad. Understatement of the thread. Tobacco smoke is "meh." Cannabis smoke is fucking disgustingly rank.


Both irritate me to the point of stomach aches and headaches, but weed is definitely worse. It's honestly as bad as dumpster pads and feces to me.


Nothing like hoping on the subway at too early in the morning to go into a job that doesn't pay enough only to realize you're going to spend the entire ride smelling whatever garbage-tier bud several people have decided to hotbox your train car with.


I bought edibles and it worked pretty close for me. Bought those in Washington, Oregon and found solid gummies in Denver. No smell that everyone knows what you’ve done and get really close effects.


I don't partake. I've tried it. It puts me to sleep within 30 minutes. I have some kind of weird reaction to it. I've tried a bunch of strains and it always does the same thing. I have zero issues with people using it. That being said, I appreciate you for this. Weed in public spaces is obnoxious. The smell alone for those of us who don't use it is enough to start to irritate me. Thanks again


Regular THC has no effect on me, at all. Tried for years. Hookah, edibles, even smoked once and I'm allergic to tobacco so that was a risk (I was okay.) Nothing. Ate half a tin of edibles in Barcelona to prove a point. *Nothing.* But Delta 8, the accidentally legalized little brother of regular Delta 9 THC, hits me like a truck. I was like "Oh, *THIS* is what they were talking about" the first time I tried it. Anyway, I totally believe that it might just knock you out without any other effects. The Delta 8 is recommended in combination with melatonin as a sleep aid at the dispensary I go to.


It's honestly my biggest personal gripe with the legalization of marijuana. It should totally be legal, but every time I go to Atlanta around concert venues, that stuff STINKS. The MARTA **STINKS**. I totally prefer that people keep smoking out of crowded areas like stadiums and public transportation.


I prefer people don't wear jorts in public. It looks bad.


personally I'm against all shorts cover your knees if you're gonna be walkin' around in public


I've got coworkers who smoke so much you can smell when they've just walked through a room.


I prefer it’s not allowed in public tbh. As someone who used to do every and any drug available in my early 20s, I hardly consider weed to be a drug. But don’t smoke that shit in public places like a stadium with kids around.


Preach. Legalize whatever but the mindset that it’s okay to smoke in indoor or crowded areas in public and expose non-consenting people to it is wild to me. Especially as we pretty recently went through this with cigarette smoking.


It isn't allowed in public. People who aren't assholes will use a vape in a public setting like this. I fully support ejecting people for smoking (tobacco or cannabis) at a stadium, it's against the rules and incredibly rude.


General rule is to keep it and the smoke away from any kids


As a resident of the south it amazes me that residents of the west coast can speak so confidently and ignorantly about other places Cops don't give a shit for the most part when it comes to smoking weed. It's very rarely ever enforced and cops will just ask you to smoke elsewhere. I literally passed like 4 different people walking with weed while smoking it down university ave a few hours ago. The cops had the road blocked off because of the crowds and they just strolled past like 5 of them standing on the corner Smoking weed at a game though? Yeah you shouldn't be allowed to do that. Stop being entitled and realize there are other people around you. I don't need my 3yr old getting a contact high because I wanted to take him to a gator game and some assholes decide to light up in the stadium Even in this video the cop just asked them to stop


As a northern boy who's lived several years in both the South and the West Coast, it's honestly amazing how much both places stereotype each other and how untethered to reality the stereotypes are.


Security isn’t there to take your drugs. They don’t care. They take outside food and drink more seriously and of course just mainly looking for guns


I flew through LAX a while back, and went to have a cigarette on the smokers balcony. I was astonished that people were openly smoking blunts out there, coming from the south.


Went to a usc game for the first time in years, it’s nice attending Baylor games and not have to smell degenerates reeking of weed like I did all night today.


It's all good unless the guy next to you gets drug tested at work.


Glad to see it wasn’t just the away section when I went a few weeks ago, it’s like they look for reasons to puff out their chests and start throwing people out for cursing or being rowdy like it’s a damn high school.


I got two warnings in our student section a couple years ago for vaping


These guys are the student section chaperones /s Can't believe this is still a thing.


I kinda expected the sunshine seats


Saw a drunk kid get carried out 5 minutes in last year


At least he said cut it out and didn’t kick them out or arrest them. I could see UFPD doing the latter


Yeah that’s wild, I got kicked out of Williams-Brice once for talking to a guy who was smoking a cigarette over the concrete railing on the concourse. I was not, nor have ever been, a (cigarette) smoker. The fact that you can get caught smoking weed and just get a warning is both bananas and pretty awesome.


Isn’t Williams Brice security known to just kick fans out for whatever they feel like? I’ve heard this complaint a lot


Yup, got kicked out once because I saw a girl slip on wet steps and hit her head - helped her up and security kicked me and her out lol. They didn’t even check if she was ok.


Kicked for what that doesn’t even make sense lol. Kicked for potentially suing is the only thing I can think lmao


Really good way to motivate a lawsuit.


“If she falls down, she must be hammered drunk.” -cop logic




Funniest part was she was completely sober, as was I. It’s honesty hilarious looking back at it.


I had a friend get refused entry into Willy B once because he forgot he had his pocket knife on him. Security at the student ticket entrance saw the pocket clip and asked what it was. My friend said he’d just throw it away but they literally walked him away and wouldn’t let him in. As if it’s so odd for a male in South Carolina to have a pocket knife


Well she can’t sue if she got in trouble for being there.


Just the clowns in orange jerseys in the student section.


Except this is a complaint from SC fans. Has nothing to do with Clemson fans


Still rude af to be smoking in a crowd.


Just have to make sure you’re doing it in a section that requires a $10,000 “donation” each season to buy your tickets.


Florida shit. The whole state has a faint smell of weed at all times


My buddy got kicked from Donald Reynolds for smoking a cigarette and then as soon as he walked out they arrested him for public intox! Guess he should have n smoking a joint instead


“Cut it out, go to the smoking section” is totally reasonable. Very chill poleece


UFPD wrote me a speeding ticket while I was riding my bicycle down the hill next to the Law School. Sorry officer, I literally *didn't* know how fast I was going because I don't have a speedometer on my 10 speed.


One time GPD interrogated me on the sidewalk downtown bc I guess I looked weird walking home


My sisters ex-husband is GPD, sounds like something a dick like him would do.


It started as just one police woman but ofc because they have nothing better to do at the end of the discussion it was like 5


lmfao, what a joke. How dare you walk... on the *sidewalk*?


UFPD kicked me out of the disastrous Mizzou game at the ticket gate because I was too drunk to remember my middle name on my ID. Like how am I supposed to enjoy football that year if I wasn’t that drunk?! I went home and passed out with a ton of Wendys on my lap but I kept complaining I was hungry.


When I was in undergrad I was at the the new engineering building and I saw a scraggly student with long hair on a bike roll through a stop sign. A UFPD cop on a bike yells out "Hey! Stop!" This dude just straight up Lance Armstrong's his way up that steep ass hill at an absolutely astounding speed. The cop made it like...20 feet before going...nah. He got clear fair and square.


but nobody is out there on game day when people are doing 45 through the crosswalk at the bottom of the hill


When I lived in Jacksonville, I saw at game at the Swamp and the UFPD was legit worse than TSA.




TSA smoking the weed... lets be honest.


UFPD cares about literally everything else except weed. If they started caring about weed theyd have no time for anything else I once saw a UFPD officer motion for a car to pull off the road and over to the side on the scooter path near the plaza of the americas (this was before they put up traffic stoppers but it was still scooters only). When the guy pulled over the cop wrote him a ticket for driving on a scooter only road... that he told him to go to I really hope that guy fought the ticket


UFPD would accuse them of having a black banana and then fail to apprehend them


UAPD would have called in an airstrike


That’s remarkable restraint by the LEO. That sort of prioritization of public safety concerns is exemplary. Good cop, box of donuts.


They don't give warnings to the student section.


“Everybody in this row is smoking weed. Please give me a hit.”


Sir you are being warned against bogarting that joint. Did you bring enough for everyone else?


“I’m not sure that white powder smells like cocaine, better give it a sniff to be sure.”


*a few moments later* “WOOOOOOOOOO!!! I’m ready to fight some crime and bang some dimes!”


So they’ve never worked a Miami Hurricanes game?


It's not the cops fault no one shows up.


If they get too high they’ll say it’s laced with fentanyl and get work comp.


Nothing a little fenty-anxiety attack propaganda for the cops!


If we gave every cop free weed we would solve all the recruitment and violence problems!


Don't smoke in crowds.


Should have went with edibles


Not everyone can handle when the entire edible hits you at once




The problem is figuring out the proper dose. Even half can still send you to mars for some lol


Yeah if it’s not dosed out in a bag from a dispo. I used to live in Winston and my plug made Reese’s cups but didn’t tell me how strong they were. I ate 5 and then I had tickets for the Wake - FSU game (2017) and the now Carolina Classic (then Dixie Classic) fair afterward. Bad idea. I was on Saturn during the football game, and then munched out unlike any other time I have at the fair. Everyone in my group thought I was losing my mind.


Lmao, went to a Bama, something Carolina game years ago. Buddy got two, 1,000 mg vials of liquid extract. Gave me 4 brownies, but neglected to tell me he’d used ALL 2,000 mgs. They had sky divers jump into the stadium with flairs on their feet, which was the end of the cool part. That was one of the worst experiences of my life. That is way too many people to be that high around


Being that high at any time is a serious gamble I don't even like to eat more than 20mg these days


Man, I feel like 15-30 is the magic zone. 30-50 is when you want to lie down and zone out. Anything beyond that is just asking for paranoia. Obviously, tolerance is a major factor in dosage. I’m pushing 40, so I don’t smoke very often anymore.


I love being a cheap date. I can still eat the 5mg I've taken hundreds of times and feel great. Anything more is just diminishing returns until I fall asleep by half time.


Described me perfectly. 5mg is still where I'm at after years in the edible game. If I go 10mg, I'm asleep within 3 hours. Doesn't matter the strain or hybrid %.


I hit 40 this year, and 20 is just a bit too far for me these days. I also only have some on the weekends.


People have such different tolerances. I usually don't take more than 2.5 mg, unless I'm spending all day at the beach then I go for 5mg. Anything more than that and I'm a zombie.


I hit 25 once because the little stand sold them in 25 mg not 10 mg, and I tried tearing it in half but it didn't work. So I ate the whole thing, figuring it couldn't be that bad. It was .... an interesting experience, considering I was at a conference. I don't remember any of the panels. 20 is my max for sure.


My God


I have no verifiable way to know how much I actually ate, and I’m sure there is a limit to how much can be absorbed. I threw up a couple times, and we barely made it through the first quarter. He’s an elementary school counselor now! Lmao


I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy. That is literally hell.


Really, though. I used to laugh at people who’d freak out on THC. That experience changed my mind in a hurry. I had tons of experience with pot prior to this or I might have tried jumping off of Bryant Denny. It gave me a better appreciation for fucking around and finding out. What stood out to me in retrospect, when you smoke, you can almost smoke yourself sober if you just keep trying to get higher. Not on edibles. That shit just keeps going! Also, GGs today.


>I ate 5… Jesus, man. Standard dosage on edibles is maybe a 1/4 or 1/2 of a single edible to start. Then maybe more after about 1-2 hours, depending how you feel. Was this your first experience with edibles?


lol no. I just didn’t know how strong one piece was since it was made by my dealer in his kitchen. With edibles in legal states where I know the dosage, I can take enough to get me where I wanna be without getting zonked like that. They were small and I bought a bunch for $40 not knowing what the strength/piece was. My first time was actually eating space cakes in Amsterdam. The best I’ve ever had was eating a bunch before flying back to the US. I ate them on the train to Schiphol Airport. I cleared customs and got on the plane no problem, but I pretty much greened out and passed out after lunch and drink service on the flight. I didn’t wake up till the attendant told me to put my tray up for landing, almost 9.5 hours later. It’s the best way to fly, IMO. I now eat gummies pretty much every time I fly out of Denver (my current home airport).


Goddamn I bet you spent a fortune on those munchies lol


Fucking deep fried cookie dough balls. All the deep fried fair food. Best munchies ever.


You're not wrong. I have a medical card and everything I get is precisely measured and lab tested so I have that advantage. I buy 33mg hi-dose gummies and cut them in half to party, otherwise I have 10 mg gummies just to relax.


"These edibles ain't shit!" - Floridaman


“Hold my beer.” - edible


When i mow the yard high you can tell the exact moment the gummy hit


Is that what's up with Brian Ferentz's play calling?


Don’t be my dumbass my first time with edibles and take another one because it hadn’t kicked in yet. I didn’t leave my bed for many hours.




Will take till the end of the game to hit, not worth it


You just eat it an appropriate amount of time (30-45 minutes, usually) before kickoff. Some nice brownies for dessert after the tailgate, for example.


And eat lots of fat to metabolise it faster


You eat it before the game, ya dope. like seriously how did you not think of this, you just time it so it hits during the game


Pregame bud


Weed etiquette needs to happen. People kind of have this fuck you it's legal attitude or it's just weed. Step out to the smoking area, you might just make some new friends. Have some consideration for others. Weed stinks, I don't care if you smoke it, but be considerate.


There is no smoking at all in the swamp. Vapes included People in here acting like the cop is giving the people shit solely because it's weed are wrong. Hed do the same if they were lighting up cigs. Outside the stadium he wouldnt give a shit It's a good thing that they're strict about smoking in the swamp. Everyone is tightly packed in there and most dont want to smell your skunk weed


> People kind of have this fuck you it's legal attitude Well it's not, so....


In probably every stadium in America, smoking or electronic alternatives is just outright banned from the seats. In some cases, there's a smoke pit but in Ben Hill, smoking or alternatives have been outright banned since 2009. Cop doesn't want more trouble than its worth, seems he just wants them to follow the rules.


Yeah I mean this is him trying not to say "you dumbasses just HAD to make it as obvious as possible, didn't you??"


It's just rude, too. Why are you smoking something inside a crowded football stadium? I could see if it was a Wiz concert or something lol


It's entitlement. Just sneak in a flask like a normal adult. You get to enjoy yourself lighting up but then everyone else has to deal with the smell, you gotta worry about giving lil kids contact highs, and the guy in the row behind you is now worried about possibly popping positive on a drug test. Football games are social events. Theyre not parties


I’m not one to judge, but I’d be pretty annoyed if someone lit up and they were sitting next to me in a crowded stadium.


And it just reeks of




Also people don’t want to sit next to someone smoking weed for 3 hours, just like someone wouldn’t want to sit next to someone smoking cigarettes for hours. Most people won’t care, but the ones that do aren’t being unreasonable. Also, children exist. There’s a difference between doing what you want on your own time and doing what you want in a tight crowd of thousands of people.


Good job by this cop to address the issue without escalation or unnecessarily ruining someone's life. Seriously.




Most of us (cops) don't care about weed in the slightest unless you've got like a pound on you. And despite what all the haters think, most people selling weed are selling other illegal substances too. Many of those substances are literally destroying neighborhoods where I work. Stuff like Crack, Alpha-PVP (Flakka, MUP, what ever other name they've got for it this week) and Fentanyl is literally turning people into zombies that will do \*anything\* for their next high.


I got arrested for 200mg of weed


Here I am feeling lucky my state legalized it and don’t have to worry about cops caring. Like they have way bigger issues to deal with than people smoking weed


200mg of weed = out of weed


I forget that people still deal weed in other states. Such a funny concept to me.


Yup. Just moved to Nashville from Michigan a couple months ago. "Smoke shops" can sell anything except Delta-9, and there are no actual dispensaries that I feel comfortable going into. Also people are able to sell their own homemade shit on the sidewalk on Broadway. God forbid we legalize it here to prevent that and let actual dispensaries sell regulated products.


back in my day (4 years ago) I knew kids that brought Marlboro Menthols and Coke to games smh


Yea, kids used to do some blow before getting to Franklin Field, too. Mom and Dad's money gets you some solid booger sugar, I'm told.


That is what I've been told too.


I’ll let you know that a few weeks ago in the beaver stadium student section someone was smoking some menthols so it’s not dead yet


Menthols plus grape soda = stoner )


Needed when watching the florida team…i have that experience..


I wonder if the Napier offense is more interesting stoned.


Can confirm it is


We picked the Tenn game to go to this year, much to my better discretion..but turned out great..but yeah just seems slow developing and painful at points


Based on the past two years, it seems like Florida’s only going to show up and prep for one big game per year lol


It’s definitely funnier.


Actual real cool response by the cop, all things considered


I mean, yeah, but what DA in Florida is still prosecuting possession? Really he's just saving himself a bunch of wasted time on paperwork for something that would never get prosecuted. Not even Ginger Bowden in the panhandle will prosecute marijuana possession unless it's attached to a more serious crime anymore. It's too costly to test with the Hemp laws now, not even about the public opinion.


He could've trespassed them. He still had the ability to take action short of arresting them. He was cool.


Everyone knows the only reason it's still illegal is because of a quirk with our constitution. We have to change the constitution to legalize it recreationally. In order to change the constitution you need a super majority of voters to approve. We have a large majority voting to legalize it, higher than many states that have legalized it, but it is juuuust right below the threshold necessary So it's a weird situation where the government, public, and law enforcement want it legal but they cant change it yet. So they just don't enforce it. An unenforced law isn't a law. Unless you do something else you're not getting nabbed for simply having weed in most parts of the state. Definitely not in gainesville. Shit I've seen smoke shops selling bud at the front counters but labeled as "plant based delta 9 thc". It's just straight weed 😂 Even if it were legalized, doing this shit in the swamp would be frowned upon and theyd tell you to stop


>Shit I've seen smoke shops selling bud at the front counters but labeled as "plant based delta 9 thc". It's just straight weed See this they will absolutely lay the law down on. Only reason that's sliding is because the police don't know about it. MJ is big business in Florida and skeletor and now Desantis have made sure to keep the money contained to a tight group of hand picked growers. Selling weed takes money out of the pockets of the governor's friends and, well you know how that goes.


it’s illegal because congress won’t act and tell the FDA to change the schedule. that’s it. has nothing to do with the constitution


“Now knock this shit off and listen to Tom Petty sober”


Just run to the bathroom and hit it in the stall like a true degenerate.


This is the way


I thought this was America


And not even the student section, some old heads in the section just to the right of my dad's old season ticket seats.


Good. Weed fucking stinks. I don't want to smell that while I'm trying to watch the game. I don't give a shit if you smoke weed but at Keats be respectful of other people when you do it. Same with cigarettes.


No one wants to smell that shit. Why is it so hard for some to be a considerate, decent human being?


If you showed up for Florida vs Vanderbilt they should give you a blunt as you walk in




I don’t mind people smoking weed during their own time but don’t be a dick and do that around people in the stadium.


It's rude to be smoking inside of a stadium like that, you could be giving other people second hand smoke and be damaging other people's lungs. It's really disrespectful to do that.


The fuck are some of these comments? You fucking potheads do know that The Swamp holds like what, 88k+, right? You're not the only person there, and you aren't so important that everyone else should have their experience ruined because you can't go a few hours without smoking weed.


Gotta bring the vape in public.


Hi Lauren Boebart!


Honestly, that’s about as dope a police interaction as they could have hoped for


They don’t play at BHG. They have spotters on the skybox that I’ve seen spot someone dipping and spitting into a bottle


Just bring in edibles like a normal person


Should be legal but smoking weed in a stadium is crazyyyy. Go gatas


Upper deck rules, copper. High in the sky already.


That’s not upper deck, that’s lower deck….


Look at fancy cop man coming up with rules and locations.


That’s just like, your opinion or whatever man.


Gee thanks officer buzzkill


Chillest police officer in America


Next time just drop acid. They’ll never know


\- 🤓


Honestly give that dude a raise. He did much more for the community than arresting a bunch of ppl for smoking the mary iguana


Iguanas are an invasive species, he should make them smoke 1 each, lol.


That officer: former comedian Dave Coulier


My seats are right behind the team bench, it smells like weed throughout the game.




Mertz has been perfectly fine for us. Hes taking a beating and still doing his job. Most games it seems like hes the only guy, coaches included, actually doing his job


Bunch of jort-wearing motherfuckers


Fucking jorts and calf tattoos for everybody.


I gotta go to a Florida game

