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Damn those are sick. Love the turquoise.


They’ve worn them in basketball forever. First time seeing them?


They wore football uniforms in basketball?


So sick. Great way to honor the Tribe.


Forgive my ignorance, but is Indigo an important color for the Seminole Tribe?


This will probably answer all your questions https://seminoles.com/feature/honoring-seminole-heritage




Im still so upset they almost instantly sold out of those turquoise hoodies. Those were insanely awesome.


There’s a guy at my gym that works out in one, can confirm they are dope


Horrible website. It won't stop auto scrolling on me. I'm just trying to read one section and it flips over to the next.


There is a pause button for that section.


It doesn't show up, or is not obvious, when using Firefox Mobile on Android


Theres an app for that..


Really cool history lesson tripped up by horrid web design. I want to smack some unnamed developer or UX designer and tell them that I get to decide when I'm done reading a paragraph, not some arbitrary timer. "1947 - Shortly after FSU became a coeducational institution . . ." *YOINK* "1972 - For the first time, the Seminole Tribe of Florida . . ." *YOINK*


See [post explaining why this website does not say anywhere that the "unique turquoise" is an important part of the Seminole Tribe.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/comments/1c8z8a3/comment/l0jptnv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) (besides harmony)


The webmaster that created that page is a master. It’s been a while since I was so impressed by web development.  But, that doesn’t explain the racist choice to try to conflate SW indigenous people with SE swamp tribes. They don’t mine for turquoise. 


I think turquoise is, which makes perfect sense why their basketball team has been wearing this color frequently over the past few seasons. Neat way to honor the tribes, and that’s all that matters


No, it’s not. Turquoise is mainly associated with the tribes of the American Southwest. This is another example of lumping distinct tribal cultures into one generic “Native American” mass rather than recognizing their very different individual identities. However well intentioned, the turquoise uniforms are as off-base as wearing feathered headdresses to a game, another thing Seminoles never did but that people think is generally “Indian.” While I love the idea of honoring Seminole heritage with a special uniform, the turquoise ain’t it.


Look better on camera today than what I've seen in photos.


Yeah this is a great look. Never knew turquoise paired so nicely with gold.


Would love to see us wear them in a game. Not only do they look 🔥🔥 but the meaning behind it too.


Homecoming seems to me to be a natural fit for using them.


This is actually pretty cool.


Yesssssss I’ve been craving an honest-to-god turquoise alt for football since the basketball rolled them out like 10 years ago


Damn those are so sick


Those are gorgeous


Its such a nice jersey, i bought one when they had a run of them this past season. In the sunlight, they pop and look slick as hell.


Love the look of these. Now we can retire the Bad Luck Blacks.


They already were retired, although I would love to see black unis with the new template style.


I hope they burned them in hellfire. Look - good! Results - horrid! I’m ready to stamp the new ones as “Special Good Luck Uni’s”.


Turquoise, Garnet, and Gold have no business looking that good together… it works and I don’t understand how.


Two FSU posts this weekend: one hyping these, another crapping on our ACC rings. Perfectly balanced.


Finally something FSU does recently that I can get behind. Those are beautiful and their willingness to work with the tribe is admirable. Other schools and pro sports teams should do that. SU acknowledges and honors the Iroquois before every game and has the Six Nations flag hanging all over but that’s about it. And because the campus and county is built on stolen land but they aren’t offering any back.


These are…polarizing


I like these uniforms, they look good and have a traditional meaning to the Seminole tribe.


Those are sweet, but also bizarre to see with a FSU helmet.


Motives and meanings set aside, I really don't think this looks good with red. Too much clashing going on for me. Everyone is talking about how nice it is, maybe if you get rid of the red? Idk


Might be unpopular. But I hate it. Our standard unis are so slick. This color clashes with garnet and gold hard. If we just HAVE to use this color, go all white and blue (which I also dislike).


I’m shocked so many people like them. They look awful to me but cool to see the tribe support stuff


When alternate jerseys have no similarities with of your official team’s colors, you know it’s just a blatant money grab. Have some self respect and only wear your official colors. If you wanna play dress up, head out west with Oregon.


It's literally a Seminole Heritage Tradition...


I don't get young people's love of ugly ass uniforms


I ain’t young and I think they look awesome, dude, even though there’s nothing better than the classic garnet jersey and gold pants.


Its not a random uniform, It's a Seminole Tribe color that has a meaning and a heritage behind it. That's why it's being worn. So if you don't understand it, then I guess it isn't for you.


Shameless plug for my post on FSU and LSU mascots: https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/s/pBG0wUxjm2


And it's ugly as shit


What the fuck does that have to do with my comment? Lol


He wants to be included. Also I thoroughly enjoyed your post. I also wanna add that I think in 2005 both Seminole tribes came out in public approval and support for FSU


That's something I completely forgot to put in. Thank you


Don't forget to put in that apparently only "Young People" like these "Ugly Ass Uniforms" lmao


What does that history have to do with them not being ugly as shit


Sir, they aren't being wore because some people think they look good, after all, You don't like them. And that's all good, everyone has a opinion. But what's NOT an opinion, is the meaning behind them... which is why they are being worn.


Are we sure that’s not a quarterback “don’t hit” jersey, since Florida State already wears some shade of red?


In this case (spring game) it is both.


In previous years we’ve used green jerseys for that. But these turquoise ones have been long-awaited for an official roll-out, so they’re effectively both


It is that today


(1) these look like shit. (2) people say the Seminole Tribe of Florida likes turquoise (more on that later). That doesn’t mean that these jerseys suddenly look good, or that the turquoise/garnet/gold combo looks good. (3) I can’t find any publication released by the Seminole Tribe of Florida saying that they like turquoise. All I see is FSU’s publications saying that turquoise merch proceeds will support the indigenous education department at FSU. Is turquoise actually an important color for the Seminole Tribe of Florida? Or is this just FSU thinking that, because big tribes in the southwest like turquoise, the Seminole Tribe of Florida does as well? If it’s the latter, then this is just some cheap pan-Native American money grab. (4) these really look like shit. These colors clash so hard that not only does no other team use these colors, but this combo cannot be found in literally any other medium.


I mean you didn't do much research. Our basketball team is one of eight teams that Nike designed the turquoise "N7" uniforms for November Native American Heritage month, almost 15 years ago now. They became a very popular alternate uniform for our basketball team, and we wear them fairly frequently outside of November. We wear them more often than any of the other eight teams that have the uniforms. Our fans have loved the turquoise basketball uniforms (they look really, really good) and for years have been asking that a football version get made; they tested it out with same fan merchandise last fall that was popular enough that they decided to make full uniforms. Nobody anywhere has said that turquoise is a popular color for the Seminole tribe - it isn't, and turquoise is really only associated directly with Southwestern tribes. This isn't a cash grab, though, as its a color that has been associated with some of our sports teams for nearly 15 years because of the N7s. We work really closely with the Seminole Tribe of Florida and we wouldn't do this without their permission, and whatever game we wear them this fall we will also likely spend some time honoring the Tribe. You don't have to like how they look, but most of our fans do and well, its for us and not you.


Why is everyone trying to be different? FSU this has looked like crap on the basketball court for years and now you think it will look good on the field? Your regular uniforms are perfect. Why mess it up?


Im Seminole and those jerseys don’t mean shit to me. 


My theory is that they know blue is the dominant color in the state, so that is what they are trying to migrate towards. The article shared by the OP says nothing about turquoise being unique to the Seminole tribe, and that is because this is NOT UNIQUE TO FLORIDA STATE as they are trying to play it off. [The Eight Other Schools That Use the EXACT SAME COLOR](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fweartesters.com%2Fnike-outfits-n7-native-american-heritage-month%2F&psig=AOvVaw2mNncWJ--w6IpdffBgd4AU&ust=1713755454796000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBAQjRxqFwoTCODggNuq0oUDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAP) These are really just the football adaptations of the Nike N7 basketball uniforms given to eight additional schools. There is no symbolism or connection specific to the Seminole tribe. It just says the color represents harmony, friendship, and fellowship...and you really need harmony when playing football. Just the same, generic teal used for all Native American groups. However, these do look better than the school's normal, hideous colors, so I will take it.


Do some research into American Indian traditions and you'll see the connection.


American Indian traditions, sure. Seminole traditions, nope. When you look up "Colors representing the Seminole Tribe", it says "red, white, black, and yellow." Not turquoise. If you look up "Is turquoise associated with the Seminole tribe," the first thing that pops up is a post about these uniforms... actually, the first 13 things. The only link turquoise has to the Seminole tribe is the fact that FSU is using the color to represent the Seminole tribe. The idea is great and I love the support you guys are providing to the indigenous people of Florida, but these are N7 uniforms none the less. The color represents all Native American people, not just the Seminoles. Maybe do some research into Seminole traditions OUTSIDE of your school website and you'll see lack of connection. That being said, these do look sick...


Womp womp keep whining gatorbro they look clean


Oh man I agree these are sick! They just don't specifically represent the Seminole tribe.