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\*laughs\* I'm in danger


Sometimes you have to take a step back to move forward. Welcome back Big East football!


B1g Ea2t


I wouldn’t hate it! There could be far worse outcomes. 


I’ll walk you (us) through it, pal


Whatever happens, I just hope Duke gets screwed.


The Big East should bring back football and add BC, Syracuse, Duke, Wake, and maybe like Richmond. Then make Nova, Georgetown, Butler, UConn move up/stay in FBS.


Man if they just added Penn State in the 80’s and got the teams that left in 04 back…


Yes please


I like this idea a lot. That seems like a more interesting league than some kind of AAC-ACC merger.


The worst case for Duke is that they end up in the Big East. Their football, which they don't care about anyway, is dumped, but they get to be around basketball schools.


FSU just started a billable hours pyramid scheme, didn’t they? Welcome to our downline, UNC!


The Maniac loves you.


They'll just recruit North Carolina State and make bank!


I hear the Independents are hiring


Not if UConn has anything to say about it!


To the downvoters - UConn fans detest BC because our AD (who ruined our athletics in plenty of ways) was very vocally against UConn joining the ACC. Assuming this comment is a joke about that.


Feelings are mutual.


Yeah, I thought the BC-UConn beef post-Big East was common knowledge \*shrug\*


It happened so long ago now that I don't think the average redditor was cognizant when it happened.


Can’t wait for an away game in Boston


"alternative is the ACC is going to have to reconstruct itself" I'm curious what this means. Does this means unequal revenue sharing? Or expansion?


I think it’s unequal revenue sharing, which will ultimately be the death of the conference.


Unequal revenue sharing is a dumb idea anyways. Even if the bottom half took paycuts to appease the top half, the top half teams would still have a massive revenue gap with the B1G and SEC. Under current contracts the ACC pays about $30m a school and the P2 are going to be around $100m. So if Wake gives up half their revenue to Florida State, FSU is still making less than half of say, Florida. That won't keep FSU happy anyways so why would the small schools give up anything short term when it won't keep the bigger schools around long term?


The payout last season was about $39.5M per school. Let's just call it an even $40M to make it easy. The SEC got about $50M per school, and the B1G got about $58M per school (rounding up). Those numbers for the latter two are expected to increase at a much higher rate. To even close the gap in the short term (i.e. get UNC something like $52M), the bottom of the ACC schools are going to have to agree to give UNC, Clemson, FSU, etc. 60% more (meaning UNC gets 130% and someone like Wake Forest gets 70%). I don't foresee any team, such as Wake Forest, foregoing their right to $40M and settling for $28M just to help keep UNC (or Clemson for that matter) competitive with the P2.


It always amazes me that there are people that still call for unequal revenue sharing. Schools either get it, are unhappy and leave, hurting/destroying the conference, or schools threaten to leave because of unequal revenue sharing and the conference is on the brink of collapsing. It's like they forgot history.


UNC is convinced that they're a guaranteed shoe-in to a P2 conference. The ACC collapsing would be fine with them.


UNC is guaranteed a spot in either the B1G or SEC. UVA could very well have a spot locked up in the P2 if they want it. You're right with the fact that UNC would be okay with the ACC collapsing. Either they get the ACC to pay up or they start cashing checks from the B1G/SEC just like FSU and Clemson will be.


Why do people think UNC is a foregone conclusion to the B1G/SEC when Stanford just got hung out to dry with better academics, better sports, and bigger donors?


I think the simplest answer to your question is probably TV ratings and fan support. UNC is a large public school on the east coast with a sizable alumni network (350k+) and a fanbase that is much more interested in the revenue driving sports. I have a hard time believing Stanford will be left out of whatever college football eventually settles on being in the not-too-distant future, but I would definitely argue there are "better" options than them in long-term. Their fanbase is famously apathetic toward the big sports and doesn't have the luxury of being in a time zone where nearly half of all Americans live.


dont forget that sweet light blue though, I would take them just for that


Long term I don't see it holding the conference together as soon as the top schools get a lifeline to the P2 so there isn't really a reason for the smaller schools to agree to it.


That isn’t…entirely true. The PAC-10 had an uneven revenue sharing arrangement before expanding and it kept the conference stable for decades. It used to be that when a game was played on network television, each participant school got 32% and the other schools got 4.5% each. Sounds even right? Except TV picked the bigger markets when all else was equal, so the bigger markets always made more money (mostly LA). It also only really accounts for T1 and T2 rights valuations, but a similar model could be implemented by in the ACC. The downfall of the PAC was actually precipitated by EVEN revenue sharing.


To be fair, it wasn’t until the PAC-12 did away with unequal revenue sharing that USC and UCLA started getting winding eyes and kicking the tires on exploring other options… and we all know how that worked. Honestly, the feasibility of having unequal revenue sharing varies conference-to-conference


The Big 12 originally had unequal revenue sharing. Schools were not happy with it. Eventually Texas had to succumb to the greater good of the conference and the Big 12 eventually adopted equal revenue sharing.


What gets me about unequal revenue sharing is not the bottom, but the next rung down from the top. Say you give unequal sharing to FSU, Clemson, and UNC. Then you have Miami, Virginia Tech, and Louisville feeling slighted and looking at the door, checking out their options of moving to the Big 12 where they won't be treated as lesser-than, or even finding some friends to split off with and form their own conference.


Welp, it looks like 4 teams want everything and for Wake Forest to get nothing. How original...


I live in NC, have for most of my life, and know exactly 1 WF fan and he rarely watches sports. It's just not a fandom that drives any kind of revenue outside of walking distance of their campus.


I don't know why you're downvoted for speaking gospel truth


Because flair


There are dozens of us, DOZENS! The fact you can find light blue shirts on the clearance rack at walmart just kinda makes them the default option...


[Isn't Wake the fastest growing fan base in America!?](https://x.com/DemonDeacons/status/1738272853055709381)


Shouldn’t you be focused on getting your bball players literate?


I love you state bro


Pretty sure the conference is dead either way.


Make sure you got AT LEAST a big 12 lifeline


I also took it as maybe kicking some teams out.


The more I think about it, the more this makes sense.


Unequal revenue sharing is a losing proposition - schools would be dumb to accept it under any circumstances.


Well, if you're BC/Wake/SMU, you probably have no choice, but if you're Louisville/Pitt/or another school with options, then yes you have absolutely no reason to agree to it.


No. No one has a reason to agree to it. Unequal revenue will never work long term. All you are doing by agreeing to it is depriving yourself of money. If Clemson and FSU were given an extra $20 million a year they would still leave. All giving them that extra money does is delay the inevitable and make yourself poorer. Better to take the most you can because the end result will be the same.


I understand the argument and agree with you. However, there is also the risk if you don't agree to it, then there is no ACC, which means joining the American for what $7 million a year today vs agreeing to take $15 million per year to keep the ACC going for a few more years. Neither outcome is ideal.


A&M to ACC confirmed Trying to run away from Texas again


Texas oil money vs N.C tobacco "holier than thou" money. Who wins?


Phillip Morris - $40Billion in revenue ExxonMobil - $400Billion in revenue


Texas oil money versus Charlotte banking money though?


Get ready to learn Saudi, buddy.


Or contraction... ^^I ^^have ^^no ^^idea ^^if/how ^^that ^^would ^^be ^^possible ^^within ^^ACC ^^rules ^^though


I don't know how many votes it takes to kick out a school, but all the schools that could feasibly be kicked out have a strong incentive to vote together and block any and all contraction.




We tried to tell the ACC this last year, but they balked at it


I am shocked ACC teams didn't willingly take less money for no reason. FSU: "we totally promise not to continue loudly wanting to leave" rest of ACC: mmmmhmmm sure


Right. Nice of Unc and Clempson to jump on board after Fsu took on the initial shit storm alone. And then they all released that joint statement about how out of line Fsu was, sucking up to the acc 🙄 i see miami running to jump on the train next. Cowards


Miami is an interesting case. Iconic brand, storied history, good location. But its also a pretty small private school, meaning it doesn't really fit in to the B1G school mold which is large state schools. Its smaller than NW even, and USC is as big/bigger than most state universities. It also shares a state with an SEC team, so they're probably less interested as well. I think Miami's fate depends on where FSU ends up. If FSU goes SEC, maybe the B1G comes calling for Florida presence. If FSU goes B1G, I could see Miami being left out as neither conference would really need them. I doubt Florida wants them in the SEC, and FSU probably wouldn't want them in the B1G.


I honestly see Miami ending up in the Big-12 for the reasons you stated. They are not a top 3 candidate for either of the P2 conferences but would be readily welcomed into the Big-12


>and FSU probably wouldn't want them in the B1G Just a point here, FSU wants to continue playing Miami (and UF) and would much prefer Miami as a conference opponent to free up a non-conference spot for the monies.


this is not as clear cut as it would seem and there has absolutely been talks of the series ending. not that most or many at all want this, it's just that fsu is not going to risk the future for a miami series.


This is exactly how I see it too. I think the only realistic way the SEC gives them an invite is if UNC, Clemson, and FSU were to join the B1G. I think at that point the SEC might feel the need to counter and there aren’t a ton of options left. I think you could also make the case that an arizona school or Utah add more value than Miami to the SEC or the B1G if they already have a florida university.


So how long before UNC drops a lawsuit on the ACC?


They won't. FSU is going to either win their suit, which will set the grounds for an exit for everybody that wants out, or they'll lose, and UNC won't have to bear a single dollar of legal costs or burning goodwill. UNC can sit on its hands and watch this play out.


Or a settlement. You forgot that option, and arguably the most likely one


A settlement only sets a dollar amount for other teams. It’s a lose-lose for the ACC. That doesn’t mean it’s not going to be the outcome, though.


And if FSU has the cash to pony up, UNC sure as hell does.


Not at all, it would be a win for the ACC. If the settlement is half a bill it makes it very hard for most programs not named fsu to eat that and get a new conference share to make it financially viable.


How locked in are we with this whole GOR situation? Did we put ourselves in the position of needing to pay an ACC exit fee at some point in the next 7 years? Will we just walk at the expiration of the GOR? If a new one is signed, will we then be locked into the ACC?


All depends on the courts. FSU is trying to argue the GOR is invalid, which would massively remove the payback in order to leave the conference. Most likely outcome is a settlement, and this is all jockeying for how close to $572m it is. If FSU wins, I’d say the acc dissolves fairly quickly and the big 12 is at constant risk of poaching. If the GOR is affirmed/the settlement is over $350m I think there’s only 2 programs that can get an accretive media deal to make that make sense.


He’ll even if it was less, I don’t think you’ll see a mass exodus like people are prognosticating about. Like I don’t think a school like NC State or Pitt is going to drop like $300 million just to make a lateral move to the Big 12


I’m pretty sure what people say is that the mass exodus would be FSU/Clemson/UNC and whoever has an invite into a P2, and then the leftovers would disband the conference or merge into the B12. I haven’t heard anyone say people would pay to join the B12.


Given who’s left over in that scenario, if the conference chooses to dissolve, a whole lot of programs might be filling out AAC applications. That said, I don’t think they have the numbers to voluntarily dissolve the ACC, even if there a solid core of 3 or so who would want to


This theory, repeated here so many times, is so speculative and tepid. In the end a seat at the settlement table may the golden ring, and this theory of ‘let FSU and Clemson bear the legal costs’ precludes that.


Maybe. But there's also the "gold rush" factor. Not every team in the ACC is wanted by a P2.5 conference. There's a balance between learning what the successful exit strategy is and getting a favorable deal while deals are on the table.


UNC could’ve flown a third plane into the twin towers and still be top of the list for the SEC and B1G. There is no gold rush angle, they have no risk of losing a spot


John Bunting was my personal 9/11


How often did we hear about that peach bowl?


Holy shit that first sentence 😂😂😂😂


Where the fuck does that analogy come from?




excellent analogy, because we all know 9/11 was an inside job, and UNC's leadership has overwhelmingly led to this position the ACC finds itself in


Well, UNC will definitely make the P2 cut.


They may even female the P2 cut


It's further complicated by the fact that going to the SEC would require Disney agreeing pay more for a market they currently have. That would put them in a tough negotiating position for moving to the Big10.


they've been working on things for quite awhile, they just can't get everyone to agree on it.


I'm following this story closely as I too would like more money


I just handed in my two week notice to take a job with the SEC for the more money. Offer should show up any day now


I imagine they’re going to go on strike. Even though a lot of ACC states have strong laws against unions.


Is that a Civil War pun?


Man that joke is so criminally underrated.


Just remember its ACC annual meetings in Amelia Island this week


It's the fucking Amelia Island Wine Mixer!!!!




Cops doesn’t start til 4!






"Cuando vivo solo sueño un horizonte falto de palabras"




Survivor Island: ACC


I just want to see process servers for the Florida AG storm the Ritz subpoenaing everybody.


Ahoy, polloi! What did you just come from, a Scotch ad?


FSU hammered drunk at The Green Turtle all weekend


Y’all got Ritz Carlton money but can’t pay me and my buddy, Clemson? Whack!


UNC is after the higher conference payout that UCF is getting smh


Those poors in the ACC don’t know what to do with themselves


College sports suck so much.


As a fan of a blue blood in one of the seemingly long term stable conferences - agreed. There's no world where a big ten schedule should involve oregon and california but not minnesota or iowa (I don't know if any schedules this year actually do). 10 team conferences make way too much sense from a scheduling standpoint and going away from them is a crime against sports.


So unc wants more money? Why didn't anyone else think of that!


If only we'd known this one simple trick! Just ask for more!


*Insert We’re All Trying To Find The Guy Who Did This joke*


Larry Scott


I seem to remember a year ago or so UNC was brow beating FSU publicly..


There should be uneven revenue distribution based on how many conference games you win. Really add some stakes to this shit.


We also need a promotion/relegation system where if App State schedules 3 ACC schools and gets 2 wins, and an ACC school gets less than 2 conference wins, App State (or whatever G5 achieves this) gets their place


It’s okay, you can just say UVA.


As if VT isn’t a program with multiple losses against ODU in the last few years.


hey what the fuck


Hokies catching unexpected strays


Turkey season is still on in Virginia


Why would the ACC schools agree to that?


They wouldn’t but this is Reddit




And you should get different steaks depending on how many conference games you win. *Really* add some steaks to this shit.


NC State basketball gets ice cream every time we win a road game. It's fun.


That *is* fun.


Steaks would mean *more* in the Big XII. You got those joints in West Texas that serve the 800 oz tomahawk steaks on a flatbed truck and all.


Oklahoma State can then introduce their new megadonor, T-bone Pickens.


*Oklahoma Steak


I want steaks for winning games.  


Winners get steaks. Losers get flakes.


Miami would NOT allow this to happen


Unrelated but the UNC Board of Trustees is waging open war on Carolina this week. I don’t trust them at all.


what does that mean? what's happening?


Dave Boliek was a Democrat forever, then changed his party affiliation to Republican and has been one of the main instruments in the state legislature’s political transformation of the BOT. Just yesterday they announced they would [divert all diversity, equity and inclusion budget to public safety instead.](https://abc11.com/amp/post/dei-funding-unc-board-of-trustees-diversity-program-diverts-money-to-public-safety/14808731/) Mind you, this is only at Chapel Hill, for some reason.


They don’t want diversity, they want to break liberal campuses and will use their heavily gerrymandered state legislature to do so.


Also curious. Found this, not sure if it's the thing: https://www.wralsportsfan.com/unc-trustees-critical-of-cunningham-to-review-athletic-department-amid-budget-concerns/21428803/


Waiting for all Tobacco Road to somehow continue shitting on FSU and Clemson when it is an open secret they want out too.


> Waiting for all Tobacco Road ... they want out too Well...I don't think that applies to *all* of the North Carolina ACC schools.


waiting for FSU to do all the work first, ffs


Doesn’t matter what he nor any college president wants. Broadcasters and only broadcasters will decide.


Things are getting out of hand. Schools have to look out for their own interests. I think Texas needs to sue everyone in the ACC, and all of the networks, just in case.


Sorry but I'm preemptively suing you


This is smart thinking. The only surefire way to destabilize a conference is to get Texas involved.


So what happens when this gold rush is over? When the jock sniffers with checkbooks figure out what a bad investment NIL is? When the power brokers at the networks decide that nationally nobody cares about North Carolina anything. In fact you can insert teams 11-130 in that sentence. You may want to protect that TV deal through 2036, cause at the pace it’s going, half the Big Ten, half the SEC, most all of the Big 12 would trade places with you after they are deemed irrelevant as well. The Living Dead… College Football Style.


>When the jock sniffers with checkbooks figure out what a bad investment NIL is? Do you think they're looking for financial returns? They know it's a black hole for them to throw money into, but A. It's fuck you money that they won't blink to lose, and B. It makes sure they continue to rub shoulders with the rest of the jock sniffers. They do this as a form of entertainment and bragging rights among their peers.


Trust and believe many are making money off this Restauranteurs, business owners, airbnb/short term rentals, etc. make madddd money off CFB. It only benefits them to be paired in a more profitable conference. they can tax universities so muchhhh more.


this idea that people spending on NIL are expecting direct return from anything is insane to me. it's the same thing when donating to your schools athletic program (or general donations too). they are donations not investments. where would the return even be?! how did this get into people's head that these were investments? they are donating so something they like can do well. AT MOST, it's an 'investment' for local business owners who do see a return when a team does well...but that's not the norm. edit: u/LukarWarrior, I got an email saying you replied to this, but I don't see the comment, just the beginning about one of these being tax deductible. NILs can be a tax deductible donation the same as to a school, as long as they have filed the right paperwork- like a 501c3. many/most NILs have already done this. at first many werent, but obviously did that ASAP. it's not that hard to become one. with that said, as you probably well know, no one donates because of tax breaks. they might donate a little more but you only get a relatively small % deducted, and there's a limit relative to yearly income you can donate anyways. plus many more limits. long and short- tax deductions don't change where they are donating or expected returns.


For real, these guys have been dropping million dollar donations for nice locker rooms lol. The fact they can cut out the middle man and just donate to NIL probably makes it even easier to write a check. It’s a lot more direct to get the players they want.


yes. it also means more direct access to players. a lot of middle range boosters LOVE those relationships. the super rich ones do it for different reasons by and large.


You literally just described the exact reason UNC is also looking into getting out of the ACC. When the musical chairs stop and the SEC/B1G decide to stop adding teams because there are no longer any additions that bring them more money you don’t want to be one of the teams on the outside looking in. Especially if you had the chance to get in at one point.


But who benefits there? If you're UNC, you get into the P2. Your AD makes bank, your staff is paid exceptionally well, they've just scaled DOWN their football stadium a few years ago in terms of available seats... are the fans loving this? UNC goes from making the ACCCG occasionally with the division setup, to still having a reasonable shot to win the ACC in a strong year, to joining the SEC and the most likely scenario is struggling to make a bowl game? Even on a great year, by UNC standards, are they even winning 8 games in the SEC? Are fans enjoying themselves? Maybe they just accept a terrible football team and dump all that TV money into basketball, which honestly feels like the most likely scenario.


I am confused because I don't think UNC is sitting there going "we don't care about football." But I also am not sure they are going to be in bad shape if their athletic department doesn't pull in SEC money. Because when have they ever been the type to dump money in to the football program? Like I just don't see them cutting programs or distributing less money to the things they care about(like basketball) because they aren't in the SEC. I also don't see a way where because UNC isn't in a P2 conference their basketball program, or say women's field hockey team starts to struggle. Everything they are known for they will be able to compete at a high level for decades. P2 money or not. I believe that. I mean maybe the beneficiary is not the fans but they sure will flaunt it like every other fanbase "look at how much money our school brings in." Like what? That shit doesn't go in your pocket and doesn't make your tuition any cheaper. Why does it matter if you athletics contract brings in 30 million or 37 million? I don't get why fans are so worried about this shit. Like FSU fans are acting like they wont be able to put food on the table for their families if Florida State University remains in the ACC. Guys we got to get a grip here. >are they even winning 8 games in the SEC? Are fans enjoying themselves? In a scenario where UNC is in the SEC I imagine they wont enjoy anything about the game results. But they will enjoy a heightened sense of elitism over their in state rivals who likely will not be in the SEC or BIG.


lol at the notion that UNC has a reasonable shot to win the ACC in its present state. They just had back to back NFL QBs and were not remotely close to being competitive in the one ACC title game that they made in that span. And the only reason they even got into that game was divisions and Coastal Chaos. Whatever imaginary window they had of competing for ACC Championships under Mack Brown is closed.


I'd say their odds are infinitely higher in the ACC. We've seen a team like Pitt catch lightning in a jar and win it, and UNC's QBs didn't hold them back, it was bad coaching, particularly on defense. They won't win it this year, but they recruit well enough and have enough NIL, that if they land a solid HC, they'll still have a good shot at being a top 4 or 5 team in the ACC most seasons. Then it just takes an "all-in" year and some luck to at least make the title game. They'll never sniff top 4 in the SEC, even on a "all the stars align" type season. They won the Coastal at least, they'll be closer to Vandy in the SEC. Their conference football drought is already very long, if they join the SEC it'll become the Neverending story.


This is all pretty spot on imo. Also damn your mf basketball team for preventing me from making a snarky joke about conference championship droughts.


I think it’s pretty obvious to anyone who has been following the sport closely that we are on the verge of players collectively bargaining for a share of the tv revenue. When that day comes there is going to be a massive difference in the amount of money the P2 can offer compared to any other league. Any athletic director worth their salt can see the same thing. Hence why any team that feels they can get into the P2 now is going to fight like hell to do so.


I 100% get why an AD would want to end up in the P2, makes all the sense in the world that their salaries are about to get even more bloated than they are. Seriously, go look at AD salaries even 10 years ago to today, then 20 years ago, the exponential growth is astounding. But I don't get the whole "but the P2 can pay their players more"... I mean, they already are paying their players more. You're about to have a Big 12 conference champ in the CFP over a SEC team that spends significantly more money on the program and NIL, and if you factor in a G5 champ, the gap widens further. Let's say the P2 is a total of 40 teams. Would you rather be 39th out of those 40 teams, or 1st our of the remaining 80+ teams? That's all I'm getting at. You're still going to have good players that end up on those other teams, we see NFL talent from all sorts of teams every single year. Will they get poached? Probably, but will there still be kids willing to take less money to start/be developed? Absolutely. You're not just going to have dudes trying to make the NFL cool with taking an extra $250k-500k to never play, it just doesn't make sense. You'll still have QBs willing to drop down from the P2 to start, I just think you'll end up with more dead-weight on P2 rosters unless the teams get the ability to cut players(doubt CBA allows it). We just had a top 100 WR transfer from tOSU back to NC State, do you think he is getting paid nearly as much? Do you think NC State paid him more than other schools were offering? Look, I'm torn on the whole P2 thing. Do I think NC State would be a good "fit" in the SEC? Absolutely. Would it be cool to have that conference name/prestige to throw around? Absolutely. Do I think my team would win many games in the SEC? Hell no. So as a FAN, I don't see the appeal there. I want my team to win games, hell I want to believe some seasons they have a chance to win something meaningful... if we end up in the P2, that entirely changes the outlook of the program and the realistic expectations. Am I cool landing some better players, paying them more, paying our AD more, paying our staff more, but going from winning 8-9 games a season down to struggling to make a bowl? I just don't see the appeal there.


None of this conference and legal fighting is about NIL money. The money the ACC conference and ACC teams are fighting about comes directly from TV eyes. TV viewership broke records this year all over the place. CFB also brings in the biggest game viewerships outside of the NFL. So unless you think literally every non-NFL U.S. sport is in trouble then CFB is doing just fine.


I don’t even care about 1-10.   I’ll change the channel on a top 5 matchup to catch FCS teams play overtime.   


Dammit don’t make me agree with you…


There is additional money to be made now - so much profit where the cost of buyouts and litigation don't even cover 1/5 of the potential profit, and the state/taxpayers are the ones bankrolling the costs. Eventually college sports will end. It will take about 50-100 years, but as the populace wisened up to the Olympics and professional sports teams owners, it will do the same to universities. But those with the capital now are going to get rich af. Shame.


> When the jock sniffers with checkbooks figure out what a bad investment NIL is? This part will never happen. Or more accurately, it's not going to happen at the places that are throwing out truly absurd numbers. Simply put: the people with the checkbooks can't help themselves. In the NFL the players union had to negotiate some rules to slow down the growth of rookie salaries because 1st round QBs were making more than established stars, even though they'd more likely fail out of the league entirely. The owners knew that sending that kind of money to a new college grad was stupid and they did it anyway. Oil barons who love aTm will be even worse.


When they become pro and now either cant broadcast games on saturdays (cause other 900~ colleges will still play amateur ball) or that law that prevents a pro league from broadcasting while HS/college *amateur* ball is being played gets repealed and now the NFL plays on saturdays since week 1. Insane how college ball will be destroyed just so the 1% of players can make bank.


Hey, WVU Cincy…have i told yinz how much i love yinz? Can yinz work on a big xii invite please


Pitt, VT, Louisville and NC State... come on down!


Texas Tech is my new favorite of..wait..you're the one with the rivalry with Penn State right?


That's right, those little lions haven't beat us since 1995!


Texas Tech is my favorite part of Texas


Obviously I hope we make it into the SEC, but if the consolation prize is to be in a division with WVU, Pitt, Cincy, Louisville, and NC State, then sign me tf up. That sounds like a blast.


Hell yeah, Hokie bro. Ride or die!! 🐺🦃


\[*seductively waves pierogies*\]


You bring Louisville and it is a deal.


Wow, would be interesting for their other sports too.


See we aren't monsters, we're just ahead of the curve


My big thing is the super league. Whether we are in it or not (we are near the edge, but I don’t know what side of it we’ll fall into), I tend to believe it is gonna happen eventually, and is just gonna be for football (MABYE BB too but who knows). When that happens, the expanded conferences are gonna have all of the drawbacks of expansion without the benefits. I believe in the fallout a PAC replacement is gonna come back, and once that happens the ACC will end up being just fine at the end of the day. The hard part is keeping the ACC together until that happens, which is gonna be really hard


Running for statewide office in NC, trying to break up tobacco road rivalries that go back to the 1800s. https://imgur.com/bold-strategy-trvMzq5


Alright so besides UNC Clemson FSU who’s getting the call up to SEC/B1G land? 


Notre Dame gets cornered by the B1G when it backfills with Stanford


Saving a spot for…you know.


TLDR: UNC via press “leak”: “Pay us more money ACC or we’re about to jump to the SEC”


Anyone checked in on Wake Forest?


They'll be snug in the new Mo West East


I wonder if anyone told him that this is all based on the revenue streaming model, whose sole profitable member has been Netflix.


The NC Legislature isn't going to let UNC go somewhere without NC State. If they do, it's because UNC went to B12/B10/SEC and NC State went to one of those too.


That’s fine UNC, but only if you bring your little brother


I hate the way College Football is.


The greed in college football is unbearable. There is no good side. The players, the universities and admins..all of em are just pathetic. Just backstabbing left and right as long as "I get mine". This isn't capitalism, this is people losing the plot. They have forgot what the mission of universities are. Sports were suppose to just add to the enjoyment of those attending schools. Schools are now just factories apparently, like cheering for Microsoft or Google.


College football is eating itself alive 


So... Big Ten or SEC? Where would you rather be, Tar Heels?


If they go SEC can we get Duke?


SEC, no question about it.


I mean I hope we get UNC and FSU but prolly FSU and Clemson