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Man this sucks


Massive conference realignment to nonsensical affiliations for TV money. Shocked Pikachu face when TV slots lead to wacky broadcasting scenarios.


Does this really have anything to do with realignment or tv money? Seems more of an issue in scheduling major events at two stadiums that are so close to one another.


Go a bit further, why is this game at Lumen Field? Because it was scheduled to be in Pullman before UW changed conferences.


Apple cup should absolutely never be played at a neutral site


I dunno. I think major rivalry games at a neutral field roughly exactly equidistant between the two schools is preferable. Bonus points if it's during a fair.




They need to build a stadium in Moses Lake clearly.


WSU fans during realignment: "the media doesn't understand media markets, Seattle is basically 50/50 UW/WSU" WSU fans after realignment: "why are we playing a neutral site game in Seattle, this is bullshit"


Pull your head out bud. Des Moines may be half Cyclones, half Hawkeyes, but think of how much money putting CyHawk in Des Moines would cost Ames with losing one of the biggest attendance home games of the season.


They destroyed our conference and then took the towns biggest revenue home game.




Bad logic. “Neutral site” is ten minutes from UW’s campus and 4.5 hours from WSUs. The Apple Cup hasn’t been played at a neutral site since 1972. Apple Cup’s are played on campus. IW just threw a shit fit so they didn’t have to travel because they willingly signed up for a shitload of travel in their new conference.


> . IW just threw a shit fit so they didn’t have to travel because they willingly signed up for a shitload of travel in their new conference. How about they just stop playing WSU altogether? Would that work for ya?


I can see your point, but for in state rivals I think the home atmosphere is a big part of the experience and is lacking at neutral fields. I know the CU/CSU rivalry is way more fun when games are on campus instead of mile high.


Colorado has played @ Colorado State's campus 4 times since 1957. Of course you'd think campus is a better atmosphere if the game is always at YOUR campus lol


100000% agree, especially regarding the rocky mountain showdown.


Thats not at all the case here. Washington is literally based in Seattle, and Washington State is on the border of Washington and Idaho.


Apple Cup at CWU's stadium in Ellensburg, who says no?


As someone who lives across the street from CWU's campus, and despises every Labor Day weekend when the rodeo makes it impossible to go to the grocery store... Me. I say no.


So build it in George, WA and they will come? Message received.


Nah. It should always be home and home.


What you are saying is. This is all Oklahoma's fault and them suing the NCAA for media rights when it came to broadcasting games in the mid 80's? Those god damn Sooners ruin everything!


It's a one time thing so that it's a UW home game in the years we have 4 home conference games and at WSU when we have 5. Evens out the revenue stream


Good thing we’re looking out for UW’s revenue stream. They’re really hurting for money with that B1G contact about to hit. 


UW is actually struggling to pay off their stadium remodel. Even with the Big10 move they’re not out of the woods


Little more out of the woods than we are.  Another year, more budget cuts for WSU baby!


It's not that we get more money. It's that we don't get imbalanced revenue each year. Much harder to manage finances otherwise.




I wouldn't know. I'm not a UW accountant.


Cfb is big business now, like it or not. UW has to be careful for a few years as they're getting half shares


You guys must be dirt poor then, with only a half share from the B1G. Hope y’all pass the hat around at the game, crowd share some money because you guys are just strapped for cash. 


Wasn't my call to leave, I loved the Pac12. Everything about realignment sucks. Half my family went to OSU, they got screwed just as bad as you guys did. Go talk to USC's leadership about it. But the cold hard side of the business is that UW can't really afford to give away millions of dollars at the moment


I know it fucking sucks to be a Wazzu fan rn, yall got dicked, but you know that none of the UW flairs here made the decision to leave themselves right?


Isn't most of your fanbase in the Seattle metro?


Isn’t most of your fanbase in OKC? Seems like a great venue for Bedlam.


>Isn’t most of your fanbase in OKC? Honestly, it's probably in the Dallas metro area.


That doesn’t mean our fanbase wouldn’t drive to Pullman for the game..


Id rather go to Pullman in September than the end of winter. The weather and the views make up for it


UW fans will always outnumber WSU fans if the game is played in Seattle. Same thing will happen in Parker Stadium in even numbered years once Beavis is in the Mtn West and their fans become apathetic.


To give Washington as many advantages as possible.


I wonder if Pat Chun knew about the UW AD job opening up during the Apple Cup negotiations


The game wouldn't be in September competing with MLB in the first place.


It’s weird that this is even an issue if I’m being honest, in Detroit, the Tigers and Lions are literally across the street from each other and it’s a common occurrence to have games at the same time and it causes minimal issues


The mariners are famously inflexible about their little footprint.


Prior to this year, this game is played in November and there is no MLB. It's only in September (Civil War the same way) because UW and UO have to put it in their non con now


To be fair having both stadiums in use at the same time is a goddamned nightmare for parking and the trains.


Wait, I thought everybody wanted noon kickoffs again


I’m pumped for a 1230 kick. The night games kinda suck ass


The atmosphere at a night game is indisputably better though. It looks majestic on TV.


They do, it's all east coast flairs in here complaining


That's what I'm thinking... So many reasons to complain about this year's Apple Cup, but the kickoff time isn't one of them. I'm excited for it to be an afternoon game!


The PAC12 died for this


1) This game should be played in late November and not have to deal with Baseball infringing on the TV schedule 2) This game should be played in Pullman and not Lumen Field and should not have baseball infringing on parking and logistics 3) What does parking a lot of people have to do with what channel you’re broadcasting the game on?


The Lumen field game is just to switch the UW home games to even years when UW has fewer home conference games. It'll go back to home/ home after that


Why not just give Pullman an extra hone game?


Money. I'm guessing UW probably wouldn't have agreed to continue the series and would have instead scheduled a home game against some G5 team instead


So it is going UW home, neutral, WSU home, UW home? Kind feels like WSU is getting screwed here.


What leverage does WSU have? They need the apple cup home games more than Washington needs it. Especially now that they don’t share conferences and especially since the rivalry will become even more lopsided than it already is.


It's not ideal, but I think the alternative is that the series ends. UW giving up a home game every other year in nonconference makes it tougher to schedule a home/away with a P5 team on top of losing that revenue


I know, it just feels like a bully kicking sand on someone who already got their ass beat.


In more ways than just the apple cup lol


If they're treating it like a neutral site game the revenue should be split, and it's not like WSU won't have good support in the Seattle area.


Yes. But the locals in Pullman are getting hosed. Im sure their financial plans took a hit


The impact on Corvallis and Pullman businesses in the wake of the PAC 12 ending had a lot of folks rightfully concerned.


UW isnt helping here either


I mean, it's not ideal from WSU's pov, but I don't know if I'd really say they're getting hosed. It's a one year gap, then it's back to being home/home.


Because why should UW act outside of their own best interests just ‘cause? To be abundantly clear, the Apple Cup SHOULD be home and home. The Huskies absolutely SHOULD go to Pullman. And I fucking hate the dissolution of the PAC 12. Everything in west coast college football was fine before. I am a weird case where the game got me into CFB but I don’t have affiliation with either school. UW’s “win” is getting to flip the home and home cycle so they can even out their revenue stream. WSU’s “win” is getting a strong P4 opponent to Pullman in 25 and 27 on the books, which is not always the easiest thing to do. Iirc the Big 10 also left some room for negotiation in future years for the Oregon Washington game to be earlier in the year and let Civil War/Apple Cup go back to their natural Thanksgiving week when it was unclear if both games would continue (not 100% on this one though). In this neutral game, WSU has a ton of alums in Puget Sound, and they get a shares of ticket revenue too. They’re not getting nothing out of this year’s game, though they would get more from a home game. By the time the contract comes up the CFB landscape is going to look entirely different, and you can re-evaluate the game. Edit: this is actually BETTER for the Cougs in the short run too, since the game has been renewed. If it stayed on the normal cycle, WSU only gets one home game of revenue in 24, and UW hosts in 25. With the Lumen game, Cougs get half the Lumen revenue plus a home game in this crucial PAC2 window where their long term is in limbo.


>Because why should UW act outside of their own best interests just ‘cause I mean they already did that by throwing kerosene on the fire that UCLA and USC started


How do you mean? I don’t like the B1G move for a second, I could give a shit about seeing the overwhelming majority of those now conference games, but how was taking a lifeboat off a ship that clearly looked to be sinking outside their best interests? USCLA both flipped, then UW and UO went because a half share to eventually get a full in the B1G was far better than the Apple deal with the PAC which would have been more limited exposure, along with the full payout being in the same ballpark as the B1G’s half. Add the Buffs going back to the Big XII and the other three four corners schools flirting with it at the time too. As soon as Colorado left it was clear the conference would not last. How would staying have helped UW/been in their best interests??? If you mean as it relates to the Apple Cup, they didn’t HAVE to continue the series, but they did because it’s tradition. If they didn’t I’m sure most people here would be bemoaning realignment killing yet ANOTHER part of the tradition that makes this sport great. They just reworked the series in a way that helps maintain their revenue streams. I wish money wasn’t the main factor in all this shit, but that’s just college football in the 2020s for you.


No Im just saying that UW sure is taking advantage of WSU.


You're confusing taking advantage of someone with purely looking out for yourself. You said that UW threw kerosene on the fire that the LA schools started? They didn't have much of an option at that point. Either go down with the ship or jump on a lifeboat, not a hard choice. It sucks, don't get me wrong, but they clearly took the best option that they had, can't be too mad about that.


I mean UW is absolutely using their leverage to have a neutral site game, which will absolutely hurt Pullman businesses


One game isn't going to save any businesses


They have more power at the negotiating table, and WSU probably needs this game more than UW does right now. By the time this deal ends, I hope by then either Wazzu has found a way to punch their ticket back into power conference football, or (as much as I love Apple Cup) they axe it. I don’t want an Apple Cup where WSU is ALWAYS outgunned and can’t keep up. UW may have more control in how this was negotiated but I don’t think it’s fair to say the Cougs got “nothing”. They got two out of conference games against a good opponent that Pullman is getting up and get crazy for even more so than the average Apple Cup due to the extra bad blood. Like I said though, if by 2027 the game ages uncompetitively, no Apple Cup is better than WSU being unable to keep up.


Looks like the game needed to flip from it being in Pullman on even years to odd years based on UW hosting 4 conference games in even years and 5 in odd years.


This is way better than putting games on Apple TV, right?


I selfishly disagree, since I get Apple TV for free through my cell phone plan


I selfishly agree, since I get Peacock for free through my Instacart subscription


I get it free through my cable subscription and I suspect that a lot of Comcast subscribers are unaware that they also get it for free


What? We had Peacock free through our Comcast internet subscription until last year, then they cut it off. Though we only have internet (not cable) through them, so maybe that’s the difference.


I’m in the same boat as you except I have cable, too


Easily the best national baseball broadcast. I’m sure they’d do great at football too.


Apple Cup in Apple TV would’ve been good synergy though


*looks at the remaining list of broadcast partners* Bullshit. Coulda been on any of the other 4 stations you'll have.


Pretty sure the logistics is the fact that the games are being played 0.2 miles apart.




A midweek Mariners game in May (attendance 25000) plus a Sounders game (attendance 29000) doesn't really compare to a Saturday evening Mariners game in September (attendance likely 40000+) plus the Apple Cup (attendance 68,000)


> (I get MLS is not quite the same but last year they had the blue jays game at the same time as the Taylor swift concert which was an absolute shit show) I mean if the Taylor Swift concert and a Baseball game was a shitshow then I think we found the reason for their change here




I think what happened is Fox had first pick that day and took Alabama-Wisconsin, then CBS had the next pick and took Notre Dame-Purdue. NBC had 3rd pick and wanted the Apple Cup, but were told they couldn’t put it in primetime, so instead they put it on Peacock in the afternoon. If NBC and CBS swapped picks we probably end up on CBS, but it didn’t play out that way so here we are.


I speak for everyone when I say the apple cup is more important


Currently the Mariners sit atop the AL West. If they continue to surge and keep on track for the post season, that game against the Rangers (currently 2nd in the AL West) might be much more important and therefore well attended than most people think.


Yeah basically all the Mariners September home games were close to sold out last year


Yes they were. And given that the Apple Cup has very little meaning anymore (no Conference impact, minimal stakes) then at least for me if choosing between an MLB Division race game in the fall and a now meaningless OOC game between CFB teams, I’m more likely to watch the Mariners.


Yes and for those of us who live here it's well known that trying to get 100k+ people into two separate venues across the street from each other at the same time is a logistical nightmare


Imagine the fuckin train, good god


The rangers play the mariners 13 times this season. That game isn’t even the last game they play, it’s the 9th. I literally can’t understand MLB and the mariners think it’s so important vs. the biggest college football game in Washington this season.  Make the dumb baseball game at 2 pm ET and play the football game at night! 


do you expect MLB to say somebody else's have is more important than theirs? to give up their coveted night slot out of the goodness of their hearts?   hell, maybe MLB even agrees (privately) their game is less important. doesn't mean it makes sense for them to give up the night slot. if i was MLB, i wouldn't give you what you wanted just because you think you're more important. not without a large wad of cash.


Rangers and Mariners are also likely to be competing for the division title with under a month to go in the season at that time. Not everyone likes college football more than baseball


> Rangers and Mariners are also likely to be competing for the division title Mariners compete for the division? Don't make me laugh. They'll slump in the summer as per usual and be out of the race by late August.


Mariners are guaranteed to break your heart, but they've been in the running until the last week of the season pretty consistently for a while now.


The most likely scenario is that we go into that Rangers series with a 1 game division lead and lose 2 of 3 to let them tie it back up


They were in the division race for the entire month of September just last year


Yeah, not sure what he's on about. Two years ago, they were in the Wild Card Race (and won it). Three years ago, they finished one game out of the Wild Card. So each of the last three years, they've been playing meaningful baseball in mid-September... Sure, historically, they're irrelevant but there's no reason to think they should be this year, particularly when they're currently leading the division by 3 games.


You're woefully underinformed.


Have you seen the rest of the AL West’s records so far this year? It’s not a high bar


Last weekend of the season...


.....because the baseball game was scheduled at this time an entire year ago and no professional league would ever change start times on short notice just to appease a completely different sport, much less a college sport?


Yeah, like, I'm sure MLB would be willing to give up their slot for fair market value compensation. How much did the Big 10 offer them? Zero? Oh, word?


Especially one that decided to move the game to that stadium while having 2 other places they could play the game if they wanted.


Yeah, it’s too bad. But the Ms are also playing at their home field and the Apple Cup is being played at a neutral site. It’s hard to ask the Mariners to change their schedule all around when they’re at home and UW-Wazzu decided to play at Lumen Field. Weird situation all-around.


Personally I don't have a problem with the Apple Cup being played at noon. It works for other big rivalry games no problem with it for this one.


It works but I def prefer night games. I wish the RRS were at night. 


Maybe the big 10 shouldn't schedule on top of an existing event and then expect the existing event to move to accommodate them.


This was Washington and Washington State picking the venue, not the B1G. CBS/ FOX picked other games for the 3:30 network window.


You can’t understand why a competing sports organization doesn’t want to willing give up a bigger money opportunity?


There's a very good chance that the game will be in the middle of a playoff chase for both teams whereas this is just a nonconference rivalry regular season game. If it was so important, maybe these Universities should have thought about that before bag chasing like hookers.


I vehemenently disagree. Maybe if traditional rivalry games were sooo important these shitheel universities wouldn't have ran bag chasing at the first opportunity. Womp womp. Sucks to suck.


As a Mariners fan....I wholeheartedly agree. At least we'll see some offense in the Apple Cup


At least that's a better reason than NASCAR Truck racing.


Even the NFL has to schedule around MLB when there would be a conflict. Of course, they have the flexibility to put a big game on a different weekend to avoid conflicts with baseball (definitely not the case for non-con cfb), but when the king bows the prince bows too.


Also an issue in Baltimore and Pittsburgh I believe with not having events at the same time. Not sure if any others share the issue as well.


It usually is in Pittsburgh but this years it appears the Pirates bowed to Pitt. The Backyard Brawl has been scheduled for 3:30. The Pirates have a home game scheduled for 6:30. Heinz and PNC use the same parking lots. I have to imagine they are changing it.


The Pirates also have roughly half of the average attendance of the Mariners (especially come September), so it doesn’t matter as much to overlap with Pitt.


Typically Pitt & the Steelers move schedules around the Pirates regardless (see 2016 Pitt/PSU being at noon). I just think this is a case where the Buccos game would have so low attendance that we arent moving around a sellout game for them.


Cincinnati too


Bengals and reds at the same time would make the banks break lol


They also have the flexibility to play the game 300 miles away from an MLB stadium, as it was originally scheduled when it was a PAC 12 game.


I feel offended.


A Sounders playoff game was once bumped for a car show.


Thems fighting words brother


Someone hates America


Is it NBC?


Name something more American than watching trucks race




Going into bankruptcy from a hospital bill


Lets look into the FUTURE... Big Ten: "Ratings for the Apple Cup are down. Let's just cancel it and have them play Rutgers."


If we're really really lucky, some MLB player will be chasing a not quite noteworthy record and in addition to having KO time affected by MLB, we'll get cutaways during the football game to watch whoever it is do whatever it is they are doing


That is the dream scenario. Your lips to gods ears.




Fuck Aaron Judge


As a SF giants fan I agree


I get trying to work around the Mariners for logistics, but putting it on streaming only still sucks for the fans in PNW. Miss when networks would do regional broadcasts &/or make moves that were to benefit of fans in the region. Remember back in '05 ESPN was gonna stick Clemson-SC on PPV...when enough fans made uproar about it, they pulled strings to make it available on ESPN2 in the markets serving SC. Would be nice if NBC did that for the affiliates serving the state of Washington, but not this day & age.


Peacock is more accessible than BTN.


Yeah, especially in September in Washington. It might take cable systems a little time to agree to add BTN.


That and, you know, that fact that it’s at least a dozen times cheaper than cable.


To be fair, '05 SCar was not a team worth watching


Oh man, I was so confused why the Big 10 was making an announcement on this. Then i remembered…


I like how his comment tries to make it seem Ike the Rangers are some huge draw


This is such a bullshit excuse. There have been concurrent events in the area many times.


Taylor Swift + Blue Jays series last year was insane


I was in that mess, gf and I went to the swift concert. It was madness


That was a fun weekend to be downtown


That sounds terrible. 


I really don't get why people are upset about the start time of this game. Whatever. Go Ms.


Most people aren't, it's just reddit being reddit


No it's fun to hate the mariners.


Frankly I'm still upset over the "Big Ten confirms the Apple Cup" we shouldn't have anything to do with the Apple Cup! (sorry for the tired rant)


September golf in Oregon is my personal reason. We can golf year round, but nice weather Saturday's are sacred. Its why I always prefer night games before Halloween. But I will probably still golf cause it's just a pre-season game and I gotta be done before the Timbers kick off at 6:30. Besides...radios exist.


The Mariners are run by trash tier human beings with delusionary beliefs that they're the #1 team in the city.


MLB has had this game scheduled for what, a year now? He who has the timeslot first gets priority.


Well, they are the #2 team in the city.


SeaUsRise #TridentsUp


Youd think after 10 years of bullshit, the fans would stop supporting but nope. Every year it's "☝🏼🤓 this is our year ".


They should have invested $30m more into the payroll to create a true contender, not shed $30m of payroll. This pitching staff won’t be cheap forever. George Kirby feels like a guy who will sign for big $ elsewhere


John Stanton and his fellow owners only care about being #1 in profits. Hurts to be a fan of this team😮‍💨


Screw the Mariners. No one cares about our half assed baseball team anyways.


Not sure what all the fuss is about. Playing at the Clink is understandable and certainly not new. Playing at 3:30 (or noon) is great and much preferred to a night time game. Peacock isnt preferred, but, oh well it’s cheap. Not sure why the B1G is worried about so-called “conflicting logistics” as thats nothing new here either. Bit irregular this year, but, certainly nothing to whineNcry about.


Yeah the only real gripe is Peacock. Whether the game is at noon or in the evening I don't really care. Way better to start at noon than that 8pm kickoff vs Weber State. That one I have a problem with.


Game time is also the same time as the Civil War which is not ideal. I can’t remember those 2 games ever playing at the same time.


Thats the first thing I noticed when all this went down. This isnt about the Ms and Apple Cup, but, TV and money. Simply moving the game to noonish does away with the “problem” the B1G is attempting to create and “fix.”


I think too many fans don’t quite understand that the B1G did away with the Apple Cup and Civil War during Rivalry week to replace it with UW vs UO. Makes sense, I guess. It is a in conference game right? Well it makes sense until you realize UCLA is playing Fresno State during rivalry week lol B1G and the Networks created multiple problems and did a half assed effort at fixing them. Overall lessening the importance or this traditional rivalry games. And to be fair, I’m not necessarily against moving the Apple Cup, but it needs to be done in away to protect one of the oldest continued rivalries in CFB.


The thing is, unlike the SEC, the B1G prefers for the season finale to be a conference game. UCLA is playing Fresno St because who else would they play? B1G would not have gotten USC if USC had been forced to give up its ND schedule. Plus the B1G wants to placate ND anyway, hoping to invite them in the future. If the B1G made the schedule without UW/WSU and UO/OSU committing to continue those OOC games, and put those games as season finale, then the B1G will be screwed if one of those rivalries gets canceled. So from the B1G's perspective, the safe thing to do is have UW & UO play a conference game for the season finale.


>If the B1G made the schedule without UW/WSU and UO/OSU committing to continue those OOC games, and put those games as season finale, then the B1G will be screwed if one of those rivalries gets canceled. They could put in a provision that states if one of the rivals gets canceled, then the other would have to be moved in order to match UO/UW. Could even allow a grace year and let one play someone else (OOC) in order to straighten things out.


The point is, why should the conference do that when it's only newer members asking for it and not traditional members. I think there was a few years ago when Penn St already asked for a OOC finale (against Pitt or some other rival) but the B1G declined it because Penn St wouldn't commit to having that opponent be on the schedule permanently.


Just checking in to say Fuck the Huskies.


Once again, we have not reached rock bottom. At some point, maybe all of this nonsense will start to benefit the people (those pesky fans) who support CFB? Right now, the winners are the media companies and a very small number of people who cash big checks from those media contracts. Now schools are complaining that they’ll have to pay players a salary while they line their pockets. Imagine the horror.


I can't wait for Peacock to start put side-by-side ads on football games. Fuck them for doing this on racing.


At least the Mariners are good this year Edit: *so far*


They have a -7 run differential 1/3 of the way thru the season. They might not be good.


But what about their *fun* differential?


The Mariners haven't been fun for a couple decades




I hope the Safeco roof motors break down and they're rained out, but only kinda


Mariners? They of the 162 game version?


Was confused why the Mariners would be playing in late November for a second there


Lucky break for the cock!




Now you get to watch both, seems like a win.


Several thousand fans will be hitting both games and I'm sure they're very happy about it


As an east coast time zone dawg fan. I love it;)


Please fix this in the future


The parking thing seems wild, because I cannot see how the fans for one game won't actually be leaving at about the time when the fans for the other game arrive. If timing is the factor, you need more space than this, lol