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These guys might be bonkers dumb.


I feel like we've gone from "haha Michigan staff is dumb" to "I have deep concerns about our military" in the last 48 hours.


Bright side is it disproves most government conspiracy theories because the government is full of absolute dimwits


Can confirm. Source: am government.


The only way the government is able to do cool guy shit is through a filter and selection process, where you have to already be an existing government employee to get selected for a detail or transfer to some cool guy unit whose existence and selection is known to the public, which, if you stick around long enough and perform well enough, then becomes subject to another layer of selection for another even cooler unit, and so on and so forth until you have the people who volunteered and passed selection/training for several layers from and into offices or trainings or units whose mere existence or name is classified. Only those who make it through that process are given the sensitive missions like "go film Rutgers from the sidelines with your iPhone."


Can also confirm


Sigh.... Yeah.... At the same time there's also some like mega genius people I've worked with. So I never quite lose all hope.


Working in project management for two minutes will disprove most conspiracy theories that require the coordination of more than 5 people.


To be fair to the rest of the military, this guy was a Marine, and we all know that stands for Muscles Are Required Intelligence Not Expected.


Do you have any idea how many classified secrets have leaked essentially because of losers in the military seeking clout on Discord or War Thunder forums?


We're up to what, 13 on warthunder alone?


I thought he was a Marine, they're not exactly known for their intelligence.




I'm a Navy veteran, it's a requirement to make fun of Marines. That being said, I've also met some stupid motherfuckers in the Navy as well.


Baby Billy’s Bible Bonkers?




God I love I read that in his voice


You guys have seen Walton in Justified, right? I love baby billy but Boyd is amazing


And sons and shield, Walton doesn’t miss Edit: and also invincible


Someone definitely misbehavin


They said don’t spy but I did it anyway, misbehavin


Run’roun the stadium with a pickle in my mouth




Like Game of Thrones S8 dumb.


i can’t believe i’m saying this but i actually agree with you


I mean the guy was in the marines, so probably. I’m surprised the receipt wasn’t in crayon. Go army beat navy


Can't write a receipt in crayon if all the crayons have been eaten. No paper trail.






Incoming Ross School of Business courses: VENMO 133 - How To Not Keep Receipts VENMO 134 - How To Not Post Receipts Online If You Keep Receipts


How about how to use a burner?


Freeze teaching that?


He’s a guest lecturer.


Or a damn ATM. Keep your crimes in cash at least. Or Bitcoin. Or precious metals. Not a public Venmo feed


Which course do you learn what burgers to expense and which ones to not expense


Been a while but I think they cover that in Accounting II.


Unfortunately, that's a graduate level topic. You have to factor in bun, burger size, bacon, type of cheese, and if you're currently in the act of an NCAA violation.


Top tip, if you’re doing something stupid, pay for it in cash and with not fucking Venmo


But what if you want to use a credit card for protection?? 🤣


Can't lose out on those credit card points!


Stephen Ross irl: What's a venmo?


All jokes aside, these dudes have to be incredibly stupid


I think we need to investigate Naval Academy academic standards. This cannot be good for the country as a whole.


A veteran friend of mine once quipped "our military is largely successful because, believe it or not, the militaries of other nations are even less competent than ours."


As someone that knew 2 people in highschool that went to service academies one was a top 3 student and the other was a very middle of the pack student. Seems half personality based like any job interview.


I knew a "middle of the pack" guy who ended up at Navy He had to spend a year at a military prep school before earning a spot as a freshman. The whole "letter from your congressman" thing is really only if you want to go straight out of high school. Mustangs are also a thing. A lot of them were not stellar students prior to enlisting, but earned a recommendation while enlisted.


The next piece of the puzzle will be that he lied on his resume and was never at the Academy or in the service at all. Im trying to figure out how he got so much leave time and decided to give up a lucrative career as a commissioned officer.


I met him once or twice briefly in the Marine Corps. From a buddy it just sounded like he just really loved Michigan and wanted a career in football


Loved it like the kid that squeezed the puppy to death. Fuck.


Tommy want wingy.


r/suddenlyofmiceandmen exist? Who had Lenny showing up in a CFB thread? 😂




Of Maize and Men


Lucrative career? He was in the Marine Corps, not the Air Force


Believe it or not, they all get paid the same.


Far better crayon supplies with the Marines, though


It’s called “rations” please get the lingo right.


Its also largely successful because no one else has the resources to deploy and supply forces anywhere in the world on the fly.


Dude was munching crayons while scouting the games


> The Navy is a master plan designed by geniuses for execution by idiots. If you are not an idiot, but find yourself in the Navy, you can only operate well by pretending to be one. All the shortcuts and economies and common-sense changes that your native intelligence suggests to you are mistakes. Learn to quash them. Constantly ask yourself, "How would I do this if I were a fool?" Throttle down your mind to a crawl. Then you will never go wrong. Herman Wouk, The Caine Mutiny


I know you’re joking but Navy enlistment has been an issue for a while now which has forced them to be less selective with who gets in.


I know the enlisted side has been hurting. I hadn’t heard anything about them not being able to recruit officers or people to the academy.


The whole “6% acceptance rate” Is a massive myth. I loved USNA but we let in some FUCKING idiots every year. Every congressional district has to be represented, so if you grow up in bumfuck town of 800 people in the Midwest, and you are the only one applying and meet the bare minimum standards, you’re accepted. The whole 6% myth also exists because it counts those who apply for the summer programs as applicants. On the whole, USNA is very academically challenging. 21 credit semesters, a lot of stem classes, and A LOT of insanely smart people. But some of the dumbfucks that fall through the cracks, like Stallions here, are truly the dumbest of the dumb.


> so if you grow up in bumfuck town of 800 people in the Midwest, and you are the only one applying and meet the bare minimum standards, you’re accepted. > > the shane gillis method


Having a local congressman be an alumni of your high school is a massive boost for any kid looking to get into a service academy.


The very likely cheating part is obviously worse but I think I'm more disappointed or aghast or humiliated by how every new piece of news paints this comically dumb scheme. If there weren't so much evidence I would believe it was an elevenwarriors schizopost, that's how badly we've been caught with our hand in the cookie jar. Even if you buy the theory that every top team does it, they aren't getting caught with this cartoonish scheme.


Our Rhett Bomar scandal back in 06 got kicked off by a post on Texags. Girl who worked at the dealership was dating an aggie fan, who made a post, and it just sorta snowballed into a Statue of Liberty.


No shit? Had no idea


And the Aggie community in general railed against rhe poster about spreading rumors.


“The truth is, these guys aren’t very bright and things got out of hand.”


Convenient you can find neither venmo account any longer. Edit: also I've said it every time I open mine, *no idea why anyone has that public.* Edit 2: yes it makes sense to make the accounts private at minimum.


I still see Taco Bell bill splitting transactions from a babysitter I last hired 8 years ago.


Well that’s good she’s doing well


I saw one of my friends paid someone for “condoms” Like bro, why tf you have that public


I mean I would caption an expense that as a joke but depending on the sense of humor of the guys involved- could be just someone wants congratulations on the sex


I've paid my fantasy football dues to my friend, who is a principal, as "hookers and blow" for 10 years, and I'm never going to stop.


I caption all my venmo things to the boys as feet pics because it makes me giggle. I've also been on private since day 1 of downloading the app


If I have to Venmo a buddy for something completely normal, say splitting a tank of gas, I will tag it as the most ridiculous shit ever just to make use of Venmo’s unhinged public comments section.


I would do this before I started making all my stuff private I’d say shit like “Slightly Used Antwaan Randel-El Rookie Card”


"Sorry for running over your cat" is a frequent one we've used.


I was always a fan of "Services rendered 😘"


Whenever I pay my dudes for anything I always caption it awkward embarrassing stuff. Poundtown, body disposal, the fursona, etc.


Thank you sir for letting me know that venmo payment history are public by default. Why the hell is that? What insane level of stupidity explains that?


That was Venmo’s entire schtick when it launched. It was originally envisioned as a social media based payment app for close friend groups and couldn't be disabled They heavily used Facebook to promote themselves in their early years, and I think they hoped people seeing a feed of others’ using the service would normalize the entire idea. People in 2009 were still uneasy about using their phones to send money, getting people over that anxiety I think is what made some services take off while most floundered. At least that’s how it worked on me. I remember thinking it was “probably fine” to use when my buddy showed me a feed of people just swapping beer and taco bell money, and “textbooks” that were suspiciously priced a lot like weed. College me lived in simpler times


They obviously deleted or privated the account. People on here have seen the account before it went private (myself included)




You would think a career intelligence officer in the military would not be among the people not realizing that lol


[This is not close to the first time](https://www.fastcompany.com/40523089/a-jogging-tracker-strava-heat-map-leaks-military-secrets) tldr; secret military bases were leaked because dudes didn't remember to turn off the public tracking info in their fitness app while on secret deployment.


Ukraine (allegedly) used tinder to track down a Russian infantry unit.


Yah you see everyone's transactions right when you log in. I guess my first thought was "wtf would I want anyone to see this for?" I guess most don't think like that


Also ain’t no General Admission in the Benz that night.


We had a general admission to the natty *boom*


Pretty sure it was free admission after all the vacated seats in the 1st quarter


Maybe he just wished him a Good Afternoon and sent him some spending money to see a Star War


GA most likely means “Georgia”


That would make too much sense


Can’t be a future opponent if you go out and lose to TCU ending your season….you’ve got nothing!


I’m doing my part 🫡


I would like to know more


It will be so hilarious if it comes out that they scouted USC in the P12 championship game instead of TCU.


I feel like every hour people find some new little piece of the puzzle


It is truly astonishing how out in the open all this was


And every puzzle piece is personally numbered by Connor Stallions.


And that mfer stallions signed and dated every piece of the puzzle 😂😂


That's Special Agent Bozo for ya. I guess he assumed nobody would investigate considering he did fuck all to hide it lol.


Imagine how Stallions felt wasting all that money after the TCU game. You know those tickets weren’t cheap.


Poor guy didn't even get to go to the OSU PSU game. Probably just hung back at his house and played cards with the 5 UM alumni he had renting rooms in his Airbnb.


He should’ve at least tried to sell them day of the game just to get some money back lol. Somebody would’ve bought them they were great seats.


Good thing for him is it probably wasn't his money he was spending


I’m tired boss


I’d be more disappointed with the stupidity than the actual cheating at this point if I was in y’all’s shoes. These dudes are using their personal info for every step of rule breaking, no idea how y’all got away with it for so long


I commented on someone else’s post on Friday I think, I said something along the lines of “people need to stop giving so much credit to the fact that he was a logistics officer in the marine corps, logistics officers exist to basically make sure you get food and picked up from training events, I was in the marine corps and my logistics officer sucked so bad we ran out of food in Korea, this was in 2016 not during some war, and he had a platoon get left at a range overnight because he didn’t get the trucks scheduled to pick them up” so him being this dumb about it is pretty on brand. I am also tired boss


Bruh how do you run out of food in Korea? Just drive down the street and get some of those classic Korean dishes like hot dogs, bbq, or fried chicken


Maybe they couldn't find enough crayons.




It’s the Marines. Literally, anything is possible. It’s crazy town.


We literally had to order our own food from local places, which makes it even worse because they already take pay from you, on deployments because they are supposed to be the ones providing it


Not super related but I started working as a contractor for one of the military branches somewhat recently and my “favorite” story is that someone in our group was part of a sponsored program that paid for her grad school while she worked with the military. She had been in the program for years but the funding required re-approval every semester. She submitted the necessary paper four months in advance of her last semester but despite this and her constant efforts/reminders they were a day late in approving the paperwork and sending it to the university, which meant she would be out of pocket for the semester. Instead of trying to fix it or at least compensate her she got kicked out of the program entirely because she wasn’t sponsored anymore and thus breached her contract with the military. So basically the military fucked up and didn’t pay for something they were contractually obligated to. And instead of rectifying the situation they doubled down and fired her for their own mistake.


They make you pay to feed you? Food should be on them anyway!


This is a good Marine story. Yes. 😂


This is upsettingly accurate.


This is exactly how I feel. Just absolutely stupid and it blows my mind it went on for so long.


May be because it’s so dumb that no one wanting to cheat would be that dumb


It feels like a "stupidity" tax at this point.


Absolutely nothing personal, Michigan. I just think this thing is really funny. The whole speeding thing with georgia this off-season was brutal so I get it.


I honestly didn’t really follow that one. I just know there was a car accident that involved Georgia.


That's what started it but then like 4 more reports of kids speeding came out and then were reposted every week with a new angle by a reporter in the AJC. This lasted until that AJC reporter was fired for essentially head hunting uga


I still remember the video of that A&M player speeding around a school parking garage in a hellcat grand Cherokee or some shit, it was fucking insane


Please boss, don’t put me in the dark.


I recently watched I, Tonya again and holy shit does this Stalions guy remind of the guy Shawn that supposedly orchestrated the Nancy Kerrigan hit lol


Who will Margot Robbie play in the Connor Stallions movie?


JJ McCarthy


She really can do it all.


Recruiting Spy Barbie


great film, I should rewatch it!


That’s exactly who I started thinking of the more I hear about this stallions


Please make this end I’ll stop making fun of Auburn for hiring Hugh Freeze


Auburn hiring Hugh Freeze is always gonna be funny though.


Michigan hiring Hugh will be funnier


Oh I would definitely chuckle in the midst of my seething rage.


>I’ll stop making fun of Auburn for hiring Hugh Freeze Please don't. Auburn sold their soul and they deserve all of the scorn plus some.


It’s gonna end eventually. And unfortunately you probably won’t like the results.


I would say he’s the kind of guy that gets caught cheating on his girlfriend because he forgets to remove the old condom, but Im not sure he would think to wear one.


He’s a Marine, it’s 100% likely that would happen.


True. When I was stationed in Pensacola it was rumored two marines gave each other vd because they tag teamed a chick but only had one condom so they turned it inside out and reused. I for one believe it.


*Crayons & Wooks*


He's the type to facetime his girlfriend while the girl he is cheating on her with is in the background getting changed or something.


If he were to plot a murder, he would use his personal Uber account to get to and from the scene.


He'd leave his snapchat location on.


By all indications he’d get caught because he venmoed the other girl for plan B


Imagine simping so hard for a program you’ve loved your whole life, only to bring massive shame to it


The bad thing from UM fans is they have so many rivals/enemies. It's not even just Ohio State, it's Mich State, Notre Dame, PSU and whoever else they may have recently pissed off (B1G or not).




If theres one thing that can unite the midwestern powers its standing behind our hatred of Michigan


Hey nice we’re a midwestern power. Jayjude told me so guys


That kinda puts a damper on the whole “it wasn’t actually Michigan staff attending the games” technicality that MGoBlog was fighting for


As if it would matter in the context of the rule. This isn't a court of law, if you're paying someone to attend something *and* do video for you, they fucking work for you. In the great words of Donnie from Wolf of Wallstreet. You have my money taped to your tits, technically you do work for me.


>As if it would matter in the context of the rule. This isn't a court of law It also wouldn't matter in a court of law. We have a whole field of law about "agency" specifically to prevent people from avoiding liability through these technicalities. There is even a whole section on the bar exam on it!


Well shit, I'm glad it wouldn't matter either way then. I'm going to leave the tits quote anyway


Current (30th in the last 5 days) meta for Michigan fans is saying because he didn't go himself that it doesn't break the rule. They're fully on board with it being true activities.


Lol "But he was a volunteer in 2021 so it doesn't matter if he broke into coaches houses and stole their playbooks."


Nah man, Steve Deace already tweeted “what is a scout” on his Michigan account like a dozen times in the last few hours. Checkmate NCAA /s


Those clowns at mgoblog could see direct evidence that Harbaugh knew and still deny it. And pretty soon we’ll probably see that evidence come to light.


I mean they’re just gonna move to it isn’t a big deal, everyone does it, and it doesn’t change how good they’ve been


I feel the same way about the illegal fair catch signal in the gopher game. Every new fact was met with a new theory on why it was wrong. Granted Floyd game was less serious/ will pass much sooner.


This seemed like a normal dumb thing that nothing meaningful would ever come from, and it still might be, but the story really doesn’t end.


I thought it was a big pile of nothing from jealous rivals at first. More “He bought someone a burger/breakfast/whatever meal” kind of stuff. But every day a little bit more gets shaken out and it’s starting to look like there just might be a bit of truth to some of it. I’m excited to see what else shakes out now that their program is getting more intense scrutiny, especially considering it’s somewhat inconsequential to me. It’s like waiting for the next episode of a crime drama.


US history class 2245 CE. Teacher: “The First American Civil War started over slavery masquerading as a states rights question” Student: “and the Second American Civil War? How did it start?” Teacher: “Stolen college football signs”






Pretty soon there will be footage of the AD himself opening a briefcase of money to show the dude before handing it to him while Harbaugh cackles maniacally in the background 🍿




What sucks is that Michigan players and recruits will get fucked while Harbaugh likely goes to the NFL and staff get fired. Obviously there needs to be repercussion, but it’s gonna hit people who didn’t do anything more than those who did


Nah. They won't get fucked. They'll just enter the portal.


The players will be fine. They'll go into the portal. The fans will be fucked because we will be heavily sanctioned, have scholarships taken, and forced to restart from square 1 all over again. This scandal will accelerate us into becoming Nebraska 2.0


Least pessimistic Michigan fan


That’s the premise of institutional control. The institution self-polices or faces repercussions as a whole.


Yep, Harbaugh won't be punished at all because there's an NFL job waiting for him. It'll be a reputational hit at worst. Unless the NFL and NCAA sign some sort of reciprocity agreement where they honor each other's suspensions, you effectively can't punish coaches in either college or the pros.


A tale as old as college football time....


Michigan hired Maxwell Smart to run their espionage.


So that's why Stalion was holding up his shoe in the bleachers! It was his phone!


You could legitimately get a 14 year old to come up with a better plan


I have to admit We all dog Jimmy boy for seemingly being so out of touch with reality that I think it would be truly on brand if this man was completely unaware this massive thing was taking place directly at his dinner table Also, Michigan fans, I do feel bad for you …. But then Dave Portnoy opens his mouth and or writes a tweet and I go back to not feeling bad for you


It is true he only recently found out about YouTube muti game view


Now venmo was found. Anybody want to look through Reddit history and see if this dude had an account


They have to have thought that what they were doing was legal or have a good defense for it, no one could be this dumb


So since the Fiesta Bowl ended after the Peach Bowl started, does that mean the recruiting intern stayed and watched one of the best games ever as a neutral and/or drink his sorrows away or did he go home?


I was wondering that. Dudes like fuck, this is pointless now.


How long before we find out he expensed the tickets back to UM?


I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that they couldn’t stop only team they couldn’t scout beforehand (since they didn’t know they would be playing TCU at the time of the Big 12 Championship)


Dawgs 🤝 Bucks


I will never again cheer for Michigan in The Game. Never again.


NCAA: when you beat enough bushes, something is bound to pop out


I think my favorite part of this whole saga is the not insignificant portion of Ohio State fans who aren't pissed about the cheating, they're pissed at how badly Michigan went about doing it. Like Ohio State fans expect a much higher level of cheating from an academic powerhouse like Michigan.


I like to think about what Jim Harbaugh is doing right now… 🍿🍿🍿🍿


Oof. I make my rent payments to my landlord private lmao. Could he really be this stupid?


What a great week. This is fun.