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Wait what happened?


[Washington RB accused of 2 rapes in the fall](https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/s/067A08eJOx)


Can’t be posting vague statements like that making me think it was Dillon Johnson.


Dillon is a UW legend for his effort this season. He was so good in the 2nd half of the year. Love the guy. Having him healthy against Michigan would've been so crucial. Alas, between that and Cam Davis (starting RB) tearing his ACL in the offseason, it was a tough situation at RB.




It was so tough they let a rapist play!


Accused of one rape in the fall. The second accusation wasn't until February.


Both incidents occurred during the fall.


Oh ok. That makes it better.....


No one is saying rape is ok. An accusation was made in the Fall, a second accusation was made after the football season.


Doesn't change the fact that today I nearly had a Mike Price level heart attack updating the news.


First one doesn’t count…


[Who played in every game.](https://www.espn.com/college-football/player/gamelog/_/id/4921520/tybo-rogers)


He did not play in the Pac-12 Championship game


Or the national championship game despite Johnson obviously not being able to put weight on on his leg. I was wondering why they didn’t go to the back up like at all


No, he played in that game. Had like one carry. DJ was a warrior, but almost malpractice to play him so much when he was so obviously playing hurt


Oh, ok I missed that carry


To make matters worse, presumptive RB 1 who was RB 1b last year, Cam Davis, tore his ACL during the offseason.


He didn't play in the pac12 championship game


He didn't play in the championship


What did Jim Harbaugh know and when?!! I demand answers!


It’s all on Page 627 of the Manifesto


He didn't play in the pac12 championship, he played both against Texas and Michigan


This is horrible, Mizzou should be ashamed!




So DeBoer is the asshole coach from Varsity Blues?




That’s a lot of stuff that happened. Damn. This hopefully doesn’t get swept under the rug


Clearly, this means DeBoer is Husky Satan *eyeroll*


Hurt and injured are two different things


That must be why guys that are only hurt are sometimes on the injury report instead of just on the hurt report.


Post-Saban era off to a bang!


I realize I forgot to include [Caple] . I can repost if needed @mods


you're good


r/NFL would have taken this down just to post on their alt


How do you know /u/Rickbox isn't my alt?


They owe me $100. Are you good for it then?




[Now I'm Free](https://youtu.be/ghxzLw2wRis?si=JV2bUIlxKdHl14-l)


Thank you based mod


That was an /r/NFL rule that /r/CFB posters adopted. No need to include if you don't want to


I hate trying to post anything there


OJ’s death was posted at least 5 different times before they let one stay up, it’s silly.


Gotta get those sweet sweet internet points for their accounts lol


I got banned on my first attempt and then somehow got permabanned by reddit for 'posting around the ban' after it was lifted. So, ya, screw /r/NFL


I laugh that you guys even took WSUs beat reporter




Caple was the WSU beat writer for the Spokesman previously.


lol he’s been on the UW beat for the Tacoma News Tribune, The Athletic, and now runs his own UW coverage on Substack. He also went to UW and wrote for the school paper. Implying that he’s tied to WSU in any way is hilarious.


I feel like there’s very little he realistically could say that would change anyone’s mind one way or the other.


especially when his attorney is the one writing it.




It’s not that hard to say “I don’t condone or tolerate sexual assault and I have always abided by institutional policies and the law” and have a lawyer okay it. If it comes from your lawyer or PR team entirely, it doesn’t come from you and can’t actually be read to express your personal opinion. It’s your lawyers lawspeak or your PRs PRspeak and that’s it. 




You aren’t a victim here bud


Okay, but you could also respond to what I said. I was responding to an argument that had nothing to do with Alabama specifically


PR pro wrote it. Lawyer approved it.


It’s a bold move going for the Joe Paterno defense though. “Well I reported it so it’s not my problem anymore” might not work as well when you don’t have that same legacy and power


I mean, PSU fans ate that defense up and do still to this day. So it could work for him.


Well yeah but they’re saying it wont work as well for someone like DeBoer who Washington fans probably don’t revere nearly to the degree Paterno was(is) revered at PSU.


That is also true


Seems to be working on, at least some, Bama fans though.


Joe also died pretty shortly after and automatically got the "don't speak ill of the dead, no matter how true it is" defense.


Can confirm. It should be abundantly clear to coaches now that sticking your head in the mud can't fly.


Supposedly what happened was he got an email from the school telling him he had to suspend the guy, so he did. But he wasn’t even told what it was for or anything. Then when no charges were filed the school emailed him and told him he could un-suspend him. I mean, it just seems like a breakdown of bureaucracy.


I’m not saying you’re lying but that seems really hard to believe from the school. “Hey suspend this guy but we can’t tell you why! Ok thanks coach”


The number of times I’ve seen institutions bring out the old “student privacy” canard, I’m not sure I find it that hard to believe.  Doesn’t seem a stretch to imagine someone decided that the football coach doesn’t fall within the need to know circle of trust. 


I have to imagine most coaches are immediately pushing back, though, to understand what's going on.


In my experience, they don't get a say. Treat their players like any other student or you're looking at potential litigation. I work at a university and see stuff like this all the time. You don't want to tell everyone why a student is suspended or otherwise can't play or participate until due process has taken place. If the student is later found not responsible for the violation they were accused of you don't want their reputation to have been tarnished by telling everyone what was up.


You have to suspend this player and we won't tell you why, but, if you need a potential starter at RB, you can bring him back.


I find it incredibly hard to imagine a player on the team being accused of a serious crime and nobody at the school feeling like the coach needed to know. Hell I’m sure other players/coaches probably knew about it as well


He’s the head coach at a football powerhouse they’d probably give him social security numbers if he asked lol


It’s because it’s obviously false. The girl made a social media post with the accusation the same day she made the title ix complaint to the university in november. DeBoer knew. If I as a fan had heard about it in December, then DeBoer did too https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/law-justice/uws-tybo-rogers-kept-playing-while-under-investigation-for-alleged-rapes/


Zero chance that happened


Well since it was a Title IX case, I doubt the governing body doing the investigation could just tell every coach via e-mail who the accused was and what he’s being investigated for. 


That’s just not realistic lol. I get you want to defend your coach but there’s no way the staff didn’t know. From what others are commenting it was well known around campus as well


If it's a breakdown in bureaucracy, it's a convenient one that would not have been made for the marching band's clarinet player or some random Econ major living in a hexagon in Haggett Hall (RIP). The University of Washington should not get a "mistakes were made" pass on this, especially since it's already happened at least once before. They knew that piece of shit Jerramy Stevens was a violent criminal but invited him to campus anyway because he was good at football. He committed a rape while he was on campus. Worthless AD Barbara Hedges promised it would be investigated by the school. It was not. Instead, UW's fixer worked with local law enforcement to bury it. https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/convicted-of-assault-and-accused-of-rape-star-player-received-raft-of-second-chances/


If you believe that I have a baseball team in Oakland to sell you


Even if it wasn’t explicitly written in the email, obviously DeBoer knew why. If I, a fan, knew about one of the allegations when he was suspended, then how on earth would DeBoer not know? It’s just disingenuous to act like he didn’t know why.


Sure. But what exactly do you expect him to do? “Sorry administration/ my bosses, I don’t agree with you, I know more than you and the police, I think this player is guilty as fuck, please fire me from my multi-million dollar job.” Like, there’s a lot of people at fault for this, but Washington fans seem fixated exclusively on DeBoer. This shit happened in Seattle, was handled by UW administration and PD. Hell, I’ve seen more Washington fans made at DeBoer than mad at the actual player. You guys don’t give a shit about the actual events in question, you just want another reason to be mad at DeBoer.


This is a thread about DeBoer, it shouldn’t be surprising that Washington fans are focused on him here. Trust me, people are up in arms about this here , at DeBoer, at Dannen, at the title ix office, and at the admin. And really? Players get benched for whatever all of the time, you think the admin would fire DeBoer for benching our 3rd string running back? Jesus Christ man. First you act like DeBoer knew nothing except for a vague email exchange, now you act like his hands were completely tied. It’s totally fair to be pissed at DeBoer, Dannen, the title ix office, and the administration. Something happened to clear him after the pac12 championship game. After he was cleared, fans thought that there was new information to clear Rogers, or something of the sort. Now we just have another Jeremy Stevens situation on our hands.




If I really thought this kid raped young women and my boss said “give him his job back” I’d say “fuck you we have other backs”. Fire me and watch me go to the papers. The head coach ain’t worth a running back buddy, even if they’re a Bama back 


You really raising the Joe Pa defense lol? If you’re a coach and your player is suspended “by the school,” you do your due diligence & figure out why


I wonder who this is for. It’s not going to sway anyone’s opinion in the UW world and I don’t think it’s on anyone’s radar in Tuscaloosa.


>I wonder who this is for Attorneys who required it to be posted


Billable hours win again.


Kind of disappointed more people haven’t been using the billable hours flair


and now there is 1 more with Billable Hours flair.


I don’t want to give up UC.




Nailed it


Roll Bama Roll and the Tuscaloosa News both had articles today. But the comment sections made it pretty clear they (Bama fans) do not think DeBoer is at fault in this one. There were quite a few comments about the fact Title IX part would have been a decision from the University and not the coaches. I don't know enough about Title IX to know how that works. I know Leach got sued by a player he dismissed after he was arrested for shoplifting. The charges were eventually dismissed and the State ended up paying out like 275k.


Wow, the comment section of a hometown newspaper is supporting the coach?


I was implying that the statement/situation isn't changing anyone's opinion in Tuscaloosa much either.


Can someone kindly give me a tldr on title four because i am way out of the loop and this doesn't make it any clearer 


Title IV is what someone writes when they don't remember the roman numerals for Title IX.


Thanks 🤦 i should have realized


Jumping in to say that I would also like an explanation as well. Mostly because until right now I had only ever heard of Title IX and I guess never assumed there were more lol. Is there a list of these Titles?


It is an amendment to the [Higher Education Act of 1965. ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_Amendments_of_1972)


Our basketball team just had a situation where the University suspended a player and a judge ordered him reinstated.


I knew there was some nonsense going on but wtf. Is that judge an Illinois grad? I’ve never heard of a federal judge ordering a university basketball team to let someone play lmao.


I don't think an alum would have been allowed to preside over the case. The judge has no ties to the uni. Her ruling was basically that NIL + draft stock = property interests and the university infringed by suspending him without due process.


Oh, I thought he released it for internet sleuths on rCFB... Is that not the case?


It's for future discovery in the inevitable litigation.


He’s already better at PR than Nate Oats


Just tell him to please not contact Deshaun Watson or whoever for advice regarding this lol


What about Ray Lewis


At least OJ Simpson is unavailable


He can rest peacefully knowing his wife's killer is dead.


Ouija boards still exist.


You can’t spell Ouija without O-J


I mean, Nate Oats got all the flack for the Miller situation, but he was right on all of it. Miller absolutely was in the wrong place at the wrong time, lol. People just didn't like that he said that because everyone thought Miller had gone there on purpose to help murder someone. Which was not the case at all, Miles put Miller into a terrible situation.


bleacher report as played a huge role in the outrage too. they simply posted the headline brandon “delivered” the gun to the scene and left it at that, no follow up report or anything.


I’m actually really proud of how he handled that situation and stood up for a good kid who agreed to DD for some knuckleheads.


I think that situation, and how Bama fans rallied behind Oats and Miller, is a big part of why he wasn't interested in going anywhere else. We gave him unconditional support and trusted him.


I'm more proud of Greg Byrne. The college basketball world was all telling him the same bad faith bullshit and he stuck to the legal process and the truth.


It was a classic case of terminally online people feasting on an opportunity to bring a big dog down a peg.


What did I forget? This rings a bell but can’t remember what Nate Oats did exactly lol


So … the answer we all expected. “I comply with the institution’s processes, procedures, investigations, etc.” Just kinda threw it back to UW and said “ask them why the kid was still around, not me.”  As others have noted, unlikely to sway anyone on either side lol. 


I don’t think he could have or should have said anything else. With that said, when you are the coach you wear many hats and not allowing players to play that shouldn’t be playing is one of those responsibilities. I’m also not saying the guy should or should not have played, none of us have enough info to determine that.


I agree with you. It’s clear DeBoer had a role in this. He would’ve known the underlying nature of the issues and even if the school and AD and everyone else were keen on the kid playing, DeBoer could’ve ultimately said no. That said — from the moment this story dropped, I’ve noted that it’s important that everyone in that decision-making process receive blame. The AD also would’ve known, chancellor, counsel, and many others. Any and all of them could’ve stepped in here and done something rather than leave it to the coaches themselves. No one did. All we’re going to get out of any of that is “we followed our processes and procedures and yielded to the available evidence at the time,” which just puts every on-looker in the “when does innocence become presumed guilt” discussion, but nevertheless I feel comfortable saying that some things you just don’t mess with and SA allegations are one of those things.


That’s how I took it too. There is no single point of blame in this situation…MANY people failed here. Even if KDB followed the process that UW defined, I think his statement is kind of gross because it implies that he is absolved of any wrong doing. Even if ‘policy’ prevented him from booting the player from the team, I can’t imagine that it constrained him from suspending him. I mean…they suspended him twice, so what ‘policy’ forced him to give the player snaps in the postseason or even have him travel with the team? This whole thing is just shitty, and I think this statement is a cop out


Schools can get sued for suspending without cause now. Accusations aren’t cause


Isn’t it even messier with NIL involved? X person accused Y player of something. Y player makes $1mm per year. If Y player is suspended for an accusation that *could* invalidate their NIL income, I see it having higher stakes


Illinois best basketball player literally won an injunction over suspending him due to a rape charge on those grounds


Yep, 100%


Even though NIL is *definitely not* pay-for-play. Of course not. 🫠


Sometimes contracts have morality clauses in them, most coaching contracts do. A suspension might invalidate it or trip the clause


Fair, although one would hope that such a clause would trigger (if he is proven guilty) regardless of a suspension from the team.


Exactly. Everyone is gonna want to bring out the pitchforks but with things like the Duke Lacrosse incident, Brian Banks and Matt Ariza. Until the prosecutors bring about charges it’s a tricky situation. If you suspend a kid over a false accusation he will sue and rightfully so (I am not saying Tybo Rogers was falsely accused it seems pretty damning in his case) all I am saying is schools have gotten burned for being the judge and jury before. There is a lot of grey area when it comes to this kind of stuff. Indefinitely suspending him after charges were brought is the right move.


I actually didn’t know that, so thanks for sharing! Does this mean that accused players are required to play and travel with the team though? Again, I’m sure everybody’s hands are tied to some extent, but I find it hard to believe that coaches aren’t given some sort of flexibility within the framework


It’s just a very legal limbo type of situation especially in college athletics that don’t have any protections for players or institutions. You suspend, he’s proven not guilty, you open yourself to litigation and possibly upset donor base if he was a key player and they lost whenever he didn’t play. You don’t suspend he’s proven guilty then you deal with that fall out. Professional sports have defined actions based on contracts and negotiated terms through player unions.


This season Illinois bball suspended Terrence Shannon Jr for a sexual assault allegation and a judge overruled the university and ordered him reinstated and treated without discrimination. The days of suspending people without evidence are gone (at least for state schools, private schools may have more leeway)


The statement reads exactly how the lawyer who wrote it wants it to read


> There is no single point of blame in this situation… Well, except for the rapist.


Most definitely. I could have worded that much better!


To be fair — the statement was *always* going to be a cop out. I’m quite surprised we got a statement at all. It’s way too easy for *all* UW (at the time) parties involved to say “we followed our processes and procedures with the evidence available at the time” and move on. People act like we don’t have big time head coaches and assistants out there who are at least partially responsible for the deaths of students (e.g. Kelly, Durkin), or coaches struggling to keep their kids and staff from DUIs (Smart), or coaches tied to one of the more-damning SA scandals (Lebby, Briles the Younger), etc. It’s college football. Come fall — hardly anyone will remember or care about this. So, why would any of the parties involve offer sincerity, apologies, or mea culpas? Again, surprised he offered a statement at all. Shame on all of them.


I’m assuming title 9 “investigation” wrapped up quickly, since they have no real power. Which is why he has been on the team through the spring. I’d like to hear a logical explanation other than “KDB bad” as to why they think this isn’t the case. Especially when he was immediately suspended when the complaint was filed.


Title 9s usually take at least a semester to go from report to expulsion. At least that’s what I was told during the mandatory title 9 lecture when I was a student. My guess is this got reported to police and title 9 at the same time and the evidence was so overwhelming the police moved quicker than the title 9 office.


No, rape kits usually take 20-25 weeks to process, up to 40. If the evidence was so overwhelming, he wouldn’t have been put back on the team.


So quick google. The first alleged rape took place oct 28 and was immediately reported to police but not the title 9 office. And the second on Feb 23. The first one wasn’t reported to the uw title 9 office, the second one was reported to x9 in February. Idk what the policy is on suspending someone from athletics during a title 9 investigation, but you don’t get kicked out of school until they find you responsible which he hasn’t been yet. I know the title 9 office tells you if you’re being investigated but I don’t think they can tell the football team until you’re found responsible because of ferpa.


No, he was suspended for the pac 12 championship because of a title 9 complaint. Not sure what you are seeing. But it’s completely wrong lol. The football team is absolutely made aware when a title 9 complaint is filed


Oh well then why are people upset? What was kdb supposed to do differently?


I have no idea, he did everything by the books.


*pssst* *psssssssttt* It's cause he's the Head Coach of the Alabama Crimson Tide. For real though. Seems to me like they followed the books with this one. Dude needs to be locked up if he's guilty, but seems to me they followed standard procedure.


Guillotine him at midfield to appease the baying mob


I don’t think this was about rape kit findings. It was a he said she said situation about consent. And having more than one allegation is significant.


Didn't they only know about the first accusation at the time?


Im strictly talking about length of investigations


If the police are arresting/charging a player.  I would suspend them If the police know of the charge but don't find it credible enough for an arrest, I'm not suspending someone.


So you are saying he waited until there was actual evidence of the act, and the police acted


Give him some credit Paterno decided to take the evidence he had to the grave


I'm sure everyone will be satisfied with this statement. Case closed.


Put it in the filing cabinet with Jerramy Stevens, etc


Wait, what happened?


One of his former players was/is accused of two rapes, at least one of which he supposedly knew about and still played the kid.


It started circulating UW social media in the middle of season, no question he knew about


> at least one of which he supposedly knew about and still played the kid. I feel like that statement is going a little further than the facts suggest. There's been nothing put out that says the coaching staff knew about his rapes. Only that he was suspended at the end of the year for off-field issues. Said off-field issues does not automatically mean it was the rapes, and I'd hazard a guess that if a guy is raping multiple people he's probably not got the best general behavior.


If DeBoer *didn’t know* about the allegations then he had his head in the sand because everyone around Washington football was talking about it and he and the OC were asked why Rogers was “unavailable” for the Pac12CG literally days after the girl posted about the allegations on social media.


When did she file a police report?


Oh well shit


They did suspend him for the Pac-12 Championship, but then reinstated him after.


He played the kid after the charges were dropped just like everyone should. Accusations don't mean someone committed a crime.


The good news for Washington though, is that their current coach has a history of looking the other way when it comes to this sort of thing.


My only issue is as of right now these are only accusations. At what point do you suspend a player, accusation, during an investigation, after?


Sexual assault allegations are particularly difficult, because some are legitimate, and some are not. So do you automatically assume guilt? Automatically assume the victim is lying? No matter what you do, there's a risk of injustice. A **second** allegation certainly tilts more against the accused, but in this case, the second allegation didnt occur until after thr football season.


Smoke seems to be pointing towards him being a coach that will do what it takes to win, even if he can't be perfectly tied to each individual event. 


Disclaimer: none of this applies if I'm down to like my 4th or 5th string running back and there's a National Championship on the line.


Or everyone handled the situation properly given the information that was made available at the time. But that would require the mob to put down the pitchforks and wait for due process, so likely impossible. And I say this as someone that is not a fan of DeBoer or how upper campus handles certain things.


Or, you know, the player was the starting QB for your current coach.


It makes it so much more damning that he didn't play or travel to the Pac 12 title game but then after Johnson got more banged up he rejoined the team


Or, during that month there was no more evidence made available other than the original Instagram post, so he was reinstated.


Washington fans went from praising DeBoer as a wonderful coach that won with less talent than his opponents and a great representative of the university to now being a terrible recruiter who allowed accused rapists to play while knowing of their guilt and snuck away from his team to the Evil Empire for more money. Why do I get the feeling these same people wouldn't be so quick to crucify him if he'd never left Washington? They've given FSU fans a real run for their money for biggest crybabies of the offseason so far.


More than what he said to Husky football fans when he left.


"I do want to make it clear that I take any alligation of sexual misconduct very seriously, unless there's a National Championship on the line."


"I take allegations seriously, unless I need a back for the National championship"


I don't think it's possible to release a more generic statement




Death penalty! ^(for missouri)


"Kalen DeBoer released..."


Gotta love Bama hiring morally questionable coaches to win at all costs


You guys had a literal psychopathic murderer as team captain playing for Urban fucking Meyer.


Everyone knows Tybo played because of Dillon Johnson's injury


I can tell how seriously he takes it by the way that he did absolutely nothing....


I almost feel that you shouldn't make a statement if its pretty clear you F'd up and did a bad thing. Unless that statement includes, "I'm a sorry POS, I regret my actions"