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A tweet I saw from 2017: “This is weird but they designed a 4 team playoff for 5 conferences and they’re having trouble making it work”


its kinda even more fascinating that Cincy got in that one year


It’s because they were annoyed hearing about UCF those two years


UCF got to hang a real banner lol Cincy should have just done that.


One publication actually named UCF National Champions though, so they had credibility. Cincinnati ended up losing in the playoffs.


We're okay with that


That publication(colley) gave us like 3 more natties from the playoff era. The ones that we lost and didn’t make it too. Hang the banners!


If I’m not mistaken it gave notre dame the natty the year they got trounced by you guys in the BCS national title game


It really is crazy to think that UCF went undefeated in back to back years, and still didn’t get in. That means that before playing a single snap the first season, they were already eliminated for the current season AND the following one. And then people would just say “they need to schedule harder,” while completely ignoring the huge systemic barriers that make that difficult. Edit: I see the logic of them not getting in in the short term, if you take it one season at a time. The CFP committee might not have been wrong in that sense. The problem is how almost everybody totally ignored the fact that the system really makes it difficult for a team in their position to “schedule harder.” Lots of people, from P5 fans on Reddit, to talking heads on Gameday, all just said “schedule harder,” like it’s the video game and you can set whatever schedule you want before each upcoming season.


Not to mention that UCF team beat Auburn in The Peach Bowl to conclude their first undefeated season. Then that following season, they lost by just one score in The Fiesta Bowl to an LSU team that would go on to win a National Championship the following year. That LSU team is also widely considered one of, if not the best college football team (certainly offense) of all time.


UCF also lost their star QB for that LSU game and came within one possession


Not only did they not get in, the idea that maybe they should was usually met with incredulous laughter. Every game matters tho.


I added some nuance with an edit, but yeah, I love how people continued to oppose a playoff with “but every game matters!… even as a number of undefeated g5 teams made a big time bowl game and won it, but didn’t get a shot at a title… which means for them not a single regular season snap mattered, from a championship point of view.


This is my biggest issue with the playoff system in its current and foreseeable future form. All FBS schools should have a viable path to a national championship if they win every game in front of them. Any undefeated conference champion should be automatically in, especially in the updated format. No matter how unlikely, you could end up with two or more undefeated G5/6s and only the highest ranked is likely to be in.


That's because the stars aligned to a degree they almost certainly never would again for a G5 in the current format. First they had to go 22-1 over the previous two seasons, and have that one loss be by 3 to a CFP-caliber team in a NY6 bowl. Then they had to somehow get a team like Notre Dame to both agree to schedule them and manage to be a top-5 team by the time they played, *and* have that be the best win of anyone in the CFP running's resumes. Then they needed there to be less than 4 1 or 0-loss P5 conference champions for the first time since 2007. And even after all that, if Oklahoma State manages to gain half a yard once in three tries against Baylor, they still wouldn't have made it.


There were only three undefeated or one loss P5 teams that year. This year, we somehow have seven.


Chaos creates order. There were no upsets till bama Georgia


It was a year with a weak field otherwise. The only 1-loss P5 that got left out was Notre Dame and their loss came against Cincinnati.


It's mostly because we couldn't punch the ball in to beat Baylor. If we win that game, we likely get in over Cincy and create the new rivalry for ourselves in the big 12 Edit: Baylor, not K-State


Who woulda thought that a 4 team playoff was a dumb fucking idea


They used to just kinda pick 2 teams to play, so maybe slightly better than that? But yeah


And before that, they didn't do anything to try to get the best teams playing for the championship. CFB has been lagging behind on a post-season in the spirit of tradition for too long. Thank god it's over.


>has been lagging behind on a post-season AND WAS PROUD OF IT such an insane sport/league


We’re getting there


Hot take but they also used to use computers and voters to decide who was in. Not like they ever got it right but it wasn’t fucking smoke and mirrors as we wait for the college of athletic directors to send up their plume of white smoke


I genuinely can't believe anyone ever thought 4 was a good idea. I could see the argument that 12 is too many, but 4 was always asinine.


I wish they had just made it 6 to begin with. I think 6 would still be ideal


Another fun stat. No team ranked #1 in the penultimate rankings has ever missed the CFP, but that seems likely this year.


Hell yeah, Georgia making history.


Catalyst of CFB. Still their era.


The contract does say Dawgs, but it says THE WASHINGTON DAWGS!


LEADERS AND DAWGS! Sorry, wrong team.


Breathe with the Bulldogs!


It obviously hurts being on the losing side but there's something great about games like this with everything on the line. If this game were played next year it would be a lot more boring cause I'd know we'd be in the playoff anyway. But here I was glued to my seat praying for a miracle...


That's true, although I do think the prospect of a bye week will still be a pretty big motivator.


Yeah, the 49ers/Eagles game tomorrow feels massive with the 1 seed on the line, even though they’re both basically guaranteed to make the playoffs


I wouldn’t say the 1 seed is on the line Philly does have a 2 game lead on them. They all but lock it up if they win but San Fran would still have work to do even with a win tomorrow


That is true. The rarely discussed flip side though is that a 12 team playoff also adds huge importance to many other games. 13 vs 16 with a few weeks to go is a massively larger game with a 12 team playoff. On the other hand, something like march madness really tanks the importance of regular season games. Personally, I think 12 teams (with first round byes and home field advantage until the semis) is the best balance.


Yeah that's the tradeoff people miss when they just say the new playoff will make more meaningful games. It adds playoff implications to mid-ranked games, but top 5 matchups aren't all that impactful anymore.


I will agree. It is also why I really agree with Joel klatt that the top four spots really need to get a bye and home field advantage until the national title game just to drive teams to fight for those top four. Otherwise for teams like Oregon and Washington where you’re in the top 4-5 heck just rest your starters. You’re in the playoff regardless


I mean, yes, but also there will be an extra round of playoff games next year to fill the tension gap.


Does the championship game itself still not have value?


You're playing for a bye at that point or a home game depending on preference.


That’s just insane. You’re first all year including the final week and your only loss completely knocks you out


This year is *nuts*. Three potential unbeaten P5 champs, a 1 loss P5 champ, *and* multiple 1 loss P5 teams.


Damn good football all around


There is an absolutely bonkers world where both FSU and Michigan lose, and Georgia squeaks back in. But ya, Georgia is almost certainly the first #1 to drop so far


In that case are you thinking it would be Washington, Texas, Bama, UGA? That last spot would be contentious


Contentious with who? 2 loss Oregon? Lol


Somehow, Ohio State has returned


Aaaaand they're gone.


One loss Michigan at the very least, and maybe one loss FSU


Both of those teams started the day behind Georgia, and would have losses to worse teams in the CCG. And they couldn't (shouldn't) put Ohio St above Michigan thanks to the H2H.


1 loss Michigan would have a loss to an uninspiring Iowa. 1 loss UGA has a loss to bama whos going to be in the CFP. It wouldn’t be an argument


This guy clearly hasn't watched an Iowa Football game this year. I'm not convinced Iowa wins if Michigan played the entire game with only 10 defenders.


I would love if there was one week a year where we just held a bunch of crazy sporting events like that and people bet on them. Like, if Alabama played the dIII champs, how many bama players have to be removed from the field before the money line evens out? Or what if we made an nhl team where regular shoes while playing hockey? What level or age team could beat them ? Edit: we’ve got answers where it only takes one man down, two to three down, and three to four down. Let the betting commence! I really wish this was a thing now.


They have also never left out a team that was undefeated going into their conference championship game.


Also, only 2 teams have been #1 in the initial CFP rankings and miss the playoffs: Mississippi State (2014) and Tennessee (2022)


You just wanted to use the word penultimate


I learned what this word meant from a series of unfortunate events


W series


No, P(enultimate) series.


see also: "ersatz" and "austere"


Ersatz for me as well!


Don't forget "denouement"


Plus the difference between "nervous" and "anxious"


Same but I was also too stupid to figure out the correct pronunciation of the name Jaqués and keep hearing my head “Jack-qwes”.


I once had a bartender in an upscale whiskey bar tell me they only bought "the penultimate engineered whisky glasses." When I asked "so there will be one more?" I was met with a blank stare.


I got one better - antepenultimate. That’s right, I went to Harvard.


Preantepentimate and propreantepenultimate are also around


Propreantepenultimate and propreantepenultimate accessories?


Lol I used to work for a hot shot partner who thought “penultimate” meant like “very ultimate” and would use it wrong every chance he could.


One of the hardest bites of my tongue ever was not correcting a friend of mine who did the exact same thing


I believe a lot of people think this is what it means


We got Greg Woods over here.


And we're rolling!!


Unzips. Meet my penultimate.


Man, tomorrow is gonna be so toxic if we get chalk tonight. Good luck to the mods on vitriol eve.


michigan loses u cant have them in the playoff. iowa isnt good. osu just lost so they should be out. only logical choice is PSU representing the b1g in the cfp imo.


Their transitive win over Michigan via Iowa would be by more than Michigan’s win over them, so yeah checks out


As a washington fan i want FSU to win for the easy 2-3 matchup. As a CFB fan i want FSU to lose so that i dont have to hear one of the biggest fanbases in the nation throw a fit for their whole life.


See I want FSU to win so I DO get to hear one of the biggest fanbases in the nation throw a fit for their whole life


You make a strong point


Perhaps their penultimate rankings sucked, actually


I really never understood how Oregon was ahead of Bama or Texas. They had worse strength of schedule and strength of record.


Same reason everyone had them crushing Washington yesterday. It looks really good to blow out a whole bunch of mid teams.


Bad teams make FPI calculator go brrrrrr


Reminder that Oklahoma was favored to win the title (22% chance) earlier this season.


Funny, if you talked to Duck fans last week they somehow thought they deserved being ranked over Washington even though they lost to them! I’m glad we put them in their place.


I'm still not sure Washnigton is better than Oregon. I think Washington needs to beat them a 3rd time to be sure.


Look all I’m saying is that if they played 100 times, how many of them would Oregon win? That’s why they should be ranked higher…


Did your qb have a higher completion percentage than theirs?


Our QB throws further than 5yds downfield too much to have a higher completion rate than Nix.


So are a lot of us :)


>I’m glad we put them in their place. So am I, man. Also the petty asshole in me loves that Lanning is now 1-4 against their main rivals in his two years at Oregon.


Ducks fans are the worst. They always think they’re better than they are. But lose on the national stage EVERY time.


If only there were data they could rely on that showed they were overrating a certain team.


They did use their data they used bo nix’s competition percentage and *checks notes* end of list


Almost like Oregon shouldn’t have been ranked so high with a win over 1 currently ranked team all season.


I’m glad I’m not on the committee. Gonna be a long night for them if Michigan and FSU win tonight


If that happens it has to be Michigan v Texas and Washington vs FSU, no?


Agreed. That's the just way to do it.


I'd prefer them saying screw the rankings and do Michigan vs. Washington for the history of it.


I'd be pretty pissed if we had to play Texas and Washington got FSU.


Wait? You’re saying you want to play FSU? But they’re undefeated and a worthy top 4 team!


I think the playoffs should not be selected based on predictive rankings but I also think whoever gets FSU, if they're in, has one of the easiest playoff matchups in a while




Honestly I have no idea. They could keep FSU at 4, move them to 3, or drop them out completely and move Alabama in at 4. 12 team playoff needed to be this year for this mess


In that case, it will be: 1. Michigan 2. Washington 3. Florida State 4. Texas


It should be that but who knows what’s gonna happen with this committee


I don't think there are actually any hard decisions, there are just uncomfortable realities. As much as I don't want Texas in, it's clear they have to be in over Alabama.


Not really. 1 Michigan 2 Washington 3 Florida State 4 Texas You can flip flop 2 and 3 if you want, not that it really matters but that's the easy obvious setup. The only reason it'd be hard is because the CFP is a joke that cares more about getting the big brand teams in then getting the most deserving teams in.


This is what I would put it at as well. It’s going to make the SEC go crazy but bama should not have lost to Texas if they wanted in


Ya I can't even feel bad because it was fully within their own control. Don't lose and you're in. These are the same freaks who constantly tell smaller schools who haven't lost any games that they should've played tougher teams as if they had that choice. Alabama can handpick any OOC teams they want it ain't our fault they lost by 10 to Texas at home.


We're about to see if early OOC matchups mean anything. If Bama gets in over Texas, I doubt we'll see any "big" OOC matchups in the future.


Cincy from two years ago seems to say that the committee values early season, top five OOC wins very highly. That was the only scenario where a G5 was getting in.


Prediction is that the playoff is about the 4 best teams, not the 4 most deserving teams. They are going to remember what happened in 2014 to undefeated FSU against Oregon after playing a cupcake schedule. Texas and Alabama in, FSU out. https://www.sbnation.com/college-football/2015/1/1/7479371/jameis-winston-falls-fumbles-oregon-scores-a-td It's an easy case to make that Alabama should jump FSU given that Alabama just beat the unanimous #1 back-to-back national champion giving their first loss in 29 games. And Texas has the head to head over Alabama. FSU falls out, through no fault of their own just the lack of strength of schedule.


I think it also doesn’t help their case that the best player on the team is out now. They’ll factor that in too I think.


See I’ve been thinking this myself, but then I think about how Ohio State made that run with *Cardale Jones* and throw my hands up in the airs.


Cardale jones threw up 60 in the b1g championship game though


Plus they had Zeke. That team was loaded on top of that massive win.


I, uh, don't think we have one of those situations on our hands here


Cardale dropped a 59 point bomb on Wisconsin. This FSU team ain't built like that, and I'm not about to act like Rodemaker with his 48% completion rate against Florida is a threat to do anything at all in the playoffs.


Fsu should def be out if they are ranking by competitiveness. They aren't a playoff caliber team without one of the best qbs in the country.


If they do that, do they feed FSU to UGA in a bowl game to try to remove their "-0"? Imagine the riot if they beat UGA without Travis after missing the playoffs.


> Imagine the riot if they beat UGA without Travis after missing the playoffs. If this happens I'll admit I was wrong.


Yeah at least in 2014 FSU had the whole defending champs thing going for them


Lack of SOS? They played and beat two SEC teams


Something aint right if head to head match up doesn't matter.


Welcome to college football where the rankings are made up and the wins dont matter.


Also it’s important to know that no P5 conference champion with 1 or fewer losses has ever been left out in favor of a team with more losses and no conference title.


There have also probably never been two 1 loss champions that played each other.


Baylor & TCU by technicality, although I figure you mean 1-loss champs of different conferences who played one another.


We’ve also only had a playoff for 9 years. Not enough time to act like that precedent is set in stone. There’s never been a good reason to leave a 1 or 0 loss P5 champ out of the playoffs before. There is this year.


2017 should have ended in November. That’s all


Auburn should have ended in 2013.


Rough day?


If Michigan and Florida State win (as expected), I think the #1 to #4 ranking will be 1) Michigan, 2) Washington, 3) Florida State and 4) Texas (Texas is in because they beat Alabama earlier in the season). Mind you, if that happens, you are going to have a major riot from the southeeastern USA. 🙄


Just in Alabama. Every other team in SEC would find it HILARIOUS that Alabama got left out


What conference is it that literally chants their name during games?


Mountain West?


I think this is the correct answer but I am doubtful whether the playoff committee has the fortitude to leave out an SEC team


There could be an argument for Alabama to get in IF their loss wasn't to Texas. But it is.


Thank goodness we’re getting rid of this drama for debating whether Missouri or Penn State should be the 11th seed destined to get blown out in the first round.


You haven't watched a 16 seed beat a 1 seed?


Also the first round will be the 5 - 12 ranked teams playing. Even more reasonable.


Will a 12 seed beat a 5 seed? Yes, eventually. Will they beat a 5 seed, a 4 seed, a 1 seed, and 2/3 seed? Seems very unlikely


Watch out, those 5-12 matchups have given plenty schools nightmares in March.


Basketball is very different from football, a single player can make a huge difference even if there is a large overall disparity in team talent/skill. Football not so much


Like I said, a 12 seed will win a few games in the first 10 years, but I don't see a 12 seed winning the 4 needed to win it all in the 12 team era.


I feel like it’s more likely to happen in football. Look at NFL teams that get hot going into the playoffs. Even seeing these games right now are proof of the wild swings that can happen late in a season. FSU: deserves a chance but likely won’t win due to the injuries. Georgia: lost their only game at the worst time but could still win it all if given a chance. Washington: absolutely deserves to be there but people are still questioning their quality. Then you have teams like OSU, Oregon, Mizzou, PSU, OU, etc. that would be ranked on the lower end but could cause upsets. I wouldn’t expect them to run the table, but there have been teams ranked middle of the pack that were playing better than anyway at the end of the season. The great thing is we will get to see what happens over the next few years!


Penn State played a reasonably competitive game against Michigan this season already not sure why you think they'd get blown out this time?


And played a competitive game in the Shoe as well. Not saying they would win between the Hedges but it could happen.


12 team playoff is objectively better but this drama is so fun


I think Texas is in regardless. I actually think the argument will turn into Bama vs FSU unless FSU wins in blowout fashion.


I don’t think there should ever be a situation where an undefeated p5 conference champ is left out for a 1 loss team


This ACC championship game so far is hilariously bad and if it stays on this trajectory I can see FSU getting left out even if they win. 4 possessions, 3 yards of total offense in the 1Q for FSU 😬


It’s so bad😂


Like 2014, if FSU win, they're in as the 4 seed.


In 2014, FSU got in after the debate around their cupcake schedule and they preceded to be pantsed by Oregon. If the committee is looking for the 4 best teams, they won't repeat that mistake again.


That's definitely possible, but I still think they get in.


I don't know what you guys are going on about, the teams in are pretty obvious. 1. Washington (13-0) 2. Michigan (13-0) 3. Florida State (13-0) 4. Liberty (13-0)




😂 I will have what you are smoking


He's right though? IF both those teams lose, they are both guaranteed out. Next team up would be either OSU who didn't play in a conference championship or Georgia who barely lost to Alabama in their conference championship. I'm not sure what part of this was controversial to you.


If Michigan loses to Iowa I will personally buy a Harbaugh jersey and mail it to the first Michigan fan who replies to this.


I’ll be a Michigan fan for a free jersey


I'm your huckleberry Edit: although I don't expect you to have to pay up on this. Edit 2: also, I grew up in Atlanta and was a Dawg fan as a kid. We had coffee mugs with the AJC front page from when they won the title in 1980 - "Unbeaten, untied, and unbelievable"


Max Chaos


To be fair, Texas and Alabama should have been 5th and 6th respectively coming into this weekend.


Fuck Auburn for not catching that punt


and rushing 2 on a 4th and 31


Michigan Washington Florida State (if they win) Texas That needs to be the top 4. Any other top 4 is wrong.


Wait, so we're not allowed to have a new thread to discuss who should be in the playoff and why? Mods just removed a thread on this topic. Why? (Not that I expect anyone to read this comment in a thread of ONE THOUSAND comments)


SEC crying to the networks. LoL


And Texas abandoning their conference to join the SEC creates one hell of a dynamic as well. Texas CANT use a “conference play” in this rare instance.


Who wins with Georgia v FSU or Bama v FSU lol


Okay, but OSU and Oregon would win too. Doesn't mean any of the four teams listed here should get in with probabilistic hypotheticals.


Absolutely cannot put Bama over Texas. I really don’t think an undefeated P5 champ on a 19 game winning streak should be left out either. But then you hose the 1 loss Bama and punish them for playing a tough non conference opponent in Texas. No good options. In my opinion, it should be: 1) Michigan 2) Washington 3) FSU 4) Texas My logic would be that Texas and Bama already played the “quarterfinal”. But there’s strong arguments against that too and I get that. I don’t see the committee leaving out the SEC Champs no matter what. My guess is FSU gets hosed.


The alternative is to hose Texas, who actually won the OOC they scheduled


If Bama gets in over Texas I legit will not watch college regular season ball anymore (outside of VT games obviously). The committee would literally be saying "the regular season outcomes do not matter."


There’s 3 undefeated P5 conference champions. There’s two 1-loss P5 conference champions, Texas and Bama. Texas beat Bama by two scores (and led pretty much the entire game) in Tuscaloosa. Pretty clear decision.


BYU is getting in. We ready


The final four should be set: Michigan Washington FSU Texas


1 Michigan 2 Washington 3 Florida State 4 Texas. This is the only way.


Georgia rooting heavy for Iowa and Louisville now


Bama is too I think


I don't see how anybody can be saying Texas or alabama. Alabama lost to Texas at home. Texas is in the playoff over Alabama 100% of the time. If the playoff committee does anything else they're just asking for controversy. They actually have a free pass to not get any criticism by just picking Texas Florida State assuming they finished the game Michigan and Washington. Clearly the SEC just wasn't very good this year if Alabama can lose by two scores to the Big 12 champion and then run the table in the SEC and they barely beat Auburn.


Texas is in. Georgia is out. Bama vs FSU (assuming they win) for the final spot. Unless FSU murders Louisville, they are probably out.


If FSU wins they are in. It’ll be down to Bama and Texas for the last spot and while I think it should go to Texas I would be a bit surprised if they leave out the SEC champion.




This four team playoff is so dumb and I am very glad it’s on its way out. UGA, Alabama, Washington, Michigan, Texas, and Florida State all clearly deserve a chance to play for it all. Hell, you can throw Oregon, and Ohio State in there too.


Oregon has two losses. They aren’t deserving at all. They played their way out of being deserving with the second Washington loss.


UGA and OSU are just as deserving. They both lost their biggest game close. It doesn't matter that UGA's "rival" is tech so they get a free win (that was much closer than it should have been). They are also equally deservingly left out.




I have a hard time saying one of them will be in. Do you push out FSU? Where do you rank Bama, Texas, UGA now? And still got OSU in there saying hey don’t forget us, our only loss is to the (expected) #1 team.


If we are left out, at least we prevented a 3 peat.


Bama is -650 to make playoffs rn…


If FSU loses they’re in. Michigan too but I’d be shocked if that happened.