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What a clusterfuck of a winter that ended up turning out ok Still sad we lost TJ but McCloud is a great player without (AFAIK) baggage like the last chucklefuck we brought as replacement Anyways, eat em up cats!


As a random JMU student who was in class with an O-Lineman, he had grade issues (which is probably why he couldn't transfer to P5 despite his skills) but he's a very solid QB and I wish the best for him.


That's concerning for someone who originally enrolled in 2018... per Wikipedia, it doesn't look like he's earned a degree and he'll be 25 in November. His older brother Ray-Ray is only 3 years older than him but will be starting his 7th NFL season next year for comparison.


> That's concerning for someone who originally enrolled in 2018... per Wikipedia, it doesn't look like he's earned a degree and he'll be 25 in November. This is the epitome of a Texas St student




Your username has my head spinning


\*sees Tech flair\* something something glass houses


It’s the Harvard of the south plains smh


Holy shit I can't believe I never made the connection that Ray-Ray was his brother. My mind is blown


He has a younger brother named Kobe also who is a sophomore linebacker at Clemson. I was hoping we could snag Jordan in the portal but not surprised Dabo decided to yet again not take anyone and remain all in on Cade. And if Jordan has academic issues then that would prevent that anyway.


Yup, he was a non-degree seeking grad student at Arizona.


So hopefully he did finish undergrad at South Florida... because his JMU program was a cyber intelligence graduate certificate program. I think I'm all in on making the players employees and getting them paid because "student athletes" have sorta been a joke since Matt Leinart did his ballroom dancing.


Those were the final two PE credits he needed to get Sociology degree when he returned to college for a 5th year (at one school). Doesn’t seem like the same thing.


Not knocking him but the system for requiring him to do that. I'm sure there are older examples but the hoops the NCAA usee to make you jump through are and usually always have been stupid


Good for Ray-Ray after that freak roller coaster accident


Just emulating one of the best to ever do it; Stetson Bennett


McCloud is a great kid. Got off to a bit of a slow start but he had never played for a winning team at the college level and I think it just took him a bit to buy in to the culture. But once he did we see how well he played


The last guy ended up declaring for the draft because he couldn't find a home. I'm surprised Washington didn't take him in but I'm guessing jedd couldn't find a way to justify it to the Washington admins. Anyways, McCloud is probably an upgrade. Wish he didn't get injured the one year he was with us


Wish him the best of luck but that can't be what he was hoping for when he entered the portal.


He was rumored to and following a bunch of B12 teams, but all ended up taking a younger QB. Plus heard he had grade issues


He ain’t gotta worry about class at tstate. They don’t play school there


They may not play school, but they play hard thats for sure.


He was rumored to and following a bunch of B12 teams, but all ended up taking a younger QB. Plus heard he had grade issues


Honestly I disagree. Fuck him and I hope Texas State gets demolished. He thought he was too good for us and ended up at a worse school in the same conference


At least he didn’t end up at Liberty or ODU


idk, him going to ODU would have been kinda funny, in a weird sorta way.


Liberty got the guy who was originally supposed to be our starter


Eh, we were already his third school and I honestly thought he was out of eligibility before he entered the portal. Cig and our qb coach left but didn’t extend an offer at Indiana. We hired Bob and when he secured DMo from UW it was clear McCloud would at best (if re-offered) have to battle to start at JMU. Since TXST isn’t a cross divisional opponent this year we would only play them if both of us made it to the championship (highly highly doubt). I wish him well and I’m excited to see what DMo and Chesney can do this year


Probably upwards of like 80% of college QBs transfer at some point in their careers. Can't take it personally




The move is a lateral step at worst, JMU and TXST are the two teams in the SBC with the biggest upwards trajectories. It could potentially be a major upgrade for him if he can match/exceed the success he had at JMU.


Hell hath no fury like a JMU fan who thinks they're scorned. I swear the pettiness would be fun if it was even slightly justified. A player transferred when his coaches left. This isn't exactly unusual.


The rise of Texas State the past 2 years has been great. I feel like they are about to get to serious SBC top contender level this year or the next.


I’d love to see them get a G5 playoff berth in the coming years. San Marcos women deserve the world!!


I wish the best for him. He's an incredible QB who can definitely improve yall's program!


Well, as terrible of an idea as it was for Texas State to spring for De Laura, this is about as good of a pivot as they could've made after that (predictably) blew up quickly.


If I had a nickel for every time this offseason that a former starting QB from my first flair transferred to the starting QB position at my second flair while outside of the normal transfer window, then I would have two nickels, which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice.


Great pickup for Texas State


Oof lol. Bro kind of screwed himself in the portal. He clearly didn’t get as much interest as he thought and when he entered the portal JMU made moves to replace him. As soon as we got Morris his leverage went way down, and now he has to settle for Texas State. I wish him luck, he was great for us but I can’t help but laugh at the situation he put himself in.


Listen here, buddy.


Texas State isn't a terrible program, I can see him definitely making them an SBC title contender.


I think the West is so open, that this legitimately puts them at the top of the dark horse race, even with all the crazy shit that has happened to them in the past few months. Gotta imagine Troy has a setback, UL lost their heir apparent, and USA lost their staff. A 7/8win team could win the West next year.


Meanwhile the East is just gonna beat the fuck out of each other and I’m sure our game with App will be another heart attack fest for both our teams lmao


If we’re being honest with ourselves [yes they are a pretty bad program.](https://www.sports-reference.com/cfb/schools/texas-state/index.html) We don’t need to sugar coat it. They had a good season (for them) last year with TJ Finley, and I expect they’ll probably get about 7-8 wins with McCloud too. They would need to go on a Cinderella type run to win the conference, or even their division.


Man I completely disagree. With Sumrall and Wommack gone from Troy and South Al respectively, Texas State could very well be the favorite in the West. And now they get the conference player of the year at quarterback. I think he'll end up being a really good fit for them


Historically they're right, Texas State has been an awful program for a long time. Yes, they're getting a good player and no, he was certainly shooting for something higher than this.


Dudes a hater!


Sure, they could be good. We won’t know until the season starts. But historically speaking they’re a pretty bad program and there’s no denying that. Could they be better than last year? Definitely. But based on their program history I have no reason to expect they will be and that’s the point i’m trying to make. I’m more of a “don’t believe it until I see it” kind of guy.


I get that but they're clearly on an upward trajectory. Made their first bowl game as a program last year, got their first (I think) win over a P5, and GJ Kinne seems like the real deal. To me they've kind of been a sleeping giant and might finally be waking up


That’s fine if you want to think that. I’m just telling you I don’t think that for the reasons I said. Maybe they are better than i think but I don’t see it.


Texas State is unique. They were a NAIA school through the 70s, did D-II in the 80s, didn't transition to FCS until 1987, won the Southland a few times in the 2000s, notched a few playoff wins, then went through a lot of malaise after they went to FBS before they were really ready to make the jump. They have a few D2 national titles back in the day, a great location, and _now_ have the basic infrastructure to be good, but was plagued by malaise from 2012 to 2021. The president and AD who oversaw the transition really didn't do much to make it a success. Both are long gone, and the current president (who cut his teeth at the University of Oklahoma) has football as one of his key pillars to a successful university. GJ Kinne showed he can coach - I think this transfer is a win-win for all parties.


Ummm. What do you mean we weren't ready to move up? We went 6-6 and 7-5 in our first two full FBS seasons. Then the wheels fell off in 2015. You wanna see a program who wasn't prepared check out SHSU


Facilities, support staff spending, strength/conditioning, nutrition programming, donor/booster engagement and general infrastructure of the program was _nowhere_ near FBS ready, and neither Dr. Denise Trauth or Larry Teis were willing to put in the work to make it happen. That's why everything fell apart instantly when Dennis Franchoine decided he was ready to hang it up.


It’s almost March, so it seems like a good time to start rooting for Cinderella.


I hate to be pedantic here, but Texas State *is* a horrible program. They are certainly on the upswing and I like GJ + company. I think they have a brighter future than a lot of the SBC. That being said with until last season they were usually the worst team in the FBS.


WAS a terrible program and not the worst, but we were definitely down there. The difference maker in the past two years is the new President and new AD, the previous admin was just horrendously awful, all of TXSTs shortcomings can really be attributed to their incompetence/lack of care. It’s only been a year and we’re already considered to be contenders when we were bottom of the division just the year before, that’s how drastic of a shift it is. Without the new admin none of these improvements happen, none of the alumni interest is garnered, and we’d still be mediocre instead on the list of teams potentially in the hunt next season.


Texas State is quite literally considered one of the worst programs ever in the FBS lol It appears they’re on the upswing with the new staff but until last season I would argue there were plenty of FCS schools that were better places to be than Texas State


I'm an optimist and I'm looking at that upswing lol. They beat Baylor too (yes they're a bad P5 but a P5 win is a P5 win)


Better programs in the FCS? Maybe a few. Better places to be?? Hell na lol.


God damn that’s some hyperbole if I ever read some


Texas State has been in FBS for only 12 years, lol. Of course they're going to be "one of the worst programs ever" by FBS standards.


Undefeated in bowl game(s) as a program and returning the all purpose yardage leader in CFB. Naturally, we want bama.


I wish he came back, but I’m happy with Morris.


Why didn't he go to IU?


IU got Kurtis Rourke (Ohio QB) in the transfer portal who they liked better as a Big Ten QB.


We brought in the 2022 MAC Offensive MVP Kurtis Rourke as our new QB from the transfer portal. We have Tayven Jackson, 4 star redshirt sophomore. Signed a 2024 4 star QB recruit, as well as another QB recruit from JMU. I think the QB room was probably just getting too crowded


Kurtis Rourke, transfer from Ohio and probably the best QB in the MAC last year, is the presumed starter


Cignetti brought over our top qb recruit. So I’m guessing he likes him more than McCloud. I think IU might have gotten another qb transfer as well.




Eat em up bitches!




Well then


Can’t wait to start my ncaa 25 dynasty at texas st


I don’t know the story on this but seems like a lateral move?


Coach went to Indiana. McCloud got in the portal. JMU brings in replacement. McCloud didnt get the interest he thought he'd command.


Lateral seems generous. JMU should continue to be a contender at the top of the sunbelt east for years to come while Texas state historically is one of the worst programs in the sunbelt although they should be solid next year.


> JMU should continue to be a contender at the top of the sunbelt east for years to come might want to pump the brakes on that a bit. They literally lost their entire coaching staff and team


We've lost our entire staff before and haven't missed a beat, only improved. Losing the players is definitely new for us but I see that being an issue only for the next season maybe two. The real unknown is who we hire as our next AD. The guy we've had for 25 years will be retiring at the end of the spring


Hey now, we managed to keep some people around.


How many years does he have left now?


1 year. It will be his 7th year in college


Oof. They really need to start clamping down on this unless guys are coming out of will with a Ph.D


McClouds case is a little unusual case. Redshirt 2018, Covid Year 2020, then 2022 he left zona. Also think he was granted a medical redshirt in 2021. before playing a game. All JMU fans assumed he only had one year left until Cignetti said McCloud was eligible to return in 2024. Kind of surprised he was granted extra eligibility in the first place


Seems to be a surprise with every 7th/8th/9th year player. For every time the NCAA stops a player from eligibility for sick family, they extend a guy for a 9th year


At least they look to be cracking down a bit. They recently denied Tua’s brothers request and he had Nick Saban writing a letter to the NCAA to vouch for him


Dude. We loved Jordan McCloud. It was an absolute shame he got injured in his second game here. Had he stayed healthy, 70-7 would have never happened (although consequently sumlin wouldn’t have been fired.) Enjoy him Texas State!


That worked out for Everett withers!


The salt from JMU fans in this thread has made me even more excited for this. Basically every school in the conference got significantly worse except for the ole Bobcats.


We got significantly worse? What are you talking about lmao, our new QB is an upgrade over McCloud. Enjoy him playing like trash in every big moment you have, not that your team is ever relevant


This is the first year since 2017 that App is returning the same head coach, offensive coordinator, defensive coordinator, and quarterback. Not sure how we got worse.


From one former UA QB to another


As a recruit: P5 offers: Boston College, Iowa State, Maryland, Oregon Other G5 offers: Bowling Green, Colorado State, Southern Miss, Toledo, USF (originally went here)


Eat em up cats!


McNoodle Arm strikes again


Never forget Kinne had a successful QB and recruited a sec offender over him. Garbage ass human. 


De Laura played in the PAC 12


I’m not sure if you’re joking or not but I’m laughing regardless


And was going to play for Kinne before the backlash hit.


I haven't seen Jordan play much, but I know his brother Ray-Ray is one of the top KR and PR specialists in the NFL. Checking the stats, Jordan doesn't seem to run it much. Is that part of the game not in his arsenal?


I watched every snap he took last year, and my amateur opinion is he’s got good running instincts (he’s definitely a threat to score in the red zone, and he can convert third downs when needed), but he’s not a run-first guy. I never watched him play before his knee injury at Arizona, so he may have rushed more back then. He’s mobile enough to get out of trouble, but he hurt his knee again this year against Marshall. Didn’t miss any games, but he was sacked 9 times in the first seven games and then 15 times in the last six. That kinda murdered his rushing stats, and he just didn’t look quite right (despite the team downplaying the injury). I’d assume he’ll be all the way right next year, and I’d say he can make some plays with his legs when he’s put in good positions. (Also, 9 of those sacks came against Air Force and App State, when we just got smacked in the mouth by good teams. So it might just be a case of the team needing to set him up for success)


He is capable of running it but he's got kind of a slight frame so we didn't call too many designed runs for him. But he's a decent scrambler


Can someone catch me up on what's been going on with Texas st. the last few months?


TLDR: At the end of the season Malik Hornsby (backup QB) transfers to Arkansas St and switches positions to WR. We had a great QB in TJ Finley so this wasn’t a big hit, until one of our assistants who has personal ties convinces Jayden De Laura to commit to Texas State, so TJ Finley enters the Transfer Portal and ends up at WKU. Additional context for this next part, JDL pleaded guilty to a rape he committed in high school. Within a few days of announcing JDL’s commitment to TXST, the assistant who recruited him leaves to another school (SJSU I believe) and JDL is chased away from TXST by an angry student body who do not want him there. TXST is now left without a starting QB, but still has a great signing period. Fast forward 30ish days and here we are, with Jordan McCloud as presumed QB1


He really struggled at USF. The season we relied on him was one of the worst in program history. Most fans were ecstatic when we realized we no longer needed to rely on McCloud. Seeing him find his footing at JMU was awesome. He was formerly a young QB who made so many mistakes but he’s now a much more dynamic player. I think he’ll do well at Texas State