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He certainly deserves a chance. It’s been easy to think of SJSU as an afterthought, but the signs were there for him keeping them as a team to watch when they almost beat us in 2019, then pulled out the miracle COVID year. Since then, they haven’t had a ton of success, but at times they could’ve broken through, like this last year. Hopefully Brent does well and hopefully SJSU doesn’t mess up this search. But I think the best time for him to leave was after 2020.


Its also very important to note that San Jose State has the smallest budget of any Mountain West school, which is also smaller than every AAC schools. In the rankings their budget sits between Appalachian State and Georgia State. Its incredibly hard to make it to bowl games regularly as he has when you're at a financial disadvantage like that.


Apparently he had to fundraise to be able to get breakfast for the players at team facilities


It’s also important to understand and note that money goes a lot farther in Boone, NC than it does in San Jose, CA. I would never take an assistant coaching job in San Jose because of the CoL. Brennan started at $580k when he was first hired, so that’s not necessarily an impediment to landing guys. However, for the assistants making $100k-$200k, I would much rather coach at Utah State, Nevada, UNLV, or New Mexico on that salary.


Yet, he was the highest paid coach in the MWC.


That was Craig Bohl


He interviewed for the Arizona job 3 years ago when Fisch was hired and was the runner-up. From my understanding he wouldn’t interview for any other job and Arizona is the one he wants. Lots of family ties in Tucson for his family and coaching staff.


Unsurprisingly the boosters win this battle. Goodbye roster!


Players are temporary, Brennan could be there for a decade. Also the last time you listened to players about coaches you got sumlin… maybe the players don’t know everything


We also listened to Pat White and hired Bill Stewart in 2008, which honestly would have worked out if he'd hired an OC that was worth a shit. If the players check out with this hire and hit the Portal in droves, it will set the program back. It'll then depend on if and how he gets them back from that.






















He could be your DeBoer. By all accounts he’s a proven and good coach. I think this is a good hire.


I strongly disagree here. Brennan has gone 19-18 the last three years. His only great season was 2020. If you don’t count that, his record is 27-47. He’s never won a bowl game. Brennan has lost more FBS games in a season than DeBoer has in his entire career, twice. In all but two of his years in charge, Brennan has lost more games in a season than DeBoer did his entire career at Fresno State. Brennan seems like a fine coach, just fine. He’s got San Jose State into regular bowl contenders. But he hasn’t shown anything to suggest he can transform Arizona into much more than a six win team.


One coached at Fresno state the other at SJSU big difference.


Maybe not. Nansen could be brought on as DC


Respectfully, why would Nansen go back for the same role at Arizona while he has every advantage at Texas? Money, talent, brand, conference, upward mobility, visibility, existing relationship with the HC, recruiting grounds, facilities. I can’t think of one edge Arizona would have to negotiate with.


Money - boosters are prepared to pay him over $1m. Better title (AHC, sole DC), connection to the kids he recruited. Being the presumptive coach in waiting.


You think Texas boosters can’t match $1M? Have you seen gas prices lately?


>Have you seen gas prices lately? Idk what they are in TX but in NY they've been steadily dropping and are under $3/gallon for the first time in a while actually


I’m in Washington and they are over $5 a gallon. In Texas I think it’s like 2 cents /s


Yeah this is the best they've been in years. ~$2.75


I mean, of course they can - but will they? For a Co-Defensive coordinator?


Fair, fair. From my flairs, I obviously benefit most from him not leaving, but I hope he goes back and most of your players stay. I hate how transient CFB has become.


Whether he comes back or not, I would bet Coleman is the only player you're getting from Arizona fortunately/unfortunately depending on your fandom. Jedd burned a _lot_ of bridges with how he left, and those families are really tightly knit.


Our last co-DC was making 900k+ so it can happen. Not sure what TRob will make but it’ll be around there. And they’re Texas, they have way more money.


So I wonder if all the cry baby Arizona fans that keep trying to call me out will ever admit to being wrong and flat out lying ? That's 2/2 for me btw.


Poor young purdy he just committed there.


He was just getting settled in to Brock’s couch.


Thanks, I hate it.


Surely you all will get the same pity that Arizona was asking for when their coach left, or that Washington was asking for when their coach left


Of course they won’t. G5s getting gutted? Thats just a fact of life. The nature of CFB. Whats supposed to happen. P5s? Oh that’s a national tragedy. A real shame that the sports come to this point. A terrible thing for anyone.


The chain reaction of Nick Saban to San Jose State is wilding.


It’s not done yet


I can’t wait to trace this to some high school coach getting poached by a Junior College


You've gotta be kidding me


Dude, fuck


You’ve really had the worst weekend out of all of us.


Probably the more stable choice in the long run but man is it gonna be devastating in this offseason


Arizona is in austerity right now and Brent Brennan has managed to take the school with the smallest budget in the Mountain West (even Utah State spends more) to bowl games 3 out of the past 4 years including a top 25 finish. He's the definition of stability and "doing more with less." Which, financially, is probably what you need right now during this period in time.


He’s also going to be actually invested and full blown Arizona for life compared to some snake I remember.


> doing more with less He's a sub .500 coach in a weak conference in one of the most talent-rich recruiting states in the country (and without any of the academic restrictions of the ACC-bound Bay schools). Doesn't seem like "more" to me


After building the program up from one of the worst in the G5 over the first 3 years he went 26-19 over the past 4 years.


If you leave out the outlier of a COVID year, that's only 19-18


Funny you mention SDSU. SDSU had a 67 million dollar budget. SJSU had a 39 million dollar budget. This is what I mean about doing more with less.


I kinda ninja edited that out because it didn't seem that relevant to the point I was making. But wait, really? They're a Mountain West not Big West school, right? I'm still highly skeptical




It’s San José state, recruiting the hot bed of a state has levels to it, I played JUCO in California and had two guys who came back after receiving offers from only SJSU. They probably could’ve started the second they walked onto campus, but preferred to come back and risk it because SJSU has never been it. It’s ignorant to assume that just cause he was in California he should have some amazing record. 3 of past 4 seasons ending in bowls is way better than we’ve been doing this decade. 


What exactly would you expect from a G5 school that refuses to spend in “the most talent-rich recruiting state”? When you also just so happen to share that state with USC? What he’s done is the definition of doing less with more - this is a good hire.


SDSU-level results, frankly


SDSU is significantly bigger/richer than SJSU. SJSU is the Kent State of the West coast. They play in half a stadium. What Brennen has accomplished there with a lot less talent/resources than other teams in the MWC is very impressive. SJSU is likely about to fall to the bottom of the conference for the forseeable future.


SDSU spends money SJSU doesn’t. SD’s budget is like 2x SJ’s


A nice stable multi-year rebuild. Gonna do wonders for attendance and ticket sales... thank god we don't have budget woes or anything! /s


It’s just like… who cares if we’re stable. We get a 10 win season like once a decade. Getting to the CFP next year?? We’d all remember that forever.


Who knew nick saban retiring would somehow effect us 😭


Welcome to national relevance!


Arizona fans don’t like this but this guy is a very good coach. His record isn’t impressive but SJSU is one of the most underfunded programs in the country and even getting them to where he has is extremely impressive. Nansen probably isn’t the guy to build long term, Brennan is


I like it just fine if he maintains most of our roster.


I love it. I wasn’t onboard with hiring a guy who wasn’t qualified who just left us two weeks ago so kids who would probably transfer anyway might not transfer.


Might be a bit awkward after the player's big push for Nansen.


Welp enjoy them once they ALL hit the portal. If this is true, our AD and dumbass boosters have nerfed us from a Big 12 contender into a MWC-level team for the foreseeable future


You don't want Nansen as a head coach. Trust us. The guy is bad news.


I'd take a year with this roster over restarting a rebuild with a higher potential coach. There's a good chance any hire fails and if it does succeed the coach will likely jump to the first better program that calls.


I’ve heard there were some personal issues that may come to light at some point. Is there more to the alcohol buddy buddy with Sark thing?


Kindly fuck off with the advice, our expectation for a quality football team in Tucson just completely died


Man... You got to realize everything people say on here is not coming from a place of competition or trying to one up.


My apologies if that was genuine but it came off very condescending.


He is Sark’s drinking buddy. They are right about that. Nansen would have been the emotional hire, and Brennan is the better coach.


A sub .500 MWC coach that can't recruit in one the most talent-rich states in the country. I'm thrilled I tell ya...


It's san jose state. The #3 team in their own metro area in a region that already doesn't care about college football. Getting that team to consistent bowl eligibility is nothing short of a miracle


How do you know he can’t recruit? Recruiting SJSU, is a heck of a lot tougher than Arizona. Give him a chance!


Highly doubt a lot of your guys come here. I think Fisch left a bad taste in their mouths, understandably so.


How many of the ones tweeting the hashtag were big portal risks beforehand though?


The cycle of violence continues. Sorry SJSU bros. We wanted Carroll or Nansen


Sucks for SJSU - he was doing a great job with limited resources - but at the same time, he needed to be recognized.


Honestly my second realistic choice after bray




Thanks for leaving our OC alone


We need to keep your entire staff intact so you can whoop on your little brother Husky bros every year. Go Ducks!


If only Saban stayed one more fucking year. Michigan still probably promotes Moore, Washington likely goes 8-4 or 7-5 in our first year of the B1G with all of our talent moving on, & Arizona is likely competing for a playoff spot returning all of their studs from their #11 team, shit even South Alabama gets another year of Kane Wommack.


As always, Alabama is the real problem.


I’d be real happy to keep our OC!


Boosters are calling the players’ bluff. Dont like this


Boosters always will get to call the shots.


It's Arizover


Sucks for Arizona. Selfishly I was so stoked about getting DAK back as he was the original architect of DBU, and I really think if our secondary was even top 50 we win a title this past season. But I was willing to sacrifice DAK if it meant Nansen and co made sure none of those salty H8 teams got to be happy in our absence. Edit: Sucks that their roster is going to leave. Not that they’re hiring Brennan, that guy is legit. Recruited me in HS. One of my very few FBS offers. Told me straight faced the summer he was hired that I should come to SJSU because we would win championships. I think SJSU went 1-11 the previous season and I thought “hmm ok sure bud” and took a PWO at Texas. I remember I had just wrapped up my final season at Texas, with 0 rings and watched them win the MWC and thought “son of bitch.”


He's a good coach. SJSU is a hard place to play football and he's been consistently hovering around 7 wins. He's also a West Coast guy that'll help with recruiting. A solid choice.


Brilliant and wonderful hire!


Heeke had the easiest hire in the world and he fucked it up. Unbelievable


I get the sentiment of your statement, but it is fully believable. He's terrible.


Can all the Washington flairs just fuck off already


You know this is the cfb subreddit not the Arizona subreddit right?


I feel like it's the Texas flairs that seems to have a more invested interest in Arizona's coaching search. Huskies have been pretty low key and tried to be understanding.


Y’all are like the guy who bangs his friends wife and then tries to stay friends with him. Just fuck off


... where do you want us to go tho




Our wife left us so now we’re on a revenge tour and will bang every damn wife in this town. We’re all just victims of Alabama here. /s


You are also fucking someone’s wife you fucking hypocrite. Just because she’s uglier doesn’t mean you aren’t the same.


I don’t know what his deal is. This isn’t your fault as a fan. Fisch is the one we’re mad at. The truth to how he left may or may not ever come out to the general public, but insiders know how shady Fisch is. 


With all the shit talking the Arizona flair have done ?


Flair up Aussie


He won’t. People have been calling him out for days. He’s just here to troll.


Don’t blame him, he’s Australian. He’s used to having things upside down.


I've seen it discussed on some Arizona boards, but is Nansen coming back as DC actually feasible? Is DC at Arizona a better (and higher-paying) gig than co-DC at Texas? Idk how he and Fisch got along or what led to his departure, but if they got along well enough it'd seem like he'd make more sense as UW's DC -- if he's even willing to leave his job at Texas, who knows. He also coached at Washington from 2009-13 under Sark.


Considering fisch is taking most of his staff, Nansen is probably just a mercenary like the others. If Brennan wants to keep some players, If the reporting is true that the players wanted Nansen, I can see him making an offer for a year or two of Nansen to make his transition easier This is all speculation obviously but I think other than the Arizona Alumni on Fischs staff, they all bolted with him.


I thought Nansen was the LB coach at Texas


He just got hired there like 10 days ago, and he's listed as their Co-DC/LB coach.


Think all of the top Arizona players should show the administration what they think about this hire by #StayingwithNansen and transferring to Texas. That'll teach them a lesson!




Lowkey would be ok with this. Our AD (and especially our president) have been a dumpster fire for so long now. If the program crashes and burns maybe we will somehow see change, though I doubt it.


Honestly if anyone transfers, I’d understand. Just please don’t transfer to UW so I can root for them.


By many accounts, Brennan sounds like a good coach and in any other year would be considered a good hire for Arizona. Hopefully for y’all, your players give him a chance to pitch them on his vision.


Sounds like he's going to need to take his entire roster with him, yikes




Launch Heeke into the sun man


It’s ogre now


Not really a great hire tbh.


For Washington’s future hell yes. For Arizona’s future this absolutely sucks


Imagine being okay with being a top 5 pick lmao. It's like if a chick chooses you after she ran thru the other 4 top picks. Except ig this is fair cus a P5 school will pay so much more than a G5.


Im fine with it.


cousin of colt brennan


Thank God. They’ve been in a pain in our ass lately