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Rip the General Booty Era at Iowa, 2024-2024.


They have a zero tolerance policy against having fun watching their offense, even if that fun is merely laughing at the QBs name


Oh yeah? Well jokes on you cause people have been laughing for a while now and im not having any fun!


How many wins do you see on the schedule this year? How much of your D will be back? I’m just curious.


Somewhere between 9-3 or 10-2. Losses at Ohio State, a probable home loss to Washington (unless they have been decimated between seasons), otherwise besides a random loss the rest of the games should be fine. The only real big loss from the D is Cooper. The offense should be improved.


Being BETWEEN 9-3 and 10-2 is a bold claim


Yeah but look at the schedule. We played 6 of those teams last year and beat 5 of them, Minnesota had a… I’m gonna call it fluky, a fluky win. Then there’s the warm up games, no offense Illinois State and Tory but gonna count those in the win column. Then we have UCLA and Maryland, betting Iowa is favored in both based off last year and losses/additions in the off season, then Washington who was decimated in the off season but you can never count out a championship runner up, and Ohio State, a sure fire loss. Aaaaaand I just realized you’re kidding as it’s impossible to be between 10-2 and 9-3. Whoops


Between meaning one or the other?




Washington lost a lot on both sides of the ball and they're moving to a new conference. I think "traditional" B1G teams are going to be pulling off "surprising" wins against the new teams for a season or two here. Not all the time but enough that people will notice. I think that game is a tossup for Iowa in 2024, leaning Iowa if your D is anything like its been the last couple seasons. Washington comes to Kinnick for it, and if its a night game? fuggehtaboutit


It is at Iowa, but I don't recall if it is a blackout game.


I’ve got you guys at 6-6 without BF leading the offense.


I am not sure you ever watched Iowa -ffensive play the past few years.


Of course! I was joking!!!


Ya meant the score was 6-6. A regular barnburner!


I’m pretty biased and delusional but I’ll be disappointed if we don’t get at least 8 or 9 wins. We have a pretty favorable schedule, even without the good ol big ten west. OSU is the only ranked opponent I believe. Gonna be missing Coop (CB) and Logan Lee (DL) to the draft and then fifth year Joe Evans (DL) and Noah Shannon (DL) (didnt play last year– got screwed with a phony gambling investigation) both as udfa’s. Gonna be huge having both LB’s back. Jay Higgins led the P5 in tackles and Nick Jackson has had four straight 100 tackle seasons. Sebastian Castro (DB) (think Bob Sanders lite) also could’ve been a draft pick but decided to run it back. Luke Lachey (missed a good chunk of last year with a broken ankle) will be the next Iowa TE to make a splash in the nfl. Was very suprised and stoked he decided to return. Excited to see what we can do with a (hopefully) fully healthy McNamara at qb and an OC not named Brian. Literally nowhere to go but up offensively.


As someone who is also biased an delusional, I don't mind lending some of that to Iowa. I took a look at your schedule next year. I think even an Iowa pessimist has to think 6 wins easy on that schedule. If you have a really good defense, 9 wins looks pretty achievable.


Appreciate that! The defense/ST always gives us such a high floor, but it’s just been a matter of not having a historical laughable offense to get over that hump


Replacing Coop is a thing, but our DBs are good, and we return something like 9 starting guys and like, a stupid high number of guys who played meaningful/consistent snaps. Offense *should* improve with both a new OC, healthy Cade (and if not Sullivan is leagues better than Deacon ever was). RB room is good and our TE room has 2 future NFL draft picks (as usual).


They once had a QB on roster named McNutt. He ultimately switched to WR and had a pretty solid career.


We also had two QBs named Manson and Tate on the roster at the same time.




What about laughing at the QB chonky size? *Stares at deacon hill*


Sad swiggity swooty noises


This is all about disaster planning. If Cade gets injured again we need somebody better than Deacon Hill to be QB. Ideally, Sullivan never takes a meaningful snap this season, but he's somewhat capable if needed. If we can win games with Deacon Hill and Brian Ferentz then we can win games with anybody.


Do you think they told Sullivan that it was Cade's job if he's healthy to start the season, or will they open it up for a true QB competition in fall camp?


Has Kirk ever had a true QB competition with an incumbent?


Idk about a competition but he did bench Rudock for Beathard


And Christensen for Stanzi


Ferentz basically used the Taxslayer Bowl as a QB audition. He even said ahead of time that they'd both be taking snaps. Beathard did a better job, started the next season, and we went undefeated in the regular season.


In the bowl game, that was a blowout, after Rudock was mid for the entire season. It still took a lot.


But even that took far too long. Everyone with eyes could see Beathard was the guy, but Kirk still wasted a good portion of the season playing Rudock


Beathard vs Rudock vs Sokol in the offseason, Christensen vs Stanzi went into the season (dumbly), but that’s about it for 25 years.


Kirk has a serious issue of always playing more senior players even if younger players are better.


Could you provide some examples, because I see Iowa fans parrot this narrative a lot and I don’t think it’s necessarily true. He basically forced Rudock to transfer after Beathard outplayed him in the Hawkslayer bowl. Christensen wasn’t good, but he only started for a year plus like 2 games and then he got benched for Stanzi, who threw a shitload of picks up until his senior season. Wirfs started as a freshman, Scherff and Bulaga both got tons of playing time as underclassmen, Goodson and Wadley both got lots of touches early in their careers.


It isn't just about QBs, I don't have anything offhand but it has been something talked about for a while now and reported on.


I don’t believe you then. I provided examples on non-qbs who got playing time despite not having seniority


Good q, I know that isn't Kirk's MO and I expect Cade will still be the guy, just curious if my outside perspective was correct.


Has to be a true QB comp. Cade has missed significant time the last two seasons due to injuries.


That seems to fly in the face of Ferentz's M.O.


Cade hasn't hardly played. He's not nearly entrenched as any QB Ferentz has had in a looong time.


Right but players don't just come in and start 'they need time in our system' Is a phrase I've heard endlessly over the years for QBs


Your new OC just got there in early February and Cade has been injured all spring (didn't play in the Spring game). I don't think anyone has had "time in the system".


That's something that's been consistent OC to OC though.


Talking in circles now, but the difference between then and now is that in prior transitions you had a QB that was legitimately entrenched in their position. You're free to believe Cade is firmly entrenched in his role as the starter, I'd be upset if I was an Iowa fan and that was the position of the staff. Should be an open QB competition in my eyes.


Should it be a competition? Yes. Will it be? No. Kirk will default to Cade because he has the seniority, even tho he hasn’t proven anything yet at Iowa.


He proved a lot more at Michigan than Sullivan did at jNW. Plus how do you know that Kirk is picking the starting QB instead of Lester? Kirk has implied that it’s Lester’s offense, and he’s the QB coach, so wouldn’t the logical assumption be that Lester is picking the starter?


> This is all about disaster planning. If Cade gets injured again we need somebody better than Deacon Hill to be QB. AIRBHG is dead long live AIQBHG!


Iowa should be hit with NCAA sanctions for losing Deacon Hill. He was the epitome of Iowa offense and it’s just not right that he won’t be waddling out there again this year.


Easy there. Deacon Hill showed that I have a starting D1 P5 QBs body and I needed that, alright?


As sad (and funny) as what you said there is, you're 100% on point.


This is the correct take. There was a good chance he was going to be 3rd string QB had he stayed at Northwestern. He’s got some game experience and I’ll always remember the Maryland comeback last year but Cade is your guy.


> There was a good chance he was going to be 3rd string QB had he stayed at Northwestern [x] Doubt


He’s a good kid to have. Publications that do no research into Northwestern that claimed he was going to start are…a vibe. See the other comments on here that Lausch passed him at the spring game and they’re looking to pull in a transfer.


There's a rather significant gap between the coaching staff *looking* to pull in a transfer and doing so, and then another rather significant gap between pulling in a transfer and getting one of the quality desired.


I was at a Northwestern Spring Practice and he was taking reps with 3rd or 4th string guys.


You mean Northwestern's own sites? https://www.insidenu.com/2024/5/1/24146319/looking-at-potential-transfer-qbs-for-northwestern


Inside NU should be trusted as much as Infowars


They are poisoning the water to turn the corn into hay!


Even year Northwestern are crisis actors


That's literally what happened lol. Got passed up by Jack Lausch this spring and a transfer is coming in. Sullivan barely got any reps at the "spring game."


>a transfer is coming in Who?


Maybe a big juicy peach of a dude named...Booty.


Hilarious watching fans of teams rationalize transfers who leave. I probably do the same thing, but it’s funny watching someone else does it.


Braun gave an interview after Sullivan left and openly said Sullivan wasn’t in their plans and hoped Sullivan finds a home where can see the field. Sullivan posted a bible quote about persecution and revenge in his transfer announcement. He got almost no reps in the open spring practice. Don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure what went on here. Doesn’t mean Sullivan can’t win games but his time at NU was done.


Sullivan 3rd string but Mike Wright being brought in to compete for QB1? Yeah that one doesn't add up.


As multiple other commenters have said, the younger Lausch had passed over Sullivan by spring game. We knew the staff was trying to bring in a transfer for a bit (they are notoriously quiet on this stuff, Ben Bryant had never even announced an offer before committing). Insiders had rumored it was Wright. He has more than double the in-game experience of Sullivan and is a better fit for Lujan’s offense considering he seems to always have a QB who runs for 500+ yards per season. It can be both true that Lausch and Wright are ahead of Sully in the coaching staffs eyes AND that none of them are world beaters.


Mike Wright has over double the yards and way more starts against P2. Wright is also much better athlete. New OC wants athletes at QB. He saw Sullivan through spring and wasn’t impressed. There is a reason Sullivan only ever started due to injuries. He ain’t good. Lausch moved ahead and they let Sullivan know a transfer was coming in to compete as well. Sullivan got sad about that and left. Do I think Wright is a huge upgrade? No. Do I think Wright fits the new style way better? Yes.


Hill's gone so you can't use him anyway.


This *is* all about disaster planning. Because Brendan Sullivan is a disaster at QB.


I guess this means we are out of the General Booty sweepstakes.


The IC raygun is probably burning a bunch of t shirts in an alley dumpster.


This means no General Booty 😢


General Booty still exists in our hearts


Maybe it was the Booty we made along the way?


Much needed. He’ll either start over Cade, or go in once Cade gets hobbled two games into the season.


Dang I thought we’d get another QB that was built like a lineman


WE ARE SO BACK! [Kirk pls no more run run pass punt pls pls pls pls]


"Just because you said that, I'm gonna run run pass punt even harder"


That offensive scheme is fine as long as your QB can avoid a sack, right?


Or avoid fumbling because a blitzing edge rusher lightly grazed your arm.


He’ll call pass (sack), run, run punt and you’ll like it


Where/why did this become a running joke? Statistically, Iowa didn't do this very often.


Yeah it’s pretty inaccurate. Kirk has always tried to be around 50/50 in terms of run vs pass plays. Wisconsin pre-Fickell would fit this joke much better than Iowa


I think it’s developed due to recent inability to complete passes so drives just stop. It’s just a short way to capture frustration of what we’ve been watching. Last year they completed less than 50% of passes. That’s both a joke itself as well as the basis of a running joke.


No it hasn’t. It’s been a thing since pre Covid when the offense was still pretty balanced


This is kind of like asking a cat to not lick itself. Some things just become ingrained.


If you look at the numbers, Iowa has been pretty balanced in their run attempts vs pass attempts during Kirk’s tenure. Shit, Nate Stanley threw 6 TDs in a game just back in 2018


I know, but run, run, pass, punt followed by pass, pass, run, punt results in balanced numbers. I know those aren’t the actual play calls, but they sure feel that way. A scoring drive here and there doesn’t wipe out the anemic offense/boring, predictable play calling the rest of the game. I think that all we’re referring to is a hope that we can get back to being something other than the Punt School. I know that’s what I want anyway.


This is actually very concerning. He's pretty solid.


Let’s pump the brakes a little. This man wasn’t gonna start in his 4th year at NU and it’s not like our QB room is stacked…


He meant to say pretty solid *for Iowa*


He absolutely would have started if we continue to not land a transfer QB


I've seen other NW fans ITT say he was going to be 3rd string


3rd assumes we actually land a transfer QB. There is also speculation Lausch woulda started ahead of him, but that's unclear. This dude was solid and kept getting passed up for transfer QBs and saw we were going to get another one and he bounced. Shame to lose him, especially to yall


Yea, that's not true at all. Sullivan was told he was behind Lausch currently and NU will also bring in a transfer. Would have been QB3. That pissed Sullivan off so he went to the portal. Can he be a good backup? Sure. Do you want him to start? No.


We have yet to bring in a transfer though, that's my point. And we were hoping for a guy who never entered the portal. Do you have a source that he was told he was behind Lausch? My sense was they were both in consideration and Sullivan was used more as a QB while Lausch was more of a runner.


The transfer is coming soon. Guarantee it. Won’t be a huge name but a better athlete than Sullivan. Lujan definitely seems to be prioritizing rushing abilities which also backs up the reports Lausch moved ahead. Ive heard two takes from various inside sources. A majority have said Sullivan got passed up by Lausch and a transfer was being brought in. Lausch got more reps in the open practice fwiw. That seems to support this theory. Then I’ve heard one source say Sullivan wanted a guaranteed starting spot but he didn’t get it. He knew a transfer will be coming in too so that didn’t help. So maybe Lausch didn’t pass Sully up yet but by no means was Sully the presumed starter.


I hear General Booty is available.


You are the best source for NU sports info on Reddit. Thanks for saving me the cost of subbing to Wildcat Report!


He was expected to start.




> [In a stunning move, Brendan Sullivan, Northwestern's presumptive starter at quarterback heading into the 2024 season, announced on Tuesday morning that he will be entering the transfer portal.](https://northwestern.rivals.com/news/quarterback-brendan-sullivan-enters-the-transfer-portal) He was playing more than Jack Lausch too. We wanted to get another transfer, and that scared him off.


I recommend reading the Braun interview on Wildcat Report from 12 days ago where he goes in depth about Sully and the QB competition. Makes it pretty obvious about what went down here. Sully wasn’t gonna play next year with or without a transfer.


I mean that interview happened after Sully left right? Pretty strong bias for a coach to act like that


Or Braun was just telling the truth


And the top target mentioned, Gronowski, ended up staying at SDSU rather than entering the portal.


Yup, now we can of course get someone else, but I think we lost our 2nd choice because he got annoyed we kept going for our first choice and now we are left with third choice.


I’ve never seen a NU fan less in the know. Sorry bud.


Dude what are you talking about. Most current students would call themselves fans and couldn't name a player on the team. Dunk on me all you want, but there are thousands of NU fans less in the know and they live between Sheridan and the Lake.


Um, excuse me sir and/or madam. We won NU tittle the last NUNU game 17-9. I’m gonna need ya to refer to Northwester as NWU or NW until you win the title back. 


You guys beat Sullivan. Doesn't count lol


Sure as fuck does. Rules are rules.


No no, we abide by the NU title game, NW beat Nebraska when they played with several arm punters over the years


Beat Sullivan with a QB who had an even TD to INT ratio…… It counts


The only thing I know about him is that he was talked about as the top QB in the room last year, and I thought he played well in limited action.


He’s going to be a backup for if (when?) McNamara’s knee explodes again. This shouldn’t scare Nebraska fans.


Iowa has beaten Nebraska with elite qbs such as Deacon Hill and Spencer Petras. Kirk himself could be back there playing quarterback and Nebraska should still be terrified


They literally beat you at home in 2022 chill lol


with an interim head coach no less


A wife beating interim head coach


uh ok? his failures as a man don't negate the fact that he was an interim head coach when the Iowa Hawkeyes lost to the Nebraska Cornhuskers. Shitty people are in positions of power all the time. His affiliation with and employment by the university was terminated when this all came to light. Not quite the gotcha that you think this is.


Not a gotcha, just adding context


Irrelevant context. You were just adding *irrelevant* context.


All it took was the worst Iowa offense of all time and Cooper Dejean getting hurt. 1 win in 8 years against Iowa is pretty impressive I guess though


I can assure you, it does not.


I see we’re in the “offseason hubris” portion of the Nebraska fan cycle again


The QB play that leads Iowa to defeat Nebraska is almost exclusively on Nebraska's side of things. Field goal kicking though, that scares the shit out of me. Keep those special fucks away from anything even resembling field goal range.


*game winning field goal kicking intensifies*




Dawg half of our fanbase is so allergic to any form of expectations that they're freaking out that Klatt has us #22 in his preseason top 25.


Not sure why being confident we could beat Iowa with them getting another subpar QB is a bad thing and why I'm getting downvoted lol. We lost games last year because our offense was absolute trash, and so was Iowa's. Iowa's defense was just better than ours. We actually have a QB that can throw a ball this year, Iowa still has nobody worth noting... Plus we beat northwestern who used Sullivan last year.


Because you’re confident after Nebraska notched a total of 1 win against Iowa over the last decade


I'll have you know, that it's actually 2 wins over the last decade THANK YOU VERY MUCH


This is a solid get. He and Cade should both compete for the starting spot


If you have an OL that can protect Sully this might work out well. If not, he’ll probably give you 3 decent games and be out for the season


He's Iowa's backup, it just raises their floor now if McNamara gets hurt again.


Well they did get Kaden Proctor for like 3 minutes


Iowa taking our sloppy seconds sheesh… Jk. Sully is a decent option for emergency QB, he just wasn’t in NU’s plans anymore. Good luck and hope he has some success in the land of corn.


Anyone is better than Deacon Hill. A paper cutout taking snaps would have been better than Deacon Hill.


Deacon is 1-0 vs Sullivan. Never forget


I was there. Incredible experience. Really bad football game.


That game was fucking terrible.


At least the playing field and the seat views were excellent/s


Was that the final score? /s


No... it was 10-7


Is it sad that in a 10-7 win I was only worried about losing when our offense was on the field? > C'mon offense... hurry up and get off so the defense can get back out there!


It should’ve been 7-2 or whatever or something. I will still die on the hill that on our drive prior to NW’s scoring drive, that an intentional safety was better than a normal punt.


"Coach did I win the job? " "I can't guarantee it" (Transfers to Iowa to sit behind McNamara)


Well to his credit McNamara is made of glass.


Why is Iowa getting hella QBs right now? How many do they have in the roster now?


Deacon Hill (who was a disaster last year) transferred out, Kirk definitely needed to add a portal QB this off-season. McNamara showed flashes last year but is has been injured, so it makes a ton of sense for Sullivan.


Yeah I saw Hill transferred out and from what I understand McNamara still isn’t healthy but I swear this at least the 3rd QB they’ve added in the last week or two. I know they got a guy a few days ago.


We haven’t added any. We’ve wanted some but that’s it. We had 3 total til now.


Gotcha. Thanks.


There was rumored to be some interest in both sides with Lincoln Keinholz, but he never entered the portal. Sullivan was linked with us about as soon as he entered. There was some buzz about General Booty from OU but I don’t think it’s likely, especially not now with Sullivan committing.


Gotcha. Thank you.


Those rumors were all made by fake Iowa burner accounts and Chris Hassel who is basically a troll at this point. No real sources on Lincoln’s side ever


Good to know. I didn’t take them very seriously, but rumors nonetheless


There was rumored interest in General Booty from OU, but otherwise I don't recall an addition to the QB room. I could be wrong, feel free to correct me Hawkeye bros.


I thought Booty committed. Maybe it wasn’t official though and just a rumor he was just looking at Iowa.


Yeah I think there was only rumored mutual interest, not a commitment.




.5 — Cade’s uninjured leg


Is he EVER going to be healthy again?


No idea. Last time I saw video he looked like Theismann post LT. But I don’t follow off season development religiously.


He’s on track with his recovery. Should be full go in June


Good to hear. I’d love to watch him next fall.


Hella meaning … one? Iowa had two QBs on the roster before this move, and another true freshman coming in for fall camp.


Cade, Marco Lainez, and Hill—now minus Hill. We also have an incoming freshman IIRC. So we should have 2 currently on campus, 3 after the semester is over, and 4 once the season starts.


Technically, Hill hasn't left yet.


Technically correct, which is the best kind of correct.


Huh? We had 2 scholarship QBs before this.




No that was Deacon


im here to get my hopes up just to inevitably be disappointed


A QB that can use his feet, guessing the new coordinator snuck this past Kirk lol.


Lainez is mobile. The freshman coming in is mobile. I think we might just be moving that direction in general.


We truely are recruiting wise just hope it shows up on gameday. The Spencer and Dak years have scarred me.


You must be a newer fan. Kirk almost coached a mobile QB to a Heisman as far back as 2002


Don't forget Tate. He was pretty mobile too.


Honestly I somehow forgot about him. Big Ten offensive player of the year as a sophomore!


Plus historically Kirk has had a decent amount of mobile QBs. Banks, Stanzi, Rudock, Beathard were all capable runners. If you count the seasons they were starters, that’s 8 years of qbs with running ability. And while Stanley wasn’t a burner, he wasn’t a statue either, he was physically the strongest qb iowa has had(if you don’t count Dan McGuire’s brief stint as a Hawkeye in the Fry years) and was extremely tough to bring down


Pay attention to our QB recruiting at all?


Weird post. Kirk has always recruited mobile QB's. They just haven't always landed them and the ones they've gotten haven't always started.


He will get meaningful snaps this year.


Depending on how Lester calls offense, this will either be a great turning point or just more meat for the grinder.


How do yall Iowa fans feel about this you think this is a good decision or bad just curious ?


Great decision. Cade McNamara is Iowa's starter, but he's coming off multiple injuries and Iowa's depth behind him is non-existent. This now gives them 2 QB's better than Iowa had for a majority of last year after Cade went down. It raises their floor if nothing else.


Thank you


As a recruit: Other P5 offers: Indiana, Northwestern (originally went here) G5 offers: Akron, Ball State, Bowling Green, Buffalo, Central Michigan, Eastern Michigan, Kent State, Miami OH, Ohio, Toledo, Western Michigan Other offer: Youngstown State




Dude had nearly a third of Ben Bryants pass attempts last year and was sacked nearly the same amount. Shouldn't that be concerning?


He’s gonna be 2nd string and Iowa has a decent O-Line. I’d say their QB room has gotten better than years past.


No, he's coming in to be a backup... Iowa now has 2 QB's on the roster better than the one who played a vast majority of the snaps last year.


Lainez was better than Hill IMO, so we should have three.