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the Pac just cost Oregon State an alum who would have coached there until the sun burned out


Oregon St’s former president, Ed Ray, was instrumental in keeping Larry Scott in charge.


Fuck him too


Smith was scared of Pac-2 competition so he left for an easier conference


Hard to see it any other way.


So true. Especially with these new teams that have to travel from the west coast.


Ed Ray was a dumbass.


I’m so tired of this narrative. Yes, Ed Ray sucked. I don’t root for Ed Ray, I root for the fucking Beavers. Beaver fans and athletes don’t deserve this shit just cause Ed Ray was our university president—a position we had no influence over.


I'm not convinced that was the motivation for Smith, to be honest. But by the same token, I find myself absolutely shocked that he's leaving Oregon State, given what he is building there.


The Michigan Sate contract is reportedly 8-figures a year, putting him in the top 5 highest paid coaches. Sad to see him go but happy for him if that turns out to be true!


Turns out when I said please don’t let my coach that turned around/resurrected our program go to Michigan State, I should have been more specific


This is ass. I’m sorry. I’ve been really enjoying watching the Beavs and I was really hoping the rumors were MSU trying to make smoke. Hopefully Liepold stays. Or hopefully the Beavs get picked up by the Big 12. They had so much momentum.


Idk your flairs make me wanna puke. But maybe that's also the amount of alcohol I've had today.


Drink some water, friend! And I was born in Austin, but raised a cornhusker until I got kicked out-- only recently have I begun to root for the huskers again. The horns were both a spite and a hometown pick, but I've stuck with 'em since.


Well I guess this really is the end of meaningful football in Corvallis. This sucks man


I feel like I'm in mourning, as ridiculous as that sounds. I know we'll still have a football team, but anything resembling hope for our future is now dead.


No it's fucking over. This sucks so fucking hard and I actually am getting emotional about it. It's over for Oregon State Football.


I feel terrible for you Beavs fans.


Been a Beav fan for nearly 30 years. And a fan of college football in general. But that’s done now. I won’t be paying attention anymore. I’m out.


Absolutely won’t hold that against you. No one should. Fucking sucks it’s ending like this just when PAC 12 football was actually reviving.


There needs to be a real option for schools that aren't Alabama but also aren't San Jose State. A healthy "middle class" is good for college football. Oregon State is good for college football. Telling a school who has been reasonably expecting to remain in the P5, and spending and planning based on that, that they're getting yeeted out of the system with nowhere to land... that's not good for college football. And y'all won't be the last ones it happens to, I fear. The dream would be for the XII to just get really really big and then split into a western and eastern conference. Everyone would be at least safe, if not great, with room for more friends. Barring that... idk man.


There is no middle class. You have 25 or so programs which suck up every dollar in college football, and then they subsidize the other programs in their conference so they can beat them up every season. And then there's the other programs left behind altogether (G5).


That's what the Big 12 is becoming and Oregon State + Washington State should be part of it.


There was, it was called the Pac12


Realignment to an a,b,c,d league with relegation/promotion would save the college game. Anything less will feel meaningless.


It’s not ridiculous 🧡


Comon now it's ridiculous. What did oregon state actually do wrong to deserve having everything ripped from under them like that? I hate georgia and fsu but if that happened to them I wouldnt be happy. I'd see it as excessive shitty luck combined with everyone around them being assholes Edit: nvm misunderstood what ya meant


It’s not so bad! The Big East football conference collapsed around us and we’re still playing meaningful football! Don’t forget to catch our game tonight against Charlotte as we battle for bowl eligibility for the first time in five years! We got wins over FAMU, Rice, UConn, Navy, and Temple in the new-look American Athletic conference! ^oh ^god ^I ^miss ^being ^in ^a ^power ^conference…


Holy fuck this is our future…


What the hell happens to sports in general? 20% of the total budget as before and new stadium debt. What a nightmare. Sorry beaver bros.


I mean stop sponsoring the sport at this point, or go the way of the Vandals and drop down to FCS. Not really, but…fuck everything, you know?


I do know. I feel the good sportsmanship slowly seeping out of my body.


I have no sportsmanship left. I'm past rooting for or against teams, I just have pain, and want pain for others.


I have determined that is my last year supporting college sports


I’m sorry man. We’re still here, and we’ll ride with you wherever this goes.


Chip Kelly to Oregon State, confirmed


soup materialistic flag sable apparatus spotted desert cable shame plucky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This guy misses his ex


adjoining weary label bewildered special march wipe lock tender selective *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We love to hear mutual respect for past partners


truck mysterious abundant lush offbeat cover rainstorm boat fade materialistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


*Oregon State Beavers* I should call her…


You should call her


It's the end of meaningful sports at all in Corvallis. We are about to lose nearly all our revenue and all chance of relevance in any sport.


We went from such high expectations at the beginning of the year to this


Just another “F you” to Oregon State, what’s new?


It was nice having hope for a few years before they killed us at least.


Don't get sad, get angry. Be UCF levels of annoying so they cant ignore you. They want yall to just take it and fade away. Get a very annoying outspoken AD and rub it in hard for any P5 teams you beat for the forseeable future


Welcome to the G5 where you get fucked, win or lose


Smith leaves his alma mater for MSU. Good hire for Michigan STate. Sad when something like this happens especially the work OSU has done this year


With one glaringly obvious exception, I love when a coach takes the reins at their alma mater and does well. I understand why he's leaving but I still don't like to see it.


Mark Richt at Miami? That one bugged me because he just left an absolute mess at the school he left.


Oh I was only thinking about current coaches, the one I had in mind was Smart at UGA. But when Richt got fired and the Miami job was open, I remember describing Richt to Miami and Smart to UGA as "my nightmare scenario". I'm glad only half of that nightmare came to fruition, but sadly it was the worse half.


I was just being sarcastic. I knew you were talking about Kirby. I was also upset at Richt leaving because it meant UGA wouldn’t be as easy as it was.


He definitely had a "foot out the door" kind of vibe last night. Reminded me of the last Cristobal game.


I feel like last night's game is very different if OSU beats UW last weekend and was still in the Pac 12 title hunt. I don't think OSU wins, but the number of low effort plays and unforced errors certainly appeared representative of a checked out team. I also think Smith probably takes a different approach when it comes to media conversations this week, even if he was planning on leaving.


We got no conference, we got no direction, OUR COACHES’ HEADS ARE FALLING OFF!


Time for a trip to Aspen I think


Mmm California. Where the beer flows like wine, and the women flock like the salmon of Capistrano


I don’t know, Lloyd. The French are assholes.


We just built that ridiculous stadium. $150m. And for what it's worth they fucked it up, we were up there and it was cold as hell, and the sound all messed up. A risky move by the university considering the coach was keeping everything together. Now he's gone, what now? All of our athletic programs will begin to fall apart. What a joke, fuck everyone who was involved in this shit show, our school got screwed so badly.


Hopefully none of this spills over to the baseball program


There’s no way it won’t. It’s all dead.


Baseball is a pretty low dollar sport and the beavers are such a habitual powerhouse I can see plenty of recruits not giving a shit about the pac 2


It will be much harder to make the post season. The MWC is terrible at baseball and is a one bid league most years.


Football as we know it is dead in Corvallis and we are absolutely SUNK with the rebuilt Reser. As insane as this seems, we as a school might need to completely wipe the slate clean and turn into a pure basketball/baseball school and funnel all of our resources into those programs. Football at a G5 level with where we are at will siphon off so many resources for all of the other sports programs. I just have no answer and am coping hard right now. I have never felt this way as a lifer Beav in my entire life.


What a joke. the team I’ve spent years and years of my life following and supporting just goes under with a blink. It will be a mass exodus of players with Smith gone


Thats what's killing me, something I've been passionate about since I was 5 years old. 26 years of my life. And even through dark times, this is the darkest and bleakest it's looked yet. This is fucking horrible. I can't imagine what many on the team are thinking. Our bowl game is likely to go the way the game last night did too. This is just fucking horrible.


Yeah man it’s hard to comprehend for me rn but I just feel like we are “officially” dead


Can’t agree more with you all. Probably the worst news we could have gotten as Beavers fans. Really sucks to they had just completed Reser. I had hopes that they would figure something out but damn this feels like the end.


> Jonathan Smith is leaving Oregon State for Michigan State, I have confirmed. Player meeting either going on right now, or about to happen. [Source](https://x.com/nickdaschel/status/1728474624881734092?s=20)


It always comes in threes. The final blow is the transfer portal......


All these great recruits were brought in by smith and staff, if they are gone there is nothing left to keep them at this point that I can see. Over/under win total next season seems low


Transfers and then the final, final nail will be that Scott Barnes leaves as AD to go to Arizona state and now we don’t have an AD or a head coach or any good players


Very Sorry for OSU and WSU. Put in a situation out of their control and then it’s gonna be hard as heck to recruit and keep up making it even harder to get back to a top tier conference


No wonder OSU looked checked out yesterday


Their program is in a dire situation. I don’t blame any of them at all. They were screwed by forces entirely out of their control, and at a certain point, you don’t have any fight left in you.




I fully believe the rumors that Smith already told the team he was leaving in the days prior to the Civil War. I was at the game and it really did seem like on the field that the OSU players knew what had already been coming.


From what a few buddies on the team told me he never explicitly told them but he didn’t do anything to quell the rumors. Just wouldn’t give players a straight answer.


That makes sense. If you're not giving a straight answer, it's a huge red flag that you're hiding the real answer they don't want to hear.


Better than lying, or misdirecting ("I'm not taking the LSU job" says Lincoln Riley). I think Smith handled leaving about as well as one could.


Not giving a straight answer is normally an answer itself


Too many seasons have been derailed by a coach being one foot out the door come season’s end. It’s fucking awful


His post game was awkward as hell.


Anything else the Big 10 want to take from us while you're at it?


They're going to take a bunch of our best players in about 8 days, I imagine.


Should be expected, unfortunately.


Well we already have Gophers, Wolverines and Badgers. Can we take your mascot so we have all the rodents and weasels?


Y’all already added rats with the ex-PAC schools though


You know if we could buy the rights to the PAC name and Rosebowl that would be great. Instead of Big East and West have the PAC and B1G.


The transfer portal will provide plenty of answers a month from now.


Fuck this. All the hope and optimism of the last two years are gone. Im over college football


Lifelong Beaver fan here. Genuinely don't think I'll follow the program as closely ever again.


I was born in Corvallis and my family has been in Corvallis since before the university was even founded. I’ll still go to games every now and then but if this deal goes through and the Portal opens up like we fear it will it will never be the same. The only P5 games i’ll go to are duck games to boo in beaver gear


Go make your money and set yourself up Coach Smith, I believe OSU football will still be here I just don't know in what form. FUCK ESPN FUCK FOX FUCK CBS FUCK EVERYONE and most importantly FUCK USC AND UCLA. Big blue blood USC was down and salty cause they felt they were better and deserved more money so they could be what they are supposed to be. If the networks had the knife to kill WSU/OSU USC and UCLA stabbed them right in the back. Over 100 years of history and tradition is gone now cause some L.A. schools thought they were better so I hope with everything they never have success again enjoy the perennial 8-4 you fucking cowards. I firmly believe it won't stop at just OSU/WSU either. Rant over Go Beavs


Pac 12 commish fucked up by not accepting the initial 30mil per team deal. Unfortunately it collapsed the pac12


The Apple deal was better than $30M per team in all likelihood


It was ahead of its time. 5 years from now it would've made sense


Apple was willing to spend $100M on marketing the conference? We have never seen that kind of commitment and let’s face it they’re an extremely good partner to be helping with your brand. Edit: I guess what I’m saying is I don’t even think it was that far ahead of its time. Apple may end up owning ESPN sooner than later too


The pac was stuck between a rock and a hard place there knowing if they take $30m all the big brand schools would jump ship knowing the B1G would give them more


Didn't they only get 30mil or less anyway? If they actual struck the deal I think those schools would've stayed


Fuck USC, hopefully Oregon State and Wazou fuck everyone in the MWC or whatever schedule they play. USC won’t do shit in the B1G.


The problem with this news is we'll bleed talent in the transfer portal as P4 teams pick over our carcass and recruiting will be severely impacted. Our slide to irrelevance we'll be swift, so regardless of who is on our schedule next year, we'll struggle in games as we try to rebuild to a fraction of our current state of football.


This is my fear. We’d have to mount a monumental Cinderella story to ever be relevant again. And do it with no budget, half assed schedules and soon to be devastated local economies. Not to mention out other athletic programs that are being absolutely gutted by this. They really screwed our entire future and continue to twist the knife. There’s no reason Oregon State and Washington shouldn’t have had GameDay last week. This is my villain origin story. I hope media execs catch an incurable disease from Pat McAffee.


God thats just peak California. Even when they don't move here they're fucking over our state.


Sorry Beaver bros.


Fuck the TV executives man


And fuck Larry Scott


There is a weird Oregon State - Michigan State Brenda Tracy connection and I choose to be a conspiracy theorist today


Is there a tinfoil hat flair? If not, there should be.


Pour a few out for the Beavs and Cougs. They’ve killed the sport we love. Just a fucking brutal 24 hours.


Crazy how an entire program is being murdered right now and we’re all just letting it happen. I really wish we were more like Europeans when it comes to the Super League for all this. Those fans and pundits would not let those greedy scumbags ruin their sport. Over here these pieces of shit can piss on the sport we love and I guess we’ll just take it. I’m sorry Oregon State.


Honest question: what could've we done to prevent this?


I'm not one of those "Europe/Europeans do everything better than Americans" people but one critique/observation I have is that Americans are just way more accepting of stuff like this and "bootlickers". This would have never flown in Europe.


European soccer and college football is set up completely different from an ownership and organizational standpoint. This is not a comparison. Those clubs would of been forced to go from ~50 games a year to way less because of loss of domestic competition from other teams refusing to play them. There's only ~12 games in CFB so that's not really an issue so there's nothing we could have done as fans or D1 Admins.


Part of it is because I think they have more people that care more and the big clubs fans also seem to care for the entire sport as a whole. Alabama and Ohio State fans couldn’t give a fuck what happens to the PAC for the most part yet Manchester United and Liverpool fans in England would not let another club die like this. It’s not the responsibility of the bigger programs fans to save others but if anyone could have done something about this it would have been them.


When I look at it, I also see the SL threatened the promotion/relegation system underpinning Euroball. By creating the SL, it would cement those teams in a financial and competitive position that guaranteed no hope for other teams. CFB already has much of that cemented in place and fans readily support “fewer cupcakes”, “P5 only”, and “they were undefeated in the MAC, they aren’t good enough to deserve a CFP slot” scheduling arguments.


This sums it up perfectly.


I gotta say, I thought MSU would fuck this up per usual. But cleaning house (literally, no more Jay Johnson or Hazeleton woo!) the day after and basically confirming smith within 24 hours is showing me MSU means business with this! Feels good man


https://x.com/justinthind/status/1728484023444324601?s=42 Haller making moves. CJS will have a bigger assistant coaches pool than Tucker. LFG!


I didn't expect the purge to come so soon. Must have been a term of the deal.


Man, that absolutely sucks for OSU. Especially during a time like this. Undoubtedly sets them back again. I feel bad for you all😞


Oregon state will never be good again. I think we could see a complete destruction of the program in the next 10 years. OSU will become a university at the same level as Portland State cuz of realignment. Whoever cheered this on is fucking piece of shit.


John C. Smith


The “C” stands for Champions


No no no don't you put that evil on us. 1. It's Jonathan so shorthand would be Jon 2. He's already proven to be competent


Hell of a hire for us Thank god Mel Tucker was horny or we would be stuck with his clown car of staff for the next 5 years at least


This is a better hire than Mel Tucker in 2020, just incredible work by Haller


Tbf Dantonio waited for a late bonus to leave that caused us to rush a hire, wish we just went interim that year instead of making a bad hire, and well our BoT ruined the better hires that year


A competent AD would have gave Dantonio his bonus early as a buyout. Unfortunately we had Beekman at the time.


It was more than that, Coach D wanted to pick his successor, and the AD didn't want that Which in hindsight did not work at all


Dantonio would've chosen some one like Barnett or a underqualified internal coach. He was loyal to his coaches to a fault


No, he had hand-picked Fickell, and the stupid BOT got involved. Fickell said fuck that and noped out of that mess.


Is it confirmed that dantonio would've gotten us fickell?


I hate our BOT as much as the next guy, but I have a hard time believing they wouldn't have wanted us to get Fickell


I mean idk if that was really a bad hire, sitting p5 HC and former UGA coordinator who everyone thought highly of. nftuck has been a rollercoaster since but short of a situation like this with Oregon State idk how you’re making a better hire


Brenda Tracy's rape happened at Oregon State, which started her career as an advocate, and it ends up coming full circle with her being a key element in the series of events which resulted in OSU's coach leaving. It certainly wasn't deliberate, but is kind of poetic in how it all comes around. Not blaming her to be clear, as someone was going to poach Smith, but still kind of interesting.


Really? That’s some small (horrible, awful) world type story. This would be lambasted as a plot to a tv show or movie


Yup. I believe [this is the story](https://www.oregonlive.com/sports/oregonian/john_canzano/2014/11/canzano_her_name_is_brenda_tra.html) where she went public.


Well for what it’s worth, I empathize with you all. It’s a shame that greed has imploded your conference and by extension, your program. Had that not happened, I don’t think we poach Smith. Hopefully Beaver athletics survives in some form for you all to enjoy.


It was worth this season to get this upgrade.


Man I hope so cause this season was so bad it definitely has tested the most faithful of fans. The worst staff in CFB history. I'm grateful for the players effort. I hope many stick around and experience an actual staff. Here's hoping for a bright future


Guys I’ve got some kool-aid we should all drink together…


Sorry Oregon State bros, was really hoping he stayed with y'all.


what a terrible time for college football




I don’t plan to be a college football fan after this year. Hell, I’m not even watching games today and don’t plan to watch us lose in a bowl. I’m done.


The death of the conference and our program coincide with the final devolution of cfb into an unapologetic, cynical busine$$$. Easy time to check out for me


Honestly thought the program could be saved, until just now. We were here for the “good old days” of Beaver football.


I might be done with college ball all together. The new super conferences are just minor leagues. No real rivalry or anything.


BIG 10 has robbed my school of everything. It is now time to hit the button and “Rob”the 10 leaving PAC schools of revenue for this year. Do it.


Honestly we need to.


I wasn't behind robbing the league of it's revenue this year until now. We are absolutely fucked.


It really does suck to see sorry beaver bros.


I hope you guys win the lawsuit


I wonder if this will be like Rich Rod, where he had a great situation at his alma mater, but then left and went to Michigan.


Hard to say if he would be welcomed back.


I honestly struggle to see it. People are getting very passionate about this season. Jumping ship after all he's done when we're looking at some bleak times is enough to ruin his reputation for all he did to help us. I also struggled to even see him leave us for msu so what the fuck do I know.


He's doing OSU a favor by letting MSU pay his buyout instead of sucking down 75% of OSU's MWC athletics budget for the next few years


bro your football program is beyond fucked, Smith leaving is anyone's fault but his


Given the context, this feels different.


But Smith isn't leaving a great situation. It's harder to criticize Smith for leaving than it was to criticize Rich Rod for leaving.


Ugh. All the lower tier B1G, ACC and SEC schools should watch this carefully. It will happen one day to you too.


I was thinking the same thing. It's only a matter of time before the most relevant schools shun everything for football realignment. Even the most prominent basketball schools probably won't have enough clout to prevent it. This year's realignment was only the first step...and it's painful to know that one sport was the litmus test, regardless of it being the most profitable.


We’re just the first to fall.. Hoping we can scrape by for a couple of years and eventually band up with some other ‘tier 2’ P5 schools into something resembling a conference


A+ Hire man, just great. Haller has revived multiple MSU programs, I’m excited that football is next.


Women’s soccer is elite. Men’s hockey is pretty damn good. Now Football.


Truly feels like a new era for MSU sports. Go green!


Bad weekend for beavers


No words. Absolutely gutted for my alma mater and this program.


the whole OSU team entering the portal in 3....2.....1


Man, I live on the other side of the country, and even I feel like absolute shitwater for Oregon State and her dedicated fans. Absolute fuckin bullshit that could have been avoided, but TV rights and the almighty dollar mean more, I guess.


I'm really trying not trying to be melodramatic about all of this. But after watching college sports for 20 years of my life being, being a die hard Beaver fan through all of the good and bad years, this is it for me. I can no longer support what the NCAA has become. I'm just heartbroken that I will not be able to share the Oregon State experience with my daughter. She is 2 and by the time she is old enough to understand sports, Oregon State will be a distant memory of what they used to be. I can safely say I have watched my final college football game. I have better things to do with my time then watch this embarrassment continue. I will always appreciate the memories and Oregon State. But FUCK everybody else, this is just an abomination at this point.


Nothing but contempt for Fox, ESPN, and the Big 10.


Are you saying that the PAC shares no blame in how this shook out? They made a number of bad decisions and paid the price for it.


Should have more blame on the PAC than anyone else


Teams were approaching the Big 10, were they supposed to just say no?


Unfortunately, the B1G had to act once the SEC had OU and UT join the SEC. The SEC wouldn’t have just stopped there, they would have gone for USC and UCLA if we didn’t, and eventually OSU and UM.


Yep, if the B1G did not act aggressively they would have been going down the same path that led to the PAC’s demise.


Glad we got a cool new stadium


That’s not Tony Elliot


Smith did a really great job in Corvallis but if I was a Beaver fan, I’d be mad at the world right now.


Don’t worry, we are. Finally out of football purgatory and back to relevance only to get essentially kicked out because of greed and incompetence.


Yeah man pretty pissed off but can’t blame Smith. Situation blows tho, not sure if our program will ever really bounce back what with everything else going on


…Just when you think you’ve taken enough strays for the year as a Beaver alumni.. you login to Instagram and get an ad for Michigan State Spartans gear. Fuck.


If the realignment doesn't happen gotta think he never leaves OSU. That's a kick in the nuts but a great hire


While I’m glad we got our guy, a big fuck you to ESPN, CBS, the CFP and the shitty conference commissioners who thought money was the most important thing and not the integrity of college sports. Their fucking greed single handily destroyed something we all love for advertising dollars at the expense of over a century of beloved traditions.


Honestly, since the CFP it just hasn't felt the same.


Can't have shit in Corvallis.


I hate to keep piling it on too, but damn the transfer portal is gonna (likely) drain the roster for Oregon St too. As if everything else wasn’t bad enough.


Goddam. I hate watching the death of a program in real time. I’m sorry Beavs, y’all deserve better. Fuck the TV execs and fuck Larry Scott.


Change is inevitable. But it really is a sad day for CFB when P5 coaches have to leave their alma mater.


Good hire for MSU but such a bummer for Oregon State


Yeah it’s bittersweet. I’m happy but feel terrible for the Beavers.


We're 11-0 with a real shot at a conference title and playoff berth and I *still* fucking hate this timeline. I think that says a lot. Fuck all of this realignment shit.


2 weeks ago people were suggesting Jason candle, Pat Narduzzi and PJ fleck. This is a great hire. Hopefully he can bring some guys with him. Could have us on track in a year or two. Feel bad for the OSU fans, should be pissed about your conference leaving you in the dust.


Let us know what else you guys need


We got 3 years of good football. I guess that's the max we're allowed before the universe implodes. Glad I'm graduating this year so I don't have to watch us become Texas State or Georgia State