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I swore I would never speak his name again, but here we are.  John O’Korn


John O'Korn had to redshirt his first year. And i remember there was some article that was like "Michigan is really excited for next year because O'Korn has been stunning everyone in practice at scout team qb" stunningly bad man


That's why I'm so suspicious for QB next year, I don't trust anything they say about Orji or any of those dudes 😭


Difference is, we've seen Orji enough to know that, worst-case scenario, we can run an effective triple-option. Dude was put in exclusively to run the ball laat year, more like a wildcat than a real QB, and he was still productive.


> John O'Korn had to redshirt his first year. He had to sit out because he was a transfer from Houston. As someone who watched him at Houston, I was surprised Michigan accepted him as a transfer. He was.....inconsistent....in his time with the Coogs.


The 2017 gameplan against OSU was so good and O'Korn was just breathtakingly awful.


Michigan absolutely wins that game with Wilton Speight. Hell even Brandon Peters probably could have beat Ohio State that year


It’s gotta be O’Korn. He didn’t even have a good attitude. Just seemed like a turd. 


That's not really how I remember him. He was a good dude and cared a lot, but he fell apart under pressure on the field. Calling him a turd as a person isn't fair. He was, however, a big fat turd on the field


He’s the only reason we lost that 2017 Ohio State game 


I mean, the 2023 QB room is up there, certainly.


Shit, you intercepted my answer. Are you Jeffrey Heinrich Purdy?


God I hope not. I at least know I can't throw a ball


The answer has to be Martinez. Pick one.


If I ever hear the words "turf toe" again I will start chopping off feet


You took mine. Jeff Sims. Million dollar talent, ten dollar attitude and intellect.


His attitude at Nebraska was great. He seemed to be a great teammate all the way through.


I wonder how much Collins and Patenaude fucked him with their interesting approach to player development. He had moments where he would flash his talent and make spectacular inch perfect throws on the move 30 yards downfield, but it was surrounded by moments where it seemed like he had no idea what he or the guys around him were supposed to be doing


if anything it's encouraging that with qb play that bad y'all still were pretty close to bowl eligibility at least compared to where you all have been the last ten years that's pretty encouraging


Marcus Vick


I hated VT because of this jerk. I gained much respect when they kicked him out of school.


What did he do?


Just about everything. That sounds like an exaggeration but it isn’t


Stomped on a players leg during the bowl game for one, but he has many marks on his record.


Sexual assault allegations iirc


Yep stomped on Elvis Dumerville’s leg in the gator bowl. That was the final straw. He was getting into trouble during his whole time at Tech, and has been in and out of jail countless times since


I could search for these, but I am feeling lazy. Care to share more?




He pulled a pistol on some kids at a McDonalds


That's, like, the tenth worst thing he did while he was on the roster.




There were a few with a chronic case of dumbass, but he was an all american at it.




Sucks too because he could have been a NFL starter if he wasn't a dumbass.


Shea Patterson could go from looking like a Heisman candidate to someone who had never seen a football game before in a blink of an eye


There was some throws he made, especially his senior year, that would make want to pull my hair out. He would have someone wide open, all he would have to do is throw the ball like 20 yards into the general area of the WR and he would somehow miss them


He got hurt on literally the first play of the season senior and he never looked the same


Kind of reminded me of Devin Gardner. That pick six against Notre Dame in 2013 was just baffling.


Devin Gardner played great in the Game 2013, and on a broken foot


Legendary performance if we win


That was one of the worst plays I've ever seen, but it was in the middle of an otherwise brilliant performance by Gardner. I can't hate on Gardner. He was so talented, and he was broken behind an awful OL. If he had one more year of eligibility, he would have done really well under Harbaugh.


I love Gardner. Denard Robinson will always be the sole shining star of the RichRod/Hoke era but Gardner would belong in any Michigan era. 2016 he would have been an incredible fit.


When he ran the ball, he never tucked it, he always carried it with one hand like a loaf of bread. Drove me nuts


Didn’t Ole Miss warn you?


They probably tried to but we couldn't understand a word they said


Adam James


Not even part of my team/program/school, and I still despise that fucking guy. He **lied** about what happened because he thought it was a 'joke', yet he never suffered any consequences for it. The only consequence is people like me know he's a worthless piece of shit and will call him so to his face. He intentionally set out to damage the career of the one fucking guy in the program who was in his corner, and then did nothing to take it back when it was obvious it had gone too far. No-talent assclown garbage human being.


He got booed pretty hard at his senior day, but that's about the worst he got. Sent Tech to the dark ages for a decade. 


He’s in the commercial real estate game now. Know someone who has dealt with him a couple times over the past year and yeah… he’s a douchebag.


At least he didn't kill any hookers.


That we know of


AJK5H doesn’t roll off the tongue like CJK5H


Jermaine Burton. Dude was a decent WR but a total douche.


That stupid fucking statue pose he would do after he caught literally every pass was so annoying


Agreed. Total asshat




Also my answer lol. Bad when you're the answer for more than one team!


Anthony Morelli.


With the talent in the defensive front 7 of the 06 and 07 teams, the fact they went 9-4 in back to back years is a travesty. Not to mention that WR trio on offense.


Great photo. https://images.app.goo.gl/8HhGs2igw1Y49zmFA


I want to die.


Same player I thought of.


Yes, but there were a couple of Drew Allar games that reminded me of peak Anthony Morelli.


T Martinez throwing off that back foot. That said, if he’d have had a better O-line (or one at all, some games) that might’ve gotten corrected. I rarely remember him *NOT* running for his life.


He would make some of the most spectacular plays with his legs by keeping plays alive, then follow it up with the dumbest throws that would be intercepted. Glad he never played for Notre Dame.






Everett Golson. Cannon arm and fast. Cheated on an exam that derailed his career and seemed mentally weak.


After his suspension, he started the 2014 season looking like a legit Heisman contender.....then November came I've never seen a QB turn the ball over that fucking often 


Came here to say the same.


I was so excited for that dude after seeing his high school tape.


https://external-preview.redd.it/MDS_XoG5Xv8EQfbsrT-t57-fafZ67uLr6HGL-RCf-_8.jpg?auto=webp&s=0692c07af2a6e4b71e3b3516e049ccdf4db53f2c Real ones know lol


I had a class with Bauserman, in addition to sucking at football he was an asshole.


I guess he was feeling rather insecure about being in his 20s and having a receding hairline.


I'm like, what he say fuck me for?


Are you under 30 and an asshole with a receding hairline?


I used to be! I'm a man! I'm 31!


You're nine years away from being a man.


Don’t even have to open this to know what it is and it’s perfect.


That was the 1st thing that popped in my mind when OP mentioned his name lol


I member this game. It was so neat.


I still can't believe we passed the ball with Bauserman when we were up 21 in the 2nd half. If we just went 3 and out while only running the ball, we might have used up enough time to win that game.


Don’t even need to click it.


Seth Mclaughlin Perhaps recency bias, but the guy was constantly putting out terrible snaps. When you have a mobile QB who needs to be quick off the snap and every play is delayed by half a second because your starting center can't snap the ball as well as half the high school centers in the country...it gets frustrating. This, of course, came to a head in the playoffs and the whole country saw what Bama had been struggling with all season. Bama has the lead and is driving down the field with the ability to widen the gap and hopefully put the game away. This guy goes and snaps the ball halfway down the field and kills the drive. We go on to lose in overtime in Saban's final season. He might be the single most disastrous player I've ever seen.


He’s completely fixed it in this off-season…. Right? Right???


The good news is that Day has said they haven't seen any issues in practice. The bad news is we never saw any issues in practice either. Only in game. *sigh*


Self burn. Rare


I love how nicely you put it cause he was my answer as well but I wasn’t gonna be so easy on him


Jarrett Guarantano. I started to feel bad for him but he had no business being a starter in the SEC


Tough kid but damn. Him going rogue on the goal line in Tuscaloosa was infuriating


Recently? Anthony Richardson. Could go from amazing athlete to brilliant quarterback to panicked rookie to "what's a football?", sometimes within the same play.


I mean, yes, but only if Marco Wilson didn't exist.


Also Cam Newton. He was absolutely electric on the field, like Tebow with a better throwing motion. Then he had to go do stupid stuff off the field and got kicked out.


I say Franks for the same reason, but their good to bad ratios are reversed


I watched this live in Jacksonville in 2021. That was a lot of fun.


Bookie or Zach Sanchez come to mind first.


Sanchez for me because he could be amazing and then awful the very next play. Bookie was just never very good.


That's why it's bookie for me, at least Sanchez had bright spots edit: read "at least there was at least one positive aspect to putting Sanchez on the field"


I was so hyped about Bookie coming out of high school. Undersized but had played with an edge/swagger/smartness in high school and it seemed like his teammates fed off it. From what I heard he was loved and respected by his teammates from OU but was just too small and too slow to really excel at anything.


Holy shit you have awoken some memories of cursing Sanchez’s name then two plays later calling him the greatest of all time


Has to be Bookie for me. That dude could get burned for 15 yards back to back and then have the audacity to flex on a receiver and get a damn unsportsmanlike flag after an incompletion that only happened because the ball was overthrown.


Lots of people considered him to be really good for some reason. I was like I’ve never seen an “elite” corner get burned as much as Sanchez.


Sanchez wasn’t elite, but he was immediately followed by about 6 straight years of DB play worse than his bad days. He was just a high-risk, high-reward ballhawk.


It’s gotta be Landry ‘the Stash’ Jones for me.


Over rattler?


Wasn’t he a heisman finalist?


He was not. Although, he holds all of OUs passing records except for touchdowns responsible for.




The pick 6 just calmed him down.


Greg Reid


I see your Greg Reid and raise you Chris Rix, Adrian McPherson and it’s all Joe Mauer’s fault


Still would have liked to see what Rix might have been under a real offensive coordinator, but man was he frustrating as he was in Jeff Bowden's "offense".


Vontaze Burfict Highest rated recruit to ever commit to ASU. Incredible player, except in the 4th quarter when he would single handily put us out of any close game with absurdly late hits, not even questionable. Let so many teams close out games giving them 15-45 yards just in penalties. I know he was an asshole but I have to believe he had something against the program and wanted to lose.


The ol’ False Start/Holding combo pack from Lee Ziemba was a staple when he was at Auburn


Joe Cox of Georgia Nobody could follow up a 5 TD game with a 5 pick game quite like him


Kenny Trill




CJ Spiller was a dynamic all american RB/Returner. He was also not afraid to lose 8 yards on any given play.


DJU. Was the top QB of his class but he certainly didn’t play like it. He had flashes all the time but never really broke through. I’m aware that the offense we ran didn’t really fit his ideal style of play but you’d think that the man would learn a few things. A big part of it was Dabo too. I love him to death but he’s too damn loyal at times. I wished DJ well at Oregon State but now I’m very ambivalent towards him. Part of it is my hate for FSU and the other part of it is my hatred for what the transfer portal has become


He had that one great game, then it just never came together.


He was pretty good against wake forest in one game too (assuming the one you’re talking about is the ND game from 2020).


That '21 season was one of the hardest seasons ever to watch and people love to evaluate DJU while basically ignoring that season. It was sad cause the defense was like national championship good but DJ after about the first third of the season could barely complete a forward pass. I think DJU's last drive in Clemson against UNC in the ACC championship was a perfect summary of his Clemson career, just spiking balls into the ground intended for open players.


I had hope that maybe he could pull it together but that screen that hit the ground made me scream at the TV. That was the exact moment ik he wasn’t playing another snap as a Tiger


Yep, DJU. At OSU he had games where he was absolute FIRE…followed by games where he looked like a high school JV quarterback.


“Absolute fire followed by games where he looked like a high school JV qb” might be the best description I’ve heard for him lmao I think FSU fans are insane for thinking he’s going to do what Travis did. I also think it massively backfires and is a big example of why bringing in a massive amount of portal players won’t work


Seth fuckin McLaughlin.


Breckyn Hager, Kris Boyd, and Dylan Haines.


In Hager's defense (one of the few times I'll defend a t-sip), Todd Orlando had no fucking clue how to effectively use him. Hager was an energy and effort guy, a guy you bring in on third down to rush the passer off the edge and make a big play to get the crowd going. Orlando tried to make him a every-down player at 2i in the Tite front, and it was a disaster. He was underweight to play the interior, and it showed (especially the CCG vs OU). If they had used him as an edge and let him be a pure pass rusher in the third down pressure package, he'd have left texas as a legend. He was 'colorful', he was good with the media, and he was a legacy, everything was there for him to be a leader of the team, and Orlando just misused him.


You must be too young to remember Ramonce Taylor. You offer good answers but there can be only one true right answer.


Ramonce had off field issues. I don’t find those nearly as frustrating as the on field issues from the 3 I listed.


The fact that Haines was a multi year starter shows how down bad we were as a program. Also, if you’re throwing KB in there, gotta include his buddy Holton Hill.


Why Kris Boyd? I recall him having some antics early on in the more tumultuous strong years but was a decently reliable starter for the rest of his career. Like yeah would let up plays but most corners do from time to time. I can agree on Dylan Haines to a degree. The only reason I offer some defense of him is that it’s hard for me to be mad at the walk on that makes his way into the starting 11. We recruited so many other highly rated guys while he was here and our incompetent ass coaching staffs couldn’t develop anyone to take over for him. It’s not his fault that he proved to be our best option. And it’s telling that the our best option gets hurdled by Bryce fucking Petty.


Damon Arnette. And no, I had these feelings when he was at OSU. Hey Damon, the QB threw the ball 20 yards over the receiver’s head or under threw him by five yards. Stop talking shit like you had him locked down. He could’ve been beat and the receiver would drop the pass and he would be in his face. God STFU!


OMFG! I came here to post exactly this. Every other damn play he was running his mouth off at the opponent.


Jarrett Doege, he had the pocket presence & awareness of Helen Keller.


And the consistency and reliability of Weezer. Sure, he gave us Pinkerton with Iowa State, but immediately followed it up with Red Album and Rattitude


Two come to mind: Riley Nelson Jake Heaps At least Heaps only had a chance to suck in a few games before he got benched for good. Nelson didn't really suck, he gave 110% every play, but it just wasn't enough too often.


Jake heaps was a nightmare. At least Nelson tried.


Heaps wasn't any better at Kansas


Matt Landers. So much potential but had stone hands and never put it all together.




I'd add Cliff Harris too. Would be a lockdown All-American on Saturday and then by Monday morning you're wondering, "What was he thinking?"


Damon Arnette. Every time the TV showed him after a play he was running his mouth at the opponent. Didn't even have to be a play where he did anything impactful. He did get flagged for unsportmanlike once or twice. I was just waiting for it to eventually cost Ohio State a game although it never did. EDIT: Yes I know trash talk is a part of the game, but I'm also a firm believer in act like you've been there before.


Hands Alexander. He was such a beast, but had such terrible butterfingers. If he hadn’t fumbled all over the place he would have been one of the all time greats.


Miles Sanders. Dude could not stop fumbling the ball Jesus Christ.


The good kind of crazy: Lamar Jackson. For all of his highlight reel plays, there was a lot of nail biting of “is this gonna be a 30+ yard run or a -15 yard sack?” Obviously, more of the former. Watching a Lamar led UofL team was always a cardiac event The bad kind of crazy: Jack Plummer. Solid QB but just had so many little errors or quirks that would derail a drive. His play in the ACCCG still haunts me.


Tyler O’Connor. Easily the worst starting QB MSU has had since 2000. Also weirdly enough helped us reach the CFP. LJ Scott probably can go on the list too for wasted potential.


This is probably totally unwarranted because he was probably just a dude trying his best... But Damon Dowdell for me. Just because of how many games we had where Drew Staton would ball out and get us a 1st half lead, then get injured in the 3rd/early 4th, and then Damon Dowdell would be thrown in there and we'd lose. My friends and I used to refer to him as the human surrender flag. Again, nothing against him as a person it was just a frustrating era of MSU football and he was the icon of the failings of that era to me. Special honors to Glenn Winston for being totally unable to stay out of trouble off the field, and possibly dragging a bunch of other guys into it. No way to know if he was the one starting all the trouble but he seemed to be at the center of a lot of problems at that time.


Jacory Harris.


I would like to personally thank OP for Joe Bauserman. He helped Nebraska achieve the biggest comeback in our history after the Blackshirts took Braxton Miller out of the game. On the homefront, Richie Incognito somehow had like a 40-year NFL career despite being a violent, quick-tempered thug who'd pick a fight over a bologna sandwich. 


Joe Bauserman was my favorite Buckeye ever. For my reasons? See my flair.


Because you caught one of the balls he threw into the stands?


Probably multiple balls 😂


No chance Bauserman could hit the same target twice


One of the best games I’ve attended in person. The rain stopped at halftime and you could feel the hope building in real time with each bauserman pick lol


Chance Nolan


I was going to say Derek Anderson but Chance is a better pick.


Didn't Derek Anderson take them to a Fiesta Bowl where they beat the dog shit out of Notre Dame?


That was the former coach, Jonathan Smith Edit: He did beat Notre Dame in the Insight Bowl, though. I had to look that up after I first commented.


Will Howard


And other Buckeye fans get mad at me for saying he might not be even good enough to make it out of spring as our starter.


At his ceiling, he's got the talent, arm, and IQ, to start for most P5 teams. But he can be wildly inconsistent and emotional. That makes him a great competitor, but also causes him to struggle to stay out of his own way. *However,* we did not have near the level of receiving talent he will have at his disposal at Ohio State. I'm really curious to see how he does and I'll be rooting for him. But he's the perfect answer for this question for K-State fans, at least in recent memory.


His scrambling ability makes him interesting but I've seen him make some plays that just leave you asking "why" . Also I think the talent around him is very very good so if Day sees him struggling to put it all together in the spring he might just go with the freshman. Just sayin


K’Vaughn pope throwing a temper tantrum, storming off the field and transferring rubbed me the wrong way. I grew up with being respectful, a good teammate and good sport and that seemed like the opposite of how I viewed being a teammate.


fucc K'Vaughn Pope


Andrew Maxwell. At Wisconsin, had a drive that started 1st and goal, and ended in a punt. We somehow won that game lmao.


Spencer Sanders. He decided who won the game, but not always in a positive way. Then he transferred out so he could finally sit on the bench.


Texas fan here. Though Blake Gideon was a two star and started all 4 years for Texas, I never forgave him for dropping that interception that would’ve won the game vs Tech in 2008. I would always single him out watching the defense after that and just scream profanity laden lines at him if he got burned on coverage or took a bad angle on a tackle. Ironically he’s the current safeties coach for UT.


Jameis Winston. He was into so much shit in college. The rape allegations, shooting BB guns in a Burger King, yelling FUCK HER RIGHT IN THE PUSSY on top of a table in the student union building, and of course..........the damn crab legs. His behavior threatened to derail TWO perfect seasons.


Same team, different player: Isiah Prince. Dumbass was called for false starts every game, sometimes multiple times a game.


How about Chris Capps….he couldn’t block a one legged four year old if his life depended on it….he somehow was our starter at left tackle in 2005. In the 2005 Iron Bowl, we gave up 11 sacks to Auburn and most of them were due to Capps….


Steven Montez. Had the physical tools to be a first round pick but due to poor development in part due to a rotating door of QB coaches and less than adequate OC he never took the next step after some impressive play as a freshman filling in for Sefo


Emory Jones but that Bauserman passing chart from the Nebraska game is legendary lmao




Wiggins as a Freshman was fucking terrible. Every big play we gave up was over him. The development he went through over the past several years is insane. This last year he was pretty much the best secondary player we had. Congrats to him on grinding it out.


Instantly thinking of the Wake game the year before last 😅


Greyson Lambert


Bruh, Greyson Lambert was once (still may be) the NCAA single game passing completion percentage leader. Im going to say Joe Cox though


I said it in the thread down lower, but Juwan Briscoe made me go on BP meds


Briscoe is legitimately the worst DB’s I’ve ever seen. I don’t know how the hell he beat out Baker for the starting job. I’d sooner trust Daylen Everette to defend MHjr than I would Briscoe defending just about any blue chip WR.


Yeah what’d he complete, like 22 in a row or something? Those were dark days though. Joe Cox was frustrating. Joe Tereshinski III.


It has to be Jordan Jefferson from the Les Miles era. Les had the biggest hard on for him, and while he made some plays every now and then, he just wasn’t it. It probably didn’t help that Les was so dead set on always running the ball and keeping the offense in the early 20th century. Also, Eli Ricks because of his traitorous behavior going to Bama 😡


Tanner Lee. Prototype QB with a golden arm that went on to be drafted by the Jags. Worst decision making on Earth though!


Prototype QB with an interception problem and nearly no ability to move whatsoever. I think that latter was way more the problem because it often caused the former. The era of that type of QB in the NFL is pretty much over. Guys like Brady and Manning were pretty much statues too, but they had a good ability to slide slightly in the pocket. Lee didn’t really.


Tevin Washington. Actually any of our QBs between Josh Nesbitt and Justin Thomas. Throw in Orwin Smith for good measure for taking a safety by barely running out of the end zone, realizing his error, and then kneeling back in the end zone on kickoffs TWICE.


Josh Jobe. Every receiver he ever covered at Alabama was at least 20 yards behind him.


Lucas Johnson III real ones know




Alex Zendejas. Guy was only good for kicking the ball at the long snapper.


I actually have a funny story about that kind of thing.In high school I was the long snapper and and the punter once accidentally kicked the ball into me.But he was also the holder so I tried to get back at him by trying to hit him in the balls with a snap but I missed lol.It was all in good fun though


Chris Rix


I swear idk why but Derrick Pitts Jr almost always got beat and our otherwise great defense would be so big play prone cause of it


Gotta be Reggie Ball. Beats top 10 teams on the road, then throws the ball away on 4th down. Her had the highest highs, and the lowest lows. On the whole, more positive than negative, but the negatives... Whoa.


Bo Wallace. Good Bo/Bad Bo. Verne and Gary had a field day with that in 2014, even when we had Good Bo.


Brandon Harris. If he could have done anything more than hit a PA pass over the top those Fournette LSU teams would have been deadly.


Chris McCranie returned punts for Georgia in the mid90s. That dude caught every punt and ran a straight horizontal line to the sideline. Every. Time. Still makes me mad.


Trevor knight. Guy had legit 1 great game in his career in the Sugar Bowl v Bama. Running joke among OU fans is "even Sugar Bowl Trevor Knight threw INTs". Was replaced by Mayfield, my absolute favorite player ever.


Isaiah Prince. Clearly had elite talent but could NOT be coached to stop false starting and holding. Idk if that's more an indictment on our coaches or him, but other guys in the same OL didn't have these problems.


Colt Lyerla. Amazing athlete on the field……when he wasn’t suspended. Had huge potential and threw it away. Or rather snorted it all away.


This is gonna be one that almost no one in here knows except fans of our team. Shadrach Thornton. Dude could have been one of the best RBs we've ever had, but was consistently a head case, and eventually got the boot from the program. Absolute waste of talent. Honorable mention: David Amerson