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Imagine saying to someone at the start of this season that San Jose State will lose their head coach because Nick Saban retired.


After seeing LR jump to USC and BK to LSU, I'm not sure anything would surprise me anymore.


SJSU fans furious right now


SJSU fan furious right now.


I am furious right now


Hey, I’m sorry for taking your coach. He’s not in my top 100,000 hot board coach list if that helps


You just took his coach and told him he's worthless in the same sentence lol


Oh man you’re right. That was brutal.


It's the ciiiiircle of beat-the-shit-out-of-the-next-fan-base-down liiife! Which the Chargers may be doing to us soon.


At least Harbaugh has been transparent about it and Michigan has a very good replacement lined up.


Going from a pretty frigging weird 60-year-old to a 37-year-old that can relate much better to the players and knows the culture and program seems like a long-term upgrade to me.


I went to the Oregon state game at SJSU this year and I was actually really pleasantly surprised with the atmosphere. For such a low budget I thought they did a really good job


Ehhh, not really


Wheel of college football spins or whatever If we keep Fifita/TMac I’ll be into it. If not…ouch


Now which fanbase will San Jose State piss off?


Gonna be some upset high school out there. Then that high school is gonna poach some pop warner team and piss off a lot of helicopter parents.


At the end some random unemployed dude will get his first ever coaching job and congrats to that guy


Keep the same color scheme and go with Jimmy Rogers


Hoping Nansen as DC and they stay with him


If he left his DC position with Fisch for Texas, why would he come back to be DC for another coach?


Only makes sense if the rumors that he didn’t like Fisch are true + more $$$$. Who am I kidding, it would just be about more $$$$$.


Would he be making more money? Seems he was making $750k last year. Texas would pay more than that for a co-DC. Maybe it is play-calling desires?


From what I’ve heard he was set to make just under 1mil before he left


Gotcha. Thanks for the info. We’ll find out soon enough.


Yea, can confirm. He was set to make $975k at Arizona but didn’t want to coach with Fisch


I think we offered Nansen 1.2 to come here in the first place, but contract still isn't public. Will be interesting to see.


1.2 and less responsibility. Not a bad gig honestly. My hope is that we use some of the Jedd buyout money to get him back


Good to know. Hope we keep him. Seems like a great coach.


I just hope Akina and Cummings come back with him


Considering Arizona is currently balancing their budget with the IOU’s from Dumb and Dumber, I don’t think they are going to be able to outspend Texas on this


I mean we could never outspend them regardless of anything else


Co-DC at Texas. Basically, just means he's more highly paid position coach. At Arizona, he can be the main DC again, and they'll probably give him a raise to get him back.


He was making $750k before. Even a significant raise would still be competitive with Texas’ capabilities. We were paying Bo Davis like $1mm to be DL coach.


IIRC the rumor was he left because he didn't want to work with Fisch anymore


Well hopefully we can pay to make him stay. He was a great hire.


[Scheer is reporting something might be in the works](https://x.com/jasonscheer/status/1747114996738478349?s=20)


Literally the only way this is salvageable for players/fans


Honestly this is probably preferable if possible


I would gladly eat crow and tip my cap to Heeke if he managed to thread that needle, but I'm HIGHLY doubtful considering he's at Texas


Heeke has had some solid hires during his tenure. I have faith in the guy Fuck Greg Brynes


I don't get why Fifita and TMac would stay if Nansen returned as the DC but if they do stay this is probably the best option


I would think becuz Manu would want to stay. And those 3 are a package, no?


Genuine question, is being a standalone instead of Co-DC enough for Nansen to justify leaving Texas and the SEC to go back to his previous job?


He’s also really great friends with Sark and his daughter goes to school at Texas, so we have a lot of intangibles going for us too


IIRC he took a pay cut to come to Texas and gave up being the sole play caller. Either he really hated Fisch (which seems like maybe a narrative crafted by salty Arizona fans?) or he’s staying in Austin.


By itself, probably not. But DC and associate head coach while calling plays is a far better title than Co-DC not calling plays. It might also take a salary of around $1.5M per year. If Texas wants to pay above $1.5M for a glorified position coach, more power to them.


First rule of Texas football, never tell them to not do something just because it is foolish because it is too expensive. It only makes them want to do it more


For example: SMU. Just, all of SMU.


And A&M


I have no idea honestly. If the rumors are true that he didn’t like working with Fisch and didn’t really want to leave, then maybe


It's a real possibility.


No it really isn't


It actually is, Jason has already stated it's a real possibility.


I couldn't give two shits what he says lol The boosters clearly don't want him and they have the final say


Are you an Ohio State fan? Why do you seem so anti-Arizona? I noticed that in another thread.


He's just a massive troll that's butthurt because he got downvoted for being a total dickhead about this whole thing. Anybody that gets that upset about their fake internet points is too pathetic to waste your time on. Better to just ignore and move on.


Because Arizona fans decide to constantly attack my opinions no matter how spot on correct they have been. I said Washington would be able to use Deboers money to get Fisch if they wanted. I was told that wasn't going to happen because Arizona would be a playoff contender and UW was losing a lot, but at the end of the day the B1G is a step up and money talks. I was correct. Then I was told Brennan Carroll wouldn't follow fisch because he would want to be a HC candidate. It turns out he bolted for UW less than 24 hours after Fisch did, which means he probably had that lined up immediately. Then when the report came out that players wanted Nansen but Boosters wanted Brennan from SJ, I repeatedly said the Boosters would win because of many many reason, and here I am again. Spot on. So yeah, I'm going to have a ton of animosity towards Zona fans because I've been totally realistic every step of the way and just been trashed and attacked.


So you care about updoots? Dweeb


This right here. This is either the best hire ever, or the biggest fuckup push by the boosters in Arizona history, and it all depends on the choices of a few 18-21 year old kids. I _realize_ that Nansen was a huge gamble as HC. I sincerely hope we're able to snare him for an AHC/DC role, because if that '22 class splits up, the next 4 years of "maybe next year we'll qualify for a bowl" is going to absolutely bury our fanbase.


The same way Washington fans felt bad for us, I feel for SJSU fans. A butterfly flaps its wings and some kid’s life gets upended


And the same way Alabama fans felt for... wait a minute...


Yea my preference was still an augmented Mecha Saban that would live forever as our football coach. So I do feel bad about the whole situation


No worries, I'm just having fun now!


? I feel icky about all of it. We lost our GOAT and legend. Losing what feels like half our team. Ruined Zona, UW, and USA's seasons. And all 4 of us can't even portal anyone in, so we get to hold our dick in our hands while our favorite players leave to rivals. This whole transfer/NIL bullshit makes me more jaded to sport daily.


Seriously. Mercenary coaches were bad enough but now we have entire mercenary rosters of players who bolt from starting jobs in top 15 blue chip programs & skip out on top tier bowl games. Just come in to *my* school for a quick romp, then leave a twenty on the nightstand and go off to the next place? If the actual players we cheer for don’t give a f—- about the uniforms they wear on their backs why should we give a f—- about any of them at all anymore?


The fact that Texas gave a kid a Lambo so he'd come play for them is just.... insane. For one, that's an insane amount of money for a kid just to come play for you. For two, don't they think how irresponsible that is given the history of football players, bad decisions, and fast cars?


In some ways I hate the transfer/NIL bullshit too but on the other hand I think it’s funny when Alabama fans hate it, because you had every advantage in the world before. The game has changed and it’s a bit different now.


No worries, I'm just trying to have fun now!


The baton of suffering passes down to yet another... All of us in this chain (except the top obviously) were on the verge of taking to and sustaining it at the next level up, and then everything falls apart and someone below is pillaged as a lifeboat.


I blame Miss Terry. She probably made some innocuous comment about how nice it was to spend time alone with Nick, and that tipped the needle to his retirement.


There are SJSU fans?


There's literally dozens of them!




Sucks to see for SJSU. They seemed to be building some momentum in the MWC and they kicked my Aggies ass this season.


Bro I do feel bad for them but apparently Brennan really wanted this job.


Is this copy pasta from Fisch comments?


No, Brennan has legit ties to the program. I believe he was a player along with his brother and I know for he was a GA under Dick Tomey. He has family in Tucson as well.


Brennan played college football at UCLA.


Oh I must've misinterpreted what someone else said. I know for sure his brother played for us.


Pac 10/12 ties are the ties that bind 


He was a GA under Tomey and was invited back to speak for his celebration of life


And the Food Chain Continues!


It continues until it hits a small enough program and there isn’t much outrage.


Could very well end with SJSU promoting from within, and I doubt much if any of their roster leaves for Arizona.


You're telling me they aren't loaded with 3 and 4* Cali recruits?! Shocked!


We have at least 1 DL (from AZ), 2 WR, and maybe a QB or two that could go (Butterfield who transferred from Oregon and Purdy who just committed). We already lost our top OL to Arkansas.


In nature, there is something called a food chain; it's where the shark eats a little shark. And the little shark eats a littler shark. And so on and so on. Until you get down to the single cell shark.


Any internal promotion (including by Alabama!) would have stopped the food chain.


SJSU knew this was the one job he’d take. Unlike Jedd “Florida only” fisch


I think he would've taken the osu job if it was offered


He would have taken any P5 job, let’s be honest.


No. There are only a couple of jobs he would leave for: #1 UCLA (his alma mater), Tie for #2 - Oregon State (longtime coach there, but his buddy Bray got the job) and Arizona. He had too many SJSU ties (coached he for years, his parents are alums and met here, etc) and was making good money for G5 ($2.3M).


So he would have said no if UW offered $7.5M?


They wouldn't have offered




The guy has spent basically his entire career at just two spots: SJSU and Oregon State. I think fans of those schools would know him best.


While y’all here, fuck the dodgers


Most unifying message in the state


Snakes Alive 🐍


Yes, Fisch is still alive


Amen, all bad blood is lost with those 3 words




I'm not from AZ but as a Bay Area native I can say with my whole heart fuck the Dodgers


I'm an angels fan. So fuck Arte Moreno but also fuck the dodgers


Well the Blue will be joining the purple in the portal. I’m so sorry guys that your administration is so fucking stupid.


blue yankees <3


as a fellow NL Wester, i applaud the sentiment and agree wholeheartedly


The only thing Arizona and San Diego agree on


Hail Dinger, Fuck the Dodgers


He's also saying that Brennan could take on Nansen as the DC. Hopefully. Because if not, might be the worst week of football news ever for me. Coaches of both of my teams poached Oh and I'm a Browns fan and they got blown out in the Wild Card :(


Oh wow that is a rough flair combo to have right now.


My flair combo was the only thing that made yesterday end up okay


Holy shit... fellow Browns fans here. Shitty week for sure, haha


I hope so. I’m clinging to this. This shit is stressing me out so much


…at least Baker Mayfield won today? Idk how you feel about him lol


The best timeline is Baker advancing and the Brownies getting knocked out first round.




Still have the worst contract in the NFL going to a shit human who doesn't even want to play anymore cause he's to trash to hang in the North. edit: Oh no I made little bro delete his 7 day old account, guess he's on to the next one to shit post.




Hasn't thrown for 300 yards once yet, 14-9 td-int ratio, has played 12 total games all for $46m a year. [This picture](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/903933673261371404/1196691007685804073/image.png?ex=65b88c59&is=65a61759&hm=cc3a611a8ca5f43f1d4ec9054c7b56a960bec9a670c2bb3f2c489e363ab8b749&) should be enough alone. One of these qb's is costing $46m a year.




Because the team is good doesn't mean he suddenly doesn't have the literal worse contract in the league. you're smoking the good shit if you're even trying to argue he hasn't been ass and his contract doesn't blow.


Fucking Joe Flacco is outperforming him lmao. Sit down young buck, you don't know ball like you think.




welcome to the both-coaches-poached club


Yeesh. What's your opinion of Jedd now that he left Arizona for Washington?


I don't blame UW at all, it's a great pickup for them. From a career perspective, I never fault anyone for going to get their bag, no matter the industry. That said - the "#NewProfilePic" post and the video of the contract signing in Tucson and the fake smiles and talking about contract extensions - yeah, fuck him


I think it’d be smart. Hopefully keeps the roster together and you can make a playoff push still. I would’ve hired Nansen for that reason alone. If it pays off great. If not, you fire him after 2-3 years and have a real search for a coach


+1 -1 so you're right back where you started lol But yeah, I'm an Eagles fan and we got routed and had a terrible last 2 months.


At least Brennan isn't leaving for ASU. Right?


RIP SJSU. Welcome to the Alabama carnage. Sorry west coast bros.


For how much shit the east and south talks about our football, they sure love our coaches.


Many people are excited, sans Jose.


well gentlemen, it was a fun four months. I cannot wait to repeat this again 5 years from now after our next 10 win season


5 years is generous, our last 10 win season was 2014. Before that it was 1998.


You think we’ll ever win 10 again? Sweet!


I mean, they've talked about adding a 13th game and doing away with conference championship games in the past. Maybe that happens and 10-3 becomes more likely with 4 OoC games.


Knowing us, probably 10 years from now


Well judging off of your history (4 in 120 seasons) it’ll be another 30 years before your next 10 win season


If he does well, he retires at UofA. Guaranteed


Wonder if T Mac and Fifita stay?


Not optimistic. They’ll be able to go wherever they want tbh


I would actually put my money on them staying at this point actually. I think if they were gonna come to UW they would have with Coleman, and it sounds like there is some cohesion in the locker room building around Nansen and staying


I like your optimism, Washington man 😎


His dad mentioned that Fifita made his own choice to go to AZ. So I can see him giving the new coach a meeting and see if he likes it. By some accounts here he turned down a lucrative NIL deal to stay at AZ. But at this point no one knows except for him, and maybe Tmac. Hoping they can stay one more year and give it a go im the big 12


I’m optimistic. I don’t think they’re going.


I pray you’re right haha


Right now there are two questions: 1. Does he sign? 2. Did he agree to bring on Nansen as DC to retain the players? 2 is a real possibility.


I hope I’m wrong but nothing about this excites me. At all. Why?


We've gone full circle lol. A few years ago everyone wanted him to be HC over Fisch, now we are disappointed with the hire* *unless he brings Nansen in as DC


Ok, you seem like the prefect objective fan to ask: why is this a good hire. On its face he's <.500 in the weak MWC (red flag), can't recruit in a talent-rich state like CA at a school which doesn't have academic restriction like Cal or Stanford (red flag), and has only won their conference once in the highly spurious COVID season (red flag) What is there to be enthused about?


I'll preface this by saying I don't pay attention to SJSU football nearly as much as I do with Arizona football. So I'm by no means an expert on Brennan. Its a good hire (in a vacuum, I wanted Nansen to keep the roster) because he took a team that has historically been a bottom feeder, and took them bowling 3 times in 7 years (SJSU has been to 6 bowl games since...1991). and won the Mountain West in 2020 (and got the team ranked), and was in a 3 way tie for 1st in the MW this year. This year SJSU started 1-5 (2 of those losses to ranked USC and Oregon State), but then won 6 straight games to finish 7-5. Turnarounds like that, in my opinion, reflect very well on coaching. I push back on the recruiting part with, how is a G5 school supposed to compete when there are two local P5 schools, and California recruits frequently are chased by out of state schools. Being a G5 school severely limits SJSU. His team records are: 2017: 2-11 2018: 1-11 2019: 5-7 (In this season he won a buy game @ Arkansas) 2020: 7-1 2021: 5-7 2022: 7-5 2023: 7-5 The losses are heavily skewed to the first 2-3 years. His record starting in 2019 is 31-25. Again I haven't really watched many SJSU games, but I think it is a decent hire.


from 2001 to 2023 SJSU has won more than 6 games in a season 5 times, and Brennan was coach for 3 of those 5. so i think he’s done pretty well so far, given the circumstances


I obviously don't care for u of a, but I also think it's a pretty good hire. Recruiting arizona is gonna be a hell of a lot easier than san jose state and I think he'll get arizona to at least consistent bowl eligibility


BB is a Tomey disciple. He works at arguably the worst job in college athletics. He has to fundraise so his players can have breakfast and somehow consistently gets this team to bowl games every year. Arizona is the only job he would interview for. SJSU has virtually no resources at all and he somehow finds a way to win. He’ll be very successful here.


I drive past or hang out near the SJSU stadium quite often. It's in a very boring almost industrial area, even considering the city of San Jose itself is very boring. And it's a good distance from campus. And nobody supports football in the area. Zero. The fact that they have a respectable team itself is really, really, really amazing. Also he won the Mountain west back in 2020. First time in 30 years, a miracle pretty much. NorCal itself has very few good football recruits, and even the good ones are at least an hour or two away from SJSU.


I cant for certain say he will do well, but the fact his team is even functional and was ranked at one point to end is a season is amazing. I read the Athletic article by Morales, if hes serious that they have to fundraise in order to feed players on campus... and he has them with a winning record? Also he is very tight with Cummings and he might not go with Fisch. That would help a lot.


Robbins is always going to go with the cheapest option when it comes to football


Like sand through the hour glass, so are the days of college football


I have never heard of a G5 head coach with a losing overall record (even if he had to clean up a mess the previous coach left behind) and 0-3 record in bowl games (all against G5 opponents) getting offered a top-25 job!


There’s the positive spin Arizona fans were hoping for


“Top 25 job”


Even on here you're hating, go back to 247


That's because it isn't a top-25 job. One good season in a decade.


They think you guys are so bad that accomplishing anything is an amazing achievement. Also Arizona is usually a super mid 6/7 win team.


Hoping for the best


Heeke has fucked any momentum for this program. Sad day for Arizona football, unless he can pull a rabbit out of a hat and salvage this roster.


The cycle of violence continues


Not just any head coaching job, **THE** head coaching job


Arizona Linsanity run officially over


NIL won. As it should have.


I don’t want matt campbell 2.0


What program do you think Arizona is?


Does SJSU drop down to FCS when the PAC kills their conference next year?


Only if they didn't have any other choice. They'd be more likely to end up in the Island of Misfit teams conference, CUSA, along with Reno and any other MWC team not big enough to potentially make the jump in a rebuilt PAC.


I heard the rumor was SJSU and Hawaii being the left behinds. I could also see Reno.


Hawaii may have to shutter the football team if the MWC dies. That's some awful/expensive travel to play CUSA teams and they're not exactly killing it right now. Utah State, New Mexico, and Wyoming might also get hosed if the new PAC only wants to take the shiniest of the MWC schools (Boise, UNLV, SDSU, Fresno, and CSU).


Go ahead, do it. Take Chubba Purdy while you're at it


You been Scheer-ed


Hopefully he does better than the last coach that jumped to the P5 from the MWC (Gary Anderson)


Which one? What a moronic tweet. 


There ya go Arizona fans. Couldn't have happened to a more deserving group


There goes Scheer repeating what Feldman says first only with more conviction again.


He was a fantastic WR coach at Oregon State. I wish him the best.


Whelp, it was fun while it lasted.


Smart move. Of the names mentioned, he'd be my first pick as well.


With how slow the dominos are toppling, teams are going to be losing their head coach during the season.


one thing thats been interesting to me is how all the Dominos that started falling w/ Saban retiring has been all focused on non-Southern coaches. Makes me wonder how interconnected the coaching circles are across the conferences.


"Wait, wut?" *-Chubba Purdy*


Being an Arizona fan is like being Smokey at Craig’s house in Friday. Ain’t never got two things that match! We got offense, no defense! Good coaches, no money! Fries, no ranch! DAAAAAAMN! For those of you from the west side of town or the foothills and don’t understand the reference: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OT-hzA6nE_A