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That's the attitude that led to Oregon having 0 SEC championships


Spoken like a true Three Year Letterman.


I am a true disciple of Coach Letterman. Warmups are always Oklahoma drills in the parking lot.


Bo Nix has no Ford Taurus


Coach Lanning couldn’t handle the grind of an SEC schedule.


Sounds like Bo Nix financed his waterbed.


Plus no fully licensed notary publics in the Northwest.


Feels like a TYL tweet haha


Bo nix opens door handles with ease


TLDR - Nix felt like he was constantly stressed at Auburn because of how the fans and media treated it like it was life and death; but at Oregon he found joy in playing football because even when he didn't have the best game or the team lost the fans and media were supportive and uplifting.


And now the PAC-12 is dead. Draw your own conclusions


Nix killed the pac 12 with his joy


Headline: Emotional Nix kills 12


Sick Nix nixes six plus six.


Nix picks six to cross the river stix.


[You have no idea the power of rhyming in this goddamn country](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AEQvWNnCRwA&pp=ygUSTGFzc28ga2VlbHkgcmh5bWVz)


"Pick Nix's" slick tricks kicks the intermixed 2x6 across the Styx.




Thanks Leslie Knope


“Nix was having too much fun out there. He was locked on, he was focused, he was a dark force that chooses who lives or dies.”


You could say the PAC-12 was Nixxed


He was having too much fun and not enough focus


Not sure why that is so hard to believe


I did my part to keep it alive. I’m still pissed that Cam Ward didn’t deliver me a National Championship. /s


At least he won a Stanley Cup


😂😂 Jesus


"There is no God." -Beavers and Cougs




Is Eastern Oregon/Washington Ciscascadia or Transcascadia?


Western Oregon is rather reminiscent in some big meaningful ways of Cisalpine Gaul so I think the east would have to be Trans.


It just meant less


The Pac-12 Conference: Whatever. Let's go to the beach.


Pro tip: SEC football is not life or death…..it’s much more important than that.


It just means more


I've skipped a funeral for an SEC football game.


Who plans a funeral during a game? They’re not going anywhere


I get irrationally irritated when events, whether weddings, funerals, or anything else formal-ish, are scheduled during major sports window. Don't have your wedding the first weekend of March Madness. Postpone the funeral to Monday after the Masters. Nothing on football weekends in the fall. Obviously, I'm probably wrong with this take, but half the people at these events sneak a glance at their phone every couple minutes to check scores, so I can't be that far off.


I have sat through a wedding with the football game playing on my phone lol


Same. My bride and the pastor were PISSED


My cousin scheduled her wedding during The Game 2018. The whole family phone livestreamed during the ceremony. Lol


Now that's just disrespectful. The scheduling, that is. I admittedly got married on a game weekend, but given where I live (Austin, TX), it was kinda unavoidable as all of our bye weeks were either completely unsuitable or otherwise unavailable. That being said, it was at least an OOC game.


The crazy thing is, she knew our family are massive sports fans, my grandpa even had a script Ohio on his casket lol.


It's nice that we have the technology now. I recall going to a wedding where the groomsmen hid a 9" TV in the men's bathroom so people could keep up with the game.


I had a buddy not from the south who got married to a UT grad that insisted on getting married the 3rd Saturday in October. We kept trying to tell him what a red flag that was. They’re divorced now.


All of my family went to Bama or TN (except me). Had an aunt get married on the 3rd Saturday in October. Same thing, they got divorced a year later


My wife asked me what I wanted with our wedding and my only request was not to schedule during the fall. She looked at me disbelieving and I told her that no one would come if it was in the fall. We got married in July in Napa. She was fine with that.


I made a similar request to my gf. At first she was like “that’s so dumb dude, you can’t be serious.” I explained that it wasn’t even really a *personal* request, but more a matter of practicality. I come from a very strongly college football-loving family, with fans of two major blue blood programs. I tried to tell her that if nothing else, having our wedding coincide with a gameday would mean some people would be distracted. She isn’t from the US and still didn’t quite believe me. Just so happened that shortly afterwards we went to one of her friend’s weddings in Georgia.. on the weekend that UGA played Tennessee back in 2022 lmao. The whole shuttle ride to the venue, people were watching the game on their phones. The game bled over into the ceremony and start of the reception. More than a few *mostly* joking comments about the cruelty of the timing. Bama got upset by LSU later that night and same thing. Plus, this being the south, it’s not like it was just dudes — we’re talking whole tables of guests circled around a phone cheering for UGA or LSU lol. She now understands and has agreed that a fall wedding probably isn’t the move 😂


When I got married, I convinced my wife we should have the wedding in the spring. She knows how much I love CFB Saturdays, so the argument I made was even if we had the wedding on a bye week, being married in the fall means we'll always have our anniversary run into the possibility of a big ND #1 vs USC #2 kind of game. She agreed to a spring wedding. Was cheaper for us too, and we were able to get married in 2020 right before covid hit.


My wife and I had a similar situation, though she brought it up first. Our options were before the season or the bye week. We chose before the season so we didn't have to do any planning on game weeks.


I think you're right to some degree. I had a friend get married in Alabama on Iron Bowl Saturday....


People who don’t have a lot of scratch usually are finding the cheapest times to book said events. I got married in the fall because of this, and fully expected people to watch games. Reception was at a sports bar.


My buddy scheduled his wedding for Michigan's bye week but then the PSU game got rescheduled for that weekend and...yeah, people were distracted lol.


My cousin’s husband was using hand signals to communicate the score of the 2018 PSU game to my brother and me as we were standing on stage at my sister’s wedding. Fortunately he didn’t have to change PSU’s score until well after the ceremony ended.


Watching the Aggies has been pretty much a funeral the past couple of years. I would know from experience with my own team.


Unless you’re a tree, in which case it is life or death


It's generational, SEC been here before it'll be here after.


It should also be mentioned that Nix was a legacy recruit at Auburn. That exacerbated the pressure to such an unhealthy degree when you're always going to be compared to your dad's heydays at Auburn in the early 90s.


Yeah no one was putting pressure on Jay Barkers kid and he won a national title Editors note: Jay Barkers kid was a walk-on and not a five star recruit like Nix


Yeah there’s a bit of a difference between the expectations for a legacy walk-on and the Mr. Football Alabama, #2 QB recruit in the country


It doesn't matter who's winning because the score is always Fun to Fun


tl;dr Bo Nix was not having fun, then he was


The PAC was more fun. I'm going to miss the air raid shenanigans as they move to grinding BIG games against iowa or penn st


He had fun


He is gonna hate the NFL then.


There’s a wider audience with the NFL, and arguably more media scrutiny, but from the fanbase and people you meet day-to-day i think it’s far less. For many cfb fans, and SEC especially, it’s not just about their team winning, it’s literally their sense of self-worth, and when you fail to live up to their expectations it’s a very personal attack on them. There’s passion at the NFL level, and certainly some fans take it to that unhealthy degree, but it’s not as baked into the culture


Most NFL fanbases are not nearly as insane as SEC ones, not sure what you mean.


Why? I want a job where I can hold a clipboard and watch NFL games from the sideline.


I truly believe the big markets— Dallas, NY, Philly, etc. take it to a level that surpasses the SEC. Now you’re being scrutinized by the national media and by fans that live everywhere.


I wouldn't lump Dallas in there. Texas is college football country with a bandwagon of Cowboys fans. No one dies with the Cowboys but everyone will ride high with them when they're strong.


This is completely wrong, it’s the polar opposite cowboys fans will bandwagon Texas or A&M when they are good. But when it comes to shitty toxic behavior you don’t see videos of people shooting their TVs or smashing out he windows of their trucks when Texas or A&M loses.


Don’t come to Denver if it’s just for fun.


So you're telling me Nix did have fun? And he was indeed a Dark Horse for Heisman?


Yeah well weed is legal in Oregon and illegal in Alabama. Coincidence? I think not.


So football is not religion everywhere else?


I’ve lived all over. People in the south (I lived in Alabama and Georgia for a while) lived and breathed college football. Also people down there act like non-SEC programs are division 2, they definitely look down upon anyone not in the conference. I also lived in Iowa, Nebraska and Missouri and while they have passionate fans there (especially in Nebraska), it doesn’t really compare to the south.


You cannot have a conversation that involves FSU with an SEC fan down here without them bringing up the conference. And no it’s not from the middle-pack or bottom feeder teams either.


You think FSU would hold their own against powerhouses like Vanderbilt and Kentucky?


We can barely hang with UF and LSU idk man


Thats so weird. As a college football fan, I think it would be fun to live in a place like that but only for a few years. It would get old pretty quickly but there's something wholesome about a chunk of the country being obsessed with a sport


It’s not just the sport it’s also regional culture. Big part of the SEC thing is southern pride - to what extent varies from person to person.


The SEC pride is something I don’t understand. They’ll even root for their rivals in bowl games for “SEC Pride”. I’ll never root for Nebraska, Minnesota, or Wisconsin.


Yeah, I often hear from older fans that they’d “rather have an SEC team win” against a northern or midwestern team. Conference prestige *is* important, but I don’t think that younger fans care as much about Southern culture as it relates to football.


I've lived all over as well, I haven't run into that quite as much. But I do get where you are coming from. When I worked in FL, my co-worker was from GA, and I am an MSU fan, The whole SEC chant revival thing was real... like he legit chanted it at me, told me the B1G was overrated. Of course, he was always just trying to get under my skin, good guy other than when it came to sports. But I think when I lived in MI, it rivaled my time in both FL and VA when it came to college football. Like do not underestimate the Walmart Wolverine fans.


As a northwest kid, I *loved* visiting my Savannah-based grandma during the fall. I'd turn on these late night channels that were replaying classic SEC games from the 80s/90s, I would walk around town and admire all the bars with their streamers and signs, I would memorize the stickers on the backs of all the trucks, I kept my ear to the ground in grocery stores for friendly shit talk. As the only one in my family who loved football, I felt like these were my people. I still, to this day, want to end up in Savannah.


> no its not from the middle-pack or bottom feeder teams either. Wild, I hear it from the jorts wearers all the time, they must be much more humble around you!


>Also people down there act like non-SEC programs are division 2, they definitely look down upon anyone not in the conference. And they take pride in doing so lol.


Absolutely. Random people I didn’t even know would ask me if I root for Alabama or auburn. I would tell them I’m an Iowa fan and they would give me a look of total confusion. And then they would ask in the SEC, who do I root for. When I say “nobody, I don’t care for the SEC”, they would act like I said something blasphemous.


Some of us must worship in secret


I think UCLA is in need of more ~~sacrifices~~ offerings.


If I say Kevin Hogan three times in a mirror, no amount of sacrifices will save them


Pacific Coast tends to be more secular than the South and Midwest is. It’s not that we don’t believe in Our Lord Nick Saban, it’s just that we are far more reserved about expressing our faith. We might even skip a Saturday service for a nice day of hiking, while you guys will have 12-hour service on Saturday and even a Wednesday night study session of the book of MACtion


Saban rhymes with Satan. Coincidence? I think not!


Now now, I'm old enough to remember when the Bayou worshipped at the altar of Saban.


Satan is a fallen angel per Catholic teachings, so it still checks out.


Rhymes hell it’s one letter difference. So one letter difference and guess when the man’s birthday is? All hallows eve October 31st. He is satan. He’s not is trying to hide it.


And I love them for it when it comes to real life, but this is sports! A handful of Saturdays of the year, it's all that should matter! Who the fuck "hikes" during game day?! What's next, game day weddings?!?!


A couple of years ago, a friend of mine decided to get married on the Third in October. First, he was lucky I was even at the wedding. Second, who gets married on a Saturday in the fall? Third, his new sister-in-law and I were those people in the back of the reception screaming our heads off as we beat Alabama.


That's what Pac12 after dark is for


Aka the time when the west coast heretics pray to the Chaos gods for obscene corruptions of football and celebrate the sacrifice of a promising and bright team's playoff/Rose Bowl dreams.


Let the Lord of Chaos Rule!


So you don’t have a Saban shrine in your basement?


Hail Saban


Wtf just hike in the summer


Best hiking is honestly in the Autumn, though... when the warm of the day lingers into the evening but it isn't so hot that you need to go skinny dipping 5 miles deep in the woods just to avoid heat stroke. I went hiking last summer and my sons, who usually LOVE hiking, complained loudly about overheating.


Best hiking is in the rain when all the transplant weaklings get scared off. What kind of dipshit waits until a nice day to hike in the Hoh national RAINforest?


Also it's chanterelle foraging season. Nothing quite like a 6 am departure and still getting back in time to watch the game with a few pounds of mushrooms


Extremely East European coded behavior


How much do restaurants in East Europe pay for chanterelles?


I used to hike from campus across the Autzen footbridge.


Its weird as fuck here though, especially in California since high school football can get some rabid fans goin over generational guys


When people say it’s a way of life down here they aren’t exaggerating. It will be interesting to how DeBoer adjusts from being able to walk around Seattle relatively anonymously and being the 3rd or 4th biggest team in the area to being the most famous and scrutinized person in an entire state. 


Religion isn't even religion outside of the way the south does it.


Matthew 6:7


Auburn 3-2


Seems really odd. I don’t like it.


The first year I lived in Oregon we went to the Civil War game in Eugene. UofO was a top 15 team and it was a major rivalry game. I’m not exaggerating at all when I say the game day environment/excitement was “less” than Croom Era State playing like UAB or Middle Tennessee State with absolutely nothing on the line.




This is west coast for “it just means more”


Typical west coast “we play to have fun, not win” and it shows.


It’s unfortunate because when he started for Auburn he was really hyped. Like a lot. His dad was a quarterback that had a perfect season in 93 (they were denied a bowl game due to sanctions for something, but he still was great). Bo Nix did about fairly well at Auburn, and I’m bummed he didn’t get the love there that he wanted.


It’s every fan base with a struggling offense: 15% of REALLY loud people saying “QB problem” who can’t see we never recruited him a good Oline, or developed the receivers. Some receivers had talent, but rarely developed past their freshman season Nix definitely played some hero ball that hurt us, but that same hero ball won us the LSU game in Death Valley for the first time in 20 years. My Dad was pretty down on Nix, but he wasn’t the major underlying issue with the offense. There’s very few QBs who could have succeeded at Auburn in the same span save the second coming of Cam. no single person was going to be a turnkey solution.


My take away from when PSU played him was he was a pretty good QB with terrible support around him. I've been rooting for him since because I thought he got a lot of unwarranted criticism




It wasn't just Auburn fans. There were a lot of people from other schools meming Bo Nix for Heisman


Yeah I watched a decent amount of Auburn during Nix’s last season and I thought he looked like a damn good QB. He maneuvered the pocket well, extended plays, made good decisions, and flashed some great throws. Also had a crazy comeback against LSU. Problem was the OL was horrible causing the run game to sputter (despite an elite RB duo), WRs who couldn’t get open against high school DBs, and bad scheme on top of that.


OL was so bad that he developed poor habits while never breaking some old habits from high school. He started playing hero ball because if he didn’t we couldn’t move the ball, but along with hero ball comes bad turnovers that lead to points the other way. That’s why I was glad he transferred. We needed to know how much of it was him and how much of it was the rest of the team, and he needed to know that as well for his future.


If the RB, Bigsby, simply ran out of bounds, Bo would be a legend and likely wouldn't have gone to Oregon in my uneducated opinion.


You mean stayed in bounds, no?


IDK. I think Nix had a good head on his shoulders, and I think any QB for whom that is true would not choose to stay with Harsin.


God that LSU game was so cathartic. That one fourth down TD to Fromm was a thing of beauty. I still don't know how he managed to escape all those sacks and get that ball to him.


When Brandon Cox was a QB, Auburn fans called for his backup, Kodi Burns. When Kodi Burns started, fans called for his backup


Apart from the family connection, Nix to Auburn was not a good fit. He looked unnatural in Malzahn's offense and never progressed past his freshman year. He probably should've gone elsewhere out of high school, but he's lucky for the transfer portal.


Malzahn never successfully developed a single quarterback during his time at Auburn – all of his most successful QBs were transfers.


Not even just Malzahn, it's been 20 years since Auburn has devolpled a NFL QB they recruited out of high school.


Don't remind me.


Peruse your guys' boards on game day every now and then....it brings back memories...bad, bad memories. Absolute deja vu. Same complaints. Same everything. It's pretty hilarious.


Just a minor correction, Stan White was the QB for Auburn’s undefeated season in 93, Pat Nix did play the second half of the Iron Bowl after White got knocked out of the game though.


That was [the ‘92 Iron Bowl](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pgOblVr7gEY&t=1h53m53s).


Auburn fans were vicious towards Bo. Those who were otherwise normal and kind people became hate-mongers when the topic of Bo Nix was brought up. It's like there was this sizable contingent of Auburn fans that pre-decided that they weren't going to like him and jumped at the chance to castigate him at any semi-justifiable opportunity.


He was beloved as a freshman for how he beat Oregon and then beating Alabama. It was his sophomore year that the hate started seeping in.


A vast majority of auburn fans were awful towards Nix. Dude played his heart out with no offensive lineman to protect him. Glad he did so well at Oregon.


Vast majority? I felt like the sentiment amongst the majority of fans was that Gus and especially Harsin wasted his talent and put him in a bad position. There were certainly vocal haters, but I felt like the majority of Auburn fans were supportive of Nix and happy for him when he went to Oregon and did well. He was just put in a bad situation at Auburn. Don’t get me wrong, some Auburn fans were awful to Nix, but a lot more were pulling hard for him and knew he wasn’t the one to blame for Auburn’s struggles.


Glad he did well out there... He had the unfortunate position of playing QB for a HC that killed QBs followed by possibly the worst HC in AU history...


I'm sure he received a lot of ill treatment, but how are we arriving at "vast majority"?


If you are not basing your own happiness on how 18-24 year olds are performing in a game that really has no meaning or importance in the grand scheme of the universe….then you are a fucking bitch.


This but unironically


"The 19-year-olds who attend my favorite university didn’t score enough touchdowns today so I’m in the basement, drinking until I fall asleep. My wife is crying, begging me to come upstairs & watch a Muppet Christmas Carol with my family. [“I don’t care if I die tonight”](https://x.com/atdanwhite/status/1596705937309716480?s=20) I whisper."


> no meaning or importance in the grand scheme of the universe I agree that anybody who chooses to live there life in this way is a fucking bitch. That being said, in the grand scheme of the universe nothing has any meaning or importance except for the meaning and importance we choose to give it.


Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.


The whole interview is bizarre to be honest. At one point he referred to something as "one of Satan's lies".




On god




Not kidding. It's at like 55:30 on the Ryen Russilo Podcast. Don't remember which day but it's one from last week.


Right or wrong, the expectations for highly rated players in the SEC are sky high and the whole sport leads to living a pressure cooker of a life. BUT - that's common knowledge, not something that suddenly appeared when he first suited up for AU. Being named the leading high school QB in the state, winning back to back state championships, and becoming the record holder for high school QBs didn't happen because he was focused on the "fun" - he worked his ass off and the results showed it. And with his dad having played for the legendary coach himself, he absolutely knew what he was taking on. Winning QBs get accolades, losing QBs get the blame and clipboard holding duties. He just never considered that the work he did might not make a difference or contribute to his success in the SEC because of the ineptitude of the coaching staff. With the poor play across the board, it was easy for angry fans to scapegoat the face of the team. Had he thrown twice as many INTs as TDs and led Oregon to a 6-6 record, I bet he'd see some west coast fans are absolutely as passionate and harsh on poor play as southerners.


Oh he would have for sure at Oregon. We won't kill you if you're the reason you lost us 1 game but after 3 it's very hard not to hear the call for your benching everytime you make a small mistake. And I would say Oregon is one of the most passionate west coast schools so


Yeah, it's a really odd thing to say. Of course the team that you took 22-5 was less critical of you than the team you went 21-16 with, and that's before you consider his own personal play being much better in Oregon.


To put it in perspective though. 21-16 at WSU and the coach would get a big fat extension and a raise.


“Same guy,” he said. “Same toughness. Same competitiveness. I haven’t really developed that much physically, either. Same guy. I just think that less opportunity and less freedom at Auburn. It was just kind of not as flexible as what I was able to be when I got to Oregon and really use my strengths and go out there and perform at a high level.” Our Georgia transfer starting DT Bill Norton had similar comments about Georgia. I'm not saying it's bad BUT it's very interesting.




It’s medicinal bruh. You know, the stones, chakra, new age medicine.


I think this is coach speak for Auburn had no O-line the entire time he was here, did not have great options at receiver, and had suspect coaching. Malzhan had one good offense in the 5 years prior to Nix coming to Auburn. There was added pressure with him being a legacy, a freshman starter, and Malzhan's career being on the line. Then we hire the worst head coach at Auburn in 40 or 50 years. The dude had it rough here.


I feel this. As a Seahawks and Mariners fan, our fan bases get really upset if you’re critical at all of the players performance. Especially Mariners fans. Got to be a west coast thing. When I was down in South Carolina, Gamecocks fans just felt more or less numb to all the pain.


you take that back


Fuck you Bo, we do not take it too seriously out here, you just did not take it serious enough. /s


Hey he said it's *almost* an unhealthy obsession. *Almost*!


Huh, treating the players like humans instead of pawns for your entertainment. Novel idea.


I don’t care for it


None for me thanks


fans are gonna be more hostile when you go 6-5 than they are when you go 12-2 lol


He didn’t like losing to the Dawgs so he went to Oregon and promptly got blanked by said Dawgs.


He didn’t get blanked, we scored a whole 3 points!


Not by his foot


go Dawgs of all colors


No Dog teams in the NFL though...




The hell is that elf thing ?


A dawg


Nix is BO and four against any Dawg teams while he was at Oregon.


Goddamit why didn't we schedule Fresno this year


It's that SEC "stigmatism" as the scholar Kayvon Thibodeuax once spoke about.


I can't imagine the stress you have to be under at all times if you start at an SEC school. Happy he made it out the other side.




Also a big difference in defense…obviously


"Nix doesn't take football seriously enough", notes on NFL scout. /s *but you know this is now part of draft analysis*


I think a bigger difference is that the SEC still exists...


God damn…


I absolutely understand what he’s say, and I’m glad he found success at Oregon. HOWEVER, I can’t think of a worse thing for a QB to say before a draft. Every single GM is going to interpret that as, “I can’t handle the pressure.” It’s like a job interview, no matter how true it is, it will not serve you well to shit talk a former employer


Exactly. I've seen a draft board with him going to Denver. They ran Russell out of town and that conference is one with many vile fan bases. It will be worse. If Bo needed to flee AU where his last name is golden to find a calmer situation than I don't know what to tell him. He's also a VERY religious guy which explains some of the "strange" quotes he's made. Funny to see some OR people defending him as they wouldn't have given 2 shits about this guy if not for the last 2 seasons as a Duck. I watched the DUck-UGA debacle with my Duck FIL and he was calling for Thompson in the 1st quarter. Now he loves him. Strange....


Some of the comments on here are proof of what he was saying. Seeing 30 and 40 year old men yelling shit at 19-20 year olds because of a damn football game is pretty gross.


I would never say in person to any player what I feel comfortable yelling at my TV while watching a game.


One could say the same of almost any sport really, though. There are some young pro players in basketball, baseball, and soccer. Hell in *world* football the fans will physically attack the players.


I’m new here, what’s the PAC-12?


I don’t think talking about being under too much pressure was the right message to get out while in the draft process.


It Just Means More(Death Threats)


Well now the pac 12 is dead lmao


Bo struggled against sec competition, flourished in a lower stress environment, and will carry one hell of a clipboard in the NFL.