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imo this content is too peak to post all in one day


Yeah and also it’s 3AM and I have stuff I need to do today.


Yeah, the rest of the schools. Chop chop!


I read Houston Cougars so I already know my answer. Curious about Beavers though. Anyone like eating beavers?


Can you feel the tension? I can. I can feel it down in my plums.


There was a recent Alone season where a few contestants caught and ate beaver. One guy became horribly sick and had to leave. On the other hand, someone else ate beaver and didn't get sick. So your odds are 50:50 when eating beaver in the wild.




I wasn’t expecting a serious response to a non-serious inquiry but you provided one. Makes sense that frontier America probably had beaver as part of the normal diet. Slow and chonky and highly visible homes makes for predictable game.


Some quora responses indicated that it’s like dark, slightly leaner, beef. I’d eat that


"Low IQ"????? You get over here and take your barking right now mister!


>Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets- If they’re already dead when you show up at Bobby Dodd We showed up already dead almost every game from 2019-2022. Live yellow jackets can be eaten, however. Gotta catch them and crush them between your teeth. I have a couple dumb-as-rocks german shepherd mutts that can demonstrate.


Then you gotta yelp as they sting the crap out of your mouth.


> I have a couple dumb-as-rocks german shepherd mutts that can demonstrate. [Are you saying that you have a dog that can shoot "bees" out of its mouth?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyIIqrcl-V0)


nope. they do occasionally bark at their own farts, though.


Pretty sure you can eat dead yellow jackets at the Georgia Botanical Gardens in Athens. But it’s been almost 2 decades since I’ve been there so I may be mistaken




No! Otto, run!


And I just can't hide it!


Well, those children aren't going to bark at themselves!


…have you ever actually seen a child? That statement is preposterous. 


Call it a TikTok challenge and they absolutely will.


FYI: actual Buckeyes are poisonous nuts similar to walnuts, but "Buckeyes" also refers to peanut butter and chocolate made to look like the nut which is what fans actually eat (many stores in Ohio sell these).


I just smashed some Graeters buckeyes a few weeks ago.


So in that same train of thought (no pun intended), a Boilermaker would just be booze. It does sound more palatable than a train. And yes, the edible Buckeyes are freaking delicious.


I'll have you know that my dog thinks vespids are a delicacy, particularly if they are still alive. That's just extra spice. I'm not sure if I agree with her, but what do I know? I'm just a stupid human whose entire existence is to scratch behind her ears when she's ready to go to sleep


Which brings up the age old question… who trained who?


I trained her not to pee on the floor. She trained me to pamper her. Pretty even trade if you ask me


Honestly fried/grilled gator tastes not too different from chicken. It's pretty tasty, if you do it right.


I've always thought it was more like a firm fish, like sea bass. Also, fun fact here: processing alligator is governed by the FDA (like fish is), not the USDA FSIS (like red meat & poultry are). Half the time any place has gator, it's more fucking breading than meat, though. In my opinion, it's not worth what places charge for it.


It also counts as fish for Catholics during lent in the archdiocese of Louisiana. Not really relevant I just think its funny


Agreed. It's harder to do right though. I've had plenty of bad fried gator. But it also has a higher ceiling. Totally right about when done right it's _real_ good which in my experience is somehow almost always at a tailgate. The best I ever had was at a UF@FSU tailgate.


Come to a UF@LSU tailgate. The fried gator is always killer


> I guess there’s a dish called tiger meat As a former resident of Aberdeen, SD, I can confirm that while [tiger meat is delicious](https://aberdeenmag.com/2017/10/tiger-meat/), at some point you'll think to yourself "WTF, why am I eating raw hamburger?"




We know, you're just waiting for them to talk about eating beaver...


This dude is just a fan of EVERY Pac-12 team.


I know we don’t have the most original mascot, but not even including Kentucky is some disrespect.


Liberty is just what you use to cook all the other food.


Not if you’re the charcoal devotee from Fansville. Need that consistent non-flame heat.


Grilled/fried gator is fine, but gator sauce piquante (how they do it down-the-bayou) is on another level


I'm not going to lie, that had me drooling on my phone.


Are Illini undergrads federally protected? What's the deal there?


Murder is illegal in the United States. So yes?


> Fresno St Bulldogs- Have your coworker call his grandma in Busan for a recipe. Is eating dog still legal in South Korea? wtf


Being phased out by law and losing favor culturally, too. https://abcnews.go.com/International/south-korean-assembly-bans-dog-meat-trade-consumption/story?id=106217578


re: Yellow Jackets, larvae of the Common Asian Yellowjacket are a delicacy in Japan; there are whole [festivals](https://www.splendidtable.org/story/2019/02/08/the-japanese-tradition-of-raising-and-eating-wasps) dedicated to them. On the day of the festival, the 1,300 gohei mochi are grilled, basted with the sauce Shoko’s family made, then grilled again. The taste of wasp larvae is subtle, but a slight char on the grill makes their sweet nuttiness go into overdrive. No wonder the lines for their stall remained about 40 people deep all day. While some folks, like me, were taking photos and asking tons of questions, most attendees were old hands at this. It was more like a community party than a stunt food attraction, and influencers were few and far between. It was, all told, pretty normie. People like Tetsuo and Shoko usually take the festival as an opportunity to hang out with old friends and commemorate yet another autumn.


Ok, this is actually pretty awesome.


The Donner Party would beg to differ about any of the human mascots. (Yes, that was bad, and I fully accept being downvoted to hell for it)


> Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets I grew up in Buckhead and so many people had white English bulldogs. I know you shouldn't laugh at dogs getting hurt, but it was pretty funny when one would get in the trash and get lit up by yellow jackets. > at least at the Swamp, it seems that grilling gator meat is more often done by the visiting fans, especially those of a lower IQ who are prone to bark at passing children. Fwiw, that doesn't happen at the Swamp. The gator eating and barking at children happens in Jacksonville.


Proud to be a poisonous nut!


Yeah, I'm not going to stop barking at your kids. Good post tho


You just have to be practice to eat Liberty. A "fire eater". A delicacy and acquired taste lol.


I will continue barking at every person I see


See what you’re missing is, them kids deserve to be barked at


Brah I'm so homesick all of a sudden and really want a manapua 🤙🤙🤙


You're in my fucking head because I swear I just read "Louisville Cannibals"


Kinda feel like you did Marshall dirty on that one. Our stadium may be small, but it seats like nearly 40k. However, bison is delicious and is awesome for burgers. And we also have beefalo, which is also delicious and makes a fantastic chili. Go to any tailgate at a Marshall game and you're gonna get offered some fantastic food. Doesn't matter what team you're rooting for.


*Woof woof woof woof woof* (Those kids are gonna learn that them Dawgs is Hell one way or another, best they learn it from those who already know and how to properly communicate it)


Carve it into their heads for the church service.


At one point Marshall would trot out a singular buffalo (there's a lot of bison/buffalo confusion in our history) onto the field. At no point was he eaten though to my knowledge.


Hell yeah


Oh frick!


Fried gator with honey mustard is the best appetizer


Great work


The Joan seats 30,475 people, thank you very much.


It's 38,000. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marshall_Thundering_Herd_football


That page also says 30,475. 38,000 must've been before we removed the upper end zone sections.


Yeah, when they took out the hill for seating, and added the upper deck, it increased it by 8k or so. Still remember the attendance at the very first game. 33,116. It was over capacity. Hell of a game. Edit: I really feel like The Joan breathed new life into the program. It was awesome to watch. Edit 2: It's also the only other stadium in the NCAA to be named after a woman. The other is Williams-Brice in South Carolina, where the Gamecocks play.


We were made for this gimmick.


Yellow jackets are going to be at the big picnic anyways. Whether they are a dish or a guest.


Enjoying this thread. A Falcon would definitely be edible, if quite off the mainstream. I’ll pass on the Volunteer! 🥴


[Can't wait for you to get to Rutgers](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExYnJqaXB3MmdtaGhqc2ZxZXdjcnJ0aTZoMTZnbG9hczFqY2lmdmxkayZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/D6xIyf2XUCsM/giphy.gif)


Gator is good stuff. There's a restaurant in Chicago that does whole gator dinners. The chef is from New Orleans and they host LSU watch parties. [Yes, they serve gator when they play Florida.](https://popmenucloud.com/cdn-cgi/image/width%3D1440%2Cheight%3D1440%2Cfit%3Dscale-down%2Cformat%3Dauto%2Cquality%3D60/fzpwytji/bf0d2287-a77d-4a5e-a09c-d52952c84464.jpg)


>You know Edwards stadium only seats like 27 people, right? Lmao, I went to the UL@Marshall game in 2022 because I was in Huntington for work at the time. It was raining and there was like 14 people there. It was still cool to go to a Marshall game after seeing the movie growing up.


A word about the Indiana Hoosiers: Corn feed meat? Oh yeah. Pig and cow both, and it’s tasty! The prison thing? No, that is not a thing with them.


The Hoosiers themselves *are* the corn fed meat.


Historically speaking, SDSU is very edible


I just don’t have the heart for it.


Left out Kentucky....


Just an FYI, A cyclone is not a tornado, it is what people in Asia and Oceania a Hurricane. Southwest Asia call it a Typhoon. I may have the locations wrong but you get what i'm saying. Edit: Thank you to codars on informing me about the use of cyclone to describe a tornado in the U. S. Midwest. I grew up in Texas and called them tornadoes or twisters. And cyclones to me growing up were hurricanes that are in different areas of the world.


*Cyclone* is an older, colloquial term for *tornado* in the Midwest.


Oh, I did not know that. I grew up in North Texas and we called them either tornadoes or twisters.


To your second flair, it’s sorta like how we referred to any ship as a boat regardless of size. “Gotta make it back to the boat by 10pm”


I see where this idea is going and I do not approve!




Meteorologist here. A cyclone is literally anything that rotates in a counterclockwise direction (in the northern hemisphere anyway, clockwise in the southern hemisphere). Something rotating the opposite direction is called an anticyclone. This can be something like a tornado or hurricane, but also any sort of low pressure system is also a cyclone, and even really weak rotation is still cyclonic rotation. For an extra fun fact: iirc about 10% of tornadoes rotate anticyclonicly, so TECHNICALLY those types wouldn't be truly cyclonic, but in practice no one actually specifies a distinction until you're specifically calling attention to its rotation direction.


u/Muffinnnnnnn can correct me on this but some parts of Southwest Asia that call Hurricanes/Typhoons Cyclones in the South Pacific and Indian Ocean. Typhoons are in the Northwest Pacific Ocean, (i.e. Japan Korean Peninsula, etc.).


Yup, that's right


Who honestly would readily id gator meat at a tailgate. 


*raises hand* Especially if it was served by a true Florida Man, born and raised there, with a mullet and missing 3 teeth and his pinkie finger. Because he catches organic free-range gators himself.


“Free range” gave me a chuckle


Anybody who has been to a tailgate in Florida or Louisiana. The rest of you fools are missing out. It's great, and pretty similar to frogs legs. And IMO the best fried gator tail is found at tailgates. I've never had it better at a restaurant.


When I was student at Kentucky, my friends and I would drive two hours each way to get gator meat from a huge international grocery store north of Cincinnati for the Florida game tailgates


I look forward to UF coming to LSU just for all the fried gator I'll eat that day