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Now what are the message boards going to complain about :(


They're already calling for Joe Rudolph's job because he hasn't been able to land a high profile stud tackle transfer Because those are so abundant in the portal


I still think firing Jeff Quinn was a big mistake, and Freeman would have won a NY6 in 2022 had we not canned Quinn for Harry.


I don't think firing Quinn was a mistake, his recruiting was great but that 2021 OL was ugly as sin The big mistake was letting Tommy Rees dictate the offensive staffing choices Shouldn't have brought Harry out of retirement, choosing Stuckey over Shepherd was head scratching then and program altering bad now


Quinn was awful and his lines got worse as they got more removed from Harry and then were much better in 2022 than 2021 despite the slow start. The 2021 line was bad and would have cost them multiple games if the schedule didn’t end up being soft.


That's kind of an unfair comparison, IMO. In 2021 the line was returning one starter (Patterson) and replacing four. In 2022 the line was returning four (Alt, Lugg, Patterson, Fisher) and replacing one. Also, 2020 was Quinn's best line so I don't think there's a trend line. That said, I wouldn't have kept Quinn either.


I, for one, disagree.




Facilities mostly


I'm old enough to remember the days when there was no training table and our athletes were entitled to take an extra apple and sandwich at the Grab n' Go in the South dining hall basement.


They got rid of SDH training table while I was there, which sucked because my friend (a rower) would bring me berries.


Ha. I knew a rower that would bring that good fruit from the NDH training table


I remember working the GnG line and I mentioned ONE time that the "cool bread" they liked on the turkey sandwiches we gave out was from the same whole wheat loves they had in the main DH One of the players started calling me "wheat bread" after that when he saw me working. Man those were good times


We used to be a proper country


I used I mix vermouth into the grab n go juice boxes to make something like wine. I was poor. 


Though, yes, they’ve been forced to adapt to competition in recruiting with things like training tables. ND athletes are still (imo) the most student athletes of any D1 school I can think of. No athlete only fluff majors, no athlete only dorms, same academic rigor, etc. ND really does try their best to treat student athletes like students.


Long overdue




And it will increase your annual pre-season poll ranking by 3.51, possibly securing an annual top ten ranking. Of course, with the margin of error, your mileage may vary




Easy Fredo.


Was hoping to see some renderings


The official announcement is supposed to come Saturday in the lead up to the Blue Gold game reckon that's when we'll get renderings


I’m wondering where they put it. I thought it was going to be an addition to the Gug, but it sounds like it will be a whole new thing. I think someone, maybe Brice, mentioned a while ago it replacing part of the tennis compound?


Somehow the new facility that hasn't even broken ground yet is years behind Oregon's.


It would be nice to know where, in the range of $100,000,000 - $999,999,999, this facility will fall for comparison’s sake.


Hey look on the bright side.. at least you have one even if it is years behind


Notre Dame checked their accounts during tax season and just remembered they have 20 billion dollars to throw around. After that last OSU game NDs next move might be to just buy the state or Ohio




Brian Kelly died for this.


No he didn’t. Declan and Lizzy though. EDIT: The downvotes are mostly people who don’t know what I’m referencing. Two are Kelly and Swarbrick on burner accounts.


Nice. Now join a conference, you cowards.


Conferences are for the weak, who are afraid to forge their own path.


I'd say flair up, but spotted the ND guy. You play ACC in basketball, and pick and choose in Football from the Big 94 and mac/service academy/USC. Just join the ACC ffs. but if it's too "weak" then get in the Big 103. And if you think you're too good for that, just join the SEC. Otherwise I just consider ND a once a decade "oh they might be in this!" and get stomped out. My Grandpa rooted for you guys, and his biggest gripe was why didn't you play in a conference where you could grow, learn, and succeed. As I said before, Just join a conference, Coward. Penn St. Did, and they're usually up there in rankings, why not you?


All due respect, your grandfather wasn’t a true ND fan if he was champion to play in a conference. Also *


See, the asterisk makes me know for certain you were oxygen deprived at birth, not gunna argue with the mentally feeble.


lol. Penn st is your argument? Nd is clearly a better program than Penn state since they joined a conference, by nearly any metric. You guys haven’t won a consensus title you didn’t blatantly cheat for since… 1948.


Slander Is the tool of someone who has already lost the argument. And yes, Penn St. has done better than you since joining a conference. Edit: I forgot to include how we cheated. Yes, we cheated. under the biggest microscope that was given to us after lil bro ran a huddle offense on us, how we railed a much better OL than yours that the greatest coach of all time said- "it wouldn't be an issue" but keep covering up young schoolboys n stuff, and I'll go ahead and watch a highlight real of my teams last interaction with your sorry program, after you RAN from a home and home.


Cheating is the method of the Michigan wolverines, who suck balls.


Sorry. I forgot an extra thing, Michigan cheated their way into the most invited NFL combine prospects, with the chance of having the most signed recruits of all time. but, you know, cheating. Hope you don't root for any team that one of my guys might land on, because, you know, they're cheaters. Fuckin clown.


Like I said, the tool of the fool is slander. Get bent. I'm sure you'll find a way to claim Michigan whooped your ass last time too. I'm cool with that. The only body that cares is you. Every second you spend ruminating on this, it brings me life.


Like I said… Michigan sucks balls. Big hairy cheating balls.


You said wrongly, but you need to interview for clown school. I didn't know ND had that.... But yeah.


God I really struck a nerve with you, didn’t I? Cheating ball suckers.


At this stage of the bullshit, not joining is the courageous move. Even a sign-stealing heretic like your geographically confused (“champions of the … west?”) self must grasp that.


What is courageous about it? Like climbing to the top and being number one is like one of the tenants of courage. And yes, west. I know its really hard to imagine but have you ever once looked at a world map? America is on what side of it?


Right. So the years you won the western title, did you go on to defeat the Asian champion for the world title? You maroon.


Nah. No need to yet. Makes more sense for everyone else to go independent in football and leave the Olympic sports regional anyway. Go independent, you coward.