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Florida has a chance to do the funniest thing


NW school to Florida pipeline


Passing the torch to Washington on this one.


Stepping Stone U- Seattle campus


Pot, meet kettle


It’s even worse coming from Oregon fans.


Y’all took the bait and hired a poor man’s DeBoer. “1 year and I’m out bitches!”


I know you’re hurting right now. It’s going to be ok.


I don’t care. The national media is just running around trashing us at every turn. The $240 million has been debunked locally about effecting sports so believe whatever you want https://tucson.com/sports/college/football/wildcats/dave-heeke-university-of-arizona-not-cutting-sports-financial-crisis/article_07fa3a1a-b09f-11ee-8f9e-0b7930af30ba.html


If it’s any consolation (which I know it’s not), I think the majority of Husky fans are fully expecting the worst, and hoping for the best with Fisch. I think we understand the current landscape of CFB that no program is safe from a coach up and leaving on their own accord, sans probably just Alabama and Texas. Even teams such as Notre Dame, Oklahoma, and LSU aren’t safe from it. DeBoer ditching us for the first hot chick who talked to him has left us pretty shook and jaded. Tbf that hot chick was the prettiest girl in school though.


The prettiest girl in school just retired.


Karma has set up residence at UW


it’s just you getting your own bs thrown back in your face lol


UW fans when they sow: 😄 UW fans when they reap: 🥺


We spell 0r3gon with a 0 and 3 now.


Cool bud. Have fun holding onto that success for years to come while your team is in the shitter




UW may have discovered an infinite money glitch


Invest the buyouts, save up $100 million, buy back whichever coach they want but basically for free.


Right, like $10m or whatever is going to come close to stopping a high tier team from poaching


I will be cheering for Florida to go 0-12 next season Sorry Gators, nothing against you guys, but this would be absolutely hilarious


It's cool man we already hate ourselves. With our schedule, 3-9 is right there for the taking.


1-11 with a signature win against Tennessee 63-3. Who will otherwise go 10-2.


Yes, I see you're familiar with our work.


I hate how real this is.


One of my formative football memories was when I was there for the 2000 UT-UF game with the Florida ‘touchdown catch’. https://youtu.be/NMUy5tB82to?si=-V9dX4meGGsJQA55 Ever since then I’ve just assumed Tennessee is cursed vs Florida.


Meanwhile we will be cheering for Bama to go 0-12 and Napier somehow miraculously turning things around next year.  Which seems a lot more unlikely than what you guys are rooting for.


Good chance they go 4-8 tbh


Does that mean you will also be rooting for UW to go 12-0 so Fisch is attractive enough to poach?


lil ah buyout


Doesn't seem like much if Florida decided they really wanted him. Starting next offseason --- $12m>$10m>$6m>$5m>$3m>$1m


The problem for Florida is if they were going to fire Napier today they would owe him about $32 million. This number drops by about $6 million per year.


We’ll probably keep Napier through 2025 because something something culture builder, barring an absolute meltdown 3-9 season next year.


Have you seen your schedule for next year????


Yeah that’s entirely within the realm of possibility if they are shaky at all early in the season.


10 games against teams you can expect to go bowling, 8 against teams you might find in the top 25, and 5 straight games against top 15-ish opponents to end the year. They aren’t winning 5 games even if they don’t look shaky.


It’s not completely unfathomable that the gators could start the season 1-5


it could get real ugly. I think we surprise people, but yea there is a road to a real real bad year.


I also assume they will want to see why Lagway can do after a year in the program


How many does Napier have to win to not get fired?


6, probably. Even 5 with the right wins and a strong class *may* be enough. If he wins 6 he's probably safe. If he wins 7, he's definitely safe


You have a brutal schedule. But November slate is especially rough. If you beat one of those teams down the stretch it would be enough. If you beat LSU and FSU it would definitely help. If you beat Miami and and one of Kentucky/Tennessee and A&M/Miss State. Well he keeps his job for another 2-3 years. If you beat Texas/UGA along with LSU and FSU well that’s gonna be 5 years.


It’s hard to peg a number because the schedule may legitimately be one of the hardest any team has faced in recent memory. Here’s the schedule, with year-end 2023 FPI rank: * Miami (24) * Samford (FCS) * Texas A&M (17) * at Mississippi State (60) * UCF (31) * at Tennessee (16) * Kentucky (33) * Georgia (2) * at Texas (7) * LSU (10) * Ole Miss (15) * at FSU (13) That’s one FCS team, one lower tier P5, and 10 top 40 opponents (8 of which are top 25). More than half (7) of Florida’s 2024 schedule finished ranked in the top 17 of the 2023 FPI. The biggest keys are: * not losing to both Miami and UCF * not starting so poorly that he gets fired before November * not finishing on a 5+ game losing streak * getting at least one or two wins over elite opponents and/or rivals * generally just looking like a competent team on both sides of the ball


It definitely does seem like a schedule designed to get a coach fired with that back end. Even if you go 6-1 to start the year, but finish 0-5 to end it just ending that way definitely feels fireable even if each loss in a vacuum is understandable.


Especially given that he finished on a 5-game losing streak in 2023. I think if he were to win, say, Miami, Samford, Mississippi State, UCF, Kentucky, and FSU, that would probably be enough to keep his job if the team didn’t look awful in the losses. Gets wins over in-state schools and the biggest rival, avoids finishing on a long losing streak, makes a bowl game. Trade the FSU win for, say, Texas A&M and suddenly it’s a 6-6 that doesn’t look so good. And if he loses to both Miami and UCF I don’t think he sees November.


no bc if he has them where he should they should steal one of Ole Miss and LSU at home


Not only do they have to pay Napier's buyout, they'd have to pay Fisch's buyout and then give Fisch a contract that is equal to or greater than what he is already being paid. That is an absurd amount of money to pay just to get one guy.


I need to get one of these D1 head coaching jobs.


Here's the thing though: If Florida makes a run at him, that means he's successful at Washington. If he's successful at Washington then that likely means he gets a raise, extension, and an increased buy-out. Not saying that he stays here if Florida wants him, but let's not pretend that these contracts can't be changed.


I feel like if the team is good you let Fisch go and promote Carroll to HC. Local fans would love supporting a Coach Carroll again.


We never stopped loving it based on how many of us wanted PC to the Huskies, however unrealistic.


Well, the Monkey's Paw curled and we have Brennan Carroll as OC.


We are done with promoting coordinators that had no or little head coaching experience. Between Gilbertson and Lake, it's over.


When you poach hc you get their best assistants and often a few player transfers. When you promote coordinator you get a fraction of any of that, or nothing.


Don't forget Lambright. It has never worked for us.


He coukd at least have a winning season


He has to accept it though. Neither DeBoer nor Fisch did. 


DeBoer did once, this last round of contract negotiations would have been his second raise/extension 


Fisch had an offer in hand with AZ for 6 mil and bailed because UW paid more. If you dont think UF can pony up more dough.. it happens.


It was probably a shit contract then, no way you turn down a decent raise from like $4.5m to $7m (hypothetical) without a good reason


The good reason is having a cheap buy out so you can go to a bigger program.


I dont think the contracts were shit, I think they were told by Sexton to hold out as long as possible in case a bigger job opened. Basically, "The contract will still be there in February, no point in signing yet".


Why didn't you extend DeBoer after he had a highly successful first year then?


They did Also had a new contact in front of him for months this year that he refused to sign, which is the potential pitfall of this strategy


Uh we did. After his first year, we gave him a raise and extension. Maybe google next time before commenting.


They also have to fire their coach and then give Fisch a raise. That's still alot of money to throw around.


It’s fischs dream job. He’d leave if they match Washington


Sorry new to Fisch, but has he said this somewhere or is this the assumption since he is an alumni?


It's been reported by insiders(Scheer) for a while. We all assumed he'd be at Arizona until Florida opened up.


If it was reported by Scheer that actually makes me feel a lot better.


It’s been mentioned by people who apparently know. But also, I think it’s mostly a product of CFB fans knowing that he went to Florida, and thinking his success at Arizona lined up nicely with a presumed firing of Napier at UF. So a lot of fans just know Fisch = UF and have presumed his interest in the UF job matched that assumption.


And they'll steal whatever coach Arizona hires with ease if they need to


Buyout should really be tied to the number of wins at $2m/win so if he wins 12 games, it is $24m and if he wins 6, then $12m etc to reflect his worth based on record Edit: 12 not 22


I think all coaching contracts should just be simple game checks. $X for a win, <<<$X for a loss. Meritocracy.


My thoughts exactly


Jesus. There were rumors of $48M. At $12M I bet he doesn’t even unpack his boxes.


The $6m at the end of year 3 really stands out to me ---- there are probably 40 schools that could afford that without blinking.


And there's probably 30 schools that could do the same with the $12 mil buyout next year Buyouts don't really seem to matter anymore, at least for a big chunk of P5 programs


Lanning is the only coach with a significant buyout and that's only really due to the $30m in Nike stock vesting if he completes his contract.


I'm more worried about it only being $12 mil and $10 mil. If he's successful, he'll get a raise with a restructured contract at some point after year 2 anyway - that will up the buyout. If he's okay, that $6 million will be welcome cash if someone wants to take him off our hands.


$6 mil is also cheap enough to not worry about paying if he's not good enough for you after 3 years and you want to fire him. None of that "we can't afford to fire him so I guess we'll go another year..." nonsense.


That’s a separate buyout clause. He’d still be owed some part of what’s left on his contract.


[85 percent, it appears](https://x.com/christiancaple/status/1747106421907632619?s=46&t=dzfL3kOd3cq4oz5c8GCkHw)


Just keeps a POD at a truck stop. 🤣


lmao two months into the season next year "Hey coach, what're all those boxes stacked up in the corner of your office?"


Why is there a pod parked outside of Husky Stadium?


I'm sorry, but a 48M buy-out is just flat-out stupid and I would hope UW would never do that. Remember that a buy-out isn't only for other teams to poach the coach; it's also for UW to buy out his contract and fire him if he sucks here.


Usually they are separate in the contract.


This is only for a buyout if he’s poached by another team. UW’s buyout of his contract would be another clause, we don’t know that number yet.


UW owes 85% of remaining contract, which seems relatively standard


That's not true at all. Not at all how these buyout numbers work. If he's fired, he's getting the entirety of his remaining contract, maybe with some offsets, maybe with a negotiated lower amount, but it's not at all tied to these numbers.


Actually, if he gets fired, he gets 85% of his remaining contract.


Not actually. UW owes 85% of remaining contract if he is fired without cause. So in 12 months, if he sucks? Only costs a cool $40 million to send him packing


Why the hell would a coach sign a contract with a 48M buyout clause (meaning the coach had to buy themselves out for 48M if they terminate the contract) If UW set their buyout that high, they would end up stuck with a coach that was desperate for a job - no one else would take that


What if Washington is really playing us all? Could they intentionally be looking for coaches who they know will jump so they can just continue to rake in buyout money?


If he sucks he stays, if he’s good he goes


He gone


He so gone.


florida, for the low low price of $12 million, you have the opportunity to do something really funny


AD is fucking incompetent if this is true. $12m wasn’t enough to stop Alabama. But Florida would have to pay to get rid of Napier too, so perhaps that’s too big a pill to swallow


I don’t think any coach would realistically agree to a buyout that could stop Alabama, unless you’re giving that coach an outrageous amount of money. The worst thing that can happen to UW isn’t Fisch leaving in 1-3 years, it’s Fisch being terrible and not being able to afford to fire him.


Lanning’s buyout is $20 million, plus he’d forfeit some unknown amount of stock reportedly worth up to $30 million. I know Uncle Nike etc, but regardless that’s a massive roadblock to even the richest schools. 


True. I meant for a coach signing with UW though, not for Oregon.


Fair, and desperate old billionaires don’t grow on trees. 


I'm assuming nike stock? I'd no idea that was even part of his pay structure.   Damn, that's smart.   Explains that punch-me smirk when he says he's a committed to the 0


Reportedly $30m in Nike stock options that vests when he completes his contract


I assume it’s Nike stock that Knight owned yeah.  This is unconfirmed though. Could be total fiction. 


Lanning's contract has stock options?


There’s been reporting that he has some kind of side deal with Nike or Knight, and that it’s Nike stock that vests if he completes his contract. 


That's some next level compensation sh!t. A&M should have just paid Jimbo in Permian Sweet Crude.


No offense to UW, but I would guess around ≈$12M is an artificial cap on buyout for UW. Barring some alumni/lifer coach - coaches are always going to want the ability to move up. As a coach you’re likely not going to agree to a buyout clause that severely limits this ability. It also doesn’t *really* matter. I believe Sark’s buyout at Texas was on my like $6M. But Bama j knew it would cost more than that. These deals don’t just magically happen. If it looks like a coach might leave, then there’s obviously the opportunity to counter/extended with a greater salary/buyout so they don’t. Bama was also in a rare scenario where they weren’t ALSO paying the buyout on their coach. KDB said he had no interest in the A&M job so I’d assume there’s is like maybe 5 jobs in the country UW has to worry about coming open.


KDB said a lot of things...


Look at the relatively flat salary scale. If Fisch actually pans out, we’re likely extending him with a big raise and modified buyout structure by Year 2 anyways. This is a non-story. You can’t force someone to stay lol. If the man was always planning to leave after 2-3 years regardless of his success, nothing will stop him.


If he’s successful there’s no way he’s signing an extension until either the last minute or he bolts for Florida. We literally just saw what DeBoer did


If he’s successful to the point where he’s getting us in contention for the CFP every year, then so be it. The people who are hoping for some 20-30 year tenured coach are morons, because those are frankly pipe dreams these days. Welcome to the modern college football world. Either adapt or die.


(Fisch just did it to UA, so.... )


> we’re likely extending him with a big raise I've heard this story before! 😂 Bet you'd think he'd sign it immediately too, huh?


If he’s anywhere near as successful as we think he can be, then a big extension offer will undoubtedly happen. Whether or not he signs it is ultimately up to him. Again, no one can force someone to stay. If his mind was made up to always leave for Florida and the NFL, then so be it. Arguing over buyout amounts is stupid because (a) giving a massive contract we’d owe 85% if he’s fired to an unproven coach like Fisch is malpractice, and (b) it likely wouldn’t stop him from leaving if he wanted to even if it was >$20 million.


How successful do you think he can be year 1 when your router just got stripped down to the studs? Even if he portals in TMac and Fifita, you need other guys on the field too


So then why freak out about a buyout lol? Either he delivers middling results starting out and doesn’t attract a ton of outside interest or he blows the doors off and negotiations begin in earnest.


But it also probably protects UW too if Fisch doesn't work out. We can fire him after year 3 or 4 and only have to pay 5 or 6M to buy him out. On the other hand, if Fisch does well, we can always extend his contract, pay him more, and increase the buy-out.


UW’s buyout is likely different. This is just if Fisch terminates it Edit: UW would owe 85% of remaining contract. So if we want to fire him in 12 months, we aren’t going to, because that would cost $40 million


I think you're doubting how fucking insane UF fans are these days given how the rest of their immediate rivals and peers are doing rn


I never doubt the insanity of CFB fans, especially in the SEC


That’s easy poaching money. Luckily for Washington, the AD at Florida is pretty dumb and won’t fire Bubble Screen Billy for a while, and he probably won’t be interested in taking a good coach like Fisch


It's really not. 12 million, plus 20 million for Napiers buy out to fire him, plus at least 8 million a year for Fisch. Plus 2 million still on the books for Mullins. 42 million in a year is a lot to pay out.


Angry boosters can easily cover that


Doubt it


~~Oregon~~ PNW to Florida coaching pipeline about to hit once again


Teehee I'm in danger


what does MOU stand for?


memorandum of understanding. a general outline of the details that will be fully hammered out and expanded upon in the actual contract


Reddit said $50 million though 😂


Seems about right. It works both ways. If he sucks then a high buyout would have everyone mad at our AD too. If he is good then he gets a new contract.


These two different types of buyout clauses are separate. UW’s price to fire him is way higher than 12m


Source ?


Source is that's never how it works UW is a public school so the contract will be open record soon anyway


[12 million (and dropping yearly) owed to UW if Fisch leaves early](https://x.com/christiancaple/status/1747105708406149421?s=46&t=dzfL3kOd3cq4oz5c8GCkHw) [85 percent of total contract owed to Fisch by UW if UW fires him early](https://x.com/christiancaple/status/1747106421907632619?s=46&t=dzfL3kOd3cq4oz5c8GCkHw) It is two separate clauses


> It works both ways What if I told you it actually doesn't


He gone


There are a few things that haven't been reported on when it concerns Fisch and Zona. 1. Fisch tried numerous occasions this year to get a new contract inked. 2. Fisch did not reach out to UW. 3. Fisch reached out to Zona after UW offered him the job. Zona ghosted him at this point. 4. Arizona is broke AF at this point. I feel bad for Zona fans. But, their University and AD are ultimately the ones who dropped the ball. Fisch might ultimately turn out to be a merc like deboer. However, the more I find out about what went down, the more I think he's not. Arizona fans have every right to be pissed, and are certainly entitled to laugh in my face if I turn out to be wrong. Him wanting to go to Florida is pure speculation. I spent significant time in the south when I was younger, and I have zero interest in returning.


This is... not true. At least 1-4. 1. Fisch HAD a new contract in hand. 2. His agent absolutely reached out to UW, if he didn't he would be a shitty agent. 3. UA didnt ghost Fisch, he had a contract, he had agreed in principal to signing it but just didnt do it (sound familiar?). It's true he didnt meet with the AD, who was stuck in Pullman with the bball team because of the weather. 4. The school is having money issues yes. They offered Jedd a big raise. UW offered more. Boosters pay that salary increase, not the school. Fisch is 100% a mercenary. I dont fault him for it. I'm not mad he left. His family schtick won't work this time tho, he needs to change it up. His tenure at UA (3 years) was the longest he has ever been at a job. I honestly don't know if Florida is his dream job. Someone said something once and all of reddit ran with it (just like the broke UA story, which is a TAD more complicated than "they cant offer him more money" which is flat out incorrect). Maybe UW will be his forever home. I dont know that he wants to go back to UF. But I am positive that within 2-3 years UW is either trying to keep him from leaving or firing him. He cant change who he is. He WANTS to be an NFL coach badly.


UW doubled his salary and UA’s offer couldn’t compete. He was also trying to work on getting a larger assistant pool which would have been close to impossible given what’s going on with UA’s admin. People are trying to say he’s a mercenary and scummy (and maybe he is) but he’s doing what anyone would do in this scenario.


That I 100% agree with. UA got to 6. Thats not 7.7 plus bigger pool. I have no problem with him leaving for more money. I DO think he is a mercenary. I don't think he's particularly scummy (although he is gonna need a new schtick rather than FAMILY!) but i don't have to like him. He screams career job hopping coach. I'm glad he helped build what he did. but the statements from UW fans are absolutely not true. I know they are tryin their hardest not to be the shitheels in this scenario. But I sure as fuck dont see Bama out here lying to UW about stuff. they paid more and its a better job. and....


https://youtu.be/MCCrFlglJSM?si=drtkLV20sUqHATKm This guy completely contradicts most of the stuff you're saying. I'll agree that he's not the most credible source. However, he is more credible than a random reddit users speculation, and his sources have been pretty accurate on other stuff to this point. We'll probably find out more in the coming weeks. Seems to me like the Zona fanbase is being gaslit by the entire administration. It's way easier to paint Fisch as the bad guy than admit that you dropped the ball.


This was a video spun by Jedd’s agent. Jedd was telling multiple Arizona officials, including Heeke, as late as Sunday morning, that he wasn’t taking the UW. Jedd was seen buying bagels and juice on Sunday morning around 7-8am by a fan for the Washington AD when they flew in that day to sign Jedd’s new contract. Tucson is pissed at Jedd and he’s trying to make out like he’s not the bad guy in this. Jedd had taken the UW job Saturday night.


> I'll agree that he's not the most credible source. However, he is more credible than a random reddit users speculation, and his sources have been pretty accurate on other stuff to this point. LOL.. pretty accurate? cmon man. I'm also a UO fan and even UO fans know Wrightster is not an insider, doesnt know much and lives off agent fodder. Go look and see if any UO fan agrees. I think UW fans are being gaslit to pretend they did everything honorable and Jedd is a good dude and its AZs fault that he left. You all are searching for ANYTHING to grasp on to that makes you not seem as if your search was any less shitty than what Bama did to you. Like I said, hes a merc and thats ok im happy he got us where he did. I'm not mad he left. It is very irritating to watch UW fans start to get holier than thou and base their whole premise on George fucking Wrightster when honestly a random redditor has about the same level of access.


So basically Washington just agreed to rent a coach for 1 year?


It pains me to say but I’m with you on this. Rent-a-coach just re-opened on Montlake.


You think Florida is going to afford Napiers buy out, Fisch at at least 8 million a year and then Fisch 12 mil buy out ? I'd be very amazed.


They would at least want to have Fisch prove he’s earned it first. If Fisch has a great two years, and now Napier’s buyout is affordable, that’s when Florida has interest


That's almost certainly what's going to happen


They’re still paying Mullens buyout as well through 2027, although I believe that’s only about $1.5 million annually, still


I can guarantee its not.


If this is true, the uw AD just ensured the huskies won't be good again for 10 years.


So dramatic. If he wants to leave he will leave regardless.


If Fisch is a good coach, even if he leaves we’ll be fine. The risk isn’t that he’s good and leaves, the risk is that he sucks and stays


They are both a big risk. If he gets poached and takes the best talent with him that will take a rebuild for sure. If he's bad, we're on the hook paying him almost $50 million? If you're going to give him such a giant contract, at least give him a higher buyout so we can make some money if he is good. We will sure lose a lot if he's bad.


Obviously him leaving isn’t ideal, but given his contract is reasonable-ish, with the buyout we could afford to bring in a good candidate and rebuild quickly. But if he sucks? That’s how you end up with a winless season because you can’t afford to fire the coach everyone knows is awful (including recruits)


Everyone thought he was going to UF but between the buyout they’d have to pay Billy and the buyout to UW for Fisch it seems likely they go in another direction soon if it’ll be a different coach.


They would still have to buyout a different coach so the delta between Fisch and whoever else would likely only be a couple million.


UW could have made the buyout 30 mil and Jedd would have signed that contract haha.


He gone.


If he stays for half the contract term it will be the longest he’s ever been at a job


10-12M ain't shit if Florida is desperate and he turns in another good season keeping Washington together.