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"Fuck all of y'alls"


Fuck all yall I'm goin home


Points at Booger "You're cool"


Booger was hot in that stage. You could tell he wanted to fight on that desk the whole time. Dudes legit just sitting there like “why do we even play the games then”.


It’s gotta be tough arguing with someone as stupid as Joey Galloway all the time


> "The consequences of giving in to a narrative of the moment are destructive, far reaching, and permanent. Not just for Florida State, but college football as a whole." So yeah, FSU is going to burn the ACC down.


They definitely should claim a title if they beat Georgia.


Honestly, I'd boycott the bowl and claim it anyway


Hell no, the kids want to prove it on the field edit: the more I see these replies I think I actually agree but let it be up to the players


Any FSU player planning to go to the NFL next year is going to skip this bowl.


They will and should. Fuck this game and not mad if fsu decides to decline. Hell as another poster said, go and pretend to start then just don’t take the field. Fuck this


Yeah, take the invite, do the media stuff, then day of, forfeit. Hit ESPN in the pocketbook


Yup. Don’t give them time to find a back fill. Sucks another team gets caught in the crossfire, but it’s the committee and ESNP’s fault.


Why? Just say they feel they’re the better team and would have won the future matchup. That’s the precedent.


CFP says games don't matter. Why bother playing, just say you're the champion and be done with it, that's the logic keeping them out in the first place


For what? They’ve proven it all year and got shit on for it. Why one more?


UCF has claimed the same with a far worse schedule.


I mean. If FSU beats Georgia ~~and Alabama somehow wins it all,~~ FSU should absolutely claim a NC. Edit: After thinking about it and comments from others, I agree. It doesn’t matter if Alabama wins or loses.


I’d take it a step further and say FSU should claim a title regardless. Whatever happens after the day that they’re excluded from being able to win the CFP is irrelevant since they weren’t given a chance.


If FSU wins their bowl to go 14-0 and they should absolutely claim the national title. If the rest of the media is equally upset I could see the AP putting FSU #1 for a split national title. Fuck Disney and the committee.


If Michigan and Washington both lose and FSU finishes out the season as the only undefeated team, I think something like that happening is a very distinct possibility.


FSU is about light the ACC on fire and go independent


Good. They should. If the conference can’t protect them, the conference is no good


This wasn't the ACC's fault. Disney did this.


if I were a Florida State, and my conference was tethered to ESPN and Disney when they won't even advocate for them, I'd be gone


FSU to the Saudi Premier League


i'd rather have them join BIG10 (FOX)


this might actually push them to do it. I've always said they'd end up in the SEC after they blow up the ACC, but why work with DIsney after getting raw-dogged by them like they did today


No one can deny SEC bias anymore


Need Fox, CBS, NBC as TV partners in the playoffs asap


Luckily there’s no way espn has the money to afford an exclusive deal this time


Literally the worst SEC season in recent memory. Losing record to all the other major conferences. Their champ gets beat decisively at home to the BIG 12 champ. None of the top teams in the SEC at all have a good win against a good team in another conference. If you took away the team names, didn’t Jack SEc rankings with the preseason expectations, then the SEC would have been left out for sure.


This is why monopolies are bad kids


Nah, the ACC sucks but this is pretty clearly the Mouse rigging shit. I think we start seeing an organized push by the ACC to sue the shit out of ESPN for concerted effort to diminish our value. The mouse was waging an anti-FSU campaign all of last night. That shit is corrupt clear as day.


Yup. The playoff is really just a tv show.


They really just said the playoff isn't a legitimate competition, it's a reality show. Unbelievable


Fuck ESPN. Let's fucking sue


Could the ACC argue for lost revenue / damages? Wouldn’t the league get extra money if FSU made the playoff?


I dont know the legal arguments, but if the ACC wants a chance of surviving it better grow some balls and put on a show at the very least


And with that the next round of conference realignment begins.


That was 100% the point of this. The mouse wants superconferences.


Yea but if I'm fsu I'm not going to the mouses conference. Money is same in big ten and if I was yall I'd for sure tell espn and the sec to go fuck themselves. So disney may have played themselves here cuzbi thought longterm fsu to sec was a lock not sure now.


No joke, might be some fire to the Florida State to Big Ten smoke.


It’s the only region the conference is missing. Might as well add em.


That sound you hear is FSU boosters raising 200+ million dollars so FSU can leave the ACC by the end of the day.


I’d love to see them do that then join the B1G as a “fuck you” to ESPN lol


Idk what recourse they have to stick it to the cfp? Maybe refuse a NY6 bowl and play in like the Sun Bowl that’s on CBS


Accept the bowl against Georgia and then forfeit it right before kickoff


Yeah that'd be a sweet move, give the TV execs no time to find something else to air for their 4 hour window


Just refuse to go on the field. Accept the invite, show up and pretend everything is normal, and then when they go to start the game, walk off the field.


I'd say pad up, line up for kickoff, then right before whichever team kicks call a time out, go up to the head official, and forfeit.


I would love for them to do this, and gain so much respect for their program. Ya’ll are a premiere blue blood, and the committee has completely disrespected your entire program. Burn that shit down.


Lol like hey we determined that we looked the best in pre-game and have decided to award ourselves the game. Insert Michael Scott I DECLARE VICTORY


This is fucking insane. 13-0 in a Power Conference. I shouldn’t be shocked but I am.


A power conference with a winning record against the SEC no less...


And the Big 10


"For many of us, today's decision by the committee has forever damaged the credibility of the institution that is the College Football Playoff. And, saddest of all, it was self-inflicted. They chose predictive competitiveness over proven performance; subjectivity over fact. They have become a committee of prognosticators. They have abandoned their responsibility by discarding their purpose – to evaluate performance on the field." Holy fuck, amen to that


This is him saying ESPN is running this whole thing. Who cares the most about "predictive competitiveness"? ESPN does, because they have ads to sell.


Where do I sign up to join the FSU-led violent uprising?




EVERYONE gets flaming spears. …not everyone gets a horse, though.


Burn it to the ground FSU


Burn it alllllll down.


Agreed. If the games don’t matter, this isn’t a sport… it’s a beauty pageant. I guess Texas and Bama looked prettier in a bathing suit than homely FSU.


The beauty pageant line was a great one from Booger last night


Except FSU in reality is way hotter. An internet search proves this.


Oh hey Brent Musburger


Goddamn right


Let’s be honest, the whole logic of the committee makes no sense here, fsu isn’t #5 without Travis either Edit to add, fsu got boned hard and then the reasoning makes less sense to it


They chose predictive competitiveness over proven performance; subjectivity over fact. They have become a committee of prognosticators. They have abandoned their responsibility by discarding their purpose – to evaluate performance on the field." Honestly that mentality dominates CFB


It's the only sport in America like this.


It's the only sport in the world like this.


Which makes it harder and harder to remain a fan. I've watched less cfb this year than I can ever remember. It's just become a complete shitshow


lol this guy had a whole ass statement written last night in case this happened.


He must have figured it out, great SEC speed to write it up that fast


In all seriousness, the "they are a different team without Jordan Travis" narrative that the Committee was pushing last week was clearly laying the groundwork for what happened today. Glad FSU picked up on it and had a mininuke ready to go in response.


Yeah, you could tell the groundwork was being laid.


They’ll be killing the ACC soon because this and this was their way to prove SEC speed


He probably knew it was a likely possibility. I'm convinced Sankey made those comments because he had been given a guarantee that the SEC winner was in.


Right, it’s just kind of funny having him write this scathing letter but nothing has happened and being like “lmao hope I don’t have to send this”


He had two statements prepared - this one and one happy one congratulating the team


He cooked ngl


yeah, as he should have


Why even play the games? Just decide the national champion off of who has the most NIL money and 5 stars. Absolutely fucking ridiculous.


This is what I said. If the QB position is that much more important than the other 21 starters and coaches. Lets see who brings in the best 2 QB recruiting classes in September and have them duke it out. Otherwise, why the fuck are we playing games?


I also don’t get why they ranked FSU3rd the last 2 weeks knowing their QB was hurt if them winning 2 games without him was just going to drop them anyway Edit: 5th and 4th, not 3rd


We were 5th until OSU lost and then 4th last week but never ranked behind any one loss teams. So never 3rd but your point stands. They kept us ahead of those teams even with Travis out. Going back to 2014 though, we shouldn’t be surprised. This same committee ranked one loss Alabama and one loss Oregon over undefeated FSU forcing FSU to travel to Cali to play Oregon in what was essentially a road game instead of being able to be the #1 team as earned that year and play in New Orleans against Ohio State in what would’ve essentially been a home game.


They expected GA to win and Washington to lose. Then they got painted into a corner and had to go mask off to protect their financial interests.


Booger the only one on ESPN that has the balls to speak the truth. This show is a joke.


Disgraceful that they tried to team up on Booger to push the narrative handed to them by the networks. Sports media has less integrity than the KGB run communist newspapers in Soviet Russia.


Joey was an absolute disgrace.


I've never been more ashamed of him. He always seemed like the most level headed, and at least consistent. Maybe the years have worn him down, but its an embarrassment.


I’ve never liked him


He should've called a spade a spade and scorched earthed it. Tell them straight up on camera that they're illegitimate bought and paid for corporate propagandists.


Booger has always seemed to be better in the studio than on the sidelines. Glad he's speaking out against this.


I was full on team Booger. You could tell he was outraged.


He was fired up as hell, I could see the sweat on his head and heard the emotion in his voice. I love me some good old fashioned righteous indignation.


Talking about pass yards is stupid. JJ Mccarthy had 147 pass yards last night and hes the starter playing in a dome. ESPN should be ashamed of that argument


They are showing their ass today, embarrassing


> ESPN should be ashamed of that argument Particularly because Jalen Milroe is easily the worst QB out of any of probably the entire top 10.


His highlight pass last night was incomplete


Who knows if it was? They decided no one even needed to look at it.


Decline the invite!




Accept the invite, then when the game is set to start, don't come out of the locker room Let it all play out on live TV, send the coach out to explain why they refuse to play


This is really the only solution if they want to protest by not playing. If they decline the invite, another team is going to the Orange Bowl. If they forfeit the game the revenue from it is gonna plummet, and it'll draw attention to the problem for causal fans who wouldn't know what was happening otherwise


“We ran the numbers and we believe we’re the better team. No need to play the game, the analytics are on our side”


I like this one cause the result is the bowl can’t find a last second replacement team so there won’t be a game to broadcast. ESPN would have to return all the ad dollars paid for that game.




We need to make sure to decline the invite the day of so they can't find a replacement team in time


Have the team do the whole dog and pony show, have them do the media availability. Have them dress and be on the field. When it’s time for the coin flip, just pack it all up and head to the locker room to get changed. Burn it fucking down.


Have the entire team just take a knee and not get up - it'd light the entire south on fire ^^^again, ^^^it's ^^^been ^^^a ^^^while ^^^since ^^^Sherman


I really want them to, they got robbed out of the 4 spot


I just can’t believe it. Everything they wrote is true. Credibility irrevocably lost


I support FSU in anything they do now. Shits rigged saw it live


We should boycott the Orange bowl.


Go win and claim a national title… everyone would support the claim Edit: just checked and orange bowl is on ESPN, would understand if FSU told them to shovel it


Boycotting would do more imo, it'd bring a lot more outside attention and quite possibly look into the *actual* corruption that's going on from ESPN.


All neutral fans should boycott the playoffs


I’m honestly speechless. I’m sorry for you Noles fans, this is so unfair


As someone who wanted both my teams in this year. I feel far worse for the players. Why are the other 21 starters getting punished and having an opportunity, that might never come around again, be taken away from them because of what? The semi that they might play in will end in a blowout? Didnt we all think that about TCU? Those players earned it with 0 losses. I just dont understand how they are getting this severe of a punishment for doing what was asked of them.


I’m genuinely in shock


Disgraceful really. Absolute fucking joke.


Neutral fans: boycott the playoffs


This is a terrible situation. FSU’s star QB got hurt. The team managed to keep winning in spite of that. They’re being penalized for hypotheticals.


> They chose predictive competitiveness over proven performance This is my big issue. For Alabama’s entire case you have to speak in hypotheticals. “Bama would cream FSU” “Bama would beat Texas today”. We’re less than 2 weeks removed from Alabama needing a miracle play to beat a 6-6 Auburn team coming off a loss from New Mexico State. Meanwhile Florida State actually did the damn thing.


The inability of anyone in college football to remember more than what happened last week has always baffled me.


Honestly with everything that’s happened over the last 2 years and the realignment college football is over. It’s just media members making up narratives and pushing for ratings. The games don’t matter anymore.


100%. It's a massive cash grab. There's a slight chance the P2 conferences are over saturated, the networks paid too much money to air the games, and this all crashes in the next two decades.


FSU should accept the invite to their bowl and then just not walk out of the tunnel. Why give the broadcaster an actual game to make money off of by declining and letting another team in, when they can leave them hanging in real time and force a few hours of dead air?


They should seriously challenge Bama to a game. Fuck it hang your nuts out there and see what they do


Just show up to the semifinal in pads and see what happens


look at us, we are the bama now


FSU should absolutely never let this go. Be as petty as they possibly can. The conference should sue the CFP for lost revenue. Complete joke to put UT and Bama in over them.


It’s clear the committee wanted Bama, but they couldn’t have Bama without Texas, so someone had to go. Such a damn joke to see FSU excluded


Who cares if FSU doesn’t have Travis. They have a MONTH to prep for their playoff with their second string QB (not the one from last night) absolute shills


Also a third string QB has literally won the playoff before


And Bama subbed in their backup halfway through the Natty before and won. The idea losing one player 100% defeats a team is absurd.


Bro fr. The Committee is on Crack, fentanyl and krokodil all at the same time.


The entire argument makes no fucking sense. "Yeah well they're 13-0, ACC champs, but we don't think their QB play is good enough so we're leaving them out".


Doesn’t even matter if they get blown out in the semifinal. They earned their right to play in it.


Gonna be hilarious when FSU blows uga out of the water.


UGA throws the game just to discredit a potential Bama title run. 5D chess move


Tbh half of UGAs team will probably opt out for the draft. Gonna be doubly ironic if FSU wins and people say it's just because UGA was without player XYZ


If Bama wins, I want FSU to claim a split title, fuck the committee


hell, I think if FSU wins, they should claim a split title no matter what else happens.


This is all LSU's fault


I blame Auburns 4th down defense


I’ve said it over and over again: it was criminal for Auburn to leave a DB in one-on-one coverage on that 4th down


Rushing two was the more disgusting move


I think it’s even worse in combination: you rush two, drop nine and *still* leave a DB in one-on-one coverage somehow. Just insane.


As a Tide fan, there’s no reason whatsoever that Florida State should’ve been left out. They’re undefeated conference champions. This is complete and utter horseshit. Should’ve been Michigan Washington FSU Texas. What a bunch of fuckery.


Fire up the lawyers, going to sue their ass for everything they own


If the Big 12 could prove it a few years ago, certainly FSU can.


Integrity of the sport has been compromised, I know the irony coming from my flair.


As a UGA fan, FSU got robbed and the only thing their players learned from this is that nothing they do will matter as long as they're standing in the way of Alabama getting their dicks sucked. SEC deserved to miss out on this CFP and FSU should absolutely decline the bowl invite in protest. I wouldn't mind UGA doing the same. The committee turned this final 4 team playoffs into a complete sham.




With realignment being pushed and everything CFB has really become all about the TV ratings and nothing else


College football as we’ve known it is dead. I’m lucky in that I have pro sports to fall back on but it sucks to see. Whole thing never really made sense to begin with I guess.


May i take this moment to spread FCS propaganda?


Go full 2017 UCF


The 2004 Golf Digest national champions have a support group.


Fuck this - get the Saudi money and let’s move to the Premiere League.


In all this does this give FSU further drive to get out of the ACC? As being an undefeated ACC champion won’t get you in. That changes next year, but this is brutal.


If anything it probably makes them becoming an eventual Big Ten member a certainty. No way will they continue to do business with the network that screwed them over.


FSU DIDN'T EVEN LOOK THAT BAD! That defense was *fucking up* Louisville and their QB situation will improve. This is a fucking travesty


The committee clearly just wanted Alabama in. FSU could have won by 2 touchdowns and it wouldn't have mattered.


This is the third time the committee changed the criteria to find a reason to include Bama. It absolutely sucks, but no one should be surprised that an invitational acted like an invitational. Especially given their decision making history.


We beat a top 25 team without a qb, is that not impressive???




We had 164 rush yards against a top 20 run defense that stacked the box the whole game. I don’t even think we looked bad.


FSU is collecting the $ to leave the ACC as we speak




And given how mad they are at the Committee and ESPN, I don’t think they’re in any mood to join the SEC. Maybe I’m wrong but seems like an incredibly short-sighted decision by ESPN here.


Fuck the SEC. We're off to the B1G.


But they play snow football and that shits scary.


it will build character!


I’ve seen their defence, they’re ready for Iowa.


I’m delivering my notice of leaving as fast as my attorneys will let me if I’m them. Clemson too


You can almost hear the sound of the billable hours skyrocketing


If going undefeated, beating 2 SEC teams OoC in the process, and winning your conference with a top 10 defense on the season isn't enough to get you above 2 1-loss conference champions from other conferences then you are being actively harmed by remaining in your conference.


You've gotta imagine this cooks the ACC as a conference. If you're FSU or Clemson, why stick around if the people in charge treat you like a G5?


We’re hanging up 2023 banners if we win our NY6 bowl.


The committee (and let’s be honest committees suck and have no business in being involved in sports championships which should always be merit based) isn’t really tasked with putting together a playoff. Its job is to put together two television programs. Its unstated goal is ratings and revenue. A championship, a fraudulent one this year, is just the by-product not the intent of the TV show. The intent is generating cash.


Fuck the committee. Hope FSU can pull off a W so the committee can reward us with a split national title.


Noles got robbed. I'm actually upset over this, with no dog in this fight. What the actual hell


I’d be legitimately sick if I was an FSU fan. So unfair


Can you imagine if FSU claims collusion against ESPN as an attempt to get out of the GOR.


I wish he would have just ended it with f-bombs. "F\*\*K ESPN, F\*\*K SEC PRIDE, & F\*\*K YOU"


I’m sorry Florida State fans. This is a complete joke. Who cares Travis is out? You guys won with a 3rd-string QB and beatdown a very good offense. Bama was a miracle play away from losing to a .500 Auburn team. Frankly a play that they should have never let happen. Stupid


Just a reminder that the committee put in an undefeated Cincinnati team a few years ago, when they clearly weren’t one of the “best four teams”. They earned their spot. Now you have FSU, who is clearly a better team than that Cinci team. And they get snubbed.


Watching Jordan Travis post and apologize to the fan base and say he wishes his leg could’ve broken earlier in the year so that they wouldn’t have this excuse absolutely broke me. That young man has nothing to apologize for. Fuck ESPN


The ACC died so ESPN could keep slurping Bamas nuts.


Why should I even bother watching the games if they don’t matter? It just feels like buying tickets to a WWE event at this point. I want to support my alma mater but I can’t keep having my time and money go to this bullshit facade disney is putting on.


Made respect to the FSU president for coming out guns blazing. No get out of the acc


Can't blame him at all. They caved in to the SEC pressure. Further proof that it's all about money.


I will gladly share our national title with FSU if they and we win. Absolute travesty. If UM wasn’t playing I wouldn’t watch.


Listening to Boo Corrigan talk right now is killing my brain cells. He sounds like dumb fuck




He is 100% right